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Durham Chronicle (1867), 11 Nov 1926, p. 4

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DURHAM CHRONICLE than no in)! Fr w it Mr‘ Hi} Ho" Se" Ki! "S! am dlo hm. 1"] m; an] W0 gal nm In. pa the ch. “It gut hm it. pl: W I“. 1' 0 “1'1 III} an “'1 m PD m 8}) 'l tl Published every Thursday morning at the office, Garafraxa Street, Durham, Ontario, by Frank Irwin, Editor and Proprietor. The Chron- icle is mailed to any address in Canada at the rate of $2.00 per year, 31.00 for six months, 50 cents for three months, 25 cents for one month. To any address in the United Stétes of America, $2.50 per year, $1.25 for six months, 65 cents for three months. Foreign sub- scription rates; on application. Member Canadian Weekly News- papers Association. PAGE 4. The coming election on December l ls lwmmlng the daily topic. and although not very much has been lu-m'ol al'nuncl UIIS suction ml the provlncv to date, as the (lay of poll- Ing draws war, it Will (luubtlcssly ha a wry “arm toplc. As in cam- paigns nl’ this klnol in the past, there am a guml many questionable state- lno'nts Indulge-ll in. 'l‘lw big idea, judging {rum the majurlty of tho: Liberal editorials we han- l'o-acl, 80011)!) t0 in) t0 "gvt Fergusnn." 'l'lu- Untm'lu Tcmpcr- The big idea, judging from the majority of the Liberal editorials \Vo llitVt' read, seems to he to "got Ferguson." 't’he Untario 'I‘empcr- ann- .\ct l.~‘ the main topic. and to date “1- haw,- seen not one single t‘l'lllt'l‘llt of “I“ UHIISUI'Villth‘ ad- ministration on its administration of the altars of the provnce generally. The Liberal press. among them he- tilt.” lllo' 'l‘nronto Globe, and Star, and llu- «mi-n Sound Sun-'l‘imes, have become almost frantic in their ug- holding of the awfulness of "this man Ferguson," and have been so busy attacking his stand on the. liquor question that they have fail- m'. to iind a single flaw in his admin- tration since 1923, which is general- ly autniitted to have been the most economical this province has had for a good many years. Whosoever is afraid of submit- ting any question, civil or religious, to the test of free discussion, is more in love with his own opinion than with the truth.-â€"-WATSON. The thviisei-mtiw ttuvernnlent, the timw-i'nl’nent. that has given this prminre all the temperance legisla- tiun it. has t'Vo'l' received, is not even gin-u rrmtit t’nr heing sincere, and not. content. Men with the charge of insineel'it)‘. have labelled the whole 'l‘nry Hin‘o'l'llment as a bunch of “wets” just because they do not (to as they say and think as they think. Nut nnly Premier Fergusnn, but sew-rut at the prominent peeple of this and nther provinces have. had their veracity questioned because they spnke nut in meeting and gave their hUnes't ”pinion 0n it matter that. mimeerns every decent citizen of ()ntario. Among these am such people as Judgn Emily Murphy of Edmnnlon. Sir .lnsvph Flavour. Sir Thomas \Vliilo'. linnnn dimly. ArchhiShOp Thornelne and othrrs whosn r0 m- mlions arr hvynnil rrpruarh. ul who, nnl’urtnnatrly (In not think as lhv mlilnrial writers on these pap- rrs think. nr writr. \\'v rrprmluro‘ lwlnw a lrtter wrilh-n by Judy Emily Murphy of llolmuntnn. le statrmrnl of Judge Murphy. on» Hf llw lwsl-knnwn W0- mrn \Vl‘ito'l‘s anal magistratns in liainmla. shunhl plainly Show her \‘ivws un llw math“ and lm zircrpleotl as sue-h. our tir-t. l' wwmmt ”my Ingli'zu that. it' tho- t'.