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Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Apr 1927, p. 5

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‘lT-A-TIVES” us: FOR cousnnm am. Ont. )SPITAI me you. Get the sparkk h lie couldn't be with “Fruits- x 3|:wa ntmsified wuh tonâ€" It '3 not 192 I'ID cums: 317011101! M... rum"; and this had not alto- -.-th.-r ilim'i out when incidents of w.» rm-c-nt strugglo between tha o..Iitleso' and the Northerners ml in further cases of dispute. somn -~- u! life on both ships. and a mural ro-vival of anti-foreign ".\t. this time ttw (Lantonesn wa- wt that. nothing but a Poinplete- \ WW (1931 Pould 2mm thvm from mmhilatinn by Um rot-united North. l'ho- wards already alvalt by thvir wmm- n! llanknw ro-quirmt them to o'IHH'I' tin-0w up Hwir hands and re- tn-u, nz' yak» a gigantic bin". Why um. mmw nut boldly as Hm nnly ro-al whanmiuns Hf Chim‘sa freedom :IIHI mnkv gum] Hlo‘il' claim by at- lurking llu- fort-ignm' anol Himal- ing him into the 303? Thus only vuulcl .puhlir svnlinwnt and tha grnwing anti-forum“ fwling b0 llll'nml l0 llll'll‘ mlvantagp, 0r thil’ .lo-plvlml ranks lm flllwl with re- rmils. If llm fm'visnm's. scamrod m furâ€"flung stations. and clePn- .lo-nl ulmn Chinmu prutpction, “UH“! «mly kill a fvw patriots (lur- w.‘ lho- slmgglv ln do'fvncl thom- ~o'l\o'~’, all lhv lwllo‘r! MOW fuel “Hum lw :Ialolml lu llw lmlro‘cl-of- wm-iuno-I's l'n‘o'; pulblil‘. uplninn rmllol mum- mull)“ lw inllamo-ol, and the lu-nplv \\'mllol llm'k ln llm standards ul‘ llw .Valinnfllis'. arming. . ”'l'lu-rv was wry lillln risk in tho whwlhu, for lmu: llO'fUl‘ll fmwfignvrs mum umwar in fnrcn ln sucrmu‘ mmr nnlinnals. llw replc'lml Can- tnno'sm armivs mulol smash lln-nugh Hm .Vnrthvrn hand". I’nrcm to full xmwvl' in kain. 'l‘lwn a gentle 7.. unmmu in.support of their na- unuls. I'J‘msulerabln bad feeling uumst foreigners Jn-genefal was fio'IVPS. “I Wow“ I’m run-ignors "WW 0331' lwuplv W0 Hf ”N? Na ‘"Fh9re‘ N'ho‘mt‘. f mm“. (““1 lullv‘s‘l' :u‘mws l'Ulllcl smasn llll'nugu Hm .Vm'lhvrn hand”. WITH (0 full xmu'o-r in kain. 'l‘hvu a gontlv “vlunlu clown". m- musivv nogolia- Hum would placate lhn foreigners \xlmsu mutual jmlousim could bn n-lu-al upon to play into Chinese hands. and Canton woum at last rule "There was Very little risk in tho whenie. t'or lone: before foreigners mold appear in force to snccmir vbeir nationals. the repleted Can- ionese armies could smash through the Northern bandit forces to full power in Pekin. ’l‘hen a gentle “elnnb down". or evasive negotia- tions would placate the foreigners \ytmsu mutual jealousies could be relied upon to play into Chinese hands. and Canton would at last rule l'ekin! "This gigantic blutY succeeded. but Ill the meantime the Cantimese. had set a fashion: for Chan' 'l‘so Lin in the North. in order to piacate hi~~ constituents and gain recruits. demanded the return of Tientsin and lieutenant. at Shanghai. in order to Recently. for instance, he made four speeches in the lleichstag in as many days. and at the end the 'tt'ltllties knew no more about. what he intended doing concerning the ex-h’aiser than they did when he iirst rose to speak. So they call You Kudall nowadays the man "who says nothing." The Minister of the Interior made the Socialists and Democrats very an'ry because one law keeps the ex- ‘aiser from