erchants rham vat 35 0n :3, 1.1 t’l‘ 66. CON. '2. \V.G.R.. BENTIXCK. 2‘1.» milM southwest of Durham. con- tanning 86 acres. ‘Mustly cinar and in mind state n! cultivatinn. Rank itfll‘li with shed adjoining and strum» stailiYMHT-ronmpd brick nuiise with i‘xtvn‘inn kitchen and wooiishad. “'6Ԡwatnred. and in good repair. i‘nr .turtho-r. particulars apply to It Will Pay The Chfmu'cle. â€- .\'l vll'l‘ll PART LOTS 7 AND 8. CON. '22. l-ixremont. containing 66 acres: 55 acres cleared. balance hardwood bush; in good state of cultivation; 50. stone basement. a‘nncrete stables; drilled well and cement tank at barn. Also Lots 6 and 7, Con. 4. 8.0.3.. Glenelg. con- taining no acres; 100 acres . d and in good state of cultivation; on the premises are a brick house con- Mllllng seven rooms. With 800d frame woodshed attached; _drilled well at door; never failing springs on This farm. making a choice stock farm. This prowty will be sold rnzht to quick purchaser. For par- ticulars apply at Watson’s Dairy. FU‘. 3. Durham. Ont. 102523“ ’mtaz‘io tH'l‘ 7. CON. 2!. EGREMONT. CON- :amlm: mo acres; 85 acres under PHHH'MH'II. balance hardwood hush; 'on\'enient to school; on the prem- ises are a frame barn 42x67) ft. with stone foundation; concrete stables: 'ilso hay 'narn 30350 with stone base- nio'nl; hug: pen 20x30: twelve-rent!) tn'iel; house. furnace heated, also frame wnndshed; drilled well close to house. with windmill; concrete water tanks; 30 acres seeded to hay: tn acres to sweet clover: this farm IS welt fenced and in a good state of enltivation. For information apply to Watson's Dairy. RR. 5, Durham. .nozoan th'vnsmi Auctioneer for County of of-rvy. Prompt attention to sales. Rea- wimhiu trims and satisfaction guar- antm-it. Dates made at The Durham Chronicle Offlt't‘ or with R. Q; _Wa_t_- Incensed Auctioneer for Co. of Grey. Mmh'ratv terms. M‘T'angoments for ~ahw. as tn (laws, etc.. may be made at. 'l'hv Chronicle Ofï¬ce. Durham. Tm-ms nu application. Address RR. 1. Durham. Phone 611 r 24. DAN. McLBAN LH'O'IIN'U Auctioneer {or County u! :.rvy. Satidaction guarantemi. Hea- ~01:qu H'rms. Datt‘s Of 631% made at an- «Linrnmvle Office or with him- 301 . lmrrlstvrs, Soiiqltors,_ etc. A mem- (NI M the ï¬rm \\ all be In Durham 0n Int-5.1m of each \seek.App0IMmel1ts mm he made with the Clerk in the MIN v Lunlhtun st. 868 2nd Ave. E. brain h “11"“ u at Fh-shm'ton. Upon 1w“ Sutux'dm 1.31) 11) ‘J. 30. C. C. liddlebro’ R. Boak Burns, Owen Saund. Durham. llunm' Ursulualn l'nlvm'slly of Tor- onln, Urmlunlc Royal (lullé'ge Dental Slll'gvuus of Untario. Dentistry in all its branches. ()flice Calder [Hm-2;. Mill Street. second door east nr Maclwh's Drug Store. oirmluah llOllo'gv, Blnrk. I) Hflu'v, Utll'llitfll OH ..z}sin'lall and Sargent). Ofï¬ce Lannhtnn st rm't, Durham. Ont. Gradu- un l'niwrsity 0f 'l‘orontu. Eyes ~~~tml and corrocwd, Ofï¬ce hours: to f; p.m.. 7 to 9 p.m., Sundays w‘u'vph'd. DRS. JAMIBSOR JAIIBSON um.» and residence a short dist- «m «» va t H! the Hahn House on {nunhtun Street. Lqmer 'Iovsn Dur- mm. (â€lace hours 2 to 5 p. m" 7t0 % um H. xcvm Sundass . --'-IVI “mm,- and residence. corner of ;..mxmé.