'ako- luv thvn' I‘vsidrnco m Montreal win-w Hwy mw' at prPSPnt. and who‘re .‘lr. .‘hx‘klvr has lived for a number 0! years. We tender con- gratulations to our former town- man. \\°nro| has hon-n received at this 0mm» of the marriage in England ro-t'omtly of Mr. H. H. Mockler. a t'm-mm- rvsidvnt of this town. “'9 haw nu I'narticulars. but understand that Mr. and Mrs. Mockler will “'9 understand also that. the plac- Ing of this typo 0! car on the local lino mvans an Nixtvusiw change in the train crmu hero with a How to outing clown expenses. There may he a drastiv change in the local railroad situation. and we maku this announcemvnt now so that wtmn it happens we can say ‘1 MM you an." Md goes throu h to Kin- can-ohlw. returning over t 9. same mm» at night. Thv noun train in. and thn aftm'nwn train uutu will he Hf tho- rvmxlar stvam type. uvmmo-ncing last night. the t1..\.R. has put on» of the new tsp» Dies»! QalS ntl thv to al Durham-Kincard- mo,- nun. The car It‘th‘S hero in the NEW TYPE Many gnml items 0! news are Post. to the nt'WSDIIDt'l‘S by the mmlrsl)‘ til [H'tililfl who hesitate (0 tn“ the reporters of matters eonâ€"- twrnmr.‘ themselves. Not that they it" not want their names to appear in print. but that. they are afraid they will be pushing themselves i'urwzn'il. This is the wrong idea. iVi'uni the reporter's standpoint the man \\'lln will stop a newspaper mntrilmtnr 0n the street and in- i’ni-m him that he. has been away to mine other city. that he. is going to get married Mr his wife entm'tained trio-nits 01' presented him with twins is lllv hest man alive. May his likeness lllt'l'o‘ttSo' thrmighnut the earth. It you haw done anything mean or disreputable it isn't nec- essary to tell "it for there are al- ways plenty of wept» who will do that low yuu. It is the. good things aluml. )‘mil'so'lf and yunr neighbor that. the lt0‘\\'sptt|H‘t'lmtn wants you tn giu- him. likmwss mirth. H mean or Sl‘llm'l Rewards and ratepayers are WM 3 lm'luro- nn Hwir duty by Hm l-':n°mvl'.-:' .loIVM'atP: "If rate- paym's \VHHM p. )‘ mow attention to family album anol a stereosrope were in every parlor. No one was nor nlwralml on tor appendicitis ur lmiiuhl glands. and microbes ‘.\'l‘l'o~ almost. unheard of; folks lived in a good â€lot age. Today, you know everybody rides in automobiles or flies! plays golf; shoots amp; plays the piano with their feet. or has the radio hug; goes to the movies night- ly: smokes cigarettes; drinks liomlrli: ilt’Vt'l' goes in bed the same day as they get up and thinks they are liming u wonderful time. These are HM' thus of sull‘ragetting. pro- lilo-o-riux. t'.\'t'l_'SS lanes and prohibi- tinn. and if you think life is.worl.h hung. We wish you a Happy anal‘ l’ruilwrnus New Your." PAGE 4. Till A!!! HOW .\ Detruit business house greeted its trio-n ~x and patrons at the New Year wit I the fotluwing unique sal- utation: “Twenty years ago, we re- member that eggs were :35 cents a dozen; milk was So. a quart, butter ten vents a pound; the butcher gave away lin-r and treated the kids with bologna; the hired girl got 815 a mnnth and that the wmhing; women did nut lmmter and paint. «'in pub- iie smoke, mte. play linker or make the shimmie. Men were whi‘kers, eheweti tobacco. spit on the sidewalk and cussed. Beer was 7» rents and the lunch was free. Laborers worked ten hours a day and never went nu strike. Nu tips \U't'r L'IU'H tn \witers unit the hat check grafters were unknmvn. Tim Published every Thursday morning at the office, Garafraxa Street, Durham, Ontario, by Frank Irwin, Editor and Proprietor. The Chron- icle is mailed to any address in Canada at the rate of $2.00 per year, 81.00 for six months, 50 cents for three months, 25 cents for one month. To any address in the United States of America, 32,50 per year, 31.25 for six months.