.KDKLB AUGUST 37 ICING nary ugust, 26, 1m had Ads. on I] Insic "II unmanc W'pplm ll mum]. mum upâ€): Lively†.Zt'l'. Brinslcy _\| u 1' i 0 Carillo, w, Dillon and urne direct. 7‘ Spunsom P890 7. C. 6. AND BESSIE chlLLlVRAY Chiropractors Graduatm Canadian ChirOpx-actic Collngp, 'l‘umnto. 0mm Macfnrlano Blm-k. Durham. Day and night phone 1‘23. 61’ 23†nns. JAIIZSON a JAIIBSON “thee and residence a short diat- once east of the Hahn House on Lambton Street, Lower Town, Dur- ham. (mace hours 2 to 5 p.m., 7 to 8 pm. (except Sundays). J. L. 8.11], I. 3., I. c. P. 8. 0. “Nice and . residence, corner of Countess and Lambton Strpets. oppo- site old Post Office. 011an hours : 9 to M a.m..130to A p.m., 7 to 9 pm. (Sundays excepted). DR. A. I. BILL Physician and 801‘ g.eon Ofï¬ce Lamhton street, Durham, Ont. Gradu- ate Iniversity of Toronto. Eyes tested and corrected. Office hours: 2t05p...m 7 t09p..m, Sundays excepted. ALEX. MacDONALD Licensed Auctioneer for Co. of Grey. Almivrah- tvrms. Arrangements for salm'. as tn dutvs. em. may be made at' ’l'ln- Chroniclo Ufï¬ce, Durham. Twrms un application. Address RR. 1. Durham. Phone 611 r 24. IIuvu-av â€" --â€"__ LtCt‘nSt‘d Auctioneer for County of Hwy. Prompt attention to sales. Rea- sonubln terms and satisfaction guar- nntvmi. Datos made at The Durham tliil‘miiclo ofï¬tjeyr with R. C. Wat- nn' _‘l Legal ‘Dtrectarv MIDDLBBRO’, SPBRBIAN IIDDLBBBO’ Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Sllt't’“§.~'n[‘$ '0 A. B. Currey. Mr. :1. t1. .‘liddlcbro‘ is permanently locatml at Durham ofï¬ce. Flesherton branch ulmu wary Friday from 4.30 m 9.30 p.m. Barristers, Solicitors, etc. A memâ€" her or the ï¬rm will be in Durham on Tuesday of each week. Appointments may be made with the Clerk in the DAN. chEAN luccnsmt Auctioneer for County of Grow. Satisfaction guaranteed. Rea- sonutiio- tcrms. Dates of sales made at 'l'tn- tlhrumcle Office or with him- J. I'. GRANT, D. D. 8., L. D. S. Bonny Graduate University of Tor- onlu. (Bruduule lloyal Collvge Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its branches. ()fllce Calder Blnck, )llllSlreet. second door east of Machvlh‘s Drug Store. oflfcc. self DR. W. C. PICKBRING,VDBNTIST 0mm over J. J: J. Hunter‘s store, Durham. Untat‘m. son. minim: 100 acres; so acres uuuu cultivation. balance hardwood bush; -'nn\'(‘!tiel‘.t to school; on the prem- ises are a frame barn 42x65 ft. with stone foundation; concrete stables; ilso hay barn 30x50 with stone base- ment: hos: pen 20x40; twelveâ€"room brick house, furnace heated, also frame woodshed; drilled well close to house. with windmill; concrete water tanks; 30 acres seede . , ; l0 acres to sweet clover; this farm is well fenced and in a good state of cultivation. For information apply ': . . ' Ml. b. Durham. Ontario. NHR'I‘H PART LOTS 7 AND a. kau. ‘ containing 66 acres; 55 and 7, Con 5. taimnc HO. acres; 100 . . and in gqod state of gultlvatlon; on the premises are a . taming seven roomS. “nth 30°" INT 66, CON. 2. “.6 , 2‘5; milvs southwest. of Durham. 6011- . . .M m: nnrps‘l- Mostly cleann 1: " an PUNBRAL SERVICE New Modern Funeral Pariah Phone Kingsdale #344 122â€"124 Avenue Road Toronto Advertisements under this heading. 1 cent a word each insertion CASE WITH ORDER; six consecutive insertions given tor the price of four. Telephone calls treated as cash with order if paid (or before Saturday night of week ordered. Minimum charge for first insertion. 