â€"â€"‘-v -- “Now is a good time to overhaul the implements. “hy leave ii. umii )‘ln a tow wvoks there will be a rush to gal on tho land. and with commratively little plowing done last fall no time should ho lost OnCt' ttm soil is roatly to work‘. It wry often happons that there is de- lay in gntting implements to work satisfactorily. Parts may be badly worn. bolts may b0 lost. and. in some cases, a trip to town is neces- sary before work can be commenced. In two many casm the repair of mac-him-ry, both on tlw farm and Plsowhm‘v is 10“ until â€10 busy season arriws. with Um result. that much valuable timo is lost in un- productive labor that should have been pvrfm'mm‘l during the slack season. In llw case of farm imple- mpnts Tl‘ne Aquatqsays: 'l’lwro- i-a sumo wimlvsumo ach'l'cn in tho inst issuo of Tim Farmer's Advocato anont tho ropairing of tho farm implements hot‘oro the busy «moon is upon the farmers. Ono ag- ricultural journal rorontly gave somo good advice whon it advised {armors not. to waste thoir time now running around to anction sales and haw to quit work next haying season in order to cut wood for cï¬nnon \\'.- thvml an invitation to all I-iiI/o-Iis In \inin with us and makn 'l'hi- IZIII-IIIIII'III what it could he win 6‘ IiiiM'IIs and staff tn ('O-OpI‘P- «to» in ghing publicih to Ihn in- Inn-sting nmxs of tho. distlict. so-mzi'iw ui' Hm wlmln pc-Opln of its rummunity anol it is a regrottabln fart. tlml. lhia impnrtant feature is nl'lvn fnrm‘illo-n. To put the matter lilunlly~~llm wwkly nnwsnapor is primioly nwnml but bvlongs to tho mmmunily. \\'lwllwr a rm'ro-sponolnnt or not. 01- who'lhm' a suhsrrihm' m' not. Th0 dlln'unic-ln will wvlromv nnws from :1th splnwa prmioling it is reliabln and nut. giwn will: inn inlo'nlinn m' liln'lim: wimoflimly’s fi'w‘lings 01' pay- in}: MT {1 grmlgv. If you 1(an of anything lmmmning in yfmr district Thu Chronii'ln will lm plmsed l0 hau- il. and ii. willing to pay all tric- phnnn mulls to secure it. All it takes is a little of your time, and thn romnmnit)’ Spirit is strong enough in must of us. it is to ho honed, to‘ .In this murli for the district inl wliii'h \Vi' ro-sioli'. l and simply and the {lows 0f m1 mnmty whnch OWHN newr now POVPI'NL c-nuntr-y dish-wt “ï¬r-IPAHHNH THE IMPLEMENTS" Tho large number 0! new sub- scribm's added to our lists since the ï¬rst. of NW yvar. is also a matter uf â€utilisation and to these, too, we may slam our intention is to make pwry vfl'm't to mnrit their confl- dvm-v and by every means in our pnwo-r keep The Chronicle in the Hunt. rank as a distributor of the humu-nings at this town and Vicin- NV. vv‘r‘."‘ "wvv No, w». are not goin to got swelt- hoaotmt ht't'alls‘t' or tm many kind things that haw hm-n said during tho past t'vw months. We am simply not built that way. Rather, w“ shall â€dig in" harder than over and 'atto-nwt. to mo-rit and ro-tain the Opinions hold by thoso who have hm-n suhsrrihors to this great fam- ily journal in tho‘past. v- â€" “-'W 0"... Prally thm' than any small-town paper [In sums, and 110 takes a good many. and in its goneral make-up and tho- lhnrnughnass with which H. uppnro-ntly row-rs tho! nnws of the distrit-h is thn host. advertisement thg ohl home-0M) could have. Thr Chronicle editor «and stat! ap- prm'iato- wry much the many kind wnrcls rm-vivml during Um past rel xwwal so-ason rplativc to the merits 0! Thu dim-«mic!» as a purveyor of news for Durham and clifltrict. Ono subsrrihm- in the l'nitml Statrs says Th0 llhmmrlv is as good. and gon- Whosoever is afraid of submit- ting any question, civil or religious, to the test of free discussion, is more in love with his own opinion than with the truth.