inds that it friends and If it just de- 9 previously l trade dimin- s they were 3 place. or a 11'. They are seems to be npetitors to apt to hold Pr by going re of business Istle seems to regular prac- ke any great t stream oi II more than ewhere. dvertising is the civilized thful adver- ‘pirunus suc- . hut. rather. fobruary 10. 1927 their habits, made to hold ' them will go inducements lly now than list of custo- rcsult of all tising a ï¬rm Is to make up Does not take ustomers in mpress your mind so that bur line. they u must keep :e only power â€her powers strength of in power by n the mind of ng is the only Iping. >e done in 8 Iain the best repaired with hat you have 1st haw the The hcfl ad- Ie desired re- m: must be unwise Eng- tand: it must pathetic ser- ho alert and nunity which ass is as the )t the “hole rmot run suc- tl} with the m: your bus- t he had in ttim: results Ien he ï¬rst e opened his our business paying basis .It given that or any other “053‘ by 0‘?! t a consider- ill not be on ham! alings have ently imag- it intelli- ï¬nancial one a V 9 , DR. W. C. PICKBRING, DENTIST (Mu-v, over J. 6; J. iiuater's store, Durham. “maria. ' wxf-nex‘nn kitchen .flld «00115132: \\'.«H WMPI'NI Infl- m 800" ' - ‘- -nn‘. tn DI. A. I. DELI. Physician and Surgeon. Ofï¬ce Lamhton street, Durham. Ont. Gradu- ate University of Toronto. Eyes tested and corrected. Ofï¬ce hours: 2 to 5 p.m.. 7 to 9 p. m., Sundays excepted. Chiropractors Hraduntos Canadian Chiropractic COIN-m», 'l'urnnm. Ofï¬ce Macfurlane Blm-k. Durham. Day and night phone 123. 6 M 23" Lumbtun st. 868 2nd Ave. E. Branrh nll’m- at. Fleshcrtou. Upon awry Saturday 1.30 to 9.30. C. C. liddlobro’ R. Boat Burns, Owen Sauna. Durham. \--v'â€"- l-"l ‘. (1"o‘o -I lamina Ml) art-vs: 85 acres undt‘r l‘llHlVallHll. balance hardwood bush; vum'vnivnl lo sclwol: on the prem- '~‘l-~‘ an- a framv burn 32x63 ft. with ~1on l'uunolulwn; concz'vl» stables: also hay 'naru 30x30 with stone base- nu-nt; hug pen 20x30; two-ive-rmm hru‘k lmuse. furnace healed, also lrzmw woudshed: drilled well close to house. with windmill; concrete water tanks: 30 acres seeded to hay; l0 acres to sweet clover: this farm :3 well fenced and in a good slate of cultivation. For informality: apply - “4-â€" nn .: "mm It Will Pa' The Chrom'dl. JMWPGRANTDDSLDS llnncu Huulualc lmvelslty of [or- mlln. (inauluulc llOJuI Ctblltge Dental Surgvnus ul‘ Ontario. Dentistry in all us branches. ()l'lice .Calder Blnck. MlllStreel, second door east n! Macllclh‘s Drug Store. Aux. lacDONALD Incensed Auctioneer for Co. of Grey. Mum-rah» h-rms. Arrungvmvnts fur sulsw. as in olulvs. out. may be made at Thu Hhx'nuiclv Ofï¬ce. Durham. Tc-rms Mn application. Address “.8. 