n (Olt'USâ€"T. Petty, mg. n 1-;zutiâ€"APL McDonald. "aith. ,n Finn age plantsâ€"Thâ€. “(111311“. v11 1m ’ m COL'kSC' mbâ€"T. YOU†muaninm. “hueâ€"T. Pane - '3. “M E21111: m Cockscnmbâ€"T. Y: gppanium. whiteâ€"«T. Bmwne. geranium. and other- mrt“. T - Petty. :eranium. WlljteT-I 51‘“. {mt} Single ;.thpl'â€"â€"T Pptt‘.’ Aof .waI-d .‘vchdnald. .isâ€"â€"J ohn Morrison, »ntinued on page Geraniumâ€"H. Moi ’ld. September 29, 1927 ronicle Begonias, t1 Mcleaith, Mrs. '31 rs. McIlraith, 3% MIDDLBBRO’ 8: MacQUABRIB Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. DURHAM OWEN SOUND DUNDALK, FLESHERTON Lambton St., 868 2nd Ave, Durham. Owen Sound. Flesherton Ofl‘ice open every Satur- da\, 1. 30 to 9.;30 Dundalk Office open every F1 May all day. C G. Middlebro’, ._I. H. MacQuarrie Chiropractors Graduates Canadian Chiropractic (lolleg 9, Toronto. Ofï¬ce Macfarlane Block, Durham. Day and night phone 123. 6 Li 23tf Physician and Surgeon. Ofï¬ce Lambton street, Durham, Ont. Gradu- ate University of Toronto. Eyes tested and corrected. Ofï¬ce hoprs: éht'o' “5 'p."m.._ 7 ‘to 9 p. m., Sundays excepted. DRS. JAHIBSON 8: JAMIBSON Otrice and residence a short dist- ance east of the Hahn House on Lambton Street, Lower Town, Dur- ham. Oï¬ice hours 2 to 5 p.m.. 7 to 8 pm. (except Sundays). J. L. SMITH, Ii. 3., I. c. P. S. 0. ounce and residence. corner of Countess and Lambton Streets. oppo- site old Post Otl‘ice. Office hours : 9 to 11 a.m..130to 4 p.m., 7 to 9 pm. (Sundays excepted). LUCAS 8: HENRY Barristers, Solicitors, etc. A mem- Der of the ï¬rm will be in Durham on Tuesday of each week. Appointments my be made with the Clerk in the J. F. GRANT, D. D. 8., L. D. 8. Honor Graduate University of Tor- onto, Graduate Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry. in all its branches. Ofï¬ce Calder Block. Mill Street, second door east or MacBeth’s Drug Store ofl'iizc. DAN. McLEAN Licensed Auctioneer for County of Grey. Satisfaction guaranteed. Rea- sonable terms. Dates of sales made at The Chronicle Office or with him- Licensed Auctioneer for County of Grey. Prompt attention to sales. Rea- sonable terms and satisfaction guarr- anteed. Dates made at The Durham Chronicle ofï¬ce or with R. C. Wat- son. V’arney. RR. 1. Phone 604 r11. “537w. éfpx‘cKnmN‘G‘fï¬nuns'r (m‘ice, over J. J. Hunter’s store, Durham. Ontario. . l‘KIL ‘, UV“. ~59 “Viw---Vâ€"._' taining 100 acres; 85 acres under cultivation. balance hardwood bush; convenient to school; on the prem- ises are a frame barn 42x65 ft. with stone foundation; concrete stables; also hav barn 30x50 with stone base- ment; hog pen 20x40; twelveâ€"room brick house, furnace heated, also frame woodshed; drilled well close to house. with windmill; concrete water tanks; 30 acres seeded to bay; 10 acres to sweet clover; this farm is well fenced and in a good state of cultivation. For information apply to Watson’s Dairy, RR. 4, Durham, Ontario. 10 2‘5 23 tf _________________._â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" NOR’I‘H PART LOTS 7 AND 8. CON. 22. Egremont, containing 66 acres; 55 acres cleared, balance hardwood bush; in good state of cultivation; frame barn 4ix50, stone basement, concrete stables; drilled well and cement _tank_at~ barn. Also Lots 6 n‘nn 1“" 0n“â€" right to quick purchaser. For par- txculars apply at Watson’s Dau'y, [1.1L 4, Durham, Out. 10 25 23 tf BUTTER, MILK, CREAM SERVICE We will be in the market for the winter months for pure milk and cream. ~Orders taken for choice dairy butter delivered 01! the rig; also buttermilk.