f4 THE DURHAM CHRONICLE PAGE 4. I UIJIIOII' '0 Garafraxa Sizeet, Durham, Ontario, 1)?" Frank lrwm, Editor and Prow'ietor. The Chronic e is mailed to any address in Canada at the rate of $2.00 per year, 81.00 for six months. 50 cents for three months. To any address in the United States of America. $2.50 per year, 81.25 for six months. 65 cents for three months. Foreign subscription rates on application. Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association Publishmi pvery Ihupdgy_ mornin; -‘:A Whosoever is afraid of submitting any question, civil, or religious, to the test of free discussion, is more in love with his own opinion than with truth. â€"WA TSON. .‘H or the :H'Ollll a] 1'“ tl mn-nts th of NIH rm H [01' “IN rvmrnm nf Row-w 59†as a mo-mlwt «awn-it} i- ,. l'.--.. xx ill. \\ u unlei'slauol. he again a vaniliotatn luv 'h.- ll: . \nmw. annl nu his past remrol should he l’l'lllf‘lll‘t. llv lla~ . Iil)’ wnml nlll‘ term in the (‘apat‘itv wl' Hr ~. mil in that. nll?‘ year has l'ully ,iustitiml him- w‘fl' :!~ ll :mnl mm for tlu- position. ‘l’upular with the mwimwl's a-l' llw llnunly linunvil, he has also shown a. .a, an?) l'w ll=i~illc.~~,,an.l ulurin: his term has been a 1: ml 1" 5»:w-~wnlaliw l" 1' Durham. His serui'ing of tho lmxn's l!.'i|l'~' an the matter of llw High School grant. n\':'l°ln-'i<_o‘-l by former llnuurils. and his recent stand m the math-y nl‘ payment at a town ease at the local lm-‘gulal. Nahum him as l-llv who has given his posi- llHll ~nl|w slllth. 'l‘llo' lms‘lillfll 0386‘ l't’l't'l'l'f‘tl to was a lull lll'v-wllll'tl lo lllo' Durham Council for payment. ul’ sovme 3200 for sl'I‘Vit‘es for a town inmate unable to pay himself. ltvvw Bell objected to the Council paying the hill and though he could not fully explain his reasons. said that he felt sure that there was something in the law whereby Durham would not have to pay the full hill. At the last session Of the County Council he. brought the matter up with the result that the County pays the bill and charges back 50 pel‘ rent. of it to Durham. These two cases alone should be sufl’icient to secure his re-electiOn, but the prinri ial one in our mind at time of writing is that he will be able to do even better work this year, if the experience of last counts for anything. Reeve Bell contested the election last year end won. He is en- titled to an activation this year. - -_. A -___ -4 --" mAn‘A LILICII lv" an civrlullmwlul So far as The Chronicle is concerned. we would be perfectly content to see all this year’s Council re- turned by acclamation, though we are also of the opinion that too many “acclamations†are not the best thing for a municipality. As there was an election last year, it might be well to form that pleasure I." 4‘“.- U 'l‘hmlgh numinatinn day this year falls on the 27th this month. with UN: clnctinn, if necessary, 0“ “'9 l M January. \w Maw 30 far hoard WT)? little talk Hilltl h'\\|1 wgm-ding Um snlvctinn of a 1927 (301111611. Mo'on HH- “019“!†{WP Sil'isï¬t'cl With the WOI'k 0‘ . {mm mum-rs last. war; at 1mm. we have heard no \\ ll H. (l Thursday, December 9, 1926 “ally. w vlni.:;lll~ H clay l'ulls‘ around somv uvllluw .. “1' MW nwn inlvuoling tn run should be . It F a \Vo'H-knuwn l'zu't that SN'Vice on a ti 1m! 1s a thanklo-ss Husk. but it is a service ’x vitizwn shHllM slumldrr. not. for any emolu- mt. may kw â€Mann-d, but for the betterment Immunity. GOVERNMENT CONTROL H NEXT YEAR’S COUNCIL ll Ill ll \\ HI I'll mills. Maw: Murdw mnolidalt‘ 101' no: l UNI!) II: no 3]» :. \VIIPHIPI‘ 01' 1‘ oi†nut, know. that is that. Hm l'naitm' nut. in favor of quickly mm mn- tmui afl'uirs: tiwught that thn solve- m inns maitvr and that mound somv definite m: tn run should be lI at the ofï¬ce, Frank Irwin. 