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Durham Chronicle (1867), 7 Jul 1927, p. 7

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\I WOW 0-.- o o o o o o o o-o‘O-O-t-o-O-OHMM RL’G STORE The Variety Store Igs. compound exactness for than any such 11. Make this ' joining the patrons. 01‘ Durham, Ont. Warned newmg has al- rard to :. from (1 rem- 1' many au a freight mm: PM :fic Raihay juiy I. ”I. mi mr‘M erred- ;:'(}:t'.-% of [8i '8’ .ntrml. Winni- uiil. l’t’ h. ‘ is shown by M .f the ManflObO v (‘lub and the )ll Chlbo 1nd m liver nlol him minutes nmlition ’H havmg lm op- im and "Whgt at .’ J; lwl ter 1 mine Assi- Club V an- .h‘WPH [DY m DRS. JAIIBSON JAIIESON «mu-u and residence a short dist- am-c- east nf the Hahn House on anhtnn Street. aner Town. Dur- ham. (nhce hours 2 to 5 p.m., 7 t0 ‘4 p.111. (except Sundays‘. J. L. SMITH, I. 3., I. c. P. 8. 0. nmco: and residence, corner of (lounluss and Lambton Streets. oppoâ€" am.» um Pmt (Mice. (Mice hours : 9 in H 3J1)" 130 to 3. p.m., 7 to 9 pm. (Sundays excepted). DE. A. I. BELL Physician and Surgeon. Office Lamhtnn :4! rent, Durham, Ont. Gradu- ate l'niwrsity of Toronto. Eyes tested and corrected. (mice; hngrs: 2 t0 5 p.m excepted. C. 6. AND BESSIE chlLLIVRAY Chiropractors (irmluuhw Canadian Chimpractic (lulu-m», 'l‘mnnln. ()fl'u'o Macfurlane Him-k. lHn-lz'nn. Day and night phone 123. 6 M 23” U‘fuiXoKrVeâ€"I'Ii. J. Ufinter’s store, Durham. Ontario. __â€"- J. l'. BRANT, U. U. 9., u. u. 9. Honor Graduate University of Tor- onto, Graduate Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its branches. Office Calder Block. MillStreet, second door east of Macliuih‘s Drug Store. ,,__ . _ ,â€" _. MIDDLBBRO’ AND BURNS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. l’l'llllANl OWEN SOUND Laminar! st. 868 2nd Ave. E. lh'anvh Ull'n‘n at Floshel'ton. Um ewr)‘ Saturday 1.30 to 9.30. C. C. Middlebro’ R. Boak gurys, Barristers. Solicitors, etc. A mem- (m- M the llrm will he in Durham on Tuesday of each week. Appointments may he made with the Clerk in the ol'l'll'e. DAN. chBAN Lu-cnsmi Auctioneer for County of firm. Satisfaction guaranteed. Rea- mnuhlo' u-rms._ Dali‘s of sales made â€"â€" _-:Iln h;m ‘UXI'dIHP H'l lll-‘. uuuu v- _.__ . at {he (lhrmncle Office or with mm- 99! . REUBEN c. wuson l.wonsvd Auctioneer fur County of (hwy. Prompt attention to sales. Rea- dmmbln trims and satisfaction guar- antm-d. Datvs made at The Durham (Zhrmnch‘ offwo or with R. C. Wat.- an. Vnrnt‘y. RR. 1. Phone 605 r“. J.r.anNT,n.n.s, [.UT 7. CON. 2|. LunnLuun 1, UV“ (31mm: .100. acres; 85 acres under cultwatmn. balance hardwood bush; ' 001; on the premâ€" ises are a franie barn «52:65 ft. with stone {mm ation; concrete stables; also hav barn 30x50 with stone aseâ€" Dental Directorv on. w. c. mcxnmfiq, nmg'ns'r cmnent tank at a . S.D.R.. Glenelg. con- and 7. Con. 4. acres; 100 acres cleared state of cultivation; on Hm promise-s are a brick house con- tuxmmr sown rooms. with good frame “'nodshed attached; drilled w M; at duor: never failing springs on mining HO and in good and m gtyuu emu. v. 1,--- Hw promnses are a brick hquse con- wuth good (mums: Seven rooms. h d; drilled «on at duor: never falling springs on ' c oice stock tma farm. making a farm. This property will be sold mm to quick purchaser. For par- ticulars apply at Watson's Dairy. llll. 3. Durham. Ont. =_____â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"___â€"â€"---â€"â€"* BEA“ SERVICE BUTTER. IILK, C \\ o “111 km in the market for the 1111:11110rders ta dam butter delivered of! the rig; also buttermilk. â€"â€"Watson 5 Dairy. 