25 cents. On all charge orders a straight charge of 1% cents a word will he made each insertion, minimum charge 35 cents. FARMS FOR SALE Thursday, August, 28, 1920. \‘zkn;"h0Ԥ..ullk.n‘..l.ni’vhiorâ€"le 604 r11. John w. um I. Haddocks Formerly 0f Flesherton Licensed e/Iuctioneer Medical Directorv. inumm c. WAjrsoy Denial Directorv Classified Advertisements LUCAS HENRY D\'-.ub'- \J - v _ 85 acres ' under me hardwood bush; 1001; on the mem- barn 42x65 ft. with FOR SALEâ€"A NUMBER OF GOOD building lots on George street, North 01' Skating Rink, Durham. Apply to D. Hopkins. 2 21 M BRITISH AMERICAN COAL OIL AT ORGAN, IN GOOD CONDITION .-â€"AP- ply at The Chronicle Ofï¬ce. PROPERTY FOR SALE HORSE AND HARNESS IN GOOD conclitinnâ€"Apply Mrs. Wililam Har- gmw, R.R. N0. 4, Durham. 826ch Smith Bros. It's good. Try it. 110“ PEERLESS GASOLINE, THE HIGH- grado gas with the “pen" and long milvage. Sold only at. Smith Bros’ Garage. 6 26 U WHEAT W.~\.\"I‘I’.D. AN Y QITANTI'I‘Y. Highvst price. Penple’s Mills. 31523! HARD W001) AT $3.00 PER CORD: Soft Wrrvod at $2.50; Cedar at $1.75 per mm] by the load, delivered.â€" T, H. .lnhnann. Drnmm'n. 8 193M WORK WANTEDâ€"THE CHRON- iulo an Plant, is well equipped for turning out the ï¬nest work on short order. tf 'I‘H RICN'ILH â€NV. -'Iâ€" AND ONE 5- mm: axmrtnwnt. Immmliate pos- session. Apply at Midnngh Hnusn. HOUSE FOR SALE BRICK IIHI'SI’. UN CORNER LAMB- tun {NM '1: Hllh'~~ stxw'ts. in good 1"‘lh'lil'3 :mml gmdwn :nncl <tahlv Fm‘ trims and nthm pm‘uulah alhpiy tn Rube-rt. Ryan. Durham. 3 ‘2 6 Tn \thm It May Cnnm‘rn: I will not Do I‘Mpnnsihln for any dobts mntmotml by Ecldin Miller. Mrs. Alnx. Nevin. ipd HOI'SE AND LOT 0N LAMRTON strvvt. nmr furnitm-v favtm'y; good stahlc‘ and garagn ('Hmbinm'l: good garclon: immmliatn p«,.sso.=sion. For furthm' particulars apply Mrs. \V‘it- liam J. Falkingham, 6 17 GM tf NOTICE TO FARMERS The Durham I'.F.O. Live Stock AS- snciation will ship stock from Dur- ham nn Tuesdays. Shippers are requested to give three days' notice. James Lawrence, Manager. Phone 601 r 13 Durham. RR. 1. Voters' List. 1926, Municipality of Egremont, County of Grey. Notion is hm'o‘by given that I haw onmpliwl with Section 9 of tho \‘otcrs' Lists-Act. and that I have pOSiPd up at my office. Holstein, on tho llth (lay of August. 1926, tho list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality for Members of Parliament and at Municipal Elno- tions, and that such list remain: there for inspectiqn. CLERK’S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OP VOTERS’ LIST And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor- ected according to- law, the last day for appeal being the ï¬st. day of Septhberv 1926‘ n! “-L “A-.-“ A" .‘v 1 CdL urn . Intending: pupils should prepare to enter at beginning of team. Information as to Courses may be obtained from the Principal. The School has a creditable record in the past which it hepes to main- Durham is an attractive and healthy town, and good accommoda- tion can be obtained at reasonable 1°. A. M. a038, B.A Brincipal. JOHN MORRISON, Chairman. CATTLE STRAYED IN THE l’RI'IMISI'IS‘ “I" THE l'.\'â€" The School is thoroughly equipped to take up the following courses: (1) Junior Matriculation. (2? Entrance to Normal School. Each member of the Staff is a Uni. versity Graduate and experienced Teacher. _- _ on- -L-.