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Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Mar 1927, p. 7

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.ng in -W.’~.Â¥.'W 'mm‘. 'RICT Suits W. 15 to $45 -o-~o--o-.o- .- o-v-o-o-o-o-o-o-W Thursday. larch 17. am \\ Durham. Ontario P'tq of In”). $83138 I'm W 1.0"“ PR ICES Length '7" ”Wild“. .r farms is M r!" ”In 21'"! f'. .. Ii 8|!!!) .-.i. u marge» in u- 07" ”HI 108“ '9 ~. and c-nmpleto mvnt‘. msao "I 65$.” 565m ll ww'l’X g'm,~ ~ tho- Intel‘s“ \:.'I Iculture, l‘. HI. Mm aiming Fun murml from )nur hair as far as 0R8. JAIlHOI JAIIBSOI «mu-e and residence a short dist- n'u'n east of the Hahn House on Mlllliihm Street, Lower Town. Dur- nzun. ()flice hours 2 to 5 p.13” 7 to fl um. (except Sunduys). J. Lo 3."', .0 no, .0 c. ,0 s- 00 (Mice and resudence. corner of vLuuntess and Imm'nton Streets. oppo- 9m- nm Pmt (mice. Office hours : 9 to H a.m.. 130 to 4 p.m., 7 to 9 pm. (Sundays excepted). DR. A. I. BELL Physirian and Surgeon. Office LamMnn street, Durham, Ont. Gradu- atv l'nivprsily of Toronto. Eyes u-stmi and corrected. Office hours: 2 tn 5 p.m.. 7 to 9 p.m., Sundays vxt'vplwi. C. G. AND BESSIE loGIL’LlVRAY Chiropractors m-mluzm-s Canadian Chiropractic «Lullngv, 'l‘m'nnm. Hfflcn Macfm‘lzmn Him-k. IHH'hzun. Day and night phone 1:33. (3 M 23“ J. F. GRAIT, D. D. 3.. L. D. S. Hnnw' (irsuiuate University of Tor- omtn, «srmhmtc Royal Ubllvge Dental Surnunns Hf ”Mario. Dentistry in ail ”‘3 branches. Office Calder mmg. Mill Straw, second door east .' \luulu-th's Drug Store. MIDDLEBRO’ AND BURES Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. 1H 1111A.“ ”WEN SUITNI) l.:unhtnn 51.. 868 2nd Ave. 1‘). 111w. h ”1111 n at l‘leslmrton. Upen o\ _\ huhudau 1.34) 10 930. - C C. Middlebro R. Boak Burris, ULHH', mcr J. J. iifinlm's store, lmrhzun. Ontario. IHI a, l.'). . ~I. un-.----.- _ MW'HL: MU zu'rvs; 83 acres under m'wxuhnn, balance hurdwand hush; mmw'hh'nt m whnm; on (he. premâ€" ' .w mm- 71 frame burn §2x67r ft. with ~v »' .- to-Hmlatmn: concrete stables; um my mum 30x30 with stone base- mm ‘: hug: pen 20x40; twelveâ€"roum Mm; hunw, furnace heated, also Hum" \Vnwhhed; drilled well close In Imus». with Windmill; concrete “um tanks; 30 arres seeded to hay; HI news to sweet clover; this farm is well fenced and in a good state of cullivzttmn. For information apply 3:. \Vutmn‘s Dairy. [UL 4. Durnam. Licensed Auctioneer for ‘Co. of Grey. \I...!.-r:nu tm-ms. Arrangements fur fiti'“. :h‘ M dzlh‘s‘. 020., may he made u? 'I inn Illnx'nnu'lo' ()H‘ICP. Durham. 