I {or a thirdâ€"61- lencp. 6110'. a curfew 1.. his Act will 'nts necessu-y of children on b is all on th. k- law is obey- h.~â€"~.\vton Free on‘re a heart- ~ome decro Iâ€) Old“ It M money »u her. was on your n have bored '- who permit. his section of and.“ hr 12 lck. H, .iners urham S rkoton .3. on Page 7 .1 Agents ingar. .tml. Soot. )1. and H88 and 19 UES (Mid- 1m- to Lurkin ““1803. We have no idea why these dates (-annot he issued correctly from the Department, but it is e curious fact that they are not and dithough the mistakes are not frequent, there are usually enough Of them to destroy .mntideneo- in the bahnee of the 21st, We publish this list below. “mt are in no way responsible for n.- correctness. It is as we have ;.-("ei\'mt it at this oflice and is, to ‘h.. best of our knowledge, correct. Anyway, it is authentic. Alisa t'.raig..........Sept. 22 end 23 .\l\ Histon ............ Sept. 27 and 28 Muenster ............ Sept. 27 and 28 Arthur .............. Sept. 30, Oct. t Atwood .......... .. . .Sept. 20 and 2t .\}‘|fllt:l' ................... Sept. 7â€"0 \yton .............. Sept. 30, Oct. 1 lzx'igolen ..................... Sept. 27 Izz-usso-ls ................ Oct. 6 and 7 [myth-Id ............. Sept. 27 and 28 Ito-unisvillo? .......... Sept. 16 and i7 ilo'lnmnt .................... Sept. 27 Huntu-Inl ........... ......Oct 17â€"19 mm ............... Sept. 27 and :28 i:.Iv:.\\'vll‘s Corners. . .Sept. 20 and 2t tlvil'tttl'tt ................ Oct. 4 and 5 itmlnnnnn .......... Sept. 21 and 22 . “banana ............... Oct. 6 and 7 Hum tlrokcr Reserve Sept. 13 and M «..~.:.Hmm ................. Sept. 7â€"9 t.;|:t'~\\nl’tN ........... t’t‘t. t3 and 1’! 0 «1 -\' .............. Sept. 29 and 30 mzu‘hiuu'g .......... Sept. 20 and 21 'l‘a‘. I~t0vk. Towswatf‘r. . . . . . . Thumvsville. . . . . The-dram. . . . . . . . 'l‘horndale. . . . . . . 'l‘illsnnburg. Tiverton......... w.~-.t..."..'.'IJ.'.'.....s_gpt. 19â€"21 ‘" d'hrnï¬' ............... St‘Dt. '36â€"â€"'37 'l‘m‘l .................... UN. 3 and 5 t2..;~:wk ........... Sept. '36 and '27 l?» ~‘~\tf"l' .............. Oct. 3| and 5 Them: will» ............ Oct. 4 and 5 l“: «HM ............ Sept. 26 and '27 Thu? wtalv' ........... Sept. 26 31m 27 't aliwntutru ............. Aug. 23â€"5-5 Ti\ob1'ton..L..... ........ . ..... Oct. ‘ '|‘..;-..,.:., ............. 8 ug. 27. Sept. 12 3 'mwr'wnod ........ . ....... Sept. 29 “Titlam‘tnwn ......... Oct. U 811d ‘33 “Kilt-010 Indian Fair.....\ug. 2-5â€"27 Walter‘s Falls ....... Sept. 27 and 28 “Uttvrt‘ord ...... .......Oct. 4 and 5 “'att‘nrd ............ ....Oct.‘ 5 and 6 “Miami ...... ..........Sept. 27â€"29 \\:»llnst9y........... Sept. 13 and H “pvatley ..... ........Sept.. 2006 3 \\.IaI-ton.............sept. 20.3621 “gtkesportu ..... .WHSQO. 22 Windbm mmooooooooooowhg “Linshm...............OaL I “Mock........,....m 21-40 im- the ï¬rst tirne in s good many years The .Chl'omfle pub isheo he- iow a partial list of the dates of Full Fairs throughout this section of Ontario, as issued by the Ohmic Depal'lment of Agriculture. At one time this was a regular column in mm paper, but the (lute, were so men wrong and caused so much confusion that we stopped the prac- â€('6' During the pest couple of years we have been asked fre- q'u-ntly why we have discontinued W. publishnnqo! these dates, end as the news l8 .99â€wa 0‘ in- nm-st m a good many of our reed- o-{wg we give below s psrtialegst as â€cum! p); the Superintend , J. Norwich . . . . . . . . . . . .SPpt_. 2:" am Hhsx\vk9n..t. .. . . . . . . .SCN. '33 Ul'angt'ViUt‘. . . . . .’. . . .Sept. 13 Jun 0)., “Hm-m \Ccntral Canada, Aug. --‘ van Sound...............()ct.