1. I’IIHIHHL Phone 611 1' 2i. nntario. ,___â€"_ ‘Ortl'zflé. 7‘17“)"190 Dr“). [III‘qu _, ~~ and woodsllqd \f 'h'ifln kitchen Wu}: watnrml and in good r9931!" I'm- anhMj particulars apply to \VHham Smith. RB. DRS. mu on ammo: (Mice and esidence a short dist- mm» east of the thn Home on Lamhton Street, Lower Town. Dur- ham. ()flice hours 2 to 5 p.m., 7 t0 4 pm. (except Sundnys). J. L. SII'I'I, I. 3., I. c. P. 8.0. «Mice and resndence. corner of (Luuntess and Immblon Strpets. Oppo- sne nld Post Office. Ofllce hours : 9 m H 3.111.. 1.30 to 4’: p.m., 7 to 9 pm. (Sundays excepted). ltm'rxstm's. Suncntora, etc. A mem- twr of the ï¬rm WI“ he in Durham un Tuesday of each week. Appointments (my he made with the Clerk in the ulTnCc. DAfl. chBAl Lu-vnsvd Auclinncer for County of en-y. Satisfaction guaranteed. Ilea- emmhlo- H'l'ms. Dates of sales made It! I‘ho- 1'.nrnmvle()lTice or with him- «elf Lu'vnsml Auctioneer fur County of Hwy. Fromm :Iltmltion to 93185. Rea- ecmuhlv tm'ms and satisfaction guar- alllm'd. Dalvs made at The Durham Chroniclv Ofï¬ce! Mr with R. C. \Vat- wn. \‘znrncy. RR. 1. Phone 60/: r“. pjv‘ulo u ‘ï¬;}'ï¬"m. mt. [MT 7. (2031.1 .EGREMONT. CON- “A" "nd [1" C. 6. AND BESSIE IcGILLIVRAY YUNBRAL SERVICE New Modern funeral Parlor: Phone Kingsdale 4344 122â€"121; Avenue Road Toronto BATES BURIAL C0. Advertisements under this heading. 1 cént a we CASE WITH ORDER; 3:: consecutive msertions gt 0! four. Telephone cells treated as past: with order Saturdgy eight of_ week ordered. Minimum charm: ‘I’Inhday, 1.11117 10, 1937 RIDDLEBRO’ AND BURNS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. In lill.\_\l â€WEN SOI'XI) John W. Bates I. Unlocks l-‘nl'mm'ly of Fleshevton Limzsad zfluctioneer Medical Dilation. EBUBBN c. WATSON Dental Diralorv Legal ‘Dt’recl’orv Classified Adveftisementg LUCAS HENRY .Duriizim. 10 25 23 U 30257231! this heading. 1 cent a word each 111881119!) consecuuve mseytions gnjen 191‘ the price Eeatgd a?! cash wntthrï¬er‘nf pad (or before , minimum charsâ€"€55 'c'eï¬ts. Miï¬â€˜imuixi chars: for ï¬rst in 'erllio' . n. straight charge of 15 cents: word â€11-. -L-â€"_- A- FOR SALE OR RENT (3:01le DOEBLE HOUSE IN UPPER Town; wall lo‘u-ato-ol on main street; plow-trio lights: in ï¬rst-class repair; will sell cheap to quick byer. For furllwr particulars apply Mrs. A. W. H. Laudvr. Durham. 2 3 6 i We will ha in the market for the wintm' months fur puro milk and cream. Orders taken for choice dairy buttm' deliwred «if! the rig; also buttermilkâ€"Watson's Dairy. The School is thoroughly equipped to take up the following courses: (1) Junior Matricu ation. {2" Entrance to Normal Sclicmi liarh member of the Staff is 3 lim- x'et'<il}‘ Graduate and experiencec Teacher. Intending pupils should prepare to enter at beginning' of team. Information as to Courses may be obtained from the Principal. Durham is an attractne and healthy town. and good accommoda- tion can be obtained at reasomhlo REV. H. l;. .l.