Eugenia (Our Own Correspondent) Maplw syrup making and “mu! bee-1 are tho- â€mm of tho- day. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Falconpr. have moved to the "Jamivson" house on Mam Strevt. Mr. Joseph \Villiams \\ ho has an working in "w bush for Mr. Cam- well limham all wmtvr has roturn- ed to his home in Toronto. Pleased to erOrt Miss Ila Magee well again after her recent ill- ness. Mrs. W. E. Large and three child- roen, Frank. Douglas and Both have returnml to thwir home in Niagara Falls, altar a prolvmgml visit lwrv. owing to the {armors mother be- ing ill. “"0 are â€983ml to learn that Mrs. Munshaw is Improving continually. \Vo oxtvwl our sympathy tn tlm Turno-r fannly who am lmro-l‘t of their mntlwr. the late Mrs. Chas. 'I'urm-r, Sr†who was laid to rest on Saturday, March to, in Flasher- ton tkn‘letery. .“astvl' Jim Laughlin had the mis- .\ clam-o- was ho-M at tho- lmnw of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Williams mu- Pwn'uu.’ ro-ro-ntly. l-Zwrymm pro-so-nt ro-purts a good ï¬rm. Mr. Rulwrt .Vh'Mash-r and sun of l-‘lo-sho-rtnn oll'illml a vwll 3 WW «lays amt rm- Mr. W. E. )lnrmn and ham WM 1'":de drilling a WP“ fur .‘ll'. Hmry Tudor. Work vnmmo-ncml at Hm Durham Fm'mtnro» 610.‘,- sawmill at Rock Mills nn Monday of this wwk. It. is outimah-ol That, tho-r69 will be- six. or sworn mumh‘s work at. thv mill this yo-al‘. ï¬lo-arm's. R. Laughlin and son AIPX. H. Tudor. T. Mt'KN'. l9. l-‘awcett and H. J. Pmllar H! Um \‘illzlm- urn. ungagmi at Hm mill ern. COVPI‘S furtum: In it his ankle [m Bibby is in than! has to Miss Ho-i'trucio- Hi'o-o-iiaway. Who has bm-Ii visiting with “('1' sistm’. Min. Hamid I‘aliflulul', ‘Jllii‘lli’i in Iviillli in ii“! hum" in Ul'aligo'\illi'. 'l‘lw St. Palrirk's Social bald in HM l..l).l.. hall on Friday night was a goml affair and tho-re was con- siolm'ahln Hillsiolv lalont; pill. on “'llll'll was unjoyeil by all. . Miss M. Knox, \vlin has barn at “(‘1' home how fur the last couple of “wits i'vliii'nml ll) llw cilv on illilil'flilm. ' Mrs. R. Knox is am" in lw up and armmol again al'lo'i living umflan In HIP Imus» fnr llw last couple 0! “‘M'krl, (Our Own Correspomlent) 'I‘ho- .-'~IIH\\' fllll'rio-s tlw pus! wow-k. Illiulo- slvighing o-xm-HNI! and “Ir fnrmo-N madc- Im- of it to (in HM last mlol juhs MIMI as gutting up wand and gvmng in I'm-oi and fo-l'til- llt'l'. 'l'lw Sulo-m Ynung pomplo- an» at, prom-m prurtismg a play tn ha giwn m tho- rhm't'h at a Into-1° duto'. Mr. H. Watt-mu has instant-6t a l" - slm and his many trio-nets an» pn- y‘yVHm : rml twat listvning to NM tmml t'nlu‘t't‘ts that are hroadcastmt. .-\ businms aning of tilw trustc-vs‘ was twlct in Hm school on Saturday “\‘Mlinfl. .\li« Hum Rivhardwn nI' Pmtun Statmn is Immo- fur a rust. as she» is in ill ho-nlth an. pro-sum. ; Mrs. .\l. llzmly \‘isito-cl nun day last Wow-k “HI: Mrs. \V. Klmx. Mrs. R. Klmx. \lI--. Hrimo's anal .“I'S. B. Mulr- tin J‘n PAGE 8. JIm Laughlin had the mis- .. up! a couplc- 0f bums in lunkvn a few (law ago. DI. m attundamv. 'llm pa- ; l0 ro-main in III-d fur six WI- Impo- [m stvaolily r9- Swinton Park. :2. 