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Durham Chronicle (1867), 13 Jan 1927, p. 3

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ials uality 135$“ {( ‘ I f\ [18 M .\l {COATS 0C Pe ’ r12 Ibo Beauty Parlor ()l.l.l~;TT Ink. Tel. 150 (311389 .VOUI‘ ents mnent $1.00 .339 nod ICK. Etc U' ) D. 1‘87 The starting point in business farming is rrop rotation, 01‘ the establishment of systematie (‘l'np- ping systems to maintain soil pru- tluetivity. The three farm prac- tices “hirh contribute must etl'eet- uall)‘ tn the prmlurtion ut’ surh ma- jor craps as wheaL corn, and oats, are cultivation. rroh rutatimi. and the use at fertilizers. both manure and (ommerrial materials. These three operations rank almust equally in importance, but. while t the cultivation of un- snil anal um use of fertilizers are more nr less e-Xpensis'e. rotation of crops does not appear as an item of eXpense in any farm cost-aeronnting system. It is true that a farmer may spend time or energy in planning a rota- tinn. that is. in determining a se- qupnep ut‘ crops which will enable each crop to derive the maximum benefit from preceding crew and Your,- hark, whenever a man had :s tooth-ache, the oflending tooth “as pullout out. Whon this opera- tum hm! horn performed thirty- MVH time's, tho individual bought 3 1w“- so" of "dining roonvt‘urniture,” us Hn- treth arr somotimos t'urvtmusly style-4t. 'l‘hvreat't'or, his tooth troubles were over. . 'l‘hwn a dontal-surgory wa‘s «lowl- opvd from a twain-pulling and plato- mziking industry into a bi hly spec- ialize-d tvchnical art. \“uys and mvains of saving thv trvth \wm iii-- Viseol and [H'I'SUHS’ urgm‘l to avail thcmsnlvc-s Him-mi. Having a tooth exh-zâ€"wh-il without aufl'ivivnt cause rmno- tn iw l'o.'gal'ilml as SCPiOUs a mistakn as hanging an innocent. man. Tin.- tooth. which for years had my- cvivml nu notice except when he achml. now look the cvntm' of ”iv stage- in matters anatomic. Pmplu who formnrly spent fifty cents to haw him pullml out... now spend fifty «inllars to keep him in. Then the penchllum swung thef-v-Jnostty in thoirmouth. ottwr way. Many diseases whose! ltocontly. at a (tomal mooting onl vxacl't. o'tiology had always ht't'lll more of tho spoakm's said then" had ham or ass a mystery camo to )o ro- altugothm- too much inc‘lism'imihatl Fatlm't‘.‘ 3“ 'm" {1'} {tin-at infartioh. 'l‘im ' vxtractimi of tooth. It is unjustiti In oc ion was NCO“ an cnrcum- ml in many, if not most. cases. HI so-rit'nlut. Amt than the toot‘hficame ! urgod Upon his hoarors a morn con into us own again in a (i great svi'vatiw policv in this regard. 1 \‘jay. Ho also camf‘ out a89in. The! tooth should hover no o'xtractoct. hi :\-t':|}' row-aim! things taking placeit'olltt‘lltlt‘tl. unloss it won; "prove-i at ttw t‘lltL“ of his roots that wgroihvyoml i'vasnnahlv doubt. that. it wa z'o'~1|0‘ltfiltblt‘ for most. of tho ac (‘3,i'osponsihlo for tho pationt.‘ (mot A paim that had hitherto vary! ti'ouhlo." Ho might havo addoit tha i'wlishly lawn tailed rhvumatifim.!this should not ho «litt'icult. to osta- 'I'Iar \x'ay to'ho rut ot' thosu pairwihlish on tho basis that a toot] “ "'r‘..3."'.$Ԥ.'.‘m‘.l't-‘ ‘31 93.53931“. mom i tiit‘jflfi “all. ‘33}??? “Self: Sfltflfifl ignition] tho pains amt ai'hos was asE had a littlo i-ax'ity in its crown. ant willows: l .\tt’ttt!ll.‘ apo‘tfnot’l thit'l root! that Hut?“ S'yllptt0tq1 slufivthht Ibogallgtel ts m-atm a l a sac l m “'1 ipus as a sa o ”161081011 0 cu pa 11.3 that is mnstantly tming dischargo'ct Amt so tho imniihilum has swan; into the- Howl sti'vam. This poimhitiark again and ”to tooth has com vim-Mating in the blood gives rise: into his mm againâ€"this timv. lot u to tho itisnnto-i's cmnplaihml ot' hyi hope, to stay 1n! (Com/wright, 1926, by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, Chicago.) HEALTH QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Operation Equally Important With Cultivation‘and Use of Fertilizers “mm“... from“; swvm'v n‘nwhlmullx _.