-IA n-Anfl-n 6n DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL ARTICLES WANTED FOR SALE OR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR DAVID ALLAN. Clerk. Holstein, Ont. NOTICE Sortinn 1'2 It seems to me that pencils were the bane of my school day exist- ence. Father kept me supplied with beautiful, long. yellow ones of which I was inordinately proud. I was, sad to say, extremely susceptible to flattering remarks regarding them and would find, usually, that I had School days! School days! They will be Upon us before we realize it. won‘t they? Now is the time, though, to prepare for them. “lont,†all m' tlwm wlwn thv timv ramp to write, and I wnuhl ho 1'0- tlllt‘ml in tho usu nf an immminimis stub which I knpt for omergoncius. 'l‘lu- automatic pencil has «10110 away with this plight tn :1 grvnt vxtvnt. nv- lard \lix smu- milk and baking soda; Mu! mulassus; sift ch'y ingtw‘livnls into mixture; add shm'lvring and boat. H‘mmuahly. an- intn grmum! pan an‘l hako- t\.\'vnty-Ii\‘ce mixmtvs in a mndoram own. 1.01ch will mwm- stick if Hm pans mm ï¬rst. greasnd “1-11 with lam! and Hum flourml? 2. A lump of camphtu' Nation! in tlw (‘MP in which silwr is wrappml knnps the silvm' rpmarlsuhly frm- fwm tarnish“? 3. Puwdm' pnfl's‘ might in lw washml in warm. snapy \\'atm' and rinsml in clnan soapy watvr? This is the timn nl' ywar whom summm' clotlu-s amwar mum and WOW). straw hats fool out nf place and sham 100k clisrcputahlv, lulls‘. l gut, :1 llh‘l'lmls I'nw silk for rlrnesim' nocasicms. and a dull groom all-mwmml alrnss nf twill with (‘x'vanly lam: trimming. Hf mursv. my summwr)’ straw was ahsnlntv‘ly pussv:,so I looked at. hats and found a lnwiy asswt- mmt. I found just. what. I wanton! right, away, but I mum svarcoly hawâ€"it was such fun posing in the nthm‘ hats. DOMINION EXPRESS C0. CHANGES NAME After September 1, It Will Be Known as the Canadian Paciï¬c Express Company. Alter forty-fcmr years of opera- tion during whirh it. has grown up with the country and contributed in no small way to Canadian devel- opment. the Dominon Exp ess Com- panv will no longer he known hv that name. \fter Septemlgoer 1 next that. git-at. transportation arency will he known as the Canadian Pa- cific Express Compam. In all parts of Canada and the lnited States and throughout the civilized world, signs on the. windows of the many hundreds of branch ofï¬ces will be changed. and thus will be forged a still closer link with the great parent. company whose railroad, steemships and hotels -are known around the world. To mark the change of name, tlw Company has issued an attaretive little booklet. giving a short his- tory of its career and a synopsis of its present wide-spread activi- ties. The Dominion Express Com- pany was ineorporated in 1873, but it, was in 1882 that Mr. Van Horne. then president of the C. P. R.. took it, owr as an operating part of the Canadian Pacific Railway. Mr. G. A. Kirkpatrick. later Sir George Kirkpatrick. Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario. was its president. and Mr. W. S. Stout, a young but thorough- ly experienced express man became its superintendent. Mr. Stout is todaypresident and has for many years guided its fortunes in that ca. ME“! Marvelous Pall Styles Now Ready 1 mm of sour milk 1‘}; tuflspmml'uls Hf baking: soda I Pup m' mulassns 21/3 «'11le of Ilnur 1/2; t. :‘~'p00flf|ll nf gingm' 1 toaswnnful nf vinnanmn. 