ERNATION- bARN RED «by. April 3!. 1m 0.. Limited )R FIVISH 'h'l’ if. is worth the \ ~1’xmlo'.r~-Petefm Advertise in the Chronicle. It pays. INT 7. CON. 2]. EGREMONT. CUN- tamm: 100 arm‘s; 8:3 arrow unlim- :‘ullnalinn. balance harnlwnnd hush; mnwnlmzt tu srhnnl; 0n llw per- Now. are a frame barn 392x67. ft. with stun» funndation: concrvtv stables: .llsu llav ‘narn 30x30 With stone base- nu-nt; has: prn 20x30: twnlveâ€"ronm twirl; house. furnace hoatm’l. 8130 tram» wondshed; drilled well close to house. with windmill: concrete water tanks; 30 acres seeded to hay; t0 acres to sweet clover: this farm is well fenced and in a good state at cultivation. For :ntnrmation apply tn Watson's Dairy. RR. 5. Durham. Ontario. 102523" .V'HH‘ is ho‘l‘o‘by given that "‘99- pas-nng in any way. or for; any [my-- msn nn Lot '28. Con. I. blenelg. ls strivtlv forbiddnn and all foupd do- ing 30' after thig notice. Will “41 -..o-no Al Durham. 'April 16, ['llF‘lllH III (III: ‘7“.70 1.0.40 on Lot '29. Con. I. Glpnelg. is sum-Hy forbiddon and all found do- ing so after this nonce. will be prnwculod to the ‘mll extent of the' law. . . Physician and Surgeon. Ofï¬ce anhtnn swept, Durham. Ont. Gradu- at» l'niwrsity of Toronto. Eyes tested and rorrectml. Ofï¬ce hours: 2 to .3 p.m., 7 to 9 p.m., Sundays eXCO'ph'd. ' C. G. AND BESSIE McGlLLlVRAY Chiropractots m'ndunhrs Canadian Chiropractic (lulu-2v, 'l‘nrnnm. 0mm Marfurlame “lurk. Durham. Day and night phone: 122%. 6 M ‘23†Legal ‘Directorv. MIDDLBBRO’ AND BURNS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. lH‘liHAM 11\\'l£.\' SUI'NI) Lumhhm st. 3138 2111! Ave. E. [$111110 h 1"11111 1- at ll1shc1't1i11. 11111211 123113 $111111'11i13 1. 31) to 9.150. C. C. Middlobro’ R. Boak Burns, Owen Sound. Durham. â€"-'- vvv hemmed Aurtiom-vr for County of (irvy. Satisfaclinn guarantved. Rea- mnahlv u-rms. Dam of 33105 made at Thu (Illl'nnivle â€Wire ur with him- «wlf. mun!» 8| nun-e and residence a short dist- Mu‘o- east or the Hahn House on Lamlntnn Street. Lower Town. Dur- ham. Umce hours 2 to 5 p.m.. 7 to 8 turn. (excem Sunday's . Licensed Auctioneer for Co. of Grey. Mmh'l'ah' tm'ms. .\rr:m;:vnwnts fur mic-s. as In «Inn‘s. o‘tt'†may in' made at The (lhronicln Ul‘l'uz-w. Durham. Tvrnw nu application. Address RB. I. lmrhum. Phoxw 6H 1‘ ‘23. . 0mm: and resldence. corner of metess and Lambton Streets. oppoâ€" snwum Pmt (Mice. (Mice hours : 9 tn H 3.11).. 1.30 tn 3 p.m.. 710 9 pm. (Sundays chwted}. Hmmr lirmluatv l'nivel'slty of Torâ€" outâ€, (SI-:uluule lloyal Cullvge Dental Slum-nus of Ontario. Dentistry in all us branches. Ofï¬ce Calder Block. Millb‘mret, second door east of Maclicth's Drug Store. Barristers, Soiicitors. etc. A mem- m-r or the ï¬rm will he in Durham on Tuesday of each week. Appomtments may he made.