'dware Merchants . Durham UTICAL MEETINGS \H oasters vmgs 1 o o- event-90W N :vember M, 1m {1):}3'0‘1‘3. 18 Jim lsters. 7.0} ’ can 5 are gpro- 1.213. It DI]; 0 o m-OvO-m «Ono-m . 1.15 llh'o- acci. ' mo'thod :I married IHo-l' some HIO'I' how wue." was .m angel.†~ ollol [have muw. 13 1.75 Lam'nsvd Auctioneer for County of W\. Prompt attention to sales. Rea- -..x:-.M.- tot-ms and satisfaction guar- 1: {NHL [)MPS made at The Durham ' ! I'HHH'IP Ofï¬ce. or with R. C. \Vat- \ n. Vurnm‘. RR. 1. Phone 604 1'“. LUCAS HENRY thu'rxstm's, Solicitors, etc. A mem- m: at Hm tirm “ill be in Durham on ! m- Man at each week. Appointments m u he made with the Clerk in the Lxccnsed Auctioneer for Co. of Grey. \Iminratv terms. Arrangements for win; as tn dates. etc.. may be made Av 'Hw Chronicle Ofï¬ce. Durham. lwz-nH Hn application. Address RR. 1, Inn-ham. Phone 611 r 24. C. G. AND BESSIE IcGlLLlVRAY Chiropractors Armluuhw Canadian Chilwvln'aclic tulle-2v. 'l'nr‘nnm. ()l'lirn .‘lm'fnrlunn Izlm'k. [Mn-hum. [my and night phonv 132i. 6 17': 23M tlmmr Graduate University of Tor- ontw. (Brzutuate Royal (10â€ch Dental mrgmns n! Ontario. Dentistry in all Its branches. Ofï¬ce Calder Him-k. Alilla’treet, second duor east 5 Maulsvth's Drug Store. 2 In :3 .7 to 9 p. m., Sundiys 4'.“ "MPH.“ Hush Ian and Suweun. Ofï¬ce lamhtun shoot, Dmham Ont. Gradu- ah- I Iliu-lsily of Toronto Eyes hash-d and corrected. Ofï¬ce hours: wv _ - â€"- “WAN and i'esl'den'ce; comer "of tmmrow and Lamuwn Streets. Oppo- euru um Pust Office. Office hnurs: s» tn H a.m..130tn.3p.m., 7 to 9 pm. {sundfu's o-XcvptedT. -m' C] \d\eln ( \SH \V'IF of four. T1 Saturday I) 2) 06115.†«1.1 he mat Lam! nzun. . WWW 'niv “:‘WOtished attached: “drilled at .lnm‘: never failing springs on Â¥ farm. making a chplc «m. This pmperty wm be 10 25 "r! to qmck purchaser. For parâ€" :u'~‘ apply at Watson‘s Dairy. FUNERAL SERVICE New Modern Funeral Parlors Phone Kingsdale 4344 1’ 1422424 Avenue Road Ol'onlo John W.Bates R. Haddocks l ut'mvrly hf Flesherton BATES BURIAL C0. DAN. McLBAl l.:wn.~ml Auclimwer for County 0! -.-x. satisfaction guaranteed. Rea- :miv rm'ms. Dates. of sales made Im- (Lin-uniclo Olfice or with him- DR. W. C. PICKBRING, DENTIST HITIH', UHPI' J. 5; J. Hunter‘s store, vrnmu. â€Marlo. - mp3 um. ICC : a. L'L‘. .Zl. ntluuu.u..-, h n: ma times; :55 acres under 'i\:ll!Hli. balance hardwood hush; «mum: to schnol; on the prem- -* are a frame hum 52x65 ft. with .. inundation: concrete stables: . n i_\ ham 30x50 with stone base- ': hm; pen 20x30: twelve-roam '-; hnuee. furnace heated. 3190 m" \Hmisth; drilled well close mmsw. with windmill; concrete b-z- tanks: 30 acres seeded to hay: :M'M in sweet clover; this farm mi fenced and in a good slate of I!