~'s and Lam'mon Streets. Oppo- HEP â€it! Phs't “nice. ()fl'ice hours: i) tn I! 3.112.. 1.30 to 5 p.m.. 7 t0 9 p.m. ’Sumim'.‘ excepted}. FUNERAL SERVICE New Modern Funeral Parlors Phone Kingsdale 4344 122-124 Avenue Road Toronto John w. Sam I. Haddocks l-‘urmm'ly of Flesherton BATES BURIAL C0. 1’ )aulal [)zrm’orv mg. w. c. pxcxznma, DENTIST J. 1101mm, 1). n. s., L. n. s. JLL. smrrn, M. _B., l"-\ RMS FOR SALE \' :unm "1an 1. Phone 604 r“. Lew! ‘Dtrecton' mnnumna AND BURNS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. lil'lul.\.\l â€WEN S(.)l'.\'l) Limzsed fluclioneer Thursday, January 13, 1927 AND BESSIE McGILLIVRAY Chiropractors mm tiznmolizm llhij'ulvrmzth ~. 'l'ul'nnln. ()fflt't' L‘l?!('i'1ll;i;l}ié Durham. Day and night, phom‘ 6 M 23“ REUBEN C. WATSON Medical Dirattorv. ALEX. MacDONALD our? JV. (mlarm LUCAS HENRY You to Advertise in rick uuusn with and wooJSth. in good repair. Mars amlr tn . No. 3. Durham. iiuntm".~ stare (ll_|_i£t’|practic . C. P. S. O. ivoé .5 23 t! It Will Pay You to Advertise in The Chronicle. Durham is an attractive and healthy town. and good accommoda- tion can be obtained at reasonabk rates. Tho School is than nughlv equippmt tn takv up the folloxxing mumps: 11‘ Junior Mntricuiation. '2 l'ntranc» to Normal Schnui l-Iac h member of the Staff is :11 m- \msity Graduate and experienced Teacher. Informanï¬n as {0 Cqurses may be ohgyinejyfrqm the Pnpcipgl. The School has a creditable record in the past which it hopes to main- tain m the future. Intending pupnls should prepare to enjoy at beginning of team. We will 1m in the market for Hm wintm' mnnths fur pure milk and cream. Urdm-s taken for choice dairy butter doliwrml MT the rig; also imHvrmilk.--\\'atsnn's Dairy. PARM FOR SALE OR RENT Hm MLIHiS [.0'1‘ 7, ("AJNCESSION 3 Nurmzmlw. Apply .lnhn Mnx'icp. Var- NOTICE TO FARMERS The Dm'h'lm I'.F.(). Live. Stock As- sociation will Ship stock from Dur- ham on Tuesdays. Shippers are ruquvstod to gm: three daygi notice. James Lawrence; Manager. Phone 601 r 13 Durham. RR. 1. HUN LOGS WANTED \\'.~ “in inn :1 limitml quantit} Hf Haw. Hiiih Elm, Maple and Bmih logs this season. Highest priws paid. apply at nil‘ivv or Mr. Kinno-v. Durham Furniture (10. 1‘3 2†WANTED HAS ENGINE. 5 HR 6 HORSEPOWER Hutu makv. \Vritn partivulars to Box 2.». (th'nnicb‘ ()ffim‘. 2 pd FARMS FOR SALE lining lots “1-51, hllf Hf l,(£1_n'13 A, 5:3 1101-50 ; the cast hall of 8 011 tlw .1111 «Luncwqion .341 111°“11rs;anal MU 11111-3 on the 2W (10111311531011, all 111 the 11m nslnp 01 Eg101‘1111111.1‘lwsv mum-111w “ill be; sold 111 bloc 01 <1'11a1'1tlvh 11111! sold cheap to quick purchaser. 