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Durham Chronicle (1867), 29 Jul 1926, p. 4

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DURHAM CHRONICLE PAGE 4. Published every Thursday morning at the office, Garatraxa Street, Dur- ham. Ontario, by Frank Irwin, Editor and Manager. The Chronicle is mailed to an address in Canada at the rate of .00 per year, 81.00 for six months, 50 cents . for three months. To any address in the Unit- ed States of America, 32:50 penyear, £12373?- viiiâ€"Eonifikwfi'o éénis' {of three months. Foreign subscription rates on application. “ember Canadian Weekly News- papers Association. Pleasant Afternoon Spent londay on Local Greens, When Eighteen Rinks Competed. Ti-n rinks of lady bowlers repre- senting .\rtlmr. Grand Valley, Palm- i-rstnn and Walkvrtnn, tc‘bgrtlwr with right {rum Durham c'nmpo'tvd on tho lurnl grown Munday afternoon and o-w-nim: in a bvaing tourna- mo-ut. ro-sulting in tho: Arthur la- cliw. ~‘klppwl by Mrs. Scott. cap- turing lint prizv. Miss Norrish's \Vulko-rhm rink go-Him: arrow]. and Mrs. Lang‘s Grand Valley rink win- ning Hn- rnnsulallinn. In Hm play- lADlES ENTERTAINED OUTSIDE BOWLERS Whosoever is afraid of submit- ting any question, civil or religious, to the test of free discussion, is more in love with his own opinion than with the truthâ€"WATSON. tho lurnl grown Munoiay afternoon and o-w-nim: in a bvaing tourna- [In-Iii. ro-sulting in tho: Arthur la- iliw. ~‘kippwl by Mrs. Scott. cap- turing l'nwt prizv. Miss Norrish's \anko-rinn rink go-iting sm'nnal. and Mrs. Lang‘s “rand Vailvy rink win- ning Hu- rnnsuinlinn. In NH: plan‘- ing. funr Durham rinks wwrn in the had IN". as it, was nmlvrstood at Hu- 4an that, ”in him] rinks were tn furvgu any prizc's. HIP runs and sanm-rs and ‘1!” and po'mwr shakrrs wvro- awardml to thv highest visit- .‘I iss .\l HS Miss Ml ~3. .\l [~24 MN. MW. M rs. McKm'hnin 8 .-\rthur Durham Miss Srutt. M Mrs. MrFaohtnn N Grand Valley ' Durham Mrs. Law; 7 Mrs. Smith 9 Arthur Durham Mrs. MrFaot/t'n 6 Mrs. Mnrlork '15 tiruml Vallt-y Durham Mrs. Sargo-nt. 6 Mrs. MarDonnr'll 1:") .\rt h ur \Valkerton Mrs. st-ntt. 7 Miss Raomus to Palmvrstnn Durham Mrs. Humo- 9 Mrs. Marfarlane 8 Walko-rtun Durham Miss Nul'rish 1 Mrs. MacBMh 15 Hnlsh'tn Durham Mrs. Bit’o- 0 Mrs, \Vhoalen l3 Miss vailmhum 6 Mrs. Macbeth H Mus Ravnms HI Mrs. Mm'lock 6 Miss Rome- to Mrs. MachnnPll H MIN. Lang 6 Mrs. McFadden 20 Miss NH". 7 Mrs. \\'hnalvn 9 Mrs. Surgo'nt 7 Mrs. Rife“ 1'3 MN. le-‘mlzvn H Mrs. Mchchnio3 Ml". Sm“. ll Mrs, Mavi’arlano 9 Mi“ .Vnrrish 9 Mrs. Smith 6 Palmm-stml Mi.“ Brvdlo'stonn H sallt'vrss and salt. and ppm" yt'm-ogmvarolo-ol to the big! mg rinks. Following is the score .\l r .\l r .\l r .\h .‘l I .\l r \l r .‘h '::\l'§;édiés§"tvb 33);, Mr: Nixon and his sons tore dovyn all crows’ nests around the farm.’ .‘II‘. 3mm then sealed the crowstlm 1mm That lamb “as still alise but M. has nnh unv m0. and thme is no ‘ doubt in the mind of Mr. Nixon {31 that the othem lambs met a similar 00! fate. and hm mg lost both eyes. were (BF unable to stay with the mother. 