...\\‘. Rice. Fair .ted. :eld to Colt, bkett. the :ral of p.00 .00..." 17 .BUTTER, MILK, CREAM SERVICE \\ 9 “ill be in the market for the winter months for pure milk and cream. Orders taken for choice dairy butter delivered .01! the rig also buttermilk. â€"-\\ atson 5 Dairy. NORTH PART LOTS 7 AND 8, CON. 2?. liigremont. containing 66 acres; 55 acres cleared. balance hardwood bush: in good state of cultivation; frame barn 45x50. stone basement, concrete stables; drilled well and cement tank at barn. Also Lots 6 and 7, Con. 4. S.D.R., Glenelg. con- taining 110 acres; 100 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation; on 1- â€"--- A--~A nnn PROPERTY FOR SALE D. Hopkihs. FRAME HOUSE FOR SALE; ON Queen St.â€"â€"Smith Bros. 2 24 tf taining 100 acres; 85 acres under cultivation. balance hardwood bush; convenient to school; on the prem- isvs are a frame barn 42x65 ft. with stone foundation; concrete stables; also hay barn 30x50 with stone base- ment; hog pen 20x40; twelve-room brick house, furnace heated, also frame woodshed; drilled well close to house. with windmill; concrete water tanks; 30 acres seeded to hay; 10 acres to sweet clover; this farm is well fenced and in a good state of cultivation. For information apply to Watson's Dairy, R.R. 4, Durham. Ontario. 10 25 23 tf ma SALEâ€"A NUMBER OF GOOD building lots 0n George street. North of Skating Rink. Durham. Agply: t3 uuu Ill vvu va'v the premises are a brick house con- taining seven rooms. with 200d frame woodshed attached; drilled well at door: never failing springs on this farm. making a c oice stock farm. This property will be sold right to quick purchaser. For par- ticulars apply at Watson’s Dairy. [LIL 4. Durham, Ont. 10 2523“ [.m‘ 7. CON. 21. quEMONT, Advertise in The Chronicle. It pays. Licensed Auctioneer for County of Grey. Prompt attention to sales. Rea- sonable terms and satisfaction guar- anteed. Dates made at The Durham Chronicle Ofï¬ce or with R. C. Wat- Son. Varney. RR. 1. Phone 604 Ml. self. Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. D1 RHANL OWEN SOUND DL \DiLh F LESHERTON Lambton St.. 868 2nd Ave, Durham. Owen Sound. Flesherton Ofl'ice open every Satur- day, 1. 30 to 9.30; Dundalk Ofl'ice open ev er} Friday all day. 0. C. Middlehro’, J. H. MacQuarrie, Owen Sound. Durham. DAN. McLBAN Licensed Auctioneer for County of Gm): Satisfaction guaranteed. Rea- smiahic n-rms. Dates of sales made at The Chronicle Office or with him- LUCAS 8: HENRY Barristers. Solicitors, etc. A mem- ber of the ï¬rm will be in Durhamron Tuesday of each week. Appointments m_ziy be made with the Clerk in the oï¬i'ce. J. F. GRANT, D. D. 8., L. D. S. Honor Graduate University of Tor- onto, Graduate Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its branches. Ofï¬ce Calder Block. Mill Street, second door east of MacBeth's Drug Store. Chiropractors Graduates Canadian ChirOpractic College, Toronto. Ofï¬ce Macfarlane Block. Durham. Day and night phone 123. 