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Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Mar 1927, p. 1

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'sday. March 10. 1927 nish Varnish ll .‘ . .' .' .‘ .‘oumm UP! \nchol Stain I)! U'Dl m on Page INN for 'n-n hob mutt-.4. durum it dig- I ani- hum- 0 "In ”Io-v .Uh-r u qu'uurn in Windsor sinus Hu- var 31-ng so-ason closml lust fall, Mr. and Mrs. Alf. .Vlcfiabn rc- mrm-ol m Hu-ir homo» at Varno-y last \w-o-k. Hw fm'mt-r tn take up hm old pus-mun as agvnl for thv Durant [immunity as soon as “In spawn upo'lls up. MUCH UNEMPLOYMENT IN BORDER CITIES 'l‘lw party had quit», a time com- ing up, battling with bad roads, and trying to ll urn out the easiest mannrr in w Ilt'll to reach thrir na- tm- lu-arth. Leaving Windsor they mum- by way of lJImlon, and then by Mitchle and up to Listownl. At Listnwo-l Hwy leal'nml that it was llll|i0NH|lilP to got through to Pal- mm-ston anal Harriston and mad» tlm ymrno-y llt'l‘t' hy wa' 0f W'ingham, 'l'o~o-~2\\':it.o-r and “'alhertbn. 0f all tlw roads they travelled. Mr. Mctlahe lnlol us the best part was from Wal- ko-rtnn to Durham. Captund Wild Goon Shortly aftnr leaving Windsor tlw party ramr arross :i wihl goose by Hip sidi- nt' tlw road. 'l‘lw birtl hzul ownlo-ntly romr from tho Jark \luwr pl'o-m-I'Vt! at. Kingsvillo, but bzul two-II wolllnlml by amino htlli.l' 'inat sum-rm! it. tlflnliltfl‘tl wing. 'l'imugh it. roulol not fly wry far, it, “as :igilr t'lltHllIll to rosist rapturo- :1 n- wnw tmw and Mr. Mitthilw lizul mitto- 2; long rhusw bo-t‘nrv lH' lamlml it. It put up :i still light. ttlHl bo- Iuwo'n biting and striking with its nnu good Wing, it. wow :i uomt :ir- i‘ntllll ut’ nteo-lt'. It is now sub-1y in t'tlw'tmly {it Vail'tIo-y and Mr. .‘lrtlnlw qua It i- lils‘ llllt‘lllltilt to lump it n“ lung: :h‘ it. Will stay. Hard Times at. Border Stu-akin; of rontlitiom zit \Vinclmr .wt llt‘ll‘Hll, :incl o‘spo'rlailly zit WHHL 'mr, Mr. \lrtlzibos says that. tllt‘l't' :u‘v 'nnthnllol‘ out of work and from xii-warm, Inollratlons it Will br u hint-1 'mw lwt'nl'o- thb't'o- \Hll lw PlHiItKli “HIM tn an itl'tilllltl. In tho- yo-urs‘ tbzit. haw gnu-wt \thl'klllt‘ll liziw llm'kml tntllt'fl't'lllt"liylllt'lllttll"1llltl".3llltl run. that ltllit',‘ ll'd\t‘ gut tltllt'l. tlio'} VOL 60.â€"â€"NO. 3118 Alf. McCabe, Dealer in Star Cars for This District, Returned Home Last Week and Says That the Green fields of far Away Windsor and DetrOit Are More or Less Iythical NORTHERN TITLE NOT YET DECIDED Mild Weather 0! Past Ten Days Has Held up Hockey, and Tavistock- Durham Game Has Not Yet Been Played. th: mt m hr Puncuszn nzsmnucz \lc pm‘lwi ‘0 mdnion I ‘19 teams. t who» U L 01‘ work. mu 01 um hunmr WIN! tho- whom HLuho- saw that