STONE BUTTER C ROCKS Friday. January 28 Will 'afd Ware 'Q Th !\d 3 V . J anua 1’! N , m YzSON BROTHERS \\ c \‘. i" be in m RHAM In 4!! h» [w plemm .\ Mu ls [mt so weighâ€. \xnl'Hn while .‘ h ' \\ I†slllllfl ' ~ ‘4.“ “one hunch-I )RON ll number of good Wagon. and 3d Tall, ï¬angy nnnnnn < and Gold- in this .1 (Iva-ti“ in llo' “Ufldred RiVGPSidp. mod I» H) xï¬tuaiï¬ Ã©m'ith'mjl. x: ."- 'Y‘Hnl" “u'usucu. x_-. _ . - '0 house. with Windmill. €00“th mun:- tanks: 30 acres seeded .to its) . 1v acres to sweet clover: this farm 1s WM: fenced andjn 8 8 . ‘ \vzitnvmnn. For Information ADD}! 0 o ' n l . tn “manns Duty. IL... e. Raga!“ INT 7. CON. 2!. EGREMONT. COX- 'zr'mn: mo acres: 85 acres under 'M‘m'atmn. bafance hardwood bush: 'unmmen: to schnol; on the prem- w.- are a frame barn 52x63 ft. with emu» foundation: concrete stables: ‘ '0 hnv barn 3060 with stone base- at 'I 491! Luvensmt Ancttoneor for County of Hwy. Prompt attention to sales. Rea- -m:::t.lo tnrms and satisfaction guar- autumt. Dates made at The Durham titn'unit'lv ofï¬ce or with R. C. “'8!- ~~n. \‘au‘nm’. RR. 1. Phone 605 râ€. Barristers. Solicitors, etc. A mem- nm of the 111m \\ Hi be 111 Durham 0n luesdm at each xx eek. -\pp0intmeuts m: I) he made mm the Clerk in the â€hue. Hunul' Graduate l.'xli\'ersity of Tor- out“. (nulduute Royal llullvge Dental Surgvons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its branches. Ofï¬ce Calder muck. Mill Street, second door east ..{ Maclicth‘s Drug Store. 110' '0; "Incl DR. A. I. BELL Mun. Ian and Surgeon. Ofï¬ce I umlvtnnshm‘t, Dmham Ont. Gr adu- mp l niu-Hity 0f lorontn Eyes team! and corrected. Ofï¬ce hours: ‘3 to» :3 mm. 7 to 9 p. m., Sundays vu't'ph'd. DRS. JAIIBSON JLIIBSOR :n‘x'u-v find residence a short dist- ...†vast uf the Hahn House on mmhtnn Street, Lower Town, Dur- .. .9†â€Finite tmurs 2 to 5 p.m.. 7 t0 -« pm "exrem Sunday‘s‘i. IIDDLBBRO’ AND BURNS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. 1111111.“! â€WEN SUL'ND l.:1n11111111 st. 868 2nd Ave. E. 1111111111 1111'11'.- at 11114111111011. Upon 11\'11'\ S:11111'11:1\ 1511 1119.30. C. C. Middlebro R. 3031: Burns, Owen Sound. Durham. 'tlfaPIO incensed Auctioneer for Co. of Grey. \lmiwat» tvrms. Arrangements for MM. as tn club‘s. etch. may be made If The» «lhz-nnicio Ofï¬ce. Durham. I'o-t'nn an application. Athlress RR. :, Inn-ham. Phone 611 2' 2i. 1:“. w. c. PICKBRING, DENTIST nun-w, m'vr J. 6; J. Hunter's store, mrhmn. Unlarlo. C. G. AND BESSIE IcGILLIVRAY Chiropractors irmhmtow Canadian Chil‘npl'actic '.qu:v, 'l'nl'o‘mfn. Umw .