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Durham Chronicle (1867), 7 Jul 1927, p. 9

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(Our Own Correspondent) Mrs. I-red I'M”) and little son loot-1,”! Tmuntu, alto: swnding the ”It. month with Mr sxstox Mrs. D. A. “utson. haw rPtmnmi to their home in ”In Qty-9n titty, A Mesolamm “’m.‘ 31.05%.» and A. Isl! have hfgn spending a WW‘k In Toronto vnsmng hwnds and rela- To start, our week's programme on Monday morning last, we had an unusual i'xparivnce by way of a small tiro- which stat-tool from the chimney and which changed our gait into a ro'al hop and step pro- cedure. On first sight we notii'ml Imnko- issuing from the roof, which 800" her into a roal blazr. \Vo were not long in proving that wp hail ro-al [wighhors for “my worn JOIlfllly-Hll-lllw-Sptfl. and hail tho fire umlo-r runtrol in short ol'olm'. 1mm» hi-avy lrosts and over aupply 0f min. crops 31‘» louking hirly wall. Anothm' wwk m' two and haying will be an in full swing. Fall who-at and party hark-y are» showing l'm'lh llwir wliiski-ry linails and uiw prnmisv (if a gnml (.‘I‘Op. Willi l‘ri-qui-nl showers and warm wi-alho-i' “mm mm on lalP spring crnps \Vill alsn hr good. and Wu haw a tall low-ling away up in llm ton ui' unr lmnno-l, that this is going to he a favm'ahlv year for us snil “MPH and sml blHU'l’S. ' Mr, I», “PR?!" and sun of Toron- to aim visiting )li'. \Vm. Momma llo-x'. .\lr. l’i-lm's \‘isilml mm» of tlu- nwnihi-i-s nl' his mngi'i'gatinn b0- fm'o- lwm'ing l’ur his nmv lll‘lll at lml’oii'il. anal i'lil'islwnml snmi' ml the i'hililri'n un his way. among "H'fll living a “HIP ilzuiglilm' M Mr. and Slit-s, Lawn-mm zinol nnl' lwn Iillln lmfi's, Mr, and Mrs. Ho-orge- Hopkins en- joyt'd a mutor trip to Tux-0m» re- cently to Visit. {rho-Hols tlwrP. Mr. and Mrs. Farr [Jawrvmro and It {0rmor's muthm'. Mrs. John M. Lawrvnvp. mutm‘ml to Linn's Head recentlv to Visit the lattvr's brother lav. Wm. Matthew?“ “â€"v Mr. Jams-s . W004], his mnthPI' and Huhln smut ”\Pl' Domininn Day with Io-latIu-s III Hm \‘Icinih. Umgraiulaiimis in Mr. and Mrs. Ururm' Ko‘llar on tho arrival of 'a baby girl. Mrs. Ko‘llar and baby camo- hum» frum the HaIIM'o'i' lins- pdal nu Friday. Must ni’ th- ynung folks Of this line took in the rplvhration on Friday at. Hannwr. The day was a littl.» warm fur comfort. Quin- a t’o-w athmdod tho roumon at Laudm'hark nn Saturday arm-- mum and Hu- garden party at night 'l‘lwl‘or was an immc-nsn rrmvd. Mr. and Mrs. H. Eckhardt spent a by recently in Mount Forest. .lr. lldwzu-d Hartford, his mother and sister and Mrs. James Finnigan. all of Deli-nit. visited in the neigh- bm'huml recently. (Our Own Correspondent) Wu o-nolm-ml wry warm weather lam \ka. Un Friday it was re- portwl In lw “)0 ongrows in the) ahatln {\lr. .luhn anm. J12. has exchang- ed his I'm'cl var Mr 3 mm Star. “n :m- mm In wpmt that. Was Thusno-Ma Loiilmld is at prosmt unmjr hr. Eustnn's car» “ith puru- monla. (Our Own Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. .lamvs l’vtty and lamily spvnt Sunday wilth Mr. and IN, .\. 'l'hnmpsnn. Mr. ollm'mu'w 'l‘humpson spvnt Mu» wm'k-o-nd with frivnols m'zu' Turnntn. Miss Saolio- [.ms‘n-nw- is sponding a whilo- with lwr parmlts. .