'l'lw wwk upo'm'ol with Um part-ting Hn Humid). of a rmnluflnn 0'.\'|n'.-~'- sun; unanimnus apposition nl' tlw Hnum'. irruspm'tiw- of party. (.0 Nu- rmlo-ral hill whirh wouhl rvno-w thv Ho-m'umn “any llanal rhal'trr fur the SIHHII illto'l'o'sh-I. le Imgislatlll‘o' hmk this slam! nu Imn-pnliliml grmmois. I’I'o-mivr Fowgusnn’s rvsnlu- Hun lie-mg wmnolml by \V. K. Ralwy. and m thv lwl‘n-I that tho- ('Ilal'lo'l' I‘O'm'\\ill \vuulol Inc-an thv gift M at mum» i'Hl'IN'l'flHHII ul’ ta prmnwial lumvr usw! \Vurth possibly 3100.- lem. .\ l‘urtln-r intvrvsling (va- Hll'o' nl' tlw olelmto- was a clo-rlaratinn Ivy Pro-mio-I' Fo-I-gnsnn nt’ tlw gnwrn- nit-HM into-HM. m HM" m'ugl'o'ss nl' Hush-m (mun-m. and it.- \\‘iâ€i!lf.’lwss ho wmhm'k mmn a pnlir)’ m‘ nlalmr- uh- pvt-mgnnda and publicity t-v 211-. (PM! imlustl'io-s tn il.‘ ' .:llo'lw~l lv\' llll‘ llmlw. lull llo- llH-'-‘ w 'nlln'l \wljx so-rinus‘ olunmgo- in lln- l'nlu nl' t'l'lllt'. l’l‘o'llllo‘l' l’vrmlsnn cl: :ill \\ill| :t \\lilo' muse all subjects. and mrluolml :m llllu'l'l‘~lll,‘.§ stalw- llll‘lll nu rural hyclrn. \\'lll'l| upo'm'il tlw pn-‘Mliillty ml 3 dill’vl'o-ul. litmu- imi u'lmzuvnwnl “hum \Vnulol per- nut llllll‘ll muro- rapid vxlvusinu Hl' huh-u 9.» Min l'urmlna.‘ mmmuuily. "I do nut know why." he- said. "when \w :m- putling vxpvnolitmjo- l'nr luulmuy (‘nnstrm‘llnn intn Papital acvuunl, mnno'y spent on cunslrur- llun nl lmnsmissinn lines should lmt gn lulu capital. 1 am not an o'Xpo'l'l. but I am gems to suggest that the 'l‘rvasurer ask somebody. because I think the charge should he carried on through future genera- tlnns. and if we do that we will be able to ex and this service much more rapid y than we can today. be- cause we must have an eye to the amount of money available.†The Premier announced that the adverti- ment had spent to date for extension of the manages of h dro to rural dwellers a total of. 82, .7400. ’ There m an interesting allusion in the pranier‘s speech to the te- I’nv' thv lirsl tinw m mam )‘vm's. lhu Hudgvt IM'hmv mulwl 0n 'l'uvmlny withoml a chvisinn nl' llw Hnusv. N0 umvmlmo-nt has lwo'n suhmiltml h.\' o'llllo'l' Uplmslllull. and NW 'l‘l'o‘ils‘lllk 0'1" mutinu M £0 into liummith'u Hf Slumly was aclnplml withnul a dis-- s‘o'llllllg \Hlt'o'. 'l'llo «lo‘llalo' was rlns- ml by \\'. l".. N. Sinclair. uml Pl‘o'mio'l' FI-rgnsnn. 'I‘hv I'm-mm~ mnlinml his rrltirisms lal'gvl)‘ tn lhv six» Hr ch3- pnsilltfll nf varinus ill-ms hv haul lag'ml in thv Public .\t'(’0untS, and snmv uf which Mr «liol not uppvar tn Imolm'stano‘l hm well. ThP Liberal lo'mlo'l' is always listvned to with Board. ls «jibji-irl. is in i-liminatu as far as pnssihln illi-gzil tl‘aï¬lt'klllg.’ Ill mlnxicziling liqum's that has lml in â€w past In such \Viilo-spi-vzicl anal Si'l'lHllS aliiisi'. It is llw sllll'l‘l'r livâ€" sn'v on NIP part «if â€N" Hi‘n'vi'nnii-iil ln pill. ilili‘i â€pi-ration a syslvm on handling liqum- that. will mom. will: genm'al piililii' approval and tho-why i'i'o-zlli- a nim'v wlmlvsnnii- vomit-vi, il'l' â€ll' laws uf llm province." may nau- alo-ulml only as a solve-m. nr px'c-svmutiw. and 3810 of c-swncvs and o-xlracls is rigidly ro-strictml. Any po-rsnn cnmictml of svlling is In [W Inwl'isullml upon HIP ï¬rst Ull'o‘uct‘. Th0 .M'l is to mme into I'M‘c'o- upml pmwlanmtinn. pmhably May 15. l’l'o'so'lllaltml â€f â€w Hill to tho Hon-w was an occasion of dramatic [catnro-s. Hallcrics and tloor of thc Hons» \wro- cromtcol with intcrcstctl visitors. who by rcason of llfllt': rc- quircil for printing of tlic Bill \wrc kept waiting until 5.35 hct'orn tho Promicr movml tirst retailing and scnt comma to tho tipposition lc'aalors and pro-ss‘ gatlary. 'l‘hcrc was applause: \\'ltlt‘lt lastml so-wral minutcs, whi-n ho- roso to spcak. and whcn it. ï¬nally dicol clown in olot‘orcncc to tho: Prcmicr's upliftml hanot. tho sow-rat Litwml mcmbcrs Stippm-ting tho. gmcrnnwnt. startml a now ll'ihuto Of applattso- on thoir own. Mr. Fcrgu- son said in part: "Tllt't'n arc thrco outstanding t'i-atnrcs in the logis- lation to giw ott'cct to our tcm- pcrancc policy. Tho most import-ant is provision for a strong. capahto amt highly o'tTicicnt Control Board. Secondly. thcrc is th- St‘l'tlgottlulls‘ oliscrvancc of tho plmlgcs give-n the public by tho l’l'init‘ Milltsti-i' Hill'- ing the- clct'linn campaign. lesu plcilgcs gaw tho- assurancc that tho hill would lu- in tho into-rosts of coal tcmpo-rancc. 'l‘hirtlly. tho gowrn- nn-nt rclics for the succcss 0f the law mUI'o' upon \Viso- administration than upon lllo- sl-alulor)’ o-nactn‘u-nts. which. of nocosstly cxprcssml in IP- gal to-rms. arc not o-asily umh-r- shot by tho pnhlic. anol ha-cauw thcy arc “X00. anot inth-xihlc. 'annot. lw aotaptmt to varying and changing; ccgmohtions that havo to ho nwt. 'l‘ho lhtl, thorot'orc. «lo-ails ratth' in liroail principlcs and contiolo-s tho- applica- lttttt ot' thus" principles within \\'cll- tlt'llliml limitations to tho tloiitrol ltoaril. ls olijcct, is to cli_lninalo~ as '1“- \\'w"n' in HIV Lug-islaturï¬ h‘actglative standing of provincial and fed- “,U Li'l'l"? ojnnh'ul Hill as Chlt'fqt‘l'al administrations in relation to {mum-p m lugiplatlun. as the clobalo‘lmszwss conditions. The Ontario tho-row“ \HH lln olnuht he- the out-,gmvrnnwnt. Mr. Forguso'ln said, had “awn“; m'm no'Xl “flak. Sumo ul'ghm'n ahlv so to handle the great ttw m1“, mam fo-alurrs had been ror- ; “malth-prmluring rvsourcos of tho WCâ€). {chmmr but among tlnï¬po-rplv as to stimulatv industry and 1mm... "mm. rlwal' by pvt-usal (Alum , hung: mow mom-y in the country. actual â€an,†arr HI." l'ollownlg: 3 "What. the gowrnmrnt at Ottawa suhrwmo- aollnlnistratlw anthorntyzolms." 