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Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Sep 1926, p. 2

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PAGE 2. that would militate against the success of the association as a bust.- ness organization. Despite their entry into politics, l'.F.O. members were not tied politically to their organization. their constitution del- initely stating this. The farmers were bound together in business re- lations, but were free to Vote as they chose. Reference was made to the western wheat pool, which. wi:h modifications, was the product of the Rt. Hon. Arthur Meighen. and which was one of the best things ever established for the benefit of the farmers of Western Canada. If returned to power. Premier Mieghen had given his word that he won-hi work for its betterment in the in- terests of the farmers of the Dom- inion. Mr. Edwards said that whiiu ho was opposed to Miss Macphail politi- cally, he had the greatest, admiraâ€" tion and raspm-t. for his uppnnvnt, and dnspito tho many unkind things sha had said of him, hn was nfit im- ing to haw a vampaign nf villiti- catinn amt harsh words. Ha was Shaking! thf‘ Sllfl'l‘agi's (if ”lt' p001 hi, but did not, pmimsn tn lnwvi' him- solt‘ in his own vstimatinn hy 1;”- iwcvssai'ily hm'atinc llt'l'. 'l'hangh Miss Mat‘phail had him“ l't‘titii'it‘tt as having had much tn say l‘i'g‘nl'ti- ing allvgmt statvmvnts madv at its 'mm'tings. shv was mistakmi in this. as ttw thinsvi'vatim party was sink-- in: vlvctinn trim] a hnsinvss stand- [mint rathm' than from thv pm'snn- ality Hf its i‘ippmwnts, Ht‘ mnlld lint. (llliit‘ makv mit nn just. what. plalt'm'm shi- was run- ning. Silt‘ had statvd, HI' had hwn i'vpi‘n'ti'd as stating. that slw was a l'.l".t). first. last and all tlw tinin.; At, ntlwr time's. shr' was a I’I'ng'i‘i'sâ€" siw, and at. tlw ”illitWt'l' nit-Ming. shv had adVi'i'tisvd twl'svlt' as an Indulwndvnt. 'l‘hv Natinnal Pair}? of ”iv latv Sir .hdm .\. Mai'dnnald had hm'n th’ltlfliithfi littltt‘}' silii'i' its inw-ptinn in 1878. and sin-wading Lihm'al (hm-rnnnmts had now-i- civâ€" pai'tvd fl‘Hlli this in any «,rrvat m- told. This in itself was its hi2 inst I'vmnnnwndatinn. in his npininn. 'l‘hi' Lihm'als had two-n l‘t‘illi'nmt tn mm-m- in 1896 till a flaw ti'adv rrrnmmvndatinn, in his t'iplllltill. 'l‘hr Lilwrals had burn rrturni-d 1 to pnwnr in 1896 an a from trailu puliry hut had nrwr put it. into fnrrr. 'l‘hry at. hrart. wrrr nut in favor of it. as thry knrw far tun wall that Canada had nrrd at a pul- iry at prntrrtinn if stir was in urns- prr. 'l‘u t‘unrtinn fully, thr t’lanadian farmrr nrrdrd prutrrtinn as much as thr mamnt‘arturrr. and dvspitu thn assrrtinns «if his nppnnrnts that thr. farmrrs nt‘ thr ruuntry rmild nut hr' prntrrtm‘i. hr thought. :liti'ormitlv. Tho hnmr markrt. was a Vital thing: tn tho Untarin farmm'. and it was hardly fair that M shuuld sm'ur rnnnwtitinn ut' thr l'nitrd Status t'arn'wrs whn wrrr alili- tn raisr thr early t'imdstutl's that rmitiuually tlmulwt tlw markvt and mili‘atrd against thr salr of thr local farm pruducr whrn it. awn-arrd latrr «in tho- markrt. 