â€"WATSON. Published every Thursday morning at the of! ice, Garafraxa Street, Durham, Ontario, by Frank Irwin, Editor and Proprietor. The Chron- icle is mailed to any address in Canada at the rate of 32.00 per year, 31.00 for six months, 50 cents for three months, 25 cents for one month. To any address in the United States of America, $2.50 per year, 31.25 for six months, 65 cents for three months. Foreign sub- scription rates on application. Member Canadian Weekly News- papers Association. PAGE 4. Thursday, larch 24, 1927 TH .-\N K YOU Monlank: “He tried to build a house according to the plan without Spending any mare money~than the nulli'wcl'a estimate called for." Carleton: “What has turned Ham- i!ton‘s hair grey in so short a tune?" As'I walked out through the town tonight, dim phantoms flanked my way as mist-wreaths mingled, wan and white, with shadows wan and gray. I might have grown afl‘right- ed then to see those shadows there like pallid shapes of spectral men who once were strong and fair; I might have shrunk on fearful feet from every swaying shade or fled away in swift retreat. all breathless and dismayed; but as I wandered there alone. through town for mile on mile. a light from every dwelling shone. and with each light a‘ smile! A smile. for every ray that came. its golden strength to prove. was from some glowing hearth-flre‘s flame. some lamp that steamed for love. How could my way he lonely then. Or aught but. sweet and fair; howl tear pale mists or phantom men, with love's bright beacons there? NOTES 8: COMM NTS William Mrt’iathvrn. tm tlhatham nvgro. St‘ntl‘nm'll in «loath H11 3 rha â€.w- m†rommittinr.’ a svrious of- t‘o-m-u :gainst. an 82-yonr ohl .mly. has hail his St‘lltt‘llt't‘. commuted to lil'o inwriscmmvnt. amt lashos. Tho «'rimr- WIN a most. rvvolting ono. anol whilo no «mo wishos to fault. our .imliriary. \Vo tool that. tho com- mutation of tho «loath srntonro was a mistako. Jail has no horrors for nwn of tho typo of Mcththorn and while the death sontonrn would not. recall his crimp. it most. certainly would causn others so inclined to l-onsiolor wrll boforo taking tho risk. Canadian womanhood must ho pl'otvctt'cl. “'0. huw' nut. talkml Hm matter OW'I' with anynnv. and do not. know \Vho-thm- m' not. any :u'rammn'wuts are brim: muoln, but thus.- are" our son- timwuts. Furthnr. wn would include in this scho-mv. tho juniors who, whilv not, lasting \'m‘,\' long in the championship raw. mm the players of tomorrow and also furnished us with 'a couple of hair-raising exhi- bitions before they were put out of the running. The Durham hoekey team, how- ever. is worthy of more than the mere thanks ot' the community. Thanks. at. best. is but an emptV manner in which to acknowledge ’their worth to the community durâ€" l mg the past two or three months. \‘oVV that the season is 0V er and the lstieks and other paraphernalia t~toi ed away until next. winter, their at hieVelueuts are likely to ho over- looked. Had they won the Northern League tltiampionshii‘i. there is little doubt. they would have been hanqueted. This is no reason. how- ever. why they should not he ten- ldered a banquet. anyway and We .would suggest. that. this he looked :after by either the Town (louneil or a deputation of citizens" We would [not rare to suggest. in just what manner the banquet should he ar-i ranged. but it, eould either he held at the Hahn Hmise. providing ar-i rangemo‘jrnts (could he made, or take More in the Town Hall or other puhlie building and the. eatahles mpplied hy the ladies of the town. this is unimportant. The prin- ,(ipal thing: in our mind is that §<onie it“: ognitieu should he shown the liovs. who have sacrificed their time ten the amusement. ot' the