--ti'ic'tintis were remov- wt “It'lt‘ humid 1w mnre drunken- ness and crime. .\'u living person i'ttttltl in~i'~‘ii:iote me. to the contrary. I hail a tine lino;- ot' arguments on the subject. too. -. "It was .titt‘ieutt for me to take this stand because I was a Provin- t'tttl ("Ytt'tttl amt paid by the very Government whose proposed Statu- tory Enactments I was opposing. In this, I was 'oined by the Hon. Irene Parthy. a .lember of the Alberta Government. On one. occasion. when we voiced our opinions in the Mac- dougatl Methodist Church in Edmon- ton. the Lieutwant-Governor and some of his tlahinet Ministers came out to hear us. bcrilitv. ' "'l‘hm'v tion along ins: :m In camp ”I" I it \igmnus Mn! N m\ our Ind! st thonl and stin hfllt ".\i'2o-- 2 2» 222222 '2' wwml wms 2222 22222222 I 22 2222 2222-22 222212222 2222022 to; 22222' 222 2222- 22222522222 12212202‘ | 22222'01 \2‘2. Wm M :2 21222 and P2mincial .\l; 22.r ~‘22 2"- 2 2222 2222222222 222 acknom- ledgo 222222 mx fears were largely un- founded "1‘222222- “as not 92 en a rush of 2222‘222‘29222 22s I had pro‘clicted, the 222202210 shom mg a remarkable degree of rvstraint. The condition has steadily improvedâ€"again I say. not from anv degree of irituul on- richment on the part our ml. -but because the law was we}! Thursday November 11, 1926 WHY CONTINUE O. '1‘. A.? onsumminn w m thu lwst. Conditions Improved ‘prmluw hvlom a letter n .lmlg.» Emih .Vlurph} of 1. le statvmvm of Judge nun uf tlw bvst- kmmn \\ o- \\ Opposed 1'. First th nu \V n‘.‘ th dill a («WIVIH rnmo‘m '1' .\llwl't \\ 'th un Hm platform I was fearful that, *mxld kw worse) than .m-mml only lngical H'HHHS \vvrn romnvâ€" nuht th: moo hm pmvm‘? mnnnvr pnssihlv. v. \Vnuld kw im- Ii WISH.“ t‘ "11 mph U.‘ on! FM ul uppns‘d 01.11103- 13‘ hm- t‘m‘ct. nf ah- lo conceived, and is being well on- forcedf’ Personally, we are not. afraid to trust Premier Ferguson and his Government in their temperance le- gislation, for, despite what. their opponents say, they have made an. honest etl‘oi't to enforce the O. T. A., and couldn‘t. As Attorney-General, the Hon. W. F. Nickle went into the Ferguson Cabinet on the understand- ing that he was to have the hand- ling of his department unhampei'ed. His demand was satisfied and from the time the Ferguson Government went into power in 1923 until this fall he was the big chief in the. At- torney-Generals department, iliil as he thought best. was a champion of the (.).'1'..\.. and fulfilled it to the best of his ability. His resignation from the tlahinet over the present. issue signifies. nothing. no more than the. rax'ings of Mr. Haney, who, when he .\li'. Nickle was in power, gave him even!” for nothing, but now that he has split with Ferguson. tries to set him on a pedestal. ltaney's object is tun plain. He wants to "get." Fer- :uson. He tried this same thing on ditto-rent occasions hut. the truth is that the Hon. W. E. Raney is not want enough to "get" anybody, and he himself. from 1919 to 1923 niaile one blunder after another _in his at- T he “103 that every man who does not omhraro tho OKLA. is a "wet” is also a fallacy, and one that is rospnt- ml wry koonly in a good many quarto-rs. With this class of Deeplo tho'l'o is only one side to a question -â€"tho'ir siolo, anal anyono who (loos not follow along their lino of thought is a “wot." and "allied with the li- quor interests.