â€"-Watson’s Dairy; 7 10 7 ti FOR SM.E.â€"â€"A NUMBER OF GOOD building lots on George street. North of Skating Rink, Durham. AppLy '22 D. Hopkiï¬s. FRAME HOUSE FOR Queen St.â€"Smith Bros. C. G. AND BESSIE McGILLIVRAY FUNERAL SERVICE New Modern Funeral Parlors Phone Kingsdale 4344 122-124 Avenue Road Toronto John w. Bates R. Maddocks Formerly of F lesherton BEES BURIAL C0. Advertisements under this heading, 1 cent a word each insertion CASE WITH ORDER; six consecutive inse ions given for the rice of four. Telephone calls treated as cash wi h order if paid for be eore Saturday night of week ordered. Minimum charge for ï¬rst insertion, 25 cents. On an charge orders a straight charge 8of 1% cents a word will be made each insertion, minimum charge 35 cents. Thursday, Septémhor 2'9, 1927 FARMS FOR SALE A Licensed J1 zwtz'oneer Owen Sodnd. Medical Directorv . REUBEN c. WATSON Dental Directorv Legal Directory. Classiï¬ed Advertisements Durham. , cop:- 3a“ LATH FOR SALEâ€"APPLY ZENUS Clark, Durham. ANY QUANTITY OF HARDWOOD for sale. Apply R. Campbell, Dray- man, Durham, Ont. SPECIAL SALE OF LINGERIE- Gowns, Princess Slips, Bloomers, Vests, Combinations, Hosiery, etc. Full stock of Spirella Corsets and accessoriesâ€"Mrs. J. C. Nichol, Dur- ham. Ont‘. 7 7 tr WHEAT WANTED. ANY QUANTITY. nghgst price. People’s Mills. 3 15 23!. NO. '1 HARDWOOD, 16 INCH. ALL ï¬rst class wood. D. M. Saunders, Durham. 9 29 1 SHINGLES FOR SALE JUST ARRIVED, CAB OF EXTRAS THE A.\' N I .’ AL RED CROSS BAZAAR will be held in the Armories on the last Saturday in October. THE \VOMEN'S INSTITUTE \WLL New Biunsvsick Shingles. Special prices..â€"â€"-J N. Murdock, DDurham tf WORK WANTED.â€"THE CHRON- ncle Job Plant is well equipped for turning out. the ï¬nest work on short order. tf F OUR SMALL TABLES '30 INCHES hp hvld at the home of Miss Annie \Veir on Thursday, October 6th. .-\«-h‘lrosses by the Misses Etta Twamâ€" lay and Margaret Smith. Durham. square Apply Geo. CampbeU’s astore. 9 22 1 CANADIAN GREYS I. 0. D. E. WILL meet. for the Opening meeting of the season on TUCSUaY evening. noxt, ()ctobm 4th in their club room “hon businps‘ ielatin" to the chap- ten ““1 be 105an. 9 29 1 PROPERTY FOR SALE The building known as the An- glican Rectory, in Durham; immed- iate possession given. For further particulars apply to E. Kress, H. Cross, J. Schutz or J. Crutchley, HONEY FOR SALE GOOD HONEY AT 100. PER POUND in §0111 oxxn containerrâ€"Apply W Mac.3,onald Countess St., Durham. 8 24 6pd NOTICE TO FARMERS The Durham U.F.(). Live Stock As- sociation will ship stock from Dur- ham on Tuesglays. Shippers are requested to gwe three days’ notice. James Lawrence, Manager. HONEY FOR SALE 4100D HONEY. $1.00 FOR 10 POUND pai1.App1y XV. Macdonald. Countess Street D111 ham 8.. 7!: 6 pd tf FARM FOR SALE THE ESTATE OF THE LATE ALEX- ANDER MacDonald offers for sale Lot 22. concession 17 Egremont. Township. This is a good property and an opportunity to purchase a good farm home. Appr to Lucas Henry 9Dsurham 4 Phone 601 r 13 HOUSE FOR SALE SEVEN-ROOM FRAME HOUSE ON Chester street; electric lights, good water supply; will sell with garden or purchaser has option to buy full ï¬ve acres of land. Apply Mrs. George Everett, Durham. 