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Durham Chronicle (1867), 24 Feb 1927, p. 6

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PAGE 6. 'I‘tu- Lo-xislatnrv cm Thursday ad- Optmt ”In traditional "humble ad- drrxd" tn His Hnnnr ttw Limflrnant- Gmw'rlmr. in reply to tho. speech from tho- thrnne. tho» most remark- ubl» nwiato-nt in mnm-rtinn them?- with twins: ttn- atmo-nro- nfarnntral'y vntv nr \‘cm'v. ARM :5 oto'hatv Hf :3. spo-o-rtws. tn which ttw Uppnsitinn rnntrnhntmt norm-musty, in compar- Isnn \x'ith nnmrrio-nl strungth. Rus- :wll .Vo-shitt's sub-ammutnwnt. wip- im.’ nut \\'. t'l. Rnl‘to-y‘s litttn addi- tmn tn ttn- main mutinn. was aflnpt- ml with apparent unanimity. for wtwn .\lr. Spo-ako'r ratlmt for the" "Smut" nut. a mum! was tu-ard. 'l'tw Ram-y nnwmtmvnt. sm-mingly harm- toms In Won-cling. wnnlot haw e-xprmâ€" swt 2'. Imp» that thn liqunr rnntrnl lc-gislatinn stumtol tw tramml "in ttw into-Huts nf trm- tnmpo-nanrn". but the gun'o-l'llnwllt regardwt it as a want-n.'-o°nntioto-m-u mntinn. and ttwro-t‘nro- substitute-oi sumo-what similar phl‘am-nlngy in the» amount-'- mo-nt fer ttn- tinnsnrvativn sidr. in whirl: ttw gnu'l'nfll' is "ar‘sln'mt" that ttw runtrnl bill will b» giwn mmt t'ill'o'fttt anal ttn’n'tmgh rnnsicl- o-ratmn. 'l‘lw ob'hale, in whirh nu Io a'oluzvn mo-mhm's hmk pa WNW hill." said [’I'Pmim' Fo-l'ullsun. in i'lusing the lll'hll't', "will lu- just as gi-o-at a snrprisu to my t’rinnals Opposih'. and «if as high a typr. as thu iii-l'snnality nf tlm mnimissiun namml tlm uthm' niglit.....\'nhml_v that I haw owe-r heard has said that tho» liquor control policy is giving to oliminatp all the M’ils. We- say it is giving a lung pio't'o'. fur many wasmis. Uni». is that thn ave-rage: Inan thinks himsnlf rPspo-i-tahlo'. even if ho- dons want a drink of li- qnm'. and if hv can buy it. uni-lily in n l'o'spi'ctahh' sum of way. h» is nut suing tn pati'nnizn :i hm... ;..".-r Whn Minn-s Hp ”16' hilt'k alto-y. 30'0- nnoll)‘. if wu van t'llrm't‘t‘ tho- law that hays lllhh‘l' 2t wun't ho». allnwml tn lw olo'hallt‘llml and olvsli'nyeol. we will haw gun» a lung way. and Hi» third unit must impnrtaiit fat-ling is tn i'i'mtv, a public so-ntimi'nt that. lwcnnws a moral ('nnvo-ntinn in Hip prmim'o‘. anal who-n yum oh» that ynu haw olnno- inni-h mnru than any vm-n-ivo- lugislnlinn. 'l'lw t‘tlllll'lll hill is guilt}: to iniprmv i'nnolitinns ininio-nso-ly. in my ,inolgmo'nt." 'l‘uo-solu)‘. olmvlupml nu mu'xpm'tml alummmnts in ro'garol tn tlw mnh'nl hill. although a numlwr of mo-mln-rs M ”iv nppomitinn gzlw assuranm- Hm! Hwy had n” inlmltinn ul' (’I'Hi- I'Ilillg fur writivisnl's sakv. and hav- im.’ V'em’bgnizo'ol that. Hm lwnplo- HI! [Do-rymht-l‘ t last spnkn c-mu'lusiwly in}: Pecngnlzml lllal Hm po'ulm' nu lk'l'o’nlhf'l' I last spnko l-mu'lusix'vly wm‘lol po-rsnnally ro‘spm'l lho- lww la“ and usv llwir lnlluvnrv lhal. olhvrs slmulol llu an. J. H. Mllvhvll. ’Soullwasl. Siml-w . look ncrasiml l0 makv ll. o°lm|r that ho" was not a lube-ral-l’rnm-vssiw as ole-scrlhwl in "w Proms immvdialo‘ly after NW 9-!