3:12.: 3:. .5... 2:; 3:17. 1:21. 3.37.17 1......_..... (In 3. 5:27 2:. .‘rl. \lo'x. Knisnlx is mgaged \xith \l1.\\m.\lzlthm fm HH' summer "lullthï¬. ' (Pllt\_ “is." F‘HIPI' Mi [man is (caching in iiiaw rum M‘IIHUI this \wek Supply- ini.’ Mr Miss Blyihv Wlmsv mutlwi' dim! nil Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Dougul Clark and family \W'l'l‘ visitors with Mr. and Mrs. .lnhn Mi'Ko-rhnio‘. Mom'oadin, this week. (Our Own Correspondent) “'0' 31-» having changeable wea- llwr but will Pxpvcl things to dry ll|»__lll â€In 0993." future. The mania ss rup has been 3 \en mum's-Jul (“lop this war and Stiil wring strung. 'I’lw trio-nus and neighbors of Mr. and MN. Harald Ehm-th gathered at tlwir I mm and spun! an evening he- fnw thvir dvparturv from our svttlv- nu-nt. Miss Bo-ssiu (iriprson spent a tow day-5 with how hrnthm'. Dr. Nathan HI imsnn 01' halt. Mn. , va')" Baku! nf near Han- mm is pngagml “ith Mr.’ Jack Hl'io'rs'nn f0!“ 3 tor m. Mr..\lvin Caswvll is busy nn this linn w '11 his sawing nutï¬t. Mr. Chas. \vaplnr is improving slowly from a server" attack of sciatica which has laid him Up for Hm past nmnth. Mlzs. Alliv Mc'lmam. Pl'it'vyillfl slwnt a I'vw days WIâ€! lwr frwnd. NIL-is Estlwr Holman. I'.F.\\' n 'l'lw W. M. S. will hnloi tlwir mun- thly mwting at Hm home of Mrs. H. B031! nuxt \lenvsday. April 6th. Mrs. Nt'il leman spout a day this :‘ka with Mrs. Andy H-asliv. Craw- Hl'cl. Rocky Saugeen (Our Own Correspondent; Hum unlwr Hlo- mmt'vl'f In km 1101!! in â€10- St'homl Hn Friday night. of Hus “wk mule-1' tlw uuspiws uf llw Mrs. Svanimi Sin. Holstviu \‘isitml with Mrs. Wm. Nutsnn last. wwk. Lttl't'lll amt Liwlla lmihnlot ham hwn ill for suvvi'al days with <tnniarh thi but 31'» l't‘COVPI'illg. Mr. Edmund amt Martha Schovn, l’iko- Laku. \‘isitmt on Sunday with tht'tl' i-nusin. Miss Justina Leihold. Latona (Our Own Correspondent) Mrs. John SHAWN of Paisley spun; a few days Visiting friends armmol lwrv. Mr. and Mrs. .lnsnph Picarol of an-n' H mm! Hu- \Vwk-o-ntl at thnir ; nuw nvur Dm-nnch. 'l‘hr- was :1. vol'} good mm of p «m Friday. Saturday and Sun- ?:|)' \Vlm'h \Vuulcl boo wry gratify- ng to. U'Hs'o' making: symp. .er. Jzu'k lmnhnghmn Hf \\'c-llM-c°l~’. was lwlmm: limwgv Sko'nu tn wt, up 1'. WIN m' WOW}. Mr. and Mrs. .Iim tirutrhluy syn-m Sunday with fl'mnds at Zion and :1le attemlml thu lat» James )h-Nully’n t’unm'ul. 'l‘lw rumls' mm in wry [may mn- clitinn fur vars but Hwy sm‘m to go ull tho- samo‘. .\l1'. Bub .Vhwtlvy spmn a ("mlplt‘ nf days this wwk m Mmmt Fm'vst. .\ t’o w frnm lm'v attumlml it party at Mr. FI'NI Hol't's «m Monday “VP“- HI‘. and l‘o'lml" a \‘vl'y Mljnyablu Hmv. (Our Own Correspondent) Miss lelino Buckm' is sl'wnding sumo- timn with her sistm', Mrs. Chris Kaufman. South Bentinck Calderwood \clmissinn and 10 THE DURHAM CHRONICLE During tho past two spring sea- sons thorn has been lwnvy losses among slump raism's from pneumon- ia among the flocks. In some cases more sooms to be no cause {or the disoaso- to lm'ak out. Traverston. (Our Own Correspondent) Real sap runnin " didnt start until Saturday and since then, the sugar kettles and modern sap pans haw. tqu on the jump. Mrs. W. J. Greenwood spent last week visiting among her many friends in Durham. Cecil Pavlox is launching out in mnning a {aim on his oxxn account anal has rented the Stoddarl. home- slvatl on the ltth con. He is a lmsllm' t0 work. well skilled in hus- bandry and will make good. . .