ho' IntIsIIIm- ' mam III» III thIs pant at tho “ha has a stored) job I: IIII will show good judgmcni mu: cm In It. Hv mm H «aw-I of families he: knows II “h” “IIIIP the man at tho ~' awning big mun»: Iw I ”JIM! Wm M throw day I; h THE DURHAM CHRONICLE [00K aftvr th» physi- f the players on the Just what the out- - «tvcicting game he- ‘s and Durham we do like 1 great majority are not worrying. H Hnunsmuh, and gut mum, tvlw nf funds, and «- \s'hnlv situa- [lo-v. Edgar Watson, fnruwr l'. I". H. mo-mlwr in tho Untariu lmgislaturn who is sou-king a olivurm in Dr- troit, from his wife, wlm liw-s m 'l'm'ontg ORATORIAL CONTEST HELD FRIDAY Daughters of the Empire Contest for High School Pupils Was Wonder- ful Success, With Many Contest- ants and Excellent Subjects. The) High Schoul was Um scrim n! a pleasant gutlmrinz: last Thursâ€" day influx-noon, Hu- cwmsmn being ”In m'nlm'ival canto-st put nu by Hm lm-ul rlmptvl' ni' Um lizmghh-rs Hf Hw I'lnwn'v. \xlm gum prize-s t'm' Hm lws'l :Inloll’o'sso's clo'llu'l'ml by Hm srllnl-.tl'~‘ ”1' im' ~«‘Iuml. Thur" \x'vl’o' twu Inn/.05. mw fur tlw first, furl" pupils. \vhlc'h “as 'wun by Hum-g” Hay. ht.- o-ssuy hum: "I’lnllvvr LII'M m ”w Quo-vn’s‘ Hush"; and um- fur Hu- «mum! anal tlm'ol Farms um Hay. hu- vs'xuy lwmg “l’iniueo m tlu- Qum-n's Hush"; and H Um swam! and Ham] I’cmn lwmg mm by Miss Mary I “hurt" mMrvss wusvntllloeol. lh-uuty of l'nwlfisluwss." '1']: in thv first, raw was :1 vol: {1155 Harman's "l’ur ””117.me that. \wm by Miss mum“ was Hum 01' Shake-qwzu'. 'l'ho- .judgvs fur Hu- mmtow HM‘. \V. H. SHHHI, J. H. \V um! IM'. .\ .\l Hull. \Hm has“: UH lath .\l 1.55% .\ Mmulnnulol UN WON PRIZES AT LOCAL STOCK YARDS Harris Abattoir (10.. of Toronto. Do- nated Prizes, Which Were Award- ed by Government Grader. jweph 'ivfler of (Mend; “as second was lwnt tn thw shipping by ttiu fat-t that thvx-a- was to in: a gun-'1'“- mo'n m'aatvr rm tiw grmunl and that ttw nutcnnw m’ m» grading was to I»: a prizw tn ttw {armvr brinfiing in lb” stt load 0! hogs. The prizes wvrv put up by th» Harris Abattoir Company of Toronto, thrmigti Mr. J. IJWl’anl'v. the local shipper (or the Live Stock Shipping Animation. There men» than! prizes of five, URN" and HM) dollll‘fi. In tat? '11; W. A. Lawrence 0! Bare up; first with seven gel- ... - ‘A‘-| Al nlnn Witt-h in} Out of three. JV ll -'. W. H. Smith, J. H. Win-air“ In'. .\ .\1 Hull. \shn husml ”H‘Il’ ~inus om Hu- ”mum-1° m “hush spun-«2h was difIIH‘l'Hd, Hm unpr- takvn by Um uudwncu, Eng 15h go'nvral I'm-m. ISSOPS Mary lice-Mun :uul Hun-mm dmmlol W0“! “14- nulv hm un- ll w {Juno-H's Hush"; sm'uml and HIII'OI l mm by M155 .0 :ulch'vss was “J HI H 5:5: «2...... .271... 1 .9. :25 1.35 .23.: :â€" 2: ._:._ .5: fix. _.:..â€". ._.:.._..o 1:.“ .2. 1 Presented Medals al stm hum .