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Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 Sep 1926, p. 7

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'. September 16. am .o-o-om-Ooo-MMM IKERS ER COATS '1'. Durham AR riety Store 198 For eshing Ono-Ono» o--o--o--o-~o--o--M H NK 5 OVER. \[l 'nmplete mufand hes suit- n 2 time ‘ Din- $19.50 t'ampa‘pgn possible 'i 0' vat-h politicial lliZPd m. owidvntly "Hm-m no . Eastern "WHO" UN". “2 "16' '0 I don't vat! of \\ nrk. » and vthm will haw» o‘llo Ilso- \\'.-‘.1 watered ana. In !W “or further Pifl'cul'" \\‘1i‘.iam Smith. RR. No. 3. cmnn HILL 01’" I" mu.“ CIDER MILL WILL Tuvsday and Friday commenc- 71: next week. 9 16 2pd mm; in 8000 1 frame barn “I ' «wrote stables unment ‘Oflk 3: ‘n': 7. C00. ‘9 E l"| I. \al'.V. -1. u\-.....--v--_, mm: mo acres; 85 acres under H 'untinn. balance hardwood bush; 'n::\ntii0!!l to school; on the prem- ~~w~< are a frame. barn 42365 ft. with «up.» i'lmnnation; concrete stables; m» hwy ‘narn 30350 with stone base- nmzt: hm: pen 20x30; twelve-room :nxrl; house. furnace heated, also frame woodshed; drilled well close w» house. with windmill; concrete water tanks: 30 acres seeded to hay; in mum to sweet clover: this farm g \anl fenced and in a good state of v'llimalion. For information apply t . Watson‘s Dairy. 3.11. 5, Durham. min-«n t02523t! --_ n-s REUBEN C. WATSOI Law-mm! Auctioneer for County of Hwy. Prompt attention to sales. Rea- m!» tux-ms and satisfaction guar- ~:.:~wi. Datvs made at The Durham ".mavmch‘ ’nflic'v ,Ul‘ With R. C. “('85- . '21. \‘zn'nm'. RR. 1. Phone 605 r“. ALEX. lacDONALD Lxcensed Auctioneer for Co. of Grey. \l.».lm'atv tm‘ms. Arrangements for «NM. 8% tn dates. etc... may be made fl’ The Chronicle Office, Durham. l'wx'nH nu application. Address RR. 1. I'm-ham. Phone 61! r 23;. DAN. chBAN l.:eemed Auctioneer for County of Grey. Satisfaction guaranteed. Rea- mnnhlo' terms. Dates of sales made at The (lhrnnirle Office or with him- ‘Q‘If. 3:33:13 51-33; 3'11}; The. 'Cierkf in the olhcc. mtario‘ LUCAS HENRY lhu‘rxstm's. Solicuors, etc. A mem- m-r ut‘ the firm will be in Durham on l‘uvsaay of qach week. Agpoi‘ntments :_ 4L- Legal ‘Directorv. f- MIDDLBBRO’, SPBRBHAN MIDDLBBRO’ Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Suvrcswrs to A. B. Currey. Mr. (1. 11. )liddicbro’ is permanently Inc'atwl at Durham office. Ficshcrton brunch upon vvory Friday from 3.30 in 9.30 p.311. 1W“! :‘uur v- xu----..-- mg and stqno. 1:1: with Sht‘d adjoin nf Ma'clicth's Drug Store. Honor Graduate [Tniversity of Tor- onto. Graduate Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all ”3' branches. Office Calder muck. Mill Street, second door east C. G. AND BESSIE chlLLlVRAY Chiropractors Hz'mhmhw Iianadizm Chimpractic nuliwuu, 'l‘urnnm. Hffivn )lacfarlane Iziwk. lml-lmm. [my and night. phonw 1-5:. 6 M 23” DR. W. C. PICKBRING, DENTIST ”mow, over J. 0'; J. Hunter’s store, ‘vvu'hzun. “Mario. M... J. 1‘. GRANT, n. n. s.,_ 1.: his. Musician and Surgeon. Ofllce Lambtnn street, Durham. Ont. Gradu- ate. I' niwrsity of Toronto. Eyes {0.4011 and corrected. Office hours: i’ to :3 p.m.. 4 t0 9 p. "1., Sundays exco-ptml. FUNERAL SERVICE New Modern Funcnl Parlor: Phone Kingsdalo 4344 122-123 Avenue Road Toronto John w. Bates I. flaunts I’M'nwrly 0f Flesherton J. L. 8.11]. I. 3., I. c. P. 8. 