6 M 23tf Physician and Surgeon. Ofï¬ce Lambton street, Durham, Ont. Gradu- ate 1 nixersity of Toronto. Eyes tested and corrected. Ofï¬ce hours: 2t05p..m. 7t09p.m. Sundays excepted. DR. W. C. PlGKERINGfDBNTISTâ€" (mice. over J. J. Hunter’s store, Durham. Ontario. J. L. SMITH, M. 3., I. c. P. S. 0. Office and residence. corner of countess and Lamhton Streets, oppo- site old Post Office. Ofl‘ice hours : 9 to 11 a.m.. 1:30 to 4 p.m.,-7 to 9 pm. (Sundays excepted). DRS. JAMIESON 8: JABIESON (mice and residence a short dist- am'e east of the Hahn House on Lamhton Street, Lower Town, Dur- ham. Ofl'ice hours 2 to 5 pm., 7 to 3 pm. (except Sundays). FUNERAL SERVICE New Modern Funeral Parlors Phone Kingsdale 4344 122-124 Avenue Road Toronto John w. Bates R. Haddocks Formerly of Flesherton ~_g BATES BURIAL C0. C. G. AND BESSIE McGILLIVRAY MIDDLBBRO’ __ MacQUAjRIE FARMS FOR SALE Licensed cflucï¬oneer Thursday, October 6, 1927 REUBEN C. WATSON Medical Director? . Dental Directorv Legal ‘Dz’rectorv MONT, CON- acres under [0; l0. 107“ BOARDBBS WANTED BOARDEBS WANTED, GENTLEMEN TENDERS WANTED Tenders for installing warm air heating svstem in Durham Town Hall are being called for by the Property Committee. Speciï¬cations and information can be had at the Clerk’s office. Tenders to be in Clerk’s hands not later than Oct. 14th. Lowest or and tender not necessarily accepted. O.Q WHUNTER 10 G 2 Chairman Property Com. preferred." For furthér particulars mall at the Chronicle oï¬â€˜icg,2§ozx 18. Township of Bgremont Notice is hereby given that in re- ference to lands in the Township of Egremont advertised to be sold by the County Treasurer for Taxes in ‘1927. That. if the price offered for the said lands is less than the amount due for arrears of taxes and costs the municipality of the Town- ship of Egremont will purchase the same for the amount due. WALTER HASTIE, Treasurer Tp. of Egremont. Holstein, Oct. 3rd, 1927. 10 6 4 HOUSE FOR SALE SEVEN-ROOM FRAME HOUSE ON Chester street; electric lights, good water supply; will sell with garden or purchaser has option to buy full ï¬ve acres of land. Apply Mrs. George Everett, Durham. 9 22 6 HOUSE TO "RENT SIX-ROOM BRICK HOUSE ON COR- ner Queen and Chester Streets; e1- nctric lights. washroom. hard and sof t water. Apply Mrs. Geo. Everett. Durham. 9 22 6 Advertise in the Chronicle. It pays. HONEY FOR SALE GOOD HONEY. $1.00 FOR 10 POUND pail. Apply W. Macdonald. Countess Street, Durham. 8 24 6 pd tf PROPERTY FOR SALE The building known as the Anâ€" glican Rectory. in Durham; immed- iate possession given. For further particulars apply to E. Kress, H. Cross. J. Schutz or J. Crutchley, Durham. NOTICE TO FARMERS The Durham U.F.0. Live Stock As- sociation will ship stock from Dur- ham on Tuesdays. Shippers are requested _to glve_ three days1netice. TENDERS T0 Si’PPLY A METAL the escape and tenders to erect same on the. Durham Town Hali Will be reveivml by the undersigned at the Town Clerk‘s e-ll'iee on JP be- fore. October 6. 192; " Speciï¬cations or information max be seen at the Clerk‘s office. Lowest Or any tender not. necessarily accepted. Property Committee 9 29 2 O. S. Hunter, Chairman J anfes Lawrence; Manager. Phone 601 r 13 Durham, R11. 1. PEDIGREED COW FOR SALE JERSEY. 7 YEARS OLD. PERSONS wishing to acquire a ï¬rst-class cow should son this animaI.â€"R. Ewen. Durham. 1pd RETURN WORK ALL WORKERS HXVING WORK for the Red Cross Society are re- quested to return same before the bazaar to Mrs. Jucksch. MAID WANTED A YOUNG GIRL TO ACT AS MAID for Mrs. Martin in Toronto. Apply Mrs. David Jamieson. AUCTION SALE AT LOT 31. CON. 7, BENTINCK, Tuesday, October 18. 