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Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Sep 1926, p. 1

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atre Id 28 t. 26. 1928 3X \l Page 7 tha- ll Ill [H BRIDGE BUILDING H .) L. 59.â€"NO. 3089. 7, Less Than Three Structures Go- ing Up in This Neighborhood This Summerâ€"Has Been a Busy Season :11 This Line. H H J. A. BEAUDRY The Montreal publisher who was found murdered in his once under most mysterious commune”. One theory is that he was killed in revenge for an unitvonbie r090" made upon condition! in R which be investigated for a bi! 13' dustrul concern. iw hriilgo- in Durham. “w w- vim: Hf “'hii-h was awarihwl tn Vivian Cumimny of Tomnin, who building the“ hriclgv at Hutton . was mmmpni‘ml snmoi days ago. ‘ wm'kmi‘n wore Pngagnd up in wiay night. hut {NW- "NW putting twp 0n thv Nnhh‘ lil'iclszf'. and ”n this is: i-nmpirhwl. will i-nim-n Hlo' jnh 'N‘PO'. So far ('nnsich‘r- » blasting has hwn nocvssary. ihn wm'k has pl'flm‘i‘ssml 9mm- and ihn mffnr dam to hold back waivr is partly finishml and will mmnlMpd shm'tlv. As soon as h ’m- Hf ull!‘ c-itizvns was lwl'm'n _-i~h'uh- Luidlaw last. Friday lvt nn :1 rhm-go- Hf assault. [WP- I'mi by MW nf mu' lm‘al Chim‘SP Ia'mmnt pmprintm's. Ho plc‘atlm‘l ltv and was fined $5.00 and costs. Hm. hriolm'!‘ i m mspm‘tml. lil's‘ madn to “DD ’nlmh'f‘fl 'U'. "M l .vatm ’nmp wnrl from Hutton Hill and oasl Durham ailing the sidoroatl _ ol’ the lnwn. They did say, “4‘. that. Hwy would put this 11' illlfl H‘NNI travel shapv. but Mr hun- olnm- \'Pr)' lilllP. TIN.- Il' is much. and win-n llw fall «mm.- on, it will lw prm-livully “ablv. Work nu lliv M'N‘linn ,. ln'iolgc ('nmmo-m'ml sump lhmm un' wow-la am». but \w uncle-r- ! c'nlisiolvl'aiilv olifllcully is lwâ€" xlwi'ivncml by lhn cnnlravlnr in Ving llw nld briolm‘. and llw pus :u-v llw ole-lmu' will liavn . ll-H’H'l nn mallm‘ in what. i-nn. wm'kmpn mm flnishml at tho I- hI'iIlgp. “my will I‘Nlll‘n In mm and rush tho repairs so ”'0‘ struchll'o will I’H‘ nncn again ~nfv cnnditinn. Sn far. thn giv- .\. I_\ 0! NW nbntmpnt has Iansml III-un\".nnim1m as tho bridgn is I ivntl} slmns: tn boar up nroliIIâ€" ham? and hm not had In lm - 01. P. R. pili‘ driwr has lwon .\'n fm' Hm past muplp of days m: romaine tn tho“ mmpany's .- :wmss Hu- Sangw‘n at. ”w uf Hw Caldm' Block. mm of Home nf which was apparnnlly m! Hf repairs. “'0 nmlm'stnm! w hriolgvs in this divisinn am inslwvlml. aml 11w no'm‘ssm')’ H maulv tn kwp me up In mu ’mndrml pm- cont point of FINED FOR ASSAULT GANG BEBE usi‘lwnh hm'vahnuls arp that. Hm pmvm's that. ha In it that all strucmros am 01- o-l'm'tml this timn sn lmvn and m‘iszhbm‘lmud ho again inmnwninncml in ' mannnr fnr ynars tn cnmo. THE DU RH'AM CHRONICLE REPAIRING BRIDGES ON ALL SIDES CATTLE KILLED BY MORNING TRAIN No. 214 Out of Durham Friday Morn- ing Seriously Injured Three Ani- mals at. Town Line Crossing, and They Had to Be Destroyed. Thu “(‘31 railway accidvnt this snmmm' that we haw hoard of whit'h rvsultml in NW loss of ('attlv In fau'mvrs. “('CUI'I’NI Friday mom- ing as! at tlw 'l'cm'u Limp, rrnssing >1»qu 0f hum" cm tlw {LNJL \Vlwn throw animals “'6‘1’0' hit by tho' nutâ€" guing morning: pnssvngvr and an 501'- inusly injmwl that Hwy had to he «lo-stl'nyt'wl late-1'. Thu animals \wrv Hw [H'HlN'l'U' ul’ )lvssrs. Allmrt Mal-shall Hf Nur- mnnhy and Pvtvr Blark nt' Egl‘nmonl, Hon. Andre Fnuteux has been sworn in as Solicitor-General at Ot- tawa. He held this same portfolio in the Melghen Government in 1920. HH' fm'mm' liming twn and HIP lat- im' nnv. 