81" Q “A: INNOCENT LAMBS BLINDED BY CROWS last wring. and was surprised m lind that. all the Pyr-s \"o‘l‘t‘ nut. He anal his was then undertook to watvh the tlock and noticed a flock of cmws pounce dawn upon a young lamb that was sleeping in the field. .‘lr. .V‘mm then scared the crows away. That lamb was still alive but has onlv one eye. and thpre is no 7H .\l _\l .\l \l ,\l .\l \1 \l .\l .‘l A. Livingstone of Shelburne Pens Damning Story to Jack Minor.â€" Caught in the Act. _\l Thursday, July 29, \thnlvn to) Miss Raomus .) \lul'hw'k 1'2 Mrs. .‘IcFao‘lo'lvn 6 Slavlivth 13 Mrs. .\l:u'l)nmw|| 7 lhl’v 7 .\lr.~'. Smith 9 Sul'l'ish H Miss Scott 2 )lvl’aolzo'n H Miss Bowllo-stono 9 Law: 7 Mrs, .‘viochnie M Sal-gum 1'! MI". )lzlct'al'lann 7 .1 m NI W \t _\I .‘l slim )Nl) GAME l‘lllllli (SAME I’IHS'I' HA)”: SIX“ MARY lol th vn Hm \\ \\ Mrs. .‘larfarlzmv 8 Durham .‘lrs. )lacBoth 15 Durham Mrs. \Vhoalen l3 M am: .mw gum! "th 2 2mm Hmr. n Durham plus nu... \V w ha H. A h ll Ins :llllt 1m 1m n PREPARE [ISIS AS IN LAST ELECTION Chief Electoral Officer Answers _Bn quiry blade at Ottawa. In answer to enquiry as to the voters’ lists which would be used for the general election, tho chiet electoml officer said Thursday: "The procedure for the preparation of lists will be exactly the same as that followed at the general elece- tion last year. The Dominion Elec- tions Act does not provide for the use of the former Dominion lists except. at hy-elections, when these are held within two years after a prior Dominion election in the same electoral district. Indeed no other rule could he adopted, since to pre- pare the no_-('ess:irv copies of all the lists which would he requirec‘l at a L'euernl election would take nearly three. months. This difficulty was referred to in my report presented in the House of Commons last Jan- uarv. [II-I v . [l is understood that. the procml- uro- in all the vaincvs. except Princn Edward Island. Saskatclw- “an and Manitoba. will he that tlw l’l'owint‘ial lists will hv used as a basis“ fur Hm preparation of thnsn ln lw usual at. Hm Daminion vlvclinn. In rural pulling «livisinns. llw Pm- Vint'ial lists will lw cnl'rf'ctml, namvs lwim: sll'uc'k «ml, Ilnll alllll'll hy the! SOCIAL AND PERSONAL fur. and Mrs. umm Whittnko'r of Tnmntn \wro m townpvm‘ the week- mn‘l rvnnwmg acqnmfltanccs.‘ rural rogistrars as rirrilmstancos ro-qniro. ln urban polling: divisions. :ill tho namvs on tho Provincial lists will lu‘ transform-d to tho Dom- inion lists. and in addition tho urban ropistrars who add tho namos ut' tlu'iso \‘otors who apply [wrs'onâ€" ally for registration. ur on Wlioso twhalt’ application is made by a rotatiw or omployor. whon tho rotor is ill or away from homo. 'l‘lio pro-liminary lists thus proparod by urban roigstrars will ho corrortml hy rovisinu ot‘tirors who will ho o-itlwr lHt'Ell judge-s or siihstituto rovising ot‘tirors thoy nominato. In l’rinro Edward Island. Saskatrho- wan and Manitoba. tho prormluro will lw tho samo as in tho otlior province‘s. oxropt more will proliahly ho no provincial lists availahlo for us‘“. its a basis for the work 01' tho rvmstrars. Mr. and Mrs: \\’illian1_.