\h'. and Mrs. Janus Lawroncn. Mr. and Mrs. Hprh. Dunsmorv and “HI" olmlghh'l' nf Hwo‘n Smmoi al't‘ ape-mung a fmv days with Mr. and Mrs. )lulvnlm NIcKochnin and other III”. I'IIIIsIIna IPIIIIIIII who has been \\II|I III-r IIaIIgIIII'I'. Mrs. .IIIIIII “I'I'Ill I'III' IIII- pasI, mmIIII I‘I‘IlII'IlNI hIImIe lust \VPI'k. 'III and .\II.~I. JamI-s )lI‘IIImalII and ham and MI.“ Mam SmII.II MIIIIIII P‘IIrI-sI. \ISIIBII at Jaspm' Smiths on [III-mlzn aIWJII‘IlIIIIIII ’IIII- sI'IIIml I'IIonI last Friday. Thu \\I|| mI-zm smm'al months” IIIIIIIIIUS I"? “w pupils. 'l‘ho‘y will start In SI'IIII'mhI‘I' “IIII I] new U‘III'III'I' as )1st INTIIIII'II has 1'0- Slum-II. Mr. and Mrs. M. Kvnny haw lwvn ontvrlaining n nnmlwr ..r rwlalix-us rem-ntly. Mr. and Mrs. \Vvslo'y Harw- man and Miss Bowman. .\lr.~'. Cox and rluilclrwn. all of Toronto; .\lr.~'. Bowman's motlwr and Mrs. Kornnv of Guelph and Mr. and Mrs. “rem; away of Guelph. Congratulatnims to Mr. and Mrs. John Banks of Kamsack. 835k. on the arrival of. a son. Miss Jean Floyd, cousin of Mr. Gillen Boyd Visited recently with him. Mia's Marion Boyd of Whitney School. Toronto. 13 spending her vacation with her grandmother, fl'ie-nols plownwnt in his asphalt. shinglvs mam. Mus .Inhn .\h lemiv of Hlnmumlin. “w l . 1‘. \\ hum» nf Mrs. 1) \\ill mow-l at “In l-zrml mm nn .Iuly l-'. PAGE 8. Glenroadin (Our Own Correspondent) Mr. Gillen Boyd is making an im- minwnl in his imu-‘v in pullinv mhalt Sllilmlos n11 thi- in“! zinc! Rocky Saugeen McWilliams Calderwood Corner Concerns (Our Own Correspondent) Juh the first was obserxed by 11111 1itizens in various ways Some “ent tn Uw e11 .Soumi othets to Hon-- 01 e1, and some on p1i\ate \isits, .xhile others stripped oi! the great- 1-1 1311. of theh clothes and re- mained in the shade. Some of the hardy ones just worxed away much :15 1151131. Miss Black, 0111 school teacher, signed up {01 anothez year before 111111111ing to he1 home 111 Goderich. Mrs. Donald W’atson is enjoying a visit of her sister, Mrs. Zuber of Tux-unto, this week. nur lvarhvrs are all homo from their schools for their holidays again. Mr. Wilford and Miss Rota Mai-hour. Miss l1. Morrison and Miss May Davis, and Mr. Irwin Mallhows from attending Paisley High School. For some months Mr. Robert Mighton has been threatened with appendicitis and last week yielded to the advice for an operation which was performed by Dr. D. B. Jamie- son in the Durham Red Cross Hos- pital and was very successful. We expect him home in a few days, if there i,- truth in the saying that good natured people heal quickl . He always looks on the bright si e of the picture and sees the humor in it. Miss Etlml Lawrence of Mount Fen-vat came up on the first of July to visit her uncle, Arthur Lawrence, uvm' the _hOliday-. -\ goodly number prom this place attended the pageant put on by the l U. D. E. and felt well renamed l'ton' their trip to Durham. Mr. Matthvw Hoopc-t‘ Is 01"Pt'ting a new house this summer. It is a rnro (him.' to son a now houso or barn going up in the country those yvars. 