'l‘hr imwu'tatinn of throw milliun imunds nt' lillili'l' an- nually from Nrw Zraland meant that . thou-r was that murh li-ss markit t'nr thr armors nt‘ ilanada. and a run-‘ quurnt, luss tn this rnd nt' tlw igri- rultural industry. Mr. lidwards alsn lwlii-yrd in lira- trrtinn t'ur thr inaniil'artiii°iii:_r intrr- i-ss in tlu- ruuutry. Ht‘ tmik as 0x- anudi- thr lu'al t‘urniturr fa'tnry and what an assrt. it had lwru to Durham and tlw surruundim: ttlllll- try. 'I'hr rnnuiany at. Durhan" had lmught a millinu and a halt' l‘rrt nt’ lumlwr at its yard hero. and almut tlw samr amount at tho Rock Mills plant. this yrar. Was nit an industry likr this wurth protrcting and rhrrishing'? 'r. nnwnns' DURHAM MEETING WELL Amxnzn Kind Words for Miss Macphail Hmt \w mun-u imhtstrivs nl' Ihis‘ lltltlll'e'. Hl' alum: uthm' limbs. thm'n‘ wnnht hp vmplnymo'nt fur many mm-v Illt'lYillltl hays ut' tlw vnmmnn~ it}: and thvrv \Vnuht lw little IH‘COS- sit}; imtwnl. for thv ('XtNhlS hf thr‘ huys hum this distrirt. tn I‘mtmit and nthvr plan's in tho“ States 8001(- im: vlnpluymvnt. In his" district aruumt Ziun. in Glnnotg. lw knvw nt’ 30 of tho young men at tho district whn hact gmw t0 the Statvs honking t'm' \wpk who might, just as \wll he Pmpluymt in Canada. --â€"â€"«|. I'nl..t\n HIP rot'i‘l'l'ml in tho hranoh tat-tor- ios of l'nitod Statos firms in (Zanmia that would novor ho horo if i“. Woro not. for tho protocth'o MN”. The Hamilton glass plant, manufacturing tho host, glass in tho yorlcl. had boon forced out of business for want of proto‘wtion. thoy boini: nnahlo tn compoto with tho cheap labor of Belgium and at the same time boing railed upon to pay tho Canadian standard 0f wages. The poiiry of Rt. Hon. Arthur Moighon was the samo from Halifax to \‘anoonvor. Ho proarhoi‘l the Same polio)" of protection to ail. and his ails'trossoa and stand along this lino novor varied 110 matter in what part of Canada ho was sneaking, The Address of the Evening Mr. F. G. Foster was tho next speaker. Mr. Foster comes from Hamilton. He is one of the outâ€" standing Labor leaders of tho Ambi- tions City, is editor of tho Labor Leader, and is a member of the Ontario Minimum Wage. Board. (Continued from page 1) Mr. Faster thought that, tho host. thought of the country lies in the smaller towns and in the rural cen- tres. He had been connected for THE DURHAM CHRONICLE «m'r 2.3 wars with tlu' Lalmr mUVP- mc-nt. in lmth tianauta and thu l'nitml Status. Ilzut lwvn told that Miss Muc- phail was [busing as tlw rommsc-nla- tiw ut' Lalmr. but had lwvn unulm- tu timt hm- :iTflhnnty I'm assuming: this I‘Hlt'. Lalmr, Mr. Ft‘fitt'l' said. at its mvvting at Winclsur I'vw-ntly, had gnaw nn l'c'yul'dl as wlmlly in l'avnr nt’ a pmlo-vtiw- tarifl' and against. any rmluctinn in tlw tarill’. and as Miss Mac'phail was in I'ax'm' nf Ilw lawâ€"a I'I'Nl tm-m'. sllv NHIM nut. in any svnsc‘ 1w I'vg‘al‘clml as “w I'nprvsnnl- atiw ”1' HH- LahHI' pal'l)’. ”1- W‘- I'vrrml In IH'I' allc-gml Halo-awn! sumo nmuths mm \Vlwn snmu of tho rm-~ lnrivs in “Marin \Vc'l'c' t'lnsml «lawn “wing in “nu rmnmal Hf ach-qualc' [H'ntvvtimL "What clifl'vl'vm'n if a fvw l'avtm'ic-s tin ('lnsv'I" was Hm stalo'mvnt Hl' Miss Mat'phail all this m'vasiun. This stun-maul, said Mr. l’nfim'. would nut. mew-t. with tlw ap- pruval Hf any 01' thv