1 -- 1m nn application. Address RR. '. lmn'ham. P110110 6“ r 24. Q‘fg mllow mu! - 'mnin': 86 arrm. MostL H! :m‘nl stat" Hf . ' Sh'Mfl-fl 74'0"de o-Vtvneinn kitvhen and woodsth \Vo-H wawx'ool and in good repair: I’m- mnhor particulars apply to William Smith. RR. No. 3, Durham. Ontario 0M}, Hon. 4. a.u.u.. WWW.” _, tammg 110 acres; 100 acres cleared and m good state of cultivation; on a brick house con- taining seven rooms. with . frame wnodahed algached; .dnlled WM; at dnmv.‘ never falling springs on lbw farm. making a c once stock '1] be sold farm. This property WI mm tn quick purchaser. For par- heulara applv at \Vatsnn's Dairy. R R. 3. Durham. 00!. 102523“ x: mm mm L_QTS_ It Will Pay You to Advertise in. The Chronic“. . -."o-\'. Sillzsl'at'liun guaranteed. nea- -n;';~.h2o- H'!‘m.~1. -|)at0s of saly's mjuln u Hu- ("nrnmvlo Office or WIHI Inm- wanso-d Auctumovr fur County M m-\ I'mmm :mnnlinn in sales. Rea- ..nxzhlu h‘l‘flh‘ and sutishu'tlou guar- .u:t.-».x, lmh-s mad» at The Durham «mum-i» nHim- hr with R. C. \Vatâ€" ‘ »n \"n~ln-\'_ [ML 1. thw 604 r“. FUNERAL SERVICE , va Modern Funeral Parlors Phone Kingsdale 4344 Toronto 122â€"124 Avenue Road I. Haddocks )ohn V4.83!" luz'muv'lx' Hf I’leshorton BATES BURIAL C0. 1m. w. c. PICKBRING, DENTIST 'nll'l'irh'l's’, SUNCIUH'S. L'lC. A mem- '1' M Hu- firm “ill be in Durham Mn wwuy uf mu'h week. Appointments \ 1w made with the Clerk in the ll . , given tor the price of four. Telephone calls treated as cash with order if paid for before Saturday night of week ordered. Minimum charge for first insertion. 25 cents. On all charge orders a straight charge of 1% cents a word will he made each insertion. minimum charge 35 cents. Owen Sound. “um-y. latch :1, 1m PH [.ic‘msed flurlioneer Med ital Directory. ”TH" QKEUBEN C. WATSON I )enlal Directors» Legal ‘Dz'rectorv XLnx. MacDONALD Classified Advertiéements 2m: 21. Icngucmnm. cox- LUCAS HENRY DAN. ”CLEAN \m'Hhm-N' for (Immty 0f ~‘l'm'imn guarmltmui. Rea- 'm~'. ham Hf salt-s |_n_:u|6' AND 8. COP:- Durham. PROPERTY FOR SALE IN VARNEY, THE PROPERTY OF the late Thomas Long. Good house about 20x34, full-size cellar, and well located; one acre of land, good sta- ble; hard and soft water; cheap to quick purchaser. Apply to Middle- hro’ Burns, Solicitors, Durham, Out. 1 27 3mpd FRAME HOUSE FOR SALE; ON Qum-n SLâ€"Smith Bros. 2 21; U FOR SM.E.â€"â€"A NUMBER OF GOOD building lots on Gear 9 street, North of Skating Rink, Dur lam. Apply to 1). Hopkins. 2 21 if most nnw: all mm'o-nivm'vs: run- tmlly lucutml “11' highway. Apply 13y lo-Hvr unly tn flux :53. (,lhrmlivhs ”When. 3 H) U 1:11.111 1111111111 saws. '1W11 111 11‘ March 17 . 