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Durham Chronicle (1867), 6 Jan 1927, p. 1

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“a chain is only as strong as its weakest link" and an unmhwatml, or unatoriwlm'atml population cannot by any stretch of the imagination ho i-lussmt as good an asset as those who have had the advantage of a gmnl High school eomcation. Thvl'fl WeI‘P in all Only 8/! V'Ott‘fi . an, against the bylaw tag 2!: cast in its t'axor. neatly HUN) vatepa ms favoring the extension of the so 001 to one" Who did not. Many Of thoso “h” votml against the bylaw had not been properly informed, and a t’mx opposed the question horn tho that and nm er changed their mind. 'lho» High School Bylaw “as the tug question on Manchu. oversha- «timing the contest for the mayorâ€" ;ilt.,\‘. tlw Council and the Public Srhonl Trustees. Durham ratepaynrs docided in no pncm'tain mannvr on Monday’s wt- mg that when it romes to a show- down along mhwatlonal lines that ttwy am ho-himt every movement for the advalwo-mo-nt of this com- nmnitv o-ohu'atinnally. The deci- sive majm-ity of 'MI) in favor 01' the Pro-Minn of a 825.0% attention to the local High schoor'is a “mark-- abln tt'ihuh- tn tho.- vahm this tnwn “lilt'ON‘ un thw young livos growing up in its midst, as wo-ll m Hmsn in the surrounding ccnuntry whu alsn arv pntitled t0 thu privilt-gw of a decvnt vducation at a nominal cost. “Thu gum-must assM. of any country is ":4 children.” is a statemvnt that has nth-n [won madr from the pub- Iiv platforms 0! tlw prpvnwc'. It is a mu: state-mvnt. By thn same) token! Much Interest Taken in Election of Legislators on Monday. Balm W as: Reeve by Aoclamation “‘1"! £51 " ’81 \\ Mml-H'l'28 1'.- Mum II o'lm It‘ll m 7 III . “3: NH H \lc'llVl'i'h' '9 \\ idmmc 1 .mncil. In“ men HIP lath- rwmlt h)‘ RATEPAYERS moonss . man scuom BYLAW lnrdock Got: Iayoralty J. N. Murdock. who has hold .anH the chief mgistrato’s chair for tho past. two years was sum-ossâ€" t‘nl in winning over William Mar- ulnnnlol. for tho past numbrr of yours .1 number of tho Council. Mayor- wlm-t Murdock gow a third torn], and hiw 'l‘homzis Fostvr in Toronto. won by :l rum! margin. his majority ho- mt: :lil. Whih- Mr. Mat-clonaht’s clo- v'mt was gono'rally Conrailml about. mun. tho-ro- is a gonrral rogwt that .- will not ho a inc-mlwr of this sum". «innnril. Mr. Mardonnhl was t gum! man on tho» Council Board mo! ”trim is liltlo rtouht ho. would nu; slum! We'll up on tho list. hail .. :mt :h‘pll't‘tl for tho mayoralty. l. i~' tho gonorul Opinion that had he .v'lltittllt'tl UH this .W‘al'rl Council hi8 'imni‘e-s for tho- mayoralty nrxt .tlt‘mtinued on page 8‘ BIG VOTE POLLED t. . \o ___. lhas Hulm. (accl.‘ IN lulh‘ Ro-P\o‘-Wm. 0va8 0 mm H 41. Baptz. H. Sci \\ Hwy-1'. Only 84 Votes Cast Lining: Bylaw to Build $25,000 Addition to Dur- ham High School. Total laior- ity in favor 140. VOL. 60.