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Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 Jul 1927, p. 1

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Coming By mp 3' Cash, ENDS NC: HOUR 1927 ‘\\ IIIIIIIIIg \\IIIIIII IIII- [Imn limIIs IIIIII'H II :IIIIIIII; -IIIIs “ill not be Inl- o-r'III II. ”III :o‘\¢'l'al \IIung bOV’s of MI.- "I\\ll\\IIH were before Folice “8.! “RIP Laidlaw last Satm) IkIIIg a dip cmered only by I H MW HaIII “ere let out on SUS- IwIIIIo-Il fit‘ntf‘nce (m DPOmISins 00‘ In HIII‘IIII In future. \l .H "I Odd Fellows, However. Went on With Ceremony, and Large Crowd Was In Attendance. DECORATION SERVICES MARRED BY RAIN l'l chrr in NW “'rstrrn portion. Front vao-u Snumt comm tho roport that. ttn- storm was vrry severe in that rity umt immmliato vicinity. Trans- t'm-mo-rs in tho- various parts of the rut} \vm-u put nut. uf mmmission. lmrally. \vith ttw nxrnption of burning nut tvvn transrm'mrrs. our at. tho- rornvr nr Harafraxa and Sad- dler streets, and another t’artimr smith at South strm-t. thrrr was no itanmm' l't'pttl'tt'ti. Th0 Wind, While quit» strung. did not do very much damagon thmmh \vu iwar u! an or- rus‘iniml trm- having two-n hlnwn ctmvn in ttu- rnuntrv. \vhilo (Dthf‘l'fi had some of the heavier branclws turn linifio', 'l'ho‘ ho'avv rain that. full in this “tho Mn HH- (-itv -v----- vv nulvllo gu'a'ullll'illllwi .hy a heavy rain and mm wind. . did a lot of damage to n... ., buildings and crops. \\‘.-.lm-sday of last week the first. w-rm arrived. and from Forest. \Viunnng. Petrnlioa, Stratford. St. 'lnumas and other points in West- .-:-n Hntarin. the damage is reported a,- quite severe, and the monetary lms heavy. The greatest damage oc- t-m-ml at Allisten, where the walls “3' a new ehltrrh in the (‘Otlrso 0f .-;-~t-tmn were blown dmvn. \ io't'tlllti sterm visited this see- tmn nn Sunday Which also» did con- wlerahle damage. even mnre. than Hlo' lirst. In the Vicinity of TOI'On- tn. the lightning. hail and wind left, a trail n! damage. Buildings were. eH-uvk. trees uprcmted. and the wind was :m'nmpanied by the heaviest rainfall n! the season. ‘ This part of Ontario escaped per- haw with lvss clamagv than any “tho-r in “w \\'0.~'to-l'n portinn. From Hu'o-n Smuul 1’0"ng Hm rppm't that. MUST USE BATHING SUITS \M'ullht'l‘ rlt'm'ml and. turning wh mltlo-r. t'm'tho-r rain was mlml, le rvrvmnny \wnt on. t H must haw [wen gratifying to mnmhors nt’ tlw lodg» when they mat at tho- cht-tery to see that. r» was a gomlly crowd on hand. i all during the service. and even 'r. Ito-w arrivals appearml from culmtry. until there was a fairly :o' altollt‘nf't‘ gathered. h.- m'nm-um this year was not. as urtismt. owing to the lateness of flux. 'l’hc- Rm: 3. Hayes of «lontinued on page 6" wnpmn \\ ll wmxe Country Suflorad Prom Severe Electrical Storm Which, Amumpanied by Wind, UprOOtod Tieex‘ and Did Great Damage.â€" 5e..cnd of Its Kind in Week. Sunday SUNDAY’S STORM WAS GENERAL OVER ONT. 'ially “'Unll *tanol arm air of this 1 fully ma ro‘mainpd n u chant"- \\ mp VOL. fillâ€"NO. 3136 tly aftm “watho'r Inlaw s [um I “Minn in \\'.