81311 (“11 cowx 1 V9818 11I1l (11111 April 1. Apply H1°111'y 11111131111 Pricvvillv, Route 1 3 17 1f DOUBLE HUI-'SE AND LOT, WITH twn barns and gum! orchard: a gum! inwstnwnl rvtm-ning 15’; intvm-st: will sell clwap fur rash. Apply l0 Mrs. .l. (I. valo-rsun. chwmu'h. (mt. Hum! snfill brick house: “In Hara- fraxa stnwt, Durham; 7 rooms and bath; {Finn's-s uf land; yuung urch- zml; ham! and snft \vutm'; vie-atria lights; Iu-w l'ummov. Fur I'm'tlu-r particulars apply on prvmisvs I) A. McCormick. 3 3 6w]. 331122 @233 52.... 72:2: ..r_._._.z<:3 >72 .2”..._.z<>’ ._.<H._:.: HHAHDI‘IHS \VAN'I‘EI)câ€"AI’PLY. AT {Illl'dmivln HITH'P. H 28 If \VHHK \\';\.\"l‘l'll).-â€"'!‘HI'I CHRON- Hfln .Iuh Plant is wvll equipped for turning: «ml. the linvst wnrk nu short. “New. tf J.\IIK>‘H.\' II: \.\I' \mmx l.\' I«‘III.<'I'- class condition, onh 113ml Hum months. \pply .lamw‘ BIIIIIIII‘. INH- IIIIIII. .i 17 .i In! KNHX I'Nl'l'lih «LHI'IUZH mum Hum-wt. 'l'uwn Hull. Durham. 'l‘m's- clay o-Vo-nmg. Marc-h 22. The Chair \VIH muwmt. the» nmsival npvroHa. IN ).\"|' W ”U SIL'III‘IHC S'l'. PATRICK ~ix u'rlm-k «Im‘m' in ”In Prvshytm'- Ian chum-II. Friday. March 18. Ad- miwwn Wu. Hhiloh'o-n :30". .‘i 102 "The full It'll!- smu- «LUMINH. .\H.\l.\'â€" ”NW. 1%. KATY" Hw \U'H-knuwll hptimll spurinlirfl. In l‘o'liMo' \cllll' o-yc'sight H'HIIMP. HH \Vc-clm-soluy. Marvin 23. at tho- Hahn Hnusw. Durham. maniac-luv. pain In HH‘ twnwlo's and «we halls. «lizznws‘s .lvfm-Hw \‘isinn H-livwcl through prnpo-I'l)’ “Hm! glflssvs. AS Pl'nf. Kan. is knnwn tn 1w mu- m' [In- mnst skillml and t-xpm'ivnm-cl 0|)- I‘H'ians uf tmlay hp ran lwhp vwn thnngh ”Hm-s haw failml. Runwm- hwl' HH' olah'. “0111 miss it. GOOD DUI‘BLE HOUSE' IN I_'PPER Town: wall lucatml on main street; olncli'ic lights: in first-class repair; will soll cheap to quick bypr. For furilmr particulars apply Mrs. A. W. H. Lander. Durham. 2 3 6 BUTTER, MILK, CREAM SERVICE Wu will ho m ”w markM fnr Hm wintvr mnnths fur purr milk Imfi rrmnm. Orders takvn for rhnicr- dairy buttl‘r delivo'rml “ff the rig; also buttm'milk.--\\'at.~'on's Dairy. "'I‘III- link-II? HIiIlI-” II [Ilzn iIIim in]! Hi InlliI kiIIg illlmHl' and O'XH'I- it‘lli. siIIgIIIL'. l‘. “WP” girls IIIIIIPI' HII- sIIIII-I'Visiun ”i MIS. \\. H. AIIIII' “ill IiillH'O' HII- SI'uI'f IMIIICP. SOmPHIiIlfi-fi' O’IIHI'PIY IH'\\' in ”In [H'OIIIP IIf Dur- IIIIIII. .\IlnIi.~'.-inII 30 I'Iiiits' Plan 0! .-'I III. “I” II7~ :Ii Mm Ruth 5 DI Hg Stom- .IIIIII'I'III)..\l-IIIIII12. $17; The School is thoroughly equipped to lake up the fnllowing courses: (1) Junior Matriculation. (2' Bah-anon to Normal SC'lllni. Earl: momber of the Slat! is a [Tm- wrsilv Graduate and exmrienced Teachrr. .r Intending pupils should prepare h enfm' at I‘mginning 0! team. Informatmn as to Cnurses may be nhminorl from the Principai. ' Tim Schonl has a creditable recnrd in the past \\ inch it lmpes to main- tain in the future. ' Durham is an attractiw and hen!!!