â€"NO. 3108 ’l'huug'h (Ilnal‘lvs Holm was given w I'm'H‘Ship by acclamation. they puty-ro'vwship and tho positiuns Haw mnuwil were hotly contestvd \nrnmnhy last Monday. Fusing-er u olnt'vutml by Uvnns for the dep- }â€"l‘0‘0'\’0'."lli[) by :1 vol." of 282 [0 7». whilv {1. Bao'tz. H. Swim and T. “Hm-VHF sm-urmi svats 9n tlw Mcllvriclu anal Honf were thv former polling L57 to 's 275. Fullmving is thv Wards: DEPI'TY REE 'r; 3);) 130 22 39 58 «ZUI'NCIL 3m '12 I?) 0 L'JJ 9’1 7 1‘.) IN NORMANBY l7 I3 .0 l3 Swim. 7 28:3 106 -'1 15 3 4 6 47! 5’81 Mac-k 3'3 18 ’17 1.3 Run 1 i v 23 I7 3-3 26 MNHH' 97 I?) 8 3-: Mvfil'ath 28 1’“ H 2-: )lt'Ko'c'hniv 39 SH 18 13 ”(millsml 7:53 7 6 7 \Vnpplm" 83 25 1'1. 51 \Vh itmm'v I38 37 7» li Culmcil vlm'tml: Rm'VPâ€"W'illiam \Vt'il' {avvl CounciIW-M. Black. J. MvK (I. \W'pplel'. H. \\'h_itmnre-. FORMER‘RESIDENT DEAD IN PHILIPPINES WHITMORE FIRST IN GLENELG VOTE Tho intm fist takvn in tho ole-ction in (.lvnelg on Mondm “as kwn and when the ivsnlt, \u H' tinalh an- nouncul thmw- “on- no doubt sur- ptisos tor a good mam. Tho old veteran,;\lalcnin1 B181 lx iti-t iinmt his swat at the Council table but two of tho mvmbers of last with won: ['0- jloctcd by tho olvctois. 'lhosn wvl'o . . Brodiv and I. MPHHI'UI. John Mi'ttirr and D. Robinson. two nmv aspirants. wot-v also st", with,» by the votm's, tho principal ronson no doubt bring that with tin-m- running in No. I want it wont” haw born no sul'pl'isv if all bml bee-n In”. Mr. Robinson. too, is :1 now man to Hm township and was not “will known o-xm'pt in tho' vit'init)‘ of his mvn homo. Fnlnwing is the 1'08”“ 01' the mn- tvst. by wards: Word has llt‘t'll receivmt in town of the death in the Philippine Islands of Mark Ludlow. a former chemist in the cement works here. who loft town about 20 years ago. Mr. Lud- low went from here to tho. States and then to a mill in Ailwrta. The last the writer heart: of him he was in Afghanistan in Northern India. but we understand tnat he returned from that country some. years ago and had since been working in Texas and in other states in the Union. Some time ago me wont to the Phillippines, where he met his death by falling out of a hotel window at. which he was stopping. Mark was well known in Durham while here. though it is quite possible that he may not be generally re- membered. He was of a quiet, soci- able disposition. anc well liked by all his acquaintances. who will be shocked to learn of Ms tragic end. We have no particulars other than he was killed in the Philip- ines, the word cominfito Mrs. John obin from her sister, Mrs. J. C. Copper at Hanover, Montana, Mr. Caper being associated With the de- ceased for some years in the cement business. (:vm'gv \Vlnilmm-v. nf tlw Durham maul vast of town. was thn high man and pnllml 138 \ntus in his lmnw pull. his nvm'nst riml lwing .lnlm Mvfiim'. with 97. ' u wm’fly Yo'u to Advertise in The Chronicle. Thirty-four Votes in Lead of Near- est Competitor. in Contest for Seat on Council Board. Mark Ludlow, a Former Chemist in the Cement Worke Here, Reported Killed Some Time Ago. DR. J. H. GRISDALE Deputy Minister of the Canadian Department of Agriculture, is