1101' 1"11111101' particulals apply to .\l1.~'. J. J. Smith, Vanna. H. R. l. 111' 111. vaidvnve 01 J. J. Stew-115011. l 6 If BUTTER. MILK, CREAM SERVICE RHAHDMtS W AVTIJ I)-â€"\I’Pl \. A'l ‘I-hxmm lo UlTiw ll '28 H mm»; \\'.\.\"I‘ch.â€"Jrill~: Gimm- IVE" Jnh Plant is well equipped for turning nut the ï¬nest work nu short Order. tf m: chr \VAN'I‘ED. ANY ()1 FAN'I‘I'I‘V. [Il‘pfile'st pl‘im'. Penple's Mills. 3 15 231 DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL ORGAN, IN (MUD (JUNUI'I‘IUAIâ€"AI’ ply at The Chronicle Ofï¬ce. -4- v \JI-_I ‘ ï¬rst-class condition; only reason fur sollmg IS I rvquin- a larger car; cheap to quick pun-hump; can he.- SO‘PII at. any till)“ at my garage; terms If rvquirml. \V. Laicllaw, Durham. ()nturin. i 13 " mum: .i-PAS‘SENHER mum: I.\' l-‘UR SALli.-â€"-..\ NI'MBER OF GOOD building lots on (image street, North â€1' Skating Rink, Durham. Apply tn U. Hopkins. :3 21 If PROPERTY FOR SALE NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING l’l'c-sidvnt J. A. M. ROBB. B.A Principal JOHN MORRISON Chairman. HI'NII'IH ARTICLES WANTED FOR SALE \grirultural Hull. H0!- 3'. January 1?). 1927. at M) thirty o'clock for of Ufl'iwrs and «)er .\' HI, CALDER 2 Saw rotary. 12:33†l 13 1071f Dutmi at Durham. this, sixth dax 0f Jammn 19-27 -\.\'¢;I°S HOOPER RACHEI HOOPER Executors. parties 9ntitled thereto. having rp- garil'only in the clainm of which they shall than have notiw. and that llw said nxocutnrs will not he liahlo far the said assets. or any part thprmf. u; any person or per- sons of whose claims notion shall not have been received by â€mm at thu limo 0! such distribution. In the matter «if the estate ut‘ Hemiv Hmuwr. late at the 'I‘mV11.‘~hi1‘1 ut‘ tileln'lg, in the tfjnuntV of (v1eV t'al'mer. cte(‘°en.<eal. Nntite is herth’ giVen pursuant, to section 56 of the Trustees Ait. R. " 41.1914.Chap.t2t. that al' ('IWIHOI‘: and others haVing claims 111‘ demands ag, ainst the es- min at the said Hean Hnoper. VV'hn diet! 011 01' about the 8th daV of \‘0- V'emhei 1926. at the TOVViiship of tilenelg aforesaid. a1e required on or het'nre the 6th daV of FebruarV 1927, to send hV post. prepaid. or deliVer t0 the solicitm for the ex- eeutnrs ot' the last will and testa- ment of the said deceased. their christian names and surnames. art- dresses and description: the full particulars in writing of their Mains. a statement of their ac- counts. and the nature of the se- rurity. if any. held by them. Anrl take1 notice that. after such last. montinnml date said oxeoutow will procomi to distribute tlm assets of thn said dweasod among tho MACDONALD' S DAIRY Lambton Street, Durham, \111Hh111 Hf [min 4;m11l.~‘.1111l111l- 1111.11.14. .‘iilk. B111111111ilk.121"v;11n :11“! “IIHO'I'. always on hand. Butte-1' dwliVo-rml 1111' 1°11: 111111111: \\‘111tv1' mnnths. l 13 6111]. .11. 2:; 3.1.. m. I. 33.54.; 2:; 332.4 1.2: 2.55.4 2:: 2:. 14:2... 