1/.» toaspmnl'ul or alhgviv‘ 1/; toaspnnnl‘nl of claws 1,4; tozlspoflnful of salt. 7: tablespoonsfnl of molten] bullm' For‘ some years he and his assist- By IARJORIB ADAIS Gingerbread RECIPE THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Chosen unanimously as the Lib. oral-Cnnservatiw candidate far this banner riding. I pledge myself. it“ olectnd, to us" my awry pnwnr and inflmncn for the furthering of the best interests of the farmers, tlw industrial \vnrkvrs and â€in mmmvr- vial ('lassvs 01' â€Hr 1:01“le lizulaula To the Electors of South-East Grey. Dear Fellow Electors: I “ill pndemor to have the enor- mnus «lvht of this conntn I'vducml and this land at mu" mad“ 3 Marc \xhich \xi'l not onlx hold its mu) wulhs and maiclvns, but “ill athm't Um mnssvs «1 H10 hm! Mm)! H1 H20 muthmlnmls. "Canada ‘t'ur 41mm- dians." is my muttâ€; your lwst in- torvsts my IliL'lH‘St ambition; your unitml suppprt my hmu-tfult. «lvsiro. (iix'atnfully yours, R. 'I‘. liD\\'.\llDS, The: l’onplv's Candidato. ants had a hard and uphill ï¬ght. They not only moved trafï¬c but helped create it by ï¬nding Canadian and foreign markets for Canadian products and by scientitlr rate mak- ing encouraging the. farmer. fruit grower and others whose markets were far away. The growth of the company over those many years is an interesting story. and it. is an important chapter in the commer- cial history of this country and its present. position where it is daily entrusted with hundreds of mil- lions of dollars in goods and treasure by the public, business institutions and the government is a matter for justiï¬able pride. The booklet is handsomely illustrated and is being widely distributed wherever the company operates. Time Table Canadian Coach Company St m'mm H '.\'D Politicians \\'Im an Imaking fur soft. Spots should be given that one under the shade of the trm'» â€1' .mn- \‘imI.â€"-Huvlph Murrurv. . Alcohol and 321vain dnn‘t mix “r,“ lml a nmlliiwln mt . Home. mntimw tn tn nut tho ('xpt‘lllllt'lll. â€"â€"l)¢'llnil hm- l’l'c‘“. chine." m 7:95.» E 975.. . â€"_._...~h-../’1._./.~*n.. E“: rain<~§4f$ ....... 7.52....â€" ._..I.H:= i 97. . .C? ........ : . 2:.M3. ........ 7.. FEM...» ....... Fiï¬â€"LC say "\oI.~'.‘-â€"â€".\l IIIH‘I ul UIII'IIIH. Statistic-s â€III“ .1th that jIIIiM IIIII hung: mmc- Il'IqllI'mh than IIIIII'IIIIII- III s â€"â€"\\:IH MIMI l.I:IIIII :Il AMI-1' illl HIIIy \\ i†In ' \«I :1 Tax- In try and sew things u.» in North I Ix I'uIIIi.-â€"BIIantl'0rd Expositor. Thu lmss is. So; ilhs‘c'lflâ€"iqudml that. um- clay lm camw t-r I' .. â€NEW in- stead uf going to tlw golf links.“ MOIltI‘I‘fll Star. A "statesman" is a politician yuu arggw \\'ith.â€"â€"«Bm°dvr tliiii-s Star, Uni- o-xplmmiinn ni' Ilio- «limi'm 0V“ is “in fill" ('14:? uii°l~' in" ri-mlily say "j.'v.~'."â€"â€"â€".\l.iiili'ml Ho'rulni. 'l‘vavht-r: \\' in place «lay :lflm' ynm“! tiax'po'ntvl"~' S Imam .\. M. l’. .\I. â€\VEN SUI XVI) ........ 8,00 713†IIIIXI‘SWVI III'I‘II ....... 8.33 3.33 \VIIQIJ \NISI'WIRII X .. . 3J3 3.I-.t I" ' II II A .‘I ............ 9.3†(Um .‘IUI'NT FUIIIiST ...... Il‘.Ill 6.3“ ARTHI'R ............. I â€â€˜0 7.3†FICRGI'S .............. I I .3†3““ AI‘I'iVn at, (il'IiLI’H 12.15 8.35 Full sincln far“ $2.50. Fara ho- I\\'l‘0‘ll hiwns 500, I’m-P liotwoon towns markwl x :30. 