chair- man of the World’s Poultry Con- gress Committee and will have much to do with the preparations for the huge gathering of poultry- men which is set for Ottawa next July. Mt'Kt't'hnit', 165 1.53 15‘) 16) 170 87 19:") The dvath of Mr. William Bruwn on Sunday at his. homo in Bontim'k mmnws mm of tho best. known resi- c‘lvnts of the township, and 0110 who had smut practically his whulu lifo- within a fvw milvs 'of the place uf his birth [war Lamlash. whm'n hu first saw llm light of «lay «m “in 6th of March. 1851:, nvarly 68 yours am». He» was a sun of thu late» Mr. and Mrs. (,iem'gv ”POW”. was a must snow-35f”! farmmz and a man who had lhv m-spvct of r. wiclu circlv 0f acquaintmuws. 'l'ho- late Mr. Brown's death Pame as a gin-at. shock tn thn community. Ho was a man of t-xti'vmely i-uggmt physimw and. twin; takvn ill nnly a Work [H't'ViHllS In his tlt'aih. VM‘)‘ t'vw kiww of his illno-ss until the nc-ws at his passing was annminvvd. 'I‘lu- illnms that tm'minutmt in his (“'8”) last. Sunday \\ as minimal by an at't'ilit‘lli. n. wwk ago last. Friday when iw was thrown nut of a vuttvr in. which he was rioting mul sus- tainmt an. injury to his. arm which subsoqnvntly «hwvlupmt into septic pnismiing. and though two consulta- tinns “err hvlnt and. an opvratlon pt-rt'm'mnd in an otI‘ort to saw. his. lit’v, they Worn unsuccessful. Dur- ing: his illnoss. Mr. Brown :llsn gave signs of having pnvumonia..Imt. this was a very siight attack and is not lurliuvpd t“ “3le 11311 anything i.” do with his death. as it quickly dump-s pnared. Follmving: tiwii' marriag‘n Mr. and Mrs. Brown liwcl for :i llllmiwl' nf ymu's iwm- Aiwi'chmn m1 tiw. farm imw nwnect by Mr. .lnhn Lynn. \\i|t_'l’t) their family “131'“ horn. They mnwwl tn Hm Vicinity (if Mulm‘k \Vilt‘l‘t' tiwy lived up to “‘11 Ol' twule )‘t'm's :ign wiwn Hwy l‘t'iil't‘ti tn Hanan-r, \Vilt‘l't‘ ttwy smut. line 01' six yvzu's. 'l‘ii'ihg «if town life» tlwy l't'illl'lleti tn tlw farm iwai' Mu- hwk, thi'vv years 3g". Wilt'l'i‘ tlwy hnvi- silwu livmt l't‘iil't‘ti. and whivh is imw Ut‘t'llpit‘ti hy Mr. and Mrs. .lnsvpil Remy. Mr. Brawn was :1 must. succvsst‘nl I'm'mvi' and by hat-«l wnrk and thrift hml zit-vuniulutmt cniisich'rahln ut' this \Vni'hl’s gumis‘. which Niahlmi himsvlt' and his cistimahlv pai'tlwi' tn spi'lll. tlw vvvning ut’ tiwir liws in (mmtm't. H0 was a gnml iillSilH'SS man. a gnmt twighimi'. and his smi- cli-n passing is a muttm' of much nu {.H't‘i. hy inmwdiaw iwighhm-s amt 3'. \Vitit" ('ii't'w nt’ t'i'ivmls aunt acquainâ€" tam't-s. Tho lalo rm: Iirown was marrn-tl in 1881 to Miss Susan .\illam who, with a family of throw sons and ”no claughtm' Slll'Vth‘. 'l‘o than 'l‘ho (Iln'oniolo vxtonals thi- smmalhy of tho ontii'o community in lhl‘ll' hoâ€" roavvmont. Tho sons aw: Erwin. in Benlim'k. himsvlt‘ now quito ill with an attark of orysipc-ias; (tom-go in California and William in Salvm. Hrogon. Mrs. Joseph llvay (lilal. in Bontinck is tho only olznigrhtm'. Mr. Rni'wn is also survivml liy onn lim- thor. (inorgv. in llonlinvk. and by throo sistvi's. Mrs. ll. l’ttl'lt‘l‘ of I’m- ton. Mrs. M. .lavkhn oi' nvar llan- uwr. aml Mrs. .lanivs Built-y Hl' tiliii-agu. _ 'lhv funn a! i~ 1» ring 11014! at 2 mlm k Satnulax attmnmm f1 nm his. late» H'siclnm v. and intmnwnt “ill 1w. much in hmham (vmvtvu. llu. hlll'izll svl'vivv lwin}: IH'M HVer 1H pm-mil. uf nwmhm's nt’ tlw family from Hu- \\'v.