3 is mailed to tow n )llmlm'k has for nuxL ymu', » ulsn g'gm- m' not they husim this year. though about by a last. 111 positions. ‘I_‘1\-“,1_. In last Thursday’s issue among other things. “In his liquor question he is not on a mandato from tho pi-ovinc P-7II- I'¢'*[»1°vsont.ati\‘0 of tlw riding: A POOR LOSER Just wait until Signor Musmliui hmnrs about On- tariu's strung man ! The strong: man nf cuursu will kvvp a vIu-ck on tlmso “mm of reputation." Them; Knights arr tm'ribly influvntial follows, it 56'0le. - ... 8293...: 3.5 :2», 3.3: .6 32% 2.395 .5525 E: :5, Is the old 'Custom uf “painting the town red" to be resumed ? \cstm'days vote lnoks like an encwragc- ment. 1|(“(- ILK’ lll‘_L-U Ill Ubil‘... Nobody likes a poor loser. and our advico to The (Hobo would ho to arrrpt tho situaion in a spm'ts- nianliko manner and if it, is as anxious for the wel- fare of Ontario as it profvssrs, to help rather than hinder the Ferguson administration “1 its endoavor to hotter comlitions in tho Provinrr. Thu vh-rtim of Farquhar It. Oliwr owr tlw Hon. Dr. Jamioson did not suit. The (Jhronirlr, hut it has not. ln-vn our custom, and nowr will ho. to whinr. and think that. those of tho olortoratr of Ontario who did not see oyr to eye with us are wrong. It aimoars that own “tilmuuta’s National Newspapor" has yet to loarn that, thvro is nothing to gain by vitriolir romnit-nt owr a lost. rausr. There is only one answer we can give to a recent ret’errntw in the Uwen Sound Sun-'l‘lmes that while We were the only llt'\\'Sl)il|l(_‘l' in tho County to Opon- l ly support a lionsom‘ath‘o candidate. we gaw llon. Dr. j .lan’iirson only "hall'â€"-lwarlml" stipporl on his (imrrn- l ment tlonlrol policy. l'nlike a small town daily newsâ€" paper we haw- heard of. we didn‘t haw to import somebody from the outside to wrih- our thunder for as. Anything: in snpart of Ur. .lainicson or the Conscrâ€" \a.li\'u Howrnnwnt that appeared in The Chronicle was written right, in this office. and the editorial rol- lllllll was at all limos under our snl'n-rvision and not l'aimc-d out loan lntsidc-r. The last two ranipaiuas haw shown where sumo ol' the so-ralled "italepc-mlonl" newspzn‘wrs stood. Against lllo Conservative party in Hntario. The Sun- Times was more than enthusiastic inlits declaration that it stmvd behind the t).'l‘..\. and against. the lionâ€"- sri'vatiws. In the last. Dominion election it was noticeably silent in its «lls‘t‘llsslnn ol' the customs scan- dal at Montreal whereby millions of dollars worth of excise-free whiskey was allowed to conic into ()ntar- in for the use of those engaged in the, l’ioollcgging trade. We ï¬nd no fault with any newspaper for havâ€" ing Liberal or l,'.l".(). leanings. That 15 its privilege. ‘ But why pussyfout '2’ In our opinion what the world needs today pol- itically. is honrsty. and there is no Honesty in any man who tries to appear one thing to the public and loses no opportunity to appear in his true colors when he can cloak his stand behind a question like tho Om tario Temperance Act. How would the Owen Sound Sun-Times have stood bad Leader Sinclair headed the Government. Control policy? In all probability, it would have hauled out its “independence†cloak and, like last‘September. remained silent. I n.__._.._-_.‘ nnn‘nn‘ “11.. llKe lilh‘l. i‘t‘plt'llllltll'. l'l'umun'u nuuu. 'Phc/(lln'onivlw supported (iowi‘nmont Control lio- (‘auso it thought it was the right policy. We may ho wrong, but onlv timo can toll. We have surmorti‘rd the â€IRA. in tho past, but we are not so set in our Opin- ions and blind in our travels about. the country that we cannot seo the faults of the O.'l'.A. We do not think for a minute that any Government Control pol- icy yet formulated can cnrh entirely the drink evil. hutwe do say. and say it with considerable know- lodgo that thero is little chance that it will be any worse than the lato lamented OffA. as it stands today on tho statute hooks._ Goyoynmont Dom-01 is at .least (the Chicago police having failed to .accomplisn the Job, the Gluoago guns: are now proceeding to Wipe [out each other.