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Durham Chronicle (1867), 4 Nov 1926, p. 5

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Variety Store EQQATS ins This Week Wham. Ontario »o--o- .- o 0- o- o-~o- r'fi-O-W Wear Store o o -o--O-'O--O»-O--W , LAST numy FIBERS [)3V . o~ o~ OHOuO-W \N 83 0| held \\ titled, "A u ham ” <0 Inc-lions -'|| *Chool by Els§o ertiso h fl)» 3!. 3'” KID. $3.98 $1.49 $1.00 69c IN" 750 39c X‘S’S‘S‘ 10c wading ' the v pro- -. quite - was Maxie 21H- \V as and the in WILL sumu'r nuw ' ron ADDITION 'ro numun men scnoox. Thursday, November 4, mo lowed to charge 80 per cent of the total amount expended in paying ott debentures issued to pay for per- nianent improvement and providing the interest payable upon such d9. Iti‘llt-Ul't‘s. This will include the building program, the cost of an ex- tra teacher if Fourth form work was taken up, and other mainten- ance expenses. The expenditure of $25,000, for which debentures would be issued u\o'l' a period of 20 years, would mean that,there would be an ap- lil'tinlllfltt‘ outlay of $1,500 a year. «if this. based on the attendance this your. the Province would pay $270, the County $270, and, with an "extral maintenance" grant of 3500 would brim: the amounts of the various «grants up to $1,040 to meet the $1,500 debentures. The building of the addition would also mean more to the town as a school centre. With the taking up of Fourth Form work and the lwllel' aerommodation for the First and Seroud Form work, there was e\'el'_\' reason to helieVe that there would be an influx of High School pupils from the surrounding dis- lrlrts'. and on each of these there \\Hllit| be. based on last year's til."- m-esagrant of $95 fi'onitlietiounty In: Hrant said that he had it on the lwsl authority lhattherewere at least. teupupils hnwgoing toother sehools who would prefer and rould have been set'lll’ed for Durham Sehool had it been able to take rare of them. In'. (Brant «than with thn result shnulol tlw hyhm 1m wutod down at thv .lamuam elect 0115. He said that thus would he a calamity in mow “aw than mw. (wanted that the late pawt's dvcidml tn not make the i-o-quo-stml addiiiun. there wem se- wral things that. could happen, and \wuhl happen. Them was a big mlruuce class mming this year. l’l'im-ipzil Graham has a reputation fur passing pupils. and with a class ml :58 this year it was. quite poss- nhlo- that lm would duplicatn other yl-ars and pass 100 per cvnt. These \wulcl all haw to he accommmlalml in llw High Svhuul lwxl year. This \wulol mvan that with the: extra pupils the" High School woultlwhe |'II| ""' ".. -__U__ ,_ - uw-i'crowdmt audit. was possible that «wen the Third Form might him- tn ho dune away with. 'l‘hv mattm' should be looked upoxt twin :1 business standpoint. and Di.‘ Hmnt thnught. it. wry likolv that shut-Hy lhv Board would hfl ailmwd‘ tn chargw up 100 per Hint. of the rust ut' dobvntures and interest. to Hm mmnty. Considgnhlo Discussion tlt is not thv iiitt'ntimi this Wonk tn _'_'n intu thv mattvr more fully, as \w haw twithvr the facts 1101' the tiuim-s- tn makv or prove. state.- nio-uts. those illl't'ad)’ giwu haVing how-n lilkt‘" dnwn from Dr. Grant's address. \thn tlw mattm' vamn up lwt'm'i- thv timuu'il lllldt‘l’ the [wad- ing of Hwnvral liiisiiws‘s. hmwvei'. ”It'l‘t' was quit" 3 Int. 01' discus- siun. .\.