'l‘wvnty-fim years ago tho months of .lmw and July worn looked forward to with great plea- sun-v owing to tlw number of barn- raisings to be attended. _ Sanfo- van- starting haying and. rc- pul'f Hu- «Twp 11 gum! one. especially on high ground. __ 'l‘he tragic ending Hf Mr. Eugene Murphy at“ Mnnnt Ft‘brest last week was a shnrk tn Egremonters. Not many Hf the nld residents but had satist'urlnry dealings “'1!“ him and fmmol him a wry [in- business man. 'l‘lw dmdh nt’ Mrs. James Matthews in Durham nu Friday removes an- odho-r nt' Kgrvmunt's faithful. honest pinnwrs. whn did much towards making this part, of the country what it is tndzly. 'l'n shuw Hm 05- hle in which shv was held her old lwigldun's Hll'llml nut on Monday to» pay at last h'ilmtv uf I‘PSDPN. tn uno- Hf ”now In wlmm \vv owe SO mm'h. Ymn' I#lI'IiI-lg-Pi'ivm'illI- corros- IIIInIlI'nt and I 3W a “”10 hit [H'rplo'xml at [H'Psvnt as in what. natiunulity thu nthvr hvlungs. H“ says if “H" 'K" was knockI-Il nfl' Hm I-nIl Inf Hlll‘ nnnw ho wnuhl COIlSiIIIII‘ II~ a Highland man. whilI- \Vp think. judging: fIIInI Hm amnnnt Hf hlaInnv ho nsvs in his hudgms ospnciulh ”In last nno‘. that. ha must hII {Ill Irishman. Hf mnrsn tho hlIaI'nI-y aim-s nu harm in his writings 01' PV- I-n if [In is an Irishman it, will nnl Ilvii'uI-I in thu lvnst. frnm his many aniiahh' IIIIvaliiivs. But, to knnck tho Sm in: that \0111 Dznkivs (10111018 smilw has got a mom pleasant job. “w “ill stI-p 311053 the line to II)- IIIIIL that Mrs. Walter Nichnl and Miss .IIIIII-t. MI-LIIIIgIIIiII wont to IDIIIIIIH lIst \ka tn attnnd the “Hiding of u III'IIIII'W, Ml". FOI'IL Also» that. 311'. Mb!) Shawn is ln'ightvning up ”1.. appearance of his lmnu- with paint. AS we have just appovm'ml nn thv scnnn we «in nut knnw whothm' it is mm'vly to pro-sm'w tlw nutsido nf tho lmusv. 01' In imlum- sump mm in onto? the in- 9MP, "K"t'ru1i1 _thv 0nd ”1' our name mmlol c'o'l'talnly he a (Math blow (0 us. - Mr. and “wounds III “In I’I-Mm‘. \\'w c-cmm-amlato- 311-. and Mrs. Stanlvy Mvaol nu Hum- matrimonial wnmrc- and Impo- for ”mm a happy and neural! futlu'c- in Hwir hnnw 1n l’nity nl' \throwm' It may b0. Eugema (Our Own Correspondent) Burnâ€"0n Tuesday. June 28. 1927. m Mr. and Mrs. Churlns Martin (new Miss I'llva lmvm" Il'w gift of a cluughh‘l'. A "Dianmmt Jubilm‘ Atl- ditiOh." .\ll'. aml 3h”. Siolnvv \anls of T0- I'HIHH vallm‘l nn Mr. and Mr Jako Williams «m Sunday. Thu anolvrsnn family of Toronto mm spending thvir summer vaca- tinu in thn villagv Hm guests of Mr. MM. MI'S. Jakn Williams. Mr. Wosluy Conoy. of Toronto, \‘isitml a few days with rolativos lam-v, \Vns. is driving: aVVillys- Knight I'omlstvr now. 'l‘ho- puhlic schnm children wct‘c all quitc successful in passing their dams, t'lungmtul‘atinns to tcachcc and pupils, W9 hone thn students who) triml the Entmnco meet with similar succcss, The Entrance canoliilatcs from this school were Glunn Pedlar, Partricia Morgan. Irene Martin. Reta Genoa. Hilda '3an Enid Gordon. 'l‘hu .‘lissos Mary anoi Isabo-l Mt Ko-v vamp hnnw fmm Tmmnln nu "lhmwlm nl' lust \H‘OK tn spoml a to-\\ days “ith (hair parents. Mr and. Mrs. 'l‘. .‘ll'KN‘, .\lr.