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Durham Chronicle (1867), 28 Jul 1927, p. 4

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DURHAM CHRONICLE Last Saturday's Owen Sound Sun- Times. in a news article in refer- ence to a recent Visit of Mayor Christie and members of the County Council committee says that it is altogether likely that before long another etl’ort will be made to in- crease the accommodation of the (lountv House of Refuge at Mark- dale. because of the fact that the building is. and has been for some time. overcrowded. ""\'\‘hi'le"it istoo bad that the county's poor cannot be cared for THE H! H Tho' l’o‘h'l'bm'u' Examiner nail on thv licad “hm it s mam .hiwis think Him 1 tran‘u [HIPS Manse. thew”! breaking them for years.” "I Bl m Inc-{p and whn mako- : rurl. Mr “‘00 not bedone will nut Ill Pubiiahed every Thursday morning at me office, Garafraxa Street, Durham, Ontario, by Frank Irwin, Edi? r and Proprietor. The Chron- icle 4 mailed to any address in Can. :13 at the rate of $2.00 per year. 81.00 for six months, 50 cents for three months, 25 cents for one mar 21. To any address in the United States of America, 82.50 per year. 81.25 for six month's,'65 cents for three months. Foreign aub- acrimion rates on application. Mamet Canadian Weekly News- paprrs Association. whosoever is afraid of submit. ting any question, civil or religious, to the test of free discussion, is more in love with his own opinion than with the truth.â€"WATSON. PAGE 4. \\ The law \vhvrnlpy IV! '| HR WEI-1D CONTROL ACT \l '1") DRIVl-IRS' PERMITS n ll Thursday, July 2!, ma an SF. HF REFI'GE ADDITIUN ermmlny in sympathy l! and its Intvntiuns. “'0 mp” official appointed duh and by so doing add Hub bran!) Hf thv Pro- ” its “will”: as “all. ll dtgmt mu highway m PM" all 0|! quirm sting : Hw Ill h'iV in id: know 1| V hit (ht HIP wookly nowspapors that come to our i-xchango dusk which aro carry- ing the advertising of tho Uwon Sound 'l‘ransportation Company in oxrhango for transportation on their now stoamor "Manitoulin", that \‘i-sso'l will have a full passon- gor list. it‘ all dorido to tako their trip tho samo wook. in rncountoring thoso advertise- lllt'lli,‘ with almost one hundred por t'vlli rogularity as we went through our o-xrhangos this week we thought of how oasy it is to get the majority of pOOplo to do \our sor- .xiro- i-sporialh it \011 are plausiblo .- nough tn mako thoni think that thm aro gotting something for no- Ething. Editors. liko thoso of othor t lliillL' s. aro human. ' 'lho- ailwitising proposition oi tho nwon Sound Transportation toni- pan). luiotl). was, that they would iako $6M worth of iiii\'0'l°ii.~’iil! at rog- ular utrs, this adVo-rlisiug to ho paid for in transportation on tho stramor Manitoulin, and had to lo- .mmi durgin tho soason of 19:7. lilworxatiom had to ho mado in adâ€" _ vain o ot the- sailing ot’ the stoamor. which is hut piopor. but ”It'l't‘ was I Judging from the number 0'? l The telephone is perhaps our greatest convenience in these mod- ern days. and is at the same. time our greatest. pest. In a business sense. telephones are installed for the purpose of transacting business; house telephones may quite proper- ly he used for social conversation. As a means of communication be- tween towns or persons. they have become almost a necessity. but when a business telephone has to be used as a sort. of business-social affair, its usefulness for the purpose for wh’ich it was installed Immediately en 3. of whom. no doubt. WI" 11 vnjny a wook’s cruisn on the nvw stmtmm' of tho Owen Transportation Company. n” guumnlm- lllal. if by chance all m'mnnmnlalinn was taken. the all- \'vrtising transportatinn would be lwukml in tlu- “New in which all nlllo'l’ lumkings WOW} made. Tim mutrm'l l'urtlwr slipululo-«l that. lbw. mm m mlx'm-tising would pay fm' "ll'allslml'mlinll nnly.” .