\c:K>‘n.\'. HP PROTON statifln Bible school will preach in 'l'nwn Hull. Durham, Sunday. .l’vh. Irnh at 2.30 I’. .\l. Suhjm't: "Thu va 'I‘Mtan'wnt Standard for Um Ilhurvh"; also at. 7.30 l’. .\l.. suhjo-ct: "Why I am a [um-millvnialï¬st". Ev- vryl'uuh' WHIW'II’N'. â€NI Bo-ing Lots west half of 1. Gore A, 33 acres? u.» east, half of 8 011 Mm 3rd {hilcvssit'nL 50 acres; and 100 arm-s «m the 3rd Concession, all in the 'l‘ownship of Egmmont. These prnpm'tics will kw sold Ml thC 01‘ so-pamh'ly and sold cheap to quick purcllasrr. I’or fm'tlwr particulars apply tn .\h-~‘. .l. J. Smith. Vamey. R. R. I. m- at I'vsidcnce of J. J. Sï¬pal plll'C! awl) R. R. hush. l'o'lnili! gum! builolin ham: will I): furtlwr pa Mitldlvln'n' Durham. The Schml has a creditable recnrd in the past which it napos to'main- lain in the future. ~ ORGAN, IN GUODC()NDITION.â€"-AP ply at The Chronicle Ofï¬ce. (1001) SEED UA'lS, EARL\ ALASKA W. H. Pattmson. R. R. 4,1)11rham, lem' 6“. H 5. 3-2-3 mmmms WAN'I‘EI)-â€";U’PLY. AT Chronicle Ufficv. ll 28 H ~ “mm and tiax'olvn 13mm. lllwapm' to get your supply in vm'ly. Special prim- an m M pimwhatv in car lots. [wt us quntux on un \nlll‘ supph 101' 5'1»! â€u: 50“ mg. J. W. Ewen 8: Son, Durham. 37 H’ Phone “4 NOTICE TO FARMERS "Hm Durh'm) NF“. IJVP Stock .»\-‘~ suclnrmn wili mu. stark fz'nm Dur- ham 0n 'l‘uvsdms. Shippers aro' I'vquvstml tn L'IVP thro‘e days" noticv. James Lawrence, Manager. Phone 60! r 13 Durham. “JR. 1. 1N V'ARNEY, THE PROPERTY OF the late Thomas Long. Good house about 20x34, full-size cellar, and well located; one acre of land, good sta- ble; hard and soft water; cheap to quick purchaser. Apply to Middle- bro’ 6; Burns, Solicitors, Durham, Out. 1 27 3mpd WORK \VAN'I‘I'ID.â€"â€"'I‘HE CHRON- irlo .lnh Plant is well equipped for turning out the ï¬nest work on short order. t! Ill ' ll HAM S! IA RLI‘IT CHAPTER \Vil! huh! a mmhinmi sm'izll and husinvss tum-ting in Hwir hall ml “'minvsday. l'c-hlnarx 16 Elm-Hm! and installatinn nf â€Him-ls All hl'P- len "1;!“tu “'qu sh d In lm pr“- smut. “HEAT WANTED. AN Y QUAN'I‘I'I‘Y. Highest price. People’s Mills. 3152:“ FERTILIZER \\'IC 0'..\HH\' .\|.l. HRADI'IS “'0 will buy a limited quantity Inf Bass. Hil'PII. Elm. Mapln and BMW]! Lags this seas‘cm. Highnst pl'n'vs pmol. apply at NEW 01' Mr. Kinno-v. Durham Furniture (In. 12 2t! BUTTER, MILK. CREAM SERVICE DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL ’43. 5.2.... â€.5. $.w:Eé. 5.. a. 5 c. :5 o. waive ARTICLES WANTED VPHSOII .1. A; M. ROBB. B.A.. Principal JOHN‘ MORRISON. Chairman. FOR SALE OR RENT MINES: AHM'T 20 IIM’UAVHHD I. I'o-mumclo-I' undo-r PnltiVatiml: COMING EVENTS FARMS FOR SALE FOR SALE LOGS WANTED inrb: 21/1; milo-s from Dur- lw snlol at a bargain. For pal'tirnlal‘s apply t0 and Burns, Solicitors. 2 3 law]. 