'l‘lw animals had lu'nkon out of their pasture. hail wandorml quite :1 clistam'i- t'inm linnw. and “WM! missing iiw “111k “Mi Mi MN lin- tum (H'Hllli'lh' “"1“ 'll HIP {H'Pldi‘nt (H'- 1'111‘1'1‘11. \\'111111 11111311 1'1111111 111'11 '11111 111 1111111 111'11k1111 11111 111' 1111111' 1111~'1111'111 111111'1' 111'11 11111111 11 1111 111 1111111131111 11111 11121111111 111111 111'11 111111111'1111111 111- 111111111 111 1113\11 1111 11111 $11111 111’ 1111‘ 1111111. 111111 n1'1111 n1111111'1s11s 1'11n1111111r1 111 511'1111 1111 1111111' 1111' 111111114 111111 1111111 1111"1111'1111 1"111n1 11111s11 1111111111111 111111141; 1111 11111 highway 111. night. This 1.11 s11'11'1ly against. 11111 11111'. 111111 11.411111 1111111 1111‘ 1083‘ 111' 11111 11111m'lls 111111 11111111111'1'111' 1111111111111 111 0111'.» 111111'h mm run into 11111111.1111'.~'11111' 1110 111.411 111111111 111 11 111111 1111' 11111111111}: 1111111' 1'1111111 111 1'11” 111 11117411. 'lhis' 11'111 is 11 111'1'1111111111 111111111111 is 111 11"11111 1111 1111 111'111'1111'1111 1111.111- 1111,1'5. 111111 1110111 1111111111'11115' {11'11 111 1111 11151- 1'11s111111s'11111- 1'111' 111. 1111.11.4- 111111111.1111' 111'111'111' 11 is 11 1111111,:111'11114 111111 11:1 111111 11111 1'11g111111111111.~' 111111' 111 1"111111- 1'11q1111'1111: 1'11111111111ns 111 11111. 1111418111}: 111 11111111111111111. 1111' 11;'1\'1'1"s 1111111 1111111 1'1111111'1' 111' inning $111111 1111 11111 1111.:1111111' 111 11m11 111 11111111 ways. mm INC!” :11 nu \Visn' l‘t'slmns‘ih latiun. 'l'lw m'm'tic nnw, as with tho ro fm'm- rnqniring 0 I'm'nsing: 0f hvmlli haw liHlo- vham'o‘ nn tho highway i running mm “mm. CANADIAN COACH C0. HAS SOLD OUT Bus Service Guelph to Owen Sound Disposed of by Former Owner.â€" Additional Service Planned. [.Vv. iinntti‘nlplntod. Aside: frnm [lie .puniary benefits tin? Loinpnny ("\- pocts from thq SCI‘VICO. It is tlifnti‘ «lesirp to furnish thg public mtl a real service of transportation am their intention as well to place on . s; e nipped busses thlS r0utg_t‘il€"?9‘qu Mn Hnllincm‘ is [H [llt‘ll' IIILCIII'Iurnu w... this route the best equipped busses it. is possible to buy. Mr. Hollinger was going over the lines on an in- apection tour, and during his inspec- tion of the Guelph-Owen Sound line, - a accompanied bv Mr. Cripps, who 0 I". '1! U1 u \\ as accompanied by Mr.C11ppswho babilih accept some will in all pro prominent position in the company. JOINS MEIGHEN MINISTRY DURHAM, ONTARIO, CANADA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1926. ANNUAL SERVICES t M BAPTIST CHURCH Good Congregataions Present at Both Services Sunday, and at Lecture on Holy Land Honday Evening.â€" Rev. C. H. Schntt, Toronto, Preach- er for the Day. Anniversary services woro hold in the Baptist church on Sunday and Monday. August 29 and 30. Tho. special spoakor for the occasion was tho Rev. C. H. Schutt of Toronto, Suporintondont of Homo Missions. Good congregations turned out to hoar the proachor at both tho sor. virus on Sunday. In tho owning, the church was parked, tho Rov. Mr. Armstrong having closed his church in ordor that his [it-onlo might haw an opportunity of hoar- ing Mr. Schutt. MP. Schntt. is a flunnt. powerful proachm' of ttm “Word of God." and on Sunday he gavo two gnspol mos- sagos which will not. soon he for- gntton. mossugos which strongthon, nnrit-h amt inspire. 