Dogradinq of What by Smut Calls for Prop" Treatment 0! Seed Grain to Eradicato Evilâ€"Ontario Agricultural College Issues Stato- Fully 55700.00!) has been lost to ‘ Ontario farmers owmg in the pres- 1 awe of smut in last season’s N0. 2 i winter “heat. This estimate has ' been arrived at after an inspection of the samples of grain collected trom all parts of the Prm'im'e for use in setting the Standards for Commereial Grades of tirain fer the hat sic-awn. when it was shown that a large pet-ventage of the grain would grade below the Standard Grades. Rec-ords of oflleial inspections in the l-Zastern Division indicated that over thirty per cent. of the grain had been excluded from the standard grades. while it was expected the pereentage of the total crop would be larger. The estimate was that the presence of smut would mean a deem-used return to the farmers of the province of from live to ï¬fteen cents a bushel below the normal priee of No. 2 winter wheat. or a total loss as stated above. An Avoidable Loss Deterioration in the quality of (mini-in wheat from smut became so pronounced last year that the Grain Standards Board for the Tor- onto liistriet of the Eastern Inspec- tion Division directed the attention of the Hon. J. S. Martin. Minister of .\:x-u-ulture. to the great. import- anee ni' farmers .‘treating their seed grain t’er smut if they are to pro. duee emps to yield the largest. mun- eturs' l-‘llll'llf‘. Such treatment will mull} remnve the heavy annual kin. and to indirate \Vhat line of m'm'eolure must he followed. the Union. . :rirulturnl llnlleue. \Vlllt'll ha~ done some experimenting: ale"; th-n ltue. rec-ently iesued a stale- flu'lll. PAGE 6. lent. "'l‘ho'ro- nl'o- twn kinds 0f who'ai smut in Hntarin. namo-ly. Stinking Smut «w Hunt and ln‘msn Smut. 0f Whvat. Tho» stinking smut m' hunt was wry pro-\‘alt'nt last: war. am I Mum-t tn ho-ar that it. is prevalvnt again this ,war. jnohi'inz.r hy tho amnnnt that has otvwlopmt in nnr t'hm'k plots in *' nnr nxiwrimvntal ‘ m'k. "l'lxpo-rimpnting rmuturtml in thin t'mtmt State's during tho- past to'w yvars :mol this yvar in Untarin. tlt‘m- onstruto-ol that cnppvr carhnnatv dust is tlw must. saltisfat'tcn')‘ smut disin- lt-rtant fur tho‘ pl‘t‘VPflliOll nt' stink- ing smut our hunt nt whvat. "Inna-lions for tlw c-nppm' var- bonato- otust trvatmo'nt: 'l‘ln- dust should h» appliml :It tlw wt» of 2 «meow po'r husho'l nf wheat. Plan- thc- 2min tn he tro-atml in a bm'rvl or t'illil‘ll ahnut a lmstu-l at a timv. Actot tlp- l'o‘quirml amomnt ut' cuppm‘ Pat'lelitit‘ olust anal lho'u rmvlw‘ lht' harwl ur churn until tlu- dust. is lhm'nuuhly mixml with lilt' grain. .mm- this trmltmo-nt lho- grain may lw imam-oi allot suwn at "new. This Im'thwt nt applyim.r â€in dust im'nlws murh tim.