3†buses slap lwtwovn I‘Pgllllll‘ slolipmg points In takn on and discharge passengers. Daily including Sundays. I’Ositive- 13' no waiting. This table sulljm'l. 'IO slight Cllflngf‘s after May 31 -â€"Waiting Room CITY HALL, OWEN SOUND DALY’S STORE, GUBLPH Calling for passengers at all the prinmpal hotels "\\'hat dn you think mun“ must in this world?" "\anl, Hum-0's the adding ma- We Handle Collections Only â€"No Sideline Nothing too old, small, large or hard for us to tackle 35 years’ experience . NO COLLECTIONâ€"NO CHARGE KELLY AIKEN COLLECTORS Oran eville and Owen Sound Owen ound ofï¬ces 169 9th St. E. Referenceâ€"Standard Bank of Canada Guelph-Owen Sound.BusEService Lr‘avn COLLECTIONS CRISP COMMENT ’lllll ooooooo 00000000000000 (H'I‘ZLPH . . . \‘T‘IN St’H'NI) 1.13 SOC'I‘IIBUI'ND Sun: 'l‘hu mnnnbc-ams hat imms .m- m um aftm' day and war 9,00 9 35 NH» “.01 “.55 The lists of names of Voters art now being prepared. A registrar has been appointed in each poll. The registrar hangs up \\'l|.ll he sup- poses is a complete list in txm pm:- lic places in eaeh pull on Aims-t '23. It is the duty of every citizen to see that. his or her name is en the list; if it is not. see the regis- trar and have it put on. Names can be given to the registrar any tim; you can find him or her up until 6 o‘clock on September i. but for the convenience of the puhlie, the registrar must he in his or her hemi- or in some place adxeitismi hv him (or her on September 1.2, 3 and 4, between the hours of 2 and 6 o'clock in the afternoon. My Dear Pomlv: Any citizen can have names adI ind I to tlie list, so long as the pet‘s: n93 whom he asks to have registvrm. are qualiï¬ed voters. Anyone may vote who (a is a British subject. and (h is twenty-one yI'aI's «If mm (on Or berm-II \‘IIiing day and, ‘0 has ordinarily I'neiIiml in Can» :IIIII s‘iIIr'II July 20. 1925's, I’IiI has (H‘Ilinai'm i‘I‘s‘iIlWi III SIIIIHI- iasi (iI'ev Siiil'é‘ Si IV 20 um (I' Is‘ no! (‘Xi'i'(‘~.~‘l\' IiI-IIiIIIi HIII I‘iyht in “no “Ordinarily l‘l‘s'i'iWI" is IiI‘lhlI‘Il in mean on page 78 of EIIIctiIIII iIIeiI-III'. timIs, "RL‘SidPlH‘I' may III- iIII'I-I'I-IIII (‘ithl‘i' fl‘I‘Im iI’II' IIXis‘tI'III'I' in MI: district. at. â€i0 thw III II III-z-sI-IIII! m- I'amiiv‘hnmu in mm II â€In \‘IHI'I' was li\iIII: III' in \\ 'IiI'II. :IHIIIIIuh. III- III:I\ lImI- iII-I-II IIIIIIIIHI aim-III ht‘ iIIiIIIIIlI'Ii Sllfllih in 1"! Hllil. H" II!- III-IIIaiIle. 1mm HIII \‘I'id'l' Inning :iIIII-n mlnalh bulging: H“N‘i'\\'i.~'d' as a â€WP“ \iinIII'. SIIIIIIIII IIIIII-iiIIII IIIIy. SHIIiI-IIIIIIII- H. ill‘l'iW' IIIIII a IIIIaIliliI-Il \IIiI-II's limilil‘ Imi IIII HIII lisi. S'H'h mm mm \‘IIiI‘ in Inning SUIHI‘ VIIIIII'. \\'l|u~‘4 name is IIII ilIII list. \Hlli‘h HIIII HII- ,IIIII- wlII'IsII "an!“ is IIIH IIIi' Is :I I qualitiI Ii \‘Oil'l'. Rocontly a nvwspapvr in tho county sent out. hwnty luunrs ask- ing representatiw snhsvrilm's wlmt foaturn nf tho papm' awn-aim! in â€an1 most. Rvjollvs slumw-cl that over half Worn. moat inh-rvstml in the store news. 'I'nm'ï¬ is nn (luvs- Mm m' \mmc-n wan-kin: m2! (hair poll van saw a lung trip I lwim: I'vg‘istm'wl in Hu- pull in with â€my am- working. (In! STORE NEWS IS DESIRED WHO HAY VOTE tinn but, tho pmplo road Hm aolwr- tisvmnnts. If the business mam will put as much time and lhuugm unto his adveflisiug as int." any other feature of his work, he will gu-t re- sults.--Barrie Examiner. Advertise in Tho Chronicle. It. Pan. PAGE '1.