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Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 Jul 1927, p. 3

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’21 1927 1'03 I6 lh \\ farm Youth gall; Ill Thursday. 301! 3‘: ll “to The Entrance Returns k and runstnu'tiun umnwnm- in a short wlvwalks arr nu Hw grnwm 01' m." \‘illam- has rnjoyc plv ut' )‘rm's. nu 'HH 1' King “(imam y was Maw 31' ll [\i H'“ . l m main} final plans win-w walks “'1” ht‘ wustvuctmi “‘1“ km 10! m. onto for NH H mxalks 81'" [WW grnwm 01' new Luv has vnjoyc‘d If )‘ran's. om 'HH‘ 6‘ 5! WM , So-VM‘M ill ulsn have {0 nu Admin-c. ll] [HI u: flu)! \. I\ am he II'IH ulm run-Wm! Hm trnph)‘ gr mp for lhvir may “Squar- .\Hh Hu- laws." Thu Unwaml us Min mwvssfnl in winning milo'nuv shwlol in SHHDBH s: frnm Holstein 7-3.~â€"-l"lvsh- 1H In end the Classified AdJ. m Hu- subj‘ l'l |\ The Prince lfllfil’l‘lt‘d. h nee wan-m. The “as bt‘M m -a. “hung! I Do Our Kiddi 11 things m" 1-. .w n- ups-"bl“ H. “1"“. ? su‘ H ll} 2h» 8“?“ The Prune ‘0“‘0 Star‘ \\' ”J 1th Rally uf South in FluSlH‘l'tUll nn 1: last wlwn u guml o-nt. 'l'lm comm-t in H shurl “me .0 "(NV 11" "I" on Catholic Horse rn-npr‘rutinu that ul H «llsput and are! huhhws mw yvm'. Miss Dan“ d “w silwr 1'le Inn nu Hm suhjm't sh-nl Ma" NH. 7. Nur- away ml the truphy lmnh 1m cmwc'fl in m Chalmt‘r‘s \V u ”I!" of “I wank ill“ HIV “f \\ Mo“ ‘1 ("Ital ‘0 au'bi [ml '1ch l'u H \V Ill h Hu' ML" .51 \idfi‘ u! Had (fI‘nSSâ€" be. illli“.”" t‘sido‘lu ”w [H \\~ (I will have N who're hm h \\ WI‘ cup Inmivl suhjm't tlvm of l. 7. Nur- away nu h'uph)‘ lmnw lh' “Squar- ML WM” Hnwanl nut. hm'l winning I); but \ Nu .l! .~’ .V'd l Ill Pla)’ y, and san’ml 0 sub- wn " I" SPY- “I“ At! nt' hm Em ram ”1‘ DMD“ wk “hi alto Lg 33 an“ 78 per cent undi‘l‘ H16?» \V 0‘ I"). \V firms-s 'Hu- Ho-l~;tlal-'l'ilm Killed on Highway \Hulv mnhwmg Visit friends. Mr. . x'nnlo ran into and fatally injun-«l .\ll.~‘.- I‘llilnhwm \Vo's‘t. Hf .‘lc'lmu'lhnll :uwnship. \VhH was 1% youth: nf agv. 'l'ho- deas'wl hml hvvu Visihng 1 [rm-mi. Mrs. Mvt'mlnh. ”I! Hm highâ€" '\\uy and was lwmg «h'iwn hmnu by that lady at 9 p.111. l'wm alighting i frnm Hw mr stu- paswd armuul twâ€" '- hind mu! untn Hu- mad and in Hunt Eut‘ Mr. Iiulhwu's our. 'l‘lm dark- \nvss and dust misml by passing; vars prevented Mr. Ruthvcu swing Miss '1\\'e-.~:t. \th was tlwn takm tn Lural ‘lmn‘m'm stpiml. Urzmgowillv. in I’lt‘slwl'lun tn L RHUIVQ'H 0f Tu- xx'he-n-shvsum'umhc-tl tn lwr inâ€" inrivs Hu- smut» vwning. IN'. S. '1‘. dwulml Him an -co-ssal',\'râ€"~Flvsh,- \Vlntc'. Hw rm‘nnvi'. ”mums! was nu! w o-rlnn Mh'uum'. H h HI n!) Daniel McDonald Dead “:me )lvlmnahl. a “nu-lung row.- ulwnl ut’ Uvnvh: Inwnship. pussm! away nn Mummy. July th. at his hnmo- Ih'ul‘ Irish Lukw. Thu ”011%”- win» was as yc-ars nf agv. had, nut homn m ”In hvst. nf ho-ahh latrâ€" l)‘. hut was nut rnmhlm'wl svrinusly ill until u t‘o-w hUlll‘S lwfmm his ’ah-mh. 