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Durham Chronicle (1867), 7 Apr 1927, p. 2

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PAGE 2. Fnr tho utmost eflicienc in the hum» xardvn, the plans a cold be mach- well in advance of the actual planting mason. It ‘is 3 ml plea- sin'n- tn sit down of an evening and' windy "\‘t'l' the catalogues. Whfl‘ wnmlm-t'ul iii-pitticts are pictured! “'0 lfllfllt'dlaltfly make up our minds that w» will haw everything Shown, ttu'n mir miner common sense comes tn tho- rust-tie. and we proceed to o-liminalv :llltl tliShrtl until we get damn tn tliu list wn have time and spam! fur, ‘ 'l'lio- gtirclo-no-i- wlm gruws for home ii-w \HH Vivnsiili-r tlm pri-fpro-ncvs of Hi» t’aniily. Wlwn growing for nmrko-t ”I“ was» is olitl'vi'i-nt. \Vn hm» tn ut'uw what will still lit-st. In planning l'nr ”in garden this yvar. Wu will lam» timiili- mum fur the lw-‘l. nl' tliizilil." ltt°ml|lt'l". F”? ill" «tam-r. it' wv ari- giving to plant minimum. \M- will plant llm grown Saxons. \\'.- will illa'” grow cauli- hit-It m stanm'. cabin»: Savoy-'4 Hum-r zinol Brnssvls sprains. mm Ht tho-«- \o-gi-tahlvss an» practically as o-as'y tn nrmluw as ifuhhage. yt't.1 many gar-lo-nvrs somm to think they i-annnt i'nisw tho-m. In onions. wn \Vlll m-nw wnw of thn largvr varia- tio-u. starting the» plants in thn hot- hmt 'ellltl transplanting tho-m t0 the niwn. gi'minol. 'l'lw Prizvtaknr onion u :i largo» mild-flavored sort, the no-mwt thing to NW gt'llUlllt’ Span- Hll nninn which Wu m-n am" to pro-- alnw in ”I" north. Plants of this mr’n-ty may lN' purcham-dflt’goni Iltfal'o'fil. HHIIK to UI Istl on'mn which wu all)?» in Hm north. varivty may be- 1 urnwo-I's III II Stan-.4 and am! May. Bulbs 0 "mm mm urtv Thu lo-ak H a mm- nut. mm gardens. 31% i olesirahlo- w-gp produm‘. TIM: which many 11 Titanium 'l‘ho- rump” able mattm' 3min and m gawk-n. A. snrts Hf \‘0‘; 0n rial wh By Charles H. Chuley ARTICLE NH. 2 Planning the Garden mt lwap, right away. In many for nvxt year. hvnp is ram-cl vnget- Start this spring with u mots dugout of thn lmwe, \wmls and all lzlhlvs and up“ spring 'n something to sprmul 01011 that will take ”10 1M" mamu'n. Anothm- mm'n humus mm ”M {in}; 1| c'mm‘ H'Op in Hm wing it mnlur Um fob! lhv gr 1 new I: care arolun this year, In roam fur [ha ullu'h. Fur in- » giving to plant plant. Hm gl'm'n Mam grow cauli- Iv fur lho‘e \‘illagv a labor will hn ma- ! if hr will procure This will “0'. only 'spr‘duts. Both arr. practically smdrawn culti- ako tho work 01' than in Hm 0M- ml in hmls. Tim 0 \V small ll‘t HI for Hum» i’l'O'IICPS of wing for rpm. “'0 H but”. Ill mu m t. n-mal lf 'n tho. Villa hm rows ta cultwa r’-'..-‘*"‘ ”I. ..l H Ii t l ighten the work of weeding in a considerable degree, but it will as- sure frequent cultivation, so im- portant during periods of dry wea- ther. It is a simple matter to run the wheel hoe between the rows practically every day in the small garden. The story is told of-twd neighbors who were rivals in gar- dening. When they planted the sweet corn abet was made as to which would have roasting ears‘ “PM. (me of the men hoed his patch : twice a week "religiously. He never . saw his netghbor out in the garden. hut. somehow. the corn grew rapidly and the. neighbor had corn ready for the table izrst. "How is it. that you have corn tlrst?" asked neighbor No. l. "l hoed mine twice a week and Hon never hoecl yours at all.” "Oh, yes. I did." said No. 2, "I hoed it. o-H-l')‘ morning before you were nut, of hed.‘ That is the secret of a tgmut garden. Hoe and cultivate! HI-ake the horse «to the. heavy work. 1 it you can. but cultivate if you have 1 to «to it. by hand. There are. garden true-tors on the market which are .exc'ellent machines for use in large mrclet‘ts. Una ot’ the things to ' plan for. t Hill. is good working -o-qtttmiu-I|t. lif I) Hut, tho M'ml you plan In use some timc- wam-v ynu aw ready to use it. You will lw «um 0! having the lwst if .Wu mulwr from a I'eliabln swulsmun. but. an the Other hand, if yuu wait until you aw ready to plant. thvu go tn thv Mum! and plll'c'lmm‘ tlw smal. you will have to tako- what. ynu can gm. If ynu wish m MW of ”w lm'ul Hum-hams, buy llosorvatilms aro lioing steadily i-om-ivool for tho Korr-Bryson Tours and tho availahlo accommodation is hoing rapidly hookod up. The Kerr- Bryson \Vostoi‘n Tour which will trawl to tho. Pacific Coast Via tho Canadian National Railways, return- ing through tho l'nitod States in- ohulos in its itinoi'ary tho outstand- ing soon 0 attractions of tho con- tinont. suoh as‘ Jaspor National Park. Mount ltohson. tho IllSldt‘ Pits'h‘ttgt‘ of tho North Pacific Coast. Yollmvstomo National Park, and l’iko's l’mk. sontinol of tho Colorado Ilockios. Tho Korr-Bryson Eastomi Tour \vi'l illt'lllclo Visits to many of tho intoi'osting spots which figuroq ,s” promnontly in tho strugglo ho- twoon Fi'am'o and Britain for tho . lmssossmn Hf tho now vmpil'o. Mont- ;i-onl. originally tho lnclian Villain? to! linolzolaga . Uiiohoo City. with Eits \‘iVicl momm'ios of \Volfo and Alcmloalm. Cap.