~' is usual with a matter of NIH kind,’ sunw \Vm'v 't'or‘mnd othm-s \wrv ‘against’. thmigh the lattvr expressed themsvlvcs favor- Al-_._. l“n. “'0' l1 ligun flh'lll: bc‘t'll addn bel‘or ing ‘ Uh‘l't pilp H “'85 { pupil with. “‘10 County paid for only 6011 mes. Last war thv County gr was around 85.00“. \\'ith no cnu pUpils‘ in attendanco‘b this would withdrmwn. It. haul already I) shuwn hat the buliding H! the 3 000 aohhtinn (th cost . to the tc ‘ ‘â€" Anhn.\." ”W" II'IIIIII"I| up \\'Hlt|ol lw in tho noigliborlmml of $2.3M a war. It was thou up to tho town to build tho addition. pay tho $2.34"! a your, or. slow illt‘ school to county pupils and pay 33.0“) a your. In this manner tho town \wulil bo fostering a .\'o. 3 grade or won-w school and paying mom or liming in its midst. a .\'o. 1 grade whom! and paying $2.500 annually. In tho discussion that followed sumo of tho members of the Council \wro rathor dubious about submit- ting the bylaw, not caring to talaml tho responsibility. but it was again; shown that this was a wrong im-{ pres-non. In not submitting the hvlnw thov were taking it upon bros-won. In um mm........_ bylaw they wvrn taking it upon‘ tho-nisvlws to (tony Durham l'l‘Hpt‘i' whiratinn fat'ilitim whilo‘ in al- lowing it. to go before the [maple thny were placing thn matter squarely before the pmipln. who. if tho-y qioii‘oiatm'l thv bylaw. wore thwmwlvvs t'osimnsihiv fni' anything that might follow as a result. Tho? Schnnl Art. anyway. gaw no alter- native. l'pon the request. of the school board it was imperative that the election {or municipal officers. loud-O lull.” lastly Agufl from the discussion at the His 943th extension the mines: Hi run-s to I vnts. thus own takvn Idl'css. \\ 'IOI'L‘ “w I g of (3011' wrv was on. \s i4 [is kind, 300 a war. “n to build 2000 a .\ NW (Continued from page Date“ a Calamity prvssed themsvlws favor- tlw idea. other than that ught the byiaw would bu at thn oluctions‘ next. Jan: then up to tho" -. . llllnn, pay tho of the tunnel] was mostly of a rou- W, tn“ “1“...” tincnz’iturc. .\ comnuluication \yus Pa" $3.000 a rowelwil trim the Bartman (10.. cr .thv town \ylnch recently repaired the Gara- | No. 3 “admin-am street bruit-'0. t’lisclaiming any payinc $4110” l't‘Sl‘mllSllllllt)’ lor loss of business (I 5.0.] grams to UN" lxelsey Sill'llt) thl'OU ll glass 500 annually. having been broken by )lasling. , ‘ They had repaired all the glass 7 lmpfl'fllvo broken. but. saidlllat they would that followed not [my the alleged 8100 business ”f the Council loss claimed by Mr. Kelsey. ahout submit- A claim for refund of taxes was caring to take received .from the Presbyterian t it was again ~ongregzatIon. This was for some a wrong im- 319 pald on the property on Lamb- ibmitting m.) ton street purchased from Mr. aking it upon Oscar Hahn. The Council took no action, and in the discussion it was nninipd out that the only property w---a . dos-I , A“ the drtoctivos of llction, from tho Sht-‘l'lqck Holmos down should be IOX- mobilized for the solution of the work ")OSt I'Hmantic jewel theft of our item. “In“. The temporary loss of ”Mona Lisa" from the. Louvre was a great- for 01' sensation. of courSe. than tho asuml Stfilling of any more JOWPI, but as a 'ouldipmm“ it was a little commonplaco. ap_|\\:hvroas the tlwft 0f . the famous war. (hamnncl. the "Grand Londo. trom ithis tho ‘troasurc- towor of the chateau 270 nt Lhantnllxhas all the pictures- Elxtl'd QUL' accessorws that could ho asked toulcl for, including tho scaling of walls, Pious tho crossing of a \\'ltlt_' (moat, and the L the asvvnt 0t tho towor to the window Iot' the troasurv chamhor. Probably . ._ '“HPSP allllqllo‘ «It'fl'nct's dill nut, “t“m'amuunt to much against. an ontor- mm‘lprisim: fllltli-rontur)’ burglar, thoy :kalb’ : enrich tho. plt‘t-lll'o‘. Firi? Tl!