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Durham Chronicle (1867), 7 Jul 1927, p. 5

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3372]) WITH Y W. A. LIFE MEMBERSHIP )2. 35C. LOW iursday, July PECIA LS “FRlflT-AoTWES” HER NEW LIFE Specials embles RRIES Durham, Ono-~Ov-O-‘O'MMW €095 ncy for 're SCHOOL HONOR ROLLS FOR PAST MONTH 8. S. No. 5 Glonolg . Sr. “â€"4031: (llark', Catherine Timmins'. .Ir. l\'â€"â€"E\\'o-n .‘lCN'ah'. Jr. Ill-Sr. Illâ€"Willie) Pvart 73 H. Viulvt Banks“ 70. Mary NIL-Nah ' Sr. ll-Jr. lllâ€"Clara Javk' 83 H. lih'iu Hastio" 69, Daisy Stu-0t" 63, Ada». Banks‘ 57. Jr. l-Sr. 1 HM‘ \Vhitn Sr. Pun-Jr. lâ€"Brucn Clark'. Vlcmr S'I'o-M' 'l‘lmsv [Epsom om-ry day marked ' U. 8. S. No. 10, 61011010 Egromont Jr, l\'-.~‘r. l\'~~431m|}'s )luc'Kimmn 77. Huhvrt )lat'lnlyrv 76. Rmhlio: MP- Euvlu-l'n 7|. Anni“ \\'o-ll.~' 6.3. Sr. Ill-.II'. l\'â€"-â€".\lmnw Mat-[mail 73. Anna M. )laclntyn- 6!), Archiv )larflavho-rn m. .Ix'. Ill-Sr. lll â€"0'.lifl'm'cl. Harrison Sr. ll-Jr. lllâ€"«IMnaMa .‘laclmul XI. Winuio- .l’ruudlvy 81. Cecil l’l-o'nullc'y 7i. Flnrvnm' Mt'Eachern 72%. Alt-x Mack'immn 67. Anna Man MuwFavIM-rn 6’s. l'lolna Eckhanlt 60. h. K. )larKimmn. ahsvnt, (rm; Sr. l-Jr. Ill Mary 01..\larfla(-h- N'n. Andrew's ”khan-alt. l'l'. M Jr. lâ€"Rusulio' .‘lacKimmn. ln'val \lm'Kinan. Hun Sr. ll-.h-, [ILâ€"Johnny MacAr- tinn' H. Hm'olnn )Im-Hillivmy H. 1.2mm .‘lau'AI-th‘lr. Elizalmlh Brawn. (ilo'n Mnnrn (l'zlilml . Sr. Pinâ€"Jr. lâ€"rkvnnolh .‘lflt'.\l'“llll'. Howard Legato. Furnetta Legatc, J. .\. Brn'xn. rlrnm Sto-wal't. )lvrrnn f1, MacArthur. tnachm'. Promotions Results 8. S. 3 Bentlnck SI'. Illâ€"Jr, IV -~~].i”iflll Park. J”.- NlNlulluvh. .lmm (hunts, Hussvll lizu'lnmn. Emily Hartman -’.l’N°.- .lr. Illâ€"Sr. lll-â€" Ailun'lc-s \lightnn. clizm-n Rvuy. va'me Bailo-y. tllm‘ Illmmn “way. Hm‘vrg'n Bailvy. JI'. lLSr. ll~~â€".\llwrt “my “my. )lyrtle- Hartman. lirnwn. Hui-hurt “ML-z. SKI-JP. llâ€"Jo'au Bray. Po'a .\ilc' )lm .‘l Tu .II‘. l’l'.â€"â€"Ht‘l'blt‘ Hum both Aitkin. Bert Gadd, Harmnunt. _ . .. To )I nor» .h', l\'-.~‘r. l\'~w«I.1u'_\' Robins. .lr, llLSI'. lll--lrmw Petty 66. \Vullaw Marshall m. Susm Mar- mall .36. T nmmy Watson. 53. Jr ”-912 llâ€"Wilfrml Marshall 78. m5. l-Jr. ll-â€".\Iolvil|o Rubins as. .Ir. l-Sr. lâ€".-Allan Watson 7}. .Ir. Pr.-Sr. ~P1‘.-.\Iilford Robins 87. Bo-rnicv Kwnig: {absvntfl |I-AL A... bnnnhnv Holstein Sames in order of merit. .lr. l\'-Sr. l\'-â€"Fram‘is Melosh. Sr. Ill-Jr. IVâ€"Freeh Schafer. .lr. Ill-Sr. Illâ€"Emma Schafer. Rota Melnsh. Eva Vaughan, Tom Ht"! (PN‘. Sr. l-Jr. ll-Gordon Trafford. Isa- lwl Svhafm'. Ivy M91033. Clarence Vaughlan. ' ‘. ‘---‘nn “11“ m Crawford School, 3. H hullnl". Râ€"â€"-1‘cc .hal Jr. ll-Sr \' m 3 Sum; .h', ll-Swdlâ€" \'v|'a Sul'jm‘t'. Stvwn Stinson Sl'. l-Jl'. ll Ol' .h‘. I-Sl'. Iâ€"-\'L‘l‘8 .Vlcu Alum Subject. . Sr .Pr.