332.4. . .1... .3: 12:5: 2.2.3:... 3 :7. 1...:3. :. 13:74:... 2:.» 22.7. :22. Mr. and .\lI.~'. D. Duggan nf \nnan MW!†:1 iv“ Iims \\itII IIH'II' IIIIIgII- IO'I'. .\II.~‘ .Iuhn Rmm. hi‘li‘ :IIIII \is- iiI-II IIIII IIIO‘IIIIS in â€DIS Vicinity. SHIT)" I0 hvar .\II. .IIIIIII Morrison rocoiwd a wrv painful inim'v In IIi~' hand In tailing mI Hm ice. Dornoch (.Our Own Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. .lzmms Buchanan and iittlv «lullghtm' nf Paislr‘y >1an Hu- ank ï¬nd with l't'lativvs hurt". Miss (ilaolys Cm'lvu lvl't. t'm- 'l‘n- l'nnm lust \vvvk \th'v sh» intvncls I'vmz‘linim: I'm' the wintur. .csgm I..:. ...:I. 1:: 52 __.:.II I.::...Z._ IE. 3 25.7. :91. 7:: :STLLEI :u:: 1...: 7.3. .__I. 12:5. .1..__I. _:_II I.._._.::.1.. 2. 2a: :_.:_1. :12. E22...â€" .3 52:7. 2.5:: 1...: ..I..._.::.1. :: 12:5; .1..;I......£c:_1.....:.II 1:. _...:1._.I .II...._.:_..: t. 1.757.; .1222..â€" ..:I. Mr. F. Hamilton slmnt. an M'vnmg hum. Mr. and M14. .lplm Langlnlin spvnt 2m aftvrnnmn WI“) 1101' aunt, Mrs. (“Mien Boyd. “ll/J hon-s So'um tn lw HIP ()l'tlm' of â€w day. Thu Sr hnumman luothms 011?. anl fm Julm HUM and Sandx Vaughan out im- himsolf. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Glenroadin (Our Own Correspondent; Mr. and Mrs. .lulm MoKvnxiv and family :m- thng his slsh-r Ill Hul- lzmql tnwnshlp. Mr. Mnlvillu Johnston vngagml Hu- lattm' part. nf Inst. \vwk with Mr. thwmim Napkins nf Hutton Hill vu‘tting and hauling..- lugs. .........$ :5 3 .375: 2 maiscz :7. .23, :E: a :8 .rï¬a: .. 1a; :55: 32;: :2 _ Mr. ‘PMm' Bluhm Or Hannvm' spvnt Sunday Ill tins burg. Miss \W-lm Ronny slwnt. tho laltm' part nf last \vowk with M 1'. and Mrs. Cecil Noble nf Mulnck. Ebenezer (Our Own Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. .Inhn Hlnlgson and family nf Durham and Mr. and Mrs. {Lhzu'lic “way â€1' llt'l'v spent. Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Henrgu Rnay of how. 0 olm'hn'R' ('{U'e \V hmsilltis and \}’l“ hm! fur snmo'tlmv Calderwood (Our Own Correspondent) Slpiuhing iwvnmn decidedly hvttm‘ last \ka aftm' our Iwavy falls 01' snnw. Congratulations aw dm- in Mr. Aliwrt vans on snwm-ding to thQ' swat 01' Dvputy Hocvv. Mr. Wilford Monro is nndow Hm .lnvicins car" with an :ilwvss (in his kllm'. Thv l'o‘s‘lllt Of a fall several weeks ago. . Mrs. J. R. MrNicimI. THI‘OIHO. I'v- i'vnily \‘isilvd llL‘l' ln-t‘dho'rs Mvssi's. Harry and Duncan McKinnon. Mr. (im'dnn Ilnnry. Mount. l’mwsi. lwawd Hm snow drifts nn Sunday with his car and Visitv’d on tho- sixth. .\liss Mum Smith is also nndvi' Hn' Mlssvs Ella and Isabolla Park re- turned t“ 'J'm‘nutu last. Wt‘t’k. Mr. Allwrt. McRonald is assisting Mrt."l‘lms. Milligan of Hutton Hill for 3 mm MI‘. W. J. Derby 'hacl tho misfor- tunv of losing a valuable cow rvcvnt- lx‘. (Our Own Correopondent) Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Lawson aml family, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Turn- lmll of tho Rocky also Mr. aml Mrs. 