‘lzu'fflrlamn :lwk INN-hum. Day and night phonv J. 1.. SMITH, II. B., I. c. P. 8. O. M‘I'u'w and remdence. corner of wnmwss and Lambion Streets; oppo- , .- HM PM! ()fl'ice. OlIice hours 1 . .m H 3.111.. 1.30 m i p.m.. 710 9 p.m. \vwlays vxcepted). PUNERAL SERVICE New Modern funeral Parlor. Phone Kingsdale 4344 122-125 Avenue Road TOWING John w. Bates I. laddocu l-‘nx'ms‘riy Hf Flesherton BATES BURIAL C0. HI J. F. GRANT, D. D. S., L. D. S. l"-\ R3131 FOR SALE c-o-Ih'mt .\ucl.mnâ€"c31_' for Cnuuty of Satisfaction guaranteed. Hea- Thursday, January 3, M7 Limzsai flzu‘tionaer - wnm. il’imxes of saly‘s made Hn'nnn'lP (â€hoe or Will) hun- Wed 15.21 Diretlorv REUBEN C. WATSON ALEX. MacDONALD Dan/.15 Directorv 1.52.21 @trectorv LUCAS HENRY DAN. MCLEAN "\Va'mn'i 7 . iwill :0f 1! W A I'ER 223M 3mm Iron Pumps of All Kinds $333 Benfrew Ranges and Separators g 5 33-: R. RENTINCIL { pny ‘. am 101‘- 1-‘2;\ o‘ '3'.‘ V7“ “vyinz‘. Bans v:;n- an 1 -t r.» H k innv‘ “'1 'h 3??“ “ “UV.“ Brandon! Windmills . tar? n 2"“ WWW- Gould. Simple: “a .nir Lyn. 1 :33"? an “to W Gas Engines “.53 ,\'*~ 3 Durlam of .13 =55 56‘"! PI." “k c.. AN! .0 Advertise 5,. Phone 15 Durham. DIM-Co wisest! 6 11’s ‘23†The School is thoroughly equipped tn take up the following courses: (I Junior Matriculation. 2' Entrance to Normal School. Each member of the Stat! is a I'm. versity Graduate and experienced Teacher. Durham is an attractne and healthy town. and good accommoda tion can be obtained at reasonable rates. “'9 will be in the market for the winter months {mar purer milk and cream. Orders taken for choice dairy butter delivered 01! the‘rig: also buttermilkâ€"Watson's Dairy. Informauï¬n as {0 Courses may be obtainedAfrom the Prigcipal. The School has a creditable record in the past which it hapes to main- tain in the future. Intending pupils should prepare i: enter at beginning o_f team. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT 1H0 ARMS Lt {1‘ 7, HHNCESSWLV 3 an'manhx'. Apply .Iuhn Minion. \‘av- nm‘. 12 23 H The Durhï¬m ICED. Live Stock As- sociation will ship stock from Dur- ham on Tues'e'lays. Shippers are requested tn givn three days’ noticn. James Lawrence, Manager. For annship 0f Glnnolg fur 1927. duties tn commoncn not. later than February 17». Hall to 1m I'vturnml. ('Unlplo‘h'. nut late-r than May 1. noxt. tn lllo'l'k. .-\ppli(°atinns l‘vco'iw'd up till ncmn. Friday. H'hruary 4. By â€I'Olé‘l‘ of NW Council. Hlitl'l‘HR H. Mac-I_'u).\'.-\I.l). Municipal Clerk. 1202 HR. 1. Durham. Lambton Streot, Durham, \ hill lille ml [min (mods includ- ing. [‘lf'S‘h Milk. Buttnrimilk. imam angl Butter, always on hand. \\.- “ill bm a limited quantity uf Bas.