â€"-Llo d quject. 1: ton'. George 7 ans . Mar .h‘. Pr. Aâ€"Gladys Wal « ‘ "A‘ â€"- hknn- .‘lightgn Hdlgy. .n-. lx':S.-Z'1\'â€"Bessie Adlam. _ .Ir. Ill-Sr. [ILâ€"Clarence \‘nckers. Hordun Brunt. Albert Biemann. 151‘- ma Mighton. 5:. "Jr. Illâ€"Donald Walkers, ' .ivx‘m'o's' pl'o‘m‘llt t‘\'t‘l'}‘ day, .|:-. l\'-.~‘r, l\'~l-‘iornm'v .‘lcCas- m H. Vurniv Shcwnll R. Jr. Ill-Sr. Illeâ€"I-‘IOI‘oncn McDon- tM H. Min-rt Kaufman. Irene She- .\.~H H. firm-c .‘lcllaslin' R. .h'. ll-Swllâ€"Dnnahl )Ict'h-ogor' H. Um Suhjm't'. .‘Iarfiarot Mighton R. ~‘towon Stinsnn' R. .lildred Hang F. Sr. l-Jr. llâ€"Editn Mighton' H, Rumld McDonald H, Mary Bic-Greg- Olin arln l“l6|mllc Jr. l-Sr. Iâ€"Nm‘man Bell. Pia-Jr. lâ€"Elmcr Bram! l’r.â€"â€"l-‘.olna Symon. Rota Braun. vhn Vaughan. Stantov Braun. vâ€"A. C. Madam. tvachm'. "HUI! HI In Pun-Jr. lâ€"Bruco Clark'. Victor Iguro‘s Thursday, July 7, 1m H Smith 6| I-.lr .llâ€"9 IV ll-Jl -â€"Ro-ta L. Barbour, tvachor Promotion Results u'Kinnnn. limlwth .‘l .hmim‘ “Hum [.11. Illâ€"[um (lluistiv 86 WW} 8". llmd 'l'\nolall 70. \itkin 68. “illmol Stu vu- thaw iimtm 67. [fluid Mt- ank timid 07». )laxjm} ' ‘1'.}’l'â€"’\|‘Il\ SIIWNISDII. l - hwr. Lima .‘lI‘HlliI'I‘. Kru- lartpc mm. D Il‘livlh)‘ Ibo-1'. ths‘nlI. HHIPI It‘IHI, l’l'. Hmbit‘ Hdlm‘. -I'Iliza- -St'. 1â€"“: Hull»! 5| .ll Helen Sherri. Bâ€"Jack Shewell, Gordon â€"â€"R. ll. Blythe, teacher Promotion Examinations 3. Glenda and Bontinck \Valtm' Show! IN‘ 6?». Dick l I 6|. Hill Fidlm lâ€"Elnwx' Low .lim McCall 77; [WHO'IPH BHHN Murray Raw (‘z t'. . ahsnnr. n: 1mg {absvnh _-I)alsy M at hPI‘o teacher No. i, Normanby nut» [wr cvnt. . .\. Mcluwlmw. teacher Ivan aniy. Po-m-l Bart- ll -,\larjnx'y Munro. Bil“.- No. 6 Bontinck Vin Slim d Subject. Jack Migh- laug'. Marv Shewell. lmlvs Walker'. Efl'ip \Vallla Hrnm' acmmig l‘llic'v ‘V S. S. 9, Bontlnck «mmlmo-nolml. Fw '1' 70. “wt! 61. Harry m acwmnt. Hl'flti'f‘ .11 i m m] .lchc'l Gordon .u‘llc Ruth Traverston (Our Own Correspondent) These are delightful days for work or holidaying. . Miss 11. J. Alhn of Chesley was a guwst, at Mr. \V. J. Cook's for a couple nl’ days last week and was [ll'i’Si'llt at Zion's big picnic on Do- xuininn Day. So-mico: in Zion Ilff'xt. Sunday is at 1.31) in he‘- in charge nf Rev. \V. H. Smith, Sunday Schmil being held at tho: vltm: of the suffice. .\ hmmiv pair of lassms are Missos lsuiml and Margaret l-‘limi bf 'I‘O- l'UlllH. who spent tlw holiday sua- ‘scm with Miss Mzii'gzu'vt. Uremiiwoml iamcl at I'm-lo» .I, ll. llolnsuu‘s. 'lhvn: “1-113 5011111: liappv smprises 11111 mam at lions picnic on FridaV 131151-11 in tiw t1m1-lV presence 01 311.111“! .\l1.~:.Juiu1 E. )io11!..1»f-'_un11'1V HI lul'.1ml11 Miss H4) Hunt 01 \\ ev- 1111111 and M15. P1 11-) Hunt and tVVO 141111111111 11f 111M011, \11'. 111111 \Irs. 'rl’o'lu 11311111111111 .â€"',1 .jaiskatonn, Mr. 111111 M15. \\. ..l McFaddvu of Urauge' \'-a|l1V. .