- amt iaiml’ it' largo. mum- (flip-s nt' 2min :n'o‘ twaitml. Machinvs It? lmw Mn tho- mul'ko‘t. lmwo'Vt‘l'. for applying olnst rapidly tw‘lzu'un ï¬llfllltttlo'ï¬ 0f St‘o‘tl, “Stinkmg b0 pro-\‘vmt't ï¬lutml form rctivns fur 91 I'm sulut'mn "Silliixlli: mint â€1' hunt mm also} 1‘!" tn- pro-\o'uto-et h)‘ ~§il‘titi\|iii£ with a; Machliuil maim'itv. 192.") diiiitmi tut-nizihu solution. 'i'hv div-1, )lzicphail ninjorit'v. 1926 m'tit in Mr ‘Pi'iliki‘li'.’ \\ 1th a t'nrma-t ' hit ~"i|ii|o'ti til'o' ft“ t'..lln\\g; i amover ".\i'\ unv tiilti nt' 'Hi'ltiiiiiii with| (UN) :I‘HHH.‘ nt' \\';|to‘l'. i’lm't' HIP? L .- .......................... 120 L'l'fllli 1.. i... typutpd m “ iit‘iili â€n “i L'. ........................... 7'2, t'ii'flli iimir, Sprmklv Hui i"’i'flifliitti 3i. ........................... 97 sutnti. ii mni' thn :t'mu. tho-n showoi _'I ................. . ......... 87 tht' :i'mu iutn illiH’ito'i' win so us to J. ........................... 8:3 nil\' it thui-tmghh; tlii-n stil'inklpl :3 ........................... 57 anot "iIHM‘i ziuuiu. Rviwnt this opium; a ........................... 78 «(ton until vVi-i')‘ main is ninistvumig _._. by tho mlutinti. .liiat t‘llnugh hf tho 596 solution should tw amiiiml to thor- Campbell majority, 1925 214 Mtxhh' \Vo-t v\'o‘i‘}' grain. hut nut_ Edwards majority, 1926 «(much to mako tho grain \Vt't- and â€"â€"â€"=â€"_ sappy. ln ti‘ontiuu small quantitios. [f 1003,, smut is bad, and it is im- iriso iii-nimi't‘mnal zillintfijiis Int' the â€â€33â€,“, to 59mm 69011 free from 0mm in iotutii‘iu. .\t‘ of tin grain infi'tion ' - i 3 has ho‘o‘n thoroughly sprinkled. ,iï¬tgibnqh' 31:91:13} 110): 31:31:88? “:0 tug that haw horn ~~‘iii'iukimi with Wntm- Troatmont l ‘ ‘ m' 'lnlikt‘ti in a formalin sohttion ' and town.- for throw Hl' t'nui' tmurmt At n..- .‘n.i ..i‘ this mm, spruait tho-inn fume ‘3 “0" â€â€œ6330“ min nut think to ch-v. 5‘th '1 it! . .. _, _ , . :H'l' â€il't‘o' 01' fmit‘ tinio-s to haiflo'ni h‘mflttdt}. '0 HIP PODlilal' "plum“ tho ih'Viug Foi'tv 23110th of tho†at air-tiaiisportation '5 thromoly 'tormaliu solution I is siiftit-iiint mii'f‘l'llous """?*’=“ statistics “1“?" 31'" shriuktv hotwm‘u tit't\' and sixtviltthmta‘kabip Inasmuch as they .3‘9'9 buaho'ia of main - . i .a onl) on? (loath in a million " ' ' IMIN‘S is tho ofï¬cial rocord in forty- Avoid Wot. Sony Grain tar-v0“ months proceding Juno 1. n i ' . "Thu objm'tiou to treating with ""9““? that fenOd- “97 9389911- formaliu solution is that "INT is ;‘:;9a:‘;1rr?::ia 1:03?“ deJXDl‘e-S: grout danger of injuring tho vitality . , 0 [9 “('9 0 ot‘ ttw s‘t‘ml. It. is not wise to use 353:3 miles m “'5'“ “31118 hm}?!- formalin solution stronger than t '66:)“ ‘3 started "3'3"?“ 691. M thh mm to 30 gallons. and cam must in" . WPâ€. complete-(1,. Thoro were taken not to apply too much of it indenty-six crushes With bllt two ac- to tho grain. To secure satisfactory 3: outs. to â€MWL Ibo-so ï¬gures results. just onough of the formalin pre â€â€9““, 33 “'9 I tilted .Stues solution should he applied to moist- gsaynswgm' ofï¬ce 8! Falrfldcy on any grain. but not enough to 0' ' ’9 9“ ‘0 Owning!» of your. make it wet and soopy. WM Dullâ€. Whmh aye now 9:. “Loose smut of who“ cannot. be tens“ ely used for ““7!