0. “(rice and resndence. corner of llnuutess and Lambton Streets. oppo- sue nld Post Oflice. Oflice hours : 9th“ a.m..13010 4 p.m.. 7 to 9 pm. -’Sunda,\'s excepted). BATES BURIAL C0. DRS. JAIIBSOII JAIIBSOR omce and residence a short dist- am-c» east of the Bohr: House on Lambton Street, Lower Town, Dur- nam. (Mice hours 2 to 5 p.m.. 7 to a pm. (except Sundays: . ”I“ l'.'\l|l l4\’lk‘ - .---_ _, l‘n'vmont. containing 66 acres; 55 N cleared. halanm‘ hardwood h; in good state of cultivation; me barn “:50. stone basement. l-rnle stables; drilled well and wont tank a: barn. Also Lots 6 F ‘ (ion. 5. 8.118., Glenelg. con- 1 A! _‘_-A FA! MS FOR SALE Advertisements under this heading. 1 cent a word each insertion CASH WITH ORDER; six consecutive insertions given {or the price of four. Telephone calls treated as cash with order if paid for before Saturday night of week ordered. Minimum charge for first insertion. 25 cents. On all charge orders a straight charge of 1% cents a word will be made each insertion, minimum c‘harge 35 cents. Thursday, September 10, mo. Lia’nsad fluctioneer Medical Dilation. Dental Directorv Classified Advertisements ratés. ”Elli-I'm}; 3315 attractive and healthy town. and good accommoda- tion can be obtained at reasonable The School is thoroughly equipped to take up the following courses. (1‘ Junior Matriculation. /2‘ Entrance to Normal School. Each member of the Staff is a Um- versity Graduate and experienced Teacher. "-I'fifofihitifinnés To Cqurges may be obtained from the Prxpcxpgl. “-i‘h'é'Séhâ€"ddlnhas a creditable recnrd in thg past which it hopes to main- tain m the future. _ ‘Ihitehding pupns should prepare to enter at beginning o_f team. SWEET CLOVER POR SALE TWENTY ACRES OF STANDING Sweet Clowr for sale on Lot 20. «inncvssion H. Bt‘nrinok. Apply to. John Cremmen. Chesley RD. 826 6m] acres of land: on Chester street: el- ectric lights. etc.â€" Apply Mrs. George Everett. Durham. Out. 8 26 6nd 1'03 SALE FRAME HOI’SE. SEVEN ROOMS, .3 Tho Durham I'.F.0. Live Stock As- sociation will ship stock from Dur- ham 0n 'I‘uosdays. Shippers are rvquosted to giw three days‘ notice. James Lawrence, Manager. Phone 601 r 13 Hraham Mr Miss R. Path by Snptc‘mlu'l' 20, Fun nun-mnmhvrs nt' Wamvn 'I‘HK YHI'NH LADIES“ MISSIHN 111R- I'lo' NY “In th‘t‘ll S'I'N‘t I'llih'cl q'hurt'h will Imlol a Hnan-Mzulv Hak' im: Salv in ”In hasvmnnt nf Hm Mum-h Saturday, Svptvmlwl' 8. 1926. at " p.m. livmzvlmdy Wt-lcnmo'. l [Wu ur m-Inlwr. Any Wishing tn talu1 (hid mnrw shnuld Int. Mrs. .lulm A. Hraham Mr Miss R. Patton-sun kuuw FUR SALE. WHR'I‘H THE .\IHNEY tn quirk pun-lmsm', implumont shnp nu Hamfmxa strwnt: will so-ll build- in}: and Int. Hr building unly. Apply .\. R. .\lclmllan. Durham. 99 6pc] HUI'SR AND LOT ON LAMB’I‘ON strovt nour furnitm'v factory; good stahlu and garage] (‘nmbinwk gOOd garclvn; immodiatv possnssion. For fnrfhm' particulars apply Mrs. “'11- liam .l. Falkingham, 6 17 6M tf T 0 IH'IN'l'â€"- ONE 4- AXI) ONE 5-. 1‘0”") apartnwnt. Immediate pos- session. Apply at Midangh 1101180. 