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Durham Chronicle (1867), 7 Jul 1927, p. 6

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PAGE 0 As in ”w Inusival go‘nms Hl new-q thmvn it lwrnnio-s only vi‘itics ho Spi'ak. and H!) HIP ivo'i';i.~iiui| nl' hls centvn-liry tho-y aw spanking in the h‘l'llh Hl' I'O'Vo'l’o'lu'o- ulllo'l' i'l‘llll’s lls‘!‘ when spvaking or Sham-«pears. In tho- gro-at ro-alm of music lw is pru- bahly “Pit if HH‘l'P is a first. «inrâ€" talnly lw is first. in that mighty synwhnniv form as Slmkospearn is first. In blank wrso. Viewing his genind and his folly We) are. inclined in say that tho-Pr never was a man qnih- lilw him. ”v “as. liko- Napol- eon. a man ut’ oh'stiny and lhv wnrhl Will ulna)?" lw chll’o‘ro-nt inwausv hn liwd. \Vho'n hr was a "It‘l't‘ vhilol ;.-._. ”mmmi mh-nl. as a play-1° was swim and his folly we. are inclined t0 say that tho-w never was a man quitv lilw him. “0' was. liki- Napol- eon. a man of itiNtiuy and tho \vurlil WI” always lw ilitt'oro-ut lwv-auso ho “\t'ti. \Vho'u ho was a more child his unusual tah-nt as a play-1' was knimn amt his hi'utal father. who was a court singvr. hopoil that in timv young; Luotwig would he ablo to Slllilml'i. him. It was no teuitm'l I'llll'illl‘lll'.‘ of a talnnt. that caused the tilwy t'atho-i' to ilnag tho shiver- ing laot out. of hml amt mako him prai-tiw till tho morning. His mt'Uh‘t' tiit‘ti whvu ho was sowntoou years and this gi'iowil him tremen- dously. as did tho death of his only sisto-in For tho rust, of his family he hail littlo att‘oction. Johann and Karl Kaspar. his hi'othm's. \Vm‘o metiittt'l'iiit'* and contributed to tho unhamuuo-ss of his lilo. .\t. six ho playml tho- piano in public. At ol- ovon ho- perhaps playod it as well as most. professional pm't'ormm's to- day . 'li. it Illuli vvvvvv .... --._ , ill :il\\:i\'~‘ tu- iiili'oro-iit how-aust- lin' . , . \ml. \\ ilt'll ho \x':\~ a llli'l'i‘ rhilot -‘".‘"'"-". M”“'”'"-‘ “'35 to 9- DO‘A‘HI’W mm...“ ml...” as a Mm”. was nothing lilgo thi- tragmly than thnlthy ilH\\ll and his iii'iital t'athi‘i'. who ‘i"”""'~"~" “i a “1"‘3' 9““‘1"â€"’-"*‘1'- Yf‘i- “-1 ~‘iii20‘i‘. ilt'ltt't‘ that ' “N‘HWWI‘H was deaf. Whi‘n iiii mil Mm”: i.llii\\'i'.: “HUM ho ahlo \vi'nti- iila' groatost musw. and ammo -"l"‘ l sili’i'm‘i him. It “'1“ no it‘lltit‘l' "" "Mi”. WWW“! i.” “WM 39 3“ “m lil'illi‘lli'.’ Hi :i tiiiom that i'aiisi-ol iu‘hmn'd mi'lm‘iy “Vim.“ "“"mm'g‘m‘ 1"" w HIM mum. h, an: “w shier iiis has told us is the sweeter. As iwi ' Vi'ili‘s’ iitissmt Hio black hair grow HIii 1g illii Hill of ilt‘ti and makn him ~, . l'llt'iii'i' llii tho morning. ilisi“.l'.'.'“ “"‘i h" "3“ PW" 3“" mom ('0‘ ' -iiliilt‘llii}' in conducting. He used to ““1 it'lili'l' .iiml uhvn he was sowntcvii; . . . ”My MM ilii~ “hm...“ him tromvn-fi iii-nil his ht‘ilti until his car was 61- ml OllaiY. :i~' tilti tho ih'alh of his iiiilvimfwt t'im'h'“: the kcylmarcl t” hear SM m“... rm. “1,, 1w, ”f his mnm“.*liiiiisoli at the piano. When con- 0" it‘ had iliiii' atl’vrtinii. .lnhann {Illiiiiluvhng h" “.'~“”‘i.i“"“l MW"? and ”3 iai'i kit-inn“. lii~ lii'utiii-i's. \\'t'l'tliln“ii'r as m” "NS”. ”Tim" SOHO? b0. “t‘iitt'i‘l'lili"‘ illlii rniitriliiitmi tn thinunm h" was hardly “Mm“ in th” (.0 llliliii'i'llli‘~“ wt his lit‘o'. .