The 'l‘c-achvrs‘ conwntion is being held this Thursday and Friday‘ in Markdzile. This will mean several more holidays for the pupils. Almost everyone is nursing a very bad cold these days. Mrs. Thomas Ellis 0-! Salem spent a pleasant afternoon with Mrs. Mc- Mullen last Tuesday. Miss O’Reilly had a summons last week to her home, as her father was very sick. We trust that he is on the road to recover!- Miss Agnes Orchard spout the m-ok-vnol at her homv near Mount I'm-est. Liebnlol Bros. are busy doing some cementing. Joe Sohoon of Pike Lake is helping them. (Our Own Correspondent) (mr wvathrr is nice» and warm now. We must be having Indian summer. cello'nt training. Many frnm this q-nmmunity al- tendml tho,- ammc-rsury svrvicm in the Mulnrk Baptist church on Sun- day morning and vwning and mjoy- ed the address†delin‘rvd by Rev. Mr. Taylor of Durham. Blyth. nur to-urho'r. i in Ulo' marrhina and shuwiug Hf physical c Bentim'k Srhuul Fair gratulah- .\lr. Hvrmal securing third plac schools. His pupils cellrnt training- Mr. Ray .‘lctllm'klin Hf Zion Visited Sunday with his sisto'rs. Mrs. Wm. (lampho-ll and Mrs. Frank 'l‘wamlvy. 'l‘lw \lisso-s Flynn and Srau'lmr- "ugh 4)! Hanover, Messrs. Walter and Tan: Sc'alo-s and Miss Lizzio- Ho‘nclo-r- s0". nf num- Hannwr, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Howrgv flash» and th» Ho-nolo-rsnu family. Mr. Edgar Boyce. and son, Bever- li-y. aro- spi-mling a couple of days visiting at Mrs. Buyer's formvr homo' in Brant. Crawford (Our Own Correspondent) .\l:'. and Mrs. Andrew Parks and olzumhh-r Lillian, ut’ Allan Park. spo-nl. Sunday Visiting .\II'. and Mrs. (Brown ll. THI'I'V. Mr. and Mrs. Hai'wy Crispin and family spo-nt Sunday last with Mr. and Mrs. Jamcs Park. Last Sunday Slll’l'ial sci'Vici-s wcl'n cono‘lnch-ol in tho- Anglican church, aflcrnmm and cvcning. The church was ho-aulifnlly (lo-curated with grain. lruil. anal \'«-go-lalilo-.~i. and tho- pcws “'Pl'l' all lillml with maple. Rcv. Mr. .\|lislnn cunoluclml lho- awr- \icc.-t and w-i-lainly olclivo-rml :1 \mn- do-rl'ul niwsngo- l'le’h limc. .\II'. and Mrs. Victor )lvtcalfu spept Sunday anon-nun" with the) Inttm"s pun-ms. Mr. and Mrs. \Villiam Kerr. Miss Eva Hallman of Hannvor is sponding a fmv wc-eks in this burg brim; urolo'ro-al by "In chwtm' t0 gnto Hm wuntr)’ fur awhile. We are also sorry to report the sudden sickness of Mr. (I. Eberth from an attai-k of appendicitis. He was at Mr. Everett's home inquiring as to his rendition when the attack seized him with the usual tremen- dous pain. He went home and on calling a doctor soon had the pain somewhat relieved. On Sunday he was improved and more so Mon- day morning but by Monday evening he was not so well and was taken to the Hanover Hospital where a suc- cesful operation was performedand we are glad t0 note that he is now doing Well. Threshing machines are humming on all SNIPS of us. Th» men report the» thrPshings as being almost un- bearable for dust. We aro sorry to roport Mr. Ed. Everett’s misfortune. While as- sisting Clayton Davis catch a horse last Friday evening tho- horso held by Clayton iwcamv swarm] and sprang into tho» air throwing him and in somo manm-r also struck-Mr. Everett. Just what happened is not yet known but Mr. Everett was the loser as Iw is now glittering with two broko-n ribs and a cracked ono. Mr. Kaufman is mingling his PAGE 8. imagratnlat inns (Our Own Correspondcm) St‘huul Fair. “'0 also CH!!- Mr. Ho-rman Bio'l'WOl'Ul on third place among the His pupils (no shnvwd 0x- Calderwood Minus tn Miss Ruby tmu'ho-r. in swring high him-I and 8150 in the line physical orxvl'cisos at thn my; Wu imliw that, thn 'l‘rawrstnn mi'i-o-spuuulvnt. has i'vsumvd his ohi DHUI'U'I' as a \Vi'itvi'. aiul aftm' his do- !‘mt. says that ha clcwsn't lose any ~’lm~[i HW'I' his I'aihu'v. His Oppon- o'nis in ,‘It'lH‘l'ill wish him success in the. olulii's ath-mhng his large busi- nrss us a farms-r. \\'o- \wn- plvasml to movt Mrs. .ln'. Dixnn ut’ Calgary, um: Man-y illlvn .