~'~ soc" ill was I Hm» lu-avy rain that fell n will lw ut‘ im'ahmbl 'VHH Sun Hu- 5 HVilH mums IHW mu Marred by Storm I") 1k This District Lucxy ‘h. idvrin 't'l'mm |\ NIH n H mmnin'; hrokv laim Hu'tlflllhf about this. axial HH' Plo‘mt'nts 1M. Ionsv ml fury. Towards IO mun-ml up somvwhat. and Hm sun shone. Along wlwn owm'yhmly should m his way to rm- rvmo- .HIIKHIL'. H. H nut thought undamagml in Hm 1033!. with uthm' sootinns of w. m- in this part worn 'h' lurk}: for which we thankful. . NW D. far :"Hll \V SON I'm \\' won a lat-g» rrmwl. was numlwr on Hu- grnuml HIP 200 mark. this so-I'Vico brings out. ”rs. and [his yvar. up ~' mtm'fo-rml nu mm marh wrth H'w annual rvirv of tlw Inca] 04M ty. ”1,. coromnny this Hf HH‘ bad! \0! halo! in: tho wzmllwr. what l'l at a: mm! “mg in four days nt’ Untarm was visited vlm'u'u-al storm which. “'0 mmz. lmdiml like) a 1‘0- lmt pmph'. and vs- :1. vummt hr Mpvctml MI in the rain at an kind. and many “'11” v up tlwir minds [0 at. hnme rather than and go»! caught Tn tlw ain that. threx’lh‘nml. Hu- sm'ucn should ~rn fur postponing thonght that thn a mum! bo‘ takm t0 bvtwonn showers. WM. and HM' row»- I m-xt Sunday. in that fell in this Hf invaluable Immu- l and while: Humid-- solnwn and got. a l-'. H. i~' nut Hmught Jamal in Hm lo‘ast. ulhm' swtinns 0f lat that last Sum! n thunn'vr. light- t'nlu'o'l'llml. amol fun-cl nu mm died I” {Mal «TVS 1w rpm»- 9! agam. In e-arlv of Hm 0 “V .4 {l _V Read the Classified Ads. on Page 7 In tlw :u‘citlvnt Mr. Mnm'isom was badly sh-akvn up and it was his con. dition. rouplmt with the fact that his lawyer was unable to appear. that causml Magistt‘atn Laidlaw to t'm'thm' adjourn the case. “'6 un- olm‘stanol that this is the last ad- jnnrnmvnt and that. m» matter is tn be finally diSpUSPd Of in Satur- day's court. “mum; H.S.. Bert I‘lan; Tye-us" mehm. \\'. .L .lnlm Hitchiv; Ll R.S..\',H,. RHIDL'I't Josvph McCaslin In”: I...S.S. 301! 'l'III- IIIIllL'I‘ r-m It'lklt'FS dining; IIIIII :lg'flllls‘I R. \\. .‘I‘HHIISHI! HI .\I‘_'-n III: IIIlI\ \\lIiI- II has horn hI'fIIII Mag-I I lIzItI~ I.:I'§ll.1\\ :I IIIIIIIII- II' timI-sl ahead}. \\ as again aIljUIIInml lII noxl 3 Saturday. “'ht'n it will lw finally] IIISIIOSI‘NI OI. ' TIN‘ I-hm'gp is Hm rI-sull. M an ac- I'IIIO'III 30m» lhrIw or four weeks ago in which Mr. Morrison is alleg- 0‘0! to have turned into his prnmlses south of the long swamp «In tho Provincial Highway in from. of Mr. Oscar Hahn. with the r0911“ that Mr. Hahn's hi8 Sudan was so .lanmgml that it had. tn 1w 9 tho- l‘avtnry for l‘t‘!l_all‘:_3._ 'l'lu- 1’hal'go‘ Ian! :ngams! R mzmhy. Whlt'h RECKLESS DRIVING CHARGE TO BE AIRBD SATURDAY NH fm' 1927: I.P..\l.. Ranoy Snell; .\'.(i.. (inm‘gv .hrvksvh: Vit'w-Hrant. Thus. “'11“- “WW; ILSH Hort Stow-mum KS" 1). I'Zm-n; Twas” Uamvron Laudm': Wm'olvn. \\'. J, )lctiirr; Cumlurtm'. .lulm Ritchiw; Chaplain. Allan He‘ll: H.S..\',H,. RHIHPN )hlman; l .S,.\'(v Jusvph Mctlaslin; [LS .S.. \\. \01- Mt. I...SS...\'01man McRnnald; RS. ‘. 2,.” Rnylo-n Molmnnld: I S.'\ .(v.. RIISSO‘” Bti'ckvl' , 0.1.1,. .Ulml'l MU Run- :unl. l.(i,.l~ hank Irwin. Hiiit'ms III (HOW [Inigo .\'II 1159. I1HI F.. “"‘llt‘ installed for thv'ir six nmnths “‘11“ last Monday night. 11111 work being Ibflicially peltormml iIV \\. mus“ ell. l!.l).h..\l.. of ’almm'- stun. who. with his installing twam IIIIdu :I must imomhlo impu'ssinn hV Hip manner In \VIIiI II the “Mk was III-I'tomiwl both iIIIliViIIIIall) and t'cibllo't'tiVo'l)‘. FUN stallatmn ceronmny was svrvml, Fullowin Semi-Annual Installation Ceremony Was In Charge of W. Carswell and Installing Team From Palmerston. LOCAL ODD FELLOWS INSTALL OFFICERS .