‘ Muss Mary was Pllhtlml lflshm‘ss." 'l'h H H the grmunl and that tlw grading was to the farmc-r brintzinfl mluu :uul Hm'um'o “w nnly [W0 un- rm H um! I”. ”no mg rm "'l'lw Lung!“ \V ’kyal'ds ”ll '1 U quit» an inner shipping by s to he 3 {MW H ll H11“ U w Mvutun, I”! “H; “m [H'IZH \‘Ulullw Hf us," will!” .ms n V”!- ll DURHAM, ONTARIO, CANADA, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1927 ll ”It H “H \l \V mm! M H Ill In OLD-TIME RESIDENT DIED AT PALMERSTON ‘Blg Summer's Cut Ahead and, With Stock at. Other Points, Company Has Three and Three-quarter Mxlhon Feet. 'l‘lw «loath at l’almorslou on Fri- day morning last of Mr. Samuel J". lelomll l'l‘lllUVl‘S 01w wlm, lll'Ly yvars ago. was a rusuluul of llus locality, ovlupymg tho rosidlvuco on the Durham Road uow orcupiml by Mr. John Mullen. Ho was 78 yoars of ago and «loath was tho rosult of a go-m-ral lnmakâ€"alowu. The: late Mr. Mcljomb, who was an umélo of Mossrs. Thomas and S. l". Mrllomh, and of Mrs. J. M. Burgvss of this plavv, was born in llvll‘axl, lro- laml aml vamv will: his parvuts lo llauacla who“ qmlo a young lad. llo was a son of llm lalo Mr. and Mrs. 'l'llon‘las Mellomn, who will We l'ollwmln-rml by many of tho olclou' l'osiclcmls. Fifty-three yuan-5 ago lm was marriml lo Muss Jamel. Ln'mg- stun ul' Mounl Forml, aml has lwvu a random, ol' l‘aluwrflou l'Ul' UH“. hast lll'ly yoars. I‘Ul‘ a llllll‘ law was conductor on a Late 3. 1'. 310601111) Lived on Durham Road Near Town fifty Years Ago. fur a Hill“ hv was ('IIIIIIluclIIr «m a I'rI-Ighl. ll'ulll rIIIIIII'III.’ nut «If ‘le- IuI'I'slHII. hul. lll'dll)’ waI's‘ ago lust an arm “III-II (‘IIIIIIIIIIH' mm and SHIP" that IIIIIo has lIm-II \Vl'lghllmstl‘r for Hue tnwn HI I’I'IIIIII-ISIIIII. “(I H sur- \wal I!) my!” I‘illlullll‘lfi and Han mm: Mrs. \\ IHI.IIII IIIIWI'lyI Elma, and Mrs. H. I'I'IIIII-H. (I IIIIII,, Ul \VIIIIIsIIr; Mrs. 'l'm'lIII LlIzulwtlI, Mrs. HrI'II Hrcmn 4.513;, and Mrs. .lusuph I‘UI‘IJ‘I’ “runny, HI' I'IIIIIII'r- stIIII; :IIIII Mrs. J. .\. MHI‘IH‘H ’“I‘II‘II . Mrs. M. Ii. KI'HV ’.\llll'«'l,, and MI?” .lmwl, 01' lllnrugu; MaJUr S. M. Mr.- Uunlp uf fill-ull'urcl. .Iulm Hf Furl. “'illmm aml AllN-rl m' lLllIrugH. llv was a hrutlwr ul’ Mrs. lllllll'ulll “lurk, Mrs. A. Brawn, Mmmt Furrst. Mrs. A. Mullnmh Ul Durham, all 'lv- ro-uso-ol. mul Hf Arrlr. lmmlnn. 'l'lmumn‘ Hf m-ur \\'IllIum-'fmwl. :mcl Juscpln n! Runny lliwr, MN» :m «Iv- m-zm-ol. .\ lnrnllnrr, William, ul' Nc‘w Unlurm Is “In sulv surwvur. 'l'lw l'unvral was lu-hl Mummy. Hm serrM lwmg lulu-ll by Um How. .‘I r. Mclx'vnzio-, l'rvsbytvrmn uumslvr uf l'ulmvrslnn, mlrrnwnt luemg mmlv Ill llw l'alnu-rsiun rrllwlm'y. 'l'lue Mural Irilmlvs \wrv many and wry luwllnl'ul. Mr. 