“ trm- t'oumlvr of the school of was ‘; (lo’lm'tivo fiction clofaliru.r with stolvn ,‘Jl'Wt‘ls was “llkie- Collins. avhnsn l howl. "'l'hv Moonstcmv.” remains tho my ln'st. _Hl’ lt5.81b6‘t'lt'.~‘. lt, hail littln or ‘ Hmlhlng Ht tho lwcular ancl ingon- I'.|| ‘ ' ‘thl0'l‘l IIHHB lm'lllllt‘tll llltjtllml tit‘YlStHl by iunla I PM“ “'“it'h llnnan lhwle took nwr ‘ ialnmst unaltvrml. hut, \Vilkio Collins ' iwas a taro-at. tvrhnirian and skillc'll ‘Hi ”I“ art. of throwing dust in tho loyo-s of his roacloér. Count y L’ grant cc an’ t 0\\' ROMANTIC mm 0F “GRAND count-z" n . In "The )lcujinstone" \Vilkio Col- lins was fortunate also in exploit- Ing for the tirst time in tiction the romance and mystery of famous gems. and it. may he remarked Eng- land only a few generations before had been hroughl. into Contact. with this phase of the Orient by its con- quest of India. It is not generally realized that until modern times there were few notable diamonds in western countries. and most of those were the subjects of wild legends much like the one used in “The .\loonstom-." "Historians usually in- sist." says an eminent autlwrity, ”that the great diamonds of the past served in the beginning of their history as eyes for an idol from which they were plucked by some knaw or looter, and started on similar courses of adventure until they arrived at the hands of definite knowledge." In the 18th century a llnod of diamonds began to pour into England as a result of the conquest of India. where they were freely I used in lieu of money as a means of gsending remittances. Pitt. as gover- nm- of Fort Heorge. sent many in this way. His name is assmriatml with the "Regent." ranking 12th amoni: the great diamonds. amnng the great diamonds. Oriental Glamor Dispolled It was bought for the crown jmw‘ls Hf Franc“ and during the w- wdutiun was stulvu. being l'o'j'CM'tu'HI a yoar latm- hiddvu in a hole. hon-d in a limhm- in a garret, says “10‘ Sm-ingtio-M Repuhlh'au. Napulmm wurv it in the poan of his sword who-n ho- was crnwnml as ampol'or and it. was varriml 0H“ and ruhn'nml in snwral suhquuvnt politival up- hvanals: it is still in the pussc-ssion nl' HM Frvnrh Hmw-rnnwut. It was thv systmnath- vxploitathm 01' thu livlds of Brazil and hum of Snuth Afr“ which «lislwllo-d the Urivntal gl 1m- attavhim: to great .hamnncis and pOpularizml a tradv \VhiPll had. for th:- Illns', part hm-n (‘¢)llfill(_'¢l m prim-vs anal [mto_-lltatvs. "Nut. until tho- .Iiswwry uf minus in South Afrh'a" says «Iallvlhg "did liumpn m-nnil'o' I'Pm'lx' stone‘s 01' a size 5111'- ulflfior autumn and pepularizo l'm' “Iv nw-t. princvs and 1» “In oli.~'(‘U\'o'l')' .\1'riva" says 113110110, “11111 liurolm acquirv fruclx- stones of a size suf- liicivnt to have thvm recorded :nnnng thn cekflwaUmL No“' the mnnstm' gmns 0f the Orient. that. have long boon rankvd anunu; “H‘ world's wonders are fast. Dreaming nudgnificant zunong Nu) tunnerous larger ones!’ Thvro is no mnro famous diamond fm- oxamplo, than the Koh-i-noor, yvt it now ranks hut 17th among the) grant atoms. with but 106 carats. as compared with 516 for the; larger t‘ragmo-nt «if the l’iullinan diamond. Originally it is supposed to have weighed 186 carats, but] much was lost whom in 1852 it. “'83“ rocut to brilliant form. Nor is it ronsido'rml hy exports vi the fixmst color 01' quality. having: a gri-yish! tingc- and living tun shallow for trnnl hrillianry. Perhaps by modern standards thn tl'aml Cumin, stoten Tuesdav from the Chateau de Chan-i t i inrtion, and in the discussion it. was: pointed out that. the only property nut subject in tax was the property .on which the church building stood. The Queen street church paid taxes on their parsonage. Knox on the i manse and the Anglicans on the Ireelory. The property in question wagon an altogether different lot from the church building and there war no law whereby it. could be reJ funded. The Red Cross Memorial Hospital was refunded $47.50 taxes, this being but an annual request which has al- _ .I L... 1‘... A‘.‘nfl;‘ tinwv and brifiiam-y MamlaI-ds T uesday l’u‘ i“l alllluuu Ik‘iscvâ€"r- ._ ways been received by file council and graqtpd. The Finance Committee passed bills mounting to 81,311.“. ‘ “The Moonstone” Size Is Sacrificed naturally bring; reluctant to sacri- tiru tho sue. of a bu: stone) for tho. sake of a more dazzling rrtulgonce. Quandary of Thief . In tho oht clays tho Culliuan dia- mnnit might have lwon kept intact. with all its impcrfot"°ti0ns for tin} sakr of tho largrst diamond in tho worlil: in tho Orirnt. S'OHPS worn ofto-n harolly out at all. For a long timr “roso” diamonds worn in favor: nowmlays this rut. says (latrllo. “is usml principally for rhotlp clustor work in rountrirs whore tho pooplo arr not as rritiral and haw loss monry t0 spmul than those of tho l'nitml States." Sumo largo one-m howovm'. arv rut frmn flat. crystals which will not afford a brilliant. and this may hr the cash with the Grand t’lmulr. Tho valur of this rrlrvhratml grin. slam-«t hy Bamlrkrr lies, howewr, largrly in its histor- iral assm'iations, amt whore a thiot' would oxpoct to find a markrt, for it is prohlvmatiral. lt' cut. its vatun wouhl ht' but a small frartion Hf tho o-stimatml valuo of tho gem}, and t.” hohl it for ransom with a throat. of rutting it. it' a rrwarcl was not. paid for its ro-tui'u might ho truuhlrsomn t'm' tho Unit-H's. \Vitll so profuse a supply of footprints and tinge-r imprrssions Hlt‘ clrtrrtiws haw. at toast. somothing to gm upon. hut. tho thrft, is so spm‘tarulal‘ that. it. rvally ’alls for a battalion of fiction. A Poor Outlook 'l‘wn Hehi'vws, t'athm' and son. \wnt. tn Edinburgh with a \‘ltPW t0 locating in ljiusiiwss. \V'hilo walk- ing up one of the principal businose streets, tlwii' attention was drawn to a l'ai‘mm' who draw up tn tlw curb. gut out and took tho. hriillv 01f tlw hm‘so pl‘t'ltfll'atfll')’ t0 tending the animal its nuonclay mual. Arte-i- cari'fnlly attaching the ft‘t‘tl-hflg to “in horse's heacl hi- want. to the back of thn “'3an and thin; a chickâ€" vn from a small map. Thu chit-ken had a string timl tn its lvg. This was attachml to tho fUI‘t‘lt‘g (if the“. horse Sn that tho «'hickon ('niilcl vat the oats that \wi'o spillml out of the hag. tim',“ His is no husmcss. “Lest We Forget” In Flanders‘ fields the poppies blnw Bet“ 0cm tlm crnssvs. W“ on 10“, 'lhat mark «my plzu c- and in the skx The lflIkS still In avnly singing Ih. Scum".- Iu-ru'cl amidst. Hm guns bolmx. \\ 0 NW HIP «INN. hleI‘t liaVS agn \V 0 mm lc It «1.1“ n saw suilsvt ghm I m ed alryl \\ 0m 1m ed, and mm \W 10 Take up our quarrfll with the few To you from falling hands we throw Thu 'l‘m-rhmiw yours to lmar it high: If ye hroak faith with us who div. “'0. shall not. slow though poppies grow A “Ikey.” commontyd tho ohlor Vis- In Flandcl In Flandcl's' fields THE DURHAM CHRONICLE {l C 30 for us to {In “EMS -1f the bright berries that, are so plehthul in the woods and thickets are gathered during Uctoher or be- foro- heavy frosts blight. them, they may be packed in layers in a box of damp siiiagnum moss and stored in a cool collar. They will come out. at Christmas bright and shining and full of color to be usod with the grown of iialsam and club moss. €11- thon- tlio laitm' both ground [vino nil ground cvlclni- and packing it in a hag: m- oat-ton 5% in an old ml» and lump it wry WM. 