'l‘tw morning sm'mon was based on the fruits of tho spirit in tho Christian lifv-lm‘0. jay. mace. levvngsutfering. gentleness, grmtlnnss. faith, mpoknnss and spit- l'ttllll'ttl. Hill. 5'): 22. 23. Tim [il't‘at‘llc m' pnintml nut that (wot-y ll't‘t‘ is knnwn hy its fruits and that. thn titli'istinn is kimwn ivy tlw fruit which lw lwm's. Hp m'gml his dwar- m's tn t'lllllVlllt‘ ttw fruits nt' tlm Spirit. and thus shnw tn tlw \.\'m'ltl lltt‘ll' l't"l{lltnll>‘lli|t in Christ, In tho turning. Mr. Srhntt gavo a wry simplr. lhnngh pnwm‘fnl. gos- [w] sormnn. Hr insistmi on thr noc- vssity «if a spiritual hirth from :lhm'o :nnl thu individual rrlatinnship of thr sun] tn Jrsns Christ. Hr pleati- mt with thr mngrvgntinn tn arm-[it Ilhrist as Savinnr. Min-h nt‘ thr snrrvss Hf the" anni- wrsary was «luv to tlw ofl‘m'ts nt‘ thv rhnir unitrl' tlw ahlr lvmh'rship Ht' Mr. tiilo's at. huth survirv‘s «m Sunday and at tho Mnndny nivrtinsr. 'l‘iw singing; was «if at high ”rm-r. tin- :inthrms, clnrts and SHIHS twin}: wratly amirrriatwl and rnjnjvmt. 'l'lw Baptist pmplv l‘t'juit't' M'm' Hu' snm'nss nf “H‘il‘ 73rd minim-1'- ssu-y and {um uratprul to all who assistml tlwm in making: it a suc- cuss. The Holy Land 'l'lw Im'tum- Mummy M'vning nu 'l'hc' Hul)‘ Land was nnv ul' tlw lwst {Hung this Iilw that. \w haVe- hvm'cl. Row. Mr. Svlmtl \{115 a \‘isilur tn '12ulltiln1ml un pago- 7) MOTOR LEAGUE CARDS NOW ISSUED LOCALLY Formation of Local Motor League Last Year Allows Certain Privil- eges to Durham Club. and Members Should Renew Through Local Sec- retary. .\hont this tiino of tho ycar thoro arc many ronowals ot' monihorships in tho Hntario .‘liotor Imagno that. aro chic, amt as thcro aro sovoral an-ham motorists Illt‘lIIIN’l'S oil' that lil'HVlllt'lill organization, tho)’ will ho itnorostocl to know that tho formation of a local clnh in town has L‘IVt‘ll thom privilog-os that thoy did not horotnl'oro possoss. In past ycars. niomhoi'shili loos for tho Untario .\|otor Loam c had to ho s‘cnt in to hoaitqnartors at. 'l'or- onto. tho ycarly l'oo hcini: tho (lolâ€" lars, 'l‘ho rocoat formation of tho. (tool-man Hay Motor [mag-no has ;_--i\cn to that. hotly. which is al't'il- iatool with tho pai'ont. holly. cortain priVilogos. and towns liko Durham whiih ha\o t‘oimoil local clubs aio giantoil >till tinthcr consich-iations. , I‘-'oimcil\ tho tnll t'no «lollais hall to ho ltll\\fllllt'tI in to ”--Ioionto. hut. no“ tho Ino dollars Pan ho [thaltl in Durham and tho local club iot ain a cortain amount for local motoi also. As it. stands now, a monihor in iono\\‘in;.:. paw tho socrotar)’. or am anthorizod official. tho mom- horship. tor which ho is issnoil an iotticial l‘ctoipt. ()I' tho t‘no dollar; ho pays, tho local club rotains two dollars, ono dollar goos to tho Goor- :Iian Ray Loagno. and two dollars to tho Ontario Motor Loaguo in TM- onto. 