PAGE 2. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE 000 to 33137.5(“,0 J1 '!:::l"Yi.’~“ US war in uur x'olatinm \\ it h :hol St,atns.â€"Southam;mm Macon. Namns of vulors can be addml in Hm \'ntm's’ lists by either tho regis- i'm‘ 01' tlm :‘M'isim: ofï¬vm‘. Thu pmpm' iimo. hmwwr for tho incli- \idual i0 haw his mum Naomi mi tho list â€1‘ for him in (‘all arm Hui Following is the rogulation oov- oring advanco polls: A railway omployoo. sailor or commorcial tra- rollor. whoso omploymont roquiI-os his ahsonco from homo on oloction day. is ontitlocl to voto at tho 3"- Vanro polls, providing his namo is on tho list. of \‘Otors. Porsmls wish- ing to \‘oto at, advanro polls must roroivo from tho rovisinz: oftioo- a rortitirato upon which ho may \‘Hit' in his oloctoral I‘listriot. 'l‘ho right I to a oortitlrato is not. linIitoIl to por- ‘sons omployml by a railway oom- pauy. or a soaman. or to ronnnor- rial t'avollors. lIIIt oxtomls to all porsons omIIloonl in trawllim: for plIrposos ut' rommorro, 'l‘ho attoIItioII of tho VOlillt; pIIlI- lir is drawn to tho importanro of propor rogistratic‘nn. in proparation for â€I“ oloction on Soph'mhor H. 'l'lIoro is rIIroly a campaign whon somo ritizons do not. romo forward at. tho last momont and complain that. tlIoiI' namos havo hoon loft. oll' tho list. .\lromly notiros aro hoing soIIt. out to tho roturning ofï¬rors, and thoso oftirials will appoint tho rogistrars. â€no I‘c‘gistrar is to ho appointocl for (W h oight to ton poll- ing: sIIhdixisions in oaoh riding. and; tho rocistrars will sit from \nmistl 9 to 1’ Following that. thoro \\illIl ho sossions of tho roxising omtors. who havo tho powor to add or tako namos from tho lists. Thoso offlo- ors. prohahly ono in oaoh riding. will hold a six-day sossion. starting August. 23. so that, with this marhin- I orv mailahlo. thoro is no roasonI whv namos should be loft (Ill tho! lists. 5.01' is not expros sly doniod Um right to vote. 4. Was resident in the riding at a date two months before the issue of the writ, and at election has con- tinued to reside for these two months. or, at a general election, has during those two months changed his or her residence to some other riding in (lainachi. The general rule applying to the qualiï¬cation of voters is that every person in Canada, male or female, who is qualiï¬ed to vote, should he included in the lists. It a person is covered in the following para- graphs, and has possession of the qualiï¬cations named, he or she is entitled to vote: 1. A British subject. 2. Twenty-one years of age. 3. Has resided in Canada for the year immediately preceding the date of the issue of the writ of elections. Voters Should Be Sure Thai: Ramos Are on the Lists. wuo m vona AT SEPTEMBER mums THE STAN DARD BAN K OF CANADA DURHAM BRANCHâ€"W. A. Johnson, ï¬lanagor Sub-Branch at Priced“. EICD your remittances ivy: Standard Bank Money Orders. They are convenient. efï¬cient and economical. The money is fully insured against loss or theft in transit. It can reach only the per- son to whom it is addressed. Stan« dard Bank Money Orders are as good as cash and are acceptable anywhere in Canada. When Your Money Travels by Mail i- f Schutz Pump 8: Tile Co. «If this imlmrtant m- tion with â€In lmildm the local Premium-rim: \Vith 1mm! \Vo-atho- earnostly hulwd fur, all likc‘lihmu! ho- a of mvmbvrs nf tlw I'rm {W'm ߠHVO'!‘ this In “win, win». with thu «- town, will jnin in th h\tv1\:R«-\.l{. I: H.â€a11istm1.l In I\ «I {01"}. RM. \\. .l. Marys. and â€ï¬lm's. and makn curtain that H already thew. is «twin: of tlm I'vgistrars. as tlw is son‘mvhat man-v simpto- imr Hm svssinns‘ ut' Ht offlcm‘s. DR. lacGILLIVRAY T0 LAY CORNER STONE TUESDAY. AUGL Thursday, August 1!, 1910. Torontoflnt. â€"“I am at th. (‘hange of Life with hot flashes, dizznn 55' wuknesa and nervousness. 1 mad head noises and was short m’ breath. I was this w: ubout six mm.' m u hm I read about ydi: E. Pinkhmr. 's \‘q-g. etable Compound in the nexxsgaxgwrs, I have taken ei t bottles r-‘w fur 1‘.th found great re let."â€" SAL. ION, 112 LIWIOI' Ave., Toronto, Um. \~_ A ble Com uni. I aw tt Iptperan onewo- mu prevniled ogme to take it. It bu helped me In every way, the ptina are lea, ind I have more appe- tite. It in} leasure to recommend Lydin E. Pmihnm’s Vegetable (jam- pound to other W0men."-â€"-LBA DE- LORIIE, St. Adolphe, Manitoba. THEY SUPPER Phone 15 Contim Found Great Relief 10¢ 1'“ 0m Durham, Ont Sum: {m'nc lin Wong Hz H a.0 0.. u.o a.-_ 6:9... .9. 6:96:02 .6 .o..o..o..0..o..o..o:o: ..o..o..0:o..o..080..0:9. . ..I..ln.a. v...o.oi.n. .n....u-.u. 33 H 26 Many insects an of which they defem What guns are to m; forms of life. The stings 01 11ea1.l\ the formic acid \\ Inch is cretion; the bites of re excrete. ' , . Thur-lay, ‘ugmt 19. 1926 I) ll Treatment 'eatment Pork â€ml m I. lC mpamw a 3 Dr. Arth ill Dr ITM THE FAMILY HEAIII Il'l Inst l)! 5T1?“ ART}