\ ball game lwhwon the Rmkx and Dmmmu tvams earh in tho mvning \\ as \\ 011 b) the humor. (IIIIIIk-lIkII pro-vision. The chair- man was l'I‘nIIIIISI't‘IlI in his IIII- marks and It)“ various numbers on IIIU lung I'IIIogIIamme were good. IIIIsIIIIIs LIXIIIIIIIIIII mumc by the IiIII’Il'gII “IIPIIII‘ 01"( IH‘SII' a. ”1011‘. “II-re IIIInIIIIIIIus IIIIaIII‘ngs. duets, IIIIIIII.Il0gIIII.~I. instrumental numbers and aIIIIIIIIssIIs. “IIIIII. tIIII pieces IIe IIIIsIsIaIIIIII \VIIIII a IIUIH) IIIIII II} ten Inns and 3 Max ".laIIII “ins by a IIIIIIIIx" In IIIII \oung IIIIanII of the IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII \ssisting m1 thn IIIIIIgIam \\IIIIII sIImII from DIIIII.Iam :IIIII :IIII III-IIIIi\I.II gIIOII aItIIIIIIOII and IIIIIIIIH applauw. .\lr, .Inhn .\, l‘h-ziham was thn chairman and. \‘t‘h'l'all that, he is at this kind Hf thing. it. is needless to say that nwryihing: went Off with (‘hwk-liko- prvcision. The chairâ€" man was ruminisi'mii in his r0- :Ith'nwi. by tho l‘vsioh‘nts of ”mi sm't inn. i’l'o't'miillfl [hp programme). a hnnntifnl Slipper had been provided a! whirl: ihvro was plo'nty and to spawn and a largo honth 0n the wounds .th 'a thriving business l‘rnni mn-ly M‘vning until the 01050 at Hm midnight hour, wining and fur tlwir first, nttnmpt was :1 \Vnndvrt'ul stu't'vss linalu'iall)‘. and t'mm the: mannvr in which the var- hms o-wnts wm'v hamthul one would llt‘Vt'l‘ uh'vam that this was the first. 'l'ho- sum-ms of their first garden] party will no doubt be followm‘l no-xt summm' by an own mom elab- m'mn afl'air by tlw vaplc nt’ "anm' Ritchie‘s" school section, hotter knuwn as NH. 9. This was lwlol on ”w svhonl grnunols last Friday 0v- Residents of Section Immediatly East of Town Had Big Crowd, Ex- cellent Programme, and Altoqether Successful Gathering Last Friday Evening. LOWER RITCHIE’S STAGE FINE GARDEN PARTY Hun. Frank (Ru-1°01. M.L.C.. whn has lwvn namml Hm otficial «glolvgate for Canada to the ngm- of Nations mowing am nmvspapm' Imltlm's. HH’RESI‘ZN'I‘S CANADIAN PRESS l’nilnwing HIP in.- 13' light. unchmn win: mm th» 0m- e.- badly nl m DURHAM, ONTARIO, CAN ADA,THURSDAY, JULY 21, 501'. and Mrs. Dr. \V-dtsun Hf f1}.mr;.w~tu\\‘ll. .\ lH'Hfil-‘I'. .\II'. F. “I éSe-m'vh ut‘ Munm-yl. and a fnrmwr il'nsidvnt 01' Durham. alts: [Wu sisto'l's. HIPS. Kim: and Mrs. Hurhm' nf Tar- .pnn Springs. F111,. 3150 surviw, ' Mr. and Rim. Glass num-ol t0 Dur- Hnam upwards of 2?) yo-ars agu, 1-0.. mainim: lam-v rm- plown years. and Iin 1913 moving to ("ienrgetowm For some» time past they had resided at \Vindsm‘. The pan-hearers were her three sons. her brother. and Other rela- tives. With the citizens of Dur- ham. The Chronicle joins in expres- sing sympathy to those whn mourn. It Will Pay You to Advertise in The Chronicle. ro-tm'ning lmnu- nu ”In NH: inst. Last Sumtzu tw 1m t-ixml “HM that hi~' mutlwr had takt'n anuthvt' hact llspnll anal stunth attm' thv nmn “t th- ate-nth “as mmnum-mt. j 'lhu latw Mrs, Glass. \\hu.~'t~ maidvn lltlmu was It‘il Swarch. was barn at [.\\fllt. N.\'.. '21 tmvn a shnrt. dis-{amen ! t qulh n! Rm lwstvr. hut “lwn an in- imm he 1' pal'o‘nts mmm! t0 Sh-“axt- tamn. In 1-1: He-m'mlmm. \tho- Hw :olo'vvasml spo‘nl lwr vallim' your»: With-throw vaS 8:10 sin “I” mar- flied to Mr. J. .