32v said. "is regulate how in tho- llanna (-mnmlssiun. Wlttl en- "luv“ you ran word to ship out and “’11.“va â€f m.- luw. llkn all other i how much you should let your com- laws of tho- hl'ovlllcr, thl'OUS'l the po'titnrs t“ 50m“ 0th?" country Ship autumn-N“auto-rat's clo'harlmo-nt: Pcr- l in In «trim you out of business. At)- mlts t†po-rsons nw-r 31 good [or our plallsr . \\.t“ht‘l't‘ today are 0114183- year. and M tranalrllkfl for oil». \m '.“‘.-' lcr.nlal|_ltain a high stanclarfl month; n†puhlir .aclwrtlsing â€f n- of hvmg Ill thus provincr. Then, the quors; ronstuhles nm-«t no warrant high rout of that standard must ho tor Marvin. S†“ï¬lm†may lw rnu- 'dtttlt'tt lo the- rost. of a product. and sumo-u w. a lmhlir Marv. Uruggists wmn \w lako' an Ontario PPU‘NCL mm â€W ale-uhâ€! only as ;. gun-pm, nl' t'l't'tltt‘ot undo-r thosv COllllltiOnS. into Pzw-Qo-rmtiw. amt 5310‘ of o-ssf'nrm tbvï¬mrlol markot and tind'there a and o-x'lracls is rightly rostrwtml. similar product. rroatod whero Any lwrsun rmn’irtmt of Rolling Is to \\ ill-{0'8 aro' IUWPI' "CHM “1'?ng “001'3 ho- Ilnm'lsnnml mum tho- lirst oll'o'nro'. lnnm'r. IIUW 0"" 3'0†â€4““th [0 Con" Thv \t-t. is tn mme into l'orro- upon pvtv unlrss you hrio‘lgo tho «Jitter- Prm'lalnzltiun. probably May 13'). ‘,'"("' â€1 standards "’7 llVing‘.’ That - - - Is tho» task of the Ottawa ("lowrn- n....d....o-..n.-m “r Hu- Hill In Hm nwnt. not thisthin'm-nmont." ’AGE 6. 'l'ho- Municipal Law l‘lnmmillvo on Friday morning :imirmwl 'élll ammnlâ€" Hit in ii. iln- llnspilnls :unl lilim'iinl‘ilv izl‘iil alinns. Art "inking ilin nnuli‘al liwillli uil'irvr iii any Inwnsliip hor- cio-i'in'.’ nn :1 rily or sm’raratml town ' tlw nnly :nillmrily in Sign nrclrrs i'nr .nlnii~'~'inn nl' incligi-nl. paiii'nls in ‘ lwspilzils. lmgislatinn nassml a * \"ill' zlf-m gm'r rm'ws mn‘l i-imnrillm's gilw pmwia ln vmm‘grnl. rasos. a luvâ€"'nilal snpm-inlmnli-nt may admit Hinllgnnls. hill. ai'i'm'i’ling in a fur- } llwr iii-w subsorlinn,‘ "VP“ in this". ‘i-ziso-s "thv liability (if thn rminty shall not continue brynnil sewn «lays l’rt-ni Hm admission. nnlnss llm mml- ii-zil ui‘l‘irnr nr health of such town- ship givrs an order in writing ap- prfwim: m°_surli admission. I U llr'l‘l".'