- with the mark in the other. “Hum, Durham lilo-0d. Dan .hx'nniclt‘ 0| PUNBRAL SERVICE New Modern Funeral Parlors Phone Kingsdale 4344 122-121. Avenue Road Toronto John W. Bates R. Haddocks l-‘m'mvl'ly Hf I’lvs'lmx'ton BATES BURIAL C0. DR. W | . It PHS“ 1,1,. sum, 111.13., M. c. p. s. o. Advertisements under this heading. 1 cent a word each insertion CASH WITH ORDER; six consecutive insertions given for the price of four. Telephone calls treated as cash with order if paid for before Saturday night of week ordered. Minimum charge for first insertion. 25 cents. On all charge orders a straight charge of 11/; cents a word will he made each insertion, minimum charge 35 cents. DRS. JAMIESON JAMIESON J. r. GRANT, n. n. 3., L. n_. g. I" .\ RMS FOR SALE Classified Advertisements Lirensad afluctmnm I’m my! Thursday. April 2:, 1m Medical Dilation. L'lo ofl'u nrnoy.l REUBEN C. “'ATSON Denial Directorv ALEX. MacDONALD no Tansussma . C. PICKEBING, DENTIST over .1: 6; J. Hunter's More, , Untax'm. DR. A. M. BELL LUCAS HENRY rm; DAN. MCLEAN Ben Harrison, Tenant “'illiam Hill. Owner 'Operty will be sold purchaser. For pm- at Watson‘s Dairy. Ont. 102523“ County of We will be in the market for the winter months-for, pure milk and cream. Orders taken for choice dairy butter delivered 0!! the rig; also buttermilkâ€"Watson’s Dairy. \\'F. CARRY ALL GRADES FOR Gmin and Gaxden Crops Cheaper to get \om supply in earl}. Special m in“ on acid phosphate in car lots. Lit us quote \011 on your supply for spring sowing. GIRL WANTED J'ZXI’I-ltll'iMll'ih CHOK. GENERAL. 1... Mn. 1mm .Izmnmnn. ohltio'g t0 vulnnwnw May I. Part, time in TO- nm'n and mm. in Durham. Apply tn In: D. B. .lamivson. Durham. 4143 living: Lots west half 0! l. Gore A. 7.3 acrns; the east half of 8 on thn 3rd (â€nncossion. 50 acres; and 100 .wrns on the 3rd Concession, all in the Township of Egremont. These prnworties will he sold on bloc or separately and sold cheap to quick purchaser. For further particulars apply to Mrs..J. J. Smith. Varney. R. R. l. on at residence of J. J. Stevenson. . i 6 U The Durham Y'.F.0. Live Stock As- SDCiflfmn will ship stock from Dur- ham cm lem‘lays. Shippprs are requested to aim» three days' notice. James Lawrence, Ianager. Phone 601 r 13 will i... giwn by Hm Yuung People ut’ S. S. Nu. 8. Egrvnmnt in Russell Hull. l’runwrv nu Friday M'vning. April 30th. umlvr Hu- :mspicvs 0f lho' WHmvn‘s lnstitutv. in hid m‘ Hu- \ruwnizm Buy Fuml. (Mini 01'â€" «'lu-stm in utto'nolanw. Admission .\ii}'c»iio~ thinking lllHlHUllPlH, m- havi‘ wnrk alnnv. should : placing: ilio-ii' â€HIM“.- «ivn. [Mil-hum Hniai'in SEWING WANTED \\'\\"II‘.II M \I.\' h! \\I,\’I:: III B\ I .‘IIIII' .In I! I I |HI â€IImn. -'I 7 â€1H1. PASTURB TO RENT Inn vim-i.“ l.\' Ec‘ml-IMHN'I‘. LOT ‘2 win: '3. t\\'n milws from Durham. -\l'|’l.\ h'u l’o'h'l‘ Black. f! 1-3 3‘“! “HEAT WANTED. ANY QUANTI’I'Y. Highest price. People's Mills. 3 1.321% UAR thlNGJHW)! SIilTE. 