- Pt'liun. HP o'xplainml that lw haul lml. bm'n nl'l'ic‘ially vnclnrsml by lhn I’m- grvsniw party. although I'Pl'o‘lVlllg mammal suppurl from l’rnm'ns- sn'w. llo- salol lw was o'lo'l‘lml as a "Prohxlnllun Lllwrzll" mul lhv Primo' Mini-flow l'O'nml'le. "l llmughl all Liberals “own pl'nhlhllmnisls." Karl Hnmulh. Lalmr. S. Wallo-rllm . wlm ro-summl llw .lo'llalo- o-n 'l‘uo-solay. m- fm'mml lho‘ HHIIN‘ Hull lu‘ lbl’ugnsml m aummrl lhu o‘mxm-nme-ul unl onh "Hum ‘3' IV. l'ah'ol all... l'm'm: tli.. “wk. llnii. Willinmi l-‘Inl:i\‘~-~li. \l‘lll-lvl' is!” l,.’tllo:\ ““‘ll Yuri-fie. iiiti'mliii~.-.l .lll :iulun-mmi memurv. \\l|ll'll l't't't'|\t'll some ttlF- t'lli‘lHIl Hl'. l"i'iol:i\ Ql’Ilv'l'llHHll. lll re- garil to i'et’c‘vrowlzituqi. lii'iet'l)‘. the gtl\'¢'l‘lllllt‘lll prnpnsow tn take uwr vermin laiiol~ llt \luskuka. llnlilmr- ton. l’urrx Snuml. Hastings. Lemmx :mol \olilmgtuu. \V'lll'll have lieeul t'mmot unsuitable for agriculture. and set up forest i'o-seiwes‘ which will become of value from :i. tour-U ist «’ualpmut. aunt in due timei for lumbering leixitimis. ol-‘zu'mersi in these areas will he transferred tol; Untnrin'~l rich t'lll)’ hell. in the Imrth.'; and til the hill the government takes power to reimburse these settlers for the espense of removal. In all- clition. a murli more extensive re- foreetation policy is planned for the older parts of Ontario as well. through the government. nurseries conducted throughout the province. An interesting feature of the bit provides for ereation of a forestry board of five. representing Toronto l'niversity. the government and pulp and paper companies.“ This is tor research purposeS. The Dominion Government and McGill University have conducted some rmh al- ready along commercial and chemi- cal lines. and it is proposed to ”take up experimental. work especially in connection with the raw material, on tho- ('GIIU‘HI Mllo'l' planks in platfnrm whirl: .lurm: the lust . Ill am prvpurml tn ch u'mtaiu tlwm in MT parliamnntzu'y M mo-nt on uni t _\‘ ‘lllill'fi mh'nl hill NH tho'V art m nm but om Cunsvrâ€" I'IH ~' than lit-3’. :mc'h'tl um l'nl mln'l‘s‘ I“ Ho an in prmluctinn of pulp. etc. in Hu- atlclr'vss «lvhatv, Russell Nes- Mtt. Um" Brawnolalv gave an in- to-m-sting summary of work done to- mml vxtvnsinn 01' rural hydra 501°- viror. Hv annnunm-d that 1.407 milo-s H! “116- has lwc-n rmnstructml. tn serw 16.3 _ mnsunwrs. Construc- linll tn olah- has 00-1 33.125360. 0" 'l‘lw Pl't'nlit'l' IIII WI-Ilnnsday 1min- trmlucml his lIIll providing for 'l'mvnship BIirI‘II-ds of Public svhool H'USU'I'S. and no doubt :I day will be ru-t apart. fqr discussion uf this plan. \VIIII'II. \\'hi|0' growing in favor is stIll snmuwhat contrmw'sial. As in- IIII-IIII-Il in '8 “'00“! I'iI'IrIIlaI' letter than Mr. FI‘I'gllSOll as Ministvr of PZIIIII'IIIIIIn. sumv minor clIaIngos have III'eII I’IIaIlI‘ in NW HI'iginal hill. Pay- IIIwIIt «If an allIm‘uIII‘n tn tl‘llShPDS Is IIIII tn ho' IIlIligatIII'v :IlIII [II'II\'i.