40 7 H PROPERTY BATES BURIAL C0. FUNERAL SERVICE New Modern Funeral Parlors Phone Kingsdale 43M Tornnlo 122-124 Avenue Road I. Haddocks lehn weam Formerly of Flesherton more. 'l'hnruhy, July 7, 1927 Owen Sound. Medical Directorv. Licensed :fluctiouaer C0 4. V 2L EGREMON’I‘. A n Legal ‘Direclorv LU CAS 8: BEN RY 7 {0â€"79 p.m., Sundays “:50. stone basement. .les; drilled well an at barn. Also Lots 6 A. S.D.R.: Glenelg. con- â€" - dag-“A Durham. Upon W m; \I‘ W AV TL‘D. A!“ QL’ ANTI’I‘\. Highest price. Peuple 3 Mills. 31523t \VURK “ANTEDâ€"THE CHRON- icle Job Plant is well equipped for turning out the finest work on short order. t! m.xnmans WANTED APPLY, A'Ij Chronicle Ofl'ice. SPRING AND SliMMER HATS AT mw-atly rmlucml prices. Misses 'l'ruax. 6 30 2 mwTfiLI. MACHINERY, LATH iiiâ€"III: 3 fraction engines; lâ€"horso \\'am)ll.â€"-.\pply, Zenus Clark, Dur- ham. :3 5 3m pd LAT}! FOR S.\I.l£.â€"«.-‘ Clark. Durham. ALL THE Nli\\' SHADES l.\'_$_l.'l\l- mm' felt hats, 'l‘l'uax SPECIAL SALE OF LINGERIE- anns, Prinm-ss Slips. Bloomers, Vests, Cnnminatitms. Hosio'ry, etc. Full sluvk of Spire-Ila {Lorwts and arccssnries.â€"â€".\lrs. .l, (I. Nichol, Dur- ham. Hut. 7 7 H mu QI'hJK CASH SAUC FRAME ham nu Quomn St. l'uitcd Church prnpm'ty. 2“ X 31) feet. Apply to Dr. A. H. \Vull'v. .m, 11 «.11.\11¢. 5131)“ R1 1141111, “ill hold :1 (1211111111 P31“ (111 School (wounds on H111 1x11111111; at July 14. \ hal ‘Kail'lb Will In: plfi-ym! lwtfivon twn unitsulu teams, Supper served. .»\olmi.~'.~'|.»u 3M. and 200. 7 30 2 UN FRIDAY EVI‘ZNINFI, .H_'LY 15th, nu thn Svhzml grmunls m. Priccvillo. the 1.°«:m;.rro~:._mtinn up: St Unhingba i1.1,1:.\'11.\'.\'1‘1a yum mnpnx .143- tic-s, dam-vs, pu'mcs (nu- mtvs am most l’hnnv. writn 01' Call on ”Smith Bros" Durham. l'uitml (LII-myrrh will hold a Garden Party. Watch for particulars of m'ngx'ammv. 1711mm ms'rmur 1.._n, 1,. sum amend serx'ieu in P1 «Uslnterian emu-eh. Durham, Sundm Jul) 10, at 11 am. Brewers requested to meet at Lodge! l'tva at. 10. 3O. \\'.\I’I)BY H‘ l).\\'. July I: Iam‘n un tlw (£1le and IH'HI ' PROPERTY FOR SALE The- building knnwn as the An- glican Ron-fury. in Durham: immedâ€" iatp wwsse-ssinn giw'n. 1301' further particulars apply to E. Kress. H. CI'HSS. .l. Schulz or J. Crutchley, Durham. NOTICE TO FARMERS The Durham U.F.U. Live Stock As- sociation will ship stock from Dur- ham on Tuesdays. Shippers are requested to giVP three days‘ notice. James Lawrence, Manager. HOUSE FOR RENT BRICK HHI'SE. CURNER QI'EEN and Chvstvr stl'm'ts. Apply Mrs. (it-urge livvl'vtt. Durham. 7 7H. HONEY LOST ON THURSDAY AFTERNOON. JI'NE 30. hotwoen Royal Bank andACN. R. Phone 601 r 13 PIANO POR SALE l'pright Mozart. practically new. and in (-xcollent conditionâ€"Apply Box 30. Durham. 