\11H0n. For infiwrmation/Qpply Wutmn’s Dair . RR. 5. mam. - y 35523:: l.:unhlnn st. 868 2nd AH). E. 11'2ch h HITM' u at Flvslwllon. Hpcn xx Sutm'd: n 1.30 to â€30. C. Middlebro' R. Boak Burns, Owen Sound. Durham. --‘ ‘ "‘6. CON. 2. ‘v J. 1‘. GRANT, p, n. s., L. DJS‘.‘ 1:1,. smufn, M. _B., Advertgsements under this heading. 1 cent a word each insertion (:ASH \VII‘H ORDER; six consecutive insertions given for the price of four. Telephone calls treated as c . ash with order if paid {or before Saturday mght of week ordered. Minimum charge for ï¬rst Insertlon. 25 cents. On all charge orders , . , , a straight charge of 1% cents a word a 121 he made each Insertion. minimum charge 35 cents. ""- ‘.‘ '.‘. ‘. VV .x-.- w!“ emithwest, of Durham. 000- ‘r: 86 acres. Mostly clear and mid stat» nf cultivation. Bank . \\ ith shml adinining and stone " . Tâ€"i'onmt‘d brick hons'e with Winn kitchen and woodshqd. ' \Vah'rmi and in good repair. ’urlhor particulars apply ‘0 Tmm Smith. RENO. 3, Durhnm. E‘.\R.\IS FOR SALE Legal ‘Dmctorv MIDDLEBRO’ AND BURNS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. lil Hll.\.\l â€WEN SUI'NI) Limzsed fluch’oneer Thursday Ronmhor H, ’.S. JAMIBSON JAHIBSON :xml residence a short dist~ mm of the Hahn 1101199 on nun Street, Lower Town, Dur- mi'u e,- hours 3 to 5 p.m.. 7 t0 v, "2‘1““be Sundays . has we! snlioitiOuSly) REUBEN C. WATSON CON mo 5 IH Il'l UIK’UV'.‘ ’ 13‘ wot V0“r O No matter; feet. ALEX. MacDONALD â€941ml Utraaorv I )ental Directorv .ClaSsified Advertisements DR. A. M. BELL l‘IGREM ONT. COX .14. n. BFNT“CK I’ui wearing We will b0 in the market for tho wintrr months fur pure milk and cream. Orders when for choice dairy buttpr delivered off the rig: also buttï¬rmilk.â€"â€"\\'atson‘s Dairy. 107tf gmzopmrn‘ 2901: SALE \\'e have opened up a )Iax'celling Parlor at, the rear of our Barber Shoo and would respectfully sol- ieit the patronage: of any of the ladies of this vicinity desiring this kind ot“\york. Lady liairc‘lresser in altt‘llllallt’t‘. Appointments made at, shop or residence. or byphone. Call N0. 113, or No. l3l_. _ .\ littlo hit 0‘ nonsense: You hear and son It. too, A blossom comes a’ smilin‘ An†it's nothing wise nor new. A hird. it comes a-singin' An’ it’s but a trifling song; But thes» lit.t_le [fits o' nonsense â€" â€"---IA -1“..- stl'it'H)‘ m 2: KN: )x N4’)R.\I.-\.\'BY SI 'NDAY SCHOOL vnh-I'tainmnnt Friday. Nux‘vmhm' 1'2. 430ml w'nfxmmz hmrh sm-wd. Every- hmlj.‘ im'itwi. Admissinn 1’5 and IS ('o-nts‘. lprl Hm'in my son 'I‘Hli REHI'LAR MONTHLY MEET- m;.' nf Hm [Mn-ha..1 Club of Tnmntn, will lakv placn on Monday waning, .\'«v\'o~mlwl' 15H]. at. tlw Peacm-k T08- l-wms. H? Yang‘- St. The Durham I'.F.(). Live Stock As- snciatmn will ship stock from Dur- ham on 'l‘uosdays. Shippers are l'vqnvstcd tn give thrve days" notice. James Lawrence, Manager. nu nr 31mm. Suptnmher '28. from â€In John Brnwn pastmw- farm on Hm 12th mm‘vssinu 0f Buntinck. throw Durham stwws wvighing ulmut 930 pnunols. Suitahlw I'vward paid fur infm'matinn loading to tlmir rotm'n. Nntify Jacob Svhwinclt Elmwmul. of Eric Goldsmith. NH. 2 Durham. 