8 5 6 HH' WURK WANTEDâ€"THE CHRON- iclp an Plant is well equipped for turning out the finest work On Short order. tf “HEAT WANTED. ANY QUANI‘ITY. Highest price. People's Mills. 31523t l’l'JERLICSS GASOLINE, THE HIGH- grade gas with the “pep" and long milvage. Sold only at. Smith Bros’ Garage. 6 26 U DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL FUR SALE. YUI'NU PIGS, YORK- shil'o'. '1 \kas (DIGI.â€"“i0”l'g0 \Vllit- mm'v. l’l'iw'Vth' [LIL l, thw 608 P22. 992 BARREI) muzx HESS FOR SALE, hrwl to lay; also Whit? Urpingtons, laying strain: unv yvar ulcl.-â€"â€".\Irs. W. A. Alt-unwan. Durham. 9 9 2 l'HlVA'I'I'I SALE HF HUI'SEHULD I'Im'q'ts nf Hm latv Mrs. Jame-s Allan. Iigrvnmnt. Apply tn Mr. Lm'nv Al- lan. .hlnnnisn'atur. ILR. I. Varnoy. 1 ORGAN, IN GOOD CONDITIONâ€"AP- ply at The Chronicle Office. HORSE AND HARNESS IN GOOD cnnditiunrn‘mply Mrs. W‘ililam Har- gmw, RH. No. 4, Durham. 82 6pd BRITISH AMERICAN COAL OIL AT Smith Bros. It’s good. Try it. 110 U FOR SALE .â€"A NUMBER OF GOOD building lots on Gear 9 street, North 0! Skating Rink, Dur am. Applyto 1). Hopkins. 2 21 U PROPERTY FOR SALE 2......253. :Efiv...“ 7 i. :m ._ r. :z. _.::.E..4 .: :2. 5.5:. 22:72.. .53. $.T.::.n .3 3w... 1AM. ROBB. B. A- Principal. JOHN MORRISON, Chairman. FOR SALE OR RENT ARTICLES WANTED COMING EVENTS IH'HH.\.\I GILI'R HI" 'I'HRHX'I'H MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE TO FARMERS FOR SALE Durham. RR. 1 ’m pvnts' tn s lnslitutn. 9 16 l .‘IOI'NT FOREST ...... 10.10 6.50 ARTHI'R ............. i l .00 7.30 FERGI'S .............. 11.30 8.00 Arrive at GL'ELPH 12.15 8.45 Full single fare $2.50. Fare be- tween towns 500. I-‘are between towns marked x 250. All buses stop between regular stopping points to take on and discharge pass-angers. Daily including Sundays. Positive- ly no waiting. This table subject to slight changes after May 3! -â€"Waiting Room cm I‘LL, om soon DALY'S 37032. 6031.?! Calling fox-passengers at all: the pnncnpal hotels Leave OWEN SOI'ND ........ CHATSWORTH ....... W'ILLIAMSFORD X DI'RHAM ............ MOI’NT FOREST ...... ARTHUR ............. FERGI'S .............. Arrive at GL'ELPH Lamp 5 A. .\l. GI liI PH ............. 9.00 1- ERGI S .............. 9 .55 ARTHI H .............. 10.15 .‘IOI .\T FOREST ...... 11 0.5 DURHAM ............. 11.35 \VILLIAMSFORD X 12.30 CHATS\VORTH ....... 12.50 Arr. at (“VI-IN SOI'ND 1.15 SOL'THBOL'ND Time Table Canadian Coach Company NORTHBOL’ND H»: Mary, I'd go through holl fur you! She: Ynn say so. but lmw can I pmvn that? HP: Bo) my \vifn. ton and Ccmntoss streets. in good re-pair; good garden and statlo. t-‘nr terms and other particulars apply to Robert. Ryan. Durham. 8 2 6 4 eggs Bring Willow and liquid fut tn :1 hnil. Add "my and salt and (‘an until mixture lanns sidns of pan. stirring runstantly. Romnvn I'l'nm lit't‘. tinnl and add unlwutntl wags. «m» at u timn. lwating thnrnughly at'h-r navh c-gg is aottlmt. Drc‘p {mm a tahlnspnnn nu tn :1 gx'nasnd vnnkin tin in I'HIIIM balls twn illt'llt'h apart. Bakn in a hnt. nwn tit'tvnn minute-s: ”It'll I‘Nllu'c‘ twat tn mmlm'ato and wmtinnn baking m'nnty tn tantv- fiw nlinutns. Fill with swwtvnml “himwcl m-vam flm'm'ml with vaniEIa and Spl'illklv lmwdm'm'l Sllgar on top nt‘ 080“. HOUSE FOR SALE BRICK HUI'SI’, ON HORNER LAMB- It. takvs wry littlu tinw h makn tlwso. and you will In? «h-lightwl with thv many ("nmplmwnts mm H‘- 'l‘hvn, with vulm-ml tllrvad. I nut- linml tlw "pivtnrvs" and wwlwtml :1 Iml'clt'l' :n'nuncl vach curtain. Sim-v my pI-mlnminating owlur 'in Ihu o-m- ln'nidm'y was bluv, I madc' my Nit-"e Hf hhlo‘ also. First. I sh-nvilml a Ivaâ€"tnwvl «lo- sigu nl' plallvs and mum at. thv lmt- tnm nI' mu'h curtain. You van vitlwr draw your nwn (lo-sign Hr huy tlm paltvrns. I bought minv n-vauso it. is 50 mm‘h nasim' to apply a l-vaoly-mmln transfer. and Hum-n is :1 WM» mrivty from which tn svlm-t. Ham- ynu sewn tlw cunning now kitvhvn ('ul'tains nt’ \‘uilv'.’ 'l‘lwy'm mlurahln and washablv as aw“. As mun as I saw me. I dvto'l'minc'd tn haw sump fur mysvlf. 'l‘hvy an: s0 {M 'zu'tiw and palsy tn mako- that I must. tvll yuu almnt. thvné. Minn mm “him but ynu may maku ymu's any mlnr ynu wish. Hf ('nnl'sv, I dnn't know lmw nun-h muh~rial ynu will nvml. bl‘Cal’St' ymu' wimlnws unclnuhtmlly difl'm' l'rnm minv in sizn, but. you van mmlsm'o tlwir lungth and Hum purvlmse- Hm nvvvssm'y ammmt fm- vitlwr sash 01' full lvngth mn'tains. as yam wish. tlwr's noml cleaning. and sistnr Sue‘s am- smnfl'ml. 'l‘lmsn things am: a.” jabs for an nxport Immairman. By September most of us feel that summer is over and hem repair the ravages of the warm season. Shoes which have served us well all through the vacation months de- serve tirst attention. Father’s shoes are sadly in need of heels; Jimmy’s need 8093, mo. Guelph-Owen Sound Bus Service iv» an"? tho curtains m'v up mm of water 3 cup ul' liquid fut. cup of flour tnuspnunful (if 53" Proof Positive Mary, ['4 :m through lwll B! IARJORIB ADAMS RECIPE Cream Pulls / THE DURHAM cfiRONIELE 3.31. P. .‘I A. .‘l. P. M 9.15 3"“ U‘ 1." 8.30 1926, at. Hm requirml. cm or Uctnhma [)l‘o'lmid. m' In the mattm‘ of tlm «Mata nf HENRY R. K‘NIH. '8'“ H" ”I“ THWH at Durham. in tho clmmty nf Hwy, Avonnmant. «'lvcmsml. If all ”In l_'H\\'S in “In \Vnrlcl simulcl clip or dry up tHanl'l'an. it. \anllll bring unlnlcl mlamit§ mum man- kiml. \Vn (‘nlllcl m‘l. alum: lwllt‘l‘ willmnt l'fllll'flallS, tlw hanks: my film mltnn vrnp. fur withnnt. tlw cow. llu- raw \wmld sickvn. dummy and finally lu-risln. May \w Mum and If slw must, wani’lnr away fin- fowl. whi'n ”lt‘ shallows liogin tn li-ngthnn in tho M'nningr, she will ho standing at “in gratin aslylngr t'm' atlmissinn. and tho (-hanw" tn yivlcl llt'l' l'it'll hurtlvn which sho has stm-ml in day- light, hmu's. 'l'lh- ('tl\\' is tlw [Muir man's ('hivl' i'vliani‘v. his ti'iml ancl ti'nstml t‘rimnl. Sh“ is il'llt‘ tn him wlwn all tlw Wurlil is mild. . . . Hm‘ miiw-i-n is tn lwlp all humanity. and thn man whn liws in a rahin with sown ti'i\\'-hmulml ('hilch'i-n in bring him juy aml puwrty. is as innvh thv iw'ipinnt nt' ilt'l' hnnnty as tlm rich man with thrm- aulumuliilvs. two «lugs and four St'l'\'fllli~‘, withmit nnv (’illlfl tn clistm'h his slum. m- ln'ing a smiln nf jny in his starving sntll. I ltt‘llt’VP that a raw lawns :2 [mar man lwst. fur hv nvmls lwt‘ must. She is a thorough democrat in hor habits and opinions. Slw gives to man and wommi and the children of all races and creods; is kind to all and favors nonn almw tho rrsl. Slip is dainty, too. in Imr tasios. She would ralhvr ditl lmforv shr- would fowl on flush. HN‘ fowl is ('low'l'. grain and snrrnloni things of tho Voge-talilo world, grass. WLUJ which God val-pols tho onrlh in liVinu irrm‘n as it. springs {rush from tho hum! of nainrv. NOTICE TO CREDITORS .2... 