~. BiiC.h Elm Maple anCl Bow-h Logs this seas-nu. Higlmst [wives paid. apply at 01“?» or Mr. Kinno-v. Dlll'hilnl Furniture (10. l2 2†Phone 601 ‘1‘ 13 FARMS FOR SALE “wing: lots West half Hf 1.6010 A 55 ames;tl1e cast half at 8 on tho 3rd Conu'ssion. 1'10 acres; and 1011 mum on the 3rd Concession, all 111 the 10“ 11~l11p of Eg1em0nt. 'llurw [unpumies “ill lw sold en bloc 01' so_-pa1alelv and sold Cheap to quitk 1111113l1as01.101 f111tl101 pauticulam applx to 311s .l .L Smith, Varnm. ll. ll. 1. 111 at I'o'SloanCL‘ of J. J. Stevenson. J 6 ll Butter c'lvlivor'ml 011‘ rig \vintm' months. 1 mum “um'rleuâ€"Tula (11mm- Mo Jnh Plant is well equipped for turning out the ï¬nest work on short order. U BUAHDERS \VANTEDâ€"-â€"APPLY. AT (Ihrnniclo Ufl'im'. H '28 U ORGAN, IN GOOD CONDI'I‘IONâ€"AP- ply at The Chronicle Ofï¬ce. _ - _-- . ‘_-u.- ‘,I‘.I\,- 1 u I.‘ ï¬rst-class conilitinn; only reason for selling is I require a larger car; cheap to quick purchaser; can be sven at. any time at my garage; terms if required. W. Laidlaw, Durham. Unlario. 1 l3 2 \vum'r WANTED: Km 0! 'AN'l‘l'l‘Y. IIigiu-si px-icc. People's “1118.31523l PROPERTY FOR SALE FUR S;\LE.~A NI'MBER OF GOOD building lots On (Sc-urge street, North â€1' Skating Rink, Durham. Apply to U. Hopkins. 2 21 tf 1mm: «Juassyzm‘mn (1)1pr 1x BUTTER. MILK. CREAM SERVICE DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL Renfrew Ranges and Sepmtqrs Brantlord Windmills Gould. @1111ch and lair Phone 15 Durham. Ont ARTICLES WANTED Schultz Puplr'l'lle Co. J. A. .\1. R088. But Principal JOHN MORRISON. Chairman. NOTICE TO FARMERS MACDONALD’S DAIRY ASSESSOR WANTED LOGS WANTED FOR SALE NOlefi Durham. RR. 1. during 13 6pd. )6†107M Dated at Durham. this sixth da\ ofJanuart.1927. AXGI S HOOPER. RACHEL HOOPER Bxecnlors. It: the matter Of the estate nf Henry Hrwipcr. late of the Tounship of «Hourly, in tin Counh of ï¬re}. farmer. cleceosec‘t. .Vntite is herehx given pursuant to section 56 of the Trustees Act. R. S. 0. 19â€. Chap. 121. that all creditors and others having claims or demands against the es- tate ot‘ the said Henrv Hooper. who died on or about the 8th day of .VOâ€" \emher 1926. at the Township of Glenelg aforesaid. are required on or before the 6th d3\ of February 1927. to send by post. prepaid. or deliver to the solicitor for the ex- ecutors of the last will and testa- ment of the said deceased. their christian names and surnames. ad- dresses and description: the full particulars in writing of their claims. a statement of their ac- counts. and the nature of the se- eurity. if_ any. held by them. ANNUAL IEB‘I’ING Hf Durham Livn Stock .-\.~f.