107M 1611' FUR ICE SUPPLIED . It you require. ice this summer. now is the time to order. We: are in the markpt and will deliver ice every day at, per block, 30 cents. halt block. 150. Phone Watsnn’s Dairy. No. 153. Satisfaction guaran- temt. i 3 6 7;. (Muss tumhlvrs which have been lillml with milk will lu- nun-h ('Ivaro-r if waslwd immmliate-ly in (mid watvr'.’ A full line of Dair) Goods. includ- ing. Fresh Milk. Buttermilk. Cream and Butter. alw.ays_on_han_d . RECIPES Ice-Box Cake Sounds void. this \wathm'. itm-su't. it'.’ But it is truly a war 'i'ouml dossvrt and is luscious any limit". Most. l't'L'ifH‘S. howvvei'. call for from l'oiu to night rimsâ€"l think I gun- will uno- of thoso- sums! limo ago «tidnt l.’ â€"â€"hut rm (with I found mm in “hit I: you ma} usv t“ o. tln‘m- or tour. 39 you ploasv. I usually usw thi've. l hought, you'd like it for that was 11 as \w-ll as that. it, tukns only an hour or so for it t“ so-t. so how it is: SOUTH GREY ELECTIONS l. .\I. F. Mmray Agvnt in accord- ant-c- \\ ith Spution 200. Ontario Elno- tion Ac,1926.dptlaiethp Elpction vxpenses of Mr. F. R. â€liver to bu Butte! delixered off rig ldam-m: winter months. 3. Fi'm‘zing nl'lvn l‘f‘mOW's [mach stains from linen? l. Wmlvns Might in be \Vasliml in lukvmu'm wan-r wim snap flzikvs m' 2: mm- mich smubâ€"r-winswl in (-lo-ai' “ï¬lm of Um same lvmw'ralurw-. sqnuvzml ln rvmmw tlu- \\'-atm’ and lll'lml quickly? Add two tahlvspmms nf mnl‘vc- tinnvrs‘ sugar and “w hoatnn whims of â€W was. l’nur into a mold lilwd with lady Iingvrs. Allow to set, and svl'w with whimwd cream. Hno- «lnzo-n laoly liuuvrs are iii-rosâ€" saiy fur HHS i'm'ipe. and it WI†surw .~‘l.\' [wrsnnx gvnm'misly. . Maple Cream llnil uno- ("an of condvnso-«l milk. .walml. l'ni' tlm-c- hours in a kc-ttln nf watvr. liemow from pan. Let mml hPfHI'P Opening can. Put. in sherbet glasses; cnwr with whim-ml via-am: sprinkle with ('II‘PIDIN"! nuts. and plavu maraschinu c'lio~i'1'.\‘ nu mu'li. This will serve ~i.\' lie-lawns. SOUTH GREY ELECTIONS I, ank Irwin. Agvnt in “(flfm'd- anew with Snoticm 200. Untarin Election Art. 1926. clvclare the elec- tion vxpensvs of Dr. I). Jamieson to bu $531.07. Melt two cako's Hf (in-I'man swm-t. rhm-nlah- in a clnulvlv bnilnr; add I'mu' (uhlvspcmns Hf \s'ato‘l' stirring constantly; ro'mmw» fmm tirv and mid Hm unhmnten yolks 4»! eggs, lu-atim: mustantly. \an St. Valvntmv lUHs't'h' his fim'y dill'l. . It ï¬nds Its wurk in UVO'I')’ heart. Thu Fulll'tvvnth is his sgwcial dam, Sn com» to us tn co-lvhrat». In Lupicl‘s sou-Vim.» don't lw law As the. Party starts right. at eight. M Knox Church. Monday PVODUIS, P‘vhruar)‘ H. 1927. Admission 27w. 2. A clothvslinv ought, to he \vipml c'awfully lwfm'o' hanging articlvs l'l'nm it? {mother game wmch may .be anoyml IS havmg each one Wl‘ltC, in a giwn tinw. u shmt stni'v almnt. his iclnl A piizc- van lw pvt-- wntml for tlm ht'Sl. Fur rofi'vshnwnts, chvrry im Pro-am amt tiny cakns lt't‘ll in rm! and “NIH iwl candies arr simpln amt well likml. 