\t. six hiiii'lu-‘imf’i' M “‘9 “1‘3“" he would n'n )lziimi tho piano in public. .\t o'i-ilmu' into “m ail‘. “m hm“ Pan)" t” when he no longer could keep in awn ili‘ iu'rhaps‘ playml it. as “will . . . , ts ninat. iii-utiu-innzil lwrt'ni'ninw in-i""mn“}mmt“m “1‘“ th“ Player-‘- '3 'lll li-VJ-i. at tho end of the first. per- {‘0 lll . V. ‘3' . ii'nrmanm- of the Ninth Symphony. A Savage Republican ‘Wili‘ll tho‘ music i'oasoil ho :«tooii 1" “H ”hump,“ “m t'i'aumcntarv ‘ lacing tho non silcnt miisicions. his at and in 'ili‘ “lid of his lit'oiuho noxor l“‘a.'i.li"“‘imi in thought amt “”9”." gt iciiriiwl to “Hi" :1 m-ammaticali”l'l“".””" i” it"? 51‘0“”“3- (‘ht‘i‘l'mF- f5 lotto-r. It “as at Vivniia that. hoi'wm‘i'mg multituih‘. “Mil "n“ ”f “'0 ti. lt'ill'llo‘ii inn-t about music. and iiiii'iii‘l‘l‘i-‘wH.i““"."‘l h‘m round i” “t“ I} it \\;i~ that tho- passinn «if mmpos‘i- ""“."‘,|”-" triumph. 011" Of HIP most liHii n\o‘l'\\ili‘ilfli‘ii him. HP. ton. thrilling 3"" Nil pathvtic 0““. ac- ti owrwho'lmml the city with his "”MM 9' ““‘S‘N‘m- plaxiii: and ilowiiito his hoorishiioss " and :liia’i‘il'-l]lllliit‘tilli‘s‘." tho aris-1 Death 0! Beethoven ever married though he was tocrury lllétiii‘ much of him. .\ fur-i H9 11 . ow. usually in an ideal- imiai'o-iiiiiuliran at heart. he) did iint'fllways in 1 rccoix'o- their kinihio-w' \Vllil lllllt'il.1"ill' way. amt hi' ililti a lnt'ty con- grat'itinanpe“. l’riiicn Lohkowitz ‘ coptinn of what the relations of the oncn s‘iiumwtmi as m.».i.‘sii_\' as poaâ€" «“t'Xt‘s should 1w. Pcrhaiis his great- :uhlw that tho- alisniico iii a third "-"i affection 3““? “W dt‘ath 0‘ his batsman m a rolioapsm was nut a mother anal sister was for his man“;- ”1' n“- gin-Most pith ancillt‘liiltWV Kiti'i. an utterly worthless who failed in everything he momwiit. Tills' int'iiriato'ol Bowihnwu . iHlH asso‘il=8tti'niivto‘i'l and never morn doplor- and he lilll‘a’lli‘ii tho vmharr pl‘lllt't‘ tn ilii \'i‘l'_\' iiWil'. shouting‘ ahl)‘. than in his PfiOl‘t to 0011111)“ after him. "Lnlmu'itzian 35a." .\n-is‘lllt'ltit‘. Towards the close of his immoral ways of his brother othwr \Vniiiot-lii‘ patron he adilrcssml' life ”i" as. “To hie Woll. \\'oll Highest ambit-"Ian“ _ ilit‘i‘ns‘w‘ii him. for Johann Bosnian), 'l‘iw Hm‘i‘\'mi ankall. lm- 'e was living in_ far from holy matri- pcrial and Royal as alsn Royal aniitmgmy SVlHLhIS _l|0\189k9900‘1‘- Llld- Imperial iiourt ammo-Jr); . , )lyiwig. With harlJourneyed to Linz to dearcat Baron Muckcartilriwr i'remonstratc With Johann. and the e “-9 mm your most damnably devotâ€" - towards the end “‘8 find him Wit ed." at“ prim-p Lichnowsk)‘ inâ€"itl‘ie deplorable Johann and the dis- vited him to live in his house and reputable housekeeper and his sin- ordered a servant to answer 899- and nephew. hart. Bis expostula- thoven‘s hell first. Learning of this tions weakened him and he became His brother told him that he Beethoven employed a servant to do i 1. nothing but answer his ring, could have no fire and would havei to pay for his lodgings. lndignant. ll 30°03“ 5"“! Beethoven took Karl and returned He was so enchanted with the in a coach to Vienna. 