~'m-ia- tinn will ho- ho'M in “he A. Y. P. A. vams m~1r McLzu'hlan's Store. Saturday. January 22. 1:? 1.57» pm. .luhn Mom: 2°. Ho-r‘lwrt Edge. And take notice that after such last mentioned date said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said éceased among the parties entitle thereto. haying re- gard only to the claims of which they shall then hace notice. and that the said executors will not be liable for [he' said assets or any part thereof. to any demon or per- sons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. . the following: \ Wagon. Wagon Box. Set. Slnighs, Single Buggy, Set Scales. 2.000 "is; Deering Bindrr in good conditiu’m: .‘Iassey-H:u'ri.~' Hay Hakt': Massey- Harris Hay hinder. in good shape: Frost. \Vood Mower: 2 F rost \\'ood Cultivators: Land Roller; Fan- ning Mill; Walking Plough; Cock- shutt l-furron Riding Plough; 2 Gang Ploughs; Set 4-soction Har- rows: Harrow Cart: Turnip l’ulper: Set Double Harness: Set Plough Har- ness: Set Single Harness; Small Cook Stove, a good baker: Royal Fa- vorite (look Stove: Small l'pright Heater; to tons of good Hay; 200 bus. Oats: 50 bushels. Barley: Forks. Shcwels. DoulpletreeS. Net-kyokes and numemus other articles. Everything must be sold. Sale starts at 1 o‘clock sharp. TERMS: All sums. of Kim and un- der. Cash: over that. amount 12 months' credit on apprm‘ed ,joint notes hearing interest at, :3 per eent. tn svll lay I’llMit' Auctinn 1;! his farm Lot 20, Concession 21, Egremont, nu TUESDAY. JANUARY 25, 1927 Comradn in I.)i.~'tre.~‘;~'â€"~.]‘mn't In! that. worry you. We have no pmul‘ that there is. OF IMPLEMENTS, HAY AND GRAIN 'l‘lw Chum-i! mljmmwcl to nwet in â€:0 Clark's nfl'icv, Aytnn. «m Monday. Fuhrum'y 7. at. m 0.11).. tn rvcoiw llw Auditm-s' lie-1mm. to ammint an as- svssm'. and fur gvnvral husinvss. â€"-R. H. Fortmw. Clo-rk. (Iullcclnlï¬e Ru“. Thu dilcck was instl'uctcd tn ml- wrtisw for an .\i~'.~'".~'vm'. 'I‘lm l'c“vll«'>\\'im.' accounts \Vcru nyâ€" dcl'ml paid: Municipal clcctinn cxlwnsc'. 5’76: mcctim: HI Bnmd nl Healthï¬ï¬‚ .74): \\. (nuns. Infund 0f statutv lalmc. $10.- 50; Council mowting at duh». $17.20: \V. anf. conniving: cnacl, 3'2: Muni- cipal \\'m°ld. papcr for llmmcil. Clcck and 'l‘l'casm'mz $7.00: Hospital fur Sick Children). Toronto, $5; Royal Bank. stamps. ctc.. $1.70: R. Hultnn. fur Mintn :mcl Nurmunhy town linv, $264.7 80 Proof First "lh'nko53â€"Hanu it all, I \\'i~‘h tho-r0 was n0 such thins: as mnnvy. Commissionm' Bantz was :umointml a committov to nwnt cnmmithm frnm Mino r0 Hm culling Hf an Mm mm on the town line. (m mntinn nf Swim and Owns, the amnunt. Hf mu'nlvctahlu law's. quitn small. was mulvrml wriitvu ul'f Hm (Iullvt'inl’5 Ruâ€. The Council organized into llm following divisions as commission- l'l'SI No. l. llonl'acl Bavtz: N0. 