PAGE 0. 'v'vâ€"vâ€"__, , - _ A - A L The Liquor Control .\ct, with its’, 1“ sections travelled through the; Lexi-lattu-e in Committee of the Whole rather more rapidly than exâ€"l peeled. Three night sittings and! part of \Veolneso’lay afternoon suflic-l Cd {01' discussion of suggestions ad-i nut-ed. and the Bill was reported at; “.25 Thursday evening. 1‘! non“ lands ready for a third readig’g, and will become law upon procla - ation. lts progress seems largely d00- ln the fact that Opposition leaders and members early discov- ered that the novel-nment had given very careful thought to every clause. and were able to give rea- aons for «ac provision and the phraseology tiereof, as well as to state whv alternative provisiohs had been left. out. uestions from ac- cross the tlmr ept Premier Fer- guson and Attorney General Price almost constantly on theiPteet. in explanation of the various teatu s. but the result was to pretty {in satisfy the House generally that he Bill needed Very little llxing. Amendment made. in fact. couch generally be classed as minor. The: rst was to include cherries with grapes as an ingredient for native. vine. On Wednesday there was a alight change with regard to auditing of the Board's accounts..and elimina- tion of the phrase â€to holders of permits issued under this act for purehase Hf liquor" from the provis- ion- lll regard to wineries. On Thursday there were some technical amendments. and the government added a clause providing fur li- censing of standard hotels on the present, hash“. Provision was also made for absolute prulttlitltttli in any section of tlte prmlnce in case. of emergency. There was hug one division in committee. Mr. Raney on Wedneulay protested against, the terms of the clause making stat‘t' appointments by the lit-art! subject to approval of the l.t~:v'en-._n:tâ€"41m- ertmr-ilt llnttnrtl. lttz‘ ltlr-lilllt'lltl- Ilt'ltt. giving tlte‘chiel w ltlan- u ier full control. and delirium: lio- guv. ernment nt’ any cheek men the um- and expense of such slatt' \\a-~ re-- jet'tetl. pant. "and \w a It In Hm host public.“ . Assuranw that U of Emu-I'll â€Marin clnm- qunth of missinn and Hw [no-n in H1» [ma-"I that tho pmV :m- mum: It interns H1 \\'m' [H'nhlvm 'M'o'iVim.’ HIM hyoh'n cum- rnnwn‘l. wni .l'l‘ Ml MUH- tn o'llful‘i'ï¬ % 0f thn ' Legislation will likely come down inext year prodiving grading and packing of fruit. as a result of a de- gcisior, this week in a Toronto court gthat. the federal law is without =jurisdiction in Ontario. The House ,has just enacted a Live Stock and iLive Stock Products Act. for a sim- ‘ilar reason. and made the federal enactment effective here beyond question. Hon. Mr. Martin. who re- |ferrecl tn the manner in which To- ronto market had been ruined for it‘he growers by the action of hurt;- 'sters "facing" open barrels of apples land being able to evade the law. ' which covers only sealed containers, isaid it was a serious situation which had to be dealt with soon. but growers and dealers would be cnnmJto-d before the legislation oiriwn and can qualil‘v under the six months ml» Th9 be will pro- bahlx hp 0111‘ Mb cents or a dollar, as tin". is not inimdod as a source uf rpm-nu». but a mPans 0! COMM. Ampndmcnts to tlm Hospitals and Charztable Institutions Act. intro- cluccil by Hon. Lincoln Goldie 0n Tllllldd'a)’ arc of general inerest, particularly one al't‘octing the main- to»nancc of the ptionts. The hospi- tal a‘itlmi‘itics‘ lraw boon complain- ing that tho-y (lo not I‘PPOVH' any- thing likc tzlw actual cost. The new bill “nakos tho basic incligcnl rain 3:: a clay. which is Virtually as be- l'nl'o'. lull. HIP hospital. bf‘fm‘fl 1'9- co-ix'ing its municipal anal provincial contribution. is ï¬rst roquii‘cd t0 maki- owry o-tl'oi't to collect. from- llw patio-til who has luwn urcatcd. 