h “M '1». Claxmed Ads. on P... 7. .-h'+_-!"Iw 1:1 The Chronicle. It â€â€™0. Your Affairs \\ \l $18-$30 ono-o‘.~o.o++-o-oâ€"o-o-~O~W \\ Durham, Ontario \\ Thursday. larch 3‘. 1m BANK An Election Pto-ho . . I 1\ .t‘ vanvassing for h. ,.."09H‘.|"' â€l â€â€œ9 0.90.“ ' \; l-Ena'o' Ill Lachill‘ ,' 'w huth‘t'. hilt Him ‘ -w" HI. sum†“Vb :'. : w?‘ :quI 8 pm :H'l if hvl' daddy II] EVIDRH ' ’ 9 0‘ 0 0». Ono-ow dc! , \Hll probably H" way. WM .in “ho-n he rm IIHIP girl, .1 MW (99am. Hlu girl. O'll If this It war Pay You The Chronic“. INT 6:}. 6703'. ‘2. “Cult. um I mun. ‘2‘.) milns southwest of Durham. ron- taming 86 acros. Mostly clear and m gum] state) 0! mltivatinn. Bank barn with shed adjoining and stqne Jami-S, 74'0qu hl‘iP mtnmimn kitchen and woodshqd. “3-H watered. and in good repair. For further particulars apply to William Smith. RR. No. 3. Durham. Mining SPVPH rooms. "mme wnndshed attached: drilled null al dnor: never failing springs on 'ms farm. making a c nice stock farm. This propPrly will be sold (â€glut to quick purchaser. For parâ€" Mmlm-s apply at Watson‘s Dairy. '1 n 3. Durham. Ont. 102523†2'2. l'lgremont. containing 66 acres; '95 iii-res cleared. balance hardwood . ; in good state of cultivation; frame barn 44x50. stone basement. i'nncrete stables; drilled well an: LH't‘ 7. HUN. 2t. ICORICMO‘ST. CUN- tmmm: Inn news; 83 m'res under "Hftnatwn. balance tmrttm‘md hush; vnnwnmtt tu sotmoi: an the prem- mw are a frame titlt'n ~i2x67» ft. with dune {uttltdmtt‘tt; Cnttt'l'vh' stables: 'ttsn hzvv hat‘n 30x30 with stone base- mo-n'; hug pen 20x50; tweiveâ€"ronm tn-H‘t; inmate. furnace heated, 8190 tranw “endshed; drilled well close to house. with windmill; concrete water tanks: 30 at‘res seeded to bay; to arms to sweet clover: this farm is well fenced and in a good . tate of cultivation. For information apply tn Watson's Dairy. [1.3. s. Durnam. Untarw. £02523" REUBEN C. WATSON le'nsvd Auclmnwr fur County of Hwy. l’rnmnt uttmtion to sales. Rea- smmhlo- h-rms and satisfaction guar- mm-ml. Imus made at The Durham Unrunu'iv nfï¬vv “r with R. C. Wat.- wn, \‘urnm'. M}. 1. Phone 605 Hi. 4M! ALEX. MacDONALD Licensed Auctioneer for Co. of Grey. .\lmlm'aln tvrms. Arrangvmvnts im' ~alo'~. :l~ In dzlh's. Mt. may he made at Thu illurmm‘lv Hfï¬rv, Durham. I‘m-nae nu application. Athh'vss RM. 1, Imrhum. thw 61! r 23. Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. DI'HHAM ()WEN SOUND Lumbtun st. 868 2nd Ave. E. lilanq 1: mm: 0' at l lushelton. Upon men Satmdm l. m to 9.30. C. C. Iiddlohro' R. Boak Burns, Owen Sound. Durham. DAN. McLBAN Ltt‘o‘ttM'Qt Auctioneer for Cuunty of «mm Satisfaction guaranteed. [tea- mmwtv tel-rm. ' Dates nf sales made at the Ltn'nnu'te Office or with him- III. A. I. BILL Physician and Surgeon. Ofï¬ce Lamhton street, Du: ham, Ont. Gradu- ate University of Toronto. Eyes tested and corrected. Olflce hours: 2 to 5 p. m.. 7 to 9 p. m., Sundays oxenptcd. C. 6. AND BESSIE IOGILLIVRAY Chiropractors Hracluuh's Canadian Chirupl'actic (lollvgv, 'I'nrnnm. Uflicn Mavfzu'lnno “lurk. Durham. Day and night. phonv HIII'I'IsIIII's. SoIicItors, etc. A mem- lnl’ III Hm III I wIII be. In Umham un I‘m-Mm nf each week. .