7 7 H [(1 d‘él \IULII ll‘bo [Ion-.5 w v.... _-_ hill“. Reward on return ‘to Tfié Chronicle Office. ARTICLES WANTED u‘ng 'am "U. ‘1‘ I. ‘ \â€"-- -v station, a sum of money amounting tn $21 (four fives and a one-dollar ‘ fi . ‘ ‘ ““‘--~â€"‘ "A Thin We now have in stock the. New Improved Nu-Lustro Auto Polish, Wumlerful fm- dum or enamel fin- ishes. Comc in and Int us demon- stratv its high qualities.â€"Smith ans. i pd. ANNOUNCWBNT TO fiOTORISTS Canadian Greys Chapter I.O.D.E.. Dui'liann \\'i~'l| through the columns Hi The tilii'unirlv in express their appret'iatiun tn the Durham Furni- ture Ilnmwny. the Stone and Sand Plant, the Durham Amusement Cum- pany. Town Council. Hydro Associa- tion. Schmil Boards. the Phipps Or- clwsti‘a. Durham Band. the Manag- ing Boards nf Queen Street and Knox churches as well as many outside of the Chapter who assist- ed in any way in making the Dia- mond Jubilee Pageant the success it was. Only by public spirited as- sistance were they able to accom- plish this undertaking. Signed on behalf of the Chapter. ALICE RAMAGE, NOTICE All monies owing to me must be paid to myself, personally. I have no collectors and no person is authorized to receive money or issue receipts on my account. W. INNIS, Durham. Advortiu in the Chroniclo. COMING EVENTS t 31110 t‘ FOR SALE ly 15, Ml George Ttn‘l'y's ltlw lmh concession of llul» Wilson, cummlian, 1(‘0 Bnnnick. mtertainer, 'J‘m-untn, will supply the CARD OF THANKS 1. picnics ulwtricull)’. aw most reasonable. 01' call on us for «.121th3 $2.50 and Up. Misses 6 30 2 \Rl)I-I.\' PARTY. FRI- \I’I’LY Durham, 11.“. i. ll ZENI'S 28 if WHY BRILLIANT STARS FAIL TO LIGHT EARTH \Vlwn \VP lcmk up intu the star- strowu sky «m an unclnudml dark night, “'0 gvt an impi'i-ssion uf immvnsi- mimlwrs, writes l’l'Oft'SSUl' Arthur Thomson in John O‘Loiulmi‘s \Vvokly. Hut. Sunny-1' was right when Im said in his “r'am'ie Qum'nn'“ that thou} \wrn fill‘ mow «iifl'm-vut kinds Hf animals in Hm 503 than thew ai'v Visililo stars in tlw. sky. 'l‘lwi'n aim many tens uf thousands ut‘ «litre-rebut spwivs nt‘ annmns in ”in Simâ€"036'! itso-ll‘ and 1m HUNTâ€"- hut tho-w aim nnly ubmil. 5,000 stars \‘isihlv In Hm “8ka rye, and only ahnut. 3.¢_M_M) at any mm time, th um' first, impl'tfssiun is in a way right. fur with an operaâ€"glass \w “an lif‘h‘t‘t. in tiw course uf timu ”Vl'l' 12W“! stars. Whilt‘ with a cnninvm'atiwly small tvlvscmw we can tlnwi'e-tivally make out. small millinns. And with a wally arcat, tclcsc‘mn‘u likc that at Mount Wilson (with an‘ “hie-ct glass nf ltttt int'ho-s , hun-‘ «limits of millions of stars can lw sown. To which ltm't- live-n atltlml mun- niillinns which cannot. be oh- scrwtl as such. yut arc roynalml by stvllm- photography. And so tho numlwi' riscs to about. a thousand millions! But. roco'nt. rcscarch still t'ui'thm' incrcascs our cstimate of ”It' multiplicity of worlds. Every- mw is ““011 awarc that tho. earth and othm' plancts form a system I'c- yolyim: around that. parcnt star which we call the sun; and that tho. sun is a number of a system of stars-4110“? that wc see clearly on ya starry