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Durham Chronicle (1867), 28 Jul 1927, p. 1

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it (use in a solid mse and still re- ?tails at the ex- .TY e Coming ;().~'[¢ .n or 8110])- Mun". 11”! 28, I"! oliday Trip ? -o-o--o-..........m KN MEMORIAI UH Durham. Ont OI MARRIED BORN (‘lub Bags, ' any occas- \\ IIIO'IIIOFy 0! m Luvnw, w” \\'Il|i . we love m. “30‘” from m -am. ilk. When «1, s i I'lcerqu, i'iU'SU . h." the l Mnuiit wo wry ”'0‘ fllév s“ Wiléi'e it ‘VV '. ‘Pusn. of F563;; '.\ lml would have undoubtedly l, u Hu- hest garden party held u :wr the auspices of Durham Pres- l»:.r.-riau church. it not in this part ... Hnluriu. was. stopped almost at th- t-umn‘u-ncement last Thursday xught. when a heavy rain descended. and though the weather cleared .~Hlllo~\\'hilt on two qr three occasions and an attempt was made to carry, nu. the event had. finally tUbestOp- po'd. much tn the chagrin of the pro- nwto'rs and the big crowd that had gathered tn listen to the programme. GOOD GARDEN PARTY SPOILED BY RAIN D .. ham Presbyterian Church En- ~uuntered Wet Weather tor Their Annual Aflair Last Thursday .‘hght. 'l‘ho: programme proper this year was the best yet olIered. The good Brunswirk Trio was on ha with a brand new altering, and i addi- tion to these three popular and well-known entertainers, there were on hand the Misses Ruth Fitzgerald, dancer, Gladys To ping Cornell, contralto, and Alice ckhardt, read- er. The llrst three need no intro- duction to Durham, as they have appeared here four or live times in as many years and are still as pOp- ular as when they captivated their first audience. Miss Fitzgerald pl‘nw'il herself one of the best Scot- tish and Irish dancers yet to appear here. Miss Cornell mane an excep- tionally good impression as a solo- Isl. and Miss l'lrklmrolt as a reader lv'l'l Hulhillf.’ in [W ill-sil'mi, Worked Under Dillcnlties 'l'ln- programmi- was one of ilill'i- mm from tlw start. During the flux tho- \Vi'illllt'l' ro-niainml clear and \Htl’fll. hm warm. in fact, but on to- wards owning ho-ayy rlouois gather- ml Ill tho- mast and from six o'rlorK on. “llllI' Nothing was sure, it was gem-rally full that it. was In lw a l'm'o' helm-on the weather and the programme mmnnHm- as l” whirl: \xnxilal um um. l'p to 8.30 no rain had I'ullo-n. but illulio-oliatvly utter a slight .mrin t'illllo' up and before 9 Ht'ItH'i\ two or Miro-o 20ml slitl' shuuwn liml oluhuwnml llio- :il'olnl' of HIHM‘ ll‘ :llli'litllllli'o' i'nnslilt‘l'llhly. \\ inc-n Her run: nnali)‘ slurko-nml. us. nun-nu»! mu lllzltlc‘ to run lin- iwmwmmv. \\IHI imlitToronl sur- w-n, I”H|!H\\illf_' Hu' l'o'llollllHn Hf if. ~ 12rd t‘uitjolo- of numbers the main me www, This luau-ml for [ms- ~::.i\ it quarto-r ..I’ an hour and :m- play. i'fll'i'lvss. |N‘I'hil|H. «H ”in lwiipm ynn mi-vi. y»! you aim lixini.‘ ynui' mm day by day. making mn'th chum-3' in' making it swm'i. Ymn's and yours nnly ihv lahni' van hi-z nut. i'ni- annihm' in hindm- m' aioi. ymn's in o-nlighh-n main. makn him mm» “'90. iii him for faring what comes. unafraid. “mm to brim: happiness if ynu but (‘hmis-w. ymn's [0 plant .mnis bearing chew and delight; this is the powor you only can us». making th» may for your brothers "1' 'l‘o' hrighl. “Milo,- Hm mun adml lill'uo‘. H was. at ”In \‘ari that the min was felt. the 1.1mm MM no) nmuu'mnit THE RHYMING OPTIMIST VOL. 60.â€"-N0. 3137 um haw hwn unnp unolm- mp mr- mst antes. l'ho- zuhnissinn at tho‘ gate this :H' “as larger than at. any [II‘P- ”H uzllhmin'.’ in HIP past throw an. and many who had intruded in: flu-w. and nthm's whn wm't‘ \\ Ill \\ "In” his 5 Mlh \\ HI ll GARDENING HI YOUR PART i. tm'nml hack win-n ,. sturm was imminent. wmflhm‘. this gal’df'n war would haw gmw «vxulm‘l'ul snrrnss and It ".rm-Hml that. wmlhvr um um fm'm‘ahlo'. .L'ah' admisslnn was s m Hm \al'imls hnnths was fPlt tho most. Tho nmmrmnity m spnml l ownnattlw I‘Pfl'f‘Sh- nwzu-ntiwly IiHln hus- Hf mu ruln ”I wl'haps. 0! HI» mu aw livin ladlv ," I)” ) flaming ’ raphu HS \Vil't nll, "'Ri'én. by sad! I guess 1 {01‘8“ ‘0 take the pictures down!” An Oversight "Ynu haw- pant-I'M! the wall quite nic'vly Hpnry. but what are all those lump??? _ Lust wm-k in Durham Road Su- pm'into'uch-nt Mortlvy hail erected at Hu- nmiu i-uruci' here two signs with :u-rnws unwitting tmfl'ic both east and wash over tlw county highway. ”n ”In vast side 0f the road a sign has hm-n (-iw'tml with the inform- ation that Flcsherhm is 16 miles distant, «lullingwumi 46 miles and 'l‘hw'nhlu')’ -“ milvs, ()n thu west shim Wuhan-ton is shown to 1m 17 miivs and Kinvardinc 45 milvs. Last night's ganw is th'sm'ihnd as :l good an». and what with tht' sti'onuous playing nt‘ rmm teams. and some real hot arguments among tho spectators. Holstein had a nice liwly ownin'.’ for a timp. Prince Carol. former Crown Prince of Roumania. who was banished by his late father Ferdinand I, and at present residing in F rance. does not intend to remain in the background now his Royal father is dead and, aceording to an unconfirmed re- port. has proclaimed himself Carol the Second of Roumania. When he was banished his young son Prince Michael was made Crown Prince, and now reigns as King Michael the first. HIGHWAY SIGNS NOW BEING ERECTED In the rvtm‘n gumv uf tlw \\'.l"..\. t'nntball plawd last night at Hot- stvin. tlmslm mm m 2-0. As thu mmv at Choslm H‘Slilh‘ct in a tiw. this gives tlw game and the round tn the Rpm-v tinnnty toam and puts [Lulstoin out, M“ the running in tho intm-mvd_ia_t.._ st‘l'if‘S. _ “Stop” and ”Distance" Signs Are Being Put in Place This Week All Over Provincial Highway System. "otistancn" signs in this lu-t'ghbmj- tmmt aunt “'0 mm tnt‘m'mvd that this \\'_urk ts gcnvt'al all owr the [W0- \tllt‘t‘. :IIImIIIIl ll \\Ill Inst lII I'qlllll x'I‘hlI'h's \‘xill!\'\1lllllll§.’ ll}. hts 'l'lI. I-I-gnlnliuns Inakins.‘ it. cum- [villr'Hl’X t'm' thi- displaying nt’ lights «In all x'chiclvs has hm‘In put. thI-nngh In \va ul' thv fact that thv law rc- . IIiI Ing :Ill IIIIIlIII \I-lriI'lns tn carry III IIIwI l\-lIII IIssI'It lights to lw strict- l,\ t‘lllLHW‘tl in thc lllilll't‘. This law says thaIt HIP III-um nt' lllI'llHl' lights InIIst nut l'lSI' IrI'I'ntIII' than ’12 inchcs :It 73 “wt in th'ancv nt’ ”10 ('21P. With thn many I'IIstI'iI'tinns placml IIII lhI- driving lights IIl' mnlnl' cars. it is Ilitt'iI-nlt tn [Ilt'k up an nnlight- ml buggy or bicyclc at any distance :IlIcaIl Ht 3 motor VolIiI-lv. and it is full that. many accidents haw (N'- cnI‘I'cIl which arc in no “'lsli‘ the fault. of “H' motorist and which would not, haw happcnml hail thc Sl”\\'t'l° tI'avclling whicln boon cqnippml with n pl'OpPl‘ warning sign. CHESLEY FOOTBALLBRS PUT HOLSTEIN TEAM OUT 'l'lw past wm'k has sm-n the ('l't'C- Hun Hf [110- first nt‘ Hm “stnp'francl CLAIMS RUI'MANIAN CROWN DURHAM, ONTARIO, CANADA, THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1927 t'ink t'nmpnsml 0f .‘il‘s. Mut'lui'k. .