9 22 6 HOUSE TO RENT SIX-ROOM BRICK HOUSE ON COR- ner Queen and Chester Streets; e1- ectric lights, washroom. hard and soft. water. Apply Mrs. Geo. Everett. Durham. 9 22 6 TENDERS WANTED Tenders for installing warm air heating system in Durham Town Hall are being called for by the Preperty Committee. Speciï¬cations and information can be had at the Clerk's oflice._ Tenders to he in Clerk’s hands not later-than Sept. 30th. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 0. S. HUNTER. 9 22 2 Chairman Property Com. BOARDERS WANTED BOARDERS WANTED, GENTLEMEN preferred. For further particulars call at the Chronicle 0fl‘ice.-B0x 18. 9 29 2 A hick town .is a place . where sound doctrine Includes takmg the' preacher a cake or a ham now and then. It Will Pay You to Advertise in The Chronicle. ARTICLES WANTED COMING EVENTS FOR Durham, BB. 1. DURHAM FALL FAIR PRIZE LIST Single fuchsiaâ€"Art McDonald. Flowering mapleâ€"Mrs. McIlraith', A.McD0nva‘ld. Hydrangeaâ€"J. Morrison, G. Bell. Asparagus Plumosaâ€"Mrs. McIl- raith, Mrs. J. Nichol. j Asparagus Springeriâ€"Mrs. Claik, MIS. J. Nichol. Rose in bloomâ€"Mrs. McIlraith. Rex Begoniaâ€"4H. McDonald, J. Morrison. Boston Fernâ€"Art McDonald. Hanging basketâ€"Mrs. Wolfe, T. Petty. Collection Pansics, 12 varietlesâ€" Mr__s.__A. McCormick, Mrs, Wolfe. Aï¬y other plant not on listâ€"Art. McDonald, Mrs. McIlraith. CUT FLOW’ERS Display open air flowersâ€"Mrs. McIlraith, Mrs. H. McCrae. Bouquet, largeâ€"Mrs. McIlraith Mrs. H. McCI‘ae. ' Collection Astersâ€"Mrs. N. Whit- morp, Mrs. Wolfe. Collection Dahliasâ€"Mrs. G. Mc- Kechnie. Collection Dianthusâ€"Mrs. Wolfe. Collectil‘m Gladioliâ€"Mrs. A. H. Kneolltel, Mrs. Wolfe. Col. Larkspurâ€"Art McDonald. Marigoldsâ€" Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Knechtel. Phlox Drummondiâ€"T. Young. Phlox Perennialâ€"H. McDonald. Mrs. G. McKechnie. Collection Nasturtiumâ€"Mrs. T. McGirr. Bouquet, handâ€"Mrs. McIlraith, M 1's. McCrae. Bouquet, hand, house flowersâ€"H 1\I(_:__D_0nald, Mrs. Clark_._ ' Table Ornamentâ€"Mrs. McCrao Mrs. Wolfe. Collection Petunias, singleâ€" Mrs. Bourno, Mrs. W'Mfe. . Collection Salviaâ€"‘Mrs. McIlraith. Collection Snap-dragons â€"- Mrs. McCrae, Mrs. ‘Wolfe, Colleétion Sweet Peasâ€"Mrs. Mc- Cormick,_ Mrs.†McCrae, ' Wyandotte, silver lacedâ€"C. P. Kinnee. Whiteâ€"Harold Wheeler, 1 and :3. Plymouth Rock, barredâ€"C. P. Kinnec. Whiteâ€"C. P. Kinnee. Leghorn, white, 8. C.â€"C. P. Kin- nee. W hite youngâ€" â€"A1't. McDonald, 1 and 2. Browmb .13. â€"â€"C. P. Kinnee. HEAVY DRAUGHT HORSES IFilly or gelding, l yearâ€"G. Bit-- 0 ne. Filly or gelding, 3 yearsâ€"John Gilstorf. . Span horses, lst by Dr. Jamieson, 3rd by Wm. Burnett SOnâ€"- Jas. Picken, John Gilstorf. Best horse in classâ€"Jas. Picken. Brood mare, with foal at footâ€" Gco. Ritchie. Foal of year 1927â€"690. Ritchie. Filly or Gelding, 1 yr. oldâ€"John Gilstom’. (Continued from page 6) AGRICULTURAL HORSES .Q I927. by Km; Vellum Syndklu. III: Cami Britain nzhu m POULTRY EMBARRA§SING MOMENTS THE DURHAM CHRONICLE" . Robb Bros., Elgin McIntosh. Single driving horseâ€"Jas. Picken, N .AFritzx McRobb Bros. Span driving horses, 15% hands or Overâ€"N. Fritz, Walter Patterson. HORSES IN ACTION Test of speed around ring for fa1meis’ horses. d1 mm by faromms o1 farme1’ssonsâ€"Elgin McIntosh, Jerry A1101d,W.T. Pindei. _ La'dy Drivérâ€"Cora Lawrence, MI“. B. Harrlson, Grace Ramage. 