'l‘ln- favm's ("an aim anything [wrtmning tn the day. Do You, Know That: 1. tilutlivs will l‘w snowy while! if after [wing wnslimt they are hung nut. Hf tlnm's‘ and allowed to fl'et'zv'.’ This can he made a costume party by asking each guest to come at- tired as his idol. If this is done the festivities may be opened by hav- ing each one goes: whom each of the others is representing. A prize lmay be given for the most correct ist. Have you ever had 73 “Pedestal Pamâ€? A VALENTINE INVITATION ucnouLn's mud Lambton Street, Dun-pup, Frank Irwin, Agent. J. D. )chowell, Returning Officer. Sauth Grey. “Story Game†Enjoyable B! IARJORIB Anus M. E. Murray. Agent. J. D. McDowell. turning Utï¬cmz-Soutt} Grey. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE IN". l'l'll and Im Soml which «loos not. (LIN-0. comply with the high standard svt fur the. 't'vgistm'ml gi'aclv may l't'Ct‘th'. tho next highest grade. knuwn as Extra. Nu. la m'm‘icliug it. «luvs lint l‘all lw- luw a vvrtain minimum standard set. for this gi'aclv. Farmers .thu Wish to Sl’t'lll'w l't'llallll' smut slmulcl Ul‘dt‘l‘ Pitlwi' â€ltvgiatvrml Sui-H" 01‘ â€Extra Nâ€. l M‘eclâ€. 'l'lwsv mulch-s. am im\\' ail\'m'ti~'ml by all lhu wall- ing svulsmm in Canada. l'rum \x'lmm tlu~§ may lw purvhusml. It. is alsu [lOSSllllt‘ [U plil'cllasu this. smut clil'm't t'i'nm gmwvi's. 'l‘lw .-\ssm-Iatinn is- sues a list cat'h year of tlmsl‘ \x'tm aw «'rll'm-ini: llvuistm‘cll and Extra NH. 1 smut for sale,- of dill‘vi-mit \ar- ioetic's. 'l‘lmsv who (‘Hlltt'lllplahe purchasing St'tld shuulcl \x'rilu the, Shei't-tai'y nt’ thc- Associatiun at. ll-l \'itlni'ia. Strec-t. Uttawa. fur a («my of the» allow list. 'l‘lu-y slinlllct tlwn lu‘fllv svwl \Vllll'll has lu-o-n pm- 4lm'ml a~' llt'at' tht'll' mm illstrivt as pussihlv. siiwu ('XIH‘l'llPlH'H has shown that \Vlll'l'c' 59ml «if a gixo-n luml amt vsu'ivl)‘ has [ll'tht'll sllilulllc- l'm‘ .‘l. lllSll'lt'l. smut gi'uwu in m‘ nvar that ilisti'lvt is likvly tn lw lwtlvi’ than that hi-nuglit iii l‘i'um unts'idv. Top Slew: or Riddle, ll-6-i x 3â€"4â€; 1-8" x 34". Flax: Bottom SieVe. â€lilting 1-H" or 1-15" x 1-4". Ton Sieve or Riddle. 1-H" to l-lï¬â€ x 1-5". There are many makes of fanning mills on the market. each with good points. If you are. buying a new mill, he sure to get. one with a good air blast supply and control. as it is the air blast that removes most of the light kernels. chad and dirt. The fanning mill must be tight at the joints. as Otherwise dirt and small seeds sift through with the good seed. Pass the grain through the mill two or three time“, it necessary. The. ï¬rst run through will remove