~','l‘lms. IA'VPI' or Fleshortmt smut Sunday with hm‘ daughter. Mrs. Ilhas. Martin. Mash-1- Haw-av clartvr nf Turnntn spvnt a \ka 01' so Inflm villagi‘. Whilv horn he camped I_n_tlm park. Miss Gertrude Lever of Flesher- tun accompanied by Miss Jean Mc- Laughlin of Port Credit visited the former s sister. Mrs. C. Martin. one daV last week. “e extend our SVmpathy to Mrs. ln§9 of hm: husband whose funeral tug}; p_lp_c(;__Fridq)[.of lagt week. ' Mifi‘hine Williams has returned to Toronto after a few days” visit oxtpnd our svmpathy to Mrs. .._\_Vrigl_nt o_f Fleshprton‘in the Mrs. Iiarl Mo-acl \‘isitml Hm Vicinity ut' Walkwton )hn Shawn is appearancv nl‘ ‘. As we haw 0 scnnn we «In t is} mm'vly tn with friends here. 55‘...“ â€"V V "Mr. and 1111's.- J'ames Law of To- rnnto are visiting With Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Jamiesox_1__ and Mrs. Wilson. AAAAA A. I. A L.u. 0......va Mrs. Harry Tate and little son of Hillsburg are on a visit with Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Pedlar and family. and her father, Mr. R. J. Pedlar and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. .105. Wiliams and son Ernie «and friend Mr. Gordon Searle of Toronto vlslted over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. E. Partridge. Mr. Williams remained Priceville (Our Own Correspondent) An impressive service of praise and thanksgivingwas held in Mac- Kinnon Hall on Sunday at 2.30 pm. to commemorate our National Dia- mnnd Jubilee. l' No 10, (Ilenelg Topclifl‘, held Stheir school picnic in Mr. chh. MacKinnons guns on July 2nd \\ hen a good program and sports were enjoy ed. The program which was specially adapted for the Diamond Jubilee celebration consisted of a Confederation Pag- eant of tnenty-six characters, ad- dresses bx three girls on “The Con- federation Moxemr'firnt “Hon. Geo. B1 oxxn , and "Sir John A. Macdon- ald”, respectively, choruses and violin and mouth organ selections. Mr. Neil and Misses Kathleen and Remit-o. Mai-Lean. also Miss Henry and Mr. . all of Tornnto. were holiday visitors at Mr. Arch. Mac- Kinnon's. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Baird. Miss Mar luaig and Miss Mabel Tucker muinl‘ml film) Pontiac and Detroit, Mich, to Us". at their respective humps over the week-011d. mp 110113. Mr. and Mrs. Burgess. Durham wm-v \‘iSltm'S at. Arch. Machumon's and Thos. Tucker's over the [1011- (‘8y. -_ _ Miss Mnrjc‘n'iv Evorist is spending hpr vacation 1n Toronto With her Sistmz Mrs. A. McKev. Mr. Add Evm'ist has gonv tn T0- mntn m arm-pt a posntinn at the var Park Mutur (In. Mr. and. Mrs. .lark Parker spent Saturday In “won Sound. :2. 9:; 2...! in 512â€"31.: 85 27.1.. 3:... 32:2,; 5. 3.2: 5:55- 3 .3 2.1:; 2:. 22%-..2... ’1:â€" ::.:. 7.7.2.. 7:1. >9. 5.2.7... «Zlmu' hnliday \wallwr and wonk- vmi mad“ our higlnvays wry p01)- ulal'. Dust and hunt \vm‘v two very «wiclont t'vaturvs, Hownwr we can nut. have vvmgvlhing as we would wish. Must, nl‘ mu' young folk look all- vnntagv of (hp holidays to visit. tho lu‘vmvl'ulk. Altlmugh just couple of clays. Hwy all maclv for lmmo. Wrightfl-ims, are lmsy getting ”my saw mill frame 111 shape for svflmg 11p. Mr, (I. vallii-‘s mill is busy those «lays nll lllnllu.