II or Phone 66 Durham. NIANC‘V, DURHAM 'arload;~ of Wool ntod. also Beef dos. Horsohair, nthvrs Poultry BAN K tsdajf. June i6. â€37 Account lience -.r.-'O-‘O OA-OOh-m-WOIW 0i Wanted fictionctus -o- 0‘ o--o-»o--o--o--O--O-Ovm Impllc‘ct i. II' more sgt. “'0' Had it \\ HI'M‘. I'l' l Hugh" pro-jnohco. .wpmpn sulll't'es rspm Ht [lo-:4 «thinning. In's l, the STANDING OI PUPILS 'l‘lu- t’ollowin students of Durham High School ave obtained pass standing on the Lower School De- partmental subjects indicated, and in due course will receive a certi- ï¬cate issued by the Department ot‘ him-alien granting standing in Hum. subpm-ts on which a pass has been obtained as herein speci- ï¬ed. Students who have failed in Arithmetic, Zoology; English Gram- mar. Art. or Botany may write the orxutmuatinus set by the Department of Education in these subjects on payment of a {0-0 of one dollar per paper written upon, payable to the pin-sitting utticer 0n the day of the examination, provided written no- llt'w nt‘ intention to write is receiv- w! by tlw principal on or before Saturday. June 18th. .-\ollam. Roginald .\llnn. Ila Ando-rson, Christina .\rmslrong. Maypole .\rnwll. Annie Arne-ll. Dorothy l-lmlvy. Florence linird. Evelyn llo-ll. Andrl-y H0â€. 'l‘lnalma Null. Lona Hr“. .‘lflt' lllull'. Norman Ilium-ll, Edward llluirk. llvl'nard lllm'k. I‘ll'it‘ liul‘ll‘". Cameron llo'nn \lyrllo- Ilnll~llwl‘o'. John Fulvum-I', lio'nrgv l-‘n-lh. llnnivl lulzh‘s, Hurlrnolo illimvn. ll'l‘lll‘ Hrnslrx, lit-zill‘it'o H |\ nlmo-s. Ada npkms. Lawrv - juklns. (So-0r): wilm'. Irma "lw'y. Maud :stnn. Juhn Thundny, Jun. 10, am -:n v, Rwy I‘IUH'I \' it'tnr 'l‘. I‘Iditll Flimhvlh I\\' l'O'IN'O‘ ( Our Own Correspondent) 1'. .Iumw Banks of Proton and Now. Mr. lehmald of (lnrlwttun v at hrivl’ mil 011 “w I'm'nwr's \Vhih imildm- :11 In \VPSI ‘ Glenroadin ]sistiug Mrs. Cornï¬eld in Kimbvrly :spcnt the weekâ€"cud at 1101‘ parvntnl hnnw hero. M 1'. and M 1's. Edwin l’urvis. of To mnlu \‘isitml nx'm' thn m'ekâ€"oml with tho formvr's parents, hero. Mrs. Purvis and balm will rmnain for a fnrtnight‘s visit. .- "fl THE DURHAM CHRONICLE prize. This contest is a ï¬ne idea and brings out some of our promis- ingltalent. :- Wm. McLeod has secured a fine new Essex sedan from our local dealers Anssum Jr. McLean. ‘ ne-ighhm'homl to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mm'l'isun who joined lwal‘t and hand at thnt. Fan-st last week. We- \wlmunc- Mrs. Morrison to tho twighln vl‘huml._ ,â€" .__A I 1-1.. 1. NB. (almw . missionary H'w l'nih-d (lhm'vh of Canada the British Consuls, and his D mast, 2.500 miles away, for Banks. There was a large crowd of members and visitors. A great deal of business was transacted as well as 1. pro me. The next meet- ing will held It the home of Mrs. Fred Cull. A meeting was held in the church on Monday evening to get ready for_the {annual gay en patty which will be held in 'the netâ€"r fdture. Mr." Af'l‘hompson, who has been so seriously ill is, we are glad to say, slowly improving. Two (provincial elections are set. for the end of this month. On June 25 the Prince Edward Island elec- tions are to he held and, three days later, in