. 2A6! 6 Fall wheat, whiteâ€"Devid Robin- son. John McGii-r. J . 1:. Hamilton. Fall \Vheat. redâ€"David Robinson. Georgie Ritchie. Spring Wheatâ€"Reggie Ramage. Oats, short whiteâ€"John Morrison, W. J. Ritchie, George Ritchie. Oats, long whiteâ€"Alex. Herd. Barley, 6 rowed-«David Robinson,‘ George Bell. Peasâ€"Reggie Ramage. Timothy seedâ€"W. J. Ritchie, George Ritchie. White Beansâ€"T1105. Petty. Collection ï¬eld grainsâ€"Reggie ton. Ensilage cornâ€"Thos. Young, John McGirr. Sunflowersâ€"Alex. Herd, J. W. Mcâ€" Kechnie. . Specnal, SIX ears cornâ€" Jas. Burt. FIELD ROOTS SOIL ort whiteâ€"John Morrison, :hie, George Ritchie. ng whiteâ€"Alex. Herd. 6 rowedâ€"pavid Robinson, GRAIN >School s. Whitmore, John' -Mrs. McCrae, Mrs. .rs. T. McGirr, Mrs. rs. Jas. Nichol, Mrs. ,éhirs. Wolfe, Mrs. .ndvâ€"Mrs. Mollraith, Bath . towel, f triflinIeaâ€"Ainaries - McAlister, Mrs. McLaughlan‘. ' ' " ' Pillow cases, initialed and hem-l Stitchedâ€"Mrs. Knechtel. . . Pillow cases, thread trimmmgâ€" a Mrs, Davis, Mrs.Maurer. , . Pillow cases, embroideredâ€"Miss B ’Bradley, Mrs. J. Nichol. ' . Fancy sheetâ€"Mrs. P. McLaughlan. Mrs. Knechtel. ' Dresser scarfâ€"Miss Bradley, Mrs. Nichol. , . Pair Curtainsâ€"Mrs. J. B. Stm‘lth. Vanity setâ€"Mrs. Maurer, Mrs. Dans. y . . Sofa Pillow, fancyâ€"Mrs. Nichol. Sofa pillow, washableâ€"Mrs. Straith, Mrs. Nichol. . Ladies’ Whitewear, embrmderedâ€" Mrs. Knechtel, Mrs. Nichol. . Ladies’ whitewear .threa'd trim- Ladies‘ Slipâ€"George Bell, Mrs. 2 Maurer. . . Ladies’ slippersâ€"Mrs. Dams, MP8.‘ “1 Dr. Wolfe. . p Three handkerchiefsâ€"Mrs. McGlrr Collection house plants, 20.var1et- esâ€"W. iesâ€"T. Petty. 12 variet1 Clark. . 6 varietiesâ€"Howard Mc- Donald, John Morrison. . Collection double geramums, 3 .,nn{nf1nR_-Jï¬'m85 Mather, Thos. var -â€"Howard McDonald," Arthur Mc- Doï¬ald.‘ - Collection begonias, ï¬brous rooted â€"â€"Mrs._ McIlraith, A.’ McDonald. Stan 20 variet- Kechnie. R. Ram- Collection .1 J. Nichol. applesâ€" Coll tion Mrs. Ilra lage. Collection Mower, Pettx Mrs Collection ‘ . Thursday, Samantha 39, 1927 «Copiection. Begonias, tub rootedâ€"Mrs. Mcflraith, Mrs. ($1323 mic-.- a... T ec Ion, eusâ€" . Pett , J. gliï¬ahol. Ca t M 3’ Mrs' G 1011 c iâ€"- t McD Mrs. {it-aim. Quald’ Collectlon Folliage plantsâ€"T1105 Pettv, Mrs. McIlraith. Co'llection balsamsâ€"T. Young, Jas Collection Coqkscombâ€"T. Young Double geranium, whiteâ€"'1‘. Petiv Mrs. Wm. Bourpe. ‘ Double gemmum, and otherâ€". Mr: N. Whitmore, '_1‘. Petty. Singie geramum, whiteâ€"Howard McDonald, T. Petty. Single gem mm, any otherâ€"T. Petty, A. McDon: ald. Tricglor _Qeraniumâ€"-H. McDonald (fancierâ€"Mrs. mcurann, John Morrison. Ivyâ€"Howard McDJnald. Amarxl-lisâ€"John Morrison, Art McIlraith, J Ohn DRS. JAMIESOR 8: JAMIES! Oflice and residence a short once east of the Hahn Hous Lambton Street, Lower Town. ham. Office hours 2 to 5 pm. 8 pm. (except Sundays) . J. L. SMITH, I. 3., I. C. P. S Othce and residence. come: Countess and Lambion Streets. 