“ :inc‘l shingles. Mr. L. Mclx'innnn of Alberta. tn- gvlhm' with his family am holiday- ing with l'rivncls locally al, prnsvnt: THE DURHAM CHRONICLE the foreigners in Western Canada. Mrs. James McDougall, Edward Boyce, Richard Boyce and Wm. Henderson enjoyed a motor trip to Hamilton last Thursda returning the following Sunday. iile away they visited the model farm, Guelph, and Niagara Falls. 7 7â€"- AA‘ ‘1‘... :II all“ b‘luau-u 5 u.-- We are gorr to team of the ill- ness of Muss ena lemgston. We hope for pgpeed'y recovery. ~3_ n‘..-_-‘:-‘~ nnA UUVU lUl u UIJL'Vuv -\...-- -_d_ Mr. and Mrs. fiewis Dowding pnd sons, George and Reggie, motored from Toronto July ist to visit with Mr. anfl Mrs. John White and fam- (Our Own Correspondent) (Last week's items; Visitors at the home of Mr. Geo. Brown last week were Mrs. Wm. Brown and son George of Los An- gelos. California, Mr. Aaron Jacklin, Mr. and Mrs. Oswald and family, Chosley, Mr. Code and Miss Empke, Hanover, Miss Fisher, Elmwood and Mr. and Mrs. D. J. McDonald and family. Crawford. Those writing on the Entrance exams. from this section were Velva McDonald, Bossic Adlam, Arthur Adlam and Harold Dunn. Rev. and Mrs. Richards, Hanover spent a pleasant _lno!1day mth our pastor, Rev. H. Cmckmgtnn. ily A goodly number from here at- tmded the I.0.D.E. pageant held in Durham Tuesday evening. All hope to see them again put it on in the near future. 7 Mrs. Long and daughter, Miss Edith, visited friends now Mon- Sch'ool closed Thursday. We wish teacher and pupils a pleasant hol- iday. Chesley young people were wel- come visitors to Mulock society Monday evening. They took charge of the program while the local members served lunch, (This week‘s items) Pleased to note Mr. Thos. Mc- Ronaltl, who has been a patient in Durham hospital for some time, is much improved in health and ex- pi-ets to__he 3b.]? tohe home shoxztly. Mr. McKechnic and son of Man- itoulin Island are Visiting at the home of Mr. Donald McKeclmio. Miss Marv \lcCallum returned to St. Catharinos Sundav aftera plea- sant, (“0 w’veks holldm with 1101‘ many friongs 11011". -n .\ I c ‘l "ME. Ami Mrs. A. '«z, Mchmald, Mr. Jnlm and Miss l'lva, spent the hol- iday with frimds iu “'alkm'lon. 511313111! MIS. Will Livingston and ianiilx of London, acconmanied by Miss B1‘31111.Hnnm01' and Mrs. M. Li\iiigslnn Il'lmxwoa, spent Sundm :11 Hip home (.11 Mr Duncan Lixing- stun. KEEP THE liVENth; 0F .ll'l.\'_ 19 open for \‘aruey (iarm'n Party. Sow partwulzn's next wovk. Mulock. lriéhds in Gall. Mrs. Geo. Firth of Grand Valley is visiting her brother, Mr. Gee. Ritchie and other relatives around Edge Hill. ”U50 “Ill. Mr. Thos. Firth and Miss Mary and Master Dan of Lindsay visited over the week-end with his brothers Messrs. J. and \Y. G._ F_i_rth. O'.