Manitoba, the Bucket! Government is appealing to the people. In both elections the li- quor question is very much to the fore. Prince Edward Island has been under prohibition. but. the Stewart. Government, taking its cue‘ from the success of lion. Howard Ferguson in Ontario. has introduced a very similar government. control hill and Prince Edward Island is passing through the same kind of a campaign. Normally, the present Conservative Government would win. but it is dill'icult to say how the liquor issue will atl‘ect the “situation, esl‘ierially in a province ls†iworwholmmgly rurai. Manitoba has had Gowernmcnt control for sowml years and “in question at prohibition 01' the con- tinuance of the present, systmn is not an issuv. 'l‘hm'n is. l'mwnvm'. a rofvrvndum nu tlu- min of lwc-r in hotels. wliilv Hm Howrnnwnt is living spyi-i'vly criticized for its ullvgmi lack of ouforcemcnt Hf tlm pi'osmit act. , 'l‘lw Farinors' (‘iowrnmnnt is ap- pealing on its record and, as it. has a fairly imml rm'm-«l. this stmnhl rarry it hark tn powvr. Una pf tlm interesting planks in tlw Bracken (hwernmvnt‘s platform is one whirh calls for a gi'natvr industrial clmrlnpnwnt in Manitulm. In a ro- cent Winnipeg speech suppnrting this plzitt'nrm l’rvmivr llravkrn «luâ€" clared: TWO PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS VI“- “v "'l‘hv thing m- nvvd morn than anything also is a halanu-it indusâ€" triail «tvwhmnwnt. Ulll' tlt'Vt‘ltlltâ€"i mont Up until now has him" all nllPâ€" l sitlt'tl. \Vt- llm'v it'llJllLtlltl arm-s 0f land in Manitoba of which \w. t'arm‘ unly 7.000.000 acrns. yvt, agrivnlturn' produces three-quarters of the total 5 \walth Hf the: m‘nvinvo." l OPERATION [EFT IIER VERY WEAK “W's“ will , farm From a tkiiim-rvatiw politician or a memhm' of tho (lanadian Manu- fat'lm'm's' Asmn‘ialiun llllh wtmld haw lwvn a lllt'l't' platitudv. hut. t'i‘um lln- livad ut' n l’ai'nn't's' Gnu-Pn- mvnt. it. is highly simiilivunl. 'I'livl‘h is n grnwini: I'c-atizatiun in thc- \Vc-st. of thu new! «it an all ruund «hwvl- upnwnt Hf lawn and mmntry Wlllt‘ll lm~' Iliad“ l'HI' tlw lvt'mtu'i‘ily nt' \Vhstvrn Hntariu. l‘x'vnne-x' lh~avkvn will ï¬nd. as will uthm' \Vestm'n farm lvndvrs, that it mil lm llllâ€" possiliv lu clowlup industrial life; ‘witlmnt smnv turn] at pmtw'tinn. Tho chances aw that as industry munamls in tho )K'vst “1- will lwar ._..-l..n a y every month. One day whalwunotablemgetum mother the to try your - icine. My unblnd got me a bottle of Vegeuble Compound at once and I took it. I turned a second bottle, and to m ovate md joy the pains le t me completely and I am nble to do all my work without help. I m u farmer's wife, so you - .. I Onl I u- Iâ€" -I‘ ‘ Ln‘vn â€CI“ - u... .. -_.... _ . ' _ seelcan’tbe idlel . In all [have taken six bottles of Lydia ‘2. Pink- bun's Vegetable Comfound. ï¬ve boxes of the Com und sblets, two bottles of Lydia . Pinkham's Blood Medicine, and have 3150 used the San- stive Wash."-â€" Mrs. L. LuEUNEBSE, Box 103, Cbnismn, Ontario. c 'illmut smuv furm of mun-Minn. 'hn chances urn that as inclush'y xpands in thn \Vnst “'0 will lwar ms and loss 01‘ fI-m- tram-.w-lmnduu ro-ss 9A0. I.