1 site Old Post Otfice. ()ï¬'ice hi 9 to U a.m.. 1.30 to 4 p.m., 7 to 9 (Sundays excepted). DR. A. ll. BELL Ptnsician and Surgeon. ‘ Lambton street. Durham. ()nt. G ate (‘nixersitv of â€.lorontn tested and coxjected. Ofï¬ce 11 2 to 5 p. m. 7 to 9 p.m., Sm excepted. C. G. AND BESSIE McGILLIV Chiropractors Graduates Canadian Chimp College, Toronto. Ofï¬ce Macf: Block, Durham. Day and night 1 123. G ‘l J. F. GRANT, D. D. 8., L. D. Honor Graduate L'niversity of onm, Graduate. Royal College I Surgeons of Untario. Dcmisl all its branches. Ofï¬ce ‘ Block, MillStreet. second duo of MacBeth‘s Drug Store. â€"â€"â€".._._._.â€"._...» _ __ DR. W. C. PICKBRING, DEN? ()fl'icc, over J. 6; J. Hunter's Durham. Ontario. man'r’Eï¬iioT {MacQUAm Barristers, Solicitors, Eu DU RHAM (AV-1‘ \ 3111 V} DUNDALK 11115111 P114) Lambton $1.. 868 2nd Au Du1ham.(1\\cn ' Flesherton ()flice 011011 m on dav, 1. 30 10 9.30:1)11ndalk open exerx lxidax all «tax C. G. Middlehro’, J. H. MacQu: Owen S0u11d.D1 â€"â€" LUCAS 8: HENRY Barristers, Soiicitors, etc. A Der of the ï¬rm will he in Uurh Tuesday of each week. Appmm may be made with the Clerk ofl'icc. DAN. McLBAN Licensed Auctionoor for Cm Lire-y. Satistactinn guarantee sonahle terms. Dates of $310: at The Chronicle (mice or Wit Licensed Auctioneer for Co Grey. Prompt attention to sale sonable terms and sutisfactim anteed. Dates made at The I Chronicle Ofï¬genor with R. ( T‘l,____ ‘ LOT 7, CON. 21. EGREMON'] taming 100 acres: 85 acres cultivation. balance hardwoo ponvenient to schnol; (m the uses are a frame barn 42x63 stone foundation; concrete also hav ham 30x50 with star meat; flog pet} 20x40; tweh Advertisements under th: CASH WITH ORDER; six c0 of four. Telephone calls ire: Saturday night of week orde 25 cents. On an charge ordei will be made each insertion FUNERAL SERVICE New Modern Funeral Pa: Phone Kingsdale 4344 T 1 122-124 Avenue Road 0‘ BUTTER, MILK, CREAM 8 We will be) in tho mat-km Winter months fur mm" 1 cream. Orders taknn fm dairy butter deliwmi MT also buttermilk .â€"â€"\\'at 9 .-~. n' s PROPERTY #â€" FOR SALEâ€"A NI'MBH’. building 1019 On GPHI‘a‘D $1 Of Skating Rink, Durham FRAME HOUSE FOR S.‘ Queen St.â€"â€"Smith Bros. Advertise in The Chronic? FARMS FOR SAT Vï¬heinflfl. 1. Phone Licensed :fludiona Medical Directorv. John w. Bates R. Maddoc Formerly of Fleshertm Dental Dz'reaorv Classified REUBEN C. WATSON Legal ‘Dz'rectorv sir.