‘iz's. R. )irl’at'lalu'. Missvs MHI'L’ill‘t‘i Hlillit‘l‘ and Mary McKechnie won swam] prizn in thp first. eant. tiancy cakv platos. whilv a rink cum- pnsml Of Mrs, Pit'kt‘l‘ing. 311's. ’Rm‘; Smith. Mrs. McDonnell and Miss Ettip Hunter. received sncond pl'izv i2: rim second t-wnt. the prize being pyrex pie. plates. The tournament lasted from half-past ten in in? morning until eight o'clock at night. “When His Worship Mayor I). A. Llhristie paid his first visit in an otficial capacity to the Grey County Home for the Aged and Intirm at Markdale, on Thursday, along with the representatives of the County Llouncil he was informed by Super- intendent Smith that the institution is at the present time very much overcrowded. a condiion of atfairs existing there which must receive attention without delay. There is adequate accommodation at Mark- dale for 45 inmates, but when they visnted the place on Thursday. there were no less than 66 inmates there, and in spite of this mct, everything about the home was spick and span and in first-class condition. “ ‘I think the home at Markdale is a distinct credit to those who are responsible for it. and Supt. Smith is to be highly commended for the condition of affairs there,’ said Mayor Christie when reporting the matter verbally at. the committee meeting of the City Council on Fri- day night. He went on to say that he was surprisei‘l to find that every hit of available space in the insti- tution was being occupied, there being,' four of the inmates Up in the attir on rots. 9 women in one ward and it! in another. altogether too many for comfort, and more than should he allowed in these \thnls. "'l'heqnestiim of increased ar- Tin-m- links 01' 1hr luml l'aciy I_D()\\'l"l'.~l atlvmlml llu- tum'namvnt hnlol in \\'alkm°tt>n last. Thursday. A rink mmpusml of Mrs. Mnrlnck. Mrs. R. Mz'l-‘m'lano. Missvs Margaret A: Present Provides Accommoda- tion for 21 More Than Capacity.â€" Woman Refused Admission Some Time Age. County Council to the House: of Re- fugn at Markdale. last Saturday’s ”wen Sound Sun-Times says: COUNTY REFUGE BADLY’ OVERCROWDED should .hi- allnwmt in thvsu wants. "'l‘tw quvstiuu ul' ini'l'vaa‘i-it ac- i-nmmmtaitinn at. “It' homu has hm-n hi't'ni'v thv timinty (Iiiunvil «in NW- i-i'ui m'i'asiiiiis during: this [Hist twu )‘t'flt‘S. hut iinthiiig has iwt‘ll «twin as )1". Willis and Sput'ilii'aliulis fur a lll'\\' hiiihting \\'t‘l‘t‘ pvt-parent :Iiiit ti'iiiti-i's cutie-it i'i‘ii'. hut. \Vhi-ii it. was tunnel that a huiliting estiiiiatmt to rust. ahnut. $8.000 cnulit not hp built t'ur h-ss than SIBJMN). nothing was itmw. aunt as a result thorn is this tt\'t‘l't_’t'tt\\'t“ll;.'. "Unly a short. timn ago a woman who had him” in anOthor institution but who had rm'owron, was 5011! t” Marktlalo by tho (intai-io govern- lllt'tlt. hut Snpoi-intmntmt. Smith. nrting on instructions from tho In- sju-t'ttn' nt' suvh institutions. «to- t'linml to i'flkt‘ how in. and slm was lot't on tho ttoorstop. Finally in- strut-tions 'aino to haw hui' takon in tho vonnty jail at Uwcn Sound. but in tho nwantimo some) of “('1' rotativvs wm'v connnunicatml with amt. rntln-i- than haw hm' placml in jail. they ag'i'vml to takp (fal’t‘ of “PP tor a whilv. This is just one in- stance". but it is uniltu'stooit that during: tho past. t'vw wvoks thorn haw lwou siwvi'nl ni'i'vasions whvn it was ilwniml immssai'y to i'ot‘uso tn takv in closuiwing inmati“s just tw- t'ausi- thum- was no acmvnimmtatiun. "It is altogvtho'i' likoly that. Im- t'm'p wry loin: tllltitllt't' i-tl'an't. will in- llltttit‘ tn int-i-vasv tho :lt't’ttllllllmlil- tion of tin- ltttlllt'. as unh-ss this is tlHtlo- tlw Hntut'iu gmvt'nnwnt . will takv a hand in ”I“ motto-r. In “in 111 111131.11'Van1'1' 111' Canada's 1111]- 111111111 .11111111'1'. a 1'1'\'i1'\\' 111' 1111' H111111' Missinns was lakvn 11y 11i1111 ”1' 11111. 