‘I; :poIIIIIIIeIIts III:. \ 'III- nIIIIIc with the (junk III the llunm Graduate University of Tor- ontu m ulunte lloyal College Dental Sumo-ons of Untalio. Dentistry in all Its branches. Ofï¬ce Calder Bluck. MillStroet. second door east at Maulscth's Drug Store. J. 1.. Sll‘l’l, I. 3., I. c. P. 8. 0. Office and resndence. corner of ununtess and Lambton Streue, oppo- site nld Pmt OUice. Ofï¬ce hours : 9 to II a.m.. 130 to 1; p.m., 7 to 9 pm. (Sundays excepted). D38. Julupl £11.18“)! (mice and rtsndence a short dw- mu'v east of the Hahn House on Lamhton Street. Lower Town. Dur- ham. Office hours 2 to 5 p.m.. 7 to 4 mn. (except Sundays). DR. W. C. PICKBRING, DENTIST Ull‘utu, mcr J. 6; J. iiumer a store, Durham. unlario. H'I'H't' a )" 1 FUNERAL SERVICE New Modern Funeral Parlors Phone Kingsdale 4344 122-1216 Avenue Road Toronto John W. Bates R, Haddocks l‘Vvt'nw'ly Hf I-‘xoshm'mn BATES BURIAL C0. J. r. GRANT, n. n. 3., L. n. s. 0! four. Telephone calls treated as cash with- order if paid for befpre Saturday night of week ordered. Minimum charge for ï¬rst insertion. 25 cents. On an chgrge orders a straight charge of 1% cents a word will be made etch insertion, minimum charge 35 cents. PUNIS FOR SALE Legal ‘Dtreclorv mnnumno' Ann BURNS Lirmsed g‘ludione’er Medical Directory . Dental Directorr Classified Advertisements LUCAS HENRY ~ 2. \V.G.R.. BENTV-VCK' to Advertise in 6 11': 23M 'mmD DOUBLE novss IN UPPER Town; \wll lncaled on main street; vlo‘ctric lights; in ï¬rst-class repair; will so†cheap to 'quick bycr. For .fm'tlmr particulars apply Mrs. §W. H. Lauder. Durham. 2 3 _ We will be in the market for the winter months fnr pure milk and cream. Orders taken for choice dairy butter delivored nil the rig; also bunny-milkâ€"Watson’s Dairy. In Durham on Tuesday, Pithvr nn strm‘t or at. Hugh McDonald‘s sale a wndding ring. extra broad on». Finder plvasv rommuniratn with Mrs. Georgn Yiirs. Durham. 3 24 2 The» Durham IKFI). Live Stock As- suciahon will ship stock from Dur- ham nn Tuesdays. Shippers are romwstm! m giw three days’ netico. James Lawrence, Manager. Phone 60! r 13 sinn “(Mia Apply Box 270,1!011111. mest. or a'! Ireland's stow. PARK FOR RENT I'm ACRES. 3 MILES NORTH HF NImmt Fun-st; mod buildings: farm in unml stah- ..f vultiyatiqx}: pgssvs- Ian [AJIHHS .