night. But the modern .yiew inclines to the conclusion that than) are otnm‘ systems of stars. For there are many nebulae which al'txycry far away compared with the stars of our system, and each of H195» nebulae is a vast. sys- tem of hundreds of millions of stars. These distant. nebulae are very numerous tperhaps two millions of them ; they are all somewhat sim- ilar in size; and they are to a con- siderable extent evenly distributed through space. Thus the astound- ing picture grows, that the earth is a member of a solar system whose central star is one of many in a vast stellar system. which is in turn one of many other stellar systems! What is,)lan‘? and yet again. \\'hat is Man not? “'hen the part of the. earth where Britain lies has its fare. so to speak to the sun. the heavens are full of light: unless it happens to he a Very? cloudy day. \\'hen the i'ntatiun of. the earth t'm'l‘ies us round twelve hours afterwards to a diametrically‘ ”[iwisite position. it is pitCh dark. with the lamilar excepton of the Very short Summer nights in the Nurtll of Scotland. and supposing also that it, is not a (late when we ,are illumined hy the reflected light {of the moon. This is insultingly ‘elementary. yet. is it not worth ask- ing the question why space should be dark at all if there are millions upon millions of stars, most of which are pouring forth light? Inconcoivahlo Distances The main part of the answer is that the stars are so far away in the immensity of space that the amount of their light energy that the earth intercepts is almost un- thinkably minute. only one six- millionth part of our sunlight. Moreover, the light of a star cannot be reflected from our dead satellite, the moon. The inconceivable dis- tances of the star should here-call- JUST LIKE A MANâ€" EH" raga ‘ihbxfié'fit. ‘ ‘ For while the sun is 93.000.000 miles away, and we seen by the light that left it .51” 41m H3 4.4.”..th (DCHA r 9.8 ammmE. ,m 1.3 4.: I»? 087. mmdmflm. 98w. xmv > 408: ZN mm , romuawi 32.40 pl? ...... ..... A Thousand Million Stars Insignificance of the Earth THE DURHAM CHRONICLE right Illilllllt’s mm wn son "11‘. “Pat‘- (‘5'. “11m! Sid {~i'I0inII-a (Z'IIIIIIIIIIi , in ”In light I IIII '0‘“ it IIlmIIt I'IIIII yeais hvluu'. Must «I! ”I“ staIs that “0 sun with ”It" Illl'Jilin 0V0 \VI- svn in “I“ light \VlIiI'h lI-H Ilium \thn ‘lalili’fl (Illlill‘i was watching: “[0111 in. ltIIlV \VitlI his IIImI Il¢‘\\' t“ll'."1\D[N‘ in “10‘0th VII-H‘s III HII SI‘VPXHW‘HHI I'I-ntur)‘. Lighl. II'aVI-ls III. ”II I'atn HI' 1863““! IIIIlI's‘ [H'l' SN'JIIHL and II "liglIt-VIIIII”. HIII IiislIIIII°I= I'IIVI'I'I'I! by light in a \I-I.II' is six millinn IIIillinII Inilvs. -\IIII HHW Hm mmII-III asil'nllullh'l's‘ illl‘ II~|!IIII: II~' that ”I“ must. dist-am lH‘lIlllilI“ al‘f‘ I‘IInI'II than II lllllltll't‘cl mininu light-yvlll’w away. The Source of Starlight ‘ligllt- \‘2'011'1 lhfidistam'o by light in a yc-al', 15 $1 burning tlu-mse-lws away. and snnwtimus. as was Ultsun'ml. going will. as if thvy hail vxlmusto'cl all lllt'il' “WI. “116" hf tlu- tlill'lcllllit's' in tho law at this tlumi-y. lmwmm'. is that tlw stars httw- lash-cl s0 lung. 