“ cents for three months. Foreign sub- scription rates on application. Member Canadian Weekly News- papers Association. ' ting any question; civil or religious, to the test of free discussion, it more in love with his own opinion than with the truth.-â€"WATSON. Whosoever is afraid of cabin:- DUTY OF SCHOOL BOARDS Thursday, PM“, 10, 1921 MARRIED IN ENGLARD I'YPE ELECTRIC IAKES FIRST APPEARANCE TELL US THE NEWS They have broadcast the roar of Siagara Falls by mdio. and a lot of pmple thought. it was the United States Senate. J. Morrison. Chairman: J. Smith. H. McCrav. D. C. Town. Property Committee: Dr. Wolfe. T. M. Mc- Fadden. C. Ramage. Educational «Inmmittoe; Secrntm'y. Dr. J. F. Grant. ‘ ' The statutory meeting of the High Sc'hnol Board was held on Wednes- day evening of last week in Dr. Grant's Office. ' Following are the officers 'elect- ed: Thorn is no doubt about it. this will cause litilo complaint from tho ratepayers when the possibility of broken limbs is considered. HIGH SCHOOL BOARD 'I‘hi- Timn tlounvil and tho Board of Works is to h» congratulated on the mannm' in which thoy haw hanotlmi a bad situation in the town tho past two or throw weeks. due to tho- icy condition of the sidewalks. At. times tho» walks wore hardly safo to walk on, but the Council this year lust no time in having sand sprinklmt over the icy surfaces’in order that pedestrians might proceed with safety. 'l‘hut 11M 111111sti0n 1'1-lati11g to dogs running at. largu was 011011 more (.1111 suhjvct of discussion. (".011111‘i1101- Mclman said it was :1 5111111111 H111 way tin- 1h)g;~' \\ 13111 hvhming 1l0\\11 in his 111111 11f the. 11mm 111111 in thought it should i111 111111111111.I‘h11 \\ [1011‘ 1111111114! th1.111ght iikmxiw and so i11- i111n111i 11111111111111» Allen. The Chief l111\\'1-\'111'. $1111! that â€11111 “as littln 11511 in t1x1111.‘ 111 mako- cvimin um- has 111' 1111- puphlatiun 1111'k their 1111111; 1111 \\hil11 11th1‘1~‘ apparmitlv had the 111i\1lv1:1- 11f l11iti11g their canines 1111 as thm plvasvd. H11 11 as perfect- Ix \\ illing to 311. but. hn \\ 11% going to sium 11.1. partiality. H11 “as told to go ahead and 51111 what 1 (mid 1111 done and it is apparmt the fun is not all â€\‘1‘1‘ 3'01. COUNCIL DID GOOD WORK ON SLIPPBRY PAVEMENTS Ill-mo licll and 'l‘rcaisurer Ramagc. worn appointcd a committee to scll the High school dobcntures. May Get Pavement Ito-cw Hell gaw an account. of the last mcctiug of the County Council and Pxplalllmt tho manncr in which Durham could get a 20-foot strip of pawmcnt cxtcnding nast- ward t'rnm Harat’raxa strcct. on tho County link. A. motion on Friday had lwcn snowo-d undcr hy the Coun- ty Council to “the thc Durham link hut. this had only two-n a "fcclcr" for anntlu-r to follow. As a result. of Hip so-cond motion. which carrivd, Durham may. if it is so. inclim-d. sv- curc a 20-foot. strip of pavomcnt. at. alisolutcly no cost to tho town. (it this strip hoth tlounty and l’rmincc pn)‘ half. “no of tho rcaisous tor the" swuring of the pavemcnt was tw- cause of the argumcnt th ‘ [to w.» put. up claiming that. last. year llin coun- cil had lcVicd thrcc-quartoi'rrs of a mill for this purpose and had clout: nothing. The Room was emphatic in his statomcut. that this strip would cost the town "not one penny." Tho 'l'uwn tlouncil would. nowcwr, haw tn int'orm thu t'.oiiiit_\' of its into-uw lion twt'nrc anything would lw dour. It. was tho intcution to iuiild tlw lmsc this your and put. on tho top no-xl. ycar. This was in accordancn with tho advicu of road cuglnccrs. Hn motion of llcll and Hmulersou it was *arricd that tho town cntcr‘ into this agrwnmcnt. i 'l‘hu tax roll was oxtcudcd to tho tst of March aftcr sonic discussion. hut