-\lal Baking": and Car hold a hot 6 nnwlty tabla mama â€n Satunl HHHSE. HANDY SINGLE 0R dmlhlv. Makv :I s~plnndi4l third hm'sn In! flz"llll|o'l; ulsu a good lmggx. \pâ€" p'l} lmnw Pmk \llan Milk. 3.. '" l HUI SI HUI H H HNITI'HE FOR SH\\' \VI'I'H 'I'I'IN PIGS “NF. \VICICK moi that I'm qua] i I 5‘ WWW. (-Pl\',| : l nitml Man in saln â€rival! anwnmu. HICIHCFHHU Ynl'M MRS. S'l'.\l’l.li.\‘ HF H.\.\'¢‘)\'F.l{ \VHJ .l.\¢2K>‘H.\' 'I‘EAM “ZV’EON [3' FIRST- vmse cnmlition; only used throw months. Apply James Bramâ€. Dur- .\l.\.\>‘l~l\'-H.\RHIS DRILL. lR-DISU. mmmlo-h'. fur Nu m Hum wins-«w; in gum! ('nnclitinn. \mvly Janms Nivhul. Durham. 3 L†1’ BHAHDI‘IHS \VAN'I‘EDâ€"APPLY. AT Gihmnivlu Ufl'it'v. H 28 H \WIHK \\".-\N'l‘lCD.-'PHI'J CHRON- tvlo» .Inh Plant is well equipped for turning: nut. the ï¬nest work 0n short whim: ' tf WHEAT \VAN'I‘I‘II). ANY Ql TAN'I'I'I‘Y. Highl's‘t pl'icv. Penple’s Mills. 31523t FRAME HOUSE FOR SALE; ON Quevn St. ~Smith Bros. 2 24 U GUOII snlid bl'it'k house on Gara- l‘raxa SII'I'I'I, Durham; 7 moms and bath; 'I’Iavu's «If IanII; young men- III-II; haul and soft water; vlectric lighb‘; III“ IllI'IHICIP. I‘Ol' fllIUII‘I‘ IIaIIIculars applx 0n [II'I'nIises to A. Mr IOImIck 3361'6Id. ham BUTTER, MILK, (BREAD! SERVICE PROPERTY IN VARNEY, THE PROPERTY OF the late Thomas Long. Good house about. 20x34, full-size cellar, and well located; one acre or land, good sta- ble; hard and soft water; cheap to quick purchaser. Apply to .Middle- bro’ 6: Burns, Solicitors, Durham, Ont. 1273mpd ma SALEâ€"A NUï¬BEa' OF GOOD building lots on Geor e street, North of Skating Rink, Dur am. Apply to D. Houkins. 2 21 U 7-RO0MED SOLID BRICK; AL- most new; all conveniences; cen- trally located â€11' highway. Apply by letter only to Box 33, Chronicle (Mien. 3 10 tf EIGHT BROOD SOW‘S, TWO DUE March 17; also two cows 5 ears old due April 1. Apply Henry ckhardt. Pricevillo, Route 1 3 i7 tf DOl BLB Hm SE AND LOT, WITH two hams and good Orchard; :1 good investment mtmning 15‘)? intomst: will sell (hea ap for cash. Apply to st .l (1 Hondmson, Domoch Ont. rlfll‘t'h 27. ut. Hm annual “131.8 Iaslm' Thank:tfl'o'l'lm.P SPI‘VIH'. ‘ “mm! mvutntwn Is nxtvnolvd to all “V um t'hnim Slidt'nnx UP THE PRESRYTI‘IR- , [2.]nli“s" .-\i«l will hold a sale m’ gin: and Cafe-towia Lunch. alsn d :1 hm 6 o'vlock mmwr and mlh‘ tahln in thn A. Y. I’. A. ARTICLES WANTED [H'Hl COMING EVENTS WEDDLNG RING LOST an NOTICE Cd YARIBRS FOR SALE OR RENT lm Durham IV In [Carl M 'HII YUI'NH BI'I.I.S. BRl-jlj) vim-st tnw and him! lino-s; Ihivk and smmlh: Hm hro'm! .~ vastly. maturo-smrly with ï¬nish. Apivly \V. A. Law- :u'llo'-_\'. 3 L’" 3 H! )l 'SI' and aim and aim a porno wl'ly Hf Mrs. (ivnr: m-ulzu's apply I Huulo- 2. Durham h FOR SALE "MW â€111' h ll" 'CI _ in Quwn Strnot Sunday mm‘mng. * annual \\'..\l.>'. \ppl)‘ “1 MW at l. Murc- h 26. Durham. RR. 1 ['H'H‘UUII Hf land 3 ml n.