11'111111s. .\|1'.~'. )11'11'111' Wild 1111' 118- 111111111 “TSP. Psalm 72. \‘1'1‘91'0 ."H1' shall have 11011111111111 {1'111’11 son 11.1 518. 111111 11'11111 1111- 1i\'1'1' 1111111 1111' 1111115 111 1111- 1'111"111.'(1111111 1'1'11111'1s \\1"11' 1‘-'1\'1‘ll by 1111' \\'al1'11111\\'1'1'. T111- minim-s 111 1111- 111'1'V111118 m1'1'1i111: \\1'1'1' 11-131 111111 1111111111111 Garments 1111' 11111 mis~'11111a1'\ 1103: WOW 111'1111g111. in. th‘oI-ring to a 1006'!!! \‘si it of Mavor l lnistie and Hlt‘fllbé'l~ of the In closing. one minute silent. praym' was ufl'vH-ol fm' Hm mission- ary. Bliss Harris. l'nlluwml by ”In mizgrnfa in'xszit'liun l‘o'ln-ulml in (IlliNDL3. mm a mum 111 lb» mnttvr. In the» muzmlinw. mm with Hm owl'- m-n\\'alin',:. Sum-rimcmhmt and Mrs, Smith aro- olning (‘\'¢'I'}'Ulill;£ in llu-ir pnwm- In mukv Hu- inmah's cumfm't- ahln anal (-cmtmtvd. but Hwy :u'v \wrking undvr «a SM‘imlS handicap." was in (‘iiuH'gl‘ ”1' HI“ oIo-Vutlemzil and slmh‘. c\'t‘i°i‘i.~':'.~' :mil npvllml HH' Illm tin: with singing “H Kannada". .'\li.~, Niiilh lml in praym'. aiHi-i' which .‘sli's. melitvl and Mrs, Ray 5311;: u «luv! vntitlml "Hi- knmx's it. all". 'I‘hc- Sw'iiptnin lesson hum John 5: 1-15 “as wad In 3115. \\ ig- gins and Mrs. Smiti gum a r :uiing H11 "I' aim and Mmulsr'. rno mmnls QUEEN STREET LADIES nf spirits and vwn our faith vary at. timo-s i'i-nm Hm inviglits Hf Pcsiasy in Hu- «lo-M115 «if lil‘filiilil'. “'0 1mm striw 1.. am'hm' our faith mi Hu- l‘m‘k-hml 0f “04'. LADY BOWLERS WON HAD GOOD MEETING The trouble is when we patch 11}? our differences the patches 5 (WV. In ('nninmn with all puhliv luiild- ii:‘.:5 Hi this rlass being ere-('lml in tu's'ns the size Hf Durham. there is In iw nu at‘wunininclalinn for a jan- ilni'. this nl'fit'itil being plum-ll (in what is known as "partâ€"time" work. his duties being in attend in the Meaning and healing: Hf the build- ing. hut instead of residing in the lmilrlim: he “ill haw to {incl resid- int e PIMWHIPI'O and [reform his chit- i: .~ on a part- time schedule Since calling fort tsender. the gov- ernment was apprnacheql by the Cemeterx Cnmpanva and permission obtained fm the remmal of the sod nn Federal Square. “him has been taken in the cemetery to be. used there where required. To begin, all dri\ ers of motor cars must haxe their pe1mits 113 August 1. and be ready to display them to any officer of the law 33 ho demands to see them. This regulation went into effect on Jul31 but the De- parlment instructed its officers not to commence checking up too strict- ly until further notice had been given. This order has now gone out to all traffic officers and magis- trates. and after July 31 all drivers must carry with them their drivers' permit and be prepared to show it when requested. The Depaitment of Public High- “ms, has put its foot donn on cer- tain infringements of the Highnav Act. and in fut..11re according to m- stiuctions receixed b\ all traffic ofl‘.icers they must bring the ofl'endâ€" 915 before a magistrate and base them fined. TIME FOR WARNINGS HAS EXPIRED Another part of the highway reg- ulations that has been on the books