the light kernels. chaff and dirt. the subsequent tannings will improve the grade and removo most of the weeds and small ker- nels. Care must be taken to allow the grain to run over the top sieves in a thin layer; a thick stream car- ries good seed over the end of the fanning mill along with the screen- ings and light seed. “LA-A AAA]. .M If ns-wssary lo purchasn «owl. seen that the supply comr-s from a good source. tireferably rpgistt'rod 963041. See that it is sound. plump. true to varivty. A well graded sample contains plump, vital sped and when this kind of grain is sown. a unif- (Experimental Farms Note There are several sources from which to Obtain good seed. or these ’tho two most common are special tseed dealers. Most growers are now lmemhers of the Canadian Seed Growers‘ AssOciation. while our best dealers tlnd in this Association their best source of supply. Since the Association will not. recognize. var- ieties which have not been thoroughly proven. one need have no fear of obtaining a variety which has pro- v itself worthy of pumagation. e tields of all Association mem- bers are very carefully inspected for purity of variety during the growing season, and only those tlelds which are pronounced by the inspector to be 99.9 per cent. pure as to variety. are given official recog- nition by the Association in the form of eertillcates of registration. Seed from such registered tields, il‘ up to the standard of vitality rig quired of such seed, and if free; from weed seeds and practically: free from grain of other kinds, may“, be given the oilicial grade known? as “Registered Seed". This is the1 highest oITieinl grade recognized liyl the Canada St Ml At'l. ‘ 'l'lwi'n is an ulcl idi-u Hunt. 3 vliangn (if svml |H'l'imlic:llly is ili'sil'alile. This MN! is nut \thlly willimit l'uumlatimi. hut. inwstigatimi will; usually rvvval Hm I'm'i. that wiwi'n nutsidu sum! [wows suiwriur m that grown on a giw'u farm. tho. izittvri #0041 has 1101. dch-lupml as fully as’ has “:0 sum! \Vllii‘ll has lil‘i‘l! illil'liâ€"i (lum‘d. It alsn hamwns wry {PP-i quuntly than. ,wml «iii a uiw-n farmi lH‘CHnH'S mixmi, in \Vllii‘ll (-asn a: changv in puri- swui is rewmumvnil-l 0d. i \thaltflnflum Sio'VP. rmmcl 7-65": 8-65": 9-63" m‘ “3.6%". Ton Sivw Hr Riddln. 12-6? in 13-64". Ifll'lf'yZBUttnm Sim». “Mung†6-6â€: Hats: Bottom Siow. Uhlnng x 1-2": 1-13" x 1-2". 01' Tllm'e- are many vnnchn-s nl' sou-«l llu'mlglumt llm muntry wlm pur- port to M “In lli-‘fl'ihllhn‘s uf Var- ietio-s \Vllivh :n'o- smwrim' tn anyâ€" thim: yvt nfl‘vrml. Such offering.» should 1w I'vgnrdml with mnsidvr- ahlv suspivinn. and pruslwvtiw pm'vhas‘vrs :u'v urgml In mnsull. Hw :lbuw Assnciatinn. nr Hwir Iwarvs‘. lixm-rimental Stalin“ m' .grivul- turn COW-m“ hvfm't- im'o-s'tim; tlwlr mnnvy. Only Un- hwzt, and «'lvano-st