rest' of us. This should he done. and done. at once. for with tho roming oi’ spr inir. their pioVVes< on the ire will soon be forgotten VV ith the probabil- ity that the eloqe ot' the most, sue- (t'thUl season in local hockeV his- [on will iemaiu unnotea. l ' At. this junrture we feel that we will be but voicing the sentiments of the community when we extend to both the boys on the team and the n'ianagement the thanks of the town and H)llllll\ tor the real enjm- ment they have [llt)\itlt‘d for 115 this winter. The Durham team is a leim of real amatems‘. and being an ‘11]- Durham tez.1m their achiewment in almost getting to the tOp of the heap is \untln nt' commenitaion. Thm haw lumen themseh es good sports, haw pla5ed the game, tor all that was in them and, we think, ori rather, know that without them the‘ winter months would have passed very slowly for the great hulk of the citizens The hockey season of 1927 is nvor, and while the Durham interme-l- 11111911 did not bring home 3113' cham- 11111113111113 they got into the ï¬nais 111 11111 N111th01'n League, [11.13 P11 111109 1111111115 1111' 1111' 11131. position 111 this l1-11gu11 111111 \11 1‘11 111111113 0115. 1-11 110m 1111-. top position 113 01113 01111 goal. “l’se paint freely on all wooden parts; _spare not the oil and grease. See that every part ï¬ts and be ready for the patches of light grey soil that proclaim the coming of seed- time." “Pull ou the tillage implements, at least, and go carefully over them, noting the parts needed or parts which may be needed before the seeding is ï¬nished; also, make a list of the length and size of bolts most commonly used in putting the machinery together. Then, on the ï¬rst trip to town these parts may be secured and will be on hand in readiness for an emergency. the day they are to be taken to the ï¬eld? If a person cannot make the necessary repairs, then it will pa to get an expert for a day. Very o - ten the life or the machine may be extended several years by adding new parts or tightening up the bolts at the right time. Every farmer has experienced difficulty when trying to work implements that are badly worn, and the unfortunate part is that the delay comes at the most in- opportune time.“ THE RBYMING OPTIMIST T HP} HOCKEY SEASON RETURNS T0 CANADA Sir Henry Dna‘yton is returning to Canada after an extended taur through Eurmw. He will attend tho West’ York Jubilee Banquet on April 27. To Hm Editnr of The Chronicle: [ETTERS TO THE EDITOR THE DURHAM CHRONICLE A great \‘lSlOll challongos us to do our best every mommt that we liw. It takes us out of the narrow circiu of our thouirhls and illuasfancl cun- nocts us with the whole of life. It makes us strong, l‘varluss and con- lillent. It is the secret of hmmim-ss. Tho ability in $00 lwyuml nursvlws znicl lwyuml tho [in-soul limo. and plum,- ucluls lust. to life and makes ll. inlvrostiilg. Hur happinoss, m' lavk nl‘ it. olvlu'llcls lm'gvly Upflll what “'0 inmuinv. un llw nwntul pictum which “1-. mnlimmlly hold helm-u us. ll‘ (mr nit-11ml piclm‘n 1m gloomyl lhvn all lil'u l'ni' us is dark, but if it. lu- bright. llu'n. in spilv 0f cir- cunislancvs. life for us will lm SlH'llt in sunshinu. A great vision, said the speaker, leads to happiness and success. It arouses to action the hidden forces within us. It enhances life and adds to its worth. A vision is like tho gold in the ore or the electricity in the dynamo. It makes life signifi- cant. Prefacing his address with a few remarks in a lighter vein, Mr. Tay- lor was not I , however, in getting into his subjec proper and deliver- ed a very fine address, which, we regret to say, we have neither the time nor space to go into as fully as we would like. Speaking