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Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Sep 1926, p. 6

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“A SON OF HIS FATHER" CATTLE SIUGGLING TALE "A Sun u! His Father," 3 Para- mount «frown \‘Prsiun of Harold Bell “Tights m-m-st nun-I «of the same ham». pl'uolum'd by Victor Fivmiug and l'o'aturim: Bessin anv, Warner Haxtvr auul Raymund Hatton in the cast. \VIH [w ”I" {o'atum‘ a! the V0!- tmns‘ Star Theatre on Friday and Saturday, So-ptvmber 3 and i. Mm Law. as XIII-a II'SIIIIII. after the III'aHI III III-r mIothI‘r in Ireland, joquI-Is III Tucson, “Iiznna, to Me with “IT brIIHII-I. a II)\\bI)_\ on the canIII om nI-Il by "Big Boy" Morgan, playI-Il by Warner Baxter. PAGE 6. \\'lu-n sho- arrives at her destina- T E FOR R T EDWARDS IN GREY SOUTH RAST And avoid another Election! Prison-made goods are on the prohibited list, yet tons and tons of such goods produced in prisons where contagious diseases were prevalent among the inmates, were smuggled into Canada for sale to innocent Canadian consumers, with the direct knowledge and co-opcration of Government officials. Police oFficersâ€"members of the meorruptible Royal Canadian Mounted «were withdrawn from the Quebec boundary line at the request of the smuggling ring. Honest traders had asked for inzreased police protection, but the King Government preferred to Grant the request of those who were defrauding D the on biic re V enue. Stolen automobiles. smuggled into Canada with the connivance of Cusroms officzals. were sold for a pittance to friends of the """r Gavel .ment, and those found guilty were allowed not -LALAb only to go unpunished. but to continue their nefarious trade. Smuggled liquor selling was engaged in on a large scale by ‘Justcms officials whose duty it was to protect the Treasury. 7 A total revenue loss estimated at $35,000,000 per year was the result of the smuggling thus condoned by the King Govern- ment. A $54,800 loss was sustained in one case alone when Mr. Cardin, Acting Minister of Customs and Excise, settled for $3.200 with a dishonest importer, who, according to Mr. Corrupt officials were unpunished and promoted; honest officials were punished and demoted. Guiity knowledge even in 1923 of the frauds that were being practiéed has been proven against the King Government bCYJDd the shadow of a doubt. Time and again, in 1924 and 192;}, the Com oercial Protective Associationâ€"an organization of tangles; men placed before Mr. King irrefutable evidences of it, mat they had succeeded in tracing down at their own emense. With his Government hapelessly entangled with Canada’s criminal element, Mr. King did notâ€"dared not- take any action to rt :edy .4- appailix. 3; conditions. s Despite the fact that with Mr. Kennedy supporting them, the Liberals had a majority on the Investigation Committee, that ‘12: Chairman Mr. Mercier was a Liberal, and that the Prosecuting Counsel Mr. Calder was a Liber 3;} candidate in the last election, and despite the further fact that the committee sat almost daily for five months, thus affording Liberal members ample opportunity to uncover malfeasance on the part of previous ministries, not one word of proof, not one breath of suspicion, was brought against the administration of the Customs Department under the Laurier, Borden and Meighen Govern- Die-.133“. but only against its administration under Mr. William Lyon MacKenzie King! tion, the boy is not there to meet her. It dvvelnps that he has left the ranch to join in with a gang nf rattle. smugglers and gamblers. lu'aclml by one Zobester. Morgan, hmx'orvm'. I‘cco-ives the) girl and lies in hvr about her brother. Mni'uan gvts into a gambling ses- siun and lose-s controlling interi'st in his ram-h to HOldhrook (Walter Mi-Hi'ail . a tool 0f Zobester. In time Sum learns tho where- almuts 0f iwr brother and sets nut in in in “in him back to honesty, Hill} to in» impiisonml ilOlSt'lf by ”in imugglcxs. It takes Big Bm 51013311 and all his men. backid up by an Plltil't,‘ c'ompan) uf lnited Stains cavalry in rescue her. The Has anythino more disgraceful ever besmirched the pages of Canadian history ? Can a proud and honourable nation, whose people fear God and eschew evil, afford to condone such dishonesty, such corruption, on the part of its leaders and public servants ? brother dies protecting Morgan. Holdbrnok. the gambler. gives up his interest in heart and gives up his interest in the ranch tn the. girl. knowing