11 -’s ‘3 pd Phone 601 r 13 'I'HH [AM ‘5' HF THE RI‘III ILRUSS Surinty \Vil lmlcl thuiI' annual ha- mm In Hm Ilmlsmwatiw Committee Rommu' nII SatIIIolm Nnxomlwr 13. at \xlIiI II tanm “Ink lmnIP-made hali- IIII. HIM lIunIv-maolo- IaIIIh, out. flOW- 01's «40., “ill lw Hflm'ml fOI‘ sale. AHvl‘nrmn ton \\‘ill I‘m smvml. DOOl‘s anII at 3 pm my donations will lw thankfulh Incoiwd. 2 strnnt near furnitm'n fartm'y stahlp and narncru rnmhinml: Karclvn: immndiato 'pnsapssion furthm' particular-s apply Mrs Ham .1. Falkingham, 6 17 \\'l m K \‘.'.~\ N'l‘lil L4H»: CHRON- il'lp .le Plant 1. \"pH "(Inn-â€N." h". humiug out. the Hurst mn'k nu short order. if HHI_'SE AND urr nx erfï¬ï¬T'nx \\j H liA'l‘ “(A N'ijix 3. A 3' xi): 1x N'I'Iï¬ SIX PIGS 5 WEEKS OLD; WELL bred; Yorkshire. W. John McFad- den, Priceville R.R. 1. 11 11 29d r.‘--â€"‘--.â€"â€"_â€"_. w.-. mrxi; mnxsmm: Mus. .wmh‘ J. .\. Brown. R. R. I. Privex'illo'. I'lmlu' lmrlmm 608. V I7». H H L’ mum, IN mm!) mXDl'l‘mN.â€".w W." at The! Chl‘HniClu â€Hive. H1 HRIH‘IRS \\'.-\.\"J'ICI)â€"â€".\I‘I’L\' «lhmniclu Ufl‘iw. H BUTTER. MILK, CREAM SERVICE tun SA! L‘.--\ .‘.: building lnis on ur Skating Rink 1). HOpkiliS. Highest micâ€"(3 DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL sun all :u svttlml hy‘ :lftm' that. FOR SALE OR RENT ARTICLES WANTED COMING MARCELLING PARLOR NOTICE TO FARMERS CATTLE STRAYED F01: SA LE NOTICE nut tlw clvliwring to vmmts for milk must. tlw 15th 01' Navorgbor all livko-ls will ho. Pvnple's 313m. 315231 EVENTS {hm-IV Hrs. “'11- G 17 6pc! tf Durham. [UL l. :1 : uF 6001) go: m at Noxth hum. Apph t0 ' :31.†\\'. R. “'3th \\ chretm’y Mvhmnwll .Y. AT H 28 H 5:! HM mm] P or Imnw A. M. GI ELPH ............. 900 FPWRGI" S .............. 9. -\RTHI H .............. 10.1: .‘IOI N I‘ FURFST ...... 11.0"). DI'RHAM ............. 11.45 \VIIJJAMSFORD X . . . i230 CHATSWVORTH ....... 12.50 Arr. at OWEN SOI'ND 1.15 Time Table Canadian Coach Company MWRTHBOI'ND (“YEN SOI'ND . . . . . . CH.â€"\T.’<\\'ORTH ..... \VILLIAMSFORD X . DI'RHAM .......... “(H .\'l‘ FOREST ARTHI R ........... FI‘ HG! S ............ AW th GI'ELPH . Thi~' may 1w l'o'lnh‘tl in NW Max“ for I'm-«is hotwm'n much-I yachts \Vllit'h is nu lnngvr Puntinecl In small buys. Em: adults, who han- :1 “Ash‘- fur hunts and nn npportunity to gratify it. may ï¬nd mm-h satisfaw- tinn in studying tho principles uf dosign and in mns‘tl'uctil'lg models. that. o‘mhmly Hwir notions of 5119M. Ewn from the bank of a wading pool a race of toy ships can lw :1 Arriw zst GI'ELPH 12.15 8.55 Full Angle fare $250. Fare ho- twoon tr-wne 500. Fave hntween towns max-km! x 250. All bnsos step bntmwn I'o'gnlax‘ stopping points to tako on and discharge pusspnzors. Daily including Sundays. Pnsitjve- 13' no waiting. Tlns table subject to slight changes after Ma} 3! â€"Waiting Room CITY BALL, 0%“ SOUND DALY'S 810313.60“?! galling for passengers at all the princnpal hotels Collecting Ship Models If marinc architecture woro oyor absurd it would be thoso floating palaces which tho. Moditorranoan ation Scnt to sea in tho florid days of the Ronaissancc. galloons with towering forecastlos and lofty poops ombellishod with balconies and olalmrato carvings. Yot. thoy woro a trno oxprcssion of thoir ago. and for' southorn soas thoy woro porhaps not. so roiliculous as tlioy soomoil to northm'no'rs, usoil to tho t'Ogs ancl gales otfl tho Norman ocoan. Atlantic storms and con- flicts with armoit ships 0f handior typos niailo an onil of this tloricl architorturo. yot it. should not. ho supposoit that. tho lofty structuros which now soom quainly pictnros- quo woro moroly aclcloil for show. «in tho contrary. thoy worn a. sur- \'i\'al of tho hattlo platform of tho ohl Roman galloys; the t'ororastlc was rcally a castlo. and was built. high to giyo tho tightors on it. tho umwr hand. All intorosting modorn cloyolopomcnt. is tho cult of tho ship mmlol. Sowral suporh collcctions haw lwon made. and tho nnmhop of collectors in a moclost way grows. Honnino (lltl mmlols aro' highly os- tocmod anil somctimos tiring a fancy prirc. hut. thoro is a plat-o. too. for roplicas, and an astonishing nnmlior of [woplo with some morlianical aptitmto and no acloquato ontlot. for it :iro tiniling inloasuro in making; rumor nimlols of sailing craft. of ulill'oront typos. In thv l't‘h'HSlH‘N. l‘Vt'll Um pen-4m»; puvkvts umi vm'gu-cu which Ruskin tlmugh! vulgar comm-Inplam- Innk law's pl'usaic Hw light. of Hwir last sunsvt, m1 sails. Tn tho- (lowwa'aliw arti: ish mum is hardly likv than tlw ('limm fm' romam'e, pm'hap 11:17.0 Hl' timn is 09m \Vlm liw-«l in tho «In: 011' mu swae. it is having“ a in the} mh'vrtising pagvs. nm‘ Inn Show “1‘ Humans. says it with ships. 'l'ku rwmantio Rhapf‘s l'm\\‘._'4nal ll Guelph-Owen Sound Bus Service Imaw.‘ Looked Vulgar to Ruskin Model Yacht Contests ............. 9.00 ............. 9.45 ............. 10.15 )REST ...... 11.03 ............. “.45 :FORD X 1230 RTH ....... 12.50 SOL’THBOL'ND ND ........ 8.00 {TH ....... 8.2.3 FORD X 8.45 ............ 9.30 REST ...... 10.10 ............ 11.00 ............ 11.30 ‘xI'ELPH 12.15 A-__ * Hr 0mm: '9: to 50â€, I!" ships. liIm am :Ill 05 now and thv mum- hax'dly IIIII'e ghnstâ€" (“limwl' Hl' \‘vh‘h‘lal‘lvz pnrhaps HIP ssIHHIIin: is vssuIIlile. RII~kiII. tho days 0! sail “th1 THE DURHAM CHRONICLE A. M. 9.00 9.45 10.15 11.07) A. M. P. M. 8.00 4.30 8.30 9.50 9.17» The Quest of Beauty .