but not rigorously enforced is that requiring all motor vehicles to carry two white lights in front and one. red light. behind and to have all license. numbers clean. From now on with no further notice, persons caught driving with tail lights out. or only one white light in front, will be summoned before a magistrate and fined. There will be no further warnings. Drivers of motor cars are one in stating that of all the dangers on the highway, none are to be compared with the car that mines lireezing along with only one hoailliglit. If you guess right, that it is the left front light. that is hunting, all is well. but if it hap- peneil to he the right. one, there is generally a collision. The latest ruling 0f the Department is that these “uneâ€"eymt Reilleys" must. g0. and all and sundry who persist in driving with only ”he light in from llmut eXpeet nothing less than a line. l-Iyeu making: for the nearest. garage is no excuse unless there is inure serious trouble such as a "short" which blows the fuse: as With ”It‘ him! of ncquamting our ro-actm-s with this latust. law anthropâ€" nwnt «mic-r. and thus lumping them nut. 01' nnni‘wvssal'y ti'nuhlv. Thu Chronioln pnhlishvs this warning. hnt it’ nt'tvr mailing: it ”It' chance is takvn and u lino imposed. we fool that we haw- ctune our duty. Wv haw it «in tlw wry twst of int'orma- Him that, all (if thn abm'i' wanki- lions mm hi hi- strictly onl'orcmt and “until ’antian all mutin'ists tn pay mmm attuntinn tn tlwsi- things in Hip. fntnrv. 'l'lw rnntrart prirv is Mr 5517.04”. \Vhirh taki-s rarv only of tho actual m-i-rtinn ut' tlw building and has nu- thing to {In with tho rust. of fur- nisldnu ur intvrinr dm-uratibn. \\'lmn rnnnrh-ti-d the. now building! will rust in tlw no-ighbnrhnml «it {run} $23,1Nltl tn KltlJlUO, Whilv \w urn unable to gm- any t'nrthvr partirnlars at pi'asvnl. \\'t' haw» bemn tuld that thv buildim: will b0 nil-tn-dali- in «wary partic- ular and will in all probability b0 rumblole-d this summer so as to be ready for nommancy in tlw i-arly winter. Prosecutions Awaiting All Who in Future Persist in Breaking fligh- way Tunic Rules. Fast as Hwy van he put in. It has lu-vn «lmmnsu'ale-d that 3 Spare bulb van 1w ("al'riccl tlw sumo as a snare lirv and all mulm'ists are oxrwotml In «In this, CONTRACT LET FOR DURHAM POST OFFICE Britnell Company of Toronto Were Successful Tenderers for Public Building to be Erected in Durham This Summer. Thu building 01' ”w m-w post of- Iim- building: in Durham this sum- llH'l' nnw 5001115 :1 ve-i'taimy. the con- tract. for tlw m'c-ctinn uf which was h-t. sinm- ”111' last. issuv. The. Brit- null tlmistrm-tinn Company 01' Tu- rnntn \wrv 1h» summssful li-ndorm's mu] m» umh-rslancl that. the work Hf t'l'd'l‘liull is In rnmmvnvv in ihv imn'uuliatu fulm-v. lmi-haim‘s mm‘ pus! nil'icv building is in iw :uiprnximatvly i'm't)’ {wt mum-v. and I'mm ground to pouk will iw '3': l'c'vl in hvight. It, will 1w :1 "I mslm'c-y and lmsvmnnt, offin- mnl will imw- an ”L" at ”10 war fur Hu- slnmgv 01' custom articlvs. 'l‘hu plans null for one ont'anco in Hunt. plzu'ml in tho southern mm- M' fur tho- public. with a drop fur lvttm‘s in Hm nurth-west cornm' 01' ”w building. Th“ main (mumm- will 1w amn'mwhml by granitv steps and Hu- huilding is lming vrm'lml In lin» with Hm Royal Bank. n‘s nmv pus! nfl'ico building :umruximalvly l'mtv I'm-t and I'mm grmuul tn pv 1k .