~'inll Is IIIIIIIII I'III- II'IIIgIIItIIIII «If Misting ~I lIml ~m HHIH :Is HII- unit In PIPN tIII-tm's. \\ “0"10' tho IIIIIIIII as a H‘- sIIH \\Hll|Il lw IIII\\'II-II|,\'. ”Itu't‘ may u- l\\II “1' "INF“ hthu‘llS Mr I” tl'llshws T. . Ko-Immly. nt' Poul. was ele'ctmt chairman. On Friday tlw sessimi was do-Vnto-d tn oliscussiuu of livo stuck pmhlvms. thr priwious ninet- ing: having dealt rhiet‘ly with dairy- ing. and particularly the new grad- im: ro-gulntinns‘. Whit"! wm'i- vx- [blilillt'tl by th-orgv H. Barr. director nt' ulairying. 'l‘hvsv wgulatiqms. whit-h haw now passmt t’lahim-t rnum'il. pl'cn'iih' fur isstw 01' first- t'lziss t'o'l'tit'it'atvs In i'lio-eso’*n)aki‘l's whn in 1926 hml 95 pm' cvnt. first, 01' Sltt't'i'al grailv ("lt't‘fit‘. and whoso- far- tui'ivs nwt ttw i'i-quirvmmits as tn i-tt'ii-ivm'y anol sanitatinn. Second- i'lass ('t‘l’tiiiP‘dit’S will b» grantml tn muko'l's whim' pei'm‘ntzlgv was nut [Maw 88. I’I'misiun is mado for thv “tho-rs tn carry nu for :a year. and him yuum: lllt'll vntm'ing the busi- nvss, whu haw nu rerun! as yet. An impm-tant t'o-aturv is that fawtm-y- mun :u-o- pmhihitml t'rnm avcvpting milk whii'h is tuintml ur in rusty t'mitmnvi-s, ur which hus hm'n I'v- Hun. FUHN'S militia-y. Minister of Health. in ”w Hultsn on \\'m1hwsday pnintml out that a wrong impres- siun hail hm'n giwn hy i-vmarks Hf lh'. .‘ll'Qltlhbilll. Nui'tlmist Welling- tom, with l't‘SlH‘Ct to “I“ distribu- tiun nt’ insulin. 'l'lw Minister 034a plaiuml that insulin. which is nsml in ti'o-utnivnt 0f «liahvtvs. anal was tlu- itisi-yom'r at 1):. Hunting. is nut Still. hut uhtainmt ttu'nugh physi- i-inns. whn vi'i'tit‘)‘ that thi- patient. ruiu'o-rnmt is nut ahh' tu pay fur the supply «it insulin. l‘h'. Hmlt‘rey 1'0- lml‘lmt that 7,tltNl,tlt)u units \Vt‘l't‘ dis- trihutml last war in Ontario. for “huh ”It‘ pi'minw paint. \Vhivh tho» gcn'vl'nnlmlt. has paid 8|.- 361.59: by way nf lmnus tn primary and so-c-nlulaI-y linvs under Hm Innis- latiun pussuol sim-n tho- Fc-l'guson ad- ministrnticm ramv in anal madn rv- Lj'ntlt'HVP f0 19“.”. .jm'tml h)‘ ”HIN' fau'tm'ivs. A dairy- nmn wlnm- product.) has iwo'll I'ij't- Ml cannm clvliwr tn any l'artnry M‘ I” days. 'l‘lu- standing cunnnitto'o' on agri- milurc- has gut away tn an un- usually vigm'nus start. under climac- Hun Hf Hun. .lulm S. Martin, and the prnm'ammo- laicl «ml by the Ministm' wills I'm“ tw“ l’l’lm'tinss :I \W'Pk. Col. In t'c'-;v|}' tn a «mustinn on thv 01'- .tm- mun-1'. l’l'vmim' l’o-t'guson ttw nttto‘t‘ clay gnu" [tilt'th'nhu's as to 00.4" and vsttmatm! \Vatvt'pnwvr in mm- tm'ttnn with ttw St. IJan't‘lH'P St'lto'lllt‘. as furnishnd hy the engin- m-rs ut‘ ”It' two mmmtssinns which haw t'o-lmrtwt the-won. At. abanâ€" ttuvt In tho- city m1 Thursday night. :tt' tumk on‘t'IlSiHH tn t‘o-fm' In "l‘t'Sltl'- ro-rtiun" by tho- Sit’tnn into-rosts of tho- Howrgian Bay ('almt schvmu, and ‘t.«- t-tatm that thcm- intm-o-sts had sntv t'tL’lIl tn \Vatvrpmvvrs nu tlw HY':i\\;i Hi\t'i'. .