West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 7 Jul 1927, p. 3

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:1 this farm n I would if .s weed ’ of Agriculture , Ask for it. 'mmx w. B. ROADHOUSI Deputy Mini." sING IDEA 1Y8 safme on sick“ - -.: we . mo )pular nice the he IS HANOVER MIDGBTQ 0n (-mwlusiwly least two), one I of ug», it prvtt light-s Hm fart much to be de on conclusivoly that “my hall at least two, one of whom is '18 years of ago, it pl'Pll)‘ ili'tillito-l)’J Fatah- lishos tho tavt that their word isn’t much to ho depended upon. Tho Durham tram. on tho other hand. wvro all within tho ago" limit allnwml. 'l‘hvl'o' al‘i- l'mu' playi't‘s on tho Durham lino-up who are 16 ymars uf ago, 'l‘hm-o aw nn more. and thoro- al'o- nmw who (in! “WP 16 years of ago. So far as the local to-am is mum-moot taoy have lived up to o-Vm'y agrm-mvnt ontoro-il into. Tho-1°» mm ._~'m'm':il hoys in town who aro only slightly ovm' the age- limit sot by in» liwal ilistrii-t man- aanwnts. hut thoy nave novvr been usml. amt. “’0' am- told h)‘ ll. 1.. Saunolm-s, tho- lnval niiongovt Innn'agt‘r. that, thv)’ mwvr will ho with his i'nnso-nt, tlv has lHlIl 'l'lw. Chronicle that l!“ Mito'ro-ol llllu this :igi-vomo-nt with this tllllt'l' t‘xt‘t'lltht‘." in gum! faith lllltl into-nils to lump it. to-am is mum-rm Up in o-wry agrm Thm'o" m'o! .fmw' 211 are only slight limit wt by Hm I that. (buy new mum-m. Ho» h faith and into? Sunn- nf tbo- lncal manugvmo-nt. want a pl'HtPsl o-ntvrml against tho» Hunnwr twain. but the» mini-val (‘HllCO‘IHIH nf npininn is that. it \\'alâ€" km'tnn and Hmmwr cannnt. play miolgvt lam-Maw 0n the squai-v. thvn it H timo- tn quit and alrup nut. and this is likely what will happen. tlronko-cl spurt aml paclolml line-ups. o‘si‘n-vially in midget lacrnssv. will bt‘ .am'm'vly frnwnml upon by the local fans and lacrosse» management. wlm o-ntm-Nl int.) this gentloman's agrc-i-mvnt in gmil faith and would smnm' olmp out altOgvthm‘ than mmmvncn a systvm of chicanery ntn.-.nn nml QI‘N‘O‘n-Year-Ohl Himmmm' 8 mth “flown- athlc "Hi $00!." “hvn at puts. an“) certificate ‘V as altio ' duck \\' H ind. l-' 300m I Bet wrestâ€"Sax and Merklingvr The News; M] )la vnmn,‘ And lots th into the simu’ room 0 dishes go. .\l I know it ain't so classlcal -\~' thwse big dailies are That. 1011 about the world court AM latest movie star: Bu! jistfor my enjoyment n..d “. 0.3“!“ ‘u' n will pay I“- “HM”, July 7, 1m Nb Nitric-s far tlu- Iii-mil“ swinnning Haw in Lam- Unuu'lo Ill “'0!” UI UH numlwr up in “In lmmlrmis. and umhmhtmlly the. (.‘Ulllt'st, will bring togvtlu- \Vnrlol than o-wr lu-I‘nro- mmlu'lwl ill 31 singlv "W!”- “W“ "V" “WW" six 5 prnflh. m n... Fio-M Artillvl')’ [Do-tachnwnt. \\'v.