.lti\'w shung-HI in â€w â€OHSP i has hm-II ilH'l'I‘flsI‘Il by (HH'. and now II'HIIS 77). as I'I'SHH III' HII- III‘I'iSiOH I‘If IKI'II'I K. HIIIIIIIHI. IIIIIIIII‘ nwmlwl' fur 3 SIIIIHI WIIII'I'IIIII, III jIIiII tlw ranks nt’ fHHVO‘l’llml'llt SUDIDUI'U'I'S. HII was Pl- IIHIII-Il Hll HII~ gIIVI'IIImI-III IIIIItIIIl is- . sIII': \\ as not Opposed In a COIISI‘IW a- In.» I‘ZUHHIHUO'. and III IIII- HIIIIsI' H“ (“IIâ€) {IllnfllllN'Nl his I'IHH'III'I'PIN‘O' in IN :I'nm'al Imlivivs III. â€II‘ HHVG'I'II- z IIII-III. HI~ :IHI-IIIII-Il HII- ILIIIIsI'I'VaIIVI‘ fI'auI'IIs nf WI'anISIlay. at Whii‘h HIP jI-IIIIII'I‘II hill was Ilisvussml. and was ;\\'I-II â€HIM! “IIII (IIN‘IS. III a stain- nwnt giwn HII- [)l‘l‘s‘g III'xl Ilm. III‘ jI'xplainIaIl that “0‘ “PM". “P I'IIIIIII lw Hf gI'I‘iltl‘l' SI'I\i(’P In his Hm- I SIIIII_0'III')' as II gIn'I-I'nmvnt suppurtvr. .\ plvasanl. ll'iIIIItI' from a Lilwr'al mI-mlwl' to mm [Iliasu III ROVN'II- lllI‘lll. le'tiVliil‘H I°amI- Oll Thursday III'II'rIIIIIIII fI'IIm William NI'wmIIn. NI'I'HI \'iI'lIII'iII. in I'IIguI'Il in “IP Ex- :II-I-iIIII-IIuIl FIII' lI‘aI'm "laillialllmi lIy HIIII. IllIIII-lI-s )II-IZI-IIII‘S lil‘llal'mt'llt in .‘il‘. .\'I-\\'nI;III‘.~' I'iIliIIg. It has lII-I'n I‘F‘iilililï¬ill'li III lil‘VlSl' lII-sl nII'llIIIIls III‘ lll‘WHilllL' l'III-lIIII‘II'iIII; animals. and assist llII- 7m lIII l'III'nII'I's of â€III [IXH\lllIl‘. .\II I'Xlll‘lil‘lll'l‘li man is in l'illll'g'l'.'illl4i HIP lbilll'l' is slIII'kIIIl \\illI IIIIIskI'III. l'IIx. lislII-I'. ill'ilVl‘l', I'il'. \\'lII-II ihl‘ I'slimalI-s \VI'I'I‘ IJIIIlI-I' Iil~I’ll~‘.~'lllll .‘ll'. .\'II\\'mmI I‘DSI' from iIi< IIIIII‘ l' in â€ll‘ IIIIIIIIsiliIIII lII <21}. "I IIII IIIII {Ill'il'llli III kIIIm lIIx tanning, and l mm [W llIIIIIgiII. :I [NHH' LilI- -‘lili MI! I \\IIIIl lII gi\I~ I IN!†\\"lll‘ll‘ ills mm 0' In llll' prl'hllll'll in sav: ii“ mil f'lbll'il' lli in kmm fnx tanning, :"mal ! mm lw tlm‘ughl. :1 1mm Lili- :‘lili lull lmml in giw l imlil “lll‘ll‘ it H oliw This inclustn ivqnilvs «in ‘l inwnlal “ink llw .ami- as ag- lit Hill]! w. and l lwliom- lliat llw gm- ollllllo'lliv is “lM'. l haw bowl on this lzii'm. anal iH‘ill’Vl' Hwy aw iluing ..:"-IHi \x'nz'k. 11ml will ll†still hvtlm'." Applause“. In arrnrolanre with a’ suggestion of Premier Ferguson in the. Hmlsn â€[1 Wednesday. the Muniripal Law com- mittee has appointed a sub-com- mittee tn look into the provisions generally of the Cemetery Act. It is i'nmpused of H. G. Nixon. Russel Neshitt. L. Macaulay. Alex. Mewhin- my and 'l’. Birkett. and will meet nexi. Tuesday afternoon. The Prime Minister on Wednesday said: “I have been glad to notice that there has been wide interest taken in this House in the preservation and beanâ€" tiï¬cation of old. historic cemeteries. It is a shame and disgrace the way some are neglected. and a real etc fort is being made to improve them in that respect. Many members are interested and some have suggested AmIIIIItmIIIIts to â€In HighIII'III 1111!