2:4 I ._:_:...n:... 14:. .311. :25? 1...... 5.34.» z... :32. 2:2... L... :fi. 2:; 7. 312;:â€" 2. 2. The cow is an nncrownec‘l queen «vithont a scepter. and her kingdcm is all the land hetxveen the seas. When they are sick and wasted. she raises them Up and starts them right again. Her milk is the one perfect food for young and Hill. It holds every element to sustain and st rcngthcn life. The cow works for all humanity withcmt. a complaint. and was never known to strike for higher wages. All she wants in ex- change t'or the myriad blessings that she confers is enough to eat anda place to lie clown at night . . . ‘ Many wvllfdesorvmt tribute have himn paid t0 man’s friends of the animal world. the horsv, the dog. the hints. but seldom are tho virtuvs and utility of the cow, that foster- mothor of the human vac», oxtulh-d in such impressiw phrase. as ttm fulhjm’ing. which is a part «if a longer offusion by Malcolm R. Patterson, {armor governor nt' Tennnssvez We Handle Collections Only â€"No Sideline Nothing too old. small. large or hard for us to. tackle 34 years! experience NO COLLECTIONâ€"NO CHARGE KELLY 8: AIKEN COLLECTORS Oran eville and Owen Sound Owen ound offices 169 9th St. E. Referenceâ€"Standard Bank of Canada COLLECTIONS A CLASSIC ON THE COW “Oh. I don‘t ..... xxin' 'mt." r. Lu! the pr'spvvtiw Mid-m mm. P “H'- il)‘. “l vamp Hum 2!! EU.- war wi‘h‘ out. a scratch. you know.” mc'l', "H1313! l'iml shortly. wry happy." An c-lo'lmh and a \unng mvmlwr of a wrtain (-lub mvt in ”w smuk- ing mom. l Ontario farmers ham for sears been taking heavy losses on account of growing smuttv wheat. These losses in the aggregate each season will run well oxer one million dol- lars, and we lime. known indixidual farmers who haw taken discounts of from 5 nuts to l5 rents perf bushel on from 500 bushels to 3,000 bushels. If this loss were not easily preventable, it would not he so had, but the treatment giVen lie- low is the latest, information on this sulijeet item the “Marin Am i- miltural tliilleut‘. and \\e pass it on to you in the lime that won \\il|' make use 0! it and raw ynlli'.elf the heavy discounts on smutty wheat. . Directions for Copper Carbonate Dust Treatment (lupin-r cm-lmnatv may lm svmn'ml {mm almust. any ’l‘m'nnh duulm' at 25 cvnts [wr pound clvliwro-ol. al- Hmmrh ill somn “lam-s as high as $1.25 new mum! is lwim: vharuc-d. 'I‘l111 dust 811111111! 1111 amiliwi at tho 113111 01' twn 1111 ”1111111 11111111115 111111I hlls'iwl 11f \\t111at.1’l11111 H111 111111111 (11 1111 t1°11at111l in 11 i11’tl11111l 1111 1°1.l111111 about 11 t111sl111l 111! 11 “11111. Add H111 1°111111i1°111l 1111111111” 11t' 111111111111 1°111°ii1111- 11t11 dust. 11111! “11111 r11\'11i\'11 H111 1111111- 1111! 