1 year heiferâ€"W. A. Lawrence. 2, and 3. SHEEP Oxford Downs Barn, 2 shears or overâ€"W. Pepper, J. Monk 6:. Sons. Slie'arlin" eweâ€"Pepper, Monk, Pepper. Ewe lambâ€"Pepper 1 2, Monk 3. Pen 01' sheep: ram, lshear or over; ram lamb; 1 eVVe, 2 shears 01' oxer 1 shPai-ling ewe; 1 «me lamb, Diplomaâ€"J. Monk Sons. Leicester Ram.†.-. shears 01‘ Overâ€"J. \Vright. _._Shearling Aramâ€"J. Wright, J. Me- rence. Bull, 11 year and overâ€"\V. A. Law- rence, 1, 2, 6; 3. , Bull Caliâ€"\V. A. Lawrence, 1, 9 v Girr, 2 and 3. Ram lambâ€"J. McGirr, J. Wright, 2 and 3. Ew,e:. 7'sheals 0r overâ€"J. Wright, 1 tandi’. John MC(xil".1 Shearling eweâ€"John Wright, John N‘IcGirr 2 and 3. Exxe lambâ€"I. VVlight, J. McGim', 2311(13. Pegâ€"“light. Cowâ€"'W. A. Lawrence 1, and 2. TWO year helferâ€"W. A. Lawrence, 1 and 2. Shearling ramâ€"J. Monk Sons, W. Pepper. Ram lambâ€"J. Monk Sons 1 6.; :3. W‘. Pepper. Eweâ€"2 shears or over, J. Monk 8: Sons, W. Pepper. 2 3. , SPECIALâ€"Butchef' Ewe 01' W eth- er, any breedâ€"Monk Bros., W. Pep-- per, Monk, Bros. SWINE York Boar, any ageâ€"W" .Willis. Brood sowâ€"W. Willis, 1, 2 and 3. Pair spring pigs, dropped in 1927 â€"W. Willis, 1 and 2. Specials Pair bacon hogs, not less than 100 lbsâ€"\V. Willis, 1, 2, and 3. No Snobbery Heir An old couple. not too well blesSed with this world’s goods, had been left two hundred dollars by the husband’s employer. They had never dreamed of having so much money of their own and that even- ing they sat down to discuss their altered circumstances. ï¬Biest load bacon hogs, not less than 5â€"W. Willis. Bull, PURE BBED CATTLE 2 years or overâ€"W. A. Law- Bus Service .‘Northhoundbl-Ivery Day 8: Sundays Toronto 1v. 1. pm. Guelph ar. 3.45 pm. Guelph 1v. 9. am. 5. pm. Elona‘ IV. 9.30 am. 5.30 pm. Fergus IV. 9.45 am. 5.45 pm. Arthur 1v. 10.15 am. 6.15 p. m. Mount Forest lv. 11.05 a ..m 7 .05 p. m. Durham 1V.11.45 a. m. 7. 45 p. m. Williamsford lv. 12 .30 a. m. X 8.30 p ..m Chatsworth lv. 12 .50 a. m. X 8. 50 p. m. Owen Sound ar. 1.15p. m. 9. 15pm. Southboundâ€"Every Day 8: Sundays Owen Sound 1v. 8. am 4.30 pm. Chatsworth lv. 8. 25 a. m. X 4.55 pm. Williamsford 1v. 8. 45 a. m. X 5.15 pm. Durham lv. 9. 30 a. m. 6.00 pm. Mount Forest 1v. 10.1.0 am. 6.40 pm. Arthur 1v. 11.00 am. 7.30 pm. Fergus Iv. 11 3.0 a m.. 8.00 pm. Elona lv. 11.45 a. m. 8.15 pm. Guelph ar. 12.15 noon 8.45 pm. Guelph 1v.1.45 p. m. ‘3' Toronto ar. 4.30 pm. 1* Toronto Terminal: It is a common belief among farm- ers in our country, that in ‘all pro- ducts except those grown on the land the producer sets the price and the consumer has to pay it. Farm- ers generally feel that the middle- _man sets the price the farmer re- ceives, and that the customer has to pay that price, to the‘detriment of all. There is some truth in all these statements, but just the same amount for all classes. Take em- ployers of labor: Recently a New England cotton mill shut down leav- ing ten thousand hands out of work. the market for cotton goods slump~ ing. The manufacturer was forced to close because the public was re- TORONTO, GUBLPH, OWEN SOUND 4 Welllgton St. West, Toronto. 