~st_ l’uint, X. Y.,2 CENTRE ”‘11 lintrio-s tui- tho- :l-inile swimming nave in Lake Ullltll'lt) in from «if the Canadian Natinnal Exhibition Grounds at Termite, already mum”... ”It in it... “Minna-gig. anal lllliltlllhlt'tll)’ the contest. will bring together a greater number «if Sl'dl' swimmers from all parts of the \\Hl'ltl than ewi- lu-t‘nn- t’ttlllltt'lt'tl in a single event. Here are shmvn six strung euntenilei-s. LE "1‘: Shirley A. Wheelden, a first-class l’l'Hillt' in the Field Artillery lh-taehnient. West l’nint, X. Y.: lll‘lN’l'lll‘l LEFT, l'l’l’l‘llt RU“? ()nlel' Pen-vault of Montreal, t'ianatla's long tllslélllt‘t' t'lltllllpittll sillt't- lulu, “he has seVen times attempted the English Channel swim and was third in the International mace at l’ill'ls‘ last year: tll‘IN'l‘llIi llltill'l‘. I'l'l’lilt llt)\\': llnsaii-e helm-me. known as MLmtreal’s "Hunt”. representing ”It? Ilt-‘WSIMIH‘P L3 l’atrie and [H'IUW'O'tl tn lw a St‘t'dlltl ill-urge Yunngz tiliNTltlfi LEFT BELOW: Ulav J’ni'statl ul' 'l‘i'nncljilheim. the must, nnrthel'ly [mint 01' Norway, 8 |"'llt't'llli|ll in his natiw eit)’ :nnl alsu studying: medicine. He is new training in Menti'eal. CENTRE llltiH'l‘, Bl'lUlW: (iem'ge Michel. Ht' l'ai'ia Franee, llnltlt'l‘ ut' the \xnt'lot‘s l‘t‘t'til'tl fur the. English Channel at ll lltllll'S. z'miinutes: liltill'l': Ernest. Viet'knltel' eltampiun 01° \Vltn .~'\\':llll the ling‘lish tlhannel in l'.’ huni's, 3:8 minutes. and is new in training at, Montreal. Ht‘l'lllitlly. _ _ _____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€", "[V .V 0 MI thn truth. we}. \wne some- at .lm-nuragod at the poor show- maolv by Hm Durham ynungsters ' Haunwr un lkmnmnn Day. but! quu-m oh‘W‘lOmenlS haw sml us to wander how Hwy ho'ld acm'v .Inwn as well as thv)‘ dial. m at least on» Hf thvir oppon- m-mmdimz to last. winter‘s birth .nntinuml from page at Inust on» ”I un- n-c-nrding tn last. \\'in‘ waters. is 18 yvars or Durham lin-up m (hull. 1-2. McEacbnie: “SH“, H. Jamio‘snu. ( . D. Murdock: cvnh'o hnxw. \'_ )It'lll'aith‘ almut your literature l paper up-to-date, t, Hug Imgislatur» II clumgs thrnugh .tlgn stat»; 1.,» they ain't comparm‘ mgh I lnok'tlm world around 1w xwwsy wet-klv paper I [ha Old Homo Town. l lzlh'lch“ In lump I May Enter Protes: Homichiloi. ‘swmumlers of dinner of Hanover. y Weekly paper out Home Town ‘DRUBBED LOCALS ‘and Shawn .miPsnn. U vk: co'nh'v )Icllraith. Belg"?- 3 Hf 38“. nn )lomlav p; defens". H. )lclhm- 1-0. I". Slur- h_ N_ l’t'a". 1711). Hunt | . n, .V. u... __. nu ‘_ _ _ , haW' \\'opplcrâ€"-Black: 'That for tho . lN‘." h'fl'l pin-post» of complying with ”in Nox- Hl“." ”Mo lolls‘ Wood llontrol Art. this conn- 1- .npp'nll-‘t‘ll appoints Mr. Duncan Morrison 01' s lnrth la" Won-d Inspm-tm- for tho 'l‘ownship, 1):". -hi.~' rvmunomtion for tlmc spent on l 1|?"th i inflow-H.315 to hc 333 cnnts [wr hour. t 0 PBS". 1 rfial'I-ii; , . {lclhm-i \Vhitnioroâ€"«lllavk: That payments . l‘. .