1927. Farm Stick and Implementqs Household Fuxnitnre. etc. At 1 oclock sharp. See bills. H. Dunn, Pr0p., C. Shewell. Auctioneer. 10 6 2 THE YOUNG LADIES MISSION Circle of Queen St. United church will hold a Hallowe’en Crokinole social in the church parlor Friday evening. October 28th. 1927. Good program, lunch served. Admission 25c. SPECIAL SALE OF LINGERIEâ€" Gowns, Princess Slips, Bloomers, Vests, Combinations, Hosiery, etc. Full stock of Spirella Corsets and accessoriesâ€"Mrs. J. C. Nichol, Dur- ham. Ont. 7 7 ti FOUR SMALL TABLES 30 INCHES square. Apply Geo. Campbell’s stgzrej. 9 . LATH FOR SALEâ€"APPLY ZENUS Clark, Durham. WORK WANTEDW xcle Job Plant is well equipped for turning out the ï¬nest work on short order. tf WHEAT WANTED. ANY QUANTITY. Eighest pgice. People’s Mills. 3 15 23f. ARTICLES WANTED COMING EVENTS TENDERS WANTED PUBLIC NOTICE FOR SALE Coach and Carriageâ€"Spring Coltâ€"â€"~ R. Nicholson. One-year Filly 0r Geldingâ€"E. McRobb, M. Rice. Two- year Filly or Geldingâ€"E. McRobb 1 and 2. Carriageâ€"W. Johnston 1 and 2, E. McRobb. Lady Driverâ€"H. Gowan, E. Gardiner, C. Watson. Dr. W. F. Clark, Judge. CATTLE Shorthornsâ€"Bull, 2 years -â€" V. Alles. One yearâ€"J. Eurig. Bull calf, under 1 yearâ€"J. Eurig, 1- and 2, R. Aitken. Under 6 mos.â€"â€"-W. Aldcorn, A. Aitken. COWâ€"J. Eurig 1 and 2, H. Ross. Twoâ€" year Heiferâ€"J. Eur- ig. One-year Heiferâ€"W. Fairbairn. Heifer Calf under 1 yearâ€"J. Eurig. Best Animalâ€"J. Eurig. 1. 3 3. [min 6 mos. H. Lamont J. DO\\ling9 .. 3. COVVâ€"E.Ga1din- e1. M. Rice, 23.T\V0-Vea1 Heifeiâ€" J. Dowling, 1. 2 3. One- Vear Heiâ€" ferâ€"W. Lawrence, M. Rice 2 3. Heifer Calf under 1 yearâ€"AV. Tynâ€" dall, W. Lawrence, E. Gardinei. Heifer Calf, under 6 mos. \\. Lawâ€" rence 1 3. E. Gardiner 2. Best Animalâ€"M. Rice. Jerseyâ€"COW.â€"J Roberts. Gradeâ€"Tm 0-year Steerâ€"A. Ait- ken, M. Ellis 2 and 3. One-year Steerâ€"A. Aitken 1 2. M. Ellis. Cowâ€"A. Aitken, R. Aitken, Brown Bros. Twoâ€"year Heiferâ€"V. A.lles Oneâ€"year Heiferâ€"V. Alles, M. Ellis 2 3. Heifer Calfâ€"E. Gaidiner, M. Ellis, G. Burrows. Steer Dali'â€" BrOVVn Bros. 1 <3; 2, E. Reid. DaiIV Comâ€"\V. Aitken, R. Aitken, BrOVVn Bras. Fat Animalâ€"A. Aitken 1 Special for Boys and Girlsâ€"Best Oalfâ€"I. Eurig, H. Lamont, E. Gard- iner, R. Aitken . Judging Class in Beef Cattleâ€"W. HallidaV, J. Lewis, H. Cowan. D. Milne, Judge. Herefordâ€"Bullâ€"M. Rice, W. La“- rence, E.Ga1dinex. One warâ€"J. Bowling. Under 1,. yearâ€"I. Doxxling 1- ‘- Specialsâ€"aBest Babv Beefâ€" Brown Bros., E. Gardiner 9 6.: 3. Herd Regis- tered Cattleâ€"M. Rice Roadsterâ€"Brood Mareâ€"R. Nichol- son. Coltâ€"J. ' ' McArthur. One-year Filly or. Geldingâ€"J. Eurig, R. Aitken. J. McArthur. Two-year Filly or Geldingâ€"M. Rice. E. Hunt, J. Mc~ Arthur. Pair Driversâ€"E. Gardiner. Single Roadsterâ€"H. Cowan, J. Eurig, R. Dodds. Best. animalâ€"H. (Iowan. General Purposeâ€"Brood MaIeâ€"E. Gardiner, G. Aitken, M. Rice. Coltâ€" H. Cowman, M. Rice, E. Gardiner. Fillyâ€"E. Ross, W Pindei. J. McAr- thur. One-year Geldingâ€"M. Rice, R. Pinder. One- -year Fillyâ€"E. Reid. W. Pinder. T“ 0-year Geldin gâ€".H Eur- ig, W. Aldcorn, G. Aitken.gTw0-}"ee1 Filly.