\l 1'. Clifford {look was down to 1511111thle from Friday till Monday. Thern's a lode star thorn. ' Mrs. Will 'l'immins is to undergo :m_ operation c.m‘\\'cdn%sday for the rnmc’wal of a stitch left there from :1 Humor upt'l'atiOll she passed through a \1131' and a half ago. \1'1'l1i1' (_§1'1_-1_*11\\n1)1;l was homo 11'0m Mount F1.>1'1_.»st 1)\1_-1' the \\ 1'01; end. Mr. and Mrs. Colin McArthur and family were present at, the big sil- \m' wedding gathering. hold at the Immn of .his hrutlwr Angus. near tuwn lust \chk. Mr. Robert Cook uf Lie-Hon \isitml Hm cgouk homvstvacl nn \lnndzn. .Miss Jenni» Davis is Visiting her sistvr. Mrs. R. \Vvhbm'. 'at Hutton Hill this wevk. M\i1. --1\1thl_11 McNallx is undm the1 “113mm at 11111511111. but 1101 smious- l\ ill. Prior t†the breaking tip of the Hall home on the 10th concession. HH' neighbors and friends united to give. (PXIDI'CSSlOIl to their good wishes. Mr. and Mrs. Thos Langhlin gave their home for the event. When the crowd Were all assembled, Mr. John Ellison was selected chairman and called the crowd to order. Miss Merron McArthur read the address and Mr. George Torry made the pre- sentation to Miss May. Mr. J‘Olln Laughlin to Joe and Miss Gladys Baker to Miss Edna. The latter re- (‘Pivmt a 317). gold pic-c0. the two former a snug sum of mimey. All expro‘éssed their gratitude and appre- riation. after which mirth and feasting held sway. A number from here attended the. t'luwml of the later, Mrs. Andrew Milne on “01141:“ last. The services \\ or“ rnndurtml bx lmr pastor the Roy Rnlwlt \oung assistmi bx Rm. He'i Igvr of tlhvsley and Rev. MC- Cormick of Priceville. One of the largvst fmwral processions ever soon in thvso parts follow-cl the re- mains to their last. rr_stlng_plpce, Mr. Daw Ynung's win on Ftidax ant-moon was uttundml b\ a big «:rmul. J’riws on stock and im; )18- mvnts rulml high and â€mm “as a big: aftormmn‘s work. Mr. John H'Nvil is p-xtvnding his wrritm'y in auclimwm work. Crawford . (Our Own Coriespondent) Miss Mary Whitn undm'wmt. an «nu-ratinn in H‘dllc‘n'f‘l' Mc-nwrial Hus- piizil last. Friday. Mary is rucupvr- Ming at how lunm- zit prusvnt. Sglmnl was clnsmt during the past, \VN’k â€Wing In Miss BLVHI [wing summoned to the bedside of her mother. Mrs. Blythu passmi away Saturday night. Miss Blyth, sisto'i'. hi'nilwrs and fathom ham mll' 'ctimlwst sympathy in llwir im- wan-tumâ€. Mrs. Edward Bayw- sufl'eréd a slight paralytiv shpkv' on Monday morning but. IS romvm'mg_nlcely. â€â€˜Mrs. "I‘hos. Stimson hasâ€"boon bed- fast for a few days. We hope for a speedy ‘1'ec0v‘ory. Miss listlu'l' Mern 01' Rocky Saugeon IS supplymg tlusï¬veek as tm‘lrhvr in the ahsonco of MISS Blyth. unto them and help them to bear their hemy burden. The