Lalmx' hmlivs in SEES YELLOW PERIL Rt. Hon. H. A. L. Fisher, fornier President of the Board of Educa- tion in the Lloyd George Govern- ment, and a noted historian. blames ‘certain armament firms" for a condition in China that threatens the peace of the world. Formerly peaceful, China is now armed to the teeth. . IIIIIIa.I.ItI and in making it Miss Mac-l phail Sh0\\t‘tl that shn was IIIIt “HIV in S}fl]|)il”l\ with thv lahIIr mmv INN”. Mr. I I'stI'I' is a lilt'lllht I' In tho Hamiltnn Lfllml’ IIIIIIIII'iI. \\|III II in turn is affiliiltt‘tl with ”In 'l‘I'aItIIs; and Labor IZmIIII‘IIss, “'hit'h I'IIIII'IIâ€" svnts upwards of 275.000 at “In (H‘- zanizml Latmr 111011 (If Canada. Bast vs. West Rt‘ft‘l'l‘illg m ”I“ MM”. 311'. chtm' said that “It‘l’t‘ was a “1th gap h0- t\\'t't‘ll “lt‘ l-ZastIII'n anIt \VIIstIII'II 't'aI'nII-I's in Canada and ”w l'IIitI-II StatI-s. 'l‘hI- liastvrn fal'nlt'l' has his own “01110 IIIIIrkI-t. in whivh “1‘ disâ€" iliHSt‘S IIt' amII'IIximatI'ly 87) pt'l‘ I'I'nt at his lWlHlHt‘“. 'l‘his Blal’kt‘t. llt‘ shIIulIl Villllt‘. and "III only way in !\\'I|i('ll hv ('IIIIlIt maintain it. far him- IE: I; ./.:._ 3 1.5.5 .5 .>.:a.::c./. .235, 3: .3 1.5.:2: 1.: :_ 1...... -93 1:. :3. 3 3:. __..:.r. 1.: .5: .>._ nc./_.;.___..x.. ._..:_.E._ SE; a .2552? >.::._..:. in»; .5 432.2: :27. c: 3:. .322. .55: .z: :: .._..E._E F... 43.5 3.... 45:95:...â€" >.._ 1.5.5 :3. t-ssilit's in tlm 111311th at tlw \\'nt'|cl. and with this attitmtv. Mr. Fvsto-r t'nunct nu t'ault. What was wantmt was at wasnnaltlu mmm'nmisc- Im- twvvn HIP East and HH' \Vt'st. thv Hash-m. nr manut'uvtm'im: pm'tinn 0f “In mmntry. tn t'Uâ€"flpt'l'fltt' with tho \\'c-.~'tc-m sc-Ctiun. 'l'lu-sv \‘ij snmu cnmttiiuns nhtainmt in tho l'nitmt Status and worn nut. \thlly ttw mmtitiuns at Canada alnno. A Manufacturing Country ‘ Emmet? is, l’vl'intal'ily. m- shuuht inn, a mum: :u‘turing: muntry. In tlw “hole Dominon‘ there was only us per cent of the Country suitablo for agriculture. With her inimitable re- sources, them was no r'ason \\|I\ great industries could not be do- velopod horn. To do lhis. the-r0 must bo protection. Competition, said the speaker. \\ an a good thing in reason, but at the present time, with her present pop- ulation, Canadian ' manufacturers could not go into mass production as adepted by the t’nited States with its population on over 110,000,- 000. What Canada wanted and needed and some day would have, was in- dustries. "No truly great nation ever rose to her greatness on agri- culture alone,” said Mr. Foster, and ‘he pointed to the l?nited States as an example. The States, since the days of President McKinley in 1896, who was the first American presi- dent to approve the high tariff as it is known today, had made won- ,derful progress and stood today as . o‘n‘ It‘ll IlCll‘ll rrlvc.\-wu ._-_ the greatest manufacturiug nation' in the world. There was no reason why Canada could not duplicate the foal. 'l‘lmrv was no use in mqul- ing a man with a wlwvlbarmw m Pompom with tlm modern truck, tho. hOl'Sl‘ and buggy could not, ho 0x- [)N'tml tn mmpvln will] the mmlnrn 'railway train. Sn will: (L'macla. A muntry will: «mly lvn millinns Hf ‘pnpulatinn mulcl nut, lw PXIH‘Cll'll In vmnnmically mmuwtu with a grunt [nmmufavluring nation «m-r lvn limos hm' pnpulz‘llinn. “ -.