so-ml whirl: Pan 1m prm'urml slmulul he sown. ‘lf lmmv-m'nwn grain wan lw cloanml and gi'aa'lml \wll I-nnuuh in mako- ï¬rst Mass svml it usually is advisahlv In nsv ii. raUH-r Hum in buy "PW sw-d, providing â€)0 mrivty is suitable and is sumcimuly put-v. In Hm cloaning and grading nf sou-d with Hm ordinary {mining mill. :o. few hints rmardimz the MM nf sinus in usv may hp. lwlpfnl: {Ex'wrimvnml Farms Nuts» It is not hm val'ly fur thu furlnvr to giw nth-Minn tn his sum! supply for â€w ('Hming spring. and furthvrâ€" mm'e. if, is gnml businoss tn nmmny HH- slack pvl'ino! nf wintl'r in [01'0- paring for NW 1115!; of spying. Mnét faImI-re almmh know almnt haw mum {H‘IP-z III WW]! I 1' . H|P_\ iIItvIIIl I†so“ and Hm ammInt 0f .I-I-Il HIM “ill likvly II-quiI'v. FANNING MILLS AND GOOD SEED HOW AID WHERE Tnp Sivve m' Riddlé‘. 10-64" TO BUY GOOD 838D ‘ v o t v > u ï¬nd Mr. (.zmlpboll MtlAau alum . “10 Al. Hume In Stratfurd lust \ka end. MI. and Mrs. UaIiIl Lamb III‘ Aber- deen spent Sundm with Mr. and M15. [languid ClaIkII and famih. The monthly meeting of the \L M. S. “as new at the home Ill Mis. James Ewen. (Ming to the alIseIIIII Q! the piesiy‘nt M18. 1). MCQU8ITHI took lIeI plane and 3 \en lllt‘l'll‘ï¬l- ing meeting was held. The next meeting \\ill be at the hIInIe III‘ Mrs. U._ _MI'Q_IIaI'rie. Mr. Thomas "lurnbull altvmh-d (In {tutorial on a vuusin in Mount lung est on Monday last. Mrs. Ruhvrt Lawsun had Hm mis- fortum- to fall un thv it'fl "081' MM“ homo and brvak hm- arm nvar Hm wrist. C alderwood (â€Our Own Correspondent) Hur \ufullu-l' has [wuw'u In In: wry mnahlu the past mm]: mm a mmln'natum ut‘ mm. slm-l. and sum“. tory. ‘ \Vu :ll'o' plt'asmi In lwm Wilfrml Munro-'5 know is inun'm mg. Miss «Nu-hard spent. the. Wen-k vml at lwr lmnw mar Mount Fun-st. Miss 1.. Hiluartvlwr has tom-u at- lc-ndilu.‘ ln Mrs. Ho-auvy. as Hu- H‘IHM' mas lwo'll lndisgmsml with llw I u. \ Swinton Park. 1' Our Own Cornupondent 1 Mr. I; I’vl'mlfltll Ul' 'I‘HI'HHlH Is l't“ â€mum; HM :wqumnlmu'us. Mr-. .lulm Mt‘MlH'du nl'4irmmvlnn Mrs. thvr Tiffany. of "var Dor- noch is spending um wiutm' months wi_t_h hen: gistcy. M_l's._ Jvrry Allard. \\'v :m- snrr)’ In lwar that. .‘h'. Ana"! Flak-k. sun. is under Dr. Em!- «m's Harv. hut lmpv that Im \VIII sun“ 1m halc- am! hearty again. \ It “as with “In «IN-WM. 1'11;er that \w Warm-d ul‘ Um mil: -r MN:â€" clvn «ll-a“: of Mrs. .Im' “'ulls which luuk plaw nll Friday. Alumugh Mf's. \Vuils haul 1mm: m pmn' lwaltll Mr Hu- past smvml nmnlhs lm- c-ml may. nc'Vt‘l'HH‘h‘h“ a M'Vm'v SIHN'k In 'm‘r many frivnds. \\'o- extvml nnr ~‘,\'m~ palthy M Mr. Walls and “w rumâ€) in tlwir ,acl lwrvzn'vnwnl. Mr. I’vtvr Bavtz. Multkv is 1mm with Mr. .lnhll LPHWM I'm “In sum- mvr llmnlhs. .43.. .K. >3::...=§: 11:2. 41:. a}. .55.. 3:. 1;...2; :51. :7... 