\i1.~'. Phil H131 1'1s11n and Miss )la1jn1iv Shh-mi. .5VVi11to11 P1111; :1 .- Arm :lvusaut m0 weeks \isit tn Hu- UM lmnw. Miss \elcna Cnok rerun-nerd tn DPU'UIL on .Ipnclgy. A 151‘... 1“, -..‘. -v- Mr. Gordon liutlicrmi'il 0f" Gait slwnt a for-w days with His cnusin, Rub Jackson nu the Mn, Mr. How-go Stmvt has been turn- in: mil :1 lai'gv quantity of fine" shinglvs ul’ lain, having Jim M3311 is) :issist‘him. Mo'ssi's. Arnold Nublo‘ and ‘fimi. \‘ lanai Ilwn intvm ‘nf Hlv‘il' l'nl'tl Eastern 0N. .‘lis‘s‘ Kathlmm sum! a few dc ‘-'II I ' III to Mr. and Mrs. .Inscph R. Edwards. with baby Raymund I‘Ilmn, ('vlo'ln'at- ml ”In first ananm'am-y nt‘ liurir \leding day with Mr. anflxflrsxfiay .\li~'.~' Gladys Tufts and he}? hr“- thvi's. Fixincvs‘ and Marion, their llo'phvw. Williv Tufts. and Keith l'iotwai'cis at leit th'OppOtl in to I‘m l-Zihvurols home at midnight Saturday. Ham-vs and Keith .m- turnml tuohitivs on Mnnday. tho “tho-1's ill'o' immaininc‘ fur 'a few days anal thvn intwntl tn. 500114.31“) mist lmmv, rc-cvntly. Mvmlwrs nf Mr. John McCarthy‘s family \wrv homo {rum Detroit «we-1‘ Hm holiday. .\l1'. )lalmlm Black purposvs hav- ing a l‘varn-raising on Thursday of this ,wwk. - -1 '13A n..- llll‘ '\v‘ . u .\le_~x~'r~‘. Angus and Philip Dun- bar of Detroit and sisters. Misses Maxine anal Cassie of Chicago are' at present Visiting.r at. the parental llolllo' on the ith mmeession. liver hotter than before! That is the Vt’l‘tilt‘i as regards Zion picnic on Friday. Nature was in her best mood. was garhecl in her best and the big crowd. who gathered from far and near. were in a most con- genial mood. ROW. Mr. Fitltlis pre- sided over the program. which was Varied and bright. Over one hun- {tlretl children were in line for the candy treat. the supper was bounti- ful and the races following were entered into with much pep and spirit and were keenly contested. The base ball match between vntl)‘ Hallows and Keith .rc- olntivs‘ on Mummy. tho? -.-maininr.r fur 'a few days New! to spmnl the? What l'urtnight's holidays in vn Murphy 01' 'l‘orontn days at thv parental Waudby and Edge Hill was a lively one and was of special interest to the big crowd of spectators. A most happy day passed Into pleasant mvmm‘ics. Holstein (Our Own Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. A. Tuck. spent fynm Thursday to Monday With relatlves in Hunrgotmx'n. Miss Reta Roberts of Scotland is smndmg holulays at her homo llm‘v, Mr. Wm. Swanston and daughter 01' Rugnna called on 3115's .\1. Swan- stun on Saturday. )lisquglaria amt Sarah Brown aro- “Siting: friends 111 Durham. H51.12;.Wfi'lihivtgévspont part 01' last \Vm-k in l)e.-t_mit attending the wed- ding of a friend. .“P‘ . .\l1'. and Mrs, E. Hildyard aw slwmhng thew vacation m Torontu and utlwr places.