West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Mar 1927, p. 8

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pmw' .Hul "wi'niw' sc'luml . tutu'ln'l' 99-“c i'Hl' Tha- hunui' ho-stuwm! up hing :; the [tl't‘M'HiilHHH Hf :'. M‘H mum-â€" xvi-din» in him :i' the .\nnn:il Ho'- ainzl l‘nvn-‘iiio-l at whivh uVo-i' thn hnnoh'wl mn'ht's \\'t'l‘0' [ire-lent. 'I'hv vlv'liuto- ho'M In“ ”I“ \‘minz.’ quilvs' Sawio't)’ was tho- nmin feat- tin'o- Hf tho- i'o-milzu' Tun-witty ev'ninfl mow-ting. In spite 0f the int-lenieno')‘ ni’ tho- wemhei‘ a wry gnmt audio-nee “it" present. The sllhjt‘t‘t was "Re- wlvm‘l that. Smilanil has produced greater men than Ireland." The af- firmative wad upheld by Mr. John \h-lmmld and Miss Catherine Mc- Lean while Mr. Ervin Sharpe and Miss Flnrence Kress were the de- haters on the negative ‘side. The affirmative speakers capahly upheld their 3 went but the judge. Mr. Harold . cKechnie gave the decision in favor of the negative. side by t and Hal Water! Water! Water! ED. J. PRATT Ml. No. A. Durban. Phone .43 (Our Own Correspondent) .\II'. and Mrs. “III III» .\II_°KIII"IIIIIII aIIII IIIIIIgIIIIIr MaIgaIIII. IIf IIIIIIIanI ‘lIIIllI IhII \\IIIIk IInII “iIII IIIII IIIIII‘I’P- ‘ IIIII'IIIIIs. Mr. and Mrs. . .Il. \II‘kI'I‘S. 'l‘III- IIIIIIIIIII IIIIsInIIss mIIIIIiIIg m‘ IIIII LIIIIIIIs' Aid was IIIIIII in IhII I‘IIIIIIh on Thursday, MarI‘II III. TIIIIIII “as II IzIIoII IIIIIInIIaIII II '1 In tho IIIIIII: “as IIpIIIIIIIl IIiIII a hI'mn IIII'III II “as IIIllIIIIIIII III IIIII IIIIIIIing III III" SII'IIIIIII-II. IIIsson anII lIlaVI'I' III RIII. H.I .I II kIngIIIn TIIII IIIIII" l‘I'IIHI’I III' IIIII SIIIIIIII) II as I'IIaII bv III» .‘N'(' I‘I‘I'Ill') IIIIII :IIIIIIIIIII IhaI aIIIII' all IIxIIIInIIIs IIIIII IIIIIIn paiII IIIIII-II II as still II sIlINIflIlIIaI balanIIII IIII hand. FOIIIIIIIIII: III'II IIIII nI'I‘II'III's IIIIII'IIIII {III' IIIII LIInlllIgV \I‘aI‘I PI INIIII‘III. Miis FIIIIII .\II- IIIIIIIIIII: \iI‘II I’I'IIsiIIIInI. I MIN. IIIIII IZIIIIIIs: SIII'I'IIIIII'}. )lIs. “'IIIIIInI FIIIIIIII: 'II'IIIHIIIIII' III IIIIIs. I .I‘III's‘. IIIIIII‘gI' .\II‘\'IIIIIII‘I'1I’II‘3II flfi \\III'I{. “IN. WIN. I.IIIIIIIII 'IIIIIIHIIIIII'i III \UII‘k I’IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII. .\II.~'. S. H.‘ HI'IIIII'III-‘L .\IIIIIIIII'~'. “I‘Z .II'III I’III'II'I'I and MN. IIFI \VIIIIII'I‘Z III -IIIII.~'I. XII“... \l mmhip t rim Mm mum-ml Thu d0 PPOMOS’ 1 Those who» “urn up around 11 [am on Saturdav night wwrn astonishvd to 490 tho barn of Mrs. Nob!» on tho 2nd of Brntinrk in a mass of tlamvs. It was visit)!» for miles around and attrartml quit? a rrnwd. Practically everything was tit-stroymt. .\n M'- erturno-ct lantern ii said to haw bm-n ttw cause. 31mm. Jim and .100 .(Jrnlchlvy wo-ro' m Bo-rklow 0n husmvss Hm “wt 01' Hw \W‘t‘k. Mrs. lmIgIle SPI\POI a damn: IIIIII'h. ESSiSU'O‘ by sewral Hf the] ladies and m am fine “as high in? Ulf'il' pram» nf the) O'H‘flillgs ”1-, joyment. 9 Mr. G. If. Hawkins: return”! tn‘ \Ithur afh-I'a fr“ IlaH‘ \isi' “ithi his daughter. Mrs. Bob MOItlm. ; MI. and Mrs. .\lc.\'-alh. DIIIham Mr. D Mm .\I°thIII and Miss )loIIon \wu- \isilnu at tho CIIItChlm hnmc last \\ 09k . ThI- I-I'gulal munthh mI-I'ting 0f the IMI'IIOI-II \\. 1. mm. at. (ho hum!) of Mrs. Hmcv [)aIgawl on “ml- nvsclay I-H-IIIIII: last. Thm'v va-II nearly 40 ladies and mm prvsvnt. 