\lilnn 0f Tornntn nrr- Visutmg Ins parmts. Mr. and Mrs. Rnhm't .‘hlnv‘m town; Mr. and Mrs. Gmrgn Soarlo of Gunlph I'vtm'nml hnmn Saturday aftm' Rpmnling a twn wooks‘ hnli- day 11mm with rnlatiws and ftfinnds. Mr. Krhnn R. Schtz 1m Tnvscluy fur ankwnml. no-ar Guelph. \vlwro hp has hw'n tvmpm'arily transforrod by ”ID Royal Bank. 7 Mr. and SI 1's, \V. Brigham roturnml this \wok from \V Inmpog and haw takwn up qqsidonm‘ m tnwn. Miss Nora rm;- of Tnmntn‘ is the guvst of Miss Winnie Blylh at ‘3?- DH. William and John Honllrin ul‘ Dulrnil anol thnir mnlhor. Mrs. levl‘w llmlrlrin of Toronto. with .‘ll's‘. I). Ml‘KN‘hnil‘ 0f HIP Rm'ky Visilml with Mayor and Mrs. Mur- llfil'k and family on Sglnjlay. n P V Miss .lvan “aikm‘ of I.i\'m‘pnnl. England. spvnt a few dms \isiting ho'r mmsin. Mr. \. Darin. and other I‘t‘lfltiVPS in tmxn and \icinitv. Smmol 1‘ 9PM)” f.rio‘nol Mi.“ K Mr. and Mrs. anImtn arn 9; holiday at tho Miss M. Fir tm. .\l1-. Bianchanl of Ogden. ['tah, am an a months \isit “ith Mr. Cram bbvlls sister. Mrs John Morri- son and his mother. Mrs. Georg e Campbell. Durham. The party mo- .\h.- Marv V Dr L. 1.. ] qwnclinar a "Sh" and Mrs. honrgn Campbell and famih nf Minot. North Dakuta. ac- mnmémiNbe Mrs. Qampbell‘s gig- Iwn‘nit. .‘lirh, 312'. and Mrs. E. Ashley, accom- paniml by Mr. and Mrs. William FJ'inH. JP" VBHNI with friends in Toronto nvm‘ tho week-end by motor. Mrs. D. McPheeters of Rumsey. .\lm.. awnt last week Visiting her sistor-in-law. Mrs. James Warming- ton. Mr Georg» Kross and daughter. Marv . nf Turonto, are \isiting with the Mime: parents. Mr. and “vs. M. Kres~. m0 \"o‘o‘ MN. \Vi 'sruntn. : \l n Sour IL PM u Nuts. )1 1'. and 511‘s. L. mamas-'0, Ruiv“ ntlu‘o‘. Such» McQum‘n of Stavnm' i~‘ : “ith In 1‘ aunt. MN. M?“ M, Lamhton strwt. .‘It'Ph!'l',~‘““ of 'I‘m‘ontn. 31‘- :\ town last night. and is 15: a month “ith her sister. .‘h t‘m‘nnl. nolir .\l \V a t l m '1 [M t . nmag 011131.; main}: their annual Rookx Lamp. h. mirsv-inâ€" trainin" Go‘nvmi ancl Mmivm ml in 1101‘ tilltio‘s HIP wk aftw: si'mnding hm' humo‘ hvro. KNM)‘ and daughter. isiting her moihor, aga woo! hrth, F. H. MN hnr paronts. Mr. Davis, (”011012, "vino nf (Mon 2! “00k \\iH1 hm‘ 0 0f COHkS\iHP ii (If 1111\S \lSltlll; .1 Mrs C. Raniauo irrumsthncvs )lcfllocklin M‘ their annual DORNOCH GARDEN PARTY DREW BIG CROWD W‘ednesday evening of last week was the date of the annual garden party of St. Paul‘s R. C. church at DOI‘HOCh. when all previous attend- ance records at this impulur func- tiun were broken, and the evening‘s amusement was continued until long after 1 o'clock when the crewil dis- [mrsml in limos tn miss. the big rain- and thunder-stm'm that. swept the euunlry about 2 detect; in the morn- New Record [ado in Attendance at St. Paul’s Church Annual Affair Last Week. ing. 1440144414441 144 1144' 4444444474444 \4'444‘4 54414444 144' 54444444 441' 11444 1444'441 4'14444'4‘1. 144144441. 44 4444444144 441 14444444440144 4444444- 1444444 14} 314'. 514‘“ 448 141 1 144's14'y, 444441 s44n444 4444'44114'4441 s144p- 41444401444; 14\ 3144441549. 