\. Glass. “ho. with Hllm' sun,- and mu daughtws. sur- i\i\o' HIM 810‘ “P5515. \\. \.. in IDmlmm.l~1‘ml um! l'clwm in \\ incl- ‘sen'. and Maw \Mln, F'mlnng . \\ ind- sm'. and Mrs. Dr. \V'atsc'm 0f. hml l'c-llll'llwl I” \\ llltlSHl' nnly about Tl“- luss ”l' ”w le'atm- will 1w a throw» \\'m'k.~' whom slu- was lakml ill lulmv tn lho' lawn and cnunlry. as \le ”11 ”ID lllll Hf July. \‘vlu-n svizml will: . lmyp hum] IHM snmp npgulialimls :I slight sh'nkt'. ”ll INN-'58 “l 1101' www umlur way to 119v :t as a slum.- t'HH'lil'lUH. lH'I’ Wm. Mr. \V. A. “1855. I lmusu in this «lislrirl in cmmvctiun hvrv. lvl'l l'm' Windsor and filmllllwilll lhr pmpnso-cl (Hilario \Vlwat i‘mu' clays :at his 11ml_lu'r'.~'_ _l’_‘"l$"l"~ l Pun]. .5... .2... :7. 35m.» .5... 1...... 2:. 22...... 2. ...._.:.....: 1.3.2.... 2.2. :2. 7...! 7.3.... 9.... 2...! .S......... 2.... ..:2 .53.... 2.2.... E... ...... 3.2.2:... .: fi.......,..... :2... 2.5:. 2...... 2.....7. 2...... 1.... 2.7. :22... .: .5 2... :2. 2. ..:..2. 2...... 1.3.... 2.2. u. 1.25.... 1......7... 2: :..<...1..1. 2.. :2. .......:3..:. .2... 1...... z... ’4. .r. 2...?! Fon'nwr I’rivncls of Mrs. J. A. Mass hm'o- \wrv shnckml Sunday who-n it was luarnml that slw had passml away at by immv at Wind- sm' :H'tc-r nul)‘ a fnw days" illness. 'l’hu alt-('v‘lsml was 7'2 years of age). and «lo-nth was «Inn in a stmkv uf palaluis ~ MRS. J. A. GLASS DIED SUDDENLY IN WINDSOR .\|I', (1111111111- 'l1_")11\ 1m H111 10“! cun- 111-ssi1111.'ll11- 111111.21amm11 “as supâ€" plimi In H1)b\\ilsou and Grace 111111111111 and H111 1-11celpts were the [mm-st in H111 hislnn 111‘ H1111|1u1ch 11\1-11$|;’1ll111ingtak11n in at H111 111.1111 le Nurth (Hmwlg Baptist. vhurch MM 3 must sucwssl'ul gal-Am party last Friday night 011 Hu- grounds M Mr, (ivul'g‘o- Torry on Hu- lmh um- Former Resident of This Town Suc- cumbed to Paralytic Stroke Last Sunday.â€"Funeral Held Tuesday to Georgetown Cemetery. on Wednesday of last week the Presbyterian church at. DOI‘IIOCll held their annual garden party and, in addition to a big crowd. there was an exvellent patronage of the huntli. .\ guml [ii't‘igi'anlnle, put. on by Harwy Lloyd. comedian, of Ter- nntu. was alsu a feature. tin Monday at this week the post- punml picnic at the Hunky L'. F. 0. Utah was held in McLean's grove lnurth Hf town. and in addition to a pmgraninw ut‘ speeches, hall and ’Hlllo't' games were played and a gen- eral gmid time had. In the evening a danre was put em and Ult‘ young folks anjnywl themselves until an early lmni'. There was a large t'l'Uth despite the busy svasun. Tuesday night. the annual garden party «it the Ladies“ Aid at \‘arno-y t'lllll't'lt was ho-Id nn .l, .l, Wilton's lawn. 'l‘tu- attendantm was smut-what sinallo-i' than usual uwing tn the tin- at tlw ltnh ltuy Mills elevator “01151 but llt'Sllllt' lllt' absence of the Dur- ham pati'uns. the gate receipts were quitu satist'at-tm-y. An exceptional- ly amid m'ngi'aninw by lm'al talent assisted by ullwrs l'i'mn THl'UlllU and 'l‘m-swatmz was [)l't‘St'lllt‘tl. and a game «if hall played in the early ev- ening in \\'l|lt'lt the \‘ai‘nvy team de- l'vatml Knux l3 tn 9. With something duing alnmst M'- t'l‘}' night in twn Hr tln'm- plai'vs. these allail's are rather hard in keep track of, and harder tn report. when little Ul‘ no assistance is t'nrthcuni- ing from the mmniiltves i_n