'l‘lw ti'm- vxplmizitit'm t'ni' lmlll stars amt sun, can)“ \Vllll Hou'qnvl'vl's dis- (‘owry «if rmlin activity. for tho fountain and (might «it tlio- gi-vatvr part. «if thv i'aotiam unvrgy of the: stairs amt the sun is tn ln' t‘mmd in tho (lisintvgratinn of lie-my atoms Tho. power of light is the liberated power of tlw (lust. Hy; 4mrrzo 405 9.8 1.3 2.41»? 087. "(mam xm‘u > .6ch r0992. 93.0 9Z7 Solomon’s Secret Old Rt'tluma’m rulmml his hands and bowed the custnmm‘ out (of his antiquv slwp, Hu had just dispasod of a number of Jacobvan chairs at a \‘oiry gum! figurv. \Vhen the door closed, a friend. who had wihwssmi the transaction pakgd Sally in thy. ribs ggd said: PL’.-‘. ‘. ~v-u "You un~crupulou~ old \illain! How coud vou toll the man those chairs “Pro genuine)?” I ~-‘,,, L- - “Hush, my poy," replied Solomon. “Yen Rachel presented me with a son I called him Jacob. and taught him to be the smartest .antique faker in London. 80 every piece of furniture he makes is absolutely genume Jacobean. Truth in bus- iness " the best policy. but you‘ve got to look ahead and see that the (-I\'v - truth isnt inc-0m pnient." Some davs ago in Durham, a purse containing a small sum of moqev. (mum max have same on paying far this :icht. At Thu Chron- icle Ufficv. l ROWE’S Bakery Provision Store Pastry Flour 241!) $1.00 Goods Dellvercd Anywhere In Town The Finest Manitoba E. A. Rowe ' Flour PURSE POUND $4.50 By Gene Knott scams or smug; Those In “The Prlnco of Pilsen" as lost Lavish. Seldom have there been screened such scenes of myal splendor as some. of those seen in the film ver- sion of "The Prince of l'ilseu." t'ea- turing Anita Stewart and (Nurse. Sidney, which comes to lhte Veter- an's Star Theatre on Friday and Saturday. July 8th and 9th. The sequences laid in the thrun.‘ room of 'l‘htmvuld Castle. picturing." a royal marriage, ht‘l\\'t‘t‘ll Myrtle- Stethuall. as the Princess Hertha. and George Sidney, as tho pseudo Priure uf Pilsell. are especially lavish. even in these days. «if elalmr- ate mutiun pictures. The gigantic setting was tilled with court dignitares. [allure guards In their striking military costumes. The gigantic setting was tillmt with court. dignitarvs. pal-aw guards in their striking military custunws. illltl giwsts t'i-um ncighnnrmg prin- cipalities, Tho-r» was also a display of strikingly fantastic gowns. and thcn an cccte-siastivat prnwssiun handout by an al‘t'libishuli Ht' thv vhurch. ininimliatvly Dl't‘t‘t‘t‘tiiltt.’ thi- entrance ut' the bl'ltlt'. flankmt In bridesmaids with tlnwing trains at “Paris, haw UT 1‘ inch hut m is First With: “1 tuld my husband almut those gowns that art- svlling t'm- a snug." Sncnnct Ditto: "What. tntl he may?“ 'Hc said it I vwmtml him tn tux-nich Htt‘ nutvs It} )H'Ht't t'lltmgv mv tunn." (iuolph l\'. 11. 21.111. 7». [1.111. _Elom Iv. 9.303.111. 5.31pm. Forgus l\'. 3.4?) p.1n. 1 Arthur IV. 111.15 mm. 6.15 pm. Mount. FHI'L‘SI. 1v. 11.03 am. 7.0311111. Durham lv. 11,133.11). 7.53 pm. \Villiamsford 1v. 12.30 an). X 8.3011111. Chatsxx'orlh Iv. 12.503.111. X 8.50 pm. Owen Sound or. 1.15pm. 9.15pm. .Southboundâ€"Every Day 8: Sundays lOwon Sound 1v. 8. am. 5.3011111. {1:1na1§\\'01-111 lx'. 