â€"A Aitken. R. \itken 2 and 3. Team Horsesâ€"W". Aldcorn, R. Pind- e1, W. Halliday. Best, animalâ€"W. Aldcorn. W. Aldcorn. One-year Fillyâ€"J. Gilstorf, W. Fairbairn, R. Pinder. Two-year Geldingâ€"H. Ross, W. Aldcorn, V. Adams. Two-year Fillyâ€" A. Nicholson. J. Eurig, M. Rice. Team Horsesâ€"H. Eurig, S. Wiil- Earns, M. Ellis. Best Animalâ€"H. oss. (Continued from page 6) EGRBMONT PRIZE LIST SHEEP EMBARRASSING MOMENTS THE DURHAM CHRONICLE 3-1 A Brahma Fowlâ€"C. Drumm, J. Rob- ertson. Chickensâ€"C. Drumm J. Rob- ertson. Barred Rock fowlâ€"MI Mcâ€" Dougall. J. Lewis. Chickensâ€"G. Calder 1 2. White Rock fowlâ€"J. Robertson. Chickensâ€"~J.Robe1tson White Leghorn f0\\Iâ€"â€"E. Reid 1 9. R. Pindoi. Chickensâ€"G. Calde1. E. Reid. H. McDougall. Brown Leg- . . A o o . . 7- ’ ' o :1‘t80n. Chickensâ€"A. Aitken, G. Calder. White Wyandotte Chickensâ€"R. Sim.- W. Pinder. C. Schenk. Minorca fowlâ€"J. Robertson. H. Eurig. Min- orca Chickensâ€"J.Robe1tson.Bh1ff Orpington f0“ 1â€"H McDougall 1 9. Chickens-H. McDougall l 6.: ‘.2. Rhode Island Red f.owlâ€"J Robeit- son. S. C. Mottled Anconas foolâ€"J. Robertson. Chickensâ€"G. Calder, 1 and 2, A. Ross. Re_§pec1;ing Land in arrears for Taxes The Corporation of the Township of Glenelg hereby gives notice, that in respect to all lands situated within the said Township of Glen- elg. and which are advertised for sale for taxes by the County Treas- urer of the County of Grey, on the seventh day of November, 19:27, if the price offered for any land at the adjourned sale subsequent to the said seventh day of November. 1927, is less than the amount due for arrears of taxes. charges and costs in respect of said lands, or if no price is offered therefor at said ad- journed sale, the Municipality of the Township of Glenelg will purâ€" chase the said Iands for the amount due thereon. and let all persons take notice hereof. Dated at Durham this 3rd day of October 1927. Geeseâ€"G. Calder, J. Gilstmf, H. Eurig. Spring Geeseâ€" J. Gilstom‘. I. RODOItSOn. E. Reid. Turkeysâ€"J. Fai1bai111. Ducksâ€"J. Robo1tson. J. Lewis, G. Caldei. Spring Ducksâ€"â€" C._D1'11mm, ï¬G. Calder. J. Lewis. Sow under 12 months, any breedâ€" V Adams 1 6L9 2. M. Rice. Sow un- der- 6 mos†any bleedâ€"R. Irxin. I, 2 3. Boar undei I2 mos. any b1eedâ€"- M. Rice, 1, 2 and 3. Bacon Hogâ€"R Pmin I an’df’ -, \ Adams. ISyveepstakes, 3 Bacon Hogsâ€"R rvm. Oxford Gradeâ€"A ged Eweâ€"H. Eur- ig,J. Hamilton, F.g Reid. Shearling Eweâ€"H. Eurig. F. Reid, F. Eakett. Ewe Lambâ€"J Hamilton, W. Fair- bairn, H. Eurig. Penâ€"H. Eurig. Shropshire Registeredâ€"Aged Ram Shearling Ram, Ram Lamb, Aged Ewe, Shearling Ewe and Penâ€"all won by J. Shand. Ewe Lambâ€"J. Shand 1 2. .4. Sham]. Ewe Lambâ€"J. Shana 1 2. Penâ€"J. Shand. Market Lambâ€"â€" J. Shand, M. Rice, A. Aitken. W. A. Livingston, Judge. SWINE W'hite Breedsâ€"Brood Sowâ€" M. Rice. and 3. Penâ€"H. Lamont. Shrapshire Gradeâ€" Aged Ev» eâ€"J. Shand, W. Fa_i1bai_1n. Shearling Exw Black Breedsâ€"Brood Sowâ€"V. Ad- ams 1 6:. 