“ tmxn. and good ar'commnda. Iion can b? nbtainr'd at rmsnnablp rates It Will Pay You to Advertise in The Chronicle. DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL ARTICLES WANTED .l. A. 3|. ROBB. B.:\.. Principal JOHN MORRISON. Chairman. COMING EVENTS NOTICE TO FARMERS FOR SALE OR RENT FOR SALE 107M Obliging “BIN, is Iliis IIII- “I'lIi IIII “hii‘h IIII- gIIIzII iIIIIIlII “as I'.nIII.'III '"’ ask- IIII IIIII Inlil'isi. "Nu. sir: than. IIII ill IIIII IIIII III Iiw IIill.” I'Isplimi IIII- IIIIIIVII imy, "IIIIIII'. IiIIIIr!" I-xvlaiIIIIIII IIIII iIIll|'- isI. IIIIII. IIIII<I iH‘ II IIIilII a“ l\ \\ In IliIilli IIIII\ IiglII in Ile IIIIIII. ’ I summw IIIIIIIIHI- Iliis IIIII I'III IM iii-.lniig‘ In IIIIIIIII- IIIIIIISIIII. HII III'VI‘I' wIIIIlIi IIIIIII his Iii-III I'HI' Inn‘- HIilIII. IIIII PVI'II I'III' IIIII \‘IHIILUI spurts.“ Grain and Hank get your my 1:] prime «m mm! 1: LN. Us (glintv _\'H [ do-sirv In thank all my I'rimul» \VIIH haw mkc-u sn grunt an "m- lvrvsl. in my sum-ms in Hm l’nm' Hnntowl by pro-sunmm mv with \‘I'h'h I'N'c'iVWl frum purvhasc-s nmch- m ”In mrémm Mum's illtvrvstc-«l. 'I‘hvn' imc'ro'st and JQimlm-ss is \‘c'l'_\' muc'h :Ipm'o-vialml. So-wn rmma llrirk wnoo'r: hall: mum and o-lM'lrlr lizllls; harcl and salt. walrr m kllvlu-n: gum! gal-alnn; gnml lnrallnn: lmmmlluln pmso-ssion. Apply ln Mrs. .lnhn Brynn. Durham. 3 H) .‘ilul PIANO FOR SALE l'prigllt Plan“. likv nvw: lc-aclinu nrako': will svll for haianru unpaid. Apply lu-furv April 1: special prim.- l'nr cash. nr hm, yo-ars' limo. will lw givml. Fur particulars apply Box ll. Durham, Unl. 3 l7 2 It Will Pay You to Advertixe in The Chronicle. \Vl') (ARMY spl‘lm.’ Hm «H'I'l's‘ Hf Iaiicl, \wll \Vzilm'ml: M :u'I'o-s hardwmul hush: 0m- mil.- man of Durham «in Provincial lliuhway; 2mm! sc-x'rn-rnnm hmnsr- will: largo- wmulsliml; wind hank hard :m xiii). slum». inundation; hay l'ui'k. liHm' warring plows, harrowa, riiltimtm', olisv. Much-r. wagons. slvighs. 2000 ”LR. SHI'OS, midi-01.31.: in- i'uhalnr. hrnmlvi'. 600 "is. Molnuc wwuratM; shm'vls. le'kS, IIOOS. l'akvs' vhains. limisi- partly furnished. Will wll at a bargain few quick sale. Apply F. W. Kl'lso-y. Boxs’i‘i. Dili'pam. 3 3 t Being Lots west half of 1. Gore A. :37» acres; the east half of 8 on the 3rd Concession, 50 acres; and 100 acres on the 3rd Concession, all in the Township of ligremont. These properties will be sold en bloc or separately and sold cheap to quick purchaaer. For further particulars apply to Mrs. J. J. Smith. Varney. R. R. 1. or at residence- of}: J; Stevenson. __ FOR SALE Cook stove, Crown Huron. coal or “mad. usc‘d 8 months. Cheap for cash. Chronicle Office. 