'I‘hv huwml will lw huh! I'mm his lzlio' ro‘s'hh'm'c' un firm. 6 un 'l’hm'sdny and seriN' will hr lwhl in St. .luhu's chum-h at In a.m.~« ML Retrieved pisastrpus Defeat " ‘ ._ nova- Hfinlon Day Latter Played Limit. \\' ll ‘3 H was a \\ 11113111111121\..1111\ 11111. .11 11w . 111211 llish 1.211u' '1111- 1101121»â€" 1 1111 \\21~' 1'18 10an 111' agt'. 111111 1 "'11 111 1111- 111ml. nf 111~211111 12111'-' 1 \\ 15 11111 1'H11s‘1111'1'ml so1111111>1x 11'“ 11411118 111111111 his 1111' 11111111211 \1111 lu- 111-111 111' 1' 1111 03.1111 6 1111‘ «1:11 '11111 S1'1‘V11'1‘ \\1|l 111' 111-111 . .11111115 011111111 211 10 21.n1.~« 112111- 511211111211'11 \ W ' '1 1H :4 fl unnd‘ 'anw Hf midg that mu plm’ml lwtm .1 u . I " BEAT HANOVER 4-1. ll HM smrv was 1â€"1. un- pm, , vn than this \vuuld ilk‘ h.. Visitm's put up 3‘ Hum start In finish.‘ I... I'nlL-ths lwll rang: town unum' u “1-..â€" uttvu m Hm 3-»! heat- fvlhm's' hanclml nut. .Lvuu â€"___, at Hanover W119" Team Within A98 Rulhwn 1.nl 'Iu- t'utallx injurml . Hf Mtlmutlum I! MD”! t“ quitv a 1' was HUI nidgvt la- no'fUl‘t' HH- ight whvn mm‘ and mud H1110 and m m) of Do- lbw P \V t Wâ€" NW and u strict. nth-Minn to bus- im-ss alum: training: Iinvs. Hwy shnnhl chm-lap into a «langvrnus HHHH lwl'm'v H10 was“!!! ('lusvs‘. le samw might alsu kw said nt‘ Hu- Han- uwr 1mm. 'l'lw)‘ Inwv Hw spm‘al. mmhimmun and lawn-ms" know- ’lmluv. and whilv lu-utc'n last 'I‘lnu'sâ€" «lay night. Hm lwals will haw» in quncl strirtly tn husinvss if Hwy hugw tn hnlol Hwir [mud in “W nvxt mmml Hf ganws, 'l'hv gauw was :1 mm M \Viltl'h. 'I'Ilt‘l't‘ was llu «IMHM. Hf ll. M'N‘y nwmlwt' Hf hum trams wm'kml his twin! MT. and during: Hw whnlv por- imt Hf play nvillwr h'am askml for m was giwn qmu'tm‘. Frnm this it must nut lu- infm'rml that Hm 'unp was rungh. It. was nut. RM- 34‘ 1 WW Sunmlvrs Hf Durham lnnkml ‘ - . “‘ “-n ‘1}!!“ UH" UH “‘0‘”. \anl mu! 1! _V 'I'N' Bullllm'lr .-.- wnll aftm' that. and at NW 1021le wmhlzum- ul' unfair taclivs or! unfair play. lmuishml tho Hch-nding: plzlym' fur a rust, 2H, Hm Hmvkm‘p-i M's” lwm'll, 'l‘\\‘u mvmhurs uf vavh tvzun dvmmtml thv playm‘s' hunch fur minur nfl'vnsvs. sum as slashmg nr h'ippinu. and by nipping all this thing: at “w start Hw gzmw was kvpt \WH in hand. ' Durham Scored Flrst and {mm NW NW NW a: 7.51:3: .â€".-u .1..v.l;â€".o.â€" .~.v.~ aruavbl A-â€" _: ;: 3:33.]. 2:. .11.._..._:..1. 5'61}? M «nu-'1; in mlh. 'llnnw w Hm tmt that it xx H! ”1'“ I'ho' million dollars worth of ots are ruined annually The loss in rental and sale value incurred by weed-infested farms is incaloulable. The weed pestilence has become intolerable. Exterminate weeds on every square foot of land on your own pied lots and Many farm produ by weeds. and third po-rlmls \Vl'l'o' ”mm was nvwr any Hm gamv. lew was lane, in city, ('lflSP pm'im ls Will“ a g 3â€". .2. 