2, M. Rice. Red Breédsâ€"Blood Sowâ€"Gr. Cal- der 1 6.: 2. TOWNSHIP OF GLENBLG R. J. Russell, Judge. POULTRY ' W. H. Fischer, Judge. La. ,4, 153%??? ‘ “TIME TAFLE" TORONTO, GUELPB, OWEN SOUND Bus Service Northboundâ€"Every Day Sundays Toronto lv. 1. pm. Guelph ar. 3.45 pm. Guelph 1v. 9. am. 5. pm. Elana IV. 9.30 am. 5.30 pm. Fergus IV. 9.45 am. 5.45 pm. Arthur 1v. 10.15 am. 6.15 pm. Mount Forest 1v. 11.05 am. 7.05 pm. Durham 1v. 11.45 am 7.45 pm. Williamsford 1v. 12.30 am: x 8.30 pm. Chatsworth 1v. 12.50 am. X 8.50 pm. Owen Sound a‘r. 1.15 pm. 9.15 pm. Southboundâ€"Every Day 8: Sundays Owen Sound 1v. 8. am. 4.30 pm. Chatsworth IV. 8.25 a m X 4.55 pm. Williamsford IV. 8.45 a m. k 5.15 pm. Durham IV. 9.30 am 6.00 pm. Mount Forest lv. 10.10 'a.m. 6.40 pm. Arthur Iv. 11.00 am. 7.30 pm. Fergus 1v. 11.30 am. 8.00 pm. Elora 1v. 11.45 am. 8.15 pm. Guelph ar. 12.15 noon 8.45 pm. Guelph Iv. 1.45 pm. 3‘ 1 Toronto ar. 4.30 p.111. 4 Welligton St. West, Toronto. 1' Saturglays, Sundays Holidays the bus arriving in Guelph at 8.45 pm. will make connections with the east- bound Toronto coach leaving Guelph at 10.45 pm. Return fare, Durham to Toronto $6.00 Minimum fare 25c. All busses stop between regular stopping points to take on and dis- charge passengers. Information and waiting room Hahn House, Durham City Hall, Owen Sound, or Lemon’s Garage Guelph Bus Depot, Guelph, ph. 2052 ‘vâ€"v “v I.†Dv‘. out of his car, but his action was noticed by our vigilent Canadian policeman, who promptly arrested him for carrying ï¬rearms without a permit. In court he gave out the information that he thought Canada was a place of wild animals and Indians and had brought the revol- ver along to protect himself and wife. from any attacks of these wild marauders. He very humbly told the court that they had been disil- lusioned and was very much sur- prised and liked the country quite Arthur 7 7 IV; ii Fergus lv. 11 Elor~a lv. 11 Guelph ar. 1f Guelph Iv. Toronto ar. Toronto Terminal: vvv-nwuu “U a great tourist country. decided to try it once anyway. They came. they saw and were conquered. While in London, Ontario. the man carelessly tossed a loaded re- volver into "the backseat as he got Aiu‘ A: In: â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ‘- scv; “13v". U1 some of our American cousins to the South is amusing in the extreme. and not only is it amusing but at the same time lamentable. Last, week a citizen and his wife of United States, ‘hearing of Canada as The prepOnd‘eI-pus ignorance m..- -3 EXTREME IGNORANCE Each mexnber of the. Stan†is a Uni- versity Graduate and experienced Teacher. Intending pupils should prepare to enter at beginning 0_f term. "'---_._ â€" Inf ormétwn obtained from The School h in the past wh taiy it} the fut ééuto â€Courses. may be the Principal. as a creditable record ich it hopes to main- ure. well and- intended ’ A again next year. It is a peculiar thing that the average citizen of the United States knows nothing of Canadian history, geography. climate. resources or its peerlle. Having relatives in the U. S. the editor is. frank. 1n savingthat ‘ _ _ -._ lllLI w IJU.‘ u. “Yesm. " announced freckled Johnnv, “but Jimmvs father is a policeman, so you can come in. Durhaihv 3?“th attractive and healthy town. and good accommoda- tion can be obtained at reasonable rates. J. A. M. ROBB, B.A., Principal. JOHN MORRISON, Chairman. A spinster encountered some in the old swimming hole 11 everything but nature‘s garb. was horriï¬ed. :1 aplusu’l‘ encountered some boys in the old swimming hole minus everything but nature‘s garb. and was horriï¬ed. Isn’t it against the law to bathe without suits on. little ham?“ DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL PAGE 7.