3 10 2pd FAR! FOR SALE OR REIT 100 ACRES “'ITH BARN AND HOI’SE nr-ar town at Durham. Estate nf thn lain J. Imvinv. For furthnr [val-Hm)- lax-9 apply to I). Kinm-n. Durham. 33!! FARM FOR SALE OR REIT HO acrv-s 20ml land: lots 3 and 6. Con. 21. Em'nmont: goqgl hush; well fencnd; wnll walored; drilled WP”; 20ml honsp: bank barn and silo. \Vatprwnrks in stamp. For further particulars apply George 8. Law- rence, Mount Forest 2 2b ipd HOUSE TO SELL OR RENT JUST LIKE A MANâ€"- Mush-1' .l If nym (0% nmm4 own 410mm Errozmixmnm 60 (CC 42% (DC Puma roofi 5 Loan Ian. .6cnm4mn9mrm. omaflfilllllllnlk 0:40“ 42m @003 ’ 8H GOLLHISURE FEELSORQVFOQ P0662 LI'L WNW GA‘LOO- H‘s WiFE‘S KlCKED HM OUT OF 'THE HOUSE AND THE POOR LIL FELLER \9 351A HOMELESS AND ALONE. SH'W I n CARD OF THANKS FARMS FOR SALE FARM FOR SALE FERTILIZER S .UJ. “HAM-IS I’HR :u'clo-zx i'z'ops. Clu'apm' in I; I”? m NIH}; Sm-Nul wl lnlUsphfl‘“ H! («1' luts. w }.n'l Hn ynm' supply {'HI' It. \Vilf-‘ml. Lannmnn SI Ewen 8: Son, hurl: THE DURHAM CHROI! ELE l'lwm- H's 16H UH One Needing Sympathy \Irs‘. (Emulsulv: "Why. .lniumy. :n'n you just. gutting lmmv- mm"! ,MHII' muilwr‘s Inn-n lnukim: fun ym: all ul'h'rlmnn.“ .lulmm': “Yu-"In, l kncmp" Mrs, Humlsnlo-t "Just. think Imw \Vou'rim! slw mm! lw.“ .luimm': ":Hh. sin-3' mmr tlw vml .lnlmnyz "\'u.~'m, l knmx'." Mrs. Hmnlsnlv: "Just. think lmw \wn‘rim! slw must lw." .Iuimm': ":Hh. @lw‘s llPfll’ tlw vml n' hm wm-ryilv‘. ‘l'm ,iusc. lu-unmm' mim'.” FARM STDCK AND IMPLEMENTS at Lot 5, Con. 11 Glenelg 'l‘lw Ilmlvrsiunml mwtinm-vr Inas' loo-m instrm'lml 1.. WII by pumw nun-Hun Hun I'ullmvilluz :: hnrsvs. 1."! Inn-ml 'zlltlv: In-nml snw: '4 pigs, six \n-o-ks MIN: 10 51mm plus: I?» \ani Ian-cl 4-\vv.~'; :Issul'hnvnt farm implo- mc-nh‘: lmusulmld fumiluw: quantiâ€" ty [my and grain: numvmm ”Mu-r al'tu'lvs. 'l'vrms Hf snlv: h‘ws, lions and mu! nmh-v. m-‘h HI nwnlhs' t'w-«li lmh‘s. ul' 6 [NW 1 for rash in “0|! PHI .1le gm.- SHIII Mlhjm thins." nmst whl his farm [hand Ymmu. l'rnm'ivtm' tvs. or 6 WW PM”. I' rash in “0'", M n l'hm-n will ulsn I lo. HM imm- day I” Friday, March 25 1927 cwmnno-Iu'lmr‘m I n'v'lm'k slmrp AUCTION SALE 'H'. Lot 8. 2.21 10. Glenelg Bâ€", a merchant in Vancouver, took the first train to Toronto to secure a big order. Jâ€", his rival in Van- couver, called the Tor- onto customer by Long Distance and sold him over the telephone be- fore B’s train hnd reached Calgary. The safest move,’ al- ways, is to get the prospect on the tele- phone at once. If you can’t sell him over the telephone, make an ap- pointment. Then he will wait for you before placing his order. Many subscribers who used to think they l1 ad to make Person-to- Person calls now find that they reach ‘32-'- person they want with Station- to- Station calls. They are quick- er and cheaper. hush . H m W's” ~1m-M ('Imm'. 