“ Every man and woman in this rountry is ontitlod to his own opinion and if it is an honwst ono. anol arryocl at in a con- sriontions mannor. we can flnd no fault with him. It. is those cocksure follows who know it. all and want to classify all who do not think their way that wo ohjort to. “'0. recog- nizn as woll as anyono the evils of tho liquor traffic. but until tho Pro- \'ini~.~ of Ontario can show a lot more than approximatvly 3.3.000 in favor of its oiit‘a'u'ro-niunt. wo ran't soo any rvliof in prohihitury logislation. It is our t‘fllltlltl opinion that. it. will lw hard onouzh to "control" with any nio'asurv. hut tho illoa of total pro- hihition clues not ammal to us at. tho inwvnt mnmwnt. Hntario. juilginf-r from [vast iwrforinauros, cloosn‘t want [irnhihition hac'lly onough to wnfurro it. anal until tho rank anil lilo Hl' tho- I‘lt‘t'illl'ilit' alvmancl it and aw [iroparo-cl to lay infm'matious and mmwruto. got into tho witness hox and uqu “\ltlv'llt‘t'. lllt‘ in“! that hill :m« ”w DIN ants pnsuuu mnnt t'm' it 'l‘emm- ‘am-n if tho people tarin would : wan't. And WP C tlwm. Pithvl‘ into‘nd tn withnut 5:1] or any nthm pursuit. 0f c Liw Hugs . \V'heat. ...... Oats ........ Barley ...... Buckw heat Peps ....... M urea! Grain, Hay ....... "IIL.‘\-au . ~ -- - connli'V we can see Without Vf‘l‘y llllli'll o-ll'orl that. there are far too man‘- puople willing to break the liquor laws of the prt‘wince to ex- pect very much out. of the present Act. We are not predicting as to the percentage of success the Govern- ment Control system will have. but. with ten years of the present one we don't. think we are saying too much when we say that-a change can do no harm. It is all very well to talk theories, and theoretically the 0.T.A. is sensible legislation, but a theory that. won't work should in our opinion be discarded and some- thing elsn put in its. place. A.’_‘n‘:n_ ‘hn ll Nb (Inn | . Am tom|perancew legislation the ‘l'fl Corrected, ”member 11, .‘o‘ can't say flint. We) blame er. Pun-small}: we do not tn tum private detective salary for thn Ferguson tho-1' (im'm'nmt‘nt. hut in tho Hf mu- husinms_a_rmmd the mm and and box (‘dll Province of Ontario ever got came through the Conservative party, and the talkjn certain quarters that. that party is now out to wreck the coun- try and debaueh the youth of 'the law! is all politics and «lane- for only Anne purposeâ€"to get. the: Conserva- lives out, of power. 1! ‘- \\'e haw still unlimited faith in ”111 t'lmism'vatiw party. and have 1111) much faith in Hon. [)1‘. Jamicson to 111111~1tain 11111 1111111 that he has 1-11t1‘r- 1‘11 tho F111‘guson tlahnwt 1m 11 policx that means min 111 th11 c111111t1‘szi1‘ James \Vhitnm \\ as. 11111111 the 31m" kind 11f 111‘11 111111111; his \\h1)l1~ 1111li- ti1+1il (‘11111111‘ in 1111\1111'111111 1hi1i111: the N. \V. Rowvll "111111111211 Hm 1181‘" cam- paign. like ergusnn 111111“: was allim'l with H111 "\wts." CullSo'l’VaiiVP \‘1111‘114 wuuhl I111 “'11” advisml to have 11 011111 111 “111 111-.1‘81'11t 11111111aig11 11111! 1111!. M1 11111 t111 111111h '1tt111111111 111 \\ hlt s11m1- 111 tlw 11111111siti1111 111‘ ‘~~ publish r11‘\\h1nt 51111111 (11111121111111.5i- ti1111 11111t111~. i11si111111t1- In lh'. .lamiwsnn tho- lliiii<o-i'\‘ali\'os 0f llw Snuth Riding of Hwy haw a PflIllllllaU‘ thvy neml nut lm ashamml t0 uphnhl. 