vhai'gv._ Summer-time is picnic and garden time. and never can these be separ- ated, at least up in this section of Untario, and the task of reporting all of them has nearly got the editor or this great family journal “dizzy in the head,” or at least a little diz- zier than is our usual wont. Of course. "a good time was had” at all of them, judging from the news- paper reports. Certainly there was a good time! What are picnics and garden parties for? This Wevk we started out to re- port them in the usual manner, but are the week was two days old they were cuming so thickly that we had quivkly to vhanm- uur tactics. Very few Municipalities Absent From List of Those Who Have Held “Successful Gatherings." GARDEN PARTIES AND PICNICS ARE ORDER OF DAY Wp al't‘ ploaswl tn learn that Mr. \‘ickms is doing \01‘\ “ell in his up“ home at Regina but wme son \' tn lvam 0f the illness of his son. Tod. Jr.. “ho “as in the hos ital with a ruptured apppndix. T ere wero {our ductors in attendance. with night and day nurses. He was Thu 12th having racvivm more in- formation than was possihlo the? prvviuns issuv. Talling of the bail-- stmws. Mr. \‘ickvrs said that ttm storm was almust nnhelievahlv. He had recently purchased a nmv Hudson rlosect car. was out in the storm. and had had it holes punched thrmtgh the toy. In a follmxilig lottm dam! Juh I2. 'locl szus that Hm storm of Um 9th yas undmnstimatvd. the 108001 nf | l i ,In Hu- Jul)“ 11 issuv ”1' tin- lit-ginu 'quldwl'. svnl us by our HM fl'ic-wl. 'l'wl Virkt'l'r'. if is c'slimatml that HIP 1m: sturm nt' Saturday. July 9. dam- :wml haif a million acres Hf tlm \\'v.~'tv|'n ('l'np. HH' arms «len'as‘talml vxtvnclim: frum liyvln'ow. Sasku t0 the' Manitoba lmmnlary. NH I'o-pm'is M 109808 had 1100!] maolo- In hail insurance conu’tamo-s. ZlCt’Ol'dillg In 'l'ho- Loadvl'. but 0s- timatvs shnwwl that more than half] a millinn news of grain and gardvnI stuff won-P affected. Hailstmwszl ranging in sizn from a been to a crow's ogg :u'n said to havp fallvn and in many instances the loss to crpps §s__10()_pm' cent. Half Million Acres Estimated Dam- age by Regina Leader of July 11.â€" Storm Extended Over Wide Area. WESTERN STORM DID MUCH DAMAGE 11111 111111 was \‘isihlv rm' 5111111111 11111115 in 111'111'y 1111-111'111111 111111 many 1'1'11111 outside 111111115 111111111'1111 111'111' 10 51111 \\'11111 11111 11'111111111 was, T1111 night 11. 1’. 11. 1111551111g111' train “as 11111111111 111111 111511 1111 11.111111 11'eig111 111111 passed 11111 11111111111; 1111111111111 at. 511m speed in 0111011 1.11111 11111111 01 11111 111'11-1111111111'5 11113111 1111 i11j111'1111. 11111 111111111111.1 “as (11111111111111I\ 1'1111- s111111111.1111111;.1h 11 11111k 11111 g1'11111111' 1111111 111 11111 11111111 1111101111 11111 111111\\' 1111111 1i111h111s 11111111. 11111'111111 through 111111 1111 11111111151 111 the fire 111111111111meut \1'111111 1111 11111)’ 1111111 1111 111111311111 11'11m 1131111.: sparks was past. “‘11 have 1111 11111111111111' i111‘111'111111i1111 at 11110811111. 