- li'otou. Annamilii-i l:lllol Huvull. E If 3m: wish to mako snro of your lplm'o ll? lho'so' tom's. you will ho. lwe'll aclVisod to mako your l't‘St‘l'Yil- timi now. Sonol for hanolsomoly il- Llusll'nlml «losi'i'iptiVo booklets to ;H. t‘.. llnm'lior, (lone-ml ’tlSSt‘lltz'l'l' \w-nt. Canadian National RillIWRY‘". .'I'm'Hntn or to Martin Korl'. -'i Bt‘lllall _\\o'.. Hamilton. Hi' .\. l'l. HI'YS‘illl. 'i'i iSilvorlhurn .\\‘o.. 'l'm'onln. ‘ l'rntv4‘ fl'ilo‘ minim ’flhl‘ist. purkpting Il'w prim, ”down in my heart I. thought. thngrvatqst man was “0508. Butohusmess 13 bus:- ness.’ 4mm msw "That: right." ”avhvr handing but hnw did you ’iw that answer?" Read the ClaSsified Ads. on Page 7 \Vvll .\hmh{nm rvpl It‘d: il pain 18 DANGEROUS \\'H )a‘ Business is Business 4101‘ once .vhn was 31d vwr Io'\\i~'h Imv thought for and Hwn ans“m-ml “Jes “HP \\'a‘.~'h i ngtnn :fihividv tho littln follow. incoln 'o askml three of her I, tlu- gmatvst man 1' line“. Offering a Linllar for Hm host qxclaimod the mm the dollar. a chnsh boy. tho colored Said the ,‘SHS Fashion Fancies The Pin-Pleated Rum. is Smart on Blue Grape do Chino There is no c‘niestion about the popularity of the frock made on more. fluffy, feminine lines. These models have come into their own this season, and are. shown in lovely versions in plain eolm‘s and printed silk. Pale blue crepe do chine 18 used for the one-piece model above. Pin-pleated frills. made of two layers of the crepe de chine, with the darker layer underneath and protruding slightly, furnish the Very fhninine touch. I , I I‘ 'III III IIU lbw \ chimm tlmwi in No shados 01‘ blue finishes the neckline. It. is no trogble to meet. oxpensvs these days. \ou meet. them every- ~ THE DURHAM CHRONICLE HERE is no any price that c 57HERE is no automobile at any price that can be regarded as a safer investment than the New Star Car. There is no automobile at. any price that can ofier more quality per dollar. TL--- :. .m mnnmnhile at anv by Canadians along safi, sane business lines. Secondâ€"because Canadian work- men of the highest calibre are equipped with the most eficient machinery and sup- plied with the finat quality materials. higher. re-sale value. Here are the reasons :â€" Pirstâ€"because Dump; Motors of No 8 ate: Inye ,stm ent - Jere is no automobile ‘at any ice that has a proportionately Durant Motors of ‘Canada. Limited Torogto, Canada lathe You Gan I'm This Out A correspodent. wants to know if our readers have heard this one: The mate of a ship was paid ad with 813.75. He sighed heavily . __ and gave his wife $5.00, leaving $8.45 Next day he groa‘ned ' . and gave her 5.00, leaving 3.75 Next day he ground his teeth and gave 2.25 leaviig 1.50 In «leSperation he . handed over ...... 1.50 leaving 0.00 -' Total $13.75 $14.00 Wild eyed and wan. he is look- ing fm‘ ‘that extra quarter. \\ here is it? It Will Pay Yen to Advertise in The Chronicle. Thirdâ€"beans: stgbflized policies mean fewer changes in price and style, while quality in workmanship and materials means more miles of service. Phone 602r15 Drink it and 70“ Durham, Ont. New Star Car Features Red Seal "L”-be¢d Continental Motor Full Pressure Lubrication Morse Silent Chain Drive Whirlwind Acceleration Locomotive-type Bro/us Coll Rivetted Chassis Prune Safer-Sensitive Steering Thermostttiedly Controlled Cooling System And Other Quality Feetnres Notion-wide Service Fadities 0-337 on 'l‘m Bl'uw dim! It Dm'vzh' UNL. n his ‘JI Oldest H II' II about Chm form 'l‘mn pmn. ll) UN im: ‘ Ill-8|“ tiun. TIN I "III aflvl' {film ScriOus A «rm Mm (btlc' I‘Ullll mam Infil't' dvaH Mm. 1 hr jurmi Sid“ ( Timber W (m Mum «mum: tn Mu \\ H Ill ll w I CPS. T with a Build" Mo ~~ tolls Put the. “1'.l..".'.h. '\ v. Ir. I! in} (an Um heal“ lion « rues. Pat In Th6 InO Sn! Orangemon Thursday Taken JOHN ll 310E

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