110 has bum in. public. life) fur nnarly a third of :1 (’c‘llllll'}'. has am almnlutvly (-lo-an rim-0rd. has lwon llw l'i'inncl nf awry nnn Of his cnnstituvnts no maltvi- what. lllt'll‘ lmlilivs, has luv-n a snm‘essful lmsi- ”(‘58 man, and fur twvnly-liyn years i'o-pn-svnlml his mnslituvnls faith- fully and \wll. lt' i-xlwrivnm («Hints for anything, if husinc-ss ahility wiunls l'm' anything. lhnn Uli'l'H shnnhl lw litlln he'sitnnvy in misting “H' liallnts on llvw-mlwr I. PROPOGATION OF BROOK TROUT IN SOUTH GREY lwzu' Sil°.~~'.l‘n anynnv \\'|m c-njnys fishing: I'UI' HH- slwt'klt-cl hmllltio's that a fvw ymu‘s um) uhvumlecl in Hw nxvvptimml fro-sh \\'ltt'l' streams that naturv has m'nvidwl Us s0 lilw'ally with. it, has hN'Hlllt' murn and mom- :1 prnhlvm hnw In pmtm-t nr pl'nlnng Hm plousuro- ut' calvhing alt lvust. snmu nl‘ tlwm. FislII-I'IIIIIII. usually IIIIItIII'iIIg t'I'IInI a. illh‘talll't‘. haw :IlnIIIst tlt‘lllt'tt'tl Ulll‘ stI'I'anIs. aIIIl. Ili~'II-,. Hauling thI- law which permits taking tIIInt IIIIt. [USS than 7 llll‘Ilt‘S lung. takI~ ”10111 as. lung: as t'IIIIr iIII-hIIs, aIIIl IIIIII vandal 1'0â€" t't‘lllly. lII'I'aIISII It“ had “001‘ IIII‘k tishiug, ItI'IiIlI'Il tII IlynaIIIitII thII [lucky Sang. Pt II and kint‘t! many lal'gv llsll that \\t'l't‘ not. I'I‘I'IIVI'I‘I‘IJ by him. thank gIIIIIlIII-ss. It (100.: without. sming llt‘al'h all thesn stI'I'ams 311'“ about “Slim! (Int. and 11111085 I°I‘-.~‘tIII-kIIIl “ill llltelf'St IIII 0110‘. N0 0110 can (lilt‘StiUll tho wis- IlIInI IIl' “I“ riparian I‘I\\'I‘II'rsâ€"thvy aw in IIVIII')’ caso raI'mI-I's. and to I'OPI‘lVO small tI-I'Int, f I'om tlII- GOVPI'H- ment. that after a lot. (of PM! tape might, 80111! a t'I-w. tho “\an‘l' \Vt'HIIIl ['0 (hr liclitm' ul' 'l‘lw (Zlu'uniclv haw tn leave his wurk. trail in many niilvs l0 llw mare-st o'xpross ull‘ico. and if llw lisb \vbrv not all (load ho.- forc bring: put. in his place, it would b0 u womb-r. as tlwy urn wry (lvli- rain things to bunslln. Hl' wnuld lben haw to bring back the cans {anntbi‘u' trip , and have for his lrmiblv and pains and oxpensp, tbr recompense of being obliged to lvt the gonoral publir “Sh daily through his place. loaning gates 0|.wn. M0" and no cumpvnsatiun t0 bimsnll‘ at all. 1.1111(‘1‘ tho plans nnw suggvstml he is given a yearly rental far in 0x- ross, perhaps; of what 110 could rvnt. m- roalize from any likv area on his farmâ€"«hm snrnly he is antit- lml in it. HP will likPly be madv a «lvpnty game warc‘lvn. frnm whum daily licensvs to fish at. $1.00 per day nn HH'SP rvstnckml prr'n‘m‘vos, whirli may and must. lw “Maine-cl in (mic-r to prvwnt living brought up far lrvspassing. 'l‘xvowfly-flvo per (‘t‘llt 0f the" daily [wifmit l’llill'L'l" grows to tho- riparian ”Win“ and llw lialanrv al'tm' rust nl' ro-ntal, signs. «4.0.. in llu: purchase ul‘ small irmil. and fry. Tlm avm-ngu local man or boy goo; fishing ahnut. half a down timns a ,\'vm'-~aml it cmts mum-y fm' :mto- mnhilo's tn ‘1': so. as tlw good Mucus, t.) fish are usually somewhat. n-mote fi'om tmvnsâ€"aml if Hwy cnultl get the limit. or at least. snmc trout. in- stvad 0f nnno, 01' \1'1'}' few. it. slumltl 1w more satisfactory than undo-1- m'vsvnt «enmlitinns. win-1m ynur by war alivm‘. I'rnm