17 of which wvrn mnmhm's. Thu I‘PgIIlaI mm ting was dispensml “Ith ech-pt for the business and tlIeIIa mush al programme was gixen after “Inch the 1th (If the evening “as spo-nt, III gamvs and dancing. 'l‘lw OMI'I' "HP." sI-I-nII-Il t0 outshinv HIP yHIIDL’I'l' ”III-s at. the lattm- pastimv as Hwy all hmk part in HIP IIM fav- (H'HI'H such as Hm SI'ntI'II I'W'l and otho'rs. l Sm-ry tn hear that. Mas-tr? .lavk Bell has bow-u sivk. “'u hope that lm .«mn I'o-rnvo-l's. (Our Own Correspondent) Mr. and Mrsjmnald Stow-art and family nf Alwrdm'n apt-m an own- ing lust wm-k with Muythurs. SH. and Mrs. Thomas McMullen \ mitml Hwir daughtpr. Mrs. Edwards .112. Lo-Ho-I' Brown. last Friday. Th0 snow wvnt rapidly when it startmt. Many, no doubt. are wish- ing that it had rpmainml longer. '1' ho- tmggio-s aw running. Mr. Hm'bvl'. the Rawleigh man. also» paid a visit in this line last week. le mum-a! of NW lato Adam FPlt’k. Sr" which wad [WM 138! 'l'hur-uluy aflm'nonn was largely alâ€" U'nzlvd. “'0 «atom! sympathy to the bo-ro-mwl «mm. MN. Hurdun Rheil Of Hanover, Ham-d last vak for several days With lwr fatlu-r, Mr. John I). Milk-r. )1 1°. I’Mvr Haetz attrndfld the fun- M'al n! his uncle. tho» lato Henry Kaufman. 0! Clifford. last Wednes- day. Swan Sclwnk. Uw 33393301; made his annual ll'lp Up this hnc last Wo'ollwsday. Mrs. Christina Lvihnld is spend- mg 3 NW Ga '5 with how daughter, MN. Urvin. 0 [war Ayton. PAGE 8. Why take a chance end use water that is polluted and unfit for domestic use. when Pure Water can be had by having a well drilled. We trundle Pumps and Pump Re- (Our Own Correspgndeqt) )I'I'V. Im .‘lilno [n.- mum Mulock still It. “I usly skill. m. 511.3114! Mus. Dougalai McDonald \isitml lust wwk mu. Mr. and 3113. N. Lamont and famih. Brant. “9 mm smn \ll. Lamont is not cnjny- mg wn gnod hvalth as he is sul- Mun: {mm mmplivations of the flu. point. at the same time compliment- ing all four debaters on the good material and also on their delivery The debate was a close one and the rnntrstants were eventy matched. cm his {nut badly. Dr. Jamigson nf Durham was rallm! and put m sev- vral stitchvs to close the. wound. Mr. James Ledingham and daugh- to-r Blsiv. of Durham spent a day re- wmly with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Buy-:- and family and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Buyvv. Miss Irene Dunn is under “the Car» uf Dr. Jamieson at present with ph'urisy. “'0 home Irene Will 8mm bu able- to be up and around again as usual. “.\li'. Clifford Adlam. son of Mr. and Mrs. William Aollam. while limbmg up trims was 50 unfortunate as to Crawford Rev. Samuel lrivin of Hartney, Man, who is on a Visit to the’Or- eharcl and Pinller families as well as some of his old school mates of boyhood. hack in the seventies, visited the Barbour and Lennox families last week. We have. a slight remembrance of him. more-es- perially in athletic performances. and he am still do some stunts with apparet ease. His birthday comes on March '22 and he purposes vis- iting his cousin, Mrs. E. Johnson, in 'l‘eeswater at that time. who cele- brates hers on the 23rd. The community danceis of the no“ sunm an;- holding a dance this Tuesdm night at the home of Mi. Wesley Andrews, possibly the last one until after seeding. Corner Concerns (Our Own Correopondent) Mr. Arthur Lawrence gave a danc- ing party to friends last. week which 111-9va to ho a wry enjoxamg affair. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE 200 acre farm from Stanley William- son on the 12th con. and this week Mr. Dave Young has sold his fine pmpm‘ty. lot 5 on the 11th (3011. to a Mr. Gowan from near Borkvloy. Dave is having a big sale somn day towards the end of next week. More farms have changed owners this season than for many a year. Lately MAP. Jas‘. Goofiwnl} bought. the Mr. E. R. Pearl is laid up at pre- sent, requiring medical aid. He has leased his pasture farm on the 4th con. to Mr. Herb. Allen for one year. piles out are Mess s. P. Nelson, Ch’as. McClocklin, W, Xian, 3. Allen, Geo. Black and Alex, cDonald. A deer passed through our sugar hush on Monday, heading westward. Mr. Ed Cook of C‘N. 11., Palmer- ston]; was home the first of the wee . Mr and Mrs. Will Campbell and boys I Welbeck were visitors at the M Clocklin homestead over the week end.- ' The 1927 Safety Convention will be held at the King Edward Hotlv Toronto, on Monday and Tuosda). May 9th and 10th. The pIogIanInIII Committee has already alTallgL'd I'm an excellent programme and has included among the list of spI-Iikors Mr. A. 0. Dawson, Vito I'I'I'sidvni, Canadian Cottons Limited, MUIIII'I‘aI. Mr. V. A. SinIlIIiI. K.C.. Ullallnlall Workmen’s Compvnsation BIIIII II, 'III- ronto, Mr. 8H L. BI'OOI’DHPIL’ ”I'llt'lill Motors of Canada, Linlih‘d (IslIImII. and MI' Louis Blako Dull of W I’Halld. Tho Committm‘ on Hotol \lHIlIgP- nII'nts has SI'HIH‘d tho 9”ch hall Ioom flow of tho King J .dVHIld Holvl and will in this way provide amplu makers. We managed to sidle in a- bout the time lunch was served; but paid the penalty by having to tell fortunes by “cup-reading." SAFETY COIVBITION ll HAY Padre: “Do you 18k" this “mm: for buttor or wurst?" Hardm“: "('m. liw-r almw. [ nvxu sausage nm'w!“ The Tenth Annual anm-al MW: ing of tho Industrial Am-hh-nt I'x» vellum! Associations will lw n “a: turn of mu first clay of thc- Sulvh Conventinn. l.t..-4hlmu-I A. u. 'l Bom'dmnrc- will prvsidv a this nwwt mg. e for the mmmodation III II... legumes. Mr. W. 8. CampbeJI (If “I“ 41W- dim General l‘l'lm‘tlic (In LIIIH I» chairman of III» ComnIIIIeI- IIII ham \ CIOIHOIIUUII and MI. I-‘. M. KIIIIIIIII-.: President of BIIsIIIIIss SI sII-IIIs I III Itvd. Toronto. III ‘III‘â€"‘ II«aIIIII.IIII 'II... UnnInIIIIIm has IIIIIIIIIMI InI Ils sl..- In'all fOI' HII‘ 1927 CHIIVI'IIIIIIII "LIIIIII Dvlvuatvs I'I'UIII “I" TIHVIIS IIIIII I..t Ies". Thu-Id”. larch 17. 10:7 looting at. the Altar IUCH UNEMPU IN 80R VOL 6". \‘u :2 All. lcCam In; This Drsu‘m. Week and S. "Oldg U! r11} Detron A!» M Th0 p. ing up. I trynu: 1 IIIIIHH‘I' UH! lu'u canu‘lq by Mltvl Llh‘hmm imlmssll mm'stun 'oumvy ‘m-swat “I!“ THE“! (Old H.- 1 km'tnu ' pus“ It m C(Jnnmm 0pm” HI Um rm fall. Mt CUPHVH wm'k. 1| “'83 an: fur sun qum- : it. It; (Mt-0n I own pm 00“!” c custody says H as Imu: Speaklm and “My“! nor. Mr. .\I Unousanch present, nu Univ lem johh 1H 3H have" [Hum '00 thaw u now than 1 arv Hut M on! of Iml lion. NORTHERN TIN NOT )E ”1'. Jul”: 1 from Ml's. 1-; . on Garafrzuu 88in“ Hw min rs. Brl)“'llill',.'. \M 90808 l‘t’hll'llm'. ~ “'0 rum-1 :9..- Min‘ and mm (mum luck) by In; pH-fo-i' supp“ \‘H‘ in i1 Ml that, "I 111 lw c-ww? cal ('HIMI‘ varicms 2' look is 1' (We-on 'l‘u‘ not kucm. of un- I’m .fld We Held I Dux‘ha Played uat l'rnh van.- plu )‘ ”l1 1'“ plaV. tvam {Pt-l h'hurt AHo wacusw a .\| H Hard '1 Captured WI 'resiclo'l

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