1111 1°|1111°11 until “in dust is ”1111‘- nughly mixml with ”111 1.111 1.1111 \t't1111 this 11°11atm1111t. tti11 1.1111i11 111111 1111 haugmi 3111i smxn 1 t 1111111. 311111 |1111119 {11°11 111m 1111 tl1t11 1111111k11t t'1111111111l\inc dust 11a11i1il\1l111-g11 quantitius 11f] $11111! - ..-â€".-.-._..â€".â€".._._-_... '.â€"â€"..â€" NEW TREATIEIT ’praise her as she deserves. I hope that as we advance in knowledge. when we cease to he cruel and selfish, we will quit murdering and eating cows that have given us strength and comfort and saved our babies’ lives. When this happy day comes, I should like to see a large fund collected to build an “Old Cows' Home“ surrounded by luscious pas- tures and running water. where these old and tried friends could pass their remaining days and die in peace. m. Mr h..." “hat Vrnu Marriage Risks FOR SHUTTY WHEAT 43“] HH- ' I‘ {wlw m §~" l “'39 About. noon the father missed the boy and started to search for hiln. He continued his search without. success untl 5 p.m.. when he went to a farmhouse and phoned Port flight for assistance. Reeve McLare-n sent in a tire alarm and organized a party of about 150 men. who Searched until «tart; without. tlnding the. little ehap. The party then eame hark to Port. Elgin. returning later with lanterns. hut the thiek undergrowth macle it. initmssihle to «to mueh. though they t'ttllllnllml to search all night. At ti m-luek on Sunday 1morning. the tire alarm was minut- :(‘d again and another seareh partv ‘was organized. with the remit: that. tho lacl was loeatecl by Mr. l-‘tuum lahout 7.30 am. sitting on a tug, .The boy was none the “Mrs" lul‘ :his experienee, amt un his \\a_\ imlllt‘ fSllltl that he “hall seen men unlit! tthri‘iugh the hush \\tlll lanterns ttllll'llll.’ the night." 1“ L'“ in!“ lnlsinma for llimsc'lf in lilvnvlu and Huimwl 'l'mvnshilm ill Hl'vy Cunnty WHm‘.‘ Hawlviuh's limul Hvalth Prmhu'h in m.- mvrs. A [M‘- malmnt. praiimlolu :uul ploasant busi- ness all'your «own. Vow} liHIc' capiâ€" tal rc-quirvd. Sun m“I]Ui1'kl}.<€00!‘¥v d}. (jvrbm'. mesudt. ”Marin. U 16 3 I \\'_\.\'T A «mun, IU'IIJAHLI'I MAN 'I'II My SIIIIIIIII'tI-IIS' YIIIII‘ work I'IIII HIII ('UIISI' III’ IIIIIII- IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIal aIIlIIIII “as II'IIh nIIIgIII‘llIII-III. 'IIII- IIIIIII-Il I-IIWIIIIs «It all madv Hlll' \iI'II’II'y IIIIssilIIII. I amIIIIIIIIaIII 3IIIII' \\'IIIk aIIIl saI‘IIliIIo, and I thank 3IIII all \IIII3 IIIIII II I “II! some 3'IIII as “all as I possibly I.IIII 'I‘III- I-I'III-H} \HliI'll I'lIilIlI-I- [wrmiHI-Il In slmw In Ml'cls‘ and animals will must IIIIIIIalIh itsvll Hll llII-iri follIm moamrns at. matmit). HiclIIIIdsun. RPV. T. A. (Banding, Mvmmnito ministm' at Port Elam. wont Sal- urday to a bush lwlnnuim: to J. McArthur nu tlw (Sm-0 mad about five miles from Port Elgin to cut sump Wl-(NI fur himsvlf. He" hmk with him his (In-w-yoar-uld son, who playmi about whilv his father was cutting. Three-Year-Old ‘Boy found “to: Iany loun' Search. CARD OF THANKS Sinm-rvly His 42. MMIPHXH. PAGE 7. «~\. rt when I am Ml lac-r that ih‘t'?‘ lug: Mr H

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