pall- hearers were, Messrs A. (l McDonald. Archie McDougall W.m Bierwmth Jas. Rae. M. A. McCallum and Mr. Prues. ( Our Own Correspondent) \\'e join with the community in expressing our sincere sympathy to the husband and family, sister and brothers of the late Mrs. Andrew Milne, who mourn the loss of an exceptionally kind and loving mo- ther and sister. She. was almost a life long resident of this neighlmr- heed. Here. she made a large (-irele of friends who loved her for her devoted Christian life and her kindly disposition. She was gen- erous, hospitable. and the very eniâ€" lmdiment Hf sympathy and love. ller intluenee for the right. and for the lwtterment of the Jiunian rare will live on and on [or ever. " ‘â€" .I - “011111“ 111'01111111: -of this \\ 1111k Dr. B1x'11i.Jami11sun 11111111V11d a 11111'1'1111 1-111] 111 â€111111111111 111 .\|1'.F'11\\a1'd 1111\1'11 Mrs. Howe having taken a paralvtic stroke. \\11si111'111'11l\ hope she “in 501111 1111 “Poll aglin and able to be around. The regular meeting of the Young People‘s Society was held in the church on Tuesday evening with' a good attendance. The m-ogran'l-was very interesting. Miss Nora “’31- key gave a splendid paper on John Bunyannvhich gave the ‘audi‘enoe a mere immediate knowledge of his life. M 1'. John McDonald also gave :1 \en interesting wading also a 110er contest was held “hich dealt with Bible names. M12. Frank Fischer and sister Winnio 0f Elmwood were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Brown and family this week_ ‘ - A gbodly number from new at- tended Hm funeml 0f the late Mrs. Andrew Milne from her home in Brant Township to Chesley ceme- tm'y Monday of this_week.“ “Miss Evinodrom of Durham i,- Visiting at. the homv 01' Mr. and Mrs. \K'illiam Adlam this \chk. I ‘JI ‘1 \â€" ’vv Son-x that Miss Irvne Dunn is Hut. 811 well again. Her pastor the RP\'. J. H. Whoalon of Durham, “as a 1.'allm' at. the home last weak. Mr. Harold McKeclinie, assessor isggain. ma-ging his rounds for 1927. t Varney, March 291927 To Mr. and Mrs. James Tucker Dear Friends: We, your neigh- \l1' dlax McCuaig “'23: called in the lieiside of lli'l' fatwlier whu is seriously ill, «m V1 ednesday nnwnhu; ufthns “vek. Lflhwn\xe are informed that Mr. Antony Lawrence has passed to his eternal Pest. \Ve extend svmpathy to M1"; Millnaig and other members of the I a“ 1 ence family. Min]; Beoffroft. Ina agent... of vau Sound. is a welcome vnsnm- in_«_)_l,ll' 13mg 0 -‘ .4 I A n haw always been thoughtful of our needs and romforts and always tried to make our joys of life very sweet: and now as We grow Older we trust. in turn we. will he always thoughtful to giVe V'Oll any comfort we can in Vour declining vows, and in token VVo present you with this pair of glows and so 1rf, not. for the sake of their Value. hut as some- thing to remind you of the. golden days you have seen at. the end of tiftv years, and to remind Vou of the low we all 11019 for V_.ou EGREMONT COUPLE Signed; Bordon Brown: Elmer Tucker, Carman Hargraw. _ From the neighbors and friends In the community. the following ad- dress was read: (Continued from page FIFTY YEARS MARRIED Mulock 1) bors, friends and relatives have 3‘- thered tonight to rejoice with you that you have reached in health and strength a period in life that but few are. permitted to attain. your Golden Wedding Day. I Fifty years ago tqiay you joined heart and hand in the holy bonds of matrimony, and God has blessed you with health. sufficient wealth. a family, and friends. and for s1 ch we know you feel justly tllankliul, especially to know that. your famil’ of three children and sixteen gmndehihh-en are living close by to he, of comfort to you. The band you l‘ormud that day has grown stronger and «karma and although you haw had trials and sorrows thoy lmx'c- only had the ef- fect. of invrvasmg your low. for each other. V3.0»-- It must he gratifying to know that you started “to in pionm'r days and took a full shnrn of tho hardships. trials. and trnnhh-s that had to ho hornv: that you \\'t‘l°t' owr ready to tom! 3. hvlpim.r hand in trouble» or sickness. By your Imiwst. t-nrnvst cndw- \'or.. you have hem ahlo to make a good namet'mgvonrsolws. and at the- Silnlt‘ tilno prm'idu sufl'it‘iont of this world's goods to giw you comfort. in your declining years. 1 0.‘-. . W0 trust you'may hv spared for many years to ,onjoy your home and friends. and in lvaVing you slight gifts as wminclm-s of tho happy 9- vent. we are well aware: that no- thing short of the power of a bi- vinc- ‘l’rovidcni-o, which has guided you through the» past ï¬fty yvars, can repay you for the sorVicos you have pm'l'oi'mmi for your family, friends and neighbors. ll lL‘l"lO‘ “lit. IIDID I'Jv- - May it remain with you through the remainder of this “in and in the life to come, is the) wish (if your noighhm-s. I'rivncls and family. Thom The Improved bespeak the really ï¬ne automobile. The allosteel body, ï¬nished in dark blue with nickeled ndiator shell and lump rims, and mounted on the lower chassis, has given the motoring world a car of rare distinction. The seats and steeriog column are lower, providing w- v"- “blindr spots.†The door. are wider. There it a one. piece windshield, which, with the cowl vent, giver imo proved ventilation control. A parcel pnnel it provided wi_thin the car. and the renr deck has been redesigned iééi-ding arctic: lame 0pm. Ford Sales Service DURHAM, MT. FOREST, HOLSTBIN, HANOVER roomundmeuietridlngpoci SMITH BROS. Ford Coupe .A nd every room is so beautiful MAXIM‘UR‘ Wall Paper will of the give to each room or your home an atmosphere of beauty Em you can make your home more beautiful through this exccpuoually ï¬ne wall paper. Come and see the beautiful MAXIMUR designs .wc carry 7"â€! .mh “' OWEN SOUND 1 T0 DUR fins 0! When I “ï¬ll-Tim: Bay of 17' VOL. 60.» \1 L :1 North of H their HIM 31 .- Durhu “HM “on 1 ()“c'l‘. Toma T‘NMT in â€h scurm in “1' who -. “’ilsn 3 Int. eran. his 1' goalJ “S0“ k rum ‘3‘ Lnndc two†lad. may. I chem; fl\ jllmm med 3 I \\'I hit it t “'10 1" hi suv out all M my wm d1 Ju of H ax \\ Ill Ix! Ma S! 1' am V It. BMW “'3“ 3UP Iah‘ hPIC H gn um um: mm mm and MW m w! \\ lillu ll â€ll-5 alsc H Al U UIH