â€"Brantford Expositor. on tho statute hooks. Grover} entitled to a reasonable trial. ald A corner on wheat is all right but it looks to us as if the bqst thing to have on a corner is a ï¬lling stationâ€"Brandon Sun. When a Ishower of spare parts falls from the; sky, it‘s a sure sign you‘re nearing a ranlroad crossmg.â€"â€" Border Cities Star. though we hope it will I a last minute hunt ‘for‘somc THE ELECTION RESULTS PUSSYFOOT POLITICS police having failed to accomplish _,_-A-‘J:â€"_ ‘A .1... mg ï¬nd no fault with his Former Durham Resident Died at His Own Home, and Not. at Rosi- dence of Son, As at First Reported The Chronicle was in error in its issue of November 25 in stating that Mr. John Harbottl-P, who pass- ed away on the 2181, ult., had died at the homo of his son Gvorgo at. Pine Falls, near Winnipeg, Manitoba. Below we giw a l'l‘pOl't of tho hurial services as i'muirtml in The Saull. Stu. Mario Star. and which inakvs tho. nm-ossai'y l‘llll‘l‘ltllmls that. will he of inn-Post to all old friends of tho. family lll’l‘e. 'l‘hu Star says: “The funmal of Mr; John Har- hoillv “ll“ «liml at tho family 10- sidonco, 82 Hamilton Awme, N0- \Yll‘mbul‘ 21 in his 68th voar was held Thursday :iflmnuun at :3 oclnck, and thv Sl‘l\ll vs \win («induct (ml by Rm. S ..l Mucmtlmrol’ Westminster l’leslnlm izm l Iliuii' ll. lnlvimi'nt was inaclv in (iim'imc ml llvmvlwr le lzialllwnms m “'1 “I‘SSlS. \‘vil Turnâ€" or. l‘lml l’imvlS. .lnlm lhmahuv, William \\IHHL (:nni'gn Hai'lmtlln, Nm'mzm Ml'lVl'l'. MI'. IIIIIlmtIIv “as 1mm Jlln!‘ :20. I".I8 IIPIII‘ I‘IiIfIII'II (MIL, aIIII I‘IIII- iIII: his \IIIIIII IIIH\I‘:I IIIIm (lliï¬'urd to “IIIIIIIIII, “III-Iv III‘ IIIIIII'INI Miss RETURNED FREDAY FROM TRIP TO THE WEST Mr. Joucph Lenuox of Egremont Spent Month at Elbow, Sash, and at Other Places. 311'. .lusvph lmmmx Hf lig'l'vmnnt I'Mm'nml lmmu Friday night. of lasl. \ka from a trip \th, taken In sun his brothm' Rulwrt. seriously ill m hnspital at Davidson, “flask" and for :1 H1110 thought to be l'wyuml room: ii ti'nw thought. (‘1‘)‘. 'l‘hu l'n'oUu-r. wlm was 1mm in 1’4:- l'vmnnl. about. it) yours mm. “mm 1» tlw west in 1907 and. with his hmther William conducting a farming business at Elbow. Toward the end of Octobm‘ he was seizm‘t with snmn inward trnuhlu follmving an 0pc_-rati0n for appnndicius and I‘uslwd t0 the hospim}, wlwre it. was said hv simply cqglld not gm. bettm'. On receipt of the alarming news Mr. Lennox of Egromnnt left, for the west, where he spent a month. and is pleased to announce that his bro- ther is now recovering nicely and will likely be all right 111 the course of a few weeks, u. A notable thing we lvarnml from Mr. Lennox was that in his whnln month in the west. and in tho trip to and from that country. hv. nvvvr saw a drunken man nnt H Um I'vtnrn trip, when he ran into :1 mm- of tIu-m in the Union Station at 'l‘m'onto, ' The student in the.» axmagv uni- xersity is today in danger of falling \ictim to either of two dangers: suicidal smattering or suicidal spe- cializationâ€"Glenn Frank. “Oh, Harold, how quick you an} at noticing things !â€â€"Sydney Bull'etm. Snicidl Young Lady. “Darling you are the most. beau- tiful woman in the world.†4'. I ï¬t Former Resident of Durham Lived For Pest Thirty Yea West.