~'t. twin}; in uth-mlanw, Mr. William Brown Passed Away Sunday After Only One Week’s Illness. ' Was Well-known Resi- dent of Township All His Life and His Death Is Much Regretted. PRICEVILLE LADIES . HAD GOOD CONCERT The proceeds amounted to in the neighborhood of 860, which was most satisfactory to the Ladies’ Aid, who are to be congratulated upon having brought such a llne enter- tainment to the village. Miss Hililred lmnnox. A.T.(Z.M.. ot‘ Barrie, vocalist. elecntionist and pianist, xx as the outstanding poi- former of the evening and her ver- satile piogram was entlmsiusticall-v receixed by the audience. Besides a number of selections, entirely new to a Pricex ille audience, Miss Lennox gaw those old {in orites, “The Cattle Thief." and “Caller Herrin ” with good effect. " Miss Leah McComb of Durham was t_he accompanist of tpqevgnigg. BENTINCK FARMER DEAD FROM SEPTIC POISONING Proceeds Amounted to in the Neigh- borhood of Sixty Dollars. Many Excellent Features on Program. le mum-rt in MPKimmn Hall. Prim-Villa on 'l‘uvsday. hm-emlwr 28. undvr tho unspiws nl' tlw Lmlivs‘ Aid 01' ”In l’l'vshylm'ian Church 01' that \‘illugv. was an unqualiIiml sm'vvss, hnth l'rnm Hw stundlminl ”f attvn- dance and the quality of thv pro- {II am prosontml -__.--. .. n .- .â€". Amongst other numbers on the program were solos by Mr. James Milne, a brother of Dr. Milne, who is now settled in Priceville. Mr. MilneJias a good voice and it is predicted that he will make his mark as a high-plane e_ntertainer._ Mrs. William AldcuI-n, tIIII PI-IIs- iIleIIt, IIIIIIIIIIII ilIII mIIIIting “ill! a IIIW \H‘ll (.‘lIUSPH \\ 01415 of ChN‘l' and II\ VIIH‘SSPU thII lIOlIII that “III has! (Ii :IHIIIItiIIII w_IIIIlIl iIII giwn tlIII \ai'- iUllS (IIItIII'taiIIIIIIs Mrs .-I\lIlIIII'II lIaIi IIlIaI‘gII of the program and mum] 011 the \ai'ious numbers The Pricevillv orchestra was in line fettlo and bvsidvs owning the program with a cuuplv of lively so- lvctions. gaw soveral othors during the evening. Th0. \\'l'2l”ll‘l' was mild and dur- ing tho lh'sl, [H‘l'ind thn ice was wry sI-aly. In “In SI‘I‘HHU aIIIl lhiI'Il [wr- iIIIls lhv scalinvss lIaIl giwn way to awlicky Slll'ffll‘l‘ and while tho ganm was haIIl- l'IInghl all lhI- wax“. it was alnlhing lIIIl ;.-III_IIl :IIIckIw. ”lhI- liI st [H I ma Olll‘lll'll \\ ith snmII hill'llllllll.‘ \xIIIk hy both teams. The I'I-l'I'I‘IIII. Frank KIIII)‘ (If Lislowvl. lIaIl l‘VlllMlH)’ lIIIIII‘Il that it was al- illg‘l‘ull'l' likvly anylhing l‘IIIl. a lIIVII l'I-slival wIIIIlIl lw hold and Ill' han- ishml thn plawIs trnm hnlh tI-ams «In am [Ilelvnsn «If inl‘Iaclinnv. of ”In plaxing lllll‘S. In HIP l'IIsl [H‘liOd no luss than ll} IIIIIIa‘liIIs “l‘ll‘ hanIl- I'Il unl. lIII nIinIII' inl‘IaI'linm. (II‘ which Pal"! lI‘Iam I'OllI'I'tI'Il liVI‘. 