\ t-vmarkahle'- "Xlllllilltll! «if ~‘liip nimlo'ls was. he'lcl nut Inna: aw.» in Lullilt‘n. u l'i-ahn'v ul’ which was thv laruv nlimlwr nf tinv spuvimens SUIl- mittml Ivy amatuin's. Visitm's \VPI'P imm'vsso'il hy thv high (ltialih‘ (if “in \\'Hl'i{nlall.~'lll[l. and alsu ivy Hlf' pm- (liuimis lalwr inmlxwl in gutting tho- clatails as nvarly mi'rvct as pussihlv. F.\'iclr*iitly tlww must. he a gl't'ili. stm'u nf latvnt nit-clianiral Skill nf \Vhivh’ industry at. [oresnnt is not. making us». The making uf m0dvl< 0f Hl)SOl¢"U' things may ho a fascinating lmhby, hut'tlm lalmr involel might soon] rathm' oxlra- Vagzmt for pmplw in (hair daily wurk fn'i‘ mechanical aptitmle- pure and simple thvi'u Is always ’an out- lvt. if only in tliv making lit a radio svt: tho instinct. that. sets adult peopln In making t'lnnly-vxvcutvd mmlols of brigs, schoonm's, barks and full rigged ships. involves tastes of a different surt, including a i'nal feeling for bnauty. They are :1 xwal fueling for bvauh. Thpy 81'0" tuning a splnndid timn in caning nut. shaws of twautv and mmancn. but it is a pfh that the \xryrkadav v» or“ giws them >0 little vhanoe t0 dvvolnp their [90“01‘3 into axtistic cream eness. Household Elects ' tho" lvl'npt‘l't)‘ 0f ‘ Hrs. S. McCrocken . Saturday. Nov. 20. 1926. mm- prising the entire hmlsohold fur- nishings. which will he sold with- out reserve as the prmprictross is leaving town. ROBERT BRlGHAM, Auctioneer. thrilling c-wnt tn tlwir lmilolvrs and hackm's. If thv [wesvnt 1°v\'i\‘al nf ilnvrvst. in sailing ships cmninllc-s. tn .‘Jl‘dW 'it, might well 1084! hit tlw C‘DIISII'UPHHI] ut' much-ls nn 9. littla- lal‘gvr suit". for usv Hn [mulls and HHH'I' shnltm'ml wntors. Why should tho-1'0 not 1w "l‘ullâ€"l'iugm's." rvplivas «m :1 small svnlv uf famous 0M 'liplwrs, made of such a sim- that. . lm)’ “1- “\‘PH 3 gl'nwn-up onuhi vlitnlo alumni tn handk- Hm innumvr- ablv slum-ts. halliards, Mums and Kaskvts 2’ own 20 minutvs. Svl’varatn lawn and put antvnml gratml pnwapplc- lu-twvvn and «m tnir. l’um' nwr l teaspoonful of baking pnwdm' 1/; toaspoonful of salt. Cut in 11/.- N'flsmmnsful of soft lard. Add 2-3 cup swm't milk. Put in mm in twn laym's with multml huttvr lwtwm'n. Iiakn in hut. 'Mix {um nu [um mm with lvakmi crust and bakn. Pineappie Shortcake I cum Hf flmu‘ siflm! with Ex ensive prizes are also taboo. Hand erchiefs, decks of cards, score pads and such are given in place of former expensive articles. Candy Dish .\ with “1““ (‘HIUI‘WI glass dish. with a frng tn hnhl llnwn s. lillml with small mum oh'nps in a Vill‘ivl)‘ nf cnlm's was the prin- :It a bridge party I :Htvmlml. \thu empty of candy and artiï¬cial flnwws stuck in the fray. it was an {lih'm‘tiVu Ilhwc-r hnhlvr. RECIPES Squash Pie Filling 212 011115 Sit'VNl Hula-cl squash $420111» 11f sugar 2 01:35 1 cup of milk 51.11.1-11511110111'111 of salt I toaspnnnful cinnamon 1/1 toasnonnful Of