\l:'. Fvi'giisnn fun-- taint 1| til'ii‘illHHHl i'lTHl'i it; ”I“ i'i'n\:lh'e nt' Ulltzll'in “.llltl Qllvhm' tn ivi'nturt thv rights nt' tho'ir [wnlvhn Hw saint: “'l‘hnt ulol rhurtvr has to kw iwnvwml hy May. and it' you want tn sow tho nio-rrinst piigilistir vnrnunl- ynn vwr \vitiinssml. just watch tLlitanol Sit'tnn and his into're-‘ts line up against thaw twn prnVinrvs and aiHo-nipt tn takc- snmething that ho- lnnus‘ tn us. It would he" rriminal invgligo'nro- nn thn part of thr two provincial gnwrnmmits if they were tn stand by and not move a hand to 'protoct tlw rights nf thP proplt‘ in that great waterpowor. Th? govern- mvnt of Ontario deems it to be its duty to take whatower sths may I): iiocvssary to rrstrain anybody from depleting our assets. and to protect fur the benefit of the people of the provinrr awry single asset we. haw." The salaries of the oflieials of \Valkerton \vere fixed as follows at the inaugural meeting of the coun- eil: Clerk and Treasurer. 81.000; Town Constable. Caretaker of Town Hall. etc., 8750: Caretaker 2f Ceme- tery: (£52): ' VW’gYEfiQ-Eflg flingâ€"ihée'r. 3650; Medical Health Officer, 81m; Assessor, 3150. 'l‘lwrc‘: an HM raymg Hull "Ilhar- Hy should ln-gin at humv.“ And why sheuldn't it? That's where There are no trum and Z is in the lead. How can Y- so play the hand .thut they will win at ieast five tricks against any defense? 2 sh mid lead the queen of qluhq qu_ovgr_ta}gc with the THE DURHAM CHRONICLE The writer has pointed at my timin thue widen tho (0 ly of b' - ding tic-trump with had. tint contnin a _singleton or void suit. Such hqid: E1383 'iééh'éaixie' faiiétrqmp an!” partner has {he missing so with this type of hand bid a suit, possible 09 the first round. By so domg, you viii ve (farmer and opponents a chance hi and your subsequent procedure depends entirely on their bidding. Un- less your partner bids the ' ' suit, don’t vemre a noâ€"tru ° or it om p uces 3 guns. s ma, a suit bid is prefershis. ol- lowing is an excellent maple: Hesrts â€" A, 8, 7, 3 Clubs - K, I. 1 0 4 puma“. 7.x! be ’ see of clubs and Z trum in dummy. with the six of s es. ow should 2 plan the play an is it possible for him to score game? Z should endeavor g establish a crou mi and use up all h trum if ible, in this manner. He uld e the five of hearts from Y's nd, winning the ace in his own. He should then lead a club from his hand and trump in Y's hand. He should then lead the eight of hearts from Y's hand. If B passes this trick, 2 should win it with the king and lead another club, No score. int game. 2 dealt and bid oneheart,Atwoclubo thodiunonde and B three clubs. i now bid three spades and all pasted. A opened the ace of clubs and Z trumped In dummy Hearts "' AQ o 10979 '3 6v 62 Chbs â€"- , 10,7 ,3 Diamonds -- 6 v v' Clubs â€"- 8, ’ Diamoxfls -â€" A, 10, 8, 3, 2 Spadesâ€"Q, 10,8, 2 No score, first game. 2 dealt and bid If 2 refuses to one spade, A doubled, Y passed and B bid two clubs. 2 bid two spades and all passed. The bidding of this hand is not sound but the only question to be de- cided is: Can Y-Z score game at spades against the best defense if A Opens the ace of diamonds and follows thh a low diamond? Y-Z cannot go ame if B trumps the second diamon lead with two trump tri< case. The ban. ample of one I er's trump ho 1 his best trump tain that the c Ve frequent tric so be on B trumps wit] the jack of spades. If Z overtrumps, A will score gam is bound to make three trump tricks. Answer to Problem No. 22 Hearts â€"â€" none _Cl_ubs â€"‘A, J, 10, 8, 4, 3 Hearts â€"- none Clubs -- 9, 7, 6, 5 Diamonds â€"â€" none Spades - K, Q. 7. 