2. Thouâ€" dore Widmeyor; No. 3, Henry Soim: NH. -’1. Allie-rt H. Ovens. 'l‘lw l'nlnwing Slim-p Insliwclt‘n's worn appointml: Polling Subdivision NH. 1. lIN‘iI Ellis: N0. ‘2, Thomas Ryan: .\'o. 3. llvm'y Ford: No. 1:. \Vil- liam Marshall; NH. 5.11105. \Vallaf'u ~ .lr.: .\'u. (3. James. L. Murphy; .\'0. 1. lirnvs‘. Hallicla)’. Loum il- elect met in the Clerk’s 0f- flee. As ton. Monday. January 10,!“ ii oclock. 'lhe Clerk administered the oath to each member-elect as follows: Reeve. Charles Holm; Dep- uty Rem-e. A. H. (mm; Couneillm‘s. Henry Sgim. Can. Baetz and Thom- dore \Viciimeyer. The Reeve tmik the chair and after snmn remarks com- menced business. NOTICE TO CREDITORS M. E. Murray and Miss Ada B. For- tunv \VM‘n ro-appnintml Auditnrs for 1927. and Froderick Liesemer was I'P-vlvrtml mnmhm- nr tlw Beam! 0f Hvalth fur throw yvars. Prvsiclent I haw. I'oceivm’l insh'm'tinns {mm by their solicitors. SIIDDLEBRO' BURKS. Reuben C. Watson, .\m_'ti"-l’1w'1' CRAWFORD HARRISON AUCTION SALE NORIANBY COUNCIL H3 Hrr'bm‘t Edge. 2 2 Secretary! THE DURHAM CHRONICLE >ss; â€Small! Rmal Fa- l H l m ï¬ght }; 200 bus. ’ y; Fm‘ks'. Lynkvs and , I The Arbitrators award rel. S. 8. E.) '_.o 12. Artemesia had Gleqelg. and Bylaxw were passed 33' follows: No. 685 appointing John McGirr and Henry Beaten as Auditors for l927 at a salary of $0.00 each: No. 6% 3p- pointing William flanks caretaker of Township Hall. saiary ‘35.“); No. 687. appointing members of Board of Health. Dr. A. M. Bell. 31.08.. Wil- liam Weir member ex-oflicio, , Geo. Binnie and H. H. MacDonald. Wepplerâ€"Black: That Glenelg’s share of cost re arbitration board at Pricevilln be paid. amount. 87% and that Bylaw 644. defining achool sec- tion boundaries be amended in ac-« cordance with arbitrators awards-r Carried. Met at van-xhip Hall on January 10. 1927. 11:0 nmvly-eloctval mnm- bars subscribml to and took oath of Ofï¬ce as follows: Reeveâ€"William \Vpir. Councilâ€"459m“ Whitmort‘, John McKechniP. Malcolm Black and Charles J. “'Pppler. I McKechnieâ€"Black; That Messrs. Beatty and English be paid “£2.70 {or work performed an town line Glenelg and Holland. and that Hol- land Council be requested to meet [28.8. No. 10. Glenelg and Egremont. was read. whereby certain lots were transferred from the latter to the former school section. ingredients haw- bwn usml; cqw-r with butIr-rml crumbs and bake in a mmk'rate mwn for twanty minnttu‘i. l labllkspmm m' bultvi' 1 teaspoon