“ Ofï¬cers, , - - - -uA- .L- -“A «an. M and parcels 0f Impomnce, Avoid Wot. sappy Grain "l‘ho- whim-lion tn trwating with? formalin sultitinn is that tht'm' is grt'ill danger or injuring the vitality of the ‘t‘t'tl. It is nut wise to use formalin solution strnnger than 1‘ hint to 30 gallons. and rarn must he- taken not to apply too much of it to the grain. To secure satisfactory results. just enough of the formalin solutiun should he applied to moist- en ewry grain. but not enough to make it wet and sappy. “Lonse smut of wheat cannot be prevented by treating the seed with bluestone or copper carbonate dust. The easiest way of avoiding loss from this smut is to secure seed from a ï¬eld or district where loose amt is not present. Such seed would produce a crop free from this smut. Two Kinds of Smut Another lethod m alsn Returning Ofï¬cer J. N. Perdue of number of ballots cast may have Holland has nltleially declared Miss had constdel'aple t0 (10 With It. In . . .. the election Just past, there were “3"†"' 3'3“““3'L "gum†“a†2.153 more votes cast than in the with L728 majority. Miss Macphail‘s 1925 for both candidates was 11,897; [.mjnrity in the election last October this year there was a total of was L407. aml while her actual ma- 15,051). There was a total number jun-ity on the Mth inst. is 321 in of â€.078 votes cast. but. of these â€â€˜1...“ “f the 1937, vote. the largerl‘28 were rejected as spoiled ballots. It 10030 smut is bad, and it is im- pussihlo to secure semt free from infm-tinn. it may be necessary to vstahlish a seed plot. and treat the «ml with .lvnsen's Modiflpd Hot Urangv Vallvy . Flusho-rton Ward Proton Station Ceylon Priceville . . . . .. Vandelour . . . . . . Eugenia Portlaw ... . . . . . You can‘t estimate a woman's weight by her sighs. Tobermory ..\ ..... Clark’s ........... .. Hutton Hill ....... Allan Park ........ Campbell's‘ Corners Lamlash ........... Louise ............ Elmwood .......... Macphail majority, 1925 )lanhail majority. 1926 Macyhail majority, 1925 Mm-plmil majm'ity. 1926 Miss Macphéil’s Ofï¬cial Majority 1,728 clamplwll majority. Marphail majnrity. Nurth Ward . East Wan-cl .. \\'o~.~'t \Vzml .. Hzmwhr ll mujm ih. 1‘.-.) I‘IoNaI-ds mujnl'ity. H26 .153...» 2.... 3.53:2. . 2:743: . . . . . 4.54.: . . . . . . . :25. 12.2%. _:._:..<.... . . . .. It is wise to know when to let » before you take hold. Camplwll majwrity. 1925 Edwards majnrily. 1926 Hih'lliï¬s .. Mom Markclalv ‘ .\l v Kvm. i 0's 'l‘nwnship l tlamplwll mujurity. 1925 Edwards majnrit}; l926 Hill lrk 0......COOOCCOO l's‘ Corners majm'ity. 1926 \Ym'ol Hall . Anomosia Chatsworth Bentinck Dundalk Plesherton Egremont Durham Glenelg Camp M ac 1925 ' 126 H3 768 444 THE DURHAM CHRONICLE 121 In.