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Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Apr 1927, p. 2

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in llw grnnnol in June nw-ol not b" Mario-«l nniil tlw lac-1t of March. «lat-incl nnlil lht- last 0! March. How- vwr o-arl)’ hhmm anil rauliilowvr plan“ may w wt. ln Hm ground mo'n lwi'ni'o' ”in Inst “'08! ha,- passâ€" ml, I'Hllii'qlli‘lliiy 50m” Hf ”mam may iu- planlml a! any limo'. As the walls sprout quivkly anal ”10' plants milk" a quirk growth. four weeks will giw tho-m a gnml slart. For nan Ill lhv wintlnw. flats four inches liiirli slinlilal lw usm’l. Thi'y mav M m" l'm-l. wiolP. thus giving from four in fin squaro feet of space for WW“ shvlf. Fur tlw shelvns of a window. ”in spacv available for starting plants will be from twelve in iiftc-vn squat-P feet. This is aimplu mom far most hnmn gardens. Annihc-r way in start. plants is will: ”in aid 0! a lmlbml. This is «imply a glass-Prvwrc-il hml supplied will: ar'tiiivial hpal. in induce quirk m-rnmmiimn ni' ilw sow-«ls and rapid :i'nwlli M iii" plan's. Thu “Infill Wininmn "H'iilmi Hf making Hm hnl- lwl i~' with tlio- aid of l‘m'mo-ntim.’ Hmlhlll'o‘. 'l'lio- lH'al may hv a [wr- In order to achieve the best re- sults with some 0! the long season productvup here in the north, it is necessary to start the plants some time in advance of the season when it is safe to set them in the open lrrmind. The tender plants should not he placed outside until all danger of frost is past. The late season is gowrn nml somewhat local (auditions. In many localities June is quite early enough, while in others the plants may be set smncwhat, o-au'licr. Howmcr, by having plants \w-ll grown and linzulo'm-ol. Wo- may lu- sure to get, a gnmt start for summer growth. 'I'lw pl:mt~ \xlnch it will ho found lu-st ln ~tnrt m advance aro- harl)‘ cabbage and cauliflower. early celery. lettuce. two-ts. tnn'itl'tovs. gwmu-r- .nul a'm‘nmlu-r-y Snmn Km: UH: mu) thr: sho-l “H L"! my PAGE 2. w-I'mmatiun of HM 'rnwth nf Hm p omnmn mo-thnd 01 w! is with "iv a H ll l’n 'owmg roducts HI Starting the Plants ll Sum ll! l'h \\ flats made to fit w peopln makP H'ling ”w plants ting ”H II». plan in June ”w laflt \V ll \\ N "I uw new! not bn last, of March. of March. How- and I‘aIJUHOWM' In HIP gmnnd frnsl has pass- ”w plants hunts m m window The wnu ' in olo'llth H and. vnds. I‘hu bottom the the £00 D\\' If liansplanting the Mailings is hunpflo ial in calming a stiong root sxstvm. \Vhen plants are stunted in Hm ““1010“,” IS “PM to pick out thv liHlo' sou-(fling and set them in other flats. This is of particular homo-lit in thv casw Hf N'lvi‘y. which shovuld he h'ansplantml twice for “w iii-st I'PSUHS. ('ismt in ventilating. Lot in just. 3 “Min 0! Hip outside air amt ('iOSU ttw sash. As spring ndvancps and the “'03th becomes warmer. al- low the two! to remain 0pm for lungm' and longm periods. until. just in f‘ttlt‘ svtting the plants in tho. up: n mannnt. tin.- glass is lvt't. 01? all th: timv Mr 8 to,“ dms. This hard- tlllllg pi'oc’ess is necessan. Do not. unto-r plants griming in hotbed too rominusly. Too much moisture camps “hat is knoun as damping r.’.itl" “illCil is reallv 'i t'unguxdis- was». inducml by moisture and lack m proper \clitilation. ation. PAISLEY MAN MARKS If one does\ not care to make a permanent hotbed, a temporary aflair may be constructed in the Shape. Of a frame, of a size to fit regulation sash or any old window available. The manure is packed down to a depth of two feet, the frame is placed in position and soil put on t0p or the manure. When the temperature drum; to the: prover point the seed may be planted. Banking the sides of such a bed with more manure or straw will help to keep out. the cold. Fresh air must he nilmittf*il\tn tho Emtlu-vt at frequent intervals. ‘If the ”inside tempemturo 15 below the vim-xiii: point. can: must he exer- i-ismt Ill ventilating. Let in jlist a little of tho (which. air and claw the sash. As spring: adVances and the weather becomes warmer. al- low the lu-«l' to remain ”pi‘ll fm' lnngvr and longer periods. until. just lio'i‘tol‘o' shilling Hm plants in tho! HlH'il ground. tlw glass is left 011' all Hi:- liino for a few days. This lizu'd- Andrnw McBeth, Paisley's grand uh! man. (‘Pll'hl‘dtl'd his 98th birth- day at his hnmv IH'I‘P last, \VPPk. St'nrvs nf 0M fl'io'nds' WNW present at a birthday party lwld i m', whilv mi-s‘sago-s of g wurn I'vcvivm‘l from many \nriuus parts f (lanacl l'nitml Status. ”(1.0??an lihwr 11p! It. will not hp lnng b0- 1‘m- your noighhnr begins to borrow the lawn‘ mommaâ€"Toronto ' Tele- gram. l'IIitml Statps. Ri’fvrl'mg to his lifr. Mr, MCBPU’I recallml that had seen eight. genoratinus 0! familv in his time from