'l‘ho Goorgian Bay Loaguo looks aftor tho gono-al Imsinoss of the t').M.L. in this district. and tho hraanizod towns tho local work. i 'l‘lw nmv arrangvmmt is :1 (mm! out". as it giws local clubs likv Dur- ham tho powm' tn spmul two dullars per member in any way they sop fit. and at tho samn timn giws tlmm a mvmhm' on tho executiw ml" the Hmrgian Bax club \xhn “ill also haw a \oto on the oxpondituro of thp one dollar forwarded to that organizat ion. Local officers of tlm League hero are Messrs. P. Gagnon. Prosidont. and Frank Irwin, Secretary, either of whom are authorized to receive membership fees and give an official receipt. therefor. Bx joining up mm the local club. vou lose nothing and are just as much a member of the Ontario Mo- tor League as if you sent }our money direct into Toronto. MOST SUCCESSFUL :t.'l'm-â€" t‘ (Inlâ€" nf Hm MISS MACPHAIL CHIDES CHRONICLE Refers to This Great Family Journal About Something We Cannot Guess, Nobody Else Can Fathom, but Which She, Evidently, Alone Un- derstandsâ€"Addressed Big Meeting in Durham Town Hall Monday Evening. 'l‘lw hig day of the clcction cam-l paign is o\'t'1‘. so to speak. at. lt'asti so tar ‘ s Ulll'llalll is mncci'm-d. with . tho mot-ting hold in tho intercstsl of Miss Agile-s Mai'ptiail in tho Town | Hall last. Monday night. l’i'om oai'ly ; owning, t'nlly half an ltUlll' lwt’oi'o it. was sclimlulml to take placv. tho; vrowd game-nut, and whon tho timo t'or owning dimw nigh. tho hig ('l‘ttth was ,ianunml into ”10 hall llkt' sardinvs. with a i'onsidm'ahh- ('l‘Oth Ull llw Huisltlo and lining the Stops in an t‘lltlt'ln'ttl' to gain admittanm- and son ttl' Iioai' tho lil‘t'\\'01'kS. Tho lii'o t-st'atw. outsith'. was also saitll to haw hold its quota. so from tlw' standpoint, of attondanco. Miss Mav- phail‘s moo-ting was what might \'t'l'}' truthfully lw t'allml a “i'l'owtlml snccoss." Who-thew or not .liilins Ilaosar's l'amons "Voni \‘idi Vii-i" appliml is anothm- qnostimt. It was an idval audiont'o for Miss )lat'phail to talk to, for tho hall was jammml to its i'aparit)‘ with townsfolk. somo ol' tlwm for. sum:- of tlwm against. and all of thm i'm'ions to find out, just what. was to hamwn. \\'hon tho hour of mvmmont'mnont al‘l'th‘d.‘ thorn was littlo room lol't for any‘ of Miss Mavphail's lllltl‘t‘ ardmt slip-s portm's. and sho' vnjoyml tho politiâ€" vian‘s paraclisu of timing hot'oi'o hm“ an allelit'm'o ut' hvatlwn (politically. ol' t'ntll'st' to whom slio ('ollltl pt‘t‘at‘ll 'tho gospol of salvation, and by him «‘n'aloi'y win thom owr to tho sido ~ot' |H‘a(’t‘. low and harmony. Always an arch-at admiroi' of Tho tilironivlv. Miss Marphail was not in” husy. own in tho middh- of a ht-aVy olm'tion campaign. to pay us llt'l' host rosin-Ms. though. from tho words sho lisml, \\'t' havo a faint imagination that. sho intoni‘lod it as a lot't-handc-d vmnplimont. We aim li'isliu-«tlio ltt'Xl, door to Scotchâ€"lint wo haVo a faint suspicion that thorn is a jokm' in tho pack somowhm'o. Hotting war to tho and of hoi' adth'vss. Miss Mamdiail. who was stwakiju: on tho notod 92.500 indom- 'nit,\' of 1921. ltl'thlllt't'd t'mn' vanvollnd i-hoqnos \Vllit‘ll shn said worn tho onos sho had issiiml in i'otm‘ning tho nnnm-ossai-y and additional $1.500 to tho lhwoiwr-tlonoral. Sho vallml for mm or both tho local bank man- agm‘s to go forward and identify tlwm as vanwllod choqnos, but as noithm‘ of tho loi'al Rothschilds worr- appai‘ontly in tho audionco. it was amwwl that they wm'o all that. was said of thom. and her spam-h wont. UH. "'I am having a clnsl'wratv timn nwr that