\' «ZHICS'I‘ER chm M 'arm‘y. f am livm'vtt. tn Ii. Hus- I. 3 ‘32 (3 1071f H m \. I). h FARM FOR SALE OR REIT 1m ACRES WITH BARN AND Hm’SF. no‘ar 'own Hf Durham. Estate of tho late J. Lavina For further particu- lat'.q apply to D. Kinnee. Durham. 33“ Being Lots west. half of l. Gore A. 55 acres; the east half of 8 on the 3rd Concession. 50 acres; and 100 acres on the 3rd Concession. all in the Township of Egremont. These properties will be sold en bloc or separately and sold cheap to quick purchaser. For further particulars apply to Mrs. J. J. Smith, Varney. R. R. l. or at residence' of J. J. Stevenson. l 6 H Sovvn rooms. brick Veneer; bath room and electric lights; hard and soft water in kitchen; good garden; good location; immmliato possession. Apply to Mrs. John Bryon. Durham. 3 10 3nd I pright Piano. like. new; leading make: will sell for balance unpaid. Apply before April 1: special price for cash. or two years' time will be given. For particulars apply Box H. Durham, Ont. 3 i7 2 In m'ro-s lumhxnml hush; 0119 mil.» nm-th m‘ Durham on Provincial’ Highway :mul N‘Vt‘ll-I'UODI 1101150 with lurgv \\'c=mlshcol; Kind hank. barn 30 x an. H3110 foundation; hay fork. litto-x' warrior. plows. barrows, vulm'uhn'. disc. binder. wagona; slviuhs. 2000 ms. scales. 200-cgg in» vuhatm'. hl'nodcl'. 600 "IS. Molotte snparator, shovels. fnrks. hoes, rakes vlnAains. home partly furnished. Will? M“ at a hal'gain' fox quick sale. ! \pph F. \\. Kelsev, Box 573DUrpamJ 3 t ' W}: HARRY 0min and H: Hum. ul' nlll‘ draperh .\ll mmmns issuvd at. Mclh'aitln's Slum >’ «1'» must. In- mulvvmml cm. “1' lu'fnl'v April I. 1927. .Ulvl' that no mmmns \HH lw vxchzmgcnl. Ii 1": " d MMâ€. 20 (cm,- uf hay. 200 bus. nf old oats. 400 bus. mixwd grain. 1:0 bus. Marquis WIH'EIL Terms: (irain. lmy fuwl. coupe and Hum M $10.00 'z‘qsh: HH'!’ mm. amount. 12 months’ m-mm. nu fur- nishing: :umruml jnint Hutu-s lu-m'ing into-rust at 6 lwr «mm. .\lo-Nun .\. "PM. Wm. .\lm-hln‘. .\ quantity M NH. 1 t alfalfa hay. Apply to I Durham. Hunh- 3; thw [mph-Hunts mam m-am mm . {l'lu-nnlvt, ('nlllw. Unlld‘l'h mgan and UHH'I‘ {Illicit-s. 1'3.» illrs Shm'lt, EN Imus. CREDIT AUCTION SALE at Lot 38, Con. 3, Bgremont ï¬t Hulstvin, MONDAY, MARCH 2ch, 1927 at 12.30 O'Clock 6 lmrsvs. 6 milvh ('st. 7 rattle- I'ismj." ;’ yo-zu‘s nld. 8 ('utHc- rising: mw yo-zn'. '1 spring ralws. 1? pigs 512.3 Hm, ;’ mm with “Ho-1°. 1:: slump. W pun- ln'ml whih- I.«-:.:lmrn 100 dun-s Uf laud. wvll \Vaterml; urn-.5 inmhxnml hush; 0110 [min u'th m‘ Inn-hum on Provmclal HOUSE TO SELL OR BENT ll Pl'npl'ivtot' US .ms'r LIKE A MANâ€"- 9“! ET" YOUR COUPONS TELL HA, I.