0n the way ' that kept float- he caught cold. His lungs tilled. It heavenly melodies his head that he was was with the utmost difliculty that in; through . , tv induced to confide? he could get a doctor to attend him with diflicul . . game practical «flair. There is the for he had estranged most of them. of him win; to a poatotlico story ith a letter and being unable to , ‘ . " a any account of wnom it was Farmer “0 ”59‘“ 11050): “Hi. w by ! They need workers at the am down ”there just beyond the “0 for marina the WI ' imoher. crOGS-rOOdS. A - A -__‘ 1V0 Uplifting cvnua .u ,v..-., ___-, August that in Lake Ontario in front of the Canadian Nation the world's greatest swimmers. . pete for the $50,000 prize money. A surprising feature is tl long grind. In this group are four with splendid records. York High School girl. 880-yard champion of the United of Connecticut. She was for six hours the closest swimmer alina swim. 'l‘op centre is Madame Jane Sion. champion lor Frenchwoman but resides in Brussels. Lower centre is Mrs nor with remarkable staying powers. Right is Mrs. Doroth: ing at Montreal tor the big event. penal and Royal Impm‘ial Court 5 dearest Baron .W we aw youy mo: u":- yuunv v- . - So Inconer- sane. Aflin 'n the fields With the â€"'â€"â€"â€"'â€" , No sporting event in years has attractnd :- '-An‘ A, .hll I is nf his M». .\t. : pix-um in puhlic‘. Prhaps playvd it a: nfvssimml pm'fm'mc do much of him. A fur-l lican at Mart. 110 did not 'il' kindness with much gs. Prinw Lobkowitz wind as modestly as pos- tho- abso‘m‘v of a third L a i'vlioarsa! was not a HH‘ urcate‘st pith and This infuriah-d Bm‘iho‘wmi .m-suml ill» vmba‘ri‘mlgmi . Spvakmg in the “HM r H'Itics us” Shakwspmro. In music lw H pru- go‘nius M“ B00- nnly (Tutu-s tn m't'usiml Hf hls six h" .\t pl- as \wll Wâ€" attmctpd as much attention as the 21‘ t of the Canadian National Exhibition udin: George Young, winner of the C: A surprising ieature is the number of ‘ ‘L ‘kA ‘4)" {Q stnrni rauing ahnnt. him, raging hiniswlf likv thn stnrm in Roma trrâ€" ritir rnnvulsinn nt‘ mmpnsitinn. Unrv lw attvmptmt tn mnvi‘ to thn rnnntry. but rvontn-ally hr and his unmis‘ wvru ohimpmt itnwn in tha road because of his inabilitw tn tell‘ thv rartnr whvrn hr was hnnnil for. Hlu'v sown. says a writrr in thn .\'vw \‘nrk Time's. Bowthnwn was not t'nrgnttrn. Hn was 1095‘ than the awmgo height. but hrnaot 8110111.!- Print. tirm knit. rrsnhitn anal Pnrr- u‘c'tir nt' ho'aring. The t'nrrhoai‘i surnicmnto-ot h)’ an onnrmnus shock «if Mark. Vigm'nus‘ hair was broad amt high: thv jaw m-assiw. ttw lips. which prntrnclml. prnssmt firmly to- grthvr: nr tlwy mnvml with inw- hrl'vnt nmttf‘l'inus‘: 01‘ npmlmt in slinw an mmrmmis gap. with with! pn\\'t‘l'flll tvnth, when thn might)“ mn- ruarml his laughter 0r his. rage. Beethoven’s Tragedy racted as much attention as the 21-mile swimming race to be staged l the Canadian National Exhibition Grounds at Toronto. Scores of 11:: George Young, winner of the Catalina Channel contest. will com- lUl‘Dl‘lSlnfl.’ feature is the number of women who have entered for the th splendid records. At the left is Ethel Hertle, 19-year-old New ’ long distance champion of the State 3 the closest swimmer to George Young and Norman Ross in the Cat- ne Sion. champion long distance swimmer of Europe. Lower centre is Mrs. H. Martens. of Toron , Right is Mrs. Dorothy Hepworth, of England, wno is already train- Death of Beethoven He never married though he was always in love. usually in an ideal- istir way. and he hoot a lofty eon- reptiou of what the relations of the sexes shouhl lw. Perhaps his great- est utl‘ertinn alter the death of his mother and sister was for his nephew Kan-l. an utterly worthless luut who failed in e\'erything he nttemptecl and never more deplor- nltly than in his effort to commit. :s’lllt’i'it‘. anat'nis the close of his ' life the immoral ways of his brother :Johaun incensed him. for Johann was living in for from holy matri- mony with his housekeeper. Lud- .wig. with Karl journeyed to Linz to iremonstrate with Johann. and there ftowards the end we find him with lthe deplorable Johann and the dis- lreputable housekeeper and his stu- lpid nephew. Karl. Bis expostula- ‘tions weakened him and he became ill. His brother told him that he could have no fire and would have to pay for his lodgings. Indignant. Beethoven took Karl and returned t in a coach to Vienna. On the way - he caught cold. His lungs filled. It I was with the utmost difficulty that .- he could get a doctor to attend him â€"---A no um... » “Thanks for the warning. Ill make a detour.” \.-.-, - llaspht'rry mosair is now general through tlanada. In tmtario anrl Quotu-c it. is particularly sewro. The. symptoms of rasphorry mosaic = arr amiarvut only. on tho loaves, c which show a thin to coarso )‘Pl- 8 lowish-griwn mottling. That is. a HIP surl'arv of tho li-at' shows green d aml yollowish-grovn of various i, sizrs. 'l‘ho «lark grown aroas are ofâ€" h ton raisml ancl hlistor-liko in an- “ iwamnco. giving tho hat a purkor- 0 ml appearancr, The leaves, how- 5 over «to not wilt. and dry up, but it tho hush as a wholv. in timt‘, ho- a romos tlwarfml. Thvsv symptoms hvgin to ammar tarly tn Juno and are. ospocially pronounced in the "surkor" growth. Now l’lantingsâ€"Tho most. por- manvnt anil satisfartory control nwasurvs for mosaic anal lo‘at' curl twain with tho sottini: out of heat- 'thy rertit‘iotl rasphorry stock. \Vhoro surh stock has hoou set out and has lwvn varofully in- spoctml. anil «list-asml hushos rogued ilurin: thi- growing season. it has hm'n t'ount‘l at'tor throw yvars' 0x- prrionri'. that only a fraction of ”no nor rout is now pro‘srnt. (if ('ourso whorn roguing has not horn chino. mosaic has incrt'asml to a mut'h gro'ator o'xlo‘nt. Tht‘l't'ftll't‘. in sotting out a now plantation uso only lwalthy (‘m‘liliml stuck. Novor uso- tlouhtt'ul stork from a twigh- bor's plantings just hocauso it costs you nothing. It. is t‘also ocon- L ”my. This has hoon donumstratml , time and limo again. Our extierionro with thoso «lis- 0850“ «tomonstrati-s that although rortiflod stock is tho tirst. essential in control. the) roguing of (tisoased i hushos during tho first. two seasons at least. should by no moans ho ne- glectmt. This is particularly true for plantations. sat out. with certi- timl stork. whoro only a traco of ._ mosaic will ('I‘t‘Pp in tho first year. ‘t Therefore during the first season ._ tho young plantation should he â€"-..