'l‘lms. Milligan and family of Hutton Hill. \wrn vulvrlainm? at, tlw homv .,f Mr. and Mrs. Jnl‘m Millig'an lw'flntly. .\l 1'. .Iuhn 'l‘m'nbull I'Vc'tlx'xv-‘xvléd ‘tutfb: ronlo after Spending a few days at his home here. Miss .(illadys Brm‘xtigan‘l 0f Hamp- «lvn VlSllWi I‘o-cvnlly with her snstvr Mrs. W111 Mathm'. by their solicitors. MIDDLEBRO' BIV'RNS. South Bentinck “'3' Smith is also unclvr “N Palm \VIUI plmn'lsy and and “‘1“ lw mnlinml tn hvr of Holland (Ivnh'n this WM'k Ill our THE DURHAM CHRONICLE "Well." ho answered. “if I said to you. 'Bntsy. tho cows are in the ('Hl‘n.° that would b6- a hymn: but if I said, 'Boltsy. Betsy. tho cowsâ€"tho muley cowsâ€"the Holstein cowsâ€"- are illâ€"4m" inâ€"the cornâ€"cornâ€" cumâ€"J well. that would be an an- tlwm." Advertise in the Chronicle. It pays. An whiorly farmer mad.» 3 slmrt SOJUIH'H in. Hut Pity. During his stay lw attondml several church ser- ViL‘PS. and on rvturning home he rvcmmtml to his wife his impres- simis madn on his trip. Tim hymns in the citv churches he stated were called anthems. “What is an anthem?†asked his wife. swndina; Hm here. Iv thn ltmks Hf MIC of UMP [Immin- I‘m mung \\ ollmck‘ men. Tunnoy has? Down \isiting his \Icinitx. 2 cups “1' mid turkey nwut 0r tur- key and dressing l mu» of m-lvry. clmppml 1 tablespoon of gvlatim- dissolved in ('HM \Vatc'l' achiml in l (“llli nf gravy which has hrm‘. hrnught to a boil Mix gravy and gvlatnw with meat and t'vh'ry, 9035011 in taste. Place in oblong tin dimwcl in cold \yatvr in hardvn. Sorw cold garnished with imilwi rhvstnuts. {:rm'u pepper or pimvntn strips. This mvthml brings mlt tlw h'lm tlm'nr M [Inn Man and «ions away with the poisuuous tzmnic acid whit-h s ln'nught um I? tho chm- is boiled. Sun: In makv thn vuf‘fm'. Ham qurmh'w' pulwriu-d as lim- as pussihlv ( until it. is as line as cocoa . 'l'lm primnrtimls In USP 31'" unv munching tvaslumm'm in each run of watvr and «me for thu put. The: ('Ofl'w is plat-ml in [hr [mg and the: \Vatvl'. hailing. [mm-mi through it. OIH‘P. drink. from tho Turkish nwlhod. whirh rvsulls in a sirupy liquid in the ancient. hailing which is still. ('llllll.‘ in by a largo numlwr m‘ Ulhvm'visu up-ln-daln cooks. 'l‘lw drip mothud. nnwowr, is lhn siniplvst. sure-st, purvst and must vrnnumiral mvlhud that. I kn-mz 'l‘hvri- are rum-n pols spurially mun- iil‘urturod for it but all that are “N‘- o's‘s‘al'y ’dl'v :1 rin'i'l'ml [mt «if sum†kind and a hag {:Ilimlt “ll'l'l‘ by six inchi-s ul‘ unhlrarhml muslin. This~ hag should 1)" WWW! in lit [hr in}. Hl' lhv [ml Hr l'aslrned “H'l'l' Mimi'- how~ pvrhzlps yuu hun- :i Imm- wax". i. \\'induws might Hun-2' in In clo-zmml win-ii Hiv sun is shining; in Hu-m Iii-vaiisr thv glass. will sli'c-uk. ‘2. White mule-rial 'zm iw ki'pl i'i-nm turning ya-llcm n) wrapping i! hlm- palm"? .