Kitclwnmu St. Marys. and 0mm .citiom. am graci- LETTERS TO THE EDITOR THE DURHAM CHRONICLE ually acquiring by long lease, the choice places to fish and Closing them he UHF lucal public. ‘ I ml N) IU Illl' It'vu- l’"“’"" Boys don‘t hesitate to spend $1.00 tn $2.00 a week or more to attend a «lance. They shnuld not Object to a fee te tish in restocked private preâ€" serves. Anyway. something must be clone. and if any haw helpful sugâ€" arc-shims semi them in to The Chron- iele. Mitch nmney is spent, by Our lneal pimple in the South in winter. amt it' they uihertise this district as an eenno-mieal. seenie. ehau'ming an m-nnumival. somic. charming plnqo it will smtm bring an annual crop of tuurists, all of whom spend swim money, and sumo consider- ab 0. . “I,'l‘ o ' Ali-nady a start. has been made. 'I'lic- sclu’inw is :i min-[1mm- one. 0x- cvm. for lliv (mm-r Hf thn stri-zims, wlm rvcviws a fair remuneration. Many clmicv plui'vs haw} 110ml lcasod fm' lnm: tor-ms, and sowral essential for breoding pin-[msvs acquirvd nul- i'iglit. 'l‘lw spason may be slightly shm'tunml fur a limu to fucilitatv spawning. It. will likvly 0nd on Him-v prvniisvs an August. l5. 3 mnnth parlim' than on own strvums‘. ll. A. Hunter. "Thu Hmlg‘vs.” To tlw Editor of Tim Chronicle Mr It. has iwt'll suggvstml that. tho. farts and “RUFUS as prvsmlteil t0 thv iH\\'ll Ilnum'il at. its i-m'vnt. min-ting, ['0 the [whimscd additiun tn tlw Uigh'Schuul, hv givvn [inhâ€" lii'it)‘ lhl'mig'h thv mmlillm 0f UH‘ press. By this mmuis thi- i'utvliay-f 01's and ('itixi-ns g-wnei'ully will hmn tiw facts [nlzu'ml hul'urv thvm much murv readily than nthmwvisu ('nuhl hu ai'i-cmiplishml. The accommndu- timi at. thc~ High sziimi at. thu pi'v- svnt. tiniu is inmh'quzitv. This ymir t‘w t'mu‘th farm work was (h'nppmt and Iii-xi yvzu' it hmks as if “w thin! t'nrm may haw tn 1w di‘nmiecl also if as larg'v an lintrmwv (-ass Drosvnts itsvlt‘ for :uln'lissi-mi as. last. war. This is nnw almost. surn to 15m thn «ensv. livalizing this a «tuâ€" putzitimi nt‘ ratvpayvrs waited (in tlw High St-hmvl Haunt and i'vqunst- ed that stems he} at uncv takvn .tu enlarge 'tlnysvlmnl so that tlw wlmln High Schnnl Com-so may 1w tukc-n. le “Hard. I'ualizim: thu svl'inus- news ”1' tlm situatitm. almmachml Hu- 'l‘nwn llmmvil al. its last, P11111- lar mm'ting asking that a By-law lw suhmittvcl tn tlm ratopayvrs au- Hmrizing Hm issuing of dc-hmtures fur Silt“. In build the prolmsml {IcicliliI‘lL This will 1w mh-d on at tho January oloctions. Tho- quostion now prosonts itself: will this ho a hut-don on tho town or will it not? Lot us soc. Tho High School has thrm' sum'm's of i'oyoniio, namoly tho l’rovinco. tho County and tho town. Tho morn monoy WP got, from tho Provini'o and County, tho loss tho town will haw to pay. Last year the town had to pay $5680 to tho lligh Sohool support: this year thoy ai'o only asked to furnish 8233'. Simply lwcauso tho School Board i'ot-oiw-(l vxu'a money from tho county. That is one reason why tho tax rato is lowm' this year than last war. Tho Provinco and tlounty [my wry lilwrallv to the support of tho High Schools if thoy (-on'iply with lllt'll' conditions. It is good husinoss to got, owl-y cont we can from those two Stlltl't‘t‘s‘ in 01'â€" (lor that tho- town may got. otl' all the vasioi'. Tho oyt-i't'i'owdillg 01' the school is going: to causo tho County and l’royinco to pay us loss monoy. Tho huililing of tho lltltll- tion will ho largoly linuiwml by tho n-xtm assistance- rm'e-iyml from thoso two sources. 