11111 111111111'51111111 1h111'11 is 1111111 1111131116 111111 11111 11111111111" \1111 1111 11111111111111, as 11111 111151 111 1'1111511'11111i1)11 is 1011 1111.111 111 1'1111111111'is1111 with 11111 m111111- 1111'_\' 1111111114. \Vhih- the tin- was in progress ignitml pit-cos Hf wood lluzltml ill a south-“vstm'b' ctirm'tion for half a mile 01' mums and citizens living in ”w path shunt a watchful hour or twn swing: tn it that thvir own huihhngs did nut tako- firv. For a timv tho Angli‘an Rectory was thuught in clilllg't‘l'. but. thv how was turned Ull it and tlm ruut‘ \wll suahml. pro-Wining u so-voncl firv. wrull)‘ blown from the doorway \\'lH'Il Hm «lust ignitml, and it was not thought, mh'isahlv tn takv fur- thvr risks. 'l'lu- causc- ut' the fire is not. knnwn, though as is the case in must. ut’ tht-sv cereal mill tires it. is thought tn haw been a hot hox- ing up u stuck vlovator. The blaze was a most spvctucumr onn and 1: hard mm In tight. as svwrall dust L‘XplUSiOIIS at Hm ('mmnt'lu'cmvnt lil't'Vt'lllt‘tl q-ntry into the building. In fact, twn or throw who uttvmptmt tn fun-u an c-ntrancc and 3M :1 strvam t'rnm tlw chemical and tirv vnginu nu HIP tirv. wom- almost lit- 'l‘hvy had scm'vely reached the corner, huwuvm', hvforc smoke was 5111111 wming {rum the basement, and thuugh the lire whistle blew imnmhah'ly 211111 the brigade made 11 quick 11111 (H llw scour “1th hoth (In-miml Muck and lire o11g1110,110- 1111111: chuhl M- 110111? hut 1111111- 011 \xatvr and plUlPCt the surmunding huihhnus, For the secund time in three years the Rob Roy Mills of this place was visited by a disastrous tire, that of Tuesday night wiping out the elevator and machinery, saved at the tire of November, 1924. The loss is estimated to be $20,000 on buildings, 815,000 on machinery and about $2,011) on wheat and grain in storage at the time of tire. The loss is partly .covered_b_y‘ insurance. Since the big tire of {924, which spelled the end of the manufacture or the famous Rob Roy oatmeal pro- ducts, the elevator had been used as a grain storage and a certain amount of chopping had been done, mostly feed products for export. The mill had been running all day Monday and Tuesday, and when the plant was closed shortly after 6 o'clock Tuesday night. nothing ap- parently was wrong. [fp to shortly after 8 o'clock the min was much as usual aml following the game or softball at the High school grounds approximately two hundred fans had Missed the plant on the road down town :uufnoticcd nothing un- usual. Disastrous Fire Early on Tuesday Evening Wipes Ont Grain Eleva- tor and Causes Loss Estimated at Over $35,000. ROB ROY MILLS ELEVATOR BURNED Cause N at. Known _, 1927 After a man has been married about six months he begins to no- tice how much his wife resembles her mother. slowly gaining strvnmh and was thought out of danuvl'. according tn the last remorts, thmxgh at onv timp it was thought he would not. rPCHVPI‘. \\'mlm edav Thursdax F l'idav Sntm'dzn Sumlas Mondm Tum was as a daily t-atmlutt-«t state-mum is given. funthm' ruminant ts Hum-«ms- sary. mum than tn sax that traffic this .‘war is (unsiamabh tu-mivr than last. 'llw «tailv It?! tollmxs: Pass. Tim-k Horsv 'lotal l 'l'III~ ::!~ III IIIII H'HITII‘ I‘I'HSUS III‘ ”I“ IIIIIMII' . “I"IIHHIIII III' III;IIIIIII's |\\aS III; II IIISI \\I'I'k. IIII! s‘dmI' llII'll {as last 5021!. .‘lI‘SSI's, R. .\IJIII' all“ VIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIiIII.’ II.II_.'agIIII .-\.~ In [IaSI \I I'.~'. “w M: IIiIIII IIII' IIII's [NH- IiIIII III Ihv IIigIIIIaI' III'I\\I'I'II HIIIII- ilIIIII III: II ”“0“ SIIIIIIII. “as III ”I‘- I 'IIIIIIJIII s I I IIII~I'.