‘i. (Mi. limn'l's «'mg‘iii ti. 1w ki-lii nut ul’ Hm wind? 4. Thu \Vuti-i- sliuulcl lw rhungm daily on viii. ilmwrs‘.’ i a. It is \wll 'm clip a small mm. [mm HIP 5101]] (if mu‘ii llmwr i'w'i‘} tinw llw “flil'l' is Huang-mi? Drip Coffee .\ .L'rvut. many pvnplv. l haw fuuml. have ii'mlhlu in making gum! cum-0. ()l' mursu thi'rv arc- innumm'ahln ways of brewing this smluvliw \Vhy nut. have a msv Iva party? Januar} is such a COM munth and rusus snuncl so mic» and summery. For Um hostess whu nvvds 9. nvw teasot there arn ch'licah- pink glass: 01' rosy luster 01108 Which will make ch‘ simpivsl afl'air mm a I‘vstiw ur- casiun. If sho «’lousn‘t, want a now mw. any whit» svmim' may lw nsml. for. with the exception of tho. WWW- agv. tlw 1°M‘1'«_-shlllenlts varry nut Hm rush thvmo. Pm'haps tho must uniquv of thn [USN mlm'ml :u'vvssm'ivs is thv sugar which may be colored at hnmu with any [um- \'«-;.rc-l_ahh~ nyv m' can 1m u'Hhv by yqu' confectimwr. Hf Hull‘s“, t'allcliml I'nsv “Mills allâ€. liillk. pattim‘ am ossmltial and small cubes (of HIM i'rnslml in pink and whih. add much M “w attl'artiwm-ss of Mn party. If a maid St'l‘VeS. a dainty pink or- ;umchv agurun will 1w must :1?â€" ll'ilNiVl‘HVt'I'lll‘l'hmPkh1'\\'|li1wlll!iâ€" l'm-m and pink [mm-r duilivs «m â€In tray and Hm plutvs wiH H! mm flu: rnhn' schvnw. Msaï¬skï¬ng W. DO YOU KNOV? THAT HYMN VS. ANTHEM By MARJORIE ADAMS Turkey Loaf holiday at his home 1' In In. inim; un sh'vak. Im kvpl “MIN.“ in Many frivnds in Durham anal \i- vinity will .iflin 'l‘lu- (thnivlc- in W- tending mnm'atulnlimns m mmlho-r 0M Durham boy WI!†has mum in!“ (lino sang; a min." Lora] ('itiznns can \wll undo-r- siami â€I“ inlvl'wsl .'\ll'. Vivkt'w would take in ii'ai'k epon'is in "Sir-- sex-hy-ilw-Sva" sim'v giving. ihmw. as win-n a m-sioivnt Hf Din-ham was (ma â€1' Hw I'm'mnust. i'llllll‘fl" in this part (if Uniarin. and ihnngh Exo- nowr snvcvmhul in imwi'iin: â€in w- (‘Hrrls (if such mun as Alf. Svln'ni i: and Tom lmng'hual. lw “as \wH n; in Llwir mark in tho tiw- and inn- milv PW‘His‘ in \Vhivh he‘ hmk paw in thv lwal rink and vlsmx'ho-w. Likl' lhv most, of us. hcmcwr. with lhu aoh'anov «if yo: rs. 'I‘ml i~' var-1°}- ing too much “might. «in! in Hunt in lmwr many I-e-mn-ns. hnt. \xhilo- thn spirit Is no dnnhi willing. Hu- ilvsh is allngo-lhvr hm "strung†fur him in ungagv in tho Sil‘i‘lllmlh' \\'nl'k Hi «'lilmillu' Hil‘ HH- lllih's as it! the days (if his yunih. 'l‘his dw- nHi. m'm'v‘nt him Irnm izllél'm.’ iih'l‘ intc-i'vst in tln- mums. and hu ha-‘ been ilif‘ntiï¬ml with ahnnsl, M'M'y track 11th iilï¬issvx sinvv In- hu- camc' a citizon nf that â€Il‘i\ll!‘.' town *CMWWWWQWO- N". WWQ'm-OWO'ï¬ï¬‚flw’W' â€AIM III 70 III' his fIIIIII33 IAI\\III~‘I]II'!I mot around IIII- II-sti3e :IoaIIII III sII3 gIIIIIIII3I- III .\III. \ickers. “MI'. \‘IiIIkIIIs has 00011 the MINI- timeI managm‘ fIII' IIIII â€I‘I'IIII'“ MaclIiIIIIII3 (10.. and II3 hi.