__, ()ci-asionally, however. ~‘inw- cumin; [0 .-\-â€"â€"-~ from tlm l high allituoln is hlamml whom a local Hlol munli'v. Has lw’mi told that. m- ~‘yslvmalit' t'OlldlllOll ' respon- tlw high animal» of .\- is vausvflsihlv. It is Will therefm't to make Is this sci?" thain than no sum otlwr slam REPLY vxists. A carpful examination by a Migh altitmln may he causv. mull plnsiiian is mlxisahle in all cases. RIGHT CROP ROTATION CUTS FARMING COSTS Millions of teeth are extracted each year for one ' ~ason or another. Either a tooth has become such a ~ource of annoyance to its owner that he dispenses with its services of his own violition. Or, he is told that a tooth is a menace to his health and has it removed on the basis of such advice. H Note: Dr. Forster zvyl answer such health questions in these columns as will be 0 interest to others and permissible in public print. Personal questions will be answered only when accompanied by self-addressed and stamped envelope. Ad- dress Dr. Arthur L. Forster in care of The Durham Chronicle. Thursday, January 13, am May Be the High Altitude 'w'nlmld)’ is in this raw. if [m did .I. .\l. wrm‘s: "Young man. has: ; nut. haw nnsvhlo-M hqu-v mming to 30‘“ '3‘ mi: FAMILY NEXT noon BI] DR. ARTHUR L. FORSTEI ) 5 "Well.“ answered her mother tlmnghtt‘ully. “stoma men get into htr-HVO‘H. (Ivarin, but only by a very close Shth'." page. 7. for great bargain in closed car. . l ‘13 2 the patient. . Why one patient. with a focal in- lection should have pain in his right knee, another in his left elbow. and another between his ribs has never been satisfactorily explainei:l-â€"at least. not so far as I have been able to gather. One would sunposo that since the poison circulates through the entire body all parts of the, body would be affected. Such is, however not the case. Duty a cer- tain part is painful. Are we to as- sume that all the poisim is deposited. in this one place? It so, why? In CtHlSt‘Qllt‘llCt‘ of this indictment of the tooth. millions have been ex- tracted. People sutterini.r from an ache or pain had all their teeth re- moved and replaced with a brand New set. that had no naughty roots. They no longer called it rheuma- tism. but “they. most of them. still had the same aches and pains as of yore. And they felt that a terrible mistake had been made somewhere A -mostly in their mouth. lh-ceutly. at a dental meeting one of the speakers said there had been altogether too much indiscriminate extraction of teeth. It is unjustifi- ed in many, it' not most. cases. He urged upon his hearers a more conâ€" servatiVe policy in this regard. A tooth should never be extracted. he contended. unless it were. “proved beyond reasonable doubt that it was responsible for tlle patients trouble." He might “(We added that this should not he ditl'icult. to esta- hlish on the basis that a tooth liming: an ahcess at its roots might be just as apt. to ache as one that had a little caVity in its crown. and that this symptom should be taken as a safe indication of culpability. And so the pendulum has swuiu.r back again and the tooth has come into his o\\ll agaiuwthis time. let us hope, to stay in! giw thn gl‘o'iltcst benefit to subse- qm'nt. rmps. and in gntting the rota- inn vstfihlisht‘d on his farm. This. Imwey‘r. is cmmtml as an c'xpl‘t‘s- sium Hf his managvrial ability. fur which hv I'O'W‘iVI‘S x'vwal'd in Hm fm'm nf managerial inmmv, if through good management he suc- rvmls in ro-ahzing nvt profits. Thus in rutatinn of crops, a farmer has at his rummand. withnut any mone- tary oust tn him. a mmms whvreh)’ ho can materially incrvasn thn nut- put, nf his limcl anal rmluvn cmp- m-mlm'tinw mists. Sun advertisement in this issue, \‘ W] \\\\m \\ ‘ \\\ SPEED ”MIT 35 MILES FOR CARS IN ONT. Changes in the. speed limit Upon the highways ‘of Ontario. an alter- ation in the Marriage Law and a requim‘ément upon the part of all vehicles to carry lights at might constitute the diverse but common- ly interesting features of the; legis- lative pmgram for the. coming ses- sion upon which the T’I‘ovipcial mi\'eminieiit has so far determined. lntimatiou of the program was giv- en last week by Premier Ferguson. and as outlined by him, it furnished inclieation that the. interest during the coming session will not be en- tirely eonlined to the Government control legislation. 