8.2711I.m.X 4.3311111. i\\'illlalxls1'«‘11‘cl lx'. H.171a.m.X5.1:’»p.nn. 1Dnrhnm 1v. 9.30:1.m. 6.00 pm. 1.\1ount. Forvst 1V. 6.5““.11]. EAI-tluu' 1\‘.11.ma.1n. 7.3111111). {Fergus Iv. 11.30.1111. 8.10 pm. ‘ 310m 1v. 11.13 am. 8.15 pm. Guelph ar. 12.13110on 8.45 pm. lGuPlph Iv. 1.43 pm. '3- Advertise in The Chronicle. It pays. :Artlnn' lv. 11,003.11). 7.3" hm. lFergns IV. “.3“ am. 810nm. ‘ Jlom l\'. 11.37» am. 8.15 pm. lGnPlph m'. tit?» noon 84511.n1. lGnPlph l\'. 1.43pm. + Toronto 31'. tiltilinm. ‘8' Toronto Terminal: 4 Welllgton St. West, Toronto. rt- Saturdays, Sundays Holidays tho bus arriving." in anlph at 8,-1.3 [LU]. will mnkomnnvotinns with tlw vast- bountt Toronto much lt-nving tlnvlph at 10.35 pm. Return taro. Durham to Toronto $6.00 Minimum fan.- 25c. All hnssos stop lmtwunn rognlar stom‘ling points to takc- on and dis- “ charge passengm's. Information and waiting room I, Hahn Housv, Durham 1 City Hall, Owen Sound. or Lemon's Garago Guelph Bus Depot, Guelph, ph.%52 l Bus Sox'viw Northboundâ€"Every Day 8: Sundays Tnmntu Iv. 1. pm. (hudph an 2J3|LnL (iuvhdn h; 9. :LnL 3. [LHL Eknu lv.$UfiHLnL SBOILnL Fvl‘gus IV. 9.47» :I.m. T; 4?» Nu. Arthur l\;lHJS:LnL 6J5|LDL )hnnn.f%uwstlv.1L03:LnL 71fi|nnl 4. Durham l\'. 11,433.11]. TIME TABLE TORONTO, GUBLPH, OWEN SOUND alita Stewart and “worms Siolnvy .‘0 cxcvllvnl. rnlvs in ”Plan Prince- l’ilsvn." Thu 'summrling vast. ludvs nut. only Myrllc- Shulmun. ' Allan Forrest. Rnso 'l'aplc-y :nhl s Harlan. l'aul l'mwll cliw-vlml. 1 Forrest. lun. Paul in'u’aw PICTURE 7.3" [um 8.00 p.111 8.15 [Ln] 8.47) [LID Pimtes, Treuure and the Spa:- ish Main hue been ISStX‘i.t1‘d in legend and story fur countless aces. True. thorn aro no pirates Imw, but. there is still the hm- of treasure. train-trc-Jsurv ut' juumoys Via the pt-aks «If tho Canadian Purim: llurkios thruugh tn tluf tit-as of the l‘aritlr and “t".fiit‘l'll t'ltlc's Hf Van- rnuvvr and Vlt'ifll'M. Sm- It _lll I'lallllml hvt'm't-lmnd in romt'nrt “‘th- nut tmlmus iii‘itlll and \Vurrlvmme aliimyanrc'. «luring twenty nun days that will the in. warmost mifmury unclo'r thv ans-[urns nt' thu \\ urld‘s tirvatvst. 'l'ruwl fistvm. 'l‘hc- Cam- ittizm I’at-itir with «'xln'rirnrmi [ter- s‘nlml stiro'rtmn ui' Smrlanr Lat-rd. .\.-k l-'.. A. May. t.‘.anatll_a_u__l‘_t|_cifl_o Railway Agent. ur “I'm: Starr. Mr thc 'l'rvasm-u clhosl. PIRATES-l0: TREASUREâ€"YES ‘1)urhan1 is an aHracUxe and he: Iltln tmxn. and good accommodl- tion (an be nbtainvd at rcasontblo rates. humming: [mulls should propare to inner at hvgmning Hf u-um. Inl‘urmannn as to Emu-595 may b0 ohtuinod from tho- Principal. The SC'IOHI has a creditable mean! in the past which it hows in main- tain in the future. The Sclmol is thoroughly equippe‘ In take m. the fullowing courses: (I) Junior Matriculation. .2. linh'anCn m Normal Schuoi. liavh [number of the Stalf is a [3m- u-rsity Graduate and experienced l'vaclwr. DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL Phone 15 J. A. M. ROBB, B.A.. Principal. JHHN MHHRISUN. Chairman. I ll PAGE 7. M 1' I’m Moll'l l‘\ h! "I.

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