‘ Paisley.................S€pt. 27‘ Palmerston. . . . . . . . . '7; .Qct. 6 a! 3A â€"_A clarksburg. Cullingwood 01: min-r. . . . . «inurllautl . lwlzm'al'». . . IN u't'hvster. ln-uyum . . . . ln'o-sdo'n . . . . M'IITIHM . . . lmndalk . . . . lulugannon. lmnm'illeu [H'RH;\M... Elmira. . . . . Hmvale. . .. hmbro. . . . .. f1rm........ ‘hitooooooOIOOOI Ht‘lbl'gf‘lowno o o o Hams. . . . Parkhill . Neustadt. . . . . . . . .\'ww Hamburg. . ll .‘l .\l FALL FAIR DATES i927 mmt 1 mun-y nt'Ot‘.. lo'l'u'h Thursday, Am :1, “I? United Indian» lolooooooooseI,to ..... Sept. 29 and 30 ........ Oct. 4 and 7. ........ Sept. 1-5â€"16 .............. Oct. 4 ..... Oct. 10 and it ..... Sept. '20 and 21 ...... Sept. 29 and 30 ..... SGpt. 27 and 28 .............. Oct. 7 ..... Sept. 2! and '22 ........... Oct. 6â€"8 ........ Sept. 27â€"28 ........ Oct. 6 and 7 ..... Sept. '20 and ‘21 ..... Sept. 19 and 20 ..... Sept. 19 and ‘20 ............ Sept. ‘23 ..... Sept. 30. Oct. 1 ........ Oct. 6 and 7 ..... Sept. 16 and 17 ......... Oct. 11â€"13 ..... Sept. ‘27 and ‘28 0081‘“ and 12 t. 3 and «5 ........ Oct. 6 and 7 ..... - ..... Sept. 24 ..... Sept._l_6 am} 12 SPDY. 73nd 28 ...... 8012" 33‘3†. Swat !3 MM ‘4 .1 ml '28 30 Mr. and Mrs. James McClocklin and three children of Trenton 31:0 spending their holidays with 1118 parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. McClock- Inn of town. Mrs. McCreary left on Sugday af- ter spending a month wnth her sister Mrs E. T. McClocklin. Mrs. John Arnett and family have returned after holidaying in Hamil- ton. They were accompanied on their return by Mrs. Winegarden, who. will make a’ short stay in town. Miss Farr of Kincsi'diâ€"iié i; ifisiié ing with the Misses Hughes and other friends in town. Mrs. Cornwall and dau liter are visiting with her cousin, 1:8. Law- rence Willis of Brussels for a month. Mr. and Mrs. Adams of Dgtroil are spending a week with the lat- ter’s brother, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. McFarlane. Mr. Brock Grant ofWenand mo- tored up and spent the week-end with his brother. Dr. J. F. Grant. Mrs. C. Heywod of Toronto is s omling a week with her parents. 1'. and Mrs. Lawson. . Mr. and Mrs. Cornwall and family motored to Brussels over the week- end. accompanied by Mr. Frank Lak». Mr. Cornwall reports the crops looking llno. Fall wheat and hayloy [nave all__been _cu_t. Mrs. Adam Robertson of Burling- spmil, Hu- last week with friends around tawn. She has just return- o-d from visiting her daughter, Mrs. Lhy’grgv _Sn1ith_i_n Masonï¬City. Mrs. J. (J. Hamilton and sister, Miss K. Firth were away on a motor trip last week to Barrie, Toronto. Hamilton. Gait and Paris. THE NEW NO KIOSK IIPBRIAL OIL CO. GASOLIIB Sold at Mrs. Jamvs Mack of Egremont re- m-iwcl word Friday of the death in 39w York i it\ of a niece Mrs. Hig- gins. who pas Sed a“ ay the prexious day. Mr. and .\‘I 12%. A. Catton, and daughâ€" ters Misses R1. by and Efl'ie, of T0- umtn 1am \isiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph (Iatton this work. They haw just lt‘tlllllt‘tl tiom a hip through V'm'mont 11ml nthm‘ states in the .\mm-i1-aii l'nion. Mr. and Mrs. W. Burhan of Dunn- vilta arr nil varation ht‘l‘t), visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ritchie amt Hihvr t'rimuts in Durham and Glenelg. Mr. and Mrs. Bart. Brant and «laughtur .lvan. of Toronto. are on :1 Visit with Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Mc- Hiitivra)’. hc-rr. and with Mrs. Bnant's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Davis. in Glonelg. Mr. and Mrs. W. (It. Game of Park- hill aru visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Davis in Glenelg. amt with nthc-r t'rit-ncis and rvtatinés in Hip \‘irinity. Miss Catharina Davis of