‘ .’ ( 7|. 0) 1‘ Edw Mac 3|?» 167 81) 12M MO 113 H?) 391 1. Arnott ........ 2. Walter’s Falls 3. Berkeley ..... 4. Maggie ....... 5. Holland Centre 6. Massie ........ Campbell majority, Edwards majority, Alsfeldt ....... Ayton Ward .. Neustadt Ward Hampden ...... Blyth's ........ McPhon’s ...... Robinson's ..... Carinpbeu majority, 1925 231 Edwards majority, 1926 Macphail majority, 1925 Edwards majority, 1926 .\I'tvmv.~'ia “Mltim‘k . «lhalswm‘th Dumlalk ‘ Durham .‘ Em'vmnnt Floslwrtnn Hlmwlg Hannw-r Holland .. Mal'kdzllp Nc‘ustaclf . Nurmanby Osprvy Pmtnn Sullivan \\’m-vham Malxwvll . . .. FM'vl'shum Singhamptcm Mrlntyrv . .. RH}. Roy .... Badjvrt‘vs . . . Huthm'tnn Mawhail majnrit)’. 192-5 Marphail majority,†19:6 Chatswnrth Ward INH‘WH'II . . . . . . . Kvady . . ........ . Peabody . . . . . . . . . Doshm'n Macphail majm-ity. 1925 Edwards majority. 1926 Mncphnil majwl'ity, 19°23 Macphnil majnrity. 1926 Marphail maï¬rity. 192.3 Mavphail majority, 1926 land the actual number of votes al- lowed was 14.050. In the ofï¬cial list given below, for the sake of comparison, we give the results in last October’s election as well. and our readers can therefore make their own comparisons and form their own conclusions. In the 1921 election, the total number of ballots cast was 13,956. Normanhy Iarkdalo Holland Ronstadt Osprey Sullivan 110 341 110 329 117 75 148 70 212 04 213 47 l 124 168 112 79 39! f, Pat: 0i was thinkin’, Moike. it would be a foine thing if a man could know the tuimp an†place he was goin’ to doi. _4___â€"-‘ mo' 'm' 90 ' 711239981 1.33"" 20 do y‘n. Pat: Faith (Di wouldn't. tux--12" Mike: r. “Wâ€! 33, ‘m- C phwat good would that 001' of mo u fucsdl“ of I ma) he ma oflice. Mr. (1 locatv d branch ‘30 m DRS. JA! (“Tum rm: Ilu'o vast k “with": St hflm. (â€TIN 8 pm. (031* Gratin 00le â€NW k. Physiman Ltmlflun ‘ll‘t .te l'anM‘si tested and 1' 2 to 1’» um. CICOD‘M‘. Hounx' out“. (6 Suruvu Ill H' Black. I. L. SUITE, I. 8., II. C. P. (Mice and residuum mm Clllnh'ss and Lanumun Nun-21' jibe old PM! (Minna ml‘u-o- 9 to 11 um 1.30 tn 6 p (11.. T H] (SUlidlys vxcvmvd . ’ as. w. c. ncxcnmc (DWIW', uu'l‘ .I. .x J. MI Durham. Innarm. Clll CO! In 30â€â€ -““ barn WM“ ‘ 51311113.“. 7â€â€œ p‘tpnï¬ifl" “'8“ “’aior For furthv Willium St! DI'RHA on Tm“ U H [n \V Outer frame wnnqsnvu weli It dnor; now this farm. mak! (um. This pro right to quirk pl. ticulnrgnm‘ny at C. G. AND BESSIE MCGILI 122- PURE! new lode: Phone Kiln!Sd liar! J. I‘. GRANT. D. D M CASH \\'H of four. '11 Biturday n 25 cenh. n will he ma. HIDDLBBBO'. SPERBMA IXDDLBBRO‘ H" “ufldly. September 23 of UN Barristers H mt 1“ 124 A R318. FOR John Adwm Dena: hr DR. A. I. BELI JAMIESON Classified LUCAS HENRY ’ed 11 M D00 tirln s. (m made Chiroprac n mm W Ith "I an Solicitor 017600" U an H hom I5 JAII DONALD l\ [On To 1H