\4ww-~ v v The Edgé - Hill Bhseball geam is out of the running for U118 year, having been twice beaten by the Domoch tea'm. Mr. and Mrs G. Wihot 0f Mossâ€" bank. Sask. visited friends here on Munday. Mrs. Willot (nee Miss E. A. MacKay) was a successful teach- er in N0._3_ some years. ago. I L‘qu. v Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Campbell of Regina, Sask.. are visiting Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. George Ritchie and brother, Mr. J08. McNally and other relatives in and around Durham. "MES; Giibert '61“ Golpéy‘s Bay is visiting her sister, Mrs. Albert Mc- Naily. Mr. and Mrs. Boer of Mitchell, Mrs. J. P. Mctiiilivary and Miss Winnie Binnie of Glenelg Centre were visiting their cousins, Mrs. W. J. Ritchie. Mr. and Miss Tllf t of Detroit were gupsts of the MISSOS Edge on Mun- uUl ‘IVVI. UV“--- Mr. and Mrs. J. w. Firth and family of Toronto spent a few days with relatives in_ this _vicin_it.):._ ' day. Mr. Adam Anderson and son Mol- ville visited owr the “oak-end with Mr. and Mrs. James Nelson 01 l’uslinch. Mrs. Anderson wturned home with them after a two week's holiday with friends in King. Glenmont (Our Own Correspondent) Mr. Thus, Harrison has purchasml a fine new motor truck. for use in C()_n_ll(‘(‘li0n }\'illl his, mill work. Mr. and Mrs. .105. Harrison, also Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hargravo of Dv- truit. have [won spending their llequ}‘s \x'itlg_f1‘iel_1ds hero. Mr. ' and Mrs. J05. Dixon} visited recently at Mr. Wm. er’s, Jr., Ulgpolg. -_ Mr. J. Ferguson Spent a W001; with friends In Torqnlo and altvndod the Egromunl plClllG there, Quite a 'uumbm' from here were {11 Durham at the pageant and m- Joygyl It wrymuch. Misses Slfsic and Sal‘alli'l'uvkcr spent the. weekâ€"end at their ham.» hora. Mrs. Wm. Bone and daughter from 1'. S. Visited last week with My: and Mus: I. Hooper. Mr. and 'Mrs, Crawford Harrison, MI". and Mrs. Hardy Harrison. and clnldrvn. alsu Mr. Henry and MISS (Our Own Correspondent) rs. D. Robinson is \isiting Mable Mrs. Ju. Tucker has returned home to her daughter, Mrs. A, Tucker’s utter spending a year with friends in the West. '-'_ f1 lends here. Mrs. Jas. ‘ Labanâ€"A1 Sanford, Maiuo, ull \Vednesday, June 8, 1927, to Mr. mu! Mrs. Ernest Ackroyd, a son. Falls-â€" In Edmonton, Alberta. Tuesday, July 5, 1927, to Mr. am Mrs. Harry Pulls (nee Ruth My... . a daughter. Undoâ€"In Durham Hospital. I’m- day, July}, 1927, to Mr. and Mn. A. S. Hustle, Durham, u” daughtw. . Staplesâ€"At Muskoka Cottage San- Itorium on Monday, July 4th. 1927. Clarence Staples, youngest son Mrs. Staples and the late Jamm Staples, Markdale, age 33 years and 4 months. flu-any. July 1. m? ' of Detroit. were Via“. the weekend mm VOL. 60.-N0. 31:31 ALLEGED THIEF CAI AT MOUNT Ft Revolver Shots Ring Out am Suturing of Pedestrian Saturday Evenlngx Ace Escaped. One man was c ninn 051' thri ling «'lmsn streets 0f Mmmi ing "“0 ”I0 t'n evening. m “i were} tin-d by Crincln, The man arm- of Frml Wallaw it. ifi nude-rs!“ trtfl‘ic ufl'ivw'. (‘qwd had gm- Kirby and Low (USN. Hf l‘flhhvl and in Hal-mm siun m‘ “un2 About. Nu m lmlay n garner a was In: dl‘hinu “cm! in a! (‘x‘im Sm” \I M .\| i\ .‘III 3M" c Q lhl' alolc H Ruatls ‘-“”” “W “W“ [Orvm'llh'd “It‘lulill'p’ " numlwr ..r 3 UPIIN‘III IH' for $80“ H dnmauw NF rebuilding “III. HH' ' SW91“! ‘0 agroemvnl. e315 0‘ ”In Thvrn \\a.- u this repurt. In. of Egrenmm hm (Com mm il H Fires Tim \\ 3| ll \\ Mr I] Hilmil hi2~ 1': I] lit Sl 3'" I'll: H HI

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