~' sIIIIIII III IIIIIII. and ”II" census taking slarIIeIl IIII \\'IIII- nesda} III' IIIsI “I‘I‘k. mIII IIIIs com- plIIII-II IIII TIIosIIIII IIIgiIt III’ IIIis. In IIIII tabla giII-n IIIIIIIII IIIIIII ”l0 trucks and motor bussvs ha\I‘ been lflNlldI‘II _uIIIII1.r IIIII am heading. and ANNUAL CENSUS TAKEN LAST WEEK ' "h 0004”“ 3.!” â€"_â€"___.._.â€"â€". i“0“". Iva! 'H II Highw; yo Department Had Men at .m tlwsu uh McCllnto:.'s Corners Checking Up Hli! i. .nin; : on Vehicular Trafiic For the Pasti H. u >-I1_'w n. Tho Primutv of thn Church Of ling- land in Canada who is oxpcvtml In l'vtm' I'l'nm nll'im- at t'u- mu! m" this 3'08}. That‘s about. all there is to it. E\'- m'ynm- Who» has ogus to svll must haw tho-m graded. and «very mor- vh'ant wlm huys eggs from tho pru- ctucm‘s must sop that ttwy aw [H'n- [n-rly grmtml. Mr. Morrison said that his depart- mt-nt. was through \Vurnint.r husinoss mvn ut' the nort-ssity of livingr up to this law. The-y roulcl vithvr liw up to it. quit buyingr ngga or [my a tinv. Un ht’lll}! tolct that, 2mm:I of tho nivrrhnnts in othor towns \\'t‘l't" lmyim.r tlw was ungraclmt. ho said that tho litmzu-tnwnt know as murh or mort- almut this as thv lnrnl mor- rltunts. that thusu nim-rhants would ho lookml at‘tvr. unit. it' norvssm'y. lwm'ily tinml. \V. .l. Morrison 01' the lhmartmmnt uf Agricultum- at Ottawa was in town Tuesday and hid down tlw law to thv lncal business mm and In” that samo afternoon on a Visit to the merchants in the surrounding tnwnr; Aanct ('uuntry. \\'|Ivthm' the Durham mm‘vhanls like- it or not. or whetlwr Hm gun- oral public is in favor of it or nut. lhvrc is. gning to ho somv-fim sumv nf tlwsc days if mnrv altc-ntinn is nut. paid to the grading of wags pur- chasml from farmvrs and townsâ€" peOple who have tlwm to «lispusu of. Don Cal-rick. well-known Canadian athlete. and 192:3 amateur golf champion, who has again won that coveted lltlt'. Sever DURHAM MERCHANTS MUST GRADE EGGS Ultimatum Delivered by Ottawe Authorities Says That Buying Un- graded Eggs is Illegal and Oflendâ€" ers Will Be Prosecuted. CANADIAN GOLF CHAMPION AIHZHBISHOP MATHESON 'nzual h'alm hr; urmwnt 39$ 63‘! 393 355 .25“ .5 2:; 178 *9 $2.00 a Year in Canada; $2.50 in U. S. 313$ 07 . (R Thursday ....... Friday Sam! dax Sundm Mondm Tuesdm Following are the temperatures of the past “wk. \xI'th the highest and lowest registered e\er\ dax dmIng the preceoding 2‘ hours Hulstainâ€"Goal. B. )h-Kvnzim full- hacks. Gibsun and Blyth: laalf-ha«-k~. J. McKenzie. Long and Hmvm-z fur- wards. R. Finder. S, Mer-hnio-. Clements. Eccles and ()aldo-r. Refereeâ€"Bell, of Hanover. Milah'nayâ€"Goal. \andt: full-harks Kunkvl and Schnm'r; half-barb. LOhSingPr. Scheflnr and “Hg; for- wards. Filsinger. Hal'pm'. Edgar. qunfmann and HQ!‘|H_‘!’.U TEIPERATURBS OF PAST WEEK 'in a ('rvdimhlv runditiun, who am- away m- might Hum-v is Hnly om.