3......4 :7. 5:11.; :7 2:. ’15â€": 23.: .22: ”7.7.... 2:. Under the provisions of T he Weed Con. trol Act 1927, now in force, the destruc- tion of noxious weeds is no longer Optional. The destruction of noxious weeds is now compulsory. Every occupant of land and every owner of unoccupied land is required to destroy ' ds before their seeds ripen. Municipal council 3 are required to destroy all noxious weec's growing upon the high- ways. Let everyone co-opcrate to end the weed nuisance. Department (-nuuuh In I’m: : chsplaygwl Ill 1 :mm- M’ Wits lmtn blitz istet ' Province of Ontario Parliament Bufidings, Toronto *â€" lwtww-n 1w” guml tmms and whilv sM'vml shuts wnrv mud“ on lmtll nuts. Hurt! \wm Wild ur mum gob- Mmi Up I») Ihu m-t guardian. I Tim third lwriml was fuur min- ntc-s HM \x'hun Durham and its first mmmvr. putting me nn the" lung: NH! 01' NW 25-1 swn'l‘. This was Hm nnly nlwnin‘; Hw Huncwvr dufflllsv gin-v ”IF"! and Hwy funk full advan- ‘ “ 1‘ 'l‘hu smmv 1mm Imw nu H "ll" ‘1! III- unly ”whim: thv lhuuwvr dwtvnsv gnw ”It“!!! and Hwy tunk full advan- tagv ut' it, Thu gumv 1mm Imw nu dt'Vt‘lnpt‘d min a t'vpvtititm 0f “I0 swmnt and third svssiuns, I’mth th't‘wnsvs \wrv imm'vmlahhr until, with tvm minutvs tn am. tlw hwals‘ 'lmt ”nu past th.. Hunm’m' gualm' un {an umlvrhmntwl luw shut that zip- pmt thrnugh tht- ctvt'vnsv t‘rum tit-g tvvn t'm-t nut amt lznutmt in thv nvts. It was :1 What gamu. mut whilv Htt'l‘t‘ is I'HHm fur vnnsioh't'uhh' tm- pmVPmmtt in hnth tvnms. ttw spun- ,HHUI'S prvsvnt hml thv sutist‘uvtiun \nt’ knowing that m-rry pluyvr was » ~ . w INA uml sun’ lmt)!‘ plays I ONTAFUO tagv U! u. luv 5...... . th-u-lnpwt intn 11 1'01"?” sownmt and third svss dvt'vnsos \wrv imprvm with twn minim-s tn am [mt ”nu past th.. Humm an umlvrhnnctm’l tnw stu ipml Hll'mlgh HH- ch't'o'n town t'm-t nut and Izmdmt It was :1 grvat gamv. thorn i5 mum t'ur vnnsi prnwmmtt in hnth tmm' taturs prvsvnt had thv ut‘ knnwing that “wry thrills: his twst and an} \W't'l' ”Iv H‘SHH Hf pmn' " “I I“ t NISSIH'J. u!’ Hu- prawn-v zmcl 1:- Thu Inna-ups "mum-r :1 fvusv, liivs. mm)! W. liydt: t\\'¢'n¢|ul'f. \Viw Ih'nwn: ins'ni \\\'wlt‘lnnan am. 1 Durham _ .s hill". HN'kvl‘: i' (iumh'lIIM and lh‘i'wl'c-vâ€"«Sal‘ Unmluvlm': Im )‘nu Iik¢ Hrakmnun: \‘c-sa, lenhlt'hn': “'0'”. I 1 I‘m glad I ahm't. l’wrar I‘d 1w outing it all 1110 halo! Hm clul’n sinfl'! :. hue! and any pnm‘ plays rvsuH uf pmn' Judgmvnt m u!’ ”[0 116m“! fur :Ultlltlmml and training. 01 Ag riculture “1me. .uuw'r. insidu. FM‘MM', Spawn“. 1 and HUIIIH'N. k 's - final Mvfim'huiv: Hahn. .lamtomn. Wilmn 'olm'k; H-MH', I" Mmdmk: NIvllraith. .V. IN an: out- rm" in-‘ich'. “011.!le Spmvs leh'ailh. N. l '1': “Hid“. Huh: and leMnnlai Samuim -- (EH-M, lunnvr, Hvl'tlc'. J. \Vle hnnw Maliuu)‘. 