11444414 \‘44~'44y. Dan 444441.1441444 341013414114 34441 .‘14'. 4i4:411'44'}'. .\li.~'.~ “3414144441 14444 “as 4444 1144' program 14441 41141 44441 44114444 4441 144 4.41\4' 4444 4441- 4144454 mo-r'vly 444444.:4‘4414414411444: 11444 4'14444'4'14 4411101319 444441 1144' 4411104449 441 11444 414411444114' \\'44n44-44's 1,4-44444444, 44n- 414'4' \4‘1444544 4444944144494 1144- a11'a’i4' was clm' whnsv auspivvs thv afl'a’ir was IwM. nu its munwrss. \Vilh H10 (lbw Hf Hm [)l‘wglam. dancing “as imlnlgul in. Hm musu' lwim: suppliwl by tho Rachnr 01‘- (‘husll'a of Hanmvr. 'l’hm v \8113 quito 'l'lw spurts l‘ll‘Hfll'flnl was “‘1'” takvn cal-n ml by twu girls ll‘illllS from Chalswm-th aml Durham wlm plavml a so'Vt‘ll-ilminfl game! nf soft- ball. tlm Chatm'm'th lassivs winninc nut. H to 18. It. was a wall-fought gamn am! supplim! tlw noicvsszuy stimulus to tho m'mwl that pnmarm thvm fur llm nthor an'mson'wnts ml the owning yet to coma, 'l‘lle lino- up: :1 0mm! prusvnt, fmm Durham. but nut. nvm-ly su many as wmlhl haw lmnn hacl tho ga‘x'olvn party nnt» lwom hc'hl 0n \Vo'olnvsclzly night, \\'lH'll all stm-vs in Durham remain open. Chaswnrh (18“: L. \Varnlrnlnn \Valm's. \\'. Findlay. H. Erwin"): Cmmar. L. Mm'riam. V. (Z«_ylli11.~.', MvKmett. P. HM't. Durham (11‘: F. Maodnnnhl. ‘ Murdock. L. Him]. I. Bnrnvtt, Krnss. M. 'J'm'nhnll, B. Rtivhin, Lmlinglmm. N. McGirI'. Scorn by innings: Durham ........ 2-33 NB 0â€"H (lllatS\\'u1‘th 660 024 xâ€"l8 tm‘mi all the way. tnuk flight day.- t'm' the trip. and utilizmi tlm many molm' camps mi thv mad, ("making their own moms and camping 0m vach night. It was a must plvasant outing and 0m that, was onjnyvd tn tlw litmus! by all. Mrs. J. Nichulls. Miss Rm't. Mnmwy and Mastm‘ \Villiam Houston 0f 'l‘mmntn aw holidaying at tlm Rocky Camp. Z... 2:; :2. 3...; £53.34? v.2... 21.... :1. 2:; yrs“. I. v... v_:.n5....f.. 4.35:7... as; :1. 9:; 7:! 2:734 v_:mE..‘:.... .1333... 47:2,. 2:: :1. 2:; :7. $449.. 3232. 3.2,. :27 .54. .\ numlwr of tho 1003] (“Id Fol- lmvs worn in Mount Fnrnsl. yvstl‘l‘- «lay al‘tm‘nnnn attvmlim: llw l'unm'zll nl‘ Mr. William CHImOl". whn (liml sulltlvnly at. hi; lmmc‘ lhm'o rm Mnmlay. Tho l‘unm'al was hold un- clvx' the auspivos of llw socivty. Row. \V. H. Smith of Durham. :1 hrollmr mnmhm'. prnzwhing tlw svrmnn. Mia‘s Lily l‘llh'lliP is Visiting for a l‘mv «laya in 'l'm'untu. ‘ THE DURHAM CHRONICLE ST. PAUL’S GRBB‘EED cial and the latter in the Dominion elections. Both gave short, pithy Sheeches and refrained from tench- ing on anything political. Address on Persia Lieut.-Col. F. F. Hunter, late of the Imperial Army and new on heli- day here. was the speaker of the evening, and for half an thll‘ gave a most illuminating address on Persia, a cenntry of which he knows a great deal. having served there heth previous to, during' and since the Great. War. Col. Hunter tnld many interesting things of this must. interesting country and, contrary to mest addresses, every one 01' and- ience was disappointml when he rinsed his address. Col. Hunter is a graduate of the Royal Military College at. Kingston, wont to