9 MN'MZ baby varl-iagn nearly now; oil stove in good conc‘liuon. Apply at Thu ilhl'nniclo- Hfl'ic'n fur informa- tinn. 1, 7 3le HA'I‘IZHINH HMS FROM HOUD LAY- inu strain Whitv Imghorn: m'dm's (-arvfully gzntllm'ml. svloctod and mu cl fur; $4.00 per hundredâ€"JV. lat (111m Route -'n, Durham. phonn h†l‘ 5.. [l 7 U \HIIKSHIRI 80W. BACON TYXPI .lm- un m almut. \pril â€â€"-xppl\;) J. .-\. Rumno Pmmilln 1. 2 Quw'n St.-â€"-Smith Bros WORK WANTEDâ€"THE CHRON~ it'lv .luh Plant is well equipped for turning «ml the ï¬m‘stmork I‘m shor} (mim'. t l£¢â€).â€"\RDI-ZRS \\';\I\"l‘l*ll.)â€"â€";\PPLY. AT cihrouicln HITiw. H 28 if SICNID YHI'H 'l'l‘llJ‘IHlL-UHS VIA (IAN- .\I "I‘m 1‘4 w Bl'm‘n’ AND CI'TTER IN “th Muss ('nndiliun. Apply at, llhmniclc- affirm 4 M tf FARM FOR SALE OR RENT I.â€Hl>'; \le :3. HUN. 2, SJHL. mu :n 1..» \\ I'll hunk Inu'n 50x30. Drive- ~|u-al. :nimut .‘w’tl arrow“ â€1' hx’ll'clwoml PROPERTY FOR SALE mlian ininnal Teflvgrzwl’l. Plume 18. 4 7 6pc] .\l('| FUR SALl'l.â€"â€"A NUMBER OF GOOD building lots on Gem-go street. North 01‘ Skating Rink. Durham. Apply to 1). Hopkins. 2 21 if FHA)! ['2 H! )1 TS}: UN CH ESTER Stu-M. and Man a portion of land. Hu- mnporty n! Mrs..George Everett. Fur p-al'tic-ulars apply to E. Ros- hnmugh, lhyutc‘2. Durham. 3 2/: 6 FRAME HHI'SE FOR SALE; ON \ HAY “HH.\NIH’.\ MIS'I’AKES BUTTER, IILK, CRBAI SERVICE A.†ll‘ 3 and 24k ush. Hum ARTICLES WANTED tf in COMING EVENTS NOTICE TO FARMERS “O'HM GRAVEL FOR SALE mu m’ FARMS FOR SALE ll FOR SALE Edward J \\'o'.. Do‘n'l‘u MONUMENTS thinking 4-1 Hr Inning ,IIHIIM ‘0'“ lm FERTILIZER . Ewen 8: Son, Durham. Phone 114 pm Punt I ilt'l‘O‘S Hl' hull'chVOtin'l {mud stutv of culti- fm'tho-r particulars am .I. Hartford. 2.310 DMI‘QJH. “it‘ll. 2,1)(1. Hll ;lll}'\\'llt‘l't! '3‘ apply [H Durham. RR. 1. \\ ,L'l‘ilV“ c‘l'M'Hllf-‘i 9. mscrlpt 1011 us lu-I'm'n .“ c' I’m 1- l and in Hm 107“ " 24 if \\ pd Hm instmctml t( hth mc-Ming: ( lmvnts as tolltm umlm hm .\'n 3; Sany-I' and Massvy 10ml,â€" " 'IIIlI-I .~ - ALaI'I'iI-Il. Blzuk~â€"\\hitmm'vâ€"Th t in armr- du'u‘u'v with I'vqniron ts of now systvm of mad maimvnancn and constructiuII. \w dividv Hm snwral Iuaols 01"1‘I'I\\II~IIIII intn snctions. um] :Immint a P'IlIulmmI In haw clIanO «It mu II souticm. and that â€16‘ L‘lmk Road NO. 1. 42mm. 2 and 3, l and Shh-roads Patmlnwn: .\ swtinn. Jnhn Rvay: NH. L’. Ni? Molosh: NH. 3. Adam gunk-124ml ti. Albort McNally; N0. 5, “Mb. .I kinson. [MM N0. '3. Whilli. 2 and :5 S and Sillt‘l'flillli‘. patrnlmo-n: I swfinn. Lam'vm'u NIcl’man: 3 llo-m'y livklml'dt: .\'u. 3. \Villiam [,vml, aftnrnonn. in‘Hm :33. to cure! Hum: cast; no fraud. gum! typv. shall. Rum: .0.§.0:08020:0:0.5.680308030308030.g§089§803§.0:030:0:0:0.3..0.....0:o:080..0..0:0:0. ‘.‘:O:O:W. MM. at tho township hall as pvr ailjnurnmo-nt Hn April 2nd. Mvm- lwrs all [)I'Q‘Sl‘lll oxcvpl Mr. \Ve-m'ilor, imavnic'lalily al’isvnt through sick- no-ss. .