“ DESPERATE at. ALL. soup. FAULT, Ln. my we râ€"â€"â€"â€"-’ .5095, WAT V m \VINDO‘V DRAPERIES ARMY ALI. GRADES FUR mo! (Em-dun (Imps. lllwaw‘n' to Hr supply in mu-ly. Special m arid lvlu‘HpRaw in car lots. mum» mm mm your supply for sowing. J. W. Ewen 8: Son, Durham. I’hom- 11-3 PIANO FOR SALE PARIS FOR SALE FARM FOR SALE n'h HAY FOR SALE '\\ o [\I FERTILIZER mm ynlll' t'lJHH‘t? “Signs in Window Furmtum Strum. “'11). Murphy. .\ll(‘i innm THE DURHAM CHRONICLE timothy and HM". Bul‘lwl'. ' 1.37 1‘13. Iln! zz 2.13.9554. in lo: gin # . 41>... 32mm 0: Locp zoz- 8»..de (31.... 21:90 _ z. mcmm 323 4mEz. >C. 41mmm [mg (9.2m 84 #r‘. ~ 3m .7. > vim “25-6: of food. _ Th'é oil may be sprayed on. or to Add a teaspoonful of rod liwr nil tn tho tomatoes for narh 5m chicks daily. lnm‘nasn llw amount gradually. but do not m'vrfo-ml Romp the- chicks but givv :i'g a chance in val. 0n lhp snvonlh v. place below them a mash m a shal- low box nr nllmr container. 00m- pmwd of lhn following ingrodinnls: 700 ms. com chap - . 500 lbs. sharia ' 300 ms. Oat Chop «3 lbs. Bonn meal ‘ 45 lbs. flue Oyster Shell m lbs. Alfalfa meal 1 pint Cod Liver Oil to 100 lbs. 9. .\..\l.â€"â€".\lash moistened cannM tomatoes. V 3 P. M .â€"â€"Mash moistflned with 30m milk turds. Nightâ€"Mash moistened with hard boilod eggs. it A.M.â€"-Mash moistened with hard boiled eggs. 1 RELâ€"Mash moistened with sour milk (-urds. NW 3 littlv limp stnnn grit 0! small <izc- about i 07.. of dry mash mixtm'ui to 60 chicknns. This ounce of fwd is niuistom-d with suur milk curds m' semi-solid buttprmilk. and Spread on clean boards. le boards are taken up and cleaned after each {9911. Daslightâ€"Mash moistened smn' milk curds. lwgill fvvcliml. le ï¬rst day 01‘ the: wmml day in HM- lu‘nudm'. Hi“! from two to three femjs‘. UpOll rloan lufiards. A Imam! three fwd. 10m: and "hunt {our nr liw inclms wide will allow, roughly 75 chicks to feed. After this is fnllnwml: day a regmar schmlulv By Geno [non with w ith Give the chicks all they will eat every night. after the first two or three days. Tomatoes may be expensive to buy, if you have not home can- ned; but they put pep into the flock. Minced small potatoes, or peelinga minced are good once a day. If you wish to give exercise use about a tablespoonful of commercial chic: scratch grain two or three times a day to two hundred chicks. Scatter it in the litter. Many of the prepared chick feeds are good, and should be fed accord- ing to the directions of the manu- facturer. Let the chicks ('mt of doors as 1:“qu ‘ soon as the weather permits. Somu ‘,"“ '1 .! direct sunlight. assists Hm (-hick in i;;".“{ â€OWL" and ‘HSPSHHK the! Wed. {‘1‘ 3. “'11?“ NIP grmm grass ('un]p§. allow . «0. (ho chicks outside runs. as mun am!"â€"' â€" ma)‘ M in “nu u'I-uund. Ii. is ale-surâ€" mny will ya 0111410an. ha “0 HM raisv HH‘ ('lllt‘ks «m Hl'e: â€UR :snmv urnuml as ynu "and fur fmx‘ls; last. yuan. Inn-slim†mwms. "ha; 'l‘m- ' I 1 {thin to ransv Hu- 'vllivxs «m Now? '1‘ gmuml nach ymn'. if pussihlrï¬ 2 Many c'lm'ks am- mine-«I Iv} rom'ing' I'Im-In Hll inï¬-Nmi soil. ' u-mitv Km.