«‘ ~v' “'1' S F. O ‘0 0 (Experimental Farms Note RASPBERRY MOSAIC leaSL L‘llw I;- ownâ€" . _ , . - trump. This convention is a very Wise one and should be closely followed, but certain exceptions shou d be carefully noted and'understood. If your partner rebids his suit, either before you have a chance to bid or efter you haye passed, .... A. ‘acm a '2'“ aCMIILC LU unu v. w---â€" J - you are justified in giving him a raise with but the probability of two tricks. If he rebids twice, 'ou can raise with but one trick. The zollowing hand was plaKed in a duplicate game the other nig t and is a good illustration of the principle : No score, 2 dealt gr‘u'i bid 051e,: 1‘0 KU‘C. ‘4 UL‘tlt “I.“ -â€"_ - bid two hearts and Y passed. This pass is correct for he has but the probability of only one trick. B passed and Z bid two spades. A passed, Y passed and B bid three hearts. Z now bid three spades and A bid four hearts. What should Y now bid? Y's partner has rebid thce, ‘ diamonds to the jack, one of which must be 2’: side suit. For these reasons, Y should undoubtedly bid four spades. Y-Z can just make {our spades so that Y's bid in this situation, a perfectly justifiable one, would have been a big Winner. UV .....v- v It isn’t often that the writer receives such an interesting letter as the_follow- ing and one that involves such instruco tive principles: 4I__ _-.... "' l’"""t “In one of your recent articles you write about the game being interesting because of the chance for discussion and wide differences of opinions. In the fol- lowing hand: systematically in- und? The han has one ace more than m'nimum strength for a four card origina dealer's bid. Neither the club nor diamond bid will stand. I have per- sonall found it usually better to bid the higher trump of a four card suit fitst without strength in the long suit, . ..... .. at- Inna Inwer suit for the not being able to get over to dummy at all unless in diamonds. Partner, it seems to me, would be better informed by bidding diamonds first." The writer's replyis as follows: “ 'our letter was interesting and ex- presses the views of a number of play- ers. There is no question that when there is a choice of suits, it is better practice to bid the one of higher value first. This rule, however, is based upon the supposition that the suits are of fairl equal strength and length. In the han discussed by you, the diamonds are K1 Q,_7, (Sand the clubs Q, 9, 7, 6, 4, â€" - -- - “-O t‘unno‘nr'p re A, u. l ’ U all\. lllllllllll a v v . 3, 2. It should be apparent, therefor’c, that the club suit is far stronger as a suit than the diagnomig. With two bare , ALLA I.--‘ "J" suit man we u.a...u..u... .. - aces, it is a certainty that the hand will soon,be ruffed and a long trump holding is a necessity. If you should bid dia- monds on the first round and clubs on the second, it will be a difficult matter for your partner to decide which suit to prefer. If he should have equal strength in both suits. he would be Jus- tified in preferring diamond. to clubs. On the other hand, b bidding cluh=. the lower valued suit, rat, you tell him as clearly as possible that {on prefer clubs as trumps, even thoug on sub- sequenth .would decide to id dia- _ !_.L-_--‘:-m m:nf ‘5“. :fl seque‘lll ."UUI? uvv-V-v -v ._, monds. t 13 an mterestm pomt but in my Opinion should be hand as stated." Clubs â€"â€" Q. 9. 7. 6. 