5. 4 {II in \' 5 hand. \ should then play the t: x y of clubs, forcing B m the lead with me king. On this trick, Z should diSCdld Hz! d1 :‘!.'os: "a“, ’â€" QI Jr 109 ‘ Club. -â€"- A, 7, 3 STAN DARD BAN K 8,3 OF CANADA DURHAM BRANCHâ€"W. A. Johnson. Manager Amwer to Problem No. N Hearts â€" 8, 5 Clubs -â€" none Diamonds:- 5,}0E 9. 8, 5, 3, 2 Answer to Problem No. 21 Hearts-'â€" K, J, 8, 6, 3, 2 Clubs â€" none piatpondnf K, Q, J, 9, 7, 4 Harts â€" 7, S Club: â€"â€" A, Q 7, 3 Diamonds â€"6 Spades â€" A, K, 7, 6, 5, 4 It and bid If 2 refuses to overtrurnp, A will make sed and B lea and all [and is not . to be de- zat spades Opens the With a low game if B lead with two trump tricks. saving game in either case. The hand is instructive as an ex- ample of one rtner promoting anoth- er's trump ho ding by trumping in with his best trump when sure or fairly cer- tain that the opponent will also trump. Ve frequently ouch a play will ain t tric no he on the lookout. Note if Butrumpo with the trey of spades, Y-Z This Equipment Is At Your Disposal Spadesâ€" J, 10, 6 HE Standard Bank is equip- l pm! t” make t'ullvctiolls locally or through its agents in every town and city in Canada. This ser- vice should he of value to you. The cluttection Department of the Stand- ard Bank otters you the assistance of v. highh developed 01 ganizatiun that is spot ialized to a fine degree in. this most impoutant bxanch 0: husiness prat tice. Diamonds 9â€": hone Hearts â€"- , 8, 5 Clubs â€" Diamondsâ€"â€" 10 8, 7 Spades â€" A, 3 ARTICLE No. 17 â€" K, 8.7, 5 A. J. 9. 3 ”rapping in To eonnd bid, for he hasn't top cards ixflhe diamond suit but hie two aces are com. reuniting cords and the diamond bid I much oounder than a Ito-trump with the sinceton ace of spades. A bud one opede, two diemonde and 8 passed. Y two diamonds and B . decided that hearts end a better chance for game than diamonds no two ham and all panned. He made {our odd, while at nootrump A would have and Opened his auit. Wit the ace of diamonds aaareentry, heeonld easily have savmi Mm Be on the lookout for hands of t peand don't bid no-trump with “You!!! or void unit if on also have a bid that in justi le. You will find that the suit bid is much more de- pgndablg and 06ers a much better , The entiple hand: given in the re- geding guide ofler many opportu tie- for 350d phy. trump!!! illâ€"2‘0 hind with the W spades then lead his last club. trumpi a hand with 'Plnyedngxm this my, Y z ehottme a" ,mkingfoart henceofdhmondumhn ”’0 three trumntdch of hearta_ m 2 a hind. At_ ck font. how lead 'thc'aco heart: m 2 a had. At tack (66:. how; ever, B can save pan by trumplag Y's eight of heart. and_ ladlag trumps Tfiis trump lead will prevent Y from rufling the fourth lead of club. and 00 33M trlck and game. It in a pretty hand both on attack and defense nnd should be carefully noted. will score game. the ace of spades. If he makes any other play, Y-Z cannot score five tricks. By Z's discarding the are of spades, how- ever, A-B Cull only score one club trick, one heart trivk and two spade trivks. Fla) out the variations for practit-e for it is