allow that «into more». drastic ac- tion will lm take-n to collect all tax arro-ars. Anothvr mattm' to come before the mint-ii was the. building of an ice- hnusv un (tarat’raxa street by Mr. R. ti. \Vatwn. This was nbjected to on â€in ground that. it was strictly a- gainst. tlw lil't' bylaw rugulations and within tlw limit set by the Canadian Fix-v, l'nih-i’writo-i's‘ Association. The t'lnunvil is tn haw a bylaw preparml rvquiring a permit. fur the m'ectiOn «if any kind Hf building within ho (-m-pm'atinn. This will an away with a lot of the trouble at present exper- io-ncml whvn i'ui'tain :‘leiiremonts will haw'tn lw mot in the vrection of buildings. ‘A'crommunicalion forum the Onta- x-m Hood Roads Assocnatlon was tab- 104). Councillm' Henderson favored the placing of a telephone in Constable Allen's rvsidvncv. and this. with the authority to plum-ham a cap and coat was given by the Board. in A petition askin for funds for the London Rescue ome in connec- tion with the Salvation Army work, was laid on the table for further consideration, as was also the pro- position brought 'up last meetin to have the Councl paid a salary. he statute says that not more than $5.00 per day may be voted as re- muneration, but as this amount was farvin excess of what it was intended to vote, it has little signiï¬cance. The point was that the Council was per- fectly within its rights in voting re- muneration for services rendered. W'I‘Vtiw Finance Committee passed ac- counts aggregating $438.87 and the rthuvs were; oydvl'eg issugd. Is. A "TILE WORK DONE BY COUNCIL HONDAY Light Docket Before Town father: at February fleeting, Which Passed 01! Without Incident. The regular meeting of the Town Council on Monday night was quite a tam; affair and not very much work was done for the simple reason that there was very little to do. All the members were present with the exception of Councillors Hunter, McClecklin and Arnold Noble. The Dog Bylaw Again IBLD PIRST IBBTING There. is an old saymg that if a man exhibits any intelligencewhat- mer he will be challenged it he is called to sit asla jurvman. Compar- isnns are. not nice things, but some time we are goin to attend an an-1 nnal meeting an see how Execu- fives on some hockey leagues areâ€"1 chosen. It «ill be enlightening. Since the above was in print, we learn that the Durham kids hum lost at Hanov er 5-9. but this doesn't And this is our candid opinion 'af- 'ter analyzing the situation as it af- fected these two teamsâ€"and we are not biased. either. Can the Northern League Executive tell us who won the protest? was there a protest? do they know anything about it? or could they name us something that they do know something about‘.{ To us it looks as if there is no way of sohing the mallet as the jump- ing jacks on the Northern League Executhe make so mam about. faces that they would make poor old Sol- omon dizzy if he were forced to adjudicate with them. If this Execu- the ex er did make a sane decision, there is e\ em reason to believe that they would all dr0p dead. a. â€""v If Moore is eligible to play with Hanover now. he was eligible to play the other two games. and Durham 5 iould have lost their protest. Either t. )0 Hanover team should have been thrown out and both games awarded to Durham. or else the games as played should stand and Hanover declared the district. winners. The question that. now arises in our mind is. now: Did Durham win the protest. or did they not? P9P- sonzilly. we are of the Opinion that they didâ€"«not. If they did. why is Moore allowed to play further games with Hanover when there is rtmrlusive proof that he worked in Kiueardine up to some date in September. The residence rule. we believe, says he must. have been a continuous resident of Han- over since May__l.