his gr mandmntho-I'. “hn sunnml 100th. birthday. Ilmvn m ”If f0 :vIInI'iItimI in a .eistorS family. The hotbed is also vnlueble for prolonging the season of vegetables in the fall. , Used as a cold from, after the heat of the manure has spent itself, it will grow cucumbers and other vine plants to perfection. In starting cucumbers and melons, berry boxes. may he used. The roots of such plants are not the kind which can be disturbed with impunity, so seeds are sown in the baskets and the baskets destroyed when Hm time comes to set the plants in the open ground. In local- itivs where it. would not otherwise be possible to grow Lima beans. we can start them in the hotbed and get good products. frivnois weft-n present party hpld m 1113 hpn- HIS 98TH BIRTHDAY to his 1 'd that )Od wishes frivnds in | and lb? .0 his 10m: 01050 S and 1', al- ’11 for ’ourtt hf tho‘ Must noticeable elfects of prohi- bition on liquor are ’higher prices and lower Visibility. -â€"-Brooklyn Eagle. Tiny all-owr prints in Varied materials are appearing in both «lay and evening frocks. Crepe or washing fabrics are smart. for day- time, and the sheer printed chifl'ons fur evening are really alluring1 _ Above. the always smart Vionot no'ckline is used on a simple. frock of printed crepe. tiny tumm- Sprays. 011 a pain green backgroumi. A. The same model would be offer- tive in flowered organdie. The printed frock of chilfon is always effective with finely pin-pleated tiers. Fashion F ancies The Vogue for Ilnlatnre Pril Is Expressed in Tiered Crepe THE DURHAM CHRONICLE OOW’ maintenance costs, smart design’ and unfaltering .9 service account for the popularity of the New Star Car among professional and business men. Unfaltering service is guaranteed because of the use of quality materials throughout. Labor charges are reduced to a minimum because every adjustable part is accessible to a degree‘that is positively unique. In design and equipment, the New Star Car wins instant approval and admiration, while thousands of owners- from coast to coastâ€"know that New Star Car service is incomparable. Dprant Motors Of iln'vst" l grinding c'xp. In grinding 7m hulllv': Indeed! "[ had a mum! of golk with my wifv this morning." ”Which won?" The husband did not 8HSWPI‘. "Which won?" asked the friend a second time. sheet. (3.00: H. Metralfv. do. $3.25; Municipal \Vurlcl. rolls and dog tags 5:37.51: J. H. (Jhittick, lst. qum'tm- salary. $WAM: Bank of Mnnm-al, N‘- ror re '1‘. Berry's tans $161.3): «in... mending 01' Comm”. $13.75. x. n. freight. SH Council adjmunod to mvct «lay, the 2nd :13) 0f Mm. J. H. Chittick. McGregorâ€"Turnbuu follmvmg accnunts bl ,\'v1‘-.\|:I.~'su\'. 2'.\'n. S. a Cumulaitul. V of l-‘réd. Hang re re- mm'al of hmlwr on Sldt‘llllo 30. Con. 13. Communicaiipnaj were read from De-pufiy Pljm'mclal Secretary r0 ccgagn gatwntpj I}; hosmtals. Claim 'from - l‘i. Brunt ' r0 damages claunvd fur rvmm'al of lroo on the highway. April 4. 1927 Pursuant to adjournment. Council met on alimgv date. Members all present. Minutes of last meeting rend and adopted. Clo-.rk'was instructed to reply to me "w m! Svc rot m‘y. ‘Which one?" thundm'ml thu hus- Bentinck Council tmvnlinv. $1.38: ' Hadvs. $4.50; 'l‘mw‘mm. $13.60; 'l)lach_-s. $1.50: 5. $213.00: I“. 'l‘v 'â€"-Turnbullz \ That. thv accounts he paid: Saw- . Z'Nn. t. grad $260.: (2. 1t. $14.72: J'as. Turnlmll. 'nlinv. $1.38: R. anuiuu- advs. Q1.50; l". Schmidt, mum. $13.60; C. Svlmah, Mus. 81.50: F. Sohmiol". 20.00; I“. 'l‘wamluy. pay C anada, Limited; Toronto.‘ Phone, 6021'15 Cl Pl‘k Mull hand “how manv wiws do you' Most irls are good mah'hl‘s :..1 think I haw? Do vou take me for a men wit mnnoy M Mr“ 1512mm.” Turk?" . Sun. ' Effiisfinctiom‘Pluslow Cost J. H. Harding, Stock Carried. Information Furnished and Senice on Brantford Roofing rendered by Brantford Asphalt Slab Slates are four in one stripâ€"requiring only one operation in handling and spacing. You save 30 to $0 per cent. in layingâ€"and have a roof of permanent charm and distinc- tion. Made in four fadeless colors. Ira-tied “of!!! Co. Limited, Bra-(foul. Ontario 99 “.74 AL Durham, Ont. New Star Car Features Red Seal "L”JJMJ Continental Motor Full Pressure Lubrication Morse Silent Timing Cba'n Thermostatiully Controlled Cooling System Locomotive-type Bub: Super-Sensitive Steering Pullman Ventilators Nation-wide Service Facilities 'risfocrat 1 Canada Tim; ”til 14, Durham EASTER SERVH IN THE AIIHI Chum SN'm I)!!!" M m N m \Varnw lllu Anthvn All! hon AM hc-n Antl AMI Services: 8 “PK M rs. M'I R I",\ II \\ M dim MI ll HI PH ohl: 'I'Ilv ? in. U19 “In I" [)Iu'lmn healthy " “on can I‘m. H Thursday. Ap' \1 Queen St re PM In B. IO. ARMS \1 \l \\ Angll reshy \I Bapti

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