- ma). this“ can lw clMlvâ€"hy rm tlwir assvssmvm {was ro-ut if (ht-y feel 50 im'linmi. I!) what. they can 'afl'urd hn work. Even ”In t'itizmls 1“ Durham can vvmtrmmu un mannm'. as Hm ”plump 0 Cum. wry is «lum- arena-dim fnrmml plan. and no v6.1 .mzulu nr innmuxmnums w iwithout. full cconsido-raliu ichamm from every anglv, in H.» “'11) Hm! surm-ssc taino ’ and Wu hulw f ‘Sq-arch's louvr may mm. L' HOLSTEIN WON FROM MELDMAY mm: ’ Search Hm «It-l “'0 are glad that Mr. Sean-h «VI-uh" us as ho «lid. “'hiln wr. whu Lhayo wry rocmitly visited mvry crmotm'y in this \‘irinity. arr ut‘ the opinion that. of all tlm many beautiful hurying placos in this part of ”Marin. nurs is tho must lwautiful. “lt‘l't' may llt’ many nt‘ tlw 0M formnr rosidnnts 0f lhn tuwn lmw lining in distant ruins and ruuntrirs. who will fm-l liku «lis- rounting some of mu- statvmonts. but with Mr. So-arrh's unsuliritud tt-stimnnial lwforv thvm. Hit-2w nht timvrs ran lwttrr rrst» assurml that. any donatiuns of munivs. ul' assvss- mrnts for plot upkrop that. tlwy haw paid in rm-nnt ynars are lwim: usmt tn thr wry host advantaw'. and that fur vyvry «lullar rm'niymt the Hazard of ”In Durham tic-motery Company has uiw-n a full mm lum- «lrml twr (‘rnt sc-r\‘ict-, 'l'u thc w wlm haw horn atiallw- lir in llw lllhflt‘l'. We mtxm' suj‘ that ”my art- nmkim. a bi; mistakw if lhry miss tilt,- ommrnmly to join in tlw wurk ut' kin-him: the. l'h't rrstzng plat'r ul' tiwir l'alhr-r. l: lunur. lirn- III' III llll' ”UH!“ Hwy :m- nmkin Hwy miss this C Hm \VHI'K Hf km- placv of ‘ill'il‘ ch'l's. Sih‘h‘rs. HI in a ('I‘WHHHDI" “ho mu 3mm 'llnl‘u I; llll" ment. they haw possibly nut been heard as loudly or over as great an area as this newspaper. t’lontinuett repetitiun or praise on «our part. however. seemed too much like “touting nur mm burn." and the receipt. last week 0f :1 letter t'runi Mr. F. \V. Seureh ut' Muntreal, a former resident at this tuwn. was we at the must weleeme enmmuni- attuns that has ever dropped into tutll' sanehtm. Mr. Searrh's letter. tee. was mere than \Velemne he- rause it was alhmether unsulieitmt and came upon its like “a butt tt‘dlll the hlue” t'nlluwim: his \isit. here this summer. during whirh tinit- he Visited our pulilir burying ground and. as expressed in his letter. “as more than gratified at the \wrk ite- ing dune. ut' interest to him bet-an».- of the tart that. a nieniher m‘ ltl~l family is interred here. and Mr. Search. heim: a resident Hf Ment- real. quite naturally eammt. take any aetiVe part in the beautifying at“ the to him hallowed stint, Siim. the work of beautifying Durham cemetery was commenced some years ago. The Chronicle has been a consistent buuster «it the Cemetery Board respnnstble for the remarkable change that has taken place. Nor has The Chronicle been alone in expressing its appreciauan «if what has and is new being who to make the last resting place at our fathers and aiwestm-s a place of beauty. The citizens of the town generally appreciate the work at the Heard. but as they are handicapped by the very limited publicity they have been able to give the move- \\ FORMER RESIDENT APPRECIATES WORK urn: u'lu'l' lulu), flllih Mme m ' dr'Iinqu' Ms M 1'01".'.‘:U‘al Hwir ussmvnt aim-s rugularly. {m- wn 1 :Isslll'!‘ “Will that Hwy will 1'0"- u- mm» mun- man full \alnv fur 'I')‘ duller ('nnh'ihuh‘d. \‘n uiw Air. Sean-Ire: communivn- 1 hum“ and trust HIM it will 1m fairs of Durham Cemetery, and Says Durham's Acre Compares Favorahly With Iontrul’s Best. 1:00“. which lionhmml m or CEMETERY BOARD In HI trn: um aw inh-wstod ma on the bank m'h 0V 1' no“ 8 am. Max. IHIM'. “‘th l" (“i 87 It mm he '1" those I 93) that [320's llllll‘ onlfl 9. rd M in. 59 PM” 66 60 6‘ a we'll s are mwml ." the ~ only be at- Mr.

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