'l'lw Imspilal will â€It'll hill Um; county. city or so'pm'ato-ol town from Whil'll l'lw pativul Cllflll'. for “Iron quarto-rs of llw i'cniainolm' of tho hill. 'l‘lio goym'nmont linllci'takcs to pay â€I“ rcmainini: an-quai'tcr, but llv- lJll'll i~' not to oxi'N-ol what \wvulil inw- lnwn collo-vlml umlci' the {il'l'.~‘0'lll [ml' .liom tillu‘am'o' “f 50 N'lll“ :‘ clay for I?“ clays. Sn}- ‘ "tin' rth‘Hnll in â€N" gill net lico‘nse fees, and promise of a l‘lUs‘mn - mam“ Hll he'l’l'lllg. as ("1)IN'0‘S- sinnn '. Lako- Eriv Iernu-n. am anncum'cd by Hon. Charles McCrea. The imluslry recvnlly soul. a do'pu- Htlnn M “W ministvr. Th0 new license fees, lower by 20 per cent. haw all'o'mly how-n mnhmlio‘ol in an omlo'r-m-vmuwil l'nr apprnxal by the- gnxo-I'Ill‘no-nt. 11ml tlw q'lnsml lwrl'ing M'flsnll will lw similarly arrmmml as smm us Lhu ciato- shall lw clvtcr- rumo'd. ' 'I'i I- IIIwnslIIII erII'IIIl IIIIaI'Il bill. “hit“ 1" lII-I'III'I- â€IN I I-uislahuu 1'01 a third I'IIIIsIII'IItiVII )I'ar. \\ill again 1w \xiHIIlrawn al'II-r IiiSI‘llSSiUll. I'II-I III-r I'I'l'gllh‘nll. as .‘lilliStI'l’ IIf H'IIIIIaIiIIII, intimatvs. llI- llflth 3 mar {I'd rhangII III svntinII'IIt. “WU: HII- niIIaaIIIIn and said II“ had 10'- I'I'iV ~Il many sIIggI-stimis 1mm iIIIli- ViIlHilih’ 21ml III'ganizatiIms, a,- I'vsult ul' “hirh ht" [H'HPOSI‘II U) IIfl'IIr sIImIe aIIII-IIIIIII-IIts. "TIH‘I'P is 1-I-ally ngrat IlI'I,'I‘SSii}' far it." saiol HII- Primn )IiII'stI'I'. "but I am Oppoval (I) â€In “.08 M impusing it arbitrarily. until IDO‘I'}'II' haw an â€IIIIIII'tuIIit)‘ in study it ti orIIIIglIly." Pmpusals fur cumpulsm'y livvns- mg nf hawkvrs. pwlclhi-l's and tran- sivnt trade-rs in â€Marin municipali- tio-s \erv gin-n tho-iv third annual ymr's "hoist" by tlw munivipal law rummiHo-v nt‘ â€in Lngislutlu‘v 0n “Hullwsdzu'. .\ hill Sptgllsnl‘l‘tl by l". â€II â€N Hw hardship said tn- 1w invulV mm: (‘M'lxlill into‘u'vsts “1'“ la! imw'snno-nls. Hun. Ur. Carr. E: Hmmlmn. hmk tlu- (-nnsunwrs‘ si‘ wvintim nut that tho-y wm'n' L: nut \VIIH than H]. \‘O the pl'nlu HHI the C Hu- lat that, Hwy lwmlml Him! I" :tml mv-rc HIS“ cumml l h 11'1'. hast M‘s" sicln wm'n 'hu l'nh'('tin[|, vhant. A wgislation How was H money support and said an effort was being made to work out some more equitable sulntion. He noted that Queen's l'niversity received as much in one year as the entire grant to Secondary schmls. He re- peated his warning to Queens and Western l'niversity that they must continue their efl'nrts to build up an PlldOWflN‘llt and arrive at self-sup- portï¬ng status. In mmnertion with research work at. Toronto. he hinted at, early annonneen'ient of further disenveries «if importance. such as :hnse matte by Dr. Ranting and Dr. tux. Wanted Three policeman to act as guards batww‘n the hours of 2 11.11]. and 4 am. almnst any morning. Duties tn consist Hf uscnl'ting married ladies (bridgn plnym's to their Snvm‘al lmmvï¬. tjmtlilit'ailmls: must. he ahlo- to saw in llw dark. must. he quick at tlgurvs sn as. m cumputn wins and tussos at our-tenth M a (rant 9. pninl. mllsl lm syt‘npathc-tit' in vain Hf luss. must lm grunt listnnvrs to the lmst-mm-twms: must. be: able to discourso in tho jargon of the lll'ltlgt‘ uxlwl't. ’Atlwrtisvnwnt insm'td'cl hy hus- ‘ hands Hf saint lady hridm‘ pl:1y¢'*r.<., 0110 Of ar bx'nkvn appetlte. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE E3611 2’ My)†Fre~resistant .9 As a tnkcn of goodwill from the [iconic of Acton. England. to tho citizcns of Acton. Ontario. a replica of the coat of arms of the English town was pi-cscnted to H. 