|-- ...Al'|" 7,...-_,, Mr. Fostm' thought, tho only won- omiv Salvation for Canada was in the- t-stahlishing (if industrios to ship as tinishvd products many of tho things that 31'“ now going.' to tho l’nitvd Statue in “It‘ll' raw statv. llv dupi-vvatc-d thc- inunigration polii'y ol‘ llw past. in whit-h tlu- (hm-ruâ€" mvnt had lepml pay for immigrants to vumv and svttlv in Canada. "PAM tahlish manut'artui'ing plants for tho manut'avtnrv in Canada of our various products. and tho immigraâ€" tion pHIiv}: will (also raw of itth. Hie-t work for tho \\'Hl‘klll:.'lllt‘ll. and 'tln-y will mm» to Canada at the-iv Hwn I'xpvnsc'. Labor follows tln' joh," said Mr. I’vstvi'. who volatml his own c-xpvrionon whilv a rosi- dvllt. Hf HIP l'nitvd Status. 114' "l'Hl- lowod tlw job" to tho l'nitmt Status when a young man. but tho when- quont. improwmont. in working: mm- ditions in Canada making this coun- try snpvi‘ioi' to tho l.'nitml Status brought him back. Ho. simply "fulâ€" lowed the job.” Gomml‘nding nn 11w manufacturing industry country 1110 slwakm' : 1921 {how worn 9,700 m Commanding on tho implc-mvntl manufacturing industry in tlml country tho spoakc-r said that in 1921 thorn \x'oro SL700 mon c-nuiliiyi-cL in tho inannfartnrv of farm implo-l monts. At tho present time ”101'“ were (3.700. but in 1924â€"5. Canada had imporlrd six millions of dollars worth of implomonts and throw niil- lions in parts. Why could not ah thoso pioros of niacninory and r0- pair parts haw been just. as wall madr in Canada and haw giwn rm- ploymont to Canadian artisans? )1!) “to klllttml and \Vnullt‘ll winds industry. tho samo thing.' was ovi- 'drnt. In 1924 \w had innmrh-d $16.000,000 worth of these goods, and in 1926. ii millions worth. \\‘ltl1¢' our own mills \vvro idlr. l Tho hindor twin» industry “in lanothor numul‘arturo rol'o'l'l'o'cl to. [In 1925 \\'d' had imported 2.?) million lpounds; in 1926 17 million litilllll1“. said the speaker. was was only 18 .Thw.’o “er 2, 1926. ~--. Imonly38yeu. 3 rd um! I have ‘ ydiu E. . J‘fif? . it from my v" filter. Dme F41- _ " .:=.; (mud Beliefenille " . f Runsayville. For five years I wus always ready wu inminery un- cry. Now I um so happy tn have heflth. My daughter, Win, 1.5 8 em old. has also uken it we; wi be h py to recommend it 2.. an younfigo' ’â€"Dnme WILLIAM I'm- INT X 41‘, Buckingham. Qm'hm', Why sufier for years with Lad.â€" nche. nervousness and othvr ailm. xv: The tariff hm] tom-n I‘vm~\« binder twim- fur sump .‘"1 instvad Hf m'tting‘ rhmuwz the usor nt‘ this nvw-s-‘mgx was paying .30 nor m-nt 111!1 Be Loyal to Canada .‘F.\'m'y dollar siwnt Hit a product Inc-hunt may t'urviu'l mm and workout against ‘ Huntinuwl «m paun alwm cm a farm pay ful'viml \\'ul' I against Canad m Note: Dr. Forster um columns as will be of public print. Persona accompanied by 8911-0 dress Dr. Arthur L. Fr There are four 1) is poisonous to manâ€"- The first is not acute eczema. The .i‘. cally alike, while that. This pmph- flammzn handsc (1th I" has IN" of NW . TIN i afl'e mu Thursday. Septemhm I 19; ivy, Oak H Primrose Pr. EDWARDS DURHAM all HI PLANT

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