m‘ mustard 1 twaspoou hf salt 14.; cup of minvml rip» gin-us ,3 cup uf cluwsv. gram! 1,5 run Hf ranked «rt-0n lu-ppvrs ' Choppml 2 tablespoons uf chomu-d pimo-n- tos " 1; cm» of buttvrml vrumhs Pepper Cook macaroni in boiling salted water until tvnokr. Mali» 3 whit? sauce of tho flunr. miLk. hnttnr. mus- tard and salt: add clmpse and green l"’l'l"‘l'$ and {'00}; slowly until clmeso is multr‘d. Put a layer of mavarnnl into a lmtlm'ml baking dish, than a laym' 0f tlw (flu-ease mixturp and al- iws and pimenlv‘rg-r: I'pr’at un'til all ti tabli'fllmns 0f cuoua Hé rum m‘ rich milk ;' lahleswmns 0f mm syrup 3 lulilnspcmng ul' lillllvr l lalilvspmn! Hf vanilla. .\li.\' sugar, vmma. milk and cum syrup. tlmik \Vilhmil slii'i'im.‘ (m-I' 3. MW lirv until mixlm'v farms 3 5qu ball in 4'“ch \Valt‘l‘. lit-mm» frnm lirn «incl aclcl lllllll'l'. climl <ligl|lly liy vlacim; van in a Vussvl Hi mm “am- Add vanilla and twat. until light. brown in mim- ancl vi'c-am)‘ in mn- sistvncy. Pmn' cm luiHm-ml platlo-r :IIH! li'l. ('iml. Cut in minaret-2 sistt-ncy. Pom- nn huHm-ml Math-r am! lvt mm]. Cut in squarvs. This l't-cipv mukns a cit-lic'iuus randy which will :2“! sugar or get hard anal stair. .\ guy vunm'il «of Hu- winU-I‘ months is â€w silk nmmvr ufl‘m'tml by Hu- mmlvrn mi». ' H i- likv a man’s srarIZâ€"«in fan-l. I think must of those I haw saw-n \w-m- pm'rlnasml at a llulu-mlashvryv~zmcl may lu- nf any vulnr cw mmhinann ul' mlurs that, is «It'sirvd. This year. hnwmvr. Hw scarf is no! tic-«l as H was lust so-usnn but is Hnrnwn amuncl Hw m-vk Hr wrumwd louse-1y alum! tfu- Hn'uat ul' Hu- \wal'm'. l‘sually thnsv Tm- IIInI-IIiIII.‘ and sport \waI' («Insist (If :1 \‘VHUHI'II m' io I'S(}\ skiII am! sm- Itm \xlIiln IIIOSII for mom Immal uocasinns mmsN mostly Hf I umhinalivns HI \C'l\¢" and metal I'MHI satin. vIw-m- ur IIIniI'I'. In tho- lattvr. “H’ wlwt IIIuI-v quvII make-s the ~‘kil;t~‘ \VZIIh' HH‘ HHH'!’ nIah'I‘ile I'III'I‘I'Is HIo- hluIIsv HI' jump- 'l‘wo-pim'o' «il'essow arv undnuhtml- ly the outï¬ts m \Vflal' all all “('08- sinns: frnm spurt. In mu-ra. This is gnml nmw. fur must. M'us hm'uusu it mo'ane; that small pim-«w m‘ mute-rial and partly \VHI'H {racks mm lw util- izml in tlwir making. rups ul' ï¬lm-'8: By MARJORIE ADAMS Glenelg Council Spanish Macaroni ul' mavan mi For Winter Wear RECIPES Chocolate Fudge hmkvn into ‘lising fur Assvssnr m lhwisinn 1926. 83: W. : grin Pl. $2.21.).wâ€"4lm'riml. 1 \x'uppnnr-.