'l'lmnms' MrUth, Mrs. S. l". MHIHmh and Mrs. llurgv-‘s ul' lmrlmm \wro- in ultmulmuto: ul lllu l'ulwrul. .WORKIAN INJURED AT fACTORY ACTIVITY SOON AT D. F. C0. SAWMILL :U tukvn u mnllmu Th“ F lgecll Bray rvacl Hm sermturw he Therv was a lettw- of thanks from Mr. Moses ”annually. The mowtmg was 014mm] “1:! Satmnal \mlwm aflm which I was .1:me .\l April lianlvy Mr. W. H. Henry. a workman at tho: Durham Furniturv Uunpany's plant. was injured «in Mummy 0! this “139k when working about Um inwmiil. A dour which had been propped up with a stick {all when the htter was struck by the tonguv «if a wagun on which Mr. Henry was riding. with thr rmult that the m. cimpped, striking him on ”In 0‘ Mr. Henry was rendered uncon- smous fur a short time and was ta- ken to his home where, we are pleased to say. he in recovering and will be able to return to duty in a few days. NI“ V'UZM it! H \\ ALLAN PARK INSTITUTE UH ll st mm! mzu'vr \\ 13”: at \l a U Inn's X! n ”I , tlw \L llmllt “I .\I H l- )o-al' has wvu mhm- tlmnpauy's l nl’ lugs as at any _\. In Hue Durham ml that ahcmt a m ' I'm-t, arv 4m ham]. ' millmu and “WM?- Mills' and at ”W t. Iaywmm, m Ha: usmnatml that W “mum” Hf l’almvr- J..\..\1Hl°ho~ll ‘Ht‘lvn, . ll_\' ’.\mm,, and Miss mm; Mszcn- S. M. Mrâ€" H -co\'vn-lnm1ths run. It Lthc null at Muck Mllls‘ It lhv same [length uf .vith the cutting and 1' [hr smrk lx'um Hu- it {my will In held ( tho honw 0f Mus. Ii Ulls ”Us H. u HM and at. Hw lmmvr m. m “aslllllb am! that wmmm : {mm tcmn, wlm Intvr Huerv. Inn's- :rmuquurtvrs nt' :1 UH vl'lmt war I Durham yard “I In “HUI“ .Thvr e-qum h H H hum )ll It \I 30 UH ll U KNOX LADIES HELD ELECTION OF OFFICERS ' Thu mmv “Es-laMII-IIIIIIg the In- IIIan Chm-'"III {mm Ihv study bunk. was wen :mh givnn by Mus Thus YW As this was Um annual ,mweting. thv IIII‘CIIIID of {Iflicers Hunk placv. The rmlmtiop of Mr}. MASONIC “AT HOME” PLEASANT AFFAIR Good Program of Varied Numbers, Coupled with Social Evening, Made function One 0! Much Plea- sure to Those Who Attended. 'l'|w Inmal Mumlm' lmluv was “At Hunw" M ”-2 nuunhvrs and their lmly I'rn-mh lust 'l‘lmr-‘duy PH'IHIIK, and as H Usual m the. «WWII {unr- lmns um «m h} Hus «wivty. ”mm was “snnwtlnng «llll'c-rvnl.” u.- mm- lmrml mm lol'o-c'mllm: gulhvl'llms mulvr Hwn' :ummvw. 'l'lw m'ngmm \x'hic'h gum‘mlml Hu- ~«wml part of Hm uaHIwrmu Wm Hm )o-zu' \utml 1.0 1w llw bust 3M. Music'ul Ill Its chur- \xlIIIII gummlml llu ~«IIIIII WIN. 0! Hm uaHIvI IIIL' WII~ IIII~ \I-II \IIII-Il In M ”w III-st .w I. Mum III III Its chur- ill'h‘l’. ”In \III'IIIIIs IIHHHHH‘IIHII and I °II| ””49111135 \wrn I‘l‘l'I'IHNI wIHI olleulIl, and “mm fur IIlmw Hm awr- Mr. Ii. I). .\la°¢llm'k|in man fur Ilu- l‘\“‘lllll£-’. H Hm participants In his hunuwnm mmnwr. and Hm salefm-LAHH «pf Hw u 1°02“an why lw was w Hu- mwlumns duluu‘ u I'UHlnlv HI ~‘t (fhv-‘ll'u mm D. ‘1. Tim“ and Mr. .