- gIIIIiIII personaIin has made IIIIIII3 I‘IIIII IIII.~ in Sussex and other IIIIIIIs III III“.- III‘03iIIcos. III- has IIIII II II'IIIHII'I'H‘II to Regina and will IIII3I- ("IIIIIL’I II. tho SaskaII‘lIII33IIII agIIIIII3 III II.“ IIIInIIIaII3. HI‘IIIISIII\\3}S IIIkIIIIIIIIIIIIâ€" Ii3II part. in IIII- IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII3 IiIII III UII‘ I033II IIIIrI 33IIs IIIII II IiIIIII ah I 'I'- man III IIIIIgII. HI‘ i< IIIIII III‘ III.- most. I'nthusiastit' «IIIIIIIIII'IIIIH track sports in IIIII lIIIII3iIIIIII< III “'3“ II \Val'm sIIIIIIIIIIIIII III ‘IIII SIII-‘SI‘X iIIIIIkII3' II‘IIIII. â€.IIIIIIIII .IIIIIIIII, in II III III IIII'II‘I"‘ I‘\:IIIII.~'.~'I'II IIII'w IIIIIIIIWIIIIIIIII III IIIII SIIszsIIV III-IIIIIII' I'IIII IIIII III IIIz-iIItIIQII. IIIIIIEII IIV .‘III'. Vic kw: III â€III I'I I:s~ IIIIIIIII3' IIIII IIIIII ..I II. .‘IIIKI-IIIIII IIIIIIII IIIII III'I'SI'I‘IIIIIIIIII II? II IiIIII -_~I.F.I I II- .‘.!.l.. ...\ \\' H. Ht _\ n! Bank. In H. H. H: M Mush \\a-' mm M l’\thial.~' «m II 0in sunL' a mic watrkl. h)’ Hnn "The pneplv of Sussex “‘mhwsday} evening paid honor to" our of ï¬rm-,5 leudim-r vitizvns. E. H. Vicki-rs. \tht is $00" to “mow l1. allnlhc‘x' spin-Iv f 0f inlwr and whilel onu'vssing rvgret ' at. his (h';-:l!'tlll‘0 «-x.'.«'1|dml gmq; wishvs fur futuro- pruspcx'ity. at :x‘ hanqm-t giwn him in :Iw Knishh of Pythias hall. Sussvx. B. H. VICKBRS TAKES NEW POSITION AT REGINA. SASK. (Continued from page I) “mm in: \clch‘vsw vzvliml ny Hu- lwsh': and \\ Murry. .\. . Hny.’ mmm: 'l'. “.8 .‘Iq‘l H SSC'S \Vc'l‘t can “'4 «I M r 'k S‘lmrl su mad . “I‘Hukï¬ mi: km H wcjiuns I'li uavh. H is this pl‘ulum‘ty that Kim's "It! won! its vurmusi} maturing mum's, and it. is tun, “IN prupurty that. m'nhahly :u'mmnls for its «Mama «1' mm: an unluvkx Mann. Fur “NM†tlw "pal i-' an mllnilvsimally tiny drop of watvr. and if Hm sum» In: vxlons‘ml in any smc-I‘v twat. this muismrv will â€Hun evaporate wnlh tho wsult that. the surfavvs inside "fall lugelhvl'." and no [mun-r lmmk "fall tugemm'." and nu up the light with Hum But. it was lhv Hays-1 changing“ vnlm's Hm! m ~'tm'_\' in pnpular ecuwrp Advertise in The Chronicle. It pays nut mw. but a whnlv sc'ric-s ul' surâ€" fam‘s'. all wt at \m'ymg anglvs, 80 mm. tlw hum breaks m dlll‘vm-nt. diâ€" M-O'CONOOC'OO'OO"Oâ€' ' .00."."0 "O'COOQNOW-M'O'“ Othm' [wet-inns Mum's consist of a siuglv nr layvr a» 1?. “mm. alwa 's 081441ng Hun light at. a flxmt am; 0.. Insidv thv «mal. huwmvr. the-m is nut. mw. but a wlmlv svrivs uf surâ€" fm-vs. all wt at \m's‘inn‘ angle-s. so) \h 21w “world and by his own vll'ort almw. has madv g‘OmI. We- wish Mr. and Mrs. Vivian's murh sneak“ in â€Mr nvw lmmv. 'WHY OPALS ARE UNLOCKY Us I'Hcm' tlvmvn ~\Vlm had pnpulnlmn m a [wrstihcm V that. uins Hue vnanxlm: mlurs, 5‘ plume-Hy that 1.1mm! Sam, mu Ilivs hvllcms \\ flu Ulcl almlvs. 'y m the muse-cl llw PAGE 7. nmkn mm vm's