Holstein is tiu- gunst Ht' Dr. and Mrs. t). G. Mrtiitlivray this wank. Mr. .l. A. Graham returned Thur"- .Im' from a Visit with relatives in Sarnia. , ' Mrs. Mary Cohh 0f Ashlaml. \Vis- consin. was in town Mondav and we were pleased to have a short. call :‘rnm her. She has for the past week been the guest of her Sister. Mrs. Thnmas Allan. at V'arney, and her v “I-‘" Misscm-s )lihgziwi and Chrissie Mc- Hi11'. \xith their mother. Mrs. T. )chirr. aro in Toronto this week. and attonolml tlw \w-dding of their son and brother, Mr. Ernest Mc- Hirr. tn Miss Hliw 1%. Scott. Toronto, tho wrvnwny of whirh was solem- nizml yrstorclay. NOBLE’S GARAGE Maslvr llrllmrl Moore is Spending his lmlitlays in Grimsby. low. 311'. Ham-s. tlw new pastOI'Of tlu- Qnm-n Slrm-t, church. mrupiefl his pulpit. hvrw for the ï¬rst time last Sunday uwninsz. preaching in tho morning: in tlw Knox l'nilml rlnn'rh. .\lr. Fichlos has a pleasing pulpit. appearance and created a mml l‘awralvln imprnssion. For tlw npxt. month he. will preach alter- mainly mm'ning and M ning in Dur- ham‘s [\w l'nitml clu I't'hos. during â€I" Imliola)‘ 0f RM‘. \V. H. Smith. win. vmhhu‘h‘ul union St‘l‘ViCeS in these two churchps las‘t_mont;l_l.. '.\'l1-..~'. “Wis. Furostvr of Guelph is thlng heft- mothvr. .Mrs. (ivory- Watt. who Is semously 11!. Mrs. R. Ho'mlbslm‘k of Hamilton. and Miss Nottie Daniel of Ann Ar- Iml'. Mich" mm visiting tlwil' sister. Mrs. J. N. Murdock .\l1'. and Mrs. W. Smith or Chivagn spun? :1 mmgvlv ut' days last wevk tlw gunsig Hf hPI' hl'nthm‘. 311'. and Mrs. Albert .‘Iiddlpton. Mrs. E. Collyer of Guelph, and party frnm Chicago. warp in town lad \x'wk :mul \‘isitml 0M friends hvrn am! in Buntinck for a fpw ' ms; mu.- mun-1- of tuwn is visâ€" Hill}: .\\'n'th Mr. and Mrs. \V. J. Ritchie. In Glenelg, for a‘ fgw (lays. SERVICE High-test Gas Ethyl Gas ? No Extra Charge Have You Tried brother, Mr. Thomas McAnulty of Durham, who, we regret to say, is not in the best of health. With Mrs. Cobb was her brother, Mr. Eli Mc- Anulty, wife and son. Mrs. Cobb left Durham about 1873 and had nev- or been back for :31 years. She is a member of the wellâ€"known Mc- Anulty family. who at one time lived at the foot of Varney hill, where Mr. William Bogle now rc- sides. We were pleased to have a short call from the two ladies of the party. Mr. and Mrs. George Arrowsmith left. Tuesday morninf for their home at Saginaw. Mir 1., after \‘iS- iting: for the past week with the t’ormer‘s mother, Mrs. .~\rrowsmith, here. Mr. and Mrs. H'al‘pm' McGirl' and babe. of Detail. are Visiting their relatiws in ("flvnolg and with Old frivmls in and around Durham. Mr. and Mrs. C. Pettigrew of Do- trmt al'oï¬â€˜isiting hm‘ mother, Mrs. Arrowsmlth, {91' a few days; Mrs. .1. .I.’ \anlach of Stratford visited with Mrs. T. MCGiI‘I‘ and other relatives here last, week. Mrs. Cathorine McPhail and daughters, Mrs Taylor and Mrs. Km'stino of \Valkvrtnn. and son. Dr. Jnhn McPhail. nf Cincinnati. “him. were guests of Mrs. N. Mo- Cmnwl and Mrs. P. )Ii-Pherson on Saturday. Miss Stella Morrison ro'tm‘nml in Toronto after spending two weeks with hm‘ parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Morrison. Mis's. Alma Wilson underwent gm npm'nhon for thnrnmoval of tonSIls «on 'l‘nosday 0f tlns week. iMills. J. S. Drysdale angl .son Doug- las of Hannlton_ are “suing mth MI: and Mrs. P: Gegnon. Mr. Raymond Ei’tOI‘ 0f \Vellanci is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. Macdonalci. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fisher of To- rontq Spent thy past,_ week wnth I'nlam'os and friends In town. Mrs. Blackburn and daughter. Mrs. Ifnrlnmvood. of Toronto, arn visiting with their daughter and sisbtr. Mrs. (Dr. J. F. Grant and family__ Mr. \\ oslm Flvnn of Toronto “as tho gunst Of Dr. and “115. Grant and famih last wnok. OLAâ€"N "WY ‘1‘.’ THE DURHAM CHRONICLE of ï¬ve. weeks with relatives and friends at V’arney, Hampden and Aurora, left last week for their \Vestei'n lmme at \Villows, Sask. By the, time they reach their journey’s end they will have completed a motortrip of considerably over four thousand miles since leaving hnme on the MU! (bf June. Mr. Alex. Kennedy and daughter. Salina, \wre Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ewing, (ilenelg, over the week-end. Mr. Wm, Todd _Of Rochester, N.Y. was a Sunday \‘iSltOl‘ at Mr and Mrs. W. Ewmg's, Gleuelg. Miss Hamiltuu of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mcllraith and babe. also of the Queen City, Visitâ€" ed with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Moll- i'aitli this week and am attending the. Bt‘ll-Mtflll'aith wedding tuday. Do They? 'l‘wu l,u,*:.'gm's. one blind and tlw other dun. met, on a :cha UUL'uUI‘ after businvss hours. Miss Truax spent, last week in To- l'untU. Mr. Roy McKennitt' and Miss Clark, of Butfalo, are visiting with the farmer's sister, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. McLean and family. Mis Sadie MacDonald “as ten- dered a shows er at the. home of Mrs. \\ . H. Alder «in Tliesday night, when numerous useful and valuable gifts were presented by her numerous friends. A pleasant. evening ended with the serving of lunch by the hostess. . Miss Elsie Hastqn of Owen Sound 1s_t_.he_igues§ 93' Miss $6419 flames: .Mi'gs Hjlda Brooks of Hamilton is “suing m town. Miss Mary Mcllraith, bride-to-be was tendered a miscellaneous show- er by neighbors and friends on Fri- day evening of last week. The shone-1' was held at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Henderson. The numerons gifts were brought in on a wagon, neath decorated, b\ little Miss Beth Henderson, when the pie- sentzitions. with each of which was enclosed a Verse, were opened by the bride-to-he and the Verses read by Miss Chrissie McGii-r. .\ most pléjaszmt evening was spent, lunch uomg sered at the close. One minute‘s delay on the part of each motorist should make every level crossing sale for democracy. Level crossings are In the town- ships and suburbs of Ontario. Not so the people who run themselves and their friends to death on level crossings. Communities will not spend enough money to ensure the safety of people who will refuse to spend enough time to insure their OWn safety. Motorists can buy se- curity for their own nves with Good clover honey; 100. per pound in bulk; bring your own contain- ermnd have them ï¬lled while it lasts.â€"-W. Macdonald, Countess St. 8112pd ORDER MS! FRUIT HOW! WE HAVE FRESH FRUIT ALWAYS on hand; order now. This fruit is brought. from the Niagara peninsula by our own trucks and is in prime rondition.-â€"W. J. Vollett, Grocer. Durham. 8 ii 2 ï¬g? â€â€œ5 £8 ’ «1 mzceable Rqof J. H. Harding, IOIBY FOR SALE Stock Carried Information Furnished and Service ' on Brantford Rooï¬ng rendered by antfmd Loafing Brtntford Rooï¬ng Co.. Limited Bruntford, Ontario Erantford Roll Rooï¬ng is made in {our weiiz'. = and qualitiesâ€"The light weight (.35 1135.) is a good quality (or temporary service; the medium weight (45 Ni.) ï¬ne quality end the heavy weight (55 lbs) extra ï¬ne quelity. nae extra heavy weight (65 lbs.) igmper- ï¬ne qualitQâ€"thev moét WW Vlad substantial you can buy. delay. Tax payers or unholdou will _n9l._.buy pgcurily for other mu no; pay security I emple’s lwes with dolls"; elegant. Plégnm. RED CROSS ‘ GARDEN PARTY GUEU’H JAZZ BAND Dancing fun 8 o’clock Thurs. Aug. 11 Don't Forget the Durham Rink PAGI I.