to those who attended the St. Patrick’s supper in the Queen Street Unitied hurch last Thursday evening, ‘the ev. J. Tay- lor, pastor of the Baptist church here, and the speaker of the even- ing, instead of taking the usual procedure at this kind of gathering took his audience rather by surprise and instead of speaking on the life of St. Patrick, chose for his subject “Vision." REV. TAYLOR GAVE ' ' ADDRESS 0N “VISION†Was Principal Speaker at St. Pet- rick'e Supper in Queen Street Church Lest Thursday 1"th Mr. William Brown of Holstoin \‘isitml fur a c'mmln of days with his hl'OHH‘l'. Mr. Thomas Brown, and family here. Mrs. lladlmm of New Ontario is slwmling a couple of months in town with lurr motlwr. Mrs. George “'3“, \x'lm is ill at, Mr home here. Mr. and Mrs. Russell McNealing of Britton are visiting her aunt and nnvlv. Mr. and Mrs. J. Moil'at and grandad. Mr. A. Jiiihiisun. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL ' Mr: J. P. melan of Hamilton “:3? .m town Thursday of last week, vujgtmg his mother, Mrs. 'l‘. Wholan, The evening was a most pleasant one and is but another success to be credited to the ladies of the Queen Street United church. AGoodProa-an Besides Mr. Taylor’s address, the usual excellent program followed the supper. Following a sumptuous repast, prepared in the manner that has become a habit with the ladies of the Queen Street church, this program was thoroughly enjoyed by all. The chair ‘was taken by the pastor, the Rev. J. E. Peters, who performed his duties in his usual capable manner. First there was a piano duet by the Misses Fursman, who also appeared in another part of the program, solos by Mr. W. Benson and Miss M.)Wilson, and a trio by three siste. 3, Mrs. F. E. Mc- Donald, Mrs. B. arrell and Miss Emily Smith. more of burhem’g younger popula- ion in attendance to hear it. We so regret that we are unable at this time’to give more otit. but with the space at our disposal it is impossible to go further into the merits ef’his excellent message to the youth of/the day. Whoâ€"In ever loving mvmm» our dear wife and motlwr. Sn; \Vise. who departed this lii‘u w years age, March 27, 1924. There‘s a sad but. mun-i x'viz- brance, The: 120’s ‘ a mvmom fund :m f 'r lerns «it taken (if afl‘volinn And 0111' “03113 still at I!“ Iâ€! \ liver remen‘ibered by “Ilrloilhi . Family. “Will you love me l‘orwxw, pleaded the voung suitor. “I can't tell you that.“ 00ny plied the sweet young flappm . she gazed at the beautiful nwi‘. he had given her. “but I lmw ‘ for the present." In closing th meeting. all Y!. ladies joined in singing “Praim- «, . z from whom all blessings flow) \1.~ Twamley led in prayer and m.- Lord’s Pmyer was repeatvd m Thmkoflering service on Mal‘t'il :7 This meeting being the last â€I 3;“. 1331', the ofl‘icers were Voted III, . _ [lot for the coming year and '2‘ as follows:. President, Mrs. H. McCIav; \ Pres†Mrs. Mediocklin; Sm .\ \I - Hay; Trelsq Mrs. Wiggins; (‘IIIN .I warmhip Sec‘y, Mrs. \\-I St rs’ Sec’y, Mrs. Robmt Sum. . \ssoculte Helpers' Sec} MIs Nu: _ ling; Assistant. Mrs. TIIIanIle; 5. up plie8,Mrs. Hopkins; [’Iian. 1 of Mission Band, Mrs. Wigginp: \.._ sistant, Mrs. Glass; Press RIIIIIII Mrs. Hay. ma cum: an: [13.1mm L IBHIIG or YEAR (Continued from page 1 “My. larch a. 1027 IN MBHORIAM “THE BO'SN’S WELL Knox Church Chonr pl. Scored Succes “nation of Thiu I Tuesday Night. “Tim I luv m'h. Horn-rt. “Nil Kw 0d hvl't' in â€In 'l of â€Ii-s ('hmr an ('Ollurvu; vaI [m an audu. “In hull own-vi 1:: 0f Hu- . “Hum: n 'l'hv â€w \\'i Harm“ day In with :1 MC'KW‘ R. Hm SERIOUSLY l} HOMES U\ 10W! SH lplld‘tllll of Alla H pm M M. an III I ing a hole. al'v I WIâ€! .l. \V \\ (I HI l m Thursday, Inn rm' lLl