- Mrs; th'ie came up fmm [mon- to tn spmnl a to)“ «lay- in the \i1- Iago, Mr. Nut-man I'rquhart and Mr, Richard Pvarson Hf thmit. spent, tlw \n‘owk-e-ncl with Mr. and Mrs. Hush‘ltvr. rm»- Margawt 'lynolull is spend- in: tlw summm' hondms near Uni vkn' illv. ‘ ‘ 525.5 .3 £7. 3.35:2. .5: "SEE L effâ€"2L £2337“ “3 :.::~..:..: J'sâ€"7H J ”Miss Innicv 'luulall has gonn t0 Hamilton in take! a cmnrse‘ in D0â€" mmtiv S'ivncu «luring tlm sohoul llOiitil\.~‘. 511'4.H'l\\‘k0\'uf Tm‘mlin is mm- «tuvting a millinm'y Mass which muots wart: 3110111001) in tho Agri- cultural Hall. Tho cunrso is put (in kg tlw \\'nmvn‘.~' Institute. Mr. and Mrs. Utto Svim and fam- ix 0f Braulturd spent the \ka- end \\ith Mr. and Mrs. Txnilall and othm H i» nits. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. John Mmre whose sister, Mrs. Wm. ()ah'erl, died suddenly in Turuuiu last week. ’l\wnI\-si.\' pupils “rote 111 Entrance Examination 111111015 last \wok. Nine were from L Miss Joan Floyd was the brides- maid at the wedding of her friond. Miss Eliza Patterson to Mr. Mo-ad of Durham last \Vednosday. Al'lvi' tlu- \Vt'dtllll" Miss Floyd left for her homo near Choslcy for the summor holidays. 'l‘lu- l‘uion picnic of the two Smi- day Schools in the Village look plaw on Monday al’tornc‘uni in tho Park and was well altvndvd. An o-njny- alilu limo was film!!! in gamoS. ram-- o-li'.. al'tvr \Vllll'h a l‘immlil‘ul lunch was M‘I'VWL (Our Own Correspondent) Picnics are quih' tlw Ol'tlm' of Hm day as well a few gamlvn parlivs m'v In M- attended. \Vpathm' fur both h‘cing almost all that is to En..- tlo'sil'm , Miss vamoca Griol'son and bro- thwr Wm. of Toronto spent over tho lit at. their old home lwrv, .\ fmv from this part attnnclml thu Mg onlobmtion in Owen Sound on the lSt inst. _- g o ‘ Mr. and Mrs. .\lnx Hawkins and tin-«w VIIH‘h'i‘n. Mr. and Mrs. Law.- 5011 Hmikins and Marjorie wore Sundax \isitors with the Sharpe lumil) at “fillwgk. twin Schoul. \Vcâ€"wisll them all Miss Esther Petty. the school tmcher horn. and who Is I'e-ongag- CI! for the coming year. left Satur- olay fur a trip to \Vvstm-n Canada intending to travel as far west as the Coast. We wish ner a pleasant trip and fate 3'.“t“."."~ ‘ | -L- \I.. ”'1“ (NH! Filll' It'lluu, Mrs. Alex. Hupkinf and balm Mr. and Mrs Lawson Houkins and Mar- ,inrio spent a day last \Vnok in Hulwvillv when-o 311'. Frank Hop- kins is ongaged_at_prosent. | D-.- - Hutton on tho THE DURHAM CHRONICLE he'l'v Hulâ€" SUC- ENTRANCE RESULTS, 1927 George Calder. Robert Calder. Archie Clark. Russell Drimmity Gordon Henderson, Rose Lamont. Dtmald .