\lc.\i'thui', cialighh-r of the late .lnhn McArthur of l’ricvvillc. Mrs. “iXHll was i'vmiluiml of (hp days of hvr girlhuml in “in old town and many of hm' girl rhums 81'" now in many instances mnthvrs. Her mnthor, Mrs. \\'aih-. is living with hor. 'l‘lw m'tlm- of the (lay in general is llm‘shing. 'l‘lw Ne'wvll Bros. are on tlm Balm! Hill lino“. while. Colin Mo [man is taking Up the Durham Road, Hlmwlfl. Ilnnwlaints are that the grain is light. vspvcially Hats. Fall wlwat has a lino. amwaranm‘. \Ve llHlll'Nl a lie-lal Hf Mr. David Robin- sun's. :u'l'nss llu' 1‘08â€. has a ï¬ne- hulking illlpl'ill'illlcl'. anal ullwrs just. as gnul. 'l'he maples are. turning to the shades of fall. the ï¬elds are begin- ning to be in readiness for a coming year by being ploughed in many in- stances, so the weary farmer has strong faith in the promises given by the Creator, firmly trusting that. their lot may be engaged in the duty entrusted to them year after year. All have strong hopes, al- though somewhat discouraged this year by a failure. in the crops; btit still trusting that the year 1927 will be a prosperous one. But we. must. pass on. giving some of the passing events hf the. season. The seasons are swiftly passing by and as an nld colored man said in a rhyme, "The fall 0b do, year comes in October. and I am sometimes Hrunk and sometimes sober,†and he lay down to have a nap in his oid hut U) got sober. Glenelg and Priceville (Our Own Correspondent) Mr. Editor. it is some. time since yuu hc-ard from us and this Tuesday, Hctubm- 5. we are trying to collect sumo matter for T he Durham Chroniclv. house and making preparations for moving on to our line. The children at Nenagh are enâ€" joying somv holidays at present, as thvir teacher is on the sick list. Mrs. .lnhn Vase-y, avvnnlpaniml by Miss Hvrtl'udo- Kc-nm-dy, altonchrd tho cmnwnticm 01' thu Catholic \Vomcn's me'uv at I’l'l‘stllll. as «lvlvgulvs from St. Paul's church lll'l'f‘. Wu arv :ill wry sorry to hear of Mr. .lamvs Sullivan being ill at pro- Si‘nf. ’l‘hv annual hc-e-f-rim: nun-ting was “PM! Saturday owning. all llu- oll’i ('l'l'b‘ l'm' llw cuming yval' lwing ap- poinlml. including Mr. '1'. 'l‘m'nlmll as lmlchvr. Mr. and Mrs. 'l'. Johnston of Bzu'l'in \‘isitml frivmls and rvlativcs hum for a t'vw (lays. Dornoch (Our Own Correspondent) 'I‘lw mnnthly tum-ling: of Hm I’m-sâ€" hylc-riau “2M5. was lwlcl Mmulay with a full altvnduncv. Misse-s Nmah :mcl \gnvs Sullium 01 (Non Scmml wont. the “wk-end at. Hu'il' hnmv lH‘l'l'. Mr. and Mrs. Archie McArthur attended the funeral of the late Mr. John McArthur, Priceville, on Fri- daya last. Mr. and Mrs. David Lamb motm'ml in Blomlu-im Saturday to spend tho wovk-vnd with thi‘il' daughtm', Miss Mary. who is touching thorn. '1‘. Francis. cattle buyer, Hano‘ wr. was in this burg Monday. Mrs. David Lamb spent an after- noon recently with Mrs. Dugald Clark at the Rocky. (Our Own Correspondent) Miss Ruby Hoslctt of the N. B. 0., and friend, Miss Miriam Johnston of Owen Sound, merit the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. James Heslett. The funeral of the late Miss Brid- McArthur of the Glen, Glenelg, last Friday, was one of the largest seen for some time, he being an old resi- dent of some 76 years on the Durham Road, Glenelg. He was familiar with the many residents of the place. He was buried beside his wife in the old cemetery at Priceville. The Rev. Mr. McCormick, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Sutherland, preached the funeral obsequies. Mr. McArthur was an old Presbyterian and while able to attend his place in the church was seldom vacant. The con- dolence of many friends goes to the bereaved family in the loss of their aged parent. but hopes she will be around again Mr. Thomas Nichol is progressing fast on the good roads on the other side of Maxwall. Aberdeen THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Mrs. William Goddvs of Hanover visilml Mrs. H. Lamont last Sunday. RM'. M 1‘. Cross of Toronto