\ll lml'tlls. It is a matter doservtng of much thought. and, with the proposed lo-gislatinn in almyamce. we think the tlnunty tlmtncil :mthorttivs are pn- Htlmi tn snmv kind of statement from the ttm'vrnmc-nt as to what tlwv prupnsv tn «In and what time u it is vxpvctml tn mmv into afloat. We are thoroughly in sympathy with the movement to provide nec- essities for those of declining years who, through fault or misfortune may find themselves short of funds, hut until something definite is done with the Old Age Pensions scheme, we are of the opinion that this end could be accomplished in some other manner other than that of putting the county to the expense of erecting a costly addition to the Refuge, which, if the Old Age Pen- sion Act comes into force, would at best he a mammoth structure hous- im: only a low inmates. in a manner acceptamc to all resi- .io-nis, the prvsent is a ratl'mr poor time. to our mind. to think of any building programme. \Vhat with the puttin into force of the Old Age PPnsiuns . ct, and this is coming in the very near future, if signs count {Or anything, the Houses of Refuge' in the various counties will be all but depleted. If we take our own House of Re- fuge as an example, we think we are in hounds when we say that the in- troduction of the Old Age Pensions scheme would automatically be the means of the removal of at least 80 per cent of the present inmates, who eould retire on pensions to their own homes instead or being wards of thp county. What would become of the House of Refuge then? .1! “'0 could nut sm- whoa-«- it was md husuwss fur us In accopt. In In lirvxt l'lac'v. \\'.. mum-H. spare! :l 'l'Hl‘I .l.\l'N'l'l.\Ti ICUITURS 3t ll TH F. THLEPW ).\' H tml $11.. contract and :11'0 In: tho- adwrtisingmmnx' no doubt. will not. own 9163 cruisn on the palatial we cannot. spam.- :1 he trip tn Mackinav Mauro, \u- [Ull‘ii‘hl "at lo-uulm' '11le '1'] \V! regular 1 0n. Had Nation Mn 10 us \V Ilt‘\\'_\‘ \c ll um! \V H Miss Ruth Stewart of Proton Sta- tion has been the guest of Mrs. Annie McCormick at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Milligan in Bentinck. \\ iiii i'c-izitix'c-s zit i~'vi'giis. Miss \‘ci'iiw Mcilasliu Ht‘ Eimwumt is spending a couple of wwks in hunt. the guest. ut' the) Mctjzislin itlmilit’s, Mr. and Mrs, J. \Viuegardon and family of Hamilton are visiting with the latter’s brothers, Mr. John Arnett in town, and Mr. Wes- ley Arnett, in Glenelg. Mr. John Campbell and sister. Mrs. John Verte. Of the Michigan 500, are visiting Mrs. Campbell's sister-in-law, Mrs. John Ray, at Dornoch. . Miss Chrissie McGirr is in Shel- burne visiting her sister, Mrs. Mc- Lean. Miss Belle McGirr will re- turn home with her. Mr. and Mrs. (L H. Walker of Stratford were in town the first of the week, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Catton. .\l1' 111111 .\l1'5.11111'1Crai1_.111' 111111 daughter Lorna 01'Pa1'15 111511 311515 11"11111191111 McKay, 51311111 111151 VV11111; VV1111 Mr. and M15 U. Maclx'ay. .\11'. 111111 31125. )1111110111'1111 MacKaV 111111 11311111111'1' Marjorie 01‘ 111VV01111. '111'11 V15111111' VV 1111 11'11'11115 111 Durham. .\11' “mm \.11l1111 111111 3112111111 '1'111'1'} 1111111111111 11, '1"1111-11110 1111 S1111â€" 11aV 211111 V15111111 VV11|1 1111111' 5011 111111 1111111,:111111. '11111V returned 11111 5.1111111 113V 111111 VV ere arc-1.111111111111111 111111111 11V .\1r5. 5111'101'1 SVV111111', VV110 VVill V1511 11111'1.1 111111 111 11111 Vicinit). 31155131! \11111111 1'131111'-11111l 1101110 1111 Sunday 11_11111VV111:._._' 11 1VV11 VV 111-11.5 V 1â€" 1111111111 111 'l'1'1r111111-1 VV1111 11111' 111'111111-1' 111111 51511.11'. 5111-1111511 1111-111 111 11111 boat 11'111 10 1’111'1 11311111115111 VV1111 1111' 51511.11'. 31125. S. SVV11/.11:'. V1 1 1..- 111 S1. 1.11111111'111115 1111.11 3111211111 11 111 :1 win] SOCIAL AND PERSONAL z... 9:; £71.. 9:5. 