'l‘hn prnposal to han nll \rhiclos carry lights after «lark has 'hm'n lwfom tho I wrislatuu- at various times «hiring the past \':.mr hut fur (lisrl ussinn nnly. It is no“ heliuvml however, that tho nmmssniy mis- sinnziry \mrk on lwhnll' nl' thv mva- sum has lwvn rarriml nut. public Opinion having ronmiunirati-il it.- svlf in NW (lowrnmc-nt as pruparml tn arm-pt and support tlw Act. 0p- pnsilinn was originally from the» rural districts whvrc- farmvrs oli- ,it‘ctml tn having to 'arry lights Upon tlwir horse-drawn \'t‘hlf‘l(‘.~'. With the inrrvase in motor trafl‘ir, lmwo-wr. tlw proposal is living rv- cognizm‘l in rural rmistitnr-nrivs as ”no “hirh is nmwssnm in the" in- tnrrsts nl' thr personal satvtx nt' tlw residents. Motor whiclvs in the Province are to he allowml ; spend limit. of 3."; milvs per hour. wnm‘u a present Bil-mile spree] limit ‘13 stipulated. AL tlm same limo the s,stum 01' making Pruvincial highways through NH)!“ and ”l ruquiring Vulm'lvs to mmo tn 9. full stop lwlm'u oulm'ing upon llwm is also l0 lw enforced. islltlt'l' conditions of a roasonahly rli'ar roail, municipal otl'iror, have in some plarrs amt on spasmodic. invasions insist: .1 upon tho lotto-r ot tlio law. with tho rc-snlt that a mu- twist has found himsvll' Classwl amongst the vrring who-n uncons- rious of particular guilt. The now limit is atloptwt as a fair one and is o'xlu't'lml tn ("onlmt'ntl ilsvlf lu tll'l- wrs as woll as to establish a law which shall ho thoroughly rc-ason- ahlv. The limit. of course. will not apply to Toronto, “he in “It“ it", n- latios are tixml hy lo al hyla}: All Vehicles to Carry Lig Thu rhangv in Hm Act will 1m sponsored by Hun. Mr. anry. \vlm has hem: making a 'ai-vful study 01' thn spvm! limit situatitm. guthvr- ing his data nut only from mindi- tions 1101‘“ but also from pi‘at'ticvs iii \"l'imls stulvs of thc- Anim‘ican l'ninn. 'l'ho' 33-miii‘ slii'ed limit. mmmvnils itsvh' tn “011. Mr. Hmn'y asa l‘t'SUH of his investigatiims. 'l‘hm'n has not, lH“"ll uniformity ul' wut’orcmnvnt in (‘UIIHN'UOII with tlm lil't‘Sl‘nt 25-milv limit. \\'llilu Hm przu'tiw ul’ pun'iiivizil oiTit'ials has tuwn to allow 30 miles pvr huur l'ninn. 'l'nv :: wmmvncls itsvl as a rvsult nl‘ Tim“! has lmt. unforcemvnt in lu'vsvnt 25-111”: - -_ _-â€"_ _ . Bmhodies (fiance leklng It Com- pulsory for All Vehicles to Carry Lights After ' Dark â€" PrOpose Change In Marriage Law. {vipclgl ngislatigg Pygmgm Also THE DURHAM CHRONICLE SEES UNITARIANISM AS M’MASTER’S FATE Dr. W. B. Rile1 of Chicago who! will be remembered 1"111 his eIO-t qnent defence of Jonah and his1 whale deli1ered in Toronto last; Summer has returned t11"'.'loionto 1 and delivered the first t11o of ai short. course of lectures in the Jar-1 1is Street Baptist C hmeh last. \\ ed-- nesday afternoon and e1ening. Ai part. at, least. ot'1Dr. Riley’s a1‘011'ed'; purpose in returning to the eit11 within so short a time is to an-1 swer the alleged attacks made upon him and upon the :iaptist Bihlo'1 l'nion during the 1153 session of tho1 Baptist Convention 111 Ontario and'1 Quebec. He has not. as yet done so. 1 nor has he mentioned any names.1 but. at. both afternoon and meningi addresses announced ~ that t11-night1 was to he set avait for this! purpose. Dr. Rilev' s s11l1ie1t in tho' afternoon 1111~“'l11it1111an1ism.a hegen1_ating ll1-ligi11n,"11'l1ile in the e1ening he spoke on "Modern- ism. an ll'neni) in the livangelical1 1111111111." His interchange of the two1 terms during both lectures, however! made it plain that he 1-11nsi1lered both as practically one and the same thing. and deserihed them both as “1lainnal1l1r heiesies" and as the ”cam e1 that was eatiin. into