conduct,- ml Hm se‘n‘vicvs in the Prvsbytel'ian church last Sabbath. Mrs. Archor of 'l‘m'ontt‘b is spand- im: :1 t'vw «lays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John ($al's4‘m. Mr. Gordon Koch spent the week- end in Allonford. Miss Floyd was in Owen Sound over the weekâ€"end. Mr. and Mrs. George Fenian had as guests last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. R. J’ontnn and sun nf Port, Elgin. Mr. Hildyaml was in Harriston last Saturday attonding the High and Continuation schoul convention. Mr. George Hostottcr loft Saturday fur the wvst, whore he will continue his work as commercial traveller. Mr. C. Lucas, manager of the Bank of Montreal here, returned on Tuesday evening after spending three weeks with relatives at Hali- but-ton andnthor points. Miss M. Swanston spent a week wvnnlly with her nephew, W. Hors- hurgh, near Fordwich. Miss Gilmour of Burgessville spent a few days recently with Mr. and Mrs. A. Hunter. (Our Own Correspondent) Rev. C. Jay, wife and little son, left for Toronto Monday to attend the missionary convention, to be held in Massey Hall Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Miss Maud Boyd is remaining in Toronto, where she has accepted a good position. Mrs. Cameron, son and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Barlow of Glen Williams, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer 'I‘ratl‘ord, Mr. and Mrs. Rey Trafl‘ord of town, Mr. and Mrs. James Miller of the Rocky, and Mr. and Mrs. John Boyd, all spent a day recently with Mr. and Mrs. Herb 'l‘rafl'ord. Miss Genevieve Eadie has return- ed to her home in Toronto, where she is attending the Normal school. Mr. and Mrs. John McKechnie mo- tored t0 Meafm'd and spent a few days with friends there. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kenny spent a day recently with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Horst, near Elmwood. A (Our Own Correspondent) Mrs. Neil McKechnie is visiting her son, Mr. Dougald McKechnie, in Durham. Homtein The 28th annual meeting of the Edge Hill beef-ring was held at Mr. Robert Ector’s on Tuesday evening, with a good attendance of members present. The President. Mr. D. Rob- inson, occupied the chair. The av- Miss Rubena Little of Dundalk is yisiting her uncle, Mr. Robert. Ecmr. Edge Hill (Our Own Correspondent) Miss Marjorie Ritchie was home from Owen Sound over the week- end. Mrs. Adam Anderson is visiting friends in Palmerston. Mr. and Mrs. George Ritchie spent the beginning of the week with his brother, 'Mr. John Ritchie, Holland. Mr. George Woolis of the 10th of Egremont passed away Wednesday morning. He was stricken with par- alysis about ‘a week ago. Miss Elda Manary went to Toronto last week to Spend a few days with her sister and other relatives. Messrs. Percy Whyte and Colin McArthur of Detroit spent a week here recently with rehrtives. I A- was reorganized {or 1927 with the following officers: President. Thom- as Ritchie; Secy.-’l‘reas., Cecil Mof- fat; Auditors, Robert McFadden, Jag, Atkinson; lnsliectors, Albert MeNal- ly, Victor Williams, Robert Ectm'. Mr. Thomas Turnbull, who has hem the butcher during the 28 years, has been again appointed for 1927. The rules are practically the same this year and the ring is to commenen the second week in June. Some folks who have common sense think it is too common tn usu. erase weight of the beef for the mfg- ‘ 51â€"_ --.-- vvâ€"vâ€" " son was ‘22 pounds. After winding up the business for 1926, the rim: Annâ€" ..-:Al. 1 I... NEARLY READY FOR T W D990 in (‘anmm ' 21.": re‘turuvd zmvr if um:- «we not DrOSIM-l'o‘d. \ftwr l jobs and morn nun. his lard luck, he) is 714' W11, where a rich prowl-ed to look after III wife and tour vhlldrel at mum In strum HAD NO LIX i I The world was t: mm. “898 of Ull‘ (i'c-al wary of Michavl If!» the Victoria (fuss 3nd wiping our an out of Got-mm nip \\ INN 50TH WEDDING [1 WIN†0 \\ VOL. 59.-,\'U .zu It. and In. Were Harri 9th of this. Then Wlu cim’u. M for 0c