\lu1‘- ln- niaolo- as [wt' Vouchvi- No. 3. «M‘- .\. llo'all. titiml to by Road Supprintvnafi'nt‘ S‘lbf‘u L. , for work po-rl‘t‘n'mml on Roads, . amount. $54â€"l.99.-â€"t;larrind. Durham" Whitmcireâ€"Mi-Kochniv: That the t‘. Honoring agrounts ho paid: Duncan ' Sim- air. ragginz townlino in "0‘“ ‘1'" prim-me pone.» village. $15.00: , .37“; hours; Wm. Timmins. win» : l'enco' bonus. 203 roads $50.75; L. \V. Torry. do. 75 rods. $8.50; (loo. ETDI‘I'Y. do, to rods. $10.00: W. .l, Rit- chio on salary. 875.00.â€"â€"(',arried. ". “an“ \\'hitmoreâ€"â€"Black: That tho. Clerk Inaround bn instructed to prepare a By-law we? ’ requiring all persons in the townâ€" * ship owning dogs to have dogs en- ’ closed from sunset to sunrise and that all dogs found running at MM rm :nlmw clatv at Township Hall. Mcmlwrs all muse-m. \lin- uh-s nt’ 1:st Iuvcting row! and :‘ul- nptml, Mr. MNZIo-llan. rvprvsvniing (lan- adu lngut [run (LU. waitml (m Coun- (‘ll 1'“ Glulvvl'ts. (lunununicutiuns: Frnm Goo. Mc-‘ “lung. 'l'nrnntn, ro- work nu Mth ¢2un.. nu artinu take-n; From '1‘. S. Umpvr. Agricultural l'cprvsmtaliw, 1'0 appnintmvnt of \Voed Inspector; J, H, Irwin, ['0' account. no artiuu mkvn. lh-purts \wl'o xw‘cviwd fmm slum-p valucrs us to sheep worried and killml by olngs and in avcnrd- :mcu with Hmsw Imports. it was mnvml by Mr. .‘chcchnio. svcomlml by Mr. Black. that llw {allowing vluima for slim-p killed or wm'rimi by olngs bo- paid: Thus, Glunnnr, 3 lambs and l slump klllml. 3 lambs am] 3 slump Wur- rlml $35.00: .\l:||. H'Hanlvy. :3 slum-p killml and 3 shm'p injurful 3.27.41): Ale-x, llul'sun. z: slump mm 2. [alums \\‘Hl°l‘lwl and l lamb killml $221!): I’ln‘mk llalw)’. l lamb killml $10.00; 'l'hns, lilvlu'l-nss‘. 7) lambs killml. $39.; \Vm. Funk. 1 lamb kllml 8101]); l). l), .\Ivl)un:ul. lslmep and llamb killml Slam: Angus McArtbur l slump and ’J lambs wnrrlml $10.00; lhmabl Mullasko-ll. l lamb killml $149M): Julm H'Nt'ill. llambkillml $9.00: .lnso-ph llununl‘, l lamb killm‘l. Slu,1_m,._413rriml. MUKH'llllltfâ€"HlaCkIr That slump Valuvrs be! paid for sm'vim's as l'Hl- luws: Mill. Molnnlri. 3 inspvctions. $3.34): S. H. Wright, 8 inspvctiuns. SHAHâ€"Carriml. ml Black -4 Whilmuro: That the 'l‘rnasurm- he authorizml to pay the 'l'ro-asurm' uf Artvmvsia the sum Hf o-ighty-twn (lullm's eighty-night Ms. $83.88 duo; July 1. 1927. clvho'ntm‘o l', S. 8, NO. 1'3. A. (3,â€"‘3111'1'iml \\'0pplcl'â€"-Black: 'That fnr Um [nu-pus.» of complying with ”w Sm:- 0 lhi; nnnn- ED. J. PRATT all. No. L Durban. Pb“ AFTER THE $30,000 PRIZE FUR S\\'l.\lMI.\'(_i MARATHON Why take a chance and use water that is polluted and unfit for domestic use. when Pure Water can be had by having a well drilled. We handle Pumps and Pump Re- Glenelg Council pairs. Satisfaction Gourmand hm'lv injm'ml 327.1»: 3 slim-p and 2 lambs l lamb killml $221”: 1 lamb killml $10.00: a, .3 lambs killm]. $31M and l Slump show-p Wur- m’. 