many I was tn givn hack." said Miss Man'phait. “\anl. I gaw it back but. am having a lot of trou- l’pln ('mn'incing snmo- lwuplt‘ that I «lid sn. I am having: sen much (mu- hlv nwr it I am inclinml tn think that mv nmumnnls. in Hm sumo sitâ€" nation. “011M nut hawf d_0_no $9.. I-“ “And I want tn say." Miss Mae- phail cm1tinumil. "that there is a local paper here. and it’s not The Rmievs that will feel Very sick about thei1‘page \\ hen they learn I 13am the mnnex hack." Just what Miss \lacphail meant hv the “page" she did not 5m. and as 'lhe Chronicle does not know, it cannot tell. Neither did she explain \1 in we should feel ill or indisposed \\ hen we learned that she had given the money back. Personally, we do not know, and as we feel perfectly well at present, thanks, we shall Oflh bu...- (Continued on page 3} LITTLE PEN - O - GRAMS A mm mm. an: m. STREETS NOW QUIET; KIDDIES AT SCHOOL Public School Opened Yesterday Morning After Long Holiday With Big Attendance. It. dnosn'l sc-cm M math-1' Imw many an- pussml through lhv fourth classroom and on to tho High school, there aro always about the same number to tolu- up tlu-ir al- tondancv in the Public school here when tho clung of the school lwll announces that tho. holiday is over and that the scholars must gathor for anolhc-r twolw months of work and study. In common with tlw ntlm- l'ulilio svlmnls Hf tliv [)l'0\'lll(‘e, llw Unr- lizim sclimil opened yestm'day with an altmnlani'v of 35, and wliilu it will iaku a fnw clays lwfm'v. mm'y- thing is in wnrking Ul‘di‘l'. it will not how lung unlil mm'ytliing will lw running 5111001111) in pi‘vpaiation for tlw examinations to ho “9M once mum nnxt ..luno Scotch Doubles Tournament on Local Green Last Thursday Well At- tended and Closely Contested. There \w-I‘v hventy-eight rinks nu hzmd In ('oml'mtv in Hm Smtoh «hm- hlvs tcvnu-namvnt mm on Hu- Inca! gH-vn last, Thursday. Tho mun-st. cumnwncvd ahnut ”mm. was mutin- m'd tlu'uugh tho afternoon and «mm- ing and until an early hnur Friday morning lwl'cn'o Hu- wimm- was un- nouncml. From a bowling standpoint, Hm day was a wonderful success and a must plnasant time onjoyml. Fol- luwim.’ is the result: HANOVER WON First li\'vnt.â€"â€"\\'. firms and B. Svarlmruuuh. Hanuwr; 'l‘. M. McFad- dvn and W. S. Humor. Durham. Sm'mnl EVPDLâ€"S. Slmx't and I). Lamunt. Mount. Focvst: F. MHI‘IOCk and J. McKnclmic, Durham. Sl.»ecial.-â€"-A. Merriam and C. Clark. Chatswm‘th: W. . Vollctt and J. S. Mcllraith. Durham. The prizvs iu the first and second events wow knife and fork sets and mantel clocks, and in the special bath towels. lo lop. “Oh, Mister Officer, I‘ve lost my doggje."_ F‘That's all right. Put a want ad. in the paper." “Oh, but Petsy can’t. read." Rudolf Valentino, the screen star. who died In New York after an Operation for appendlcltus. Thir- teen yeara ago he came from Italy and at first worked as a landscape gardener and at heavy work in an automobile factory. MOVIE IDOL DEAD IN FIRST EVENT \Hl/ R. T. EDWARDS’ DURHAM MEETING WELL ATTENDED H. G. Poster, Labor Leader of Kam- ilton, Was Principal Speaker at looting Hold Here Thursday of Last Week. The political meeting in Durham Town Hall last 'l‘hursday kuing in the interests of R. lldhards “as well attrndrd and rrmarkahly enthusi :isiir, the mcwtiiig living ira- tun-cl by the oxrrllnnt business