â€"â€"-Buried With Ii Honors. â€"â€"â€"â€" Word was recoivod hero last.week of the draw at l’eachland, BC. on the 19th of Nox'ornber of Mr. Samurl .I. MrGirr. a former wvllâ€"known ras- idvnt of this tnwn, who droppmi «hand whilr returning from his work. Mr. McUirr 10ft, Durham in 1897 L0 lakc- up his I'l'SidPllCL‘. in the W030 and located almost. immediately at l’vachland, when} he has lived con- tinuougly «ivorusinco. He took up 1-‘ AI...‘ .nnlll1‘l"? (lll‘l lllLtIl;\ -- --.---- _ Pc-aclnland, where he has lived con- tinuously over sincv. Ho tank up land aftm' locating in that country. and bosidvs conducting a fruit farm Al__ I ___.-\--"4|. ull‘l ‘JL‘A’I‘I‘ D \J\]|.I-u‘rvu--a . during the summrr months workmi in town during the winter season. He was a man of about 70 years Of age, and much respoctod in his locaL- ity, as was evidenced by his t‘unvral ““11. In! H10 2ist ult. Whon in Durham. Mr. Mrtiirr was Captain of tho. old NO. I: Compan‘y in tho 31M. Battalion and for yrars was in command of this cnn'ipany at, tlw annual ramp at Niagara. In â€low days Durham tnrnod nut a “rt-al" company. 0110 of “In iwst, in Ontariu, and much of tlw roputation was at- triinitaiilo t0 Um vnrrgy and viti- rirnry of Captain Mctiirr. \ I‘ IIL‘y v. ‘aâ€"‘- Born on llw farm in Glonelg now occupied by Mr. John Mmlirr, thv deceased WI“ ho rnmomhorod hy thi- thm' POSillPlllS (If the tmvn and \‘i- vinily. though his departure from thosv parts nvarly lhruv «locndos aim will of nocvssity moan that “now «if the ymingui' gmim'uliuns will scarce- ly romvmlwr him. 3â€â€œ? mming In l’vachlnml Mi'. Mi'llii'i' was avtiw- in llw Iil‘o (if llw municipality and ho- hvld many munivipal pnsitinns. His funeral was held with military hun- m's and his (loath is muvh i-vgrvltml hy thv vilizvns‘ 0f Pnavhlancl and vicinity. llc- lvaws nu hmthei-s ni' sistors. llm only i'elaliws living â€I0 MCGlI'l' families of this neighhnr- hood. CORONER T0 PROBE HUNTING TRAGEDY Attorney-General Orders Investiga- tion Into Shooting of James Elder. An inqm-st. hurt hcwn ordvrw‘ intu Hm death â€2' Jumps Eldvr, 25-yarâ€" uld svhnul (martyr, who died fl‘nm bullvt wnunds rm'viwd whilv on a hunting trip in Algoma 4;! NW. -5. This actiuu has been taken follow- ing Um l'ol‘n'OSOIIt3tions minim by Benjamin lildm‘. the dead man‘s fathm'. WIND rusidos «m a farm about. twu milvs west of Allvnfnrd, in Bruce County, At tlw tnnu of the t'unvl'nt it. was thonght. that. tho unfortunate young hunto'I‘ had slipped «on it rock and fallvn. and that his ritlo had oxpludâ€" mt avcidvntally. Sincv an inwsti- gatinn has Iwen (Drum-ml. tlnunty til-own Attornvy 'l‘. H. lbyrv Hf â€won Sound has instructm! .l'rovincinl tinnstuhlt- 1,. A. huntun t» dig up tlm facts. which will he m'vsvntvd at. tlw inquest. thv tliltt' and Mar" Hf {hit}; Years in With Unitary which has not vet been ammm It is expeclhd, however. llmt. i bably Taft, or some nthm- gm,- Bruce County, will be chum. WIS thought, at ï¬rst. Hm! . . mains o! the dead man \x.. exhumed, but in View ul' l‘vyf‘ formation which has mum : session of tho Crown Hm ~ be. necessary. It is expected that 8mm dencv Will Do lllï¬CiOSmi ' quiry. All members uï¬ ing party, including l- \\ Hammond. a wlm-inarx ‘ Allonford. and Dr. Canny“, f \ Halmla. mno. wlm \wrv mm llw trip and win» «I 1 wounds of ymmg lilclm'. . 1‘ likelihood lw summnnwd .~ Some people could ht' . ,4 midst burnished brass and p51.“ mirrors and still see no bright â€.19 of life. Hugs . . . .. Wheat. . . . Oats ..... Barlvy . . . Buckwhval. {(518 Elggytl. ;. i. . l‘ O O .f‘ml“ C O 0 [1"3. . f. . . C. I . \v. C O t F 13%“ ttcr.. l'ot atom Â¥. p er 1 :a g DURHAM MARK F'l‘ t ....... ........ 1.- q ..’.’ I†"; Vooo............o vheat ........... ,'fl)u: ...... ...... .. 1.10 0! 1.1 |Grain, per c\\1.. 1.1.) (r? 1. " 11.“ l. a one... coo-000.... .-' Corrected December 9. 191*, â€l 1ND SCHOOLIHN 19m: fl M M \\ ll PPM 50“ . M 0" l(u(1 l \\ DURH Thursday. D ll nlfr