she loves Morgan. ery scene of the prm‘lnrtinn “as taken en the exact locale do;- strilml hv the author in his novel. Paramnnnt set a high standard fir Htlilltmr pictures \\ ith its Zane Grey prmlneticm. The same high stan- dard has been maintained in bring- ing Wright's splendid western thrill- er to tho,» screen. Bosic_1¢_'s )lv(,irail utlnm' we'll known players in the strong summrting cast of tho px'c‘u'luction are Charles Stewns, (Earl Stockdalv, in the role of Zobester, Billy Eugeno, James THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Farley, \ alentina Zemina and George Km“ 3. \nthony Colde“ ey w rote the screen play. At a parade of; company of new- I\ called men, the. drill instructors face turned scarlet “ith rage as he slated a no“ recfuit for his axxkâ€" wardness. '--\r‘â€"â€" “Now. Ratl‘erty,” ho roared. “you‘ll spoil the line with those feet. Draw them back at once, man, and get them in line." donw you? 10 ll Rafféfiy’s dignit_y was hurt. Let Wife Do It “Yes. a lawn is too much work.” “I like a house with a garden, 9 Free iiquor, from Government warehouses in Montreal, was supplied 1n generous quantities to members of the King Gov- ernment and to Government officials in Ottawa, in contra- vention both of the Federal Law and the Prohibition Law of Ontario. A $54,800 loss was sustained in one case alone when Mr. Cardin, Acting Minister of Customs and Excise, settled for $3,200 with a dishonest importer, who, according to Mr. Cardin’s own officials, had cheated the Treasury out of duties amounting to $58,000. This deal was consummated just previous to the last election. The habit-forming dru traffic is one of the worst curses in the world today. Un er the pgotection of the Kihg Govern- The peak of this corruption, and of this interference with the Customs collection and the administration of justice, is proven by the evidence to have been reached just prior to the general election of October, 1925, when, at the written request of Liberal candidates, Ministers of the Crown called ofi the Royal Canadian Mounted Police because they were enforcing the law, kept convicted crooks out of jail, and sanctioned Treasury frauds as a means of securing the return of the King Government to power. ment, Montreai became one bf the great dope-distributing centres of North America. 9” Not. Guilty luss IAOPBAIL_ best for the country." but still maintained that his action was not at gill according to British Consti- tution. - Lu Iva-o Miss Macphail in a second refor- 01100 to the question as to whvthm‘ she had given the mnnoy back In Parliammt, frankly admittvd that she had called Jim Russell of Dun- d3”: 8 “har” at a recent nuwfling because he said that she had nnl done so. At liver Pricevilln mm'ling she scored a fine point for horsolf in her telling of the understanding bo- (Continued from page 3) 'Entnns canomcu: tween the Progressive group and the two old partins. Mackum... King. she said, would [immiw 11...,“ anything, Meighen \wuld mum“. nuthing. and that “as tho Mm.” that the King Gm m'nmvni xx i,- 1‘. N in power. Sho informant hm- 2mm- once that the Progrossix-us “mm in” for everything thoy mulil got [up the farmers and domamlml. to u».- lmr own words, "tho last. [HHHM 0f flesh and the last tll'tlp «of Mood." 0th.: Spotters Helping lior in her campaign \\.-.-.. Miss M. MCKPSSOCR of Massio, and Mr. Farquhar R, ”liver of Arlo-musm, the latter opposing Dr. .laiin.~..m, Conservative, and Dr. Fortunv. l.nl.- oral, in the next Provincial t‘lt’t'llun_ Thursday, September 2, 1926. 0mm Man SU‘POt. Ln“! am. (Mice hours ‘2 0 pm. (except Sundm J. L. SUITE. I. 3.. I, C. P. 8 Office and residencr‘. comm! Countess and Lamhton erm‘t.» u Cite Old l'nst (Mice. Ufi'm- In 0'01! t.m..1.30t04p.m.,7 109 (Sundays excepted). Physician :a lelmm st rent um l'nivorsity tested and (‘01 2 t0 5 |~.n1.. ' excelnvd. Grad 0011“ Blm ‘ 123 Our! “OHM: om”. Sm'w I“ BIHCL‘ of M; M I' I0( C. G. AND BESSIE M 001‘ TU‘: mu om Grm I! 'l Licensed Auct Modem!“ 1'“ at (if ant Chi 'nn. w. c. mama “My. Septembm 2; £93.} (H Medial Dzmlm'. nus. ufwsou a: umnso fl Ha l8 CU 3|! h PUNERA low Modern Phone KinQSdal‘ “242‘ Avenue imbLBBuo: 595m MIDDLEBRO (H 301' v blls‘ [ran N4 com and mi n Ind ”10 (ran I] u H 911. m L‘ ham: slal' nxh \\ 01 ‘R'H' Barrister an ll shinim- Snak' l ( I ’f Limzsc‘d \\ M John W. BI MM DR. A. II. BELL Classified J GRANT. D. D .oc’kdl ALEX. IacDONALD LUCAS 8: BEN! Chirox . McLEA [IN M H VF

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