'I‘lw «lay I’N'fnl'v Christmas unpai'k it. rinse it. in (’1931‘ “New, snip Off i'i'fl'." and yol- low hits and you will haw luvol)‘ fi‘vsli grin-on for your «looomtions‘. BRIGHT BBBRIES FOR CHRISTMAS 'llw nndmsi; 11ml Auvtimwm' will sell h} I’ultlit .-'\mtiun «'1! LOT 28, CON. 1, GLBNELG Friday, November 12, 1926 ilu- follmving choice Stock 1 Mare rising,r 7 years 1 Merge rising 8 years 1 (low 8 years old, due Nirvrn‘lb 1 (Jim i years nltl, due Now'mh I Iluw .3 years old. clue Deremli I (10w, cilh' February 2?) 1 (Low, due February 28 19 gnod feeding Steers ris. 3 _\‘l': 8 Heifers rising 3 years old. 2- yearling Steers 6 yearling Heifers 1 Bull, :3 years old, Durham 20 l’igs‘ 3 mtmtlis 0M 10 Pigs 'J mnnllis old Sale at. 1 o’Clock P. M. 'l'l'ZlUISI~â€"Six ImmHIs' M'mhl. «m furnishing: uppl'uvml joint. lwlvs. Fix «- IN'I‘ vvnt ml‘ for (lush. ANGUS McARTHUR, Proprietor, ALEX. MacDONALD, Auctioneer. 6 milcs East. Road. on Credit Auction Sale 0F VALUABLE FARM STOCK nf Durham un Hraw Nth'lnlwl' Nuwmlwr Dvcc-mlwv V1" HM 19 18 PRISONERS ENJOY Prisoners in the local jail worn discovered to haw been enjoying for some limo the luxury of strong liquor with their mvals and lw- tweon meals. whonowr thvy fvlt thirsty. A roll haul liovu usml for storing soizml liquor and tho priâ€" sonor in tho’noxt «'le managml to tind a “walk spot in tho “all. through which llv put his hand. lio- ('Hllld onlv get tho nvrks of tho lmtth‘s thromfh tho :Ipt‘rturc'. lmt. that sull'im-ql III"! ho was lilllt‘ to fill tho mugs of all tho wthvr prisonm-s down tho‘ lino of t°oll.~'.w.\'o-\\' Glasâ€" gow. N. 51; dispatch. As if tlw wot. summc-x‘ had not prnvml (-nnugh we an} "aw in haw 3 \wt campuIgn.-â€"â€"Br:u1tl‘«n'd I‘lxlons- itor. Water! Water! Water! ILM. N0. 4. Durham PELHAM N URSERY CO. Salesman for your district. Pay wvvkly. Exvlusiw shwk and lrl'rihn'}: “'0 uruw Hw duvk \vnsvllzmcl dvliwr i'l'vsll «lug hardy Fanatiian trm-s. Nursery 600 arm's. listahlishc-«l 1m yours. \Vritv What Is Good Health Worth? Why take a chance and use wan-1- that is pollulmi and unlit fur domustic use. when Pure Watur can lw had by timing: a well drilled. We hamllv Pumps and Pump lio- pairs. WANTED NOW Satisfacuon Guaranteed ED. J. PRATT Toronto 2, Out. LIQUOR wrrn nus Phune 98-12 SEVEN 800M BRICK HHI'SE. ALL modern (-mn‘vnimmm, gum] human. apple Mrs. S. McCruokcn, Durhamt.‘ H £ Bil-\RIDERS \\'.-\NTICID «\I’I'IA'. AT (ZIII-nllivlv Hfl'Ivv. H 28 fl 'l‘illl I Mllll‘l ' (IF 'l‘Hl" lllIlI GROSS SIII‘IIIIV “l“ lIIIlIl IlIIIiI' :Innual by war in “I" l.(lllh‘l‘l\3ll\l‘ IlIInImiIIm llIIIIms IIII SaIIIIIla} XmI-mlwr l3. at \\lll(‘ll IanI} “Illk. lIIInIn- made bak- iII :InIl lleI'-lllaI1I‘ I'anIl), I III. flow- I‘I‘S, I’lI'. “I“ lw I'lTI II‘Il l'Hl' Sula \llI-IIIIIIIII lI‘Il \\ Ill III' M'HI‘II. Dunn Illll’ll al 3 pm. Any IlonaIIIIns will [)0 thankfully I‘l‘l'I‘lVI‘Il. 2 Read the Classified Ads. on Page 7. ROW E’S Bakery Provision Store Goods Delivered Anywhere In Town Pastry Flour 24 lb $1.00 The Finest Manitoba per bag Baker 8: Confectioner HOUSE FOR SALE Flour $14.50 PAGE t

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