“ yum vulnny lmusv vlvzm. and. FNMA}. HS" gum! «Ivan HHM'. This .~‘h¢m|«li lllh-n ho. m-nmxmi an. fre-quvm mh‘rml‘.fwntur u «w \th H Inwzuuvs sum-.1 m dirty: mm H is innwrtum tn haw gum! ('Ic-mn . uhtuuw drinking {Hummus and nvwr alluw' Thu : â€mm in w' my. They may lw misc-«l : m Hu- «or put. mum hoards Mlvl' llw ï¬rst/mm m I'vw days -'n as m [own-n! Hm vim-kw “'H'h swan-hing tlwm full m' Inn-r. ilwnllln With the use of self feeders. the number of feeds may be reduced. There are two essentialsio remem- ber. The chicks should have 1 pound of semi-solid butter milk in each 6 pounds of meal, and 1 pint of rod liver oil in each 100 pounds feed. manv it is easier to mix tho. pint of oil with some corn’ meal and then spread this through the entire mix- ture. ' This ym'n' hrnilvrs nwr «m0 and um- lmlf wlwn I’m] as alemv at .. agv. hrnilws haw «ll'c-sswl [IOIIINIS 0211'“ um. m-c-ks m' Poor Mr. Henperk was llnding' nut that nurried life. was not all that he thought it would'beâ€"l‘sr from it. He was ï¬nding it out. more so now when they were removing into a new house. She. of course. was giv- ing orders It. ex ress speed to the furniture men. er husband rould stand it no longer. for even a worm will turn. At last. after a parlieu- larly hitillg taunt. he threw out his manly rhest. and brought his list down on tho ttlllit‘ and said: "Do ynu think. my clear" he \‘t'lltlll'mt. “that you rule the mum-me?" “Nu!" snamwcl his wife. “hut. I rulv the ï¬rst. it‘ttt‘l‘ 0t it." Judging by the progress which line plum for the operation of the Liquor Control Act hive made. issuance of permits will commence on May lat. and sue of liquor and beer It Gov- ernment stores will begin May lb. it was culled Monday. For meh store opened it. is planned. so it. is slated. to appoint. a manager. two clerks, one Shirk-keeper. and a de- livery man. and if hours of sale are unduly long. there, will be. relief staffs for each store. It is helieved there will be about 23 stores in To- ronto. ‘l'ho- School is Hmrmmhlyequimu-d ho takv up Hm foliowin course-s: 11* WNW Mntrirualion. ’2‘ l'inh'mwu to Normal Soho“; I'Im-h nuclnha‘r of tho Staff is a I‘m- H'NHy G‘ad'zalv and vxmrionvnd Fem-hon lntvndhu: mum's should m‘c-pzn'o In o-nlm- at lwg'mning «of loam. information as to (lulll‘ws may lu- uhl-‘HHNI from HIP Pl‘ilH'ipill. 'l'hn School has a (‘m‘di'ahlv l‘f‘CHNI m tha- pm! which it how»: ’0 main- mm In HH- fuhu'o. ' Durham is an auraan :md healthy town. and 20m! awnn'lmmlzn tion van lw "h'ailld'd :ul roasonahhr mm. PM" CARDS IAY t; â€000! [8808 IA! 15 DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL Hm Sc PAGE 7.