the 1i- tals of religion. As usual :1 good deal of time 11 1s taken hp with his 1les11111ti11n ot 111111lin'11ns 111' modern- isni in 1111i1111s Baptist 111lleges of the l nite1l States. \1heie he elaimed that. l'nitarianism was tr1ing to e'a11t1n e e1 ei 1 denominational s1h1111l 11ml 111111 it to l1latant at-he iSlll. Dr. W. B. Riley Claims It Will Be- come Stronghold of Infidols. After this Dr. Riley ontervd own morn Vigorously into his attack on Canadians whom ho «loclareil we had "im/[ioi‘tetV t0 the) Statos'. and to got rid of whom ho gonor- nnsly oll'orml to [MN “10' "shipping charges." The modei'nists. he do- clai'crl, were all cowards. They took tho “innocont. young boy from tho wrn liolal" and, sto'eloing tlwir \‘lt'- tim in an atmosphvi'v of skuptivism. nlnnuml him into the tire-s of inticlul- ity. He challnngml any THI'ontn I'niwrsity professor to stand with him on tho platform and ito'batv a i-c-solntinn that. ovolntiun was a rank fallacy whii'h shonlcl not. lw taught in our mlncationzil institutions. Ho- lwlimwt in fact that all the int'ani- nus intiilvlity of tho pi'vsvnt clay was «luv to tho- Darwinian "thvoi'y ot' animalism." “'l‘lw tundonvy in McMaslvr l'ni- \‘1‘11'silyf‘ “O’leClaI'l‘d. "is vxactl)’ U111 samv tnmlvifi'y wflich we are mwting in H111 Stains. and if it is 11111. 1'111'1'(+1.’l1'1l now I do not say that Mi'MaSlm' will 1131-3511 ((1 “VP, but. I do say that. it, will liw 11s 2111 inlidvl i11stiluti1111.\\'l11111 a man likv Minsliall questions the. 111i111'iplus 01 ioligion. says “3 do not “ant to wallnw i11 hlnml. and repudiatvs ll111suhslilutimiu'ytlwnn 11f I iitlu-i' tlwn I SUV that hv has 110 light to 121“ liimsc-lf an mangelical. ’ «mo of the NW actors 'who refusvs to haw musu- on thv svt while he 1s acting, Schildkmut lmliox'os music is dis- tracting instead of beneficial. in spite: Hf Hw fart that almost "wry ('onipany making pictures in Holly- wond Studios. has two or throw musicians in supply almmnlmric music during tiu- making of every scene. ' “Instvud of helping me got into 11w mood hooded for tho scouv, it holps me got. out 01' it." he dnclaros. “I find mysvlf listonim: to tho music if it is good. Mr Wing irritatml by it if it isn’t. Rudolph SchildkrauL the famous New “wk and Euronoau sugr star. who plays a featured character role in l'niwrsal‘s "His Promo." enmiug t0 the Veteran Star Thuatrc. Friday and Saturday. January H and 15. is "If I wally \wrn a man living in a tPnemmil limiso in viv “wk. and this part. says I am. I (‘m'lninly would not haw an orclwslra at hand to play ‘Hoal‘ts and l’luwvi's‘ whilv l quiziijrvlml with my family." sun or "ms 'psor$" 303338 ORCHESTRA lusical Atmosphou labs Unna- tural Acting, Avon Schildknut. “His Pooplo" was din-001ml by lid- ward Slnman. 'l‘lm vast. sulmm'l- ing Mr. Schildkraut im'lmlus Rosa Hosanma. Arthur Luhin. lilam'ho Mvhafl'v‘y. Katn Price. (imrm' 1.0m»: Nat Car. Bobby uni-«hm and mum-s. rlsadm'v Hornstvin wrnlu tlw stnry of “His PMplv" as an nriginal plmmplay. There is small likelihood of “Earnsclifle.” the Ottawa lmuw of Sir John Macdouald whvu ho was Prime Minister. lwrumim: in Hy» near future the punwrty 0! 1h.» Conservative party as a Immu fur its leader as suggmiod by Hun. Charles Murphy in a lvHvr in mm- wu pmwrs last “’l‘d'k. “l \aIllI‘ IIIo Imuso aIIII IIII‘ III‘I‘ cious momon of mv ”Par “11'." and than the momm‘ios III SII .IIII: II Mav- donald, \\IIII II HIP IImrI- IIIIN'IUIIS than gold. “"0 IIIII-sII‘I 50‘“ ImI-‘s soul for nIImI-y " DECLINES T0 SELL Ottawa Home of Sir John lacdonald lot on the Iarkat, says Owner. “Eal‘hsclifl'v is nut fur salv Dr. Charlns A. E. Harris Hn sent omwr.‘ Dr. Harris said that hv had w- ceiwd lottm‘s frum all parts at tho world inquiring into “It' mmnrship of “Earnsvlith‘.” “I ha“. M'vn had to writv tn thv Landau 'l‘imvs demy- ing that. my humn was for sat». Tho thing is i-xaslwrating." Very Evident! ( fur salv." said Harris Hun pru- PAGE 8.

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