re- turning to Germany and that lawâ€"â€" the so-called law for the defense of the Republicâ€"~expires July 1. It was passed after the shooting of Walter Rathenau. a figure in post- war Germany in 1922. which placed the Republic in jeOpardy. The fam- all other concessions. Chang’s nus paragraph 23 is the law which provides that. members of those retain his hold on its riches and families of which a relative up to in being. the tlillllillltfrii‘,. . at incipient. keep his army band opposes \\ith the other \yinks efforts at the set/lire . i'es‘s‘li'll by the llhinese. This scramble for recruits under the' o'lnzlk et' iteslu'iililii: the bated for- eizner. is the real mime. iiuhtin: the foreigner is the lust thin-4 intended by any of tho -k cvv'..l)',“. built on a wry dangerous reality: ~llli'o‘l'0‘ anti-inreign sentiment. ’ “N. that {missioin in the hands of "r "weal oz' unscrupulous i- __- linlJ. 0.. l_i' ill, \ “. |\1~.\.llll‘.\ "f ”I" con-31m refused entry into the i the German : residence hush-m or locality m' the Reich in “"3”." i the -event ted inimical to the republic. ‘niembers oi' the former ruling Ger- Tti" ”V in the t'tlllillli‘llt-inian families Violate this law they is that this whole fabric of bliit'i' isfmn hp pjm-tpd by m." Herman Gov- ‘iernment. ;g~eei:illy against Wt”! 0““ November leis. ruled in the German and Federal State and who have taken up residence in a foreign land can Reich by or their Specific. tloyernment. restricted to a is deemâ€" " the. re-en t r y the This act was directed es- the eV-lx'aiser and the iii-own Prince. The ilrowii l’rince has been pernntted since to within l-H‘L'eh' lill‘illl‘éll ttlv‘ eilert“. "This gigantic blufi succvmlod. lint III In» mmniinw the Cantmwso haul wt 9. fashion: for Chan 130 I in in tlw North. in orde' in pfacatn hI~ I'nnstihwnts and gain rI‘I'I'IIits. .lo-Imnilml the I'I‘tlll'll of Timisin and all nthi-I' concvssions. Chang‘s llI‘IliI‘HiHii. :It Shanghai. in Ol'Iit'l' to retain his hold on its richns and kwp hi4 army in bring. with DIN" scrambln for rm'rmts under me o-lnak of «tospniling thn hated fnr- oh: vignvr. is tho rout game. Really m lighting thv t‘nroignm' is thn lasting} thing intended by any lot the m. crumbs. 'l‘hn fly in tho Ointment. nu i-z that this whole fabric of hlnt‘t is ca tmilt cm a wry dangomns rpnlity: vr‘ im. Silit‘i‘t‘t‘ anti-hiI-vign so‘ntimont. p.- --|m;.utnr passions tn the hands ntéth mvwowmwmi m' unscrupulous: Pr g'o‘!‘~‘ntN mm always tinhlv to prodnc» rv tit~':l~'i-‘l'.'3. Ht' cmirsv tlui BritiSh amt’mt’ utom- t'wrmunvrs knuw this. antigen must tnkv ships to proh‘ct tlwir 118-; 'tunzils' xit Shanghai. Britain. With} m-Nt :it ~‘tnkv. onnshtvrs n couple of; .m i-‘inm ‘tlliit‘io‘tli fur thn purposp; th tiI-- iIIHh'ci State“: 3"” Japan ihillkfgu' .\ lmx tilzll'ttiwb and a int nt‘ warships ? as ‘1‘” i‘v‘tliiii't‘t'. Ii bo‘hflth‘S a" {OFF-f "m 1‘?! NOTE! l H! ImPnt Water! Water! Water? What Is Good nun Wonk? RR: Saturn.- Thursday, April M, 1m sclnntinued from page i) \\ "v '3‘» 3 ch mce and use . that is polluted and “ti: fnr domestic use. when “'v-.- Wahr \‘10 bf '1’“ by liV' .“"I\‘.-'-“â€"v . po‘rsomlly k éw and tmvelled the late 0!“. Sun Yat Son in 0min wars ago and found him rv we“ informed man.” HARRY A. BI'N‘I'ER. \\ V \V mem' \\ A GA]! 