‘ I'Wl in lwight. It, \\ill 1w wry and hast-mom, nfl'im- The ease arose out of the wreck- ing of Mr. ”scar Hahn’s car in front or thp Morrison property. a comple of miles south of the long swamp, The accident occurred on June 8. and the trial Saturday was the con- clnsi n of a series of four adjourn- moms owing to the illness of the defendant. who was incapacitated by shock from attending the pre- vious hearings. 'l'lw l'!’.l"}.i' nl' ri'rklcss driving profm'rml against, ll. \\'. Morrison Ol' Nnrmzmlw my 'l'rall'ir ("Tim-r Culp. and trim! lu-rv last Saturday. was dismissml loy Magislrmn Laidlaw. wlm slalml llial lw could not $00 that any of the lrall‘ic regulations 01' llw Highways Dvpzirtmvnl had D0011 hrokvn by tlw arousml. The trial rnmmvnrml at, in o’clock and contiimml until well after 1 o'clock before a decision was given. R. W. Morrison of Normanhy fix- onerated From Blame in Reckless Driving Suit Tried Here Saturday Morning. 0f Pittsburg Pirates is right up with the leaders this season. He is second in batting awnagrs. has scnrmi the most hits this season. and slugxod the most. doubles and triples in the National League. A first class record for a youngster. TRAFFIC VIOLATION CHARGE DISMISSED NIGHT HAWKS The town league game in the soft- hall tournament played last Thurs- day evening 011 the High school grounds was, like its predecessors. full of interest, and a big crowd of interested fans were present to wit- ness the contest. The game. \\ as “on ln the Night Hawks “ho de- teated the Pets h) a score of- 02 -l3. The game started off well for the Pets. who scored three runs in the tlrst. and blanked the Hawks for two innings. The Night Hawks were stayers. l1m\e\',er and at the end of the titth inning “ere 1un- ning 11erk-and- neck “ith an 8â€"8 score. In the sixth the Han ks scor- ed -'1 to the Pets 2, and in the seventh shut out their op'ponentS while they garnered in six 111ns The start of the eighth $21“ the Night. Hawks leading 18â€"10. and in the tinal inning.r they rollerted four runs to their 1_1|'1p«111ex1ts' three. the tinnl seen. being 22-13. Scum by innings: Night Hawks ......0030546_ Jm k l)c'nw.~v Champinh m Munch-2 Haw .hwk Sh :n'kc \ 0" a “flu NH ! HIHIISIIIHI ,ml which was n NPW Yua'k I'm 'l'hu linv-up: Night Hawksâ€"«Schulz. c; lentyrv. luntinuml on pa: PM 'L \VANER .......... 30302203â€"13 Hmz‘ul lmui. Ugh! mmlv wah'nml Hm mw M ”In host 3'. ARE VICTORIOUS «Til i0 Ill Ill! h urmm' .. m w] 0 Y by III‘ "(will ll $2.00 a Year in Canada; $2.50 in U. S. avyw 4 - 33-" WIN ('m satiny mum! )'â€"'\\'H ”SM. ll Ill Ibiszlmu inlml. hm HUI «lirlnxuvwi. Hm'v nmrv l haw my “4on arrayed In lc-nudim: ('luslvr Hf rm] “Ht-ms. lmpalml in most alluring I'm-ms. Far «mt fl'um rock this time I throw, Full “'0” ”w current's lrmnd l knnw Is in towards the hidden («aw “1mm. sidvs llu- N'stss watt-rs law, 'l‘hursday Friday Saturday Sunday ,.. Monday Tuesday .. Wednesday Tu riwr. rock and trws. goodnight; For dism‘mnintnwnl I'm nu gluuon: 'lho trmn aw hme but “ill not. bite Sim“ Malwlm filled than up on mutton. â€"â€"CAMPER Following are the temperatures of the past \\ (wk. “ith the highest and lowest rogistexed men day duzing the mocooding 2‘ hours. A lug. a jm'k. anntlu-r l'00lillflâ€" This “"10 I am mm‘“ hmwful feeling. Than safely on the rook l lam! A (mo-clawed crabâ€"«WVMI I'll hp l'nitetLtlhui-cb. near Georgetown. on Tuesday of this week. when Mar- guerite E., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Carson ul‘ Normanby be- came the bride of Mr. William H. Knisley. son of the late Abraham Knish-y and Mrs. Knisley