\I°r and Hum: -« Yilrs. Mum I'ZHHH Hm w Hm (evening. [Ilfllln Hw Annual Meeting 01 Womens lis- ~ionary Society Was Held Thurs- day of yLust Week .\l nwmmg. ”I“ 6'1”?”011 (I! IIflIcers Imk placv. 'l'hu rot-IIImaUmI '0! MN. “0“ an prmIIIonIt war, much remat- tmi. but as Mrs. B?“ felt she could not cuntinuv Ilw (MIMI. Mrs. Mathm mm «In-[ml as Musician! \. H mm and whirl: MI I ”I" 'I larch i residing rim sin. H Auociate Helmra' Sec: Sins. lum- Mr. Arc-h: l“ U AIM :mm t UV .“1‘ I'nmww H: :Hl Th0 nu \\ .\l I w-nwmlwl 91mm; t I ml I‘m-mind's H WI 01 . umndul Gllvuw UH In ”w -m ”Us «WU lllllvzvnl." m'mlim: L‘ ILH .\II itvllu Mellm lw m-c-onumn H H iu'l h his \wll knuwn ma! vxlplumwl m lw uzntlwrum Hm s WIM'INI 1.0 “H s uf vhzm'mzm. mu 'I'H I‘MIHH'I‘I'LN 'Hll‘l lllllNl'fiIi mm In \Wh chair- Hv lnh'mlm'ml .' Lung, [mum l"m~m:m. :1 VII Hay and u l'mm MW ”1'- Mr. and Mrs. h '8" \I and “Hum. nu Imuju, Ir. Huang" {Iran and MHH'.‘ f0" M4 “I In ’U H fimllsll" vlljm'vd uv thvm “1' “HA” a- Hm Hart-w by UN us wad ' tho-l! Ill «'Uln- ”\M' I” "N wings Inn-smut» In new" I'vtm'rmz: : IN. Hf Hug hvlal 1m] toh’llssmgvr. W. M I'm an fl bf.“ ll INQUEST 0N VICTIM 0F SLEICH ACCIDENT Ordered by Grey Crown Attorney on Mrs. Thomas Ryan at Hanover. Crown Attorney '1'. H. Dyer has urdvrml an mum-d mm Hw «:u'vmuâ€" mmmw' mrrmuuhnu llw mm. 0! Mrs. 'l‘lmmm Hymn. which m'vlll'rml Ill 'I'm‘umu Hum-ml H'hpl'u‘i' 4m l’uhrnnr) 21 :1. MW I'Nult. «of HIJIH'IM SUBUHHI‘d “hm: a 40ml: «'cmlummu mvl' 3H [In-tn.u-|'- ul' llu- \Vumu-Ih lllHHllHu HIM-t axlnlv Han party \m- I'II-m..~|° Nutmunm Imawlup. m: Hw awn mg «of l’vhruary 10. MW nwmlu-w uf Hm parts “Manual mv ,iurite-t as a rusult of Hw Inn-J'UIIII! 'l'lw. driwr was Clayton Filsunuvr. a sun of Andrew Filsiuger. The in- qmwl will omen 'm 'l'hmwhy. Mam-h 31 The crown authorities claim to have sumcuem rvason for HIISIDWIHII that Hm am-Munt was chm In curv- lessuem. It is said that Hm alvmh was gl'vatly uwrlcmdmi. Hm! Hw ~lviuh lmx “as Imt wmn'vly “HIP“- ml. and that ulfl'lt'wul. c'ul'v vs.“ um! tulwu Ill turmm.’ Hm vm‘msr. (iirr star '1 “wow- fulltm le. Uamphvll Jack liamum Flnyd Kmrnb Vu'tur Hindi Charlw. Lloval tlly'oln .‘irmflum l'lddiv Hunt . Charla:- Mcbnnald livtty ”condor-son George Hmdemn Alfie Nichol“ William mum's" . With twelve contestants alrudy gatheneAIndMetoethe natured in the mutant In getting W a the weeks on by. ll HI:- AHA \l STANDING IN PONY CONTEST MUM H \l . PM} Umwn'l an anmmmtml Friday” night at ”w Vo-tumn 'l'hscamo by th- Judgw, Menu-q. - Hull and .l. A. Rowland. is u H Hm "I" M 11"!” H The Star (London ; M \\ Inlv NW | m IIMHI H M film! ("-6 $2.00 a Year in Canada; $2.50 in U. S. m U H Va mc' \luh M DURHAM BOY SAID TO BE BEST MAN 0N TEAM