23.x. Mr. and Mrs. Janws Laurmm- spent :1 dm Iocvmls “ith M1. and M135. Findlay Mcl Luaig of "var Mul- form stand should result. Tim ox- tra bushels at hmwst lime mun than 19pm the cam in fanning and selecting of good _SN'4I. Mr. David Hilgm'tmwr has sm-urml INN-Minn in llulslvin‘ m Hm far- W“MMO~J that. Mr. I'aunlly Mr. Adam Ajldo'l‘sun ailc‘llalml Hm fmwral uf um lam Arthur Burnett at Crylon. 'l‘lu- Sunday Scluml llll'l. at Mr. um. Ritvhiv's last Sunday. Nc-xt nun-ting will lu- Inc-Id at â€w hum" M Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Firth. MI, and Hrs. (61-0. lhlvhiv we're \‘lslllllfl Mr. and Mrs. .lnhn Ritchiv, Holland lowulinv. last work. Mrs. Erlwsl ï¬rm‘nmmcl and sun Ralph spent a “M days “HI: lu-r pare-Ms Mr. and Mrs. ï¬lms. MHI'tlc-y. Mr. J. A. lehmach Is spvndiug (his wwk with suster at I'I'u-M'Illv Sh» rvaol ulcl hunks ahuut minus qutlwrs usml In olu, sm'h at,- small"; lullahivs and rm'kim.‘ m HIW‘II. And Hwn an» night slu- smut Hm “Ur-(g nut. and smyml at. lmmv, jurdt fur a now» M'llhaliull «\VIIH'II 5“" got) Slw ('l'vpl in!“ “HF HUI“ son's huh-cum: and human In vrmm. as sin» pushml ilw hm! almm.‘ "Hush-why» baby, nu Hu- (I'm-Jun." 'l'hc- vhild “1mm! 3 \mmlvmu: «y» «m 1101'. and HM: said Slm'pilyz “I say. rut. mm. mm nut. mutlu-r. a fc-llow wants in HM. Mime: ï¬lmslo." Miss Mary MclIIhI'e (If lmI'IIuclI was thv gunst «If Miss (“Nun FIIIII on Thursday annual At Ham» of Slrall‘onl‘ Norma; Srluml. 'I'lw lilvlwlu llmmvll lune" almlisll- Ml slalulv lulun' in llu- lll\\'lll~'|ll|l l'ur lhis yuan This Is llw â€Immm uf llw \u'ilc-r a slop in llw right «ï¬rm-- linn. 'l‘ln-rv Is sllll a mnsiclvrulolu 'unwml m" llu- luff» law-s rc-maimug’ mnmul. and as llm limc- Iimil. us m'arly «ml. llu- (-uum'il am laklm: “ll‘ nc'cos'sal‘y slvps‘ ln lun'v sallm collm'l.¢-4l. llalvlrayc-I's WIND an! in arrears wuulcl lu- \w-ll allusml Iml. In «May lcm lullu. as NW: D“? mmmu is ralllvr clvar nmnvy. 'l‘lw Umnmmily lllulo :u'v lmlclmL' :l \‘all'llllllv surml lll llw wlmnl 1m Fricm' vwmung. Mrs. .10]!!! Stqblvs has n-lurmul all†a visit with rvlatm-s in T0- Paulo. "II“II‘ V ‘1' ' ‘.l "I I-‘ ‘-L|I"V'o Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mom 3' (Ia-mod thv young peoplv to a‘party on Fru- day evening. Miss Armmwll lenruss was in Sll'aifm‘tl uvm' “In vym-k‘ 0nd. Hm guns! nl' hvr sustvr. Muss mm. at. Hm MrCW. erghl, wvnt In Tomato on Saturday with 8 var nf I‘at value. A. Blooming lulunco .\ w'mzm “'th ls s†I'a.~'luimmloln div is alums! a sll‘mluvr In IN'I' IIHlv sHH alm'iclwl Hm! H was almul limv slw lwvumv m-qumntc-d “I“! him. is Mat grmwut ï¬nding in Um Park. MI: 'd Hardy spout Hm \s'm'k end In To (0. Mr. 5 Wilson is I'IIxm‘d with Mr. Andy 'right. A wry Plljoym‘ I‘H‘llillg W spent at Mr. R. \V‘Ihmns on ““011- "09418)" _I_~\'en mg. (Our Own Correspondent ) lu-r lornmi‘r and PAGE 7.