of Ben- tinck. The ceremony was perform- ed by the Rev. H. tlaldwell. Both were unattended. The bride looked Very pretty in her wedding gown of peach crepe de chene. and following the ceremony the young couple left by motor on a short honeymoon trip to Toronto, Niagara Falls. Kitchener and other points. the bride travel- ling in a suit of nayy tatIeta. black satin coat with white t’ur trim- mings, blondc kid Flutes and peach hat to match. Un their return they will reside. in Hanover. With the community. The Chron- cle joins in extending best wishes for a long and happy married life. A quiet wedding was solemnzied a_t .t‘hq lggrsogegv or the Limehouse A very pretty wedding took place on Monday. July 18th at 2 pm. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Smith, when Inez Viola. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Meade. became the bride of John (1. Knowles. son of Mr. Robert Knowles of l'fl‘ord. 0n- tario. The ceremony was performâ€" ed by the Rev. R. C. 'l‘ait at l.'nity l'nited Church. Tho gruums gift to the bride was a mum of “Paris. in "no pianist a necklavv and bracelet at White gold. and lo_3|ys._Sn1ith ghar pin. To the strains of LoheIIgI III s 33ed- ding march, pla3 ed h3 Miss Margar- et Meade. sister of the [wide the bride entered the room on the arm at her father looking sweetly pretty in a dress III white embroidered georgette 33ith 3IIil and ('01 onet of orange hlIIssIIms aIIIi I'aII3iIII: a bouquet of Upheliu roses and ieIIIs. FIIIIII33iIIg the 33IIIiIiIIII; a huflet luncheon 3333s ser3 III! The table. (III-uteled iI3 the Mines Iake. 333.: tastefull3 IiIIeIIraIIIIt 33ith IIaIIIilIIs and S33IIIIt pens. and the reams \Vt‘l't‘ mmie festive 331th [Inns and white lIIIIssums. Amid a shmvor of Nov and COM- TI‘Hi Mr. and Mrs. Knuwlrs left H“ “H' (hulinental Limited for Van- rIIIIVI-r :IIIII \‘irluria Via Prinrv RII- pan «In their return via C. P. R. Hwy will \‘iSil. l.ak.. Louis" and Hanfl'. arIi3im: at lIIit3' oarly in \ugusl, whero llw3 33in maku ”H‘il' homo HI] “I“ grooms iarm ‘Crest- 3iv33 "MINI, ~4l IIit3. Ifiaskairhe- wan) Courivr. Thu hr id» 5 t.:r1wllim: costume was a hunch modnl Hf blue gc'ul'gvih’ with ms» trimmings and hat and mat in mahh. Uh! Imw In; pulls tn “'l‘wn pounds :II 14-35! \\'Hh slvm‘i)’ hand N And at 081"] turn I'vs .\.~' c-wning sinuln'ws silvnl fall. Humvâ€"svvkillg birds ‘0 mains do call “with. hrc-vzc-s nu Ihc- rn .-:- Ripples makp and Dram-nus quiwt' 'l‘u play amidst Hiv Paw‘i'ns i'nol. Hr. N Hwy mam. in ilm‘loi's'. [in With patient. anxious. vain-r lnuli I watch for signal from m} hunk, Smut In 1110 .s'lll‘farv I mu him. I s” skillfully haw mug-i; l yank him out and than A six-inch bass with m‘n \\'II|I IIIIII (III hunk IIIIII um “#11 Might \wll I'HIIsIIII-I damn III-II. And linv of II'IILHI II ”0‘ ‘IIHI I I I \\ hon- Ihe big II'IImu :Irv im III. Mvant imo my pipv I'll Ixiusquitoos and Mack I‘lt‘:l.~'"2'v“.~' :m- llul ltd: Tin-y with urawluavks At. such a time 1. cm “thu rm-k” That in its ran-s its Sum-ms im-k. Equipped with tackle and with bait, In ki'Pll anticipatiun wait. But what. is that my polo i..~'heudin2. Alum: its length a quiwr svnding? A J'm-k to makn thv hank EUCUI‘O‘. hm: with mm linn I've m)! him Slll‘ct TEMPERATURES OF PAST WEEK KlOWLESâ€"IEADE CARSONâ€"XIISLEY “ROCKY" FISHING HYMENEAI. 0" 8mm. Max. Min. fl! find 0 SM! away 1H 7|) ('0 1'04 ink “yes. unendod Ill ’ fight light; pm. 61 ught ml

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