India in 1898. .8chch in thc Boxer uprising in China in 1900 and since has soon continucd scrvico in India and Porsia, commanding a di- vision in tho lattcr country during tho Grcat War. Ho told of somo of his cxporioncos in Persia dur- ing tho conflict. of a march of somo 6.1K!) milos across that. country which is half tho sizc of Canada and has a population of ton mil- lions. and {raw quito a graphic dc- scription of tho hahits and customs ot‘ tho rosh‘lonts. whom ho doscrihod as a most admirahlo licoplo of good mannors. His «Inscription of Ho- country with its mountain rangos. dosort, climato and othor thing‘s con- taincd much information now to thoso who haVo howr hron tho-r» and most, cnlightcning: to all who hoard him. (lot. Huutm‘ wi‘rainml from talk- ing: 01' iho‘ [Militivs of [hi- country and was ('ai'vt'ul tn say nnthim: that might lm wnmgly Ct‘nisti-liml. 'l'n nlll‘ niinil it \wullol hv a must. intm'i-stin‘.’ achh'vss i'nuht hv hv [n-i'maclml tn dmntu a wholn owning to an act- th'vss nu tlw Far liast. as hu is a Haunt, taiko-i'. and. with a highlyâ€" ch-wlnpml se-nsu «if human his act- th'vss was always intm'i-sting and i-vaiiil)‘ ahsui'hml hy yuung and HM aliku. 'l'ht' Spt‘akm' tutti uf his trip hark tn ('iViliZatitHl at'tvr tu-ing \Vnunttml in Pnrs’ia, \Vhon hu was I‘M-int: svnt to England tu rm'mwratv. It was into-mtmt to an thruugh Russia and lt-zm- fur England by way nt' l’ntru- grad. hut at this timv tho Russian rvwlutinn hl‘ukn «mt. and he. was t'm‘t'ml tn maku tho jnurnoy mm- ttw 'l‘rans-Sihm'ian Railway tn Vlaâ€" «tiwstm'k, a ctistanco of abnut 7,000 mile-.4. thmcluding his addross. which was all too shurt. (Iol. Huntvr l't‘l'o'l‘rt'd to ronditimis throughout tho world as rampart-d with South tiroy. Hv said that. to him South Hro-y was “heaven." and it would amwal to his hoarors in tho samo way if tllt-y could but go with him uwr tho Various parts of tho world in which ho had trawllml. Living in dosc-rt ommtrios. ho could fully appro-ciatn tho lmautit‘ul little stroams of tllt‘ soutl‘wrn part of Ontario's hauuvr county, 3 thing that rosidouts lu-ru did not am‘irociato ht‘tll‘ly t'nnutll’l. Ho Said that in all his. travols ho had never liwd in so I‘tI'OSDUrnns looking a rouutry as South Gray. Nowhvro in tho world wmmdlm farmers SH prnsrmrous. nnwhvm vlsv was prnsy‘writy s0 muvh in mi- dvnco as m his nlcl home in and around Durham and in fact all through this snotion of (Marin. "Thu farmm's nf Snuth Grey and not ['001‘." IN? said. "DH!” 1M. anymw tall you that, you aw." hp said in mm'lusinn. and from tho mannvr in which ho said it, no mm \vlm DURHAM MARKET (Continued from page 1) Corrected '3! BIG anown July 29. .1926_ WILLIAM STYLES DEAD; PASSED A‘V AY TUESDAY (lition, was not, allowed to go over- seas. Ho was up and around in his usual twalth. but. the illness of his son, Pc-tvr. now a patient in [Mr- ham Hospital. atl'm'tpd him consid- erath and pi'nhahly had somvthing tn do with his saddon change fur thn wars". About thirty yc-ai's ago. thu sub- ivvt Hi' this skvtrh was marriml in England tn .\li~‘.