- “II Act, IIhiIIh [â€â€˜Ilh'h‘t‘tl IIIImmittIIII staIIII IhI “IIIIIIIIsItaI. inI‘ludI'Ii tllt‘ aIItiIIipatIIIt tIIatIIIIIIs of II 35-milII spI-I-It limit; IIIImpulsmII‘ lighting of all I'IItIiIIIIIs IIII all roads. and also [tl‘ttVih‘iHit rm 1'! Sign IIII thII hack IIf IIIIItIIIIIIIIIIs IIIIIIippIIIt II'ittI t‘IIIIII-II'IIIIIII lIl'akIIs â€IIIIIIsitiIIn in â€w I'IImlIul- sIIIII lighting IIt littl'SI'- IhIaII'II IIIhiII iI-s has IIIIt I-IItII'IIiI â€3851'“ nut. and “mm IIas II suggIIstiIIn that it. tIII IIIIIIIII to apply IIIIII tII IIIIIIntI anIt IIIIIIIIIIIIIII highIIaIs. iIIIt. MII. HIIIII'I' IIIIiIItIIIt nut that. thIIer IIIInstitIItII IInlI’ 20 IH'I' IIIIIIi. «If HIII \\'l|4tlt'. and said that II IIhIIIIkIIIIhIIIIIIIt system wIIIIlIt tIII ItaIIgIIIIIIIIs. A SIIggIIstion I'IIIInI \. HIIIIIIIIIIIIII 'IIiiI. Russell that IIIIIIItI IIt' tinIII stIIIIIlIt iIII giIIIII ttIII tIIIInIiIII: IIIImmIInitII t0 iIIIIIomII III IIIIIIIIItIIIt IIith this IIII'IIIiSiIIII nIIIt. \I Ith II nIIIIII- tIIIIIIIIhlII l'I'SpOllSt‘ tIIIIm tlIII gIII'IIIIIInIIIIIt. PIIIImiIIII Ft‘l'gllsttll Siltâ€: "PPl'hapS “H" hill might. lIII rllspc‘nah‘ll m cumc- inm ofl'vut a row mnnths hum-v: hut tlw public must xvi. I'vaoly. for it. is cuming into fun-v. “'0' lwliowv â€10' public are pl'l‘pal'ml In arm-pt it and mnfnrm tn it." Thu I’I'inw Nlillis‘lvr aohlw! 'fllal. IN! muugm Hw Highways Dvpartmpnt mum \WH'k mu! :1 unil‘nrm £wa of lamp that HHIM b0 furnishml at luw HN' h. Hm I’m'mvrs'. Thu \Vnstvrn Canadian I’arnwr has such'cl Hu' samv m'nhlt'm in :t clif- t'e-mnt manner, nanwly. by mnuns uf pools. Thu \that I’Hul. Im- in- staller. has hm-n rmnarkuhly suc- vvssl'ul :llHl zilrvzul)’ is lhu lzu'gvst (‘u-nlw 11!in nr'aniz'atinn in Hm \mrhl. Its ultim In gum-vs»: rvmains In [W sow-n. but â€In (HIHHHK I'nl‘ Hm I'ulum- amwm's bright.m’lmmlnn I’rm- l’l'vss. legislaIiIIn. l SUIIIIII‘SI IIIIII [II-Mm!» thII Municipal IZIImmiIIIIII might ap- [)Ililli II Sllh- IIIIIIInIiI: IIII III IIIII>IIIIII HIII I\\II III' “III'I‘ I'IIIIIIII II\' III Its III- IIIIIIh iII IIIII H'HIFI' IIIIII IIII IIIII [I'I'IUII'II III IIIIIkII sum†IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiI IIs. Prvsido-nt. Cnllicim' at. least. SIIUWPLI mumgv in wtning a hill Wllil'h. rightly Hr \Vrmngly. lu- rvgm-dml as wrung; in In'inciplv. Alrvudy tlwm am lnucl pmlvsts t'rmn Hm agricul- tural slatvm and many m-mhvtinns as tn tlw vnnquuvm-vs uf his 21M. frum a pnlitival stannpmnt. :3. TM. lnss and vxlwnw of HM! farm [mm-41's Hlbt‘l'illiHllS \wrv tn bu: paid by an vqualizutinn fun. This fvu was tn 1w q'ullt-c'tml as an inlvr- 1131 tax on Hwy unit uf Hm crop in qm'stmnâ€"~-|ms|wl. halv Hr [munch 6. Thu plan is tn 1w lahlml an 0x- 1wrimvut. If it, sucmwlml. il. \wuld lakv unthing «lire-clly nu". ul' Hm “mm-mumâ€. pln'sv. as â€w ('(jll'dlila- Hun l'm- \WHIM pay a“. If it. failmi, Hy. HuVPl'llmt‘llt. wnulcl law 3250.