‘Illlllll's run! and alloptml. 'l'lu- l’nlh'nving arruunts \Vnrv pals- sml: Mal. Black to pay mun fur work at ml: and mm run's. $9.10; Mllllll'll'al Wurlcl. supplii-s. $2.33: .-\ll'. H'No-ill. l'ur limlwr fur repairing: lmrkvs llrioluv. $75110: Wm. Banks. lillim: lmlo' m1 rnacl all, Ltd 13. 11ml. i N. 31.00: Wm. \Vm‘r and .lnhn Mr- Kvt'lllllt‘. l'nr inspvrliug Burke-‘5 Briclw' and buying: tin‘ihvr l'ur samv, $1.30 rarh. \\'hilniiivrvâ€"â€".\lrlx’vrhniv: That wr- nrtlvr lwn NH. ‘2 Sawyo-r anal .\l:l.~'sv,\_‘ rnml :rmlms. -â€"clarriml. PIGS FOR SALE â€IN HHS. SIX \Vl‘lliKS HH’. YHHK: \\'ill 3UST LIKE A MANâ€" {0: 'acl Men’s Work Shoe with “Panco†soles. The sole that is guaranteed to outwear the best oak- tanned leather ...................... ‘. . . $33.75 Boys’ Running Shoes ju'st in, in oxfords and boots. Don’t miss thish opportunity to have your room papered in the newest, up-toâ€"date wall- papers. John McKechnie,‘ Durham Men’s. Oxfords, in newest shades and pattern. priced, per pair ................ $3.00 to $6.00 New stock of Ladies’ Shoes just arrived, in colored patent leather. in Staunton Semi-Trimmed, 22 in. wide This week we are offering some exceptional value sin Living and Dining Room Paper. A large range to choose from. Reg. prices, 30 to 35c. a roll Watch our windows for display of samples of these papers. It will pay you to get your require- ments of these papers as soon as possible. McKechnie’s New Shoes Na. '3. 'l'luns'. 2 and .' «lo-romds. patrc'uImo-n: . Laurum'e- McFmIdPn l'tl‘kll'dl'tul NH. 3. \VIHI Glenelg Council Sale Price 23c. Roll. Border 6:. Yard Wallpaper Specials \pply .l: Durham NOTICE 1 Durham Smlml: hn Hahn llmwa Am mvs'. tlux'u Hue \an to [H'Pll'il_l'0' Bylaw fm' vunlirmlng appmnt- éuarantw 2'. mm. 31101121“! Mmm nnild and Sidn- lamps .\l. \131- I]. 01.: ’M A THE DURHAM CHRONICLE mun: Nu, Iclalvnz Nu. \\ Illium .\i( thn-dav .3 I .(I. \n \lt'llul o . .‘t‘ >2le \m'il H Swvvnvy: .\0. 2. Harulcl \\ alsnn. Road .\'n. 8. glluns. 10 and H and side-roads : NH. 1 SO'PUUH. Culin Mc- Artlmr, .ll'.: .\'n. L’. l’vh-r D'Arcy; NH. 3. John Quillinan. Road No. 9. "Inns. 1'3 and 13 and siclmwmds : N“. I sm'tinn. C. J. Svig- friml; NH. :3. Wm. Human-thy. Road No. w. (Cums. 14 and 1:3 and shim-«pads : NH. 1 SPCHHH. 1.0mm Livingslmw. [{naal'Nu. H “Runs. '3 and 3 S.\\'.'l‘. xllltl 3.“. Z N“. l id‘t’tiull. \\'c-.~'14-}’ Aitkens. . .\|l o'xlwncliturvs fur \wrk 1wr- I‘m-mm] un lmvnlilws ho 1w mmlu .m R ï¬l'tV- liftv basis WHY: mijnininf; tmxnships 'le «mmvil adimunnt m Satur- 413) May 7th at I“ mm. H. H. Mavhnnald. "lurk H_\' :l 1 thing (-ls‘o â€"A~.\lam-us \Vith bran-n lips hc- IHM his 1 In [Do-Hy mg» ho- me'v, Hu limp Humght that yuulhfu Sim daily mnre- and muro'. Hut litllv 'l'nm. lw lnx'ml m we iJistln'ln-«l him by “in livs‘. lw'cl Hum] NH. .3, ((119115. 