\\'nnnum~ ,(Zuum'il :Ilmlish 4.11m: son‘s farm, in St. \‘inm-nl,‘ and it was frum â€who ugwl‘fliml, Tho-y \vm'o- In \K'ianl' and m" Hmir s: sh-nling. l‘rmim'ial pnlim Sumâ€! and Kleafurcl and 41. “1'0 \vvm‘ all I'v-spnnsillu raplum- uf tlw h‘in. With Hm swim-swing im: mltlu-rrr in turn": lwnitvntalgv. mm- m’ t sish'm. hands uf I'nh Suuml didrivt in yo: hl'ukl'l‘ up. I‘ll'lws't UH tvlu'rd tn HH'W' ,vmu' UHH'I'S. I'lm‘l Carr and With â€H“ SI'IHI‘IIPIIIF III' IIII'I-II clar- IIII; I'OIIlH‘l'r? III II'I'IIIH III KIIIIIslIIII lII'lIIII‘IIHlI'}'. IIIII- III â€I" must IH‘I- sIsII'III. hands â€I IIIIIIII-Is III ImI-II SIIIIIIII IINI'iI‘I. III sear»: IIIIs IIIIIII. III'IIkI'II up. I‘II'III‘SI. CIII'IIIIH. was SI'II- II'IH‘N' III â€II'I'I' YWH'N‘. \\"III0 â€III IIHIIIIs. llIIIl IZIIII IInIl .lIIIk .IIIIIII'I-sIIII 080'! \WIII si‘lltl'lll'ed III lvm \IIIIIs. All IIII~IIIIIIII I.III|I\ h. II IIIIIII~ IIHIIHN‘I' If HIIIHs III ““0“ SIIIIIIII IIIIIl III-II III. IIIII I'IIIIIIIIIx SIIII‘IIIIIIIIIIIg. 'IIII' HIII-I- \\I'II' IIH lI\IIII.' III JIIDIIP- .‘OII~ IaInI, III SI \‘IIII-IIIII 'lImnsIIIII IIIIII II “218' IIIIIII â€II’I‘I‘ IIIIII IIIII} IIIII'I'HII'IL 'lhII. \H-I'IIIII $1.1)“ all \I'IIIII'I' and gut IlmIr Slll'lllil‘!’ |I\‘ McKuchuip “'hitnmro: 'I‘hat. \w m-«lm' svw'n (‘npivs of H10 Munivipal \VUI‘M for I937. fur â€80 Hr lllc'mhc'l‘s of 01unvil.-llarriml. Mom-vimiv~\\'hitmm-u: That this linum'il dulmh' $10.00 I" “W Sick ('Zhildx'vn's lim‘pital.â€"-4Ian-rim. , \VI-IIIIloI‘-\\'IIIIIIIIII~I9: That I-IIIII- IIII'ssiIIIIoI‘s for tho sovoral wards III- as fIIHIIWs Mr 192?: \\':II'I! 1. “00m" \\'IIIIIIIIII°I‘: “Ward 2. .IHIIII “0km"!- Hi“; \\'III-Il 3. MII!I°IIlnI “lurk: \\'III‘II . (ï¬lhmh .~' \VIIMIII l'. and that â€In “NW“ IIIIw SlllH'l\i.~‘i¢Hl IIv-I l' hi‘idfltâ€˜ï¬ {ZIIIa Black \\GJ|| lt‘l‘l “III! â€I“ IIIHIm- IIII: IIII °mlllls I“) IIIIIII: \\. Banks, 1 PW! IIIIIII IIII IIIIH. $3.00, I'I'IIIIiI-m: sIIIhlu SI. I'I~I-IIII°I'III: hI'MgI'. 5|: HII- “la(‘k-\\'dwlalo'l'1 Th1†Hlv I'dlluw- im: sun-«aunts ho fluid: W. Banks, 1 Hard «'mim' fur lmH. 3N1â€. I'vpzlil'illu Haida $1. rvpairinu‘ lu’idw'. 8|: Hw Hiv'rk. miuulm fur puhli Minn. 1926, $10: “In 'J‘rc-asurvr. gummy-Hm Finanâ€" cial Stall-mom. 810: Mm Rome. asâ€" sisting in m'vpzu'im: Financial Slainâ€" mcnt. $3; Markdah- Standard. adwrâ€" at m a. m. PENITENTIARY TERMS FOR GAME OF ROBBBRS Whilmornâ€"Mckvclmio: That Moc- tion (‘XDPIIS('S. Deputy Returning (M'- ilcers. Poll Clerks and delivering ballot. bnxvs iw paid. lntnl amnnnt. $62.50.-Carrivd. \\’opplor-â€"Black: That thv tilvrk b0 inst: noted In adxmlisc- I'm- an .\s- sessor for 1927 .â€"-4.animi. lenelg with an oxmenditure m “3.60 on town Unaâ€"Carried. '1. .llll)’ L’. .\ll:.'ll.