__ - . a 0‘. This Northern Lo'agnc Executivn wnuhl 1w hard on a man with a cmckecl lip~-it would make him laugh so hard that it would never lwal up. Durham‘s juninr Nm-thm'n Leagu- (‘l'S are battling \vipn Hanowr tn- night as wv gut, ready for pl‘nss. Thoir 11mins! against. tho Hanowr tvam fur playing Mom'v in goal in mntrmmxtiun of tho I'vsidem-v rulv was sustained at the [waving lust mud; in Mmmt. Furost and thv game ordm'ml rvplaymlâ€"wilh Monro givon wrmission to gm into tlm gamu to- night, we understand. Druham C's‘mguoal. McDonald; du- I'vncv. Elvnwnts and \Vilson; (W‘ntl'v, MMHI'I': “inns. Buwhlon and I‘ll- \'iol;‘:v. Slumâ€"Rum: and Kross. This abnut tells the story. With the goalm' practivally hors d0 com- bat. tho Durham rtefencn and forward lino. had to 1w goal koopm's as woll. and could. not stand ttm have. Busch- ivn pickmt 011° :1 vountt'l' in thu SN?- mul lwriml. hut. Listowwl gathvrml 4, In the third tramp ouch tvam scm-mt â€ma McGim' gutting the last. score of the». gram". [Ii-III lU) (IIIV ('l‘lll'llil 11"†The game on Priday was one that it \\ as 1111 disgracv to lose. and 1111!. muvh honor tn win, 111111111 the cir- cumstanvcs. and both teams and H111 spvctators 1-vmgnizml this. tlw writm' overbearing *many complimentary 1'1'111111'ks on lmw tlw Durham 1.11am, tlumgh handicappml and buntcn. never Int, up. but kvpt right. 011 ham- 1111-1'ing 1111 â€In nlcl trout dmw at tPVâ€" wry appurttmity. The. lino-ups: Lislmwl ’8"-â€"(mal. Johnston; 111-- 101100 Kolly and Rm.‘l1v1:1".1111t10 '1‘. tli'vightnn: wings. M. Pupplvr and Kemp. S1111s..â€"â€"-J I’o_p|1_le_'1_ and MRobhiv DURHAM WON PROTESTâ€" â€"BUT, DID THEY? Following tlw game thn Durham (mum and thvir fvw sumbm'tvrs wern thw gllosts Hf Hm Listowcl boys at â€H' Listnwvl Club, Whm't“ Hwy \Vc'l‘e right royally «mtm'tainml. ‘wnm’nu run nan}: roman Listowvl scored anutlwr goal 811W '3 minute-s of play: 2 minutes more and lhlschlpn and Elvidgu combined inside tlm Listtmvl defvnco. Um lat- tvr taking: thv pass and bulging the Nine. Six minutes afterwards El- \idgo. and Mchin‘ went down and thrnngln in a ('omhim-cl vfl'm't. MPGil'l' scm'ing. Lismwol smrmi 01100 more this lwriod, tun svssion .muling 3-2 for Hm home tvam. . The accident was a most unfor- tunate one, both for Durham’s good goaler, as it puts him out of the game indeï¬nitely, and for the Lis- wwel fans, who missed seeing one of the best games of the winter, for the locals were pressing strong and had as much of the puck as their 0p- ponents. With the score 1-0 for Listowel, a shot from in front of the defence, which McDonald could not see. was waited in by Gully Rocher that struck him over the eye and Opened up an old one received the. previous week in the game with “'alkcrton. This delayed the game for 10 minutes and while the Durham not minder came back till the job. he was â€1' \‘c‘ry litle use for the balance of the. game for the. simple reason that he cmllcl lint sm'. By defeating the Durhams last Friday night 8 to 4 on Bistowel ice, the Listowel O.H.A. team are the undisputed champions of No. 13 district. They were one goal up in the game here and won the round by five goals. ‘ . This seems to be about all there is to say in the matter, as alibis do not go in computing scores. but there is no question to it. that had Goaier McDonald not received that swat in the eye with the puck in the first ten minutes of play at Listowel there milght have been a different tale to tel . ' the only solution seems to be m turn out tonight and look 'em over. vael'vv-~-I€al'l Hicks. Owen Sound LIBTOWEL PUT DORE“ 0%? Entertained Durham Team (Continued from 'me 1) THE DURHAM CHRONICLE alter our argument one iota. We surely would like to know by what manner of means