1' m I'. “Mam. uul Iv. IM‘SIM' Sp -\\;::ll. 141m“. And ”'1. l’wmuw if I did it all Hm timv: and I B. ROADHQPSE 93â€"ng Minister 7.- Durham lmhlvl vuhham‘ untsiclv Snafu". The July meeting of Knox l’nitod W. M. S. was held in the school- room of the church on Wednosday afternoon the 13th inst. Tho moot- ing openod with a hymn, amt pray- or led by the Prosidont, Mrs. Mathor. The programme tottowod tho Can- ,mlian Juhiloo outlino. After a short introduction on tho choosing of tho namo Dominion for Canada Mrs. Bouruo road tho Srl‘ipturo losstm. tho sm'only-soruud Psalm. from tho oigth Vorso of which our Country out its nanio. 'l'ho Mission Band thou Law a patriotic rhorus, fol- lnwod hr :1 short skotrh of tho growth of tho \\'omon's Missionary Sociotios‘ work in each pruViiiru sinoo tlont'oaloration, gix'on by soror- al momhors ot' tho Young Womon's Auxiliary. Mrs. J. J. Smith raw 3 papor. "Canada. tho Lamt ot‘ llrozmis" showing tho prugross much- in tmtion-lmihiing in tho past NM)" yoars. Miss Rota Wilson thou road a vapor on “'l‘ho tlitizonsof ’l‘oninr- row". It tho hopo of tho nation is“ in tho rhihlrou thon suroly tho work of tho W. M. S. through its school-tinnirs. Mr” is tho futithlation work of tho. ponpto, At tho rlnso of tho lmiios ontrl'laiihml tho V. \V. .\, moi Mission Haunt tn tm and it snow! hour, . 'l'hv \Vhl'lIrS qu In” M I‘I-llmx‘sl who jusI. Irail alum: lwhind. and simply an Ilw Ihinus Hwy :u'v MM. Th0 lvadvr \VIHI tho pram-r mrI HI' spiriI's hard In IincI. 'l‘hv \VnrloI's In”. shy nI' Im-n who Iakn II hum. 'l‘lw knm'k UI' ummrInnin is wast- ml (-ery «lay ”n pmmlp Whu mm IIH' ml with um'mu'vru. Whm-v rmI hard Wurk is ncvdmi. 1hI'}' jusI Inrn Ilwir Iiws In play-and I‘mcI iI um :II. I'mws Inn "Hp In lmrn, Ynu (-zm't hand out mm'h I-rmliI. In IIw man Mm falls in mm mm shunts his will umhiIiun In IIm Shvlf. H0 5mm lN‘I‘IIfllI‘S a MINMM'. and hv sluwly lmws pup. .\ \wukâ€" ling. \VhI‘II In. cammI. Io-mI himsvlf. Ilumv nu mm’. 'I'wss up frankly- «I0 mu Irawl wiIh IIw muh. mu! is Hm â€"â€".__â€"â€"-’ TRAILERS li'f|( . 01' ”W nl(w“'tillg tlw ml “10 Y. W. A. and In In] and a such! -755 1.. >.:.::_.:::_ .77.: s 33.3 32., 1.77:}; 3:. 6:: .7. 2.7. .7275; i: .2... .2: 7...... 1.1.: 7.5 45:7... 3:... 7.532.... t. :5 : in $11“. “I"! it’ll ‘H til“ S a plmhh‘i'. IL .\ \VPHk-‘I 'l'tu- lawns Hm iImm-nsv in nuerrn \wigllinu 37‘ Hm \lnsvum Hf Mum Yurk Cit)”. 'I'lw Man-1 Hun-:4- NH‘flHWI slmu's I nwhwrih-s kwmn an Mark irnu Mum-s fumu Iirwnlaml. Hun Hf HH‘M L4; Mus is «m cllfiMflV it «of NMIII‘M "Hul'y. Kt'v 'l'lw vim-f runshhwnt H ' â€"|--! {MI PAGE I. “slul‘y. 30W unshim-m Hf ; nickel Iron. N

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