2 HIM and sulo-rnads. patrulmvn sm'hcm. H. \vaplvl; NH. 2. 'Hh‘dti NU, sult'l'uacls 'l‘lmmms; .\'« RMHI .Vu sirlvljuuds ' Swwnm‘: .‘ â€1‘. 9“!†his IlIilIl III SIIIIIIIIN School. â€Us IIulII III gII. saIIl IIII: "A hm sIIIIIIIIl III.†II “In Hf'll IIIn lluln If 1III1IIII IIII “onld IIII BIII. IIIIII IIlIsIIIIIIIIl. HIOIIgII [III “as Blavk: NH. 3. lbun Road NH. 3. Minn and ï¬dt‘lfli‘ldls Nu liam Banks; .\'n 2. roads 1’" and 30 "UN“. m Mind liuv patrnlman: N0: 1 sm'tiuu, Donald McArthur. sent, clun'rh his l'atlu tranquil mincl I mozm 1w- 0 than a mmd well m‘clorml. s Aurelius. THE EXAMPLE ls. . patmlmon: N0. 1 \‘vpplvy. N0. :2. John J. L [Human Sim'lair. . (ï¬rms. 35 and .3 .\'.D.R. ls NH. 1 so-vtiun. \Vil- Sn. 2. D. H. leflulalcl. 6. JIHHS. G «and 7 and NP. 1 sm'tinn. Thus. L'. Mivhzwl Quillinan. 7 «Inns. 8 and ‘J and NH l M (' Hull. \\ m. . -. â€3!â€ch \\ ulsnn. '.. Luns. m and H and W. 'l sm‘liun. ilulm Mcâ€" .\'n. “J. I’vh-r D'Arcy: NH. Wm. MMlal'thy L (Cums. h and \'n. 1 svt'linn. By Gene Knot: HPVt'l‘ 'd [M 3. NIL“ \\'l Icouu a snow Io sun-mum» : MARKETING roux Announcement is made by Dr. W. J. Black. Director 01' thihiiiiZatimi and Agriculture of. the .tlanadian National Railways. at â€I" appuint- ment of Colin H. Um“. fut‘mi'l' puh- licity cnmmssiunei' (if the. (inverti- ment of Allwrta. tu thy position of superintendent. (of the nm'ketim; tnui‘ nim' being Hl'u’allilmi hy thu enhmizatinn department at the rail- way. Mr. Hrnti’. who has for some. years heen engaged in newspapcu' work and [mhlieitx “"qu in the west. reached Menti‘eal ieeentlx to take “\(‘1‘ his no“ duties. Newly Appointed Ollcial Bus Al- ready Taken Ovu- Dutias. With Headquarters at Montreal. *E‘o‘oz‘éz‘o.:.‘o‘o‘.“o‘o‘.‘o‘o‘oo.o‘:.:.. .03....30.‘..O....‘3..‘:O .‘.‘o‘o‘.‘o‘.‘.‘.‘o:: If you can drive tmi milos to 8354‘ Um INN“ (‘hild of a 11081! limit. I! you can hring a nvw haiw. into tho \vm‘lot train a ititt'ivnlt pcmitmn, with In help hut. that. of grandma and â€W husband. It†you can «tiau‘nusv tnnsilitis fi-um diphthm'ia with a" laboratory i8 hours away. If )‘ttll van I'll†Htt‘ iht'i‘i'-lil‘ttltgvd “shook mnlai' tnnth nt‘ tlm 230 poppet hirmt man. Tho Kaunas Me-«lival .lnurnal. speaking 0f tlu- gem-val m‘actitimwr. really tlw mmntry dm‘mr saw. “If 3'01) van set, a h‘m'tnrml thigh lmnu win: a pint-u uf string and a flat mm and got as com! I‘vsnlts as Hm vnwrwnvy stan' M a ("My lluspilzcl. It is hardly (01w. wondered aL thurnfm'v. that “In family «im‘tur ..t' formvr timvs lu-vamn sun-h a stand- by in "11- ('nmmunity. Ynu and I knew that m mam' misc-s he sh'aiulm'nc‘cl mu! difl'n'nl- ‘H‘S ill IIHI’IN‘S “'IN‘I‘N lllilli~h|P nr Britain in the coming Visit of the party. and ihvre is assuranca that Hm Canadian runners who take ad- vaniam‘ of ihr- him will I‘Q‘t‘d‘i\'12 a most nnthusiastic wvlcumv. THE COUNTRY DOCTOR PAGE 7.