Iaru‘n Lander of This Place, lore Than Any Other Hayor contribu- ted to the Defeat of Iroquois falls Juniors in Game Saturday Night in Toronto Arena. Playing Um l'afituul. lmckv) Haul. has bm'n mm“ m Um 'l‘m'umu M-vmt UHH wumm. tlw Uwvn Smmcl 18w.” I‘ouuwd away from llw fast. Hummus Falls Ivmu. N. U. H. A. rlmuunmm, lunt Saturday Night and wlwn Um lllml lwll “an 5011li \H'l‘l'. lvzulum f. in 0. In llw Ill'Ht mum at llw m-rn-s, playml «m 'I’Imrmlay “mm, Um lrmumls Falls mmlmth' lwut. Hm lil'vy Umui)’ Imps 6 m I. 'I'hv nu lunkmti‘ur \IMHI') 0f Hm {il'c'ys nu Sultan-clan guw me Uw mum! «3 m 4 and furlushml mw «of NW Mll'pl'lws 0f Hm m-nmm. l'rmuuwm. cm Hw (il'vs'n‘ Imwuu this mum: Is Martm Lumivr 01' bur- humumm «of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. H. Launch-r. and Hum Hm l‘m‘c'lll mums, tlwrv H IIIIlc- clue-Mum ”mt. Iw. Is Ilw xlmua: "mu ”1' HH' trams and. mm “min”: to ”w 'l‘cmmm palwl'n. H Hm lash-4 JHIIIHI' ho umwm' M. ”w 'l'm'cmh. Armm Ham wimvr. Martin play Iv“ “mg for Ulv Champion firms. and “0"”th [om-kiln: u Imml shut. as a fast shah-r. u hzml vim-k and an damn-n :nmmul Hw twh “s llw_\‘ "HUN“. llu'm. as Sunday at (SID-51cm as lH III 14"“ mum Sunday H'hcm In Suturdu} 01' ”H- I'lfll‘l' playm'. ”0 - goals hIlu-c-If Murklv. Inn "H” .\v\\markvl, l lanulvr m ”H mumcm. ”w 301 Mo flu-h “mum”. lu- «enl'ml Hu- mm. In ”W Mam“ wrmwl Hw ”My 4 {Erma «'ullm'lml. and “8-. ml that. lu- «In! mot. c-ullm BENTINCK BARN BURNED SATURDAY 0H H “'Iu'n N IIUKHI‘XF. H'ml‘Ullu! “I". ”Nah-HI Mr». SUMV his“ hl't'h mummy Us" {arm bur-w”. hm hm. -om-. wwkum ”I”. (IUHHU Hue [met Mfl!’ U!“ ‘50 and ”mum: Hm} haw: MW“ «a 9mm» Hun “ml“; Huey vwro- m I’m-ham am Saturday taught Mam Hue Im- WJR plal'v. Thc- In". M NH. SUM!- “III to" bvasy. Wlulu WI: underâ€" stand that sh». hut ”Hummus, pun "My in Hue neighborhood 0! "All: 011 Hue burn CM contvntu Um: Will not built to pa but low. Tlue barn Itself. an] to we one 0! the film-t. i! nut the best horn in that [out of Bmtinck. could not be manned for less than . and she has Ind-r Ian a! nun lawman“. and I mull 1.000! M {and on top of that. Tho low in u very venous one to her and Ihc i. the augment o! coastal-IN: My in Im- mundane. mu! Read the Classified Add. on Page 7 ll allc nL Hanna, barn 01' Mr: Rifle" Noble Destroyed by fare, Cannon by Pics Uptmwnq Lantern. Then Will Be Biq Lona. With Only Smali lan'.!'x'mce M: Starred Against Newmarkn |H- ”H" ”In "Uh. Durham Boy Stars Hl'l Ht! mm“ ll In ”PP” IHHI' HI and Law an yum: amulm cwmm, w." “1m! mun . In Hw III-~51 Hm cmh’ 0mm! Ih-ziamlll u! H HM Ill m. A. \N. H. 'm'ul, mama, ”mt. lm In um and. sum mm INN nfl ham». 1: Durham n the un- In. Kohl», w: madm- III. all M w Laud! mum ll

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