destrucâ€" > Advo. Dnncan Wheeler. giving Toronto as his place of residence. was plac~ ed under arrest on Wednesday ai- ternoon of last week by Provincial Constable Denton while working on the. Durham-Hanover provincial highway charged with a serious of- fence against a married woun‘n re- ENGINEER FACE§ nncan Whe'eier, Arrested on Road Roller, Remanded to October 6th. â€.00.".ul â€.00....001 â€.00.â€.coq '00....Qo. v3.3.3. Thursday, October ’5, 1927 Gloves Gauntlets 75c. line reduced to ........ 48c. $1.25 line reduced to ....... 97c. About 6 doz. pairs to be cleared. Special line, regularly 75c. to $1.25 reduced to ............ 43c. $1.25 line selling for ........ 98c. 75c. line selling for ........ 48c. Boys’ and Girls’ W001 Stockings selling for ............... ‘ .63c. SERIOUS CHARGE OVER ALLS Crown Attorney T. H. Dyre he was remanded until Thursday, October 6th, without bail. Usually by looking at a man you gan _tel_l wheï¬e; ï¬e. sleeps in pa. siding in Bentinck township. At the time of his arrest he was working on the road roller, and was taken to Owen Soundend locked up. On Thursday mormng he appeared be. fore Magistrate Creasor in police gourt. b‘u'_t_ at the_reg_ue_§t of County $18. Boys’ Overcoats for $11.85 $28. Men’s Overcoats for $22.95 $32. Men’s Overcoats for $27.35 $18. Boys’ Overcoats for $12.35 $15. Boys’ Overcoats for $11.95 $25. Men’s Overcoats for $17.35 $25. Boys’ Overcoats for $16.85 $15. Beys’ Overcoats for $9.85 $35. Men’s Overcoats for-$29.85 And many others not listed here. Remem- ber, our New Stock is in. Priced for a Quick Clean Out $18. $28. $32. $18. $15. $25. $25. $15. $35. The Ontario Government has an- nounced a change in the Open sea~ son for deer and moose this year, in that, either animal may be taken in the district south of the French and Matgawa Rivers from November ist toï¬ovember 30th, and in the disâ€" trlct north of the French and Mat- tawa from October 10 to November CHANGE IN HUNTING SEASON FOB DEER AND 1008!: These DEHOdS are very much "i Boys’ Overcoats Men’s Overcoats Men’s Overcoats Boys’ Overcoats Boys’ Overcoats Men’s Overcoats Boys’ Overcoats Beys’ Overcoats Men’s Overcoats COVERCATS . THE DURHAM CHRONICLE “A u.’ V'fl' rm- â€,7"; ".- m n v.41“... . $11.85 $22.95 $27.35 $12.35 $11.95 $17.35 $16.85 $9.85 $29.85 favor of the hunter, especially if the weather may turn cold, and it is trusted the action of the Govern- ment will result in a marked in- crease in the number of those tak- ing to the woods. For their trans- portation, Canadian National Rail-- ways have provided with their us- ual care and forethought and printed copies of the Hunters’ Train Service leaflet may he obtained shortly on application to Ganadian National Ticket Agent. 10 6 2 Sousa, who has been conducting bands for nearly ï¬fty years, is such a fortunate one. The other day he told a reporter how he felt about hxs job. ‘ ‘Every time I mount the platform, I_ feel a wilt; desire to put 6n the best cancel-t of 111 career: have felt that since I irst led Happy is the man who ï¬nds in life the 1011 he likes to do. and then does it JOwith ï¬ne enjoyment. en- thusiasm and success. John Philip LOVE YOUR WORK Boys’ Suits some with 1 pair bloomers, some with 2 pairs and others with 1 pair long and 1 pair short trousers all marked away down. $2.00 line reduced to 98c. $2.50 line reduced to $1.49 and dozens of others with reduced prlces. BOYS’ SUITS orchestra. Lord knows what will happen to me if that feeling over stops.†Tired Of his work? Bored? Eager to retire and never look at another piece of band music? Not the great Sousa. At 71 years of age he is getting as big a kick out of his work as the thousands of Americans who would rather hear Sousa’s hand than almost any mus- ical organization one could name. _It Kill 1391; You to Advertise in PAGE 3. .?.oo.oo.o. . c... .0. .00. 2 3.3....90...