1' Saturdays, Sundays Holidays the bus arriving in Guelph at 8.45 pm. will make connections with the east- bound Torontn coach leaving Guelph at 10.433 p.m. Return f are, Durham to Toronto $6.00 Minimum fare 25c. All husses stop between regular stopping points to take on and dis- charge passengers. Information and waiting room Hahn House, Durham City Hall, Owen Sound, or Lemon’s Garage Guelph Bus Depot, Guelph, ph. 2052 , ~ ~ ~( â€" â€" - - v v v v v v v v v 'V'*v’~v~-V'-v-â€"v--v"vâ€"‘vâ€"â€"'â€"â€"v'â€"v"v‘-V"v*‘v*'V'*v 'V' v ’v v 'v v v v v v v v MCKECHNIE MILLS For Best Quality FLOUR and FEEDS Feed Prices Flour Prices Oat ChOp, ton, sacked. $33.00 Maple Leafl-‘lour. per bag $4.75 Crimped Oats, ton sac’d 33.00 Cream of West Flour, bag 4.75 Mixed ChOp, per ton. . . . 33.00 Five Crowns Flour, bag.. 4.75 Shorts, ton. sacked .. .. 38.00 0 Canada Flour. bag: ..... 4.50 Bran, per ton, sacked... 36.00 King Ed“ aid F 10111 bag 4.30 Heavy Mixed Chop, ton Pastn Ilour 24 If) ..... 1.00 sacked ............... 36. 00 Tankage 6 £7, per bag .. 3.50 Feed Flour, ton, sacked 44.00 Ox sterC Shell, per bag. .. 1.75 Poultry Feeds, Calf Meal, Oil Cake, Ground Flax, Rolled ‘ Oats, Wheatlets, Whole Wheat Flour, Salt, Bone Phosphate, Beef Scrap. Grapenut Feed, ton, sacked, $40.00. We pay Highest Market Price for all kinds of Grains. Get our prices before you sell. TOWN DELIVERY J. W. Ewen Son Phone 114 Durham, Ontario A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A _ _ _ _ _ _ ’ TROUBLE EVERYWHERE Oat ChOp. ton. Crimpedp Oats, Mixed Chap, p Shorts, ton, sa Bran, per ton, Heavy Mixed ( s, tori; éacked . per ton, sacked ' Igixed Chop, 1 :e ............ fusing to pay what it cost him to turn out the manufactured article. The simple truth’ is. the manufac- turer does not ï¬x the price of his product much more than the farmer, and neither of them can get more for their stufl‘ than the public is able or willing to pay. The School is thoroughly equipped to take up the following courses: (1) Junior Matriculation. (2) Entrance to Normal School. Each member of the Staff is a Uni- versity Graduate and experienced Teacher. Intending pupils should prepare to enter at beginning of term. Durham is an attractive and healthy town, and good accommoda- tion can be obtained at reasonable rates. J. A. M. ROBB, B. A., Principal. JOHN MORRISON, Chairman. An honest man is one who doesn’t try‘ to conceal his irritation when he has to change gears on a hill. Information as to Courses may be obtained from the Principal. The School has a creditable record in the past which it hopes to main- taiy m the fpture. ' _-_L -___ Dililiam Planing Mill We are prepared to supply the public with Sashes Doors House Trimmings and everything in the wood- working line that will be ne- quired for the annual spring building or repairing program. Hardwood Flooring Kept on Hand W e can deliver any of these artlcles on short notxce. We Do Custom Work We manufacture Chicken Crates, any size. W. R. F. CLARK Bruce 8: Saddler Sts. Durham DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL We can deliver any of thes articles on short notice. We Do Custom Work We manufacture Chicken Crates, any size. W. R. F. CLARK PAGE 7. m