2 slump Phone ”â€"11 lal'gn__4_lu_1‘iug almw stated timv may lm ‘kmmr Carrimi. In vio-w of the I'iavt that 80 many slim-p haw iii-v11 killml by dogs during the past h“ mimths. tlw Hmncil \xish to din-wt HH- attun- tinn Hf thus.- intmvstmi h) svclinn .\H. 9 ml “in lM)__ Tax and Slump i’i'c_itm°tinii Act of 1926, “hi“! muls as lelmvs: When Dogs May be Killed \m pmsun mm kill am ingâ€" in \\ liii In is iuunci killing or in- jux‘jjng slum-p (ll Which, in a township 01' yu- law is found l)t‘l\\'t'('ll sunsi-t and sunrisv straying from “in [ii'vmisos \yln-rn tlw alug is habitually kupt; ur gt; \\'hii'h is found staying at any tinn- and nut under proper cun- li'ul. Iumn pi'i-misvs wlu'ru she-up am habitually kt'pl. The Council adjourned to August 6th at. In 11,111. In stnku I‘ilh's and for genvval business. - â€"â€"-H. H. Marnnllalcl. rlvrk, l.i111|h111'1:h. Ihv i11I1'11pi1I \1111111,’ airman whu h..~' mm the “011115 :11Imiiati1111 I'111' his Xvw Yorkâ€"Paris Night. is as familiar “ith Ihn 111111h~ani>m 1'11 “11- milking machino' 11ml Ih11 1111'111 t1'111't111' as he is \\iIh th11 intricacins of 301-111113111- 1'1111- I111I \\hiI11 his I'aII1111'.'011g1"'~~- mun I,in1II1111'gI1.\\as {mm I1'Hm his .\Iii1111-s11ta sunk 1":111111I111'i11g 11111 war y11111's. \1111111.;I1harl11.~‘ manamul Ih1» I1111'1I and 5111'111'is111l Ih11 1111i1rh- .11111's In int1111h11'ing a tractnr, and a milking machi111'. the first I11 111' 1151-11 in that 1Ii.st1i1I. "Thu circum- stancns which kept. Umgyvgsmail Mun-V. Lincllu-rgh from hnmv. coupled with the llm'vssity “1' making a succoss of farming. whilv still a buy in his trons. clo-wlnpml in Limllwi'gh tlw spirit Hf inclvlu-mlanco in thought and avlinn \\'hit'il was $4) admirably clumnnstratml in his i‘o'cent flight in Paris." mmmvnts The? Bt'o'mlvrs' (iflZPHl'... \\'hilv hays (if his 820' were playing hasnhall. Linalhm-gh FARMER LINDBERGH mo. 05â€"753.? 90 01' in a township 01' VH- bvtm-vn sunsc-t and THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Sydne)‘ LAWN-nan lmmicd Immn from school on his mutmcvclu to lflllk Hm vows and «in the owning: ch u‘vs. “"0 st“ cling to Hm UM notions. .\ lummutiw still sports (.'H\\' cat- vlwrs WEN-n what it "on5 is an auto slmrtstup,-Furt Worth Romul- 'J‘olvgram. BADCEL‘GNA Council met Jane 27th. members all_present. Ai-iyutps 390mg}; “I. ‘1- '--’"-v‘v' - Fergusonâ€"Wilson: In reference to the communication from tho l'nivorsity of \Vostern Ontario r0 Canada’s Confederation Jubilee. That no action ho__t_akmt.â€"â€"Qarriod._ . E61-.'1}:_"1«ffiifi}lp'f “THEâ€"I Um Roe“: b0 Instructod to sign Pay Sheet 30. i for Road [mmn1rm_q_1_1t,74:arljml. Cu. .‘v_‘- â€"'-â€"'. . Huntc-râ€"Rohh: That a furHu-r sum of 81500 be placod at thv Road Suporiutendvnt's disposal for maul impruwmpnt Curried. ml_-n -----.