'l'wonty-tiyo thousand dollars for 20 yoai's at o [H'l' cont. woulcl moan an annual In. payment (if $2,179.61. “'0 am al- lnwmi in charges 80 Mr cent. of this amount intn um' cost of mainten- mm' “'llii‘h tlw School Bnai'd [WP- sc-nts in tlw (lmiiity Council each yL-ru'. Mason! mi km, year‘s “RUFUS tlu- Cnunty would pay us hack $794.09 in help pay fur this deben- tm'v. 'l'lw schunl :u-cnmmodatimi is Mil). :i'mlmi immiwr 3 at Hm pimâ€" svnt fimv. It will [:0 gi'mlml Illlmhm' I iftlu: anioiitiun is built. This moam $180. yearly incl-vase in grant. \\'u~ haw no gymnasium grading at m'vseni as we have nu mum fur unv. In tlw m'w imildim: \w (mg-ht. tn iw grmlmi numhm' 2, this mvans an mlclitiunal $90. in THE HIGH SCHOOL QUESTION Durhmn grant. Making a total of 6210 1mm the Province. The county has to pay dollar for dollar with the pro- vince. so that. means they must pay $270. 3130. Thus summing np we. have: From Um (hu‘mtx $79L09+27 From Making a total of T akn $1334.09 :1} UUUIILV 01".: ll!" - .v.-_-- _ .\'o\\‘ lot. us rousiilor what is like? to hamiou if the By-law is «lofo.t.od and tho school is not, onâ€" lurgoil. Tho first thing tho High School Board {oars is tho lowering of tho grading t'or ailoquaoy of ar- oommifulatiou. If that should hap- pon it \VOllhl moan au immoiliato loss in rox'onuo from tho. l’roviuoo. But tho muiu «trim in roVouuo \Vill come from tho County. This has alroaily hog‘uu to ho toll. Noxt yoar wo will l't't't'th' less munoy from tho oouuty than this your liooauso tlioro aro fcwor country puliils at- toudiug. as “'0 couhl not. aroommm (latâ€"o. all who appliod. Tho luspooâ€" tor has stated that tho oouilitiuii is likely to hooomo oritioal shortly. 'l‘ho Board haw- lost a lot. of county monoy hv hoini: t'orood to out otl‘ fourth form work. If through Mororim'ilml conditions \w aro t'oro- ml to stop thircl form work thon our county pupils \\‘tilllti loaw us in largo numhors, and who could lilamn “mm as “‘4' would nut, [in taking “l’ ‘WWWW‘NW‘MNO - -O 4 tho Provinvv _/ Poultry Feeds; Calf Meal, Oil Cake, Ground Fl v Rolled Oats, Wheatlets, Whole Wheat Fl Salt, Bone Phosphate, Beef Scrap coarse ; fine, Oyster Shell. Chonping and Out Crimping Every Day We pay Highest Market Price for all kinds of Grains. Get our prices before you sell. MCKECHNIE MILLS FLOUR and FEEDS Feed Prices Flour Prices a toxtal of 8‘27Q from For Best Quality . Ewen 8: Son $1064.09 27“”! $1335 .019 enough High Svhpol wurk tn induco thvm 1.0 nit-0nd 'l‘hv)’ \\ .. go to other schmnls whvl'v ’ {Continued un ham? ,, Hortonâ€"«In vaiuck. Nam-2m 7.1926. in Mr. and Mrs. Mn Morton. a. daughlm'. ILIRIBD lounuinâ€"Griermâ€"M 1 I . . ‘ hytm'ian mansv. Durham. m. nusday, Nm'vmhm' m, m '. .. by the RM’. B. I). Al'llIsh-unu. ' JPSSiP, dallgllh’l' of MI'. :uu! Alvx. (irivrsun Hf limnmv'n. v Arthur Mountain, sun M‘ \I- Mrs Douglas Mmmtmn m' .\ -n Thursday Novombcr u, BORN rm \\ SOCI \l \\I. H! "It'll M I “It MI llo\\ HI (H Ill M M "8} HI! HM Mr dis to. UH M itnd UH ll] Mm TON Iron Ind W00] 31 I \\ MI wm loan 1m 1191 hlr Cl! 8t! NM much Herald M H M \1 M M _\| M Thursd 33' N M M M ll M M M M \1 M M .\1 M

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