'lhn sprawl and third III‘I‘iOIls \Vl‘l‘l‘ nIIl. so had l'IIIIII a Iwnally slanIllII‘Iinl. IIIIII hm lIIIin; Ilfllltil‘ll out in “10 seanIl and lllllll‘ in lhII lhiII.l Modern Women’s place seems to be in either the delicatessen store or the beauty parlourâ€"Wall Street JfiurnaL 'l'hv rvlul'n mmw in Hm Sorthvru Lt'ag‘llu lwtwm‘n Hanover and Dur- ham hmk placv 'l'umday night in Hnnm'o-r rink and was :mothm' \‘iC- lm-y fur thc- Durham hays, who dou- hlmi “W swm- cm their wustm'n hl'o- [hm-n and mm» hark to Durham with a 6-3 vivtmgv tuckml under tlwil' lwlts. DURHAM TEAM WON GAME ON TUESDAY Defeated Hanover Boys on Hanover Ice 6 to 3.-â€"-Weather Was llld and Ice Very Sticky. . 'I'IIII M'I‘IIIIII IIIIIIIIIII was II skaIiIII: vnntwst sn far as Ihv svnring \Vas ('IIIII‘I'I'III‘II. l‘IIViIIgII gIIIIiIII: IhII only vnunlurIW HuIlnuflnd “qulluIscor- III] 101' bur ham in IR IllIIlllII'S III' IIIII3 ']‘III- iIII II3 this time 33 as stick3 and ham III Im~ IIIissIIII man3 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIâ€" HI 5 III SI‘III'I‘. III<iIIg IIIII IIIIck \3IIIIII iLlqusvd hIlPavv HHIicv. lII IIIII IIIiIII SI‘SSIOII HUSI‘IIII‘II got IhII. IIIII3' ('HllllIPl' SI' III'inI: for IIIII ham aIIIII' SIWI’I'RI minutes of pla3. \\ il- son nu IIIII III'II‘IISI‘. IusIIIIII through ”[100 IIIII CIIIIIII not gIII IIIII IuIIIIIIII past MoorII. HII had a good Opp“- Iunin, hut IIIII IIIIaVy II‘ II slovIIId a "IOH'IIII'IIH :IIIII IIII 33 I13 blockvd h3 “In defense. Giving jazz to England about even- ed the score. She gave us‘sparrows. fLos Angcles Times. Everybody seems to . speak with conviction on the subJect of crime except our jurnes.â€"~Norfolk Virgin- ian Pilot. Durhamâ€"Goal. \chonald; doi‘oncv (210m Hits and “ilson; cpntie, Mc- (iil‘l‘; “ing E'hidgn and BUSClllPH. Subs â€"Rtm'o: and Mellraitji, A punt of a boy sometimes devol- ops mto a whale of a mamâ€"Bert Moses. What some 01' pm slippery cit- izens new! 18 a 9311' of chams.â€"â€"-Am- erlcan Lumbermau. It was a llawl-fnughl game all the way. ospm‘ially aflvl' tlw mm mmâ€" iod. and lmth toums \wm tired wlwn tho sixty-minutv \Vlnistlv blow. Tho lino-ups: Hanm'vrâ€"llnal. MOON; defence, M0050 and Beckc-r: contrv, Bootl'gcr; wings, Lémont and Bluhm. Subs.â€"â€"« Smith and BN3. ~Rotv'ereenFrank Kelly, Listowel. THE GOOSE THAT LAID THE GOLDEN EGGS! CRISP COMIBNT 'l'lw dualll Ot‘t'lll'l‘t‘d at tlm Han- tht‘l' Momursiil Huspitul 0n Tuvsday of last week of llichaIIl HUM!“ L00- IIaId. hrotlwr of M12. ll. .lhIll Hf HanOV er. The deceased \\ as horn in Hamilton on Nowmhnr 24,1851. lII Pall) Vouth lll' mount “llll his IIaI- outs and nther mumhms of the lamilV tn the 17th concussion of .\III - munhv. ““6113 her lth‘tl IIIIlil l‘IrI'- IlIaI \, 19m, and .Ilth' \\ hich “1' made his homn “lill hi~' sister in tuwn. He was takon ill about six \Vwks ago with Ili‘opsy. \\'lll('ll l‘l'Slllll‘ll lll hvaI't l'IIIIIII'v. 