‘.‘I ‘ IDI‘ Dom ', Fergusonâ€"Hunter: That special! grants 1m giwn m be nxm-ndmi fur‘ road improvement on the {allowing roads: Foreman J. Weir, mad NH. 22. $100; (I. Fergusnn. ruacl NH. 22 #100; E. Gardiner road NH. 2. $23; A. McIntyre. mad N0. 8 8100; l. Yakr. road No. 10. $60: S. Prrknvm‘. mad NO. 6. $30; .I. Edvn. mad NH, 2. $2.3; D. McCannel. road N0. 20. $60; '1‘. Watsun. mad NH. H. $50; J. Lrwis. road No. 2. 8101); W. Mcflmgall. road N". 4. 33100: J. lx'lrin, mad Nu. m, $80.â€"~Carrimi. ' Ruhhâ€"Hunlnr: placml will: lhv um, Hump“. {up WV. w...w.. Robbâ€"HUHH‘I‘: That. an order lw placml with the. Canada lngul [mu 0)., (iuvlph. for mw ('ulvurt 30 ill. in diamvlv‘ and :32 {wt long; also 15 piece-s of in in. “In l‘rnm J, Schulz, Durllam.â€"â€"Carriml. \Vilsonâ€"ergusun: That Um ag- rommnnl hctwovn the Cmmoil and Pnlicu Village Trustees under date of May mm, 1926 remain unchangml MP the. your 19;". this hving aux-N‘- ahln l0 hulh partivs,â€"-4Zarric-cl. lly-law .\'u. 8 Hf 1927 authorizing llw llm-w- and 'l'rwasuror m lmrruw mmwy {mm llw Bank nf Mnnlrval In mm. “.0 currvnl. vxpvnclilurc- ul‘ ’llm township was passed, also Munivipal lh'ainagv By-law Nu. II A, was gch-n a lhiml reading and finally passml, 'l'lw l'ulluwinc (-hanm-s \wrv malle- in ”I“ Assvs‘slllvnt Hull: NMVHII Falking'ham. muwr. lnls :l-al. Hun. 21; John Pierson, lmmnl. lul 27p, Ilun. ~ 'nuntm~â€"â€"\\'nsun: That tlu- 0m” 01' lie-Vision nuw «'Insv and Hu- us- so-ssmvnt. rnll as Imw rvvismi hoe lin- zllly passml.-â€"Jlarric-¢L 'IQI _‘ ‘|‘__ "..I \\'il.~'0n--lhll|lvl': 'l'lnat llw -l'nlâ€" lowing am-mmlsjm paid: ll. Hunâ€" lvr. slum-p killml. $18.00; R. lluwman inslwcling Slump, $1.00; Pay Slim-l N0. 4 fur maul imprnwmc-nl, $1M),88: Smwrinlvmlvnl svrviw-s $41.30: 'l‘rmsurvr. be, year's salary $73,“): pnslagv and stamps, $9.37; dllvrk 1/; \‘c'ar's salary $175.00: mslagc- and r'lvplmm'. $16.21: llmwv, ImslaW‘ and lvlvplmnv. $2.64; nu-mlwrs nf Council. allmulmwv at, mwling in date, 815.00; R. Christi“. uso of rnum 82.()(l.â€"Jlarriml. Council acljc‘nn'nvd l0 mw-l Mullâ€" day, July 18“]. at. 10 n'vlm-k am. \for gonm'al Infill-11.59.. ' ‘i‘n-- l‘lr.nn“ Read the Classified Ads. on Page 7. Egremont Council bum Allan, «gm-k nau‘cal‘mowu mus ammo Wan-Haul My 3 Ya. Moose Jaw, Salkâ€"“l um ingm try to tall you whnt Lydia . Pink- bam's V table Compound hu done for my. wad-ed very My with solke ton uk' it-nduloouood Lidin . Pinkhun I Suntive Wash. I ave bud two mouchildrm ' moo thenmdun perfoctlyvell. loud flue new patients arrive»? Attendant: Yos. Dom, two. One 01' than! ‘Ask nu- anntlu-r quvstiun.‘ l'vlluws. and tho mlwr mw is a pm- Ilihiliun «Ivhah-r." It Will Pay You to Adrertixe in The Chronicle. 110°" 1‘ Dc wtnl‘ In Typos at insmn- :1»)!qu : Any Plait neefit

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