~‘l 6. fulwr I. .VHvalu'l' ()nllmil mljum'w 'l‘r'vxx'nshiu uf that Hw lilwl M [ol'l'lml'd' H [IIW'HIIC un mow-tings I'm- ar_\' .3. Marvin «on M Mr 19: H. H. Mzu'lhumlcl. Clvrk H-wssm'y lwum'v MW†"Mg ' ht": lmil‘ supplii-s‘ by al pnlim- Hf van '1' and Court W. Smilh. 2.". Svph'lllhvr '3 l9. I’valwt 1'0! In“ Hll .\l That lhul‘ in 1927. Mlzm :l _V Mum-3 Clmmvil l’u-In'n- 7. .lcmo l' L’. (N'- and “I H: Hf A funeral srrx'iro was brld at Hm lmmr of Mr. and Mrs. lirrsswrll. :39 'l‘hyra avruur. 'l‘nrontn. on Friday rw'nilu.‘ at. 9-: u'rlurk. and on Saturday mqrnim: Hm rrmains \wru brought 'lu Durham fur uurrnu-Iu. Armm- ‘pauyuu.’ Hw lmdy \u-rn Mr. and Mr~. .Cl'vsflx‘vl. HH- IHHN' his ulll)’ I'v- maiuilu: sistrr. and Mr. Alex. .lark. ‘m' 'l‘ul'mlh'. :‘. lu'uHIvI'. 'l'lu~ clmw-am-cl was a "nun who, by â€will, and hard Wurk. fnmul llimï¬vll in momfurlulnlv rn'vumsmnm-s. He: was a kindly m'iuhlun'. :t WWI Pill- zvn. and his smlalc-n «Input-mm Wlll lw I'vgrellml by all of his m-quaml- Hunk \w nwat "llm 13% mm. um!" Mr. Jack was a nwmlwr of the Black Knights in â€w Uranm- Hrclvr. and it was lhu illivll'iml ho hum HHS body I'epl‘c-m'nh'd at. â€w I'llllm'al «m Sam-day. hut Hmough sum" "USMC?â€" riago of instrm’uuns, tlm Imlillmhun nc-wr rvm'lml INN-ham. 'I‘Im l'unvr- al so-I'Vit'v at. tlu- gruwsulr how: was vumim'tml by llw Row. H. H. Arm- sh-mm pastur ul‘ Hm l'rwhyh-HMI church. lï¬'sicld's his family. Mr. Imvs'ls Is sm'wvmi by iiw sash-rs and lim- hrOIth's: Mrs. J. Sh'w'nscm. Mrs. J. Main and Mrs. J. howling. llnlsh-m; Mrs. 'l'lmnms Kirby. Hrrlmml; Mrs. lichlll,M(°l'lu«-lwl'll, I‘lurvumm; .lamow Lewis. I'Zm’vmum; llulN-I'l. and {llmrlvs lmwia Urvllarcl: .lttm lu-“H. Wisp» tun. Sask" and Harry l.¢-\\'i.~‘. m Hu- \\ in Toronto snfl‘vmi aimiIu-r sin-"kc. This was not serious mmuxh in lire-- wni. his rmnmal in â€in NW. and im roluriimi with his sistvr. living at hvr homo. whom hn rm‘viwd awry aiii-niinn. uniil lbwvmho-r 219. Mi 'n lw icmk u had turn and was ri'mmw-d in Hm Hillllt‘ fur Illi‘lll'ahlvs. Hll Wmhwsday «If ltm \ka. Hm 12m. im iuuk :nmlhvr slmku :mcl liiln‘s‘i‘d away the: xii-xi. day. 'l‘hm'sciav. “'0 c-xt-vnd â€H‘ sylllpaflly «of ('i‘ild’llï¬ 10 HH' lol'ulher MI“ “MN snlo surviving mmnlwrs nf famils'. .Inlmslull, l'rvs‘loylc-rimn minis-Hm that Marv. LATE TIOIAS JACK NORMANBY FARMBR vs lm um (Conï¬rmed Irom page N tinnh'nm-d fmm page Il'lill Too Much flay m's llllshaml. ’timidly kmm‘. my «Ivar. [ wally might to haw a hit of in a \x'hilv. Three tmm I caught. mym-lf \wlnmmw WAS IORI [I BUREAU amlly. Mr. lawns Is w snsl’vrs and Iiw .l. Slum-Insult. Mrs. J. .l. anlinu. Hnlsh-m; DIED SUDDBNLY Iclc- IH'I’H was H. D. Arm- I’I'v-'I0_\'Ivl'mll PAGE 7. Hm NM NM“ Hf