‘lt'Eat'ht‘l'll, Mae. McEachem. Katie McKinnon, Charles Mc- Queen (H, Arthur Watson. HOLSTEIN CENTRE I'Iilm‘n Abortlvin, Wallace J. Ad- ams, Kmuwth Alias. Clara Aruill. Muht'l )1.’B1'n\\*n (H‘, JOSOMI E, ‘Zamplwll. Lillian' (Larmmmt, Hubert ILln'islio (H . Frank (:mx‘an, Howard Hulliday (H Charles_._l. Lamont, 1.1301. Lunna‘smjm McCall; nm-ry' Mp- Qum'rm. Florence I. Patterson, LII- Iian Hahn, Ham Smith. Margaret Smithy V. Wilkinson. l’ussx under Rvgulatlonjll; 3-â€" mril Johnson, Jnhn Lems. Irene McCall, Arthur Adlam, Violet. Armstrong.l Grace) Becker (H‘x, Leonard Brigham. Urma Burnett (H) , Dorothy Cahlwvll. ‘ Joan Clark. May Collinsnn (H . John Coutts, Harold Dunn, Irmw Elliott. .lnsvphinn Falcnnor (H , Bvryl Falkâ€" ingham (H Myrtlelencmss. Hax'nht‘ (ilvntmlmo, Frank Homichihl (H Jus- [wr(il'vmannl (H' (icrtrudn Harris- on. Hazvl Harrup (Hy, James 1). anâ€" tlnrsun, (iracn Hopkins, Bowm'anl ’.lnmi«-son. lsulwl Jamieson. Nurmzt lx'ulsvy, Wm. Listwr, Douglas. Mc- Arthur. L'lx'a McDonald. Earl 31c; linvhniv (HM (imn'gn .‘Il'Kt'Chnlt', liwun .\lc.\' », James )lcRon'ald. Myrtle Marsmll. Ethul Mnrvyn. Willi-ml )Iiclallvtcm. \\'illnn° .l. Migh- tnn. 'l'hnnms H. Milligan (II . Fx'ml. Sllll'uluck. Ul'val Nthv, Vohnn Nublv. l’carlv ROSlJllUl‘Ollgll, John Schulz. Mal'gm'c-t Storw)’. .mhn Stylvs, lluris Taylnl' *{H . \anlnm- Thumpâ€" mu: lizathurinu 'l‘immms. Elm-y 'le- hin. Khnm' 'l'nckm- ’H , Archiu 'i‘an'nllnll. “IPA 'l'mnnlcgv. antta Vnsny. .\Io-l\'illu \\'nl.~‘<on, Myrtlv Watsnn “H . llnlay Willis. l’assml nnclc-r llvgnlatnm {ll 3- Hm‘vruina. linhly, lsox‘tha Bit-Niall): \\'illu'~rt Pvtty. Y0 Editnr and wife \wro‘ up to? Bigwin Inn. Muskuka. last. week. in attvndanro at tin. annual mvvting Hf Hm tlanailian \chkly Nirwspalmrs Associatinn. Imavinu Durham on Hm rvgnlar train. we: taught a spacial at, Turnntn. arriwd at Hiintsx‘illv Him fullmx'in': murning. hat! lirvakt'ast un tim imat whim crossing: 1.3kt' (if Hays. and arrivmt at Higwin about 103". Tim party i-vmainmi imro nntii 7.13 Saturday nun-nim.r wtmn Hm rotnrn trip was «'Hmnmncml. arriving: in annnto in tinm in catrli Hm night. train hum”. It was a liloasant trip. and Hm lwautivs 01' HH- Lilkt‘ Hf Bays (Ii?- strict \Vt‘l‘f‘ a l't'x'vlation tn Hm largnr nnmlwr (if Hm warty. thn ma- .ifirity of whom had ncwr iwt'nro ivisitml that. snotin‘n. Sincc‘ Hw Claw nf Hm Public H'hnwl tm'm. thv Durham Baal-cl has had Hm rosignatiuns 0f tln‘tm fii’ Hw toaohim: stat? plm-ml in in hams. Tlmsn m'n Sadiv Machunzllcl. F‘lna Brawnim.’ and 130113th leiicltm'n. List owning tlw pnsitinns‘ had hwn fillml. Hm Bnarcl havm: :m- WNW! tlw al'q'divaricms 'of .\li..---.~' Kathlonn Firth. Flm'an‘ Kx‘c‘éa a'zcl Ilaiev \lnthmn Whn will "nmm-‘m-n ('mrtml tho almlioancms Ht" .\l1..--.~' Kathlm‘n Firth. FIM'PW'O‘ Kro‘sa amt Daisy 31.8mm: whn will "Hmmdm'o‘ ttwir dutive at thn «melting of thc- tm'm next. Septnmlmr. Mi-‘s Firth taught last war at tht' Rncky. Miss Kross at Lamtash and Miss Mather at Knox. Nm'manhy. Sheâ€"I‘l‘ll nowr mar whosn fnx‘tmw hasnt at cmhm's‘m 1t.” ”â€"â€" "(XI CHANGES IN SCHOOL STAFF VISITBD IN MUSKOKA DROMORE CENTRE DURHAM CENTRE newr marry a. man least. 