4' Diamonds -_-â€" K. Q. 7. Builders All Whose appointment a (rd ht traffic manager. Canadian Paci c Railnay is announced. efiectivc July I. Mr. Stephen's career has embrared experi- ence in practiwliy all branches of raihay freight traffic both in the cast and west of Canada, Saint John. Montreal. Winni- _.... “A uritish Coiumbia. He has a Time to Laugh Smith was suffering l'rum liVo-z- trouble. and the, «loetor told llllll that. if he laughed fifteen minuteN before each meal his conditiun would impruve, tine «lay in a re»â€" taurant while Smith was having his little laugh. a man at the Op- posite table, walked over to him and said in an angry manner: “What. the dickens are you laughing at?" “Why, I am laughing for my liver." said Smith. "Well, then. I guess I had better start laughing too. I ordered mine. lhah‘ an bnur age." 0| WU¢||Ja., wan... J - _____ peg and British Co‘umbia. He has a wide range 0‘ interest: as is shown by the fact that he is a member of the M anitnt-a Club. St. (bark-s Country Club ami the Pine Ridge (‘lub of \\'inni . ; the Ase-i- nibnia Club. Regina: the a ' ' ' of Montreal: the Vancouver C lub. Van- Warned "You are going to have a homo talent dramatic performance tomor- row night. aront you?" inquired a tourist. “We", liandhills ha“: been spread around warning us of it." replied tho landlord of the tavern at Top- heavy. # .A woman at forty will work like ~SIxty to look like t,wenty.-â€"Jewell Mayos. (Nl'm IIN'v va Lnlnlolu ham. ( 8 pm. 1 J. L. SIXTH. I. 8.. I. C. P. S (“how and I'vsidmmg mm»! Countess and Laminar: siren-h. u Cite 0M PM! Hfliw. (Mun- in Own I‘m..1BUtH-3 p.111..7 m 9 (Sundnys excvptodk l’hysiv anlmm Ito hm tested m 2 to En | exceptm! Grmiuuh Colic-av. Block. ID «92 ”on. w. c. mcxzmuc, 0mm (Dfllcv, uwx‘ J. '0; J. lllmle-r ~ 5 Durham. (mtarm. Houur out”. ( Sm'gm Ill It Black. M Mm (“In 8888!!! ucclLvan Chiropractors Advertisements u CASH WITH ”HUM“. 0' four. TN“; mm" t' Saturday 11!th n! \w (ire-:3. mnuhl 3mm Chum sun. ‘ Saturday 112;: 25 cents. Hn Will IN‘ mam: DRS. JAMIBSON LOT 7, CON. 2|. [in billing 100 arrw; i cultivatinn. immun- convonwni in 9mm. in: are a framv km atone foundainm; r Ilso haw hum 303?." mm; hug pen flux brick houso, furna (rune wondshm; d to house, With “'1: water tanks; 30 am ‘0 arcs in aim-0t c in well fenced md n cultivation. For 1r m Watson‘s Dairy. Ontario. __.___â€" NORTH PM" a. uremmnt. Icres clv'IrN bush; in 9”” ("me ham: 1 concrete stab} cemvm tank and 7_ (inn. 4 mnmc 11“ 3‘ und in umi ' ”.0 '.!‘0011" ‘ taxumc "“" Tram!" “""" bush; in Road. state (of m lune barn “x30. Hom- concrote stables; dnlvd cement tank a? ham .\‘. "id 7. COIL 4‘. SJH’... H30 hinim: 110 awn: 1w arr ":¢.“‘) I! l‘ Illd it] “find _ ‘T - . , __ ‘ MINERAL SERVICE lew Modern Funeral Purl Phone Kingsdale 1‘3“ “342‘ Avenue Road Ton (his in tlrnL right t' Iicular [H 9 winter “1%" ’ cream. “M“- dniry humor '1' u” mummik FOR SAL! “A building! 10" 0‘ of Skatinc i W" D napkins. ”Aug “(013" Queen SL-Smh PIIII'G PROBIBIT All trmpassmu ”Y 1. JI‘IOW'U' Illl be prospcutm 6'. 9f IlfinLBBBO' AND BURNS Barristers, Sohcxtors, Etc. UI'IUMXI u\\ l \ 3.1M! H‘Pll.‘ Thunday, July 7. 1927 Ila (MT Medical Dn lay 01 he ma L 1' X( DR. A. I. BBLI Films FOR SA Classified Dental 1) lll Ill at ‘Dm’a'on LUCAS BENR "Sid eflm'm nu. Icuzu E 30" 5* ' Styâ€"Smith B? hum M H BE! C. WATSON (‘8 I'll 8: JAMIESON NI’MI \\ R EM ( W1 low ND 62 m {h

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