01' “BLUI'ImI NV imv. while thn is expensive. it 1 Britain and the probably blufl‘ing south. baa wan I four. card flush. night Qud doesn‘t :00 seriously. no wn done. A few: THERE IS I“ a 3' n \\ 0:; Hon» 1'0" flu Bliti: thie‘ .‘llho Ha Cm‘ " an 'alr . but trade the contin- us all hope I ma)‘ 300“ 9. F10 '8“ “'3 l H H many at a ll all m thil lV with .V F.\\' ll \\' \V ,1 [ll In. INN h H [EX-KAISER lONGlNG FOR THAT DEAR BERLIN It is too had Germany has no Lloyds. It would be interesting to know what odds would he given against the return to the country of ex-Kaiser Wilhelm 1! before the end of the year, writes the Berlin rorwsponolent for the New York Herald-'l‘ribune. At the moment of writing it appears as. if the 30-011“- ml war lnrcl has a mind sporting rhanre of returning. not as a ruler. but as a private citizmi. to dwell among: his one-time suhjerts. This judgment is based on the halting aml t'o».~u-l°\‘ml speeches of \anter Von Keuclo-ll. new Mini'eti-r of the Interior. made in the lleirhstag last week. when estimates for his olepnrtnwnt came up for review. You Kemlell is u Nationalist Minis- \\' \ EN A GIMP GETS OUT AND HUSTLES. THAT'S PLUOK SUCKS |N SP‘TE OF AQH‘NG MUSQtESV. ' mvs- anew. BUTWEN GOMEDAYHWEVER \w/ é/ FOLKS ADM” THE KID |5 CLEVER, /â€" AND HE’S PA|D FOP H|$ ENDEAVORE 77/1715 [WIâ€"- ‘ Olâ€"Jâ€"Yfll ING‘ LES THE DURHAM CHRONICLE though the return of the ex-Kaiser would not-jeopardize peace it would menace civil order by providing a rallying point in the country for monarchist demonstrations and plots. The Republicans pointed to the wise example of France in PE- t‘using to allow Bourbon and Napol- eonic pretenders to reside on French soil. What Would Iotahbors Say? An important. consideration that may deter thet present Marx Cabin- et from permitting the ex-Kaiser to come back to his country is tho in- tlnence such tolerance would ham on foreign countries. The entrance of the Nationalists into the German tlahinet. has ctmlecl French opinion tnwzml Germany so that. men Stl'eselllallll was forced to admit this week that speedy t‘\'tlt'll:llltlll cl! the llhinelnnll seems further away than e\'er. 'l'lne spectacle of the. fennel linuwrur thing in tierlnzul)‘ \xutzl'l ghe rise t.. slls‘l'lt‘ltlll lmtll ll! France- and l-Inglantl. An inter- “still: [mint would then arise :h‘ to \\llt'tllt'l' the .\Ht.~‘ \thltl make "M- u‘.‘ ltlt'll' right under the Treaty of Versailles unit tlt‘llltllltt the deliverâ€" ins up b Germany of the ex- Kaiaer. hen the Allies tried in fulfil Lloyd (horse‘s throat w hang the Kaiser in mo Germany was able in answer lhal she was not in a position to fulfil this clauan as the Kaiser had fled lo Holland. But the Allied right to dvmand the handing mvr of Hi? (ixâ€"Kaiser duel not expiru next July. N. is i-xlri-nm- ly doubtful. llOWl'Vf‘l'. wlwllu-r Uin Allivs would cam- l0 vxvrcisn lln-ir right. Fur indignation against the Kaiser in Alliml lands has gi-vally cmili-d'dmui in six yum-s. and (ii-râ€" many is by nu nwaus Hm llll|lll‘.~‘s. «ivl‘rnsi-Igss sum slu- was. all. that liniv. \ £98. Up .13): Gena-"1..“ We In Durham “Iis wwk. Finder may haw .amv 1n IIImIIIIz prayer“ and paying 1nI' 1lIIs III1\1. \.1. "llm (Juan- it'lu Hfl'it'o'. 6H. (mm! smmcl [minim-s, 35ml) \K'. I. Path-mun, H. Ii. .lbmham. l'hmw Road the Clusifiod Ads. on Page 7. POTATOES FOR SALE GLOVES FOUND PAGE I.

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