'l'lII' l'l‘llllllllh‘ \VvI-u lllll'l'l‘l'tl iII HzIIIIIIIlvn I'III‘IIIIIvI'V. lw- SiIlI! tllIIS'v (If his l'ullwl' and mo- lllt‘l'. IIII FI'iIhIV. lhe3lsl. IIIsl. MI'. Ll'dlllal‘d lt‘aVl‘S to nlOlll'll his Iln- ItIIasv. OIII- l‘II‘nthcr, GI~0.. and mm sis- tI-r. \laIV (\lIs. llall.‘ Dvcvasml was a Slllf‘lldlll (Iliznn lIlem-Il {Incl H‘- spectml lIV all “lm kllt?\\' him. MRS. R. J. BALL’S BRO. DIED IN HANOVER HOSP. Passed Away Following Six Week's Illness with Dropsy. President. Mrs. (Dr.‘j~ Grant. 1st Vice President. Mrs. (van B. 1). Armstrong; 2I'Id Vice PI osidvnt. Mrs J. M. Bur'gtss: TInaSIIrsz Miss“. PaIk: Sorrvtarv, MissJ. M. \Voir. B. A; (low-mini», Mrs. James Hopbum; Exrcutivv Committee: Miss M. (Jal- der, Mrs. G. McKechnie. Mrs. W. J. McFadden. Mrs. J. McGowan, Miss A. Weir. Mrs. J. H. McFadyen; Pianist~ Mrs. A. W. H. Lauder; Au- ditors, Mrs. (Rem) Armstrong and Miss J. M. Weir. the Henderson Bakery here, was taken down with appendicitis Tues- day night and taken to the local hos- pital where an operation was per- formed by Dr. D. B. Jamieson. Re- R‘orts late this Wednesda state that r. Morton is doing wel and that no serious results are anticipated. The Presbyterian Ladies‘ Aid held their annual business meetim: at the, home of Mrs. James Hepburn on Monday, December 27. There was a good attendance and the various otficers and members gaVe good re- ports of the year's work just. past. Following are the. officers for 1927: MRS. DR GRANT HEADS LADIES’ AID Officers for Coming Year Elected at Recent Meeting at Home of Ira. James Hepburn. A new picture of Judge Landis. who unearthed the baseball scandal that brought about the downfall of Cobb. Speaker, Joe Wood and Dutch Leonard. The Judge only a few days before the showdown had his salary increased from $50,000 to $65,000 per year. Mr. Wes. M01 UNDERWEIT OPERATION THE CZAR OF BASEBALL $2.00 a Year in Canada; $2.50 in U. S. with l Durhamqimnl. Mclhmald; dc'fvnm'. Wilsml and Ulnmums: contrv. Mv- Gil-r: wings, lilVidgv and lmsvlllvn. €Suhs.. llmw and Sun“. ' vam‘wâ€"‘lnhnscm. l’almorslon. hi thr tlrst tlntarin Association gami- in this distrert this suns-nu. the Paisley tram rnwrgml with a 4â€"3 vicmrv aftvr a harcl struggle and WPI‘u lucky to pull out on lllu lulu: and of this small srurr. At. all times the l’aislry tram \wrc- luml [ire-sard. and but for scrimmagvs in front of thr Durham gnal in Which Durham playrrs wrro unfortunatv mmugh to some for their oppouruts. they had hut. twu rarnml mulls tn thrir rrmliL mu- ul' thrsv lwiiu: srurml nu an Oll‘sitlc which the rt-t'rrm- dicl not catch. lilvidge for Durham and Marshall for Paisley did the neormg in the lirst. period, whirh ended in a tie. l-l. The score was 2-2 at. the end 0f the serond. the rounlrr l'nr Paisley heing secured uy (seorue Grant. and that. for Durham hy llilt Wilson. In the third frame lil- vidgo scored for Durham and the two Grants ouch tallied one for Paisley, making tlu'l'ull-lime WON 6-3 in favor of Paisley. lilvidue, Wilson and Metlirr were llm star performers for Durham. arrording to reports. The line tubs: Paisley» Goal. .l. Mt'.