~‘ listhvt‘ Nit-hulls who. with a family of tlvn sons and twu daughtm's survix'v. 'l‘hv family lll't‘I William. lintl‘aln, N. Y.: Hat'- t')’. at. Ml'ait't‘ct, amt 'l‘ml. l’vtvt‘. 7 Woooaw-auo-aoo-wa-a *WWW" Entirely new change of program will be given h} Durham Band in Attendance. Booth on Grounds ADMISSION: 40c. and 20c. THE GARDEN PARTY THAT IS DIFFERENT With the grounds electrically lighted and the best talent procurable, this promises to be the best Garden Party of the season. Come out and enjoy it. (Contigued froin page .1) [i By making transportation easy, Ontario’s gOOLi roads foster business, assist the farmer, and bring pleasure to hundreds of thousands of our p601)” Good roads are one of our best investments. These roads have cost $180,000,000 0f the people’s money. Many more millions will be re- quired to keep them in repair and to renew them. This money must come from those who use the You, as a motorist, are invited to take an in- terest in the highways. They are yours to L1>(‘- not to abuseâ€"yours to enjoy, not to desrroy. Excessive speed grinds away road surfaces. Drive THE HON. GEO. S. HENRY lights: of High." Canada‘s Premier Entertainers Highways contribute greatly to people’s welfare and pleasure "vvw, The funeral is being held um (if lemoorl at two_o’clock from tlw ialn- lly meldenee, Interment helm! mm; m Trmty church cemeterv,’ “(M J. H. Whealcn will have Charm- “f the set-woes. ' . The Chroniele joins tlln wmumm nly m extendm sympaulv 1., “13; Styles and ram! y in thvil: 1_...,-..{,\,;.' Dr. \V. F. Roller allllOllm'vs 1],... engagement Of his cldm' «_l:m;_v|‘t.... Marion Durothea, to Mr. humij (‘roorge Hildebrand, Momma]. M, ~1 Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Hildvhl'nlnL 'I ..,._ onto, the marriage to takc- mum oarly in September. mént. [claimâ€"In Durham. J u I } to Mr. and Mrs. Jamc-s M. SOIL Wilsonâ€"In Durham. Mix :3. 1'. to Mr. and Mrs. Sanmc-l .I'. \\ 8 SO“. Thuuday. July 29, 1926. ENGAGBIBNT l L. SQUIRE. BORN Deputy Iinistct "0""."0 ‘J R9". NHI’I ~ I nflfllim: m m WhOIv mun-2.» ;. Wkfld by \ur .. ‘ W'Pl‘sivd, ,N - Me an admin: Which lmw sum- 3 work was mum: 1 '0! out of U10 ('1'!) by under of thc b so. and H the chm-r key was I nIli juduv I that H judgn hrnakw on Fm ‘llioi! KM mu l‘é-‘v hith an ”l0 on It m3" mvm 1mm na: but ‘3“: ll: .‘VH‘I that mull slmt .thm "Ill“ dist! In ‘ flan: mun-1v crumm- “tram.- SC’l'fll' 'll- canuuan. follmx‘n his 0qu “I“ {INN Fort \\ dim] :I ' tlw ”Mr “M NIH H "It. fill 8 WIN fiClllml liginn. chum-l dying charm cant, I prvavh I‘Ol‘l'is pmlu’ln “\d' «- “hm lm forbid ‘4 {80“ch \Vas‘ in “I ('flHh' giwn “‘0!” “mm lall'l' fat III'I tim . has Ht ninw Hihh‘ nvml‘ IH' «in Tlu' .‘ «'ulali N‘l‘nl“ lc‘n'nl HIS“ I Hull \\ [In 58) Biblon' in pH] ‘ h slam! fur “I siun I mam 8M“ For N‘H'l‘ill about ha}! ViValh‘ emu) Ills mm \a elmml ”I" up h‘UllIv H? titiuns c'\«':' gardml u- :l Melllali~t~ I! is I‘I'Kal‘aiwi it Pl] WW. .I. “'OI‘HI. “:1 shot and 1' lumlu-rmun pron»! gig; Qcks mmn “Texas Tor "‘31 m IIHII h Shot t Charged With A njc Thursday, July 29

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