5.8.7... 3 .‘.._.;...E:._. 3:... 1.2: s .42. .83 2:: .17 2:... .17.. :...:.n... 75209.4. We do not wish for a moment to saV' that there should be no sociabil- ity in business, but when a business man is forced twenty times a day to drop his work and answer a telephone in order that he may lend assistance to someone else's social comersation. it sis little “011(le that h11 ofttimes loses patience and towels all about thf’ 0V111\\11rk111l Biblical expression "tuin ye the Miller side also.” As 3 mens of business mmmuni- cation, 01' social e«._in\'ez's:iiiuu. the telephone is a great. convenience and money-saver, but. When a bus- iness telephime is turned into a semi-sneial ennversatinnalistie ex- change. its usefulness in its uwner is game. It is not so mueh Hiai business men Objiwt in the use Of their ielephc'invs. but. they do must. positively begrudge the time they spend running in and fro in answer in the telephnne. negieeting their \\'Hi'k and business. all fur Hu- sake ni' snnimnv else's Hmnglitlessness. TN '3 business man. his teli-pliuno is. to a great extent, his bread and butter. and even {I dug will grnwl when ymi start. in interferi- with his daily ratinns, Wu pro-dict. that the Toronto hasn- hall te-um WI” not finish lower than (-iuhth in thv lnh-mmtimml Imaguv. Anyway, nu matter how lmmay try. va'." can't dowisv anothm- that hnmpmlquito- like» (hr Yast, one. 3113mm )1 1'9. U, Hilmm'e. of Lorain. Uhin. svpnt a t'vw days with 1101' hruthvr. Mr. George )lzlclx'ay and family. Muwr Pnstm- has 31111111111101! H113! 11111111111 ('ih “ill 1111“de “fights 1111“ mm: shell no'xt. yum. < 4-11. imw Tummtn, in Hm hoig‘ht 4'? vx- vite'plmn, ran slam! 11111111111 :1 win- 1111. Mr. RM. Hughes, cashier of the ,t I' ll .VH'l’liS AND 11H.\I.\lli.\"l'h' ll l 1'] ill ll daught itil an... mrnnivl ”m at“ “m9 m a ‘p'mu! Hm ' ' m amniclv I'Hl'h‘ho's 1 .W llfit “f HH‘ .m‘..\ m thrPUKEL‘iHIII H11~ ....~« ‘w‘o. “185!) Dy ”11-!an Wt of Agricultm-u, \' .1 w a“ "” I r‘TIUIEH' H0321”. w W, but “I" ”in“, \\'3.- M and ('allsm! m. with It we stomom! HH- :4, was the [lust 1'I.';i.;,. ”1 we have lwvn H~hm1 ' Why “'9 “RV“ chn‘ulfi'. flushing of thaw am” .; e ' is almal'o'nih' .' W [0 . 800d "NHIIV I... h" ,. an. we give below a pant..., w 7' the SHIH'l'Ilth-z ,- and be issum «mm-1K M the} are .. M08 ire [NM 1qusmv.‘ anally enough uf 1.1"“, ' «9004an in nu- tum." l l I‘d. “’0 DUbIIPH . 1 ~ but are in no “ay its correctness. It i~' m received it at HH~ 7' . the b9“ Of our kllmxu-«L. Anvnm\'-.“ i5 EUHIODYH', Eyaiy,'it is authentu MIC! Curtis ......... N -, Alvnnston ............ .m W09? ............ “o *; Aylmer. . . . Caledonia ......... ape Croker Hosvr mattinm.......... ’a- Chllsworth ....... Forest ............ Ffll‘l El'i!‘ ........ (hltw Georgetown . Glom‘m' ..... (60(10‘l‘it'll . . . . Gorrie ....... Hanmw'. . . Harrow. . . . Hopwnrt h. Himmv. . HI '9] .S'l‘l-Il N lldvrhm. . . Inuvr-‘ull .. Jarus ..... Kil'khm . . . levflc'ld. . Lambvth . . Leamiugtc o1 Linn}: Hua- Lismwc‘l . . London. . . . Lucknow . . Markdalon. Moafurd. .. Melhourncn Merlin . . . . .\l iidmay. . Mikel-hm. Mitch-1!... Mount. HM Mmmt l- «or H MI‘HITM':1\IH«.. NmHmd ..... .. Shutln'm‘ ........ Turn .............. . TaVifihwk ...... . ‘ Tmmwulg'r .......... Thamvmillv .......... Tin-dram ............ ~ Thorndllo ........... w 'l‘illsnnburx ........... .\ â€" Tiverton ....... . .......... _ Toronto ............. \1.'..‘. ..‘ "nderwood .............. . '. ' I'llllcemwn ......... Hr . “'leo lo Indian tan \ .7- Walters Falls ....... $4". -- Waterford ............. H- . Walton! ................ vf- . Welland ................ F"; , W'ellosley ............ Sr; ‘ 1 Whaflei' ............. s. I”? Wilrton ............. 80M. Wilkecport ................ What. Centre ......... . ....... ( M L fibril ll 3 July 28. 1927 ESCIW Ill

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