- (HMHMNI capital. and \x'hatnvm' uthm' 'apilal il might Ioalm' put int}! it. m4m44y. " “144444 44444 4444144 44444.44'44 saw 444 444 4444 s44, it should 4‘l444'l44444 H4444. 444444'44 444‘ a 4'444'444444. 4'244444 [4444! 44444'34 |44'4)4l "'4 4'41 than 44444 l'nil444l Slams could 44444- sume. . ’ It \\'4444|4l than 444'4444'44444444 huw 4:44-44 H44- s444pl44s 444441444'444'44444l 444 44431444344 444 Hu- ,444'pll4s In «44 14min; [I444 Sl'llpllln and 144414!- 4444.: it against 44 1444444 \'.44444' 04' h Inn 4444.: H444 surplus 414444 54444444: it 4444444444! 444 \4I441444V444 [44 444 it could 4:444. In tho dying hours of tho Amor- ican l'lnngross Pl'l‘Sll'O‘lll llnnliclgc‘ wloml llw MvNury-llaugon hill. in removal lo this moasux‘u. lull l'vw oxplanaliuns. 2r; l‘=n~ as 1.2l:.¢’..lil m.- m 2mm. .2 » :: ._ ' wlml il ('onlninml. i '\'~.'.“.~’ 9 hi?- whicb m'upneml 2.. (‘Hllll'fll llw prim- Of agrivultm'al prmluvts and was «losignml to mom. Hm growing; dis- st'llislru'liun m'o-r llw brim-s or farm goods in tho [lo-public. Tho Ut- tawa Journal summarius llw law as follows: 1. There should ho :1 "arm Imam â€" a great Howrnnwnt ln-nkm'agc cor- poration. lls mvmhm's to lw up- poinlml by tho l’l'vsillmll from num- inalions mado by variom farm or- ganizations. L‘. 'l'lw farm lmzml was In lw haml- NI nw-l' $250JNNUNM Hl' lm‘.‘l'l'll‘lll'll:- \ o THE McNARYâ€"HAUGEN BILL THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Tho “Rod Parlor." of tho Quoon's Hotol. Toronto. which has housoil many rolohritios. including royalty. dining its sixty yours. will not. he clostroyoil win-n that. hotol is razod to mako way for tho now (2. P. R. hotol to ho oroctoil on tho samo silo. hut. will ho l't‘pl'tNlllCt‘tl intaot. in tho now building. Built in tho yoar of tlmit'ocloration. this room, i‘lesignoit for royalty. aas noon urrupioil by tho Prinross Louiso. and tho Russian (ti-and Duko Aloxis. It was not tinishocl in limo to houso Lord Monck. but his sm'rossnr. Lord Lisgar. has st'ayod thorr. and also Lord Stanlo)‘. Lord. Lansilowno. LOI'tl Ahordoon. Lord Minto. and such quoons of song as Patti. Alhani. and Jo nny Lind. (if all tho Promiors who stayoil thoro it was Sir .lo Im A. McDonald who "soil it. most. It is said that «luring tho yoars 1878 to 1891 Sir John ran tho rountry quito as much from tho "roll room" as from Parliaâ€" mont Hill or Ernosrlitl'o. tittawa. at 3,116; . 