ad- drrssns and arguinwms put forward by tlw various sprain-rs. Despite tho fart that it was 'l'hm'sday after- ncmn and a halt-lmliolay. and that a bowling tournzmirm was in pro- firms at. thc- mun. tlu- attvndauce was really more than was t'MH‘i'ti‘d. and wry gratifying in tlw ('amlluluto and his supportgi‘s. Mr. R. T. Edwards. llw candidate, was the first speakmn and mm-- monced his address in a reminisvent manner. rvferring tn thv lat-t that ho was lmrn an the farm in ‘i'l'lll’lg on which he now “widow. and that. his first glimpse of Durham was from a vehicle drawn In a wk" of oxm and di'in‘n by his lathe-1'. bur- ins: this time he had. with tlw ox- ception uf a tow years siwnt in twirl:- Jug svhnol, lwvn ungagml all his lit'o in farming and full that lu- “3‘ fully camlilv, Will! this c-xluu'imim- Hf upwards ul' 30 pairs. at intullm-nlly reprvsouting tlw agricultural init'l‘- «Nts «of Snuth-liast tin-y. During his \Vlmlu lit'u Mr. Ell- wurds had lwvn clusvly runut‘t‘lvd with Durham. i-vgantml it as Ms lmnii- town {llltl was pl: :isml to call all ”I“ t'o‘siclt'nh '1 ll! plm‘t‘ his friends. Mr, lichun'els dpm‘wntt-d Hm at- tvmp! during Hm past fuw yc-ars of outsiders and ntlwrs 1.. turn the (own against. “an muulry I'vsidPnIs: rogardnd this as a wrung idva and crilcizml Miss Mavphail fur. «m the min lmml. mndvmning militarism, and on tho ntlwr. of fmlwmim: trun- hlv nf tho Wurst. kind. (-iVil strife amongst. thc- rum and urban rosi- dt‘llis 0f llw riding. Tim 1'. P. H. mUVPIIH'llt was at its incominn a onwlwmtivv mmrmrnt and should haw rmnaim-d m. Tim Lilwmlâ€"(kmsvrvzltiw party was lwarlily in iH'PHl‘d with “w I'.F.O. croâ€"mwrativoly. lout rvumulml its vu- try into politics as a mum midake (Mlltilluwl «m pzwc 33 PREMIER MEIGHEN HERE NEXT WEDNESDAY Canada‘s First Citizen to Address Mass Meeting in Durham Rink Promptly at l o’Clock.â€"Addresses Meeting at Owen Sound Same Afternoon. 'l‘lu- llt. Hnu. Arthur Mviuhrn is tn adclrvss a mass martini: at the rlmfturs «of South-East tirvy iu Dur- ham ltink next. Wi-«lnc-sclay at 1 01'1th Sharp. l'rvinirr Mrigln-n is ri-turuing ham; 3 thrm' works. mmpaign ill \\'c-strrn Canada and luau-s 'l'nrnnto nu thv murnim: of tlu- 8th inst. loy nmtur. on l'Olltt‘ tn (burn Sound, whrrr hr is in aclclrv.“ a nwnliug at, .‘l u'rlurk. His itino-rar} “uninvi- «lay includvs a stem uf tlt'tm-n min- utrs ur murv at Muunt Furvst almiit H H'rlm'k. and he will url'ivi- in Durham about. ucmn. loving tlu- g'l'vst Ml Hun. IDI'. .lamirsnn, \\'hrrr lH' will takv lllllt'llt'flll. Al mn- n'i'lnrk lH' i9 tn aihtl'v» a mass nivrting in Durham Mink. It is rxiwrtml l’rvmivr \lc-iglwn \xill siwak for half an hmlr. and in hunnr of his Visit. and tn giw- all a rhanrc-‘tn livar him. tln- lm-al industrial plants will ruinain rlwsvd until twn o'rlnck. Follmving tlw adclriws hrrn. l’rc-in- inr Mniulmn molars to 0mm Sound, WIN-r0 Inn is billed to spunk at thro-o u‘rlurk, and thcin gurs uwr into Bruce County to adclrvss a hii,r rally at. Part. Elpin. It is OXIH‘Pth ”If“ di‘spili' tllv busy season, a largo crowd will lw pros- rut tn liston to Canada's fun-t min- ister and that. a largu numlu-r of the farmers at“ this riding will be prosput. Smilin’ Char-Ii..- Says- tho :lddl“".~‘ lwrn. l'rvm- molm's tn Hwnn Sound billed to spunk at tin-no

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