a tricky little problem and uorthy of careful study. pnwrty usually beginsâ€"Fergus Falls Journal. Read the Classified Ads. on Page 7 DWTâ€"J, 10.9, 8.4 Heart. â€" 10, 9 4 Club. â€" K, J, {0, 9, a, 5. ¢ Diamonds â€" 5 n deuce of dhmo 1.0. but“!!! tbs: aim 47930? ~10 3 Heartsâ€"Q, 10 Cl_ubsâ€"K, 2 419.4 ROYAL WBLGOIB POI “WESTERN SKIES" ACTORS Mayan in Gaming Strand Feature Funded and hated at Pondloton, Oregon. The popularity of motion picture stars was never better illustrated than during the making of “Under \V’estern Skies,” an Edward Sede- wick - L'niversal - Jewel produrtion that. is to be screened at the Veter- aus’ Star Theatre en Friday and Satâ€" urday. February 2?» and 26. This great picture of the East. and West has been given an all-star cast. Some of it, was filmed at l'niversal City. California. part ni' it. in New York City and the greater part of it in and about l’enclletun. Oregeu. It was on their arrival at Pondlv- ton that the playvrs first. brcamo aware of just how groat was their t'amo. “’hon tho train hearing tho. company hoadml hy Edward Sedg- wick, who diroctml tho pirturo and wrote the story of “l'ndor W'ostorn Skins,” arrivml at Pondleton. they worn given a wolconw that will live long in their memories, A great paradc- lliltl been organized in honor of tho arriving stars. It was mado up of townspeople, cowboys. Indians illlll mombiirs of the local Anwriran Legion Post. Norman Korry. who plays the load- ing: malo ruin in this intorvsting pictiirv. was given a horse and led tho parudo through the strvvts of the town to tho l’vmlloton Hotel whom tho players made their home for thrm» months. fimlngirk. Alum (lornwall. Kathhwn Kay and tho other ml‘miii'l's Hi the rust. worn plarmi in old-limo stagv-roacllvs that formml part of tho paraih'. Tho vatl‘air was ono of tho greatest ova- lions over tvmlm'ud motion picture players. The Ford touring car that. was found parked in the shed the other side of Mcaford and that which was supposed to have boon stolen in Do- troit has found an owner. Tho owner of the car had been cutting wood back in the bush and had left it in tho (‘Illll‘Ch shed for a week or .fu, upparvntly nu «me klwxying who It belonged to.â€"~Mcaford Mirror. HEARS? SAYS WIlGLBY [8 POOLIBI. LIKE A P0! The New York American. William Randolph Hvarst's papvr says: William Wrigley paid sauna» for Catalina Island a few years ago. The 840.000 prize. money oil‘vred for the channel swim is a moi-u 1.33 per cent. of his investmgni. The In erage cost of display adwi - tisiug is around $6 an inch. .‘i . A news‘mpm‘ column (‘Ulflailh :20 inches. The! press “1' Huh \wrld has dmmtmi consen'atively $0.000 culumns h. m.- Catalina splash. That is 800,000 m-wspapvr incho-s. At. the ratv of $6 an invln. \Vriglvy Ins bamlnmzlml thv [Mllblishm's out, of $4,803.41]! worth nf display aclwr- using. .. Wriglvy is l'uolisll liku it f-o-x. Thursday, fibula-y 2‘, 1027 .‘|"‘I ‘| Lamb! ham. fl 1;.n: count.“ 3.“- ”I. O tn H. (Sunda 2 '0 8X0“ h! a (10'; “In an all m. ”RS. JAM? (NTIH- .xm «m Adwrt CASH \\'l of four. ' Saturday “'l Thursdax ll m Cl

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