the protest com- mitten arriui at its decision. Mr. Duncan and Miss Lena Liv- ingston attended the funeml oi the late Mr. Neil Livingstone, Glenelg, Saturday. . Mrs. Sarah McKeEhnie is visiting Mr. D. A. McDonald of Lamlash has been helping his frivnd Mr. Dou- gald Hastie in t 9 bush the past two weeki. Mi. and Mrs. IaS. Lauxencc. w-mn guests of M1'.and MrS. I-indlm Mc- Guqig on Sunday. - We were sorry to bar Mr. W. Vickers has been conï¬ned to his. hm: thg past week with a severe cum. Miss Florence Kress attended the At Home at Stratford Normal Friday of last week and reports a pleasant time. Mr. Laverne McCallum is at pre- sent. visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Neil McCallum. A goodly number from mum at- tended Hm funeral of Miss Living- ston of Elmwood Wednesday at this week. We join with the cum- munity in expressing our sincvz'u sympathy to every member of Miss Livingstone's family. To know her was to love her. Miss Eva Redford, Duraam is this week visiting her many friends in this section. She also attended the funeral of the late Mrs. McDonald. The lutu .‘11'. McLean was marrwl 21 years agn to Miss Martina bin-[.- pal'd. who survives. There was nu family. Mr. McLean was a mm of Um latv Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mc- Lean aud‘is. we understamï¬l. thv lust. member of his family, a 2.1mm :- Alex., dying some fans ago. and a sister Mrs. Just. 1.35.4113 away in 13'0- 1-0ntu seven months ago. The deccésed was in his 68th year and was horn and grew to manhood on the old homestead on the 4th concession of Bentinck. He'was a generous. warm-hearted friend. and too much could scarcely be said (-1' him as a kind and obliging neighbor. In religion he was a Presbyterian and the funeral service from Burns church, Rocky Saugeen on Sunday last was in charge of his pastor, the Rex'. B. 1). Armstrong, of Ulll'ilillll. Thv cummunity was shuukmt tn 1mm of the sudden «loath on Thursâ€" day of mu- of its pioneer l't‘stttt'llts in tlw Int-mun of Mr. N011 BICLHIII. a ht‘vhmg rvsidcnt of this section. Ht: was in his usual gomt health Thursday evening. but tlm stow- puws in thv Imusu hemming mur- hoatt-tl, tlu- e-xvitc-nwnt and vxvrtitm in t-xtinguishing the-11150 attach-d his hc-art that hv passed away short- ly after thn «hmgvr was own“. With the aid of the tt‘tt‘phflnt‘ from Mr. 'l‘hmnas Torry" noighhors wore: sm‘nnmnmt, and the clactur called. the hattm- ï¬nding that death was dllc tu ht-art failure. Among Um friends from a dlStallt'u in attmulam-u \vrrc‘: Mrs. l’e-rgusnn and Mr. Mrlnlyrr. l’rirevillr; I). J. Clark. Owen Sound; John and Arrhiv Mclx'inntm. Walkrrlun: Dr. and Mrs. Lynn Grant, Walkcrtou; Mrs. Sarah .\lrl\'rclinir, Hamilton: Dan. Mrl’Nm- olcl, Toronto: Mrs. William llurrisnn Shallow Lakr; Mrs. Hugh .‘lrl’lu-r- son. Ceylon. The remains \ww takml tn Um Rocky Saumwn (fc‘mvtm'y and laid to rest to await. Hm call of Um w- surrection morn. many uld friends and Imighbors [wing prvsant tn pay a last trihutn of rcspvct tn her man- my. Her family haw tho domwst sympathy of H10 church and cum- munity, vspvcially Miss Flora. wlmsn tmulvrlwss and dmntinn wvru beau- tiful. ‘ â€" ‘â€" last, Kallhs gu'atnst smwmxs and trials 81'“ “1'51. ’ In silc'ncn shc- sul'fvrud. in anvm-u slw hnrv. HUI. Hm! “allc-dJIvl' liomv to Sllll'vr nu more. \Vd‘ miss a nuvthvr kind and. goml. N0 â€wanton o-arth sn true; l’vacvmlly slec-pmg and I'L‘Slln‘.’ at Tho pal] lwarvrs \wro trim! and tmw friends: Archie Molnmgall. liwugald McDonald, Dan McLe-zm. Arvhiu Mclman. Hugh Mclman. Dan McLPan. John McKinnon and An- drvw Hastie. The floral tributes Spoke love for the departpd and sympathy for the molu'lwrs. Among thvm were a pillow from the church. a Wreath frnm tho Lmlivs‘ Aid. a wroath from Mr. and Mrs. Hm'tm' lekm- aid and Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Mclman of Saskatvluwvan. a pillnw I'I'um Um family. and nwsszlgvs )l' "ullclnlnnr'e from Hw McKinnnn family n1 \K'alâ€" kin'tml. BENTINCE RESIDENTS ;Her pastor. the Rev. H. Cricking- ton, conducted the funeral services, speaking from 'the. text, Rey. XIV: l3, “and I heard a veice from heaven saying unto me. Write, blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: yea. saith the spirit, that they may rest from their labors and their works do follow theln." The sermon was earnest and practi- cal and it was listened to with marked attention. During the ser-‘ vice favorite hymns of the deceased "Safe. in the Arms of Jesus.“ and “Shall We Gather at the River,†were sung. as well as a solo. "Some Day, We'll l'nderstand," by Miss Nancy Boyce. The Rev. James Tay- lor of Durham was present and as- sisted in the service. failing health did not permit her to be present in her place on the Lord’s day, but she looked forward with joy to the place prepared for her by her Saviour. She is now an inhabitant of that city which has no need of the sun, neither o.‘ the moon, to shine in it, for the glory of God doth lighten it and the lamb is the light thereof. (Continued from page NEIL McLEAN DIED LAST WEEK I) *MMNW . .Qo...‘......... .. .0 Mi'."¢_‘.lnax'les Dillane of St. Thpmas spent the wvok-vnd with his Sister, Mrs. R. J. Moorhoad. .Mr. Robert Moorhead was in Har- nston yesterday attending the hon- gpiol being held in that town. Bull is skipping a rink of Canadian Na- tional engineers. and the citizens of Durham will await with interest the n-sult. at the homes of Mr. James McDon- ll,. Mr. A. Hastie and Mr. antld ckechnie while up from_Ham1|tnn. Mrs. Thomas Henderson is in Tor- onto this week, delegate to the Hor- ticultnnal convention. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr. Donald Graham of Toronto is spending a week with 1118 brother, Mr. J. A. Graham and renewmg old acguainpnces.._ a“-.. --v ‘1" _ Miss aura Flannigan, pf Owen Sound spent last week With MISS 311's. .1. F. Mitchell of Keewagin is Visiting her sister, Miss F. 08ng for a few weeks. Mr. Jack Dnvudson of Toronto was also home over the week-end. Misses Jessie 'l‘wamley, Clara Moc- Crao. Florence Kress and Emily Hunt attended the At. Home pt Strat- ford Normal School on Friday eyâ€" vning and spent the week-end m Stratford. Mr. D. J. Clark, For Owemï¬oungl. formerl of Bentincx, is visiting his many 0 d friends in and around Durham for a week or so. We were pleased to have a call from Mr. Clark on Tuesday and see him look- ing so _well. Paris has decreed that km... stockings â€13,111 reach 1'nur Haw above. the. knees. In nun-r \\~t ; just two Inches below â€In km“ the skirt. Mr. Fred Hoununin of Dam.†visiting at the papenul homc. In. Andrew Picken, Mrs, .|-..,,,\ in church held a. most sum-p... sale of baking in the A.Y.P..\. :~ ; last Saturday. We haw 1...; 1 informed as to the amount m1“... , but almost everything nth-m: ‘ sale was snapped up in Shul't n. .; The ladies served a QM. m m clock which was “'0†utto-n.j.-.g -|lr. 0. Bauer and his mothm- \ m ed a dn recently at Mr. Anm. Woman er's. near Aywn. Mr. A. Lawrence, Egremont.. \\ u ~ this locality the beginning u: week cutting W001i!†Messrs JUL, loKengig gag! Willum Rum... ‘ #4- â€"-4I ‘12.. I ..' , mï¬iuuargaret Smith is slum _ a couple of days With her mm; \1 _ Stewart MacArthur, north «4' h. toSh' at Sunday Mrs. William Ritchie. Mr. Air. Rd?obdnnd Mis- 1‘qu ‘ Md last Monday at Mr. mum“r \., Inn‘s. Unlock. um Mnmret Smith is 5|.“le The Luljeq‘ Md of tin? I‘m-4.3 :. SAD SUCCESSFUL SALE H UH' ( I: ll hat-l hm} llko "1‘8 Ha If ï¬rm his l "NH 0| Ma pal IIV (H H The S] M l'h \\ Thursday. hr.