11ch The farmer who expects to run a dairy herd successfully must plan for an adequate sumily of green feed to carry his cuws from the time the pastures begin tn tlail until real winter feeding lwglns. This is a critical periud and if he allow his rows ‘n l'zlil either in flesh or milk prmlnction. he run- nut expect prolitahle returns fur his labor. At. the Exporimvnlal Farm. Napâ€" pan. sufficient grown fwd is sup- plied to carry the milking hm'il from about the twentiuth of July nnlil llm pastures. aw «Iona and the-y an; slalilml l'Oi- tho winlm'. whivh wrmhl ho abnnt thn last wovk in “(‘illhl’l'. Th0 lmmlwi' m' «lays which it will lw nilcussary In fowl grwn fowl will. of cnnrsn. vary from war in war hut in lw «m llm snfv side 0110 must ligm'v un nlwut ”no hunch-ml days and it will lakv {Ii Ivnsl l\\'i*lli}' [mulllls [H‘l‘ (‘HW |H‘l‘ «lay. Th» man with ion 0st wunlcl tlwn i'vqnii'v tun inns nf :rnnn fund and to ho snru of having «'nnngh hv GREEN HAY FOR DAIRY CATTLE (Experimental Harms Noto‘ Dr! There is always a complet'e stock of Butterick Patterns at our Pattern Counter. Stock Carried. Information Furnished and Service on Brnntford Roofing rendered by DELINEATOR 1 Year $150 2 Years $3.00 . Harding, J. 8: J. Hunter Brontford Roofing Co , Linito‘ Brontford. Ontario Not for a Day only But for 2 whole Years. Best Fiction Smartest Fashions New Ideas for the Home A 9.! should plan on havlng an exec. over and above what he actually thinks howill need. 0n aver? soil. two acrvs should yield an I- civnl for these requirements. The crcm which Wu have found moat walisfachn'y isamixluru ui‘ 0am, puns and m’c‘lchos. swam! at the raw of mm and Him-half hushols of nuts, uni- lmshvl of [was and one- hull lmsln-l ul' \‘vlvhos [H‘l‘ acx'v, Till‘l‘l‘ zm- Hillo‘l' vi'nps which might lll'flVl‘ salisl'avlnry loul taking ulw yvzir \x‘ilh ancilhvi'. lhv almvo Prim ('{lll ho' clc'm‘llth‘d lllmll in give 1: suilsl'al'lm')‘ yivhl Hf sin-culvnl and imiriliuus l‘mhlvr, l haw I 'IaVc‘ I haw l haw --.‘ V l haw wukml and I haw slvpl; l haw sung and l haw dancml; l haw smiled and l haw wept. l haw won and tasted lroasurv; l haw had my llll Hf pluasm'vs: And all llwsv things were weari- noss, And sum" nl‘ llwm \wrv «ll-«barium; And all lhnsl- things. hm hm things. “'01'0 (imminvss and pain: And Lawnâ€"it was llm lwsl Of them; Ami Slvmlâ€"“WJI'UI all HIP rl‘sl of Brantiord Big Butt Asphdt Shtes provide a roof oi double and triple thickness, matchless beauty and lik- long protectionâ€" antford Big Butt: 1130 give I shadow lineâ€"adding greatly to the charm and distinction of your home. Being tapered, extra thickness and weight are in the part exposed to the weather. Size 16 inchet by 10 inches. kid 5 inches to the weaker. liwd and l haw Inwd: Ontario _ PAGE I.

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