39ml. H! :u' H' hm. hal- mml. rlmnm: “ah-r. in mmnrw Iml. I'ZVM'y- '~ .WM 215 [H'npl‘ic'hn' has By Geno [non Hay. umin. puta- Ill sums, Hl' $113.0“ uw-r Hm! :mmulll. ull :l:.pl't0\W! ,inillt mu. [H'l' mmmn n" m inlm H‘Xnil .\ll('1iulwd'l H Hflo'l’o'll r0" rot.- nl' lmul I'IIIII. “pa u"- IIIUIUII ll'llltit‘l‘lpl, A .signitlcanl “1W0“ 0' ““13" “if “to Jewish Droolo tako advan- immigrants from “"99 “M towns tm' of an opportunity wlurli t0 the {Elm ”f Ult‘ r"!'(‘d Bull‘s I8 ‘Mnkmns .r“ 3-i‘u‘g up. "slwg‘biauy reported . by ““3 ““1”" Agricul- as the sucrose ot‘ the .lmyisli farin- tural “My 0‘ 3““ “Wk- 'l‘m‘nty- ors is gainoct through “to rxlulu- “VP year? as“ "w an'Sh mm" W!" tum of tho sumo qualitirs as tluum ulat' in that. country was only with “h“... "m. t‘utlwrs “mm 1, .but today it numlwrs mum. Llu-ir nimlrst fortuurs out, of ”m A million arm‘s are now lu‘im: “an. soil." farms-cl liy .lows. the yaluu of whom . real and porsonzil proprrty is mnrrl The Other Old. than “00.000.0tll. Tlioro ari- prom-9 A up.“ man altlu'molim ;. ImJu'n- ising ain'irultural Jt'WlSII rulunios in man amt “km; a" of "w .\'m\- England Matt's and. "\anllt you kindly 1le um mm. "'4‘" in NM” """SQ" and “'3”"""“' Is tllr ut lt‘l' Slt't‘ of tho fi‘l‘t't‘l 1'" JP‘ViSh fal'mt‘l‘s 8ft! lN‘C”n‘|-"F anl't‘ "\Vh‘v‘ "\‘t'l‘ “"5"“. "f t't‘tll'fit'," 51““ and morn common. In sumo rusrs tho linflppnla". "M “"81“" WW!” “k" W'N'llt‘m‘l'o "'l‘liat's funny." niuttvrml ”lt‘ tlh- “Gull” hth‘ llaSSt'd filanSt t'lllll't'l}‘ s" "“0. “I‘Vp o’us' IN‘G‘II “VG'I' ‘i..l"‘|‘ int" “'0 hands "I Jowish farmrrs. fillet tlu-y 'tllti. In" it. “us nu thin This proross is taking plziro rliii-fly gm..." ' in tho olilrr stairs and districts. and , â€"-â€"oâ€"-â€"-â€"â€". it l'l‘UWS that. tlw .lvwisli {armors} You'll tlulli'v tluit .-. muuuu uvwr are surrm-iling \ylirri- “in original tuiut~ it' only \youu-u urv umu'. U. 8. JEWISH PARIS” "That‘s funny.” mqurc-cl ”w “I'- aw (mo. “l'w JURI. lu-vn uwr Hum-v. and HIM («Id m0 It was nu Hm. SHIP “8v of an opporhmity which \‘hnkws am giving up. o-spm'ially as the success of the Jo'wisll farm- mm is ninml memh llw o-xhlhu- tum. uf thu aamc- qualitiw as thmm with whirl: uur fathm's wrung U'wil' mmhmt forlum-s um. of Hm hard mil." “Wuulc ynu kindly lvll mu Mun-h is “II' 0' HT sidv M ”In sh'm‘t 1’" “Why. uwr Hu-rv. of vnm'sv," said "In lmlig‘vmlll. wa England {armors gnw up Um job. “(‘A‘ruinly no (me can mm- pllin.” says tho lumen Transvmm. "if the ‘Jc-wish pmplo takn advan- PAGE 7.

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