'P. Munro. Chief Magistrate of Acton (19ft by T. A. McDonnell. Vice-President of the (2. P. R. Br- prcss Company. who represcnted Sir Harry Brittain. M. P.. of the Arm" Borough. - Fire-protection is all important in modern building, Help protect your home from the menace of ï¬re by using Brantford Rooï¬ng. All Brantford Rooï¬ng products are ï¬re-re- tardent and usually reduce insurance rates by 10 to 20 per cent. Specify Brantford for permanent rooï¬ng satisfaction. Brantford Roofing Co. Limited Brantford, Ontario I? J. H. Harding, the mlclitios 0f lifn is that hval't, nlm-sn't affm'f :l girl's PRESENTATION Stock Carried. Information Furnished and Service on Brantford Rooï¬ng rendered by ~' OF SHIELD T0 CANADIAN TOWN From information received by tho «lontral Experimental Farm. Ot- tawa. from 179 tractor owners in Bash-m Canada and British Colum- bia. it has boon found that 85 per rout. of tlmsp flint-pines are con- f-.. l.“ l. U: l uuuuuu -_----_ ___ shï¬ved proï¬table investments for work on the land. The greatest single advantage of the tnactor is that it enables the owner to keep his work up-to-date.‘ Other advan- tages are reduction of hired help and horses required to operate these farms. Tractor owners were able to take advantage of these re- ductions when tractors were oper- ated at least. 30 to 40 days per year. Tractors" are successfully operatpd umior greatly varying conditions. huwvvor; land operation seems in- :ulvisablo Whm‘o ï¬elds arr hilly. tun stony 01' ton sandy. Snrh roni‘h- lions tngvthrr with small farms. high initial cost. high cost of furl and insufl‘icivnt nlwi'atOI-.; were giwn as tho chiuf rrasmm for trurtnr t‘ailuw. Tho smallest num- lwr of cultivated arrvs recommend- ed by thvsv tractor owners on which to purchase a tractor was 100 acres. 'l‘ho Post of tl'aMm' npemtion is madv up of two major itoms. namely uwrlu-ad and din-«wt. Operating costs. 'l'hvï¬hrm't npvrating cost. includvs fuel. nil and ways of npcmtor. THE PARK TRACTOR m; Durham charges are prorated against the amount of war annually. Two-plow tractors in the East and B. C. were used an» aver- age- of 55 days per year, with the resulting low cost of $8.68 ï¬er 10- hour day. Three-plow tractors were used £8 days per year and had a daily operating cost. of $10.22. These costs include, the Operatur‘s wages at 63.0) per day. A a “an! n:- Ul‘flfl'.‘ V ages at New â€('I ll“.‘ 0 In operation the .tmctor groa tly One Door South of D. C. Town, Janna-Durham D. M. SAUNDERS Cash in your Discount Bonds: increases v-1“. tlw small tractor witl (h 8 work at W homes. while {or dining, mumâ€- meg it Will .1†the work of at least four llfll's‘o'» ' The results of this survey. t. ..,, show “I“ the tractor Will frI-qllo m; ly prove u very proï¬table. im. .,, meat. but as there are. many . .‘ "I... can be done m0?“ ecunmm. ,, ‘\‘ with horsGS, the place Hf the 123. is to supplement horses. Alva-tin in Tho Chronicle. It pavg. the wt offlnvailam Fm 8mm. ; hum. (mm. hm. .‘.onla ((‘X(.."‘! F... ("HIT and auntess and “u! old I’m-I O to H 8.111.. 1 (Sundays W Grndnnh ’01:. w. c Ull'IW'. H nurhzun. * flaum' (5| out“. m. Surgmm‘ Oll H~ Block. M 0 Thursday. Karen 31 of Marl lira ever) C. C. AND _}i}i\‘ N‘ CASE WITH mum: Of (001‘. 'I‘Pio'pinm.» - “Wday night n? \x.‘ 25 cenh. «m at. «mu WI“ ht‘ mam (’3‘ i9 :x; 8! l. L. SMITH, M. L. -:.2 Medial Utru‘lor In. Jintnsou um .icm LU'I‘ (mum cult I \ emu .- uws :1 “our RIM" ll mvnt : hrick [name (0 IN WMM is “'01: In term "W bush; m + ("mo hm concretv .~' comm! NH md 7 ln' minim! 1“ and in u " the prmnw winim: “ tramv “" W0“ 81 «I this mm: farm. "' right tn ‘ ‘ hmxlzr~ I» IL“. 3‘ 1' NORTH Plu “i! , It “ The CI Adverhsomvnh mad. 3| ilnnLEBao ANI Barristers, Sohcxt Di “HUI 'i\\l\ Midd Owe: 80 HI Classifie OR. A. M. M Ind (‘05! Ind Lam Pcml (HTI Chronicle "I ll (he H8 al