1 _ Pelt?) mi; nc FAMOUS "RED ROOM†NOT TO BE DESTROYED ï¬wm A lot of people who thought there would be. no real hockey liereahouts this winter are beginning to wake up, »â€"Galt Reporter. Mc‘I‘AVISH 8: SON; FLESHERTON DISTRICT A. NOBLE, DURHAM DISTRICT The trees are given free of charge for reforesting in waste places, steep hillsides. wiliolhrcaks and shel- ter belts around buildings etc. Or- der immediately if any are wanted. Long Term Loan Act In “El there was passed in the Provincial Parliament an Act known as the Long Term Loan Act the pur- pose of which was the lending of money to farmers for purposes of paying all mor ges, erection of farm buildings, c iarges existing un- der .1 will. tile drainage, purchase of breeding stock and consolidation of debts incurred for Agricultural purposes. A large number of farm- ers are mailing themselyes 0f the opportunity. The. main features are as follows: i. The maximum amount to any farmer Is 812000.00. 2. Subject to this maximum am qualIIImI-IaInu-I' wlm‘ Is :I IJaIIadIaII IItIzI-II Hung (Il‘ his film" mm hur- I‘I)\\' up In half tho valuv «If his farm as dutvI'miIII-II by (IUVI'I'IIHH‘II'. III- spvction. 3. Tho I'aI'mI'I is allcmml 20 Imus III pay for his. Iarm but IH‘ mm pay it an? tI'mI- hl‘fUll‘ the 20 \I-aIs elapse. if N‘ dosiws. 5. The rain III’ intm'vst is {Ii/3%. 5. RepaymI-nt is an â€I“ amortiza- tion plan. This simply means tlrat Urdrrs l'm' fret} lrrrs nxpirrs on April lst llmrrfnrr if any farmvr is contemplating sanding for llw samo the earlier they mail their orders the better. Tho Urparlnwnl 01' Ag- ricullurr. Mardaln still haw. some! Orderforms lvl'l, «m hand whirh could be sent out by return mail, FREE TREES I man pays $3.08 for "My $10Mâ€. borrowed. This coverq the inIm-m; and ppyment 9n prlpgnpal. 7. The inspection fun is $12.0" um if the loan is granted. a Mun-g.- prOporlibn to Um sizv Hf Hm Ina“ made In search titles. and "MUN“ nmossaj‘y logal «incumvnls. Mu I'IDG‘ " closer" "I . “"6: 'Nouinspection' of farms i, mm. when the snow covers Hm mumâ€, {b manyflrmers't'his spring. |~ - Information can In: sm'urml 1mg. that source at any hmo. COTed-n-“NO, stand 00' as: possible.†-- The Went of Am'ivult'; Markdalc. arv supplying thu rum Thursday. lurch 17. 1027 , Arm's Length “Shall I rut. My!“ I cut ymn' lm ill Ufl’m- MM l'vsldo own 03-! Hf HH- “album S'rwx. Luq ham. Hn'm- hhur: 1 O um. mxvvm >1de INKS. JAIIESOIJ I Culinvss a one HM l’ 9 10 N am (Sundasw umhm .to I m tesh'd H Gl‘ad‘ CM 11- HIGH 2 to CXCN Um (H R! C. G. ANI Cll .(‘l- 0‘ Mb}! tram [NI 9‘/ ‘ It Will PM The Chronicle “ll right 1 ticulm "H. 4. 612*. 0x1 I8 \\ \\ “'H 1mm H J. L. SMITH, M (Dfllcv am! I‘m â€K. W Mn CASH WITH of four. TM! Saturday :12: BATES B! 25‘cents. Hm Will kw mam 0! u \\ Thursday. Ian n IUDDLE Advert IM‘mPllt ll MEJtZd/ D; Class DR. A. I! "ll