gi_11gm' That sounds as though winter had no compensations for the loss of summer and early. fall sports, but, of course, it has. Although we cannot enjoy the oldfashioned sleigh ride party which has long been consigned to limbo of t e past, skating is becoming more and more Bonular. Then dancing will never e in the discard for old or young andâ€"who cannot play cards, the oldest standby ? Bridge is not the complicated game it used to be and with the right partner it is very fascina- ting. Moreover eatables served are of the lightestâ€"coffee and cake or sandwiches. lemonade and cookies, a salad and wafers or ice cream and cake, make the most appropriate refreshments. I have. had ginger ale and crackers after an_even_ing atcards. Usuallywa dish of nuts or small candies stand on the card table. Outdoor affairs have gone out with the falling ot the last leave". and only the. most persistent golf~ ers are still following that enticin r sport. Soon snow will put an enfi to their enthusiasm and we will all be racking our brains for amuse- ments that well interest. us through the long winter to which this: cli‘ mate sentences us. . Mar" 3‘s; .. fftg WI ll} 1“ _ j tie N K . ‘ AUCTION SALE By MARJORIE ADAMS Bridge Fascinating l'lggm's; X'vlplu'as uf famous “M such a sim- that. gl-nwn-up onuld llll Hclallyâ€"Jn lflVim.’ I'I'nII-IIIlIranm 0f Stanlvy M. MI'Xally, IIIIIII'ly lw- 'lowd sun of â€I“ law Jame-s Mv- Nally and “IS. XII-Sally. \\'IIH div Nnvvmlwr 81h HUI. :Iuml humxâ€" eight )o-uh‘. t\\u IIIHIIHI-s :IIId .ilh w days. We lI-aI'II fI'uIII lH‘HliI‘ll hrm'f lenxnl: 6. l\'ur;\‘ Mann kw) whim hy Clo-mung; mu. 3. Heavy plvcvs Hf furnitmw maglll' nut. to stand «m linu rug: lw- cause, the» marks In†by llu-m '12-.- almost innuussilllv tn m-adivulng.’ i. A lillll- \‘mvuan' in the.- wulowr in which was an- lmliml will pmwmf the whites frum lc-aking «ml. 1' 5. You slmulcl always sm'nh muv's soft collars with :9. still brush in laundering ? Amid Hm shudmxx‘ ohm This 111'" N but. Hm mus: Of an unlimshml hymn 3. Hvaw pim'vs Hi' unghl‘nnt to stand «m Ii cause. tlw marks 101'! I» almost inumssihlv tn m i. A “th Villl'L .11' mt sxveptmml ,juicv thickvnml with “2 tablespoonful Hf vnrnstm‘vh and svm- mill \x'lnmwd vrvam. only “1â€! mnnths ‘3 1. Bugs and caa'lwts «um-ht svat tlw \my «4' the nap 1" “J. A m-w my Night. in lw v Light Weight - - 35 lbs. COMPETITIVE QUALITY Medium Weight - 45 lbs. FINE QUALITY Heavy Weight - - 55 lbs. EXTRA FINE QUALITY . . Extra HeavyWeight 65 lbs. ~ SUPER FINE QUALITY ,, Stamford RoofingCoLmu-J Buntford. Ontario J. H. Harding, DO YOU KNOW THAT Stock Carried. Information Furnished and Service on Brantford Rooï¬ng rendered by IN MBMORIAM r my «mum. in lw chmnvd a hmum fur at. [vast an In Rolls. Talc Surf-cod llt'ulml ( ll A J oo-oWM-o-o-co-o-wuo-mo-W 3!.) Durham PAGE 1.