\l'll|lll'2 de- l'vmw (i'. fin-ant. and H. MvArtlmr: cuum'. Plvkarcl: wings. Marshall and H. Grant. Sulm. les'vnzw. Trimmed Hanover fluidity ThII NJLL. gamII playI-Il “01'“ Now Year‘s night was tlIII (IIIIItaIII raiser this season loIIally. and It IIVIIIl up to all aIlII\'IIcII ale'I-IItisIIIu. 'l‘lIIIIIII. is always soIIIIItlIIIII.I doing thIn Hanover and Durham IIIaIIIs moot. at lIIast tlIIIIIII always has ‘N‘t‘ll II! “In past and tho game ”It Sat- IIIIIlay “as no t'Xt't‘lttlflll. \\'lIIlII tho sIIoIIII was too IIIIII-sidIIIi to IIIakII IIItIIIIIIstIIII: I-IIIIIlIIIu. “It! HaIIoVIIII hoys \Vt‘l‘t’ always ”HT“ and \\IIIIII I'IIlIIIg right. on top of tho. |tllt'k e\IIII\ nIiIIIItII \‘tith tho IIx- t‘t‘ptltlll of tho third goal in “In first IIIIIIIIIIl IIuIII} IIountIIII was a IIlIIaII shot on the nets, tlIII only ono of a tIIIkIIy IIIItIIIIII IIollIIII.r III oVIIII tlIII Hanover goalio‘s stick. At that it. was a lot. lIaIIIlIIII shot than It lookIId from tho hoards and was mm of tlIosII IIIIsy IIIIIIs that should have hIIIIII stomwd. hut. wasn‘t. Got Thm in First The play startIIIl oil with a bank, and the puck travelled at lightning speed up and doxm tlIII IIIII Fora I timo It lookIIIl as If HaIImIIII might SPOI‘O. hut attIIII t\\o nIIIIIItIIs of plm MIIGIIIII boat. the HIIIIImIII goal IIIiIIIlIIII. Shortly at‘tIIII BIIsIIlIlIIII took II solo IIaIIII down tlIII IIIII. got through tlIII llaIIouIII IlIIl'IIIIIIII aIIIi IIIissIIIl hv a t‘IIaIItion of IIII iIIIlI III sIoIIIIII: aIIotlIIIII OIIII toII tho locals. Play for tho IIIIxt tlvo minutos was fairly IIVIIII. lmt with 13 millllt“s of the playim.I timo IronII tho ”Ill‘htllll ‘ -V--r.v-.- V .....-- u .~.--.-a. uauul!‘ III III" local rink 0n va Yvar‘s night. At. Paisley the locals \wm- heatvn 4-3, but New \'0ai"s night they took the Hanover sextvttv into camp it tn 1 in a game that was fraught. with excitmnvnt and mntuinvd min trem- t'or-nll in tho thh-ct frame for good moasurv. We understand that thvru is a posibility that the work of excava- ting‘ will hr commonrvd the first thing this roming spring and the rest. of tho hnilding cumplntmi be- forn tho snow flios. Anyway, Dur- ham is to grt a now post. ofl'ico is the assertion of our lady member. fl Durham Intermediates Split fifty- Pifty in 03A. and NJLL. Fix- tures Last Week. Next Game lere Next londay. .When Chesley Comes to Town In 0.114. Game. Miss A. C. Mm'phail, M. l’.. was in town Monday and while hero 3- surod somv of tlm town nfl'icials that thou: was now no doubt that Dur- ham would gut tlu- new post ofl'ivn building which slw had had placvd in the ostimalns a couplv of yvars ago. ' NEW POST OFFICE Probability That. Work on the flew Building will Commence Early This Coming Spring. LOST T0 PAISLE Y; WON FROM HANOVER Durllgm's_ inlmmmhate hm'kny (Continuvd on page First 0. H. A. Game IS NOW ASSURED l‘mrham by Bill him! frzmm lil- )urham and H10 talliml «mu fur 3“

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