West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 20 Oct 1927, p. 7

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afc. tail :ation. VISIT OI the m close to appre- and . a m mls- n” the Weber, gained I? blue the being wered '11}? t0 ain’t the Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. DURHAM, OWEN SOUND DUNDALK, FLESHERTON Lambton SL, 868 2nd Ave, Durham. Owen Sound. Flesliei ton OiIice open every Satur- dm, 1. 30 to 9.;30 Dundalk Ofi'ice open eVerV Friday all day. 0 C. Middlehro’, J. H. MacQuarrle, LUCAS 8: HENRY . Barristers, Solicitors, etc. A mem- ber of the firm will he in Durham on Tuesday of each week. Appointments ugly he made with the Clerk in the Licensed Auctioneer for County of Groy. Prompt attention to sales. Rea- sonable terms and satisfaction guar- anteed. Dates made at The Durham Chronicle office or with R. C. \Vat- sun. Vnrney. R.R. 1. Phone 604 Mi. J. 1‘. GRANT, D. D. 8., L. D. S. Honor Graduate University of Tor- onto, Graduate Royal Colfege Dental- Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its branches. Office Calder Bluek, Mill Street, second door eas of MacBeth‘s Drug Store. OfTiitu. DAN. McLBAN Licensed Auctioneer for County of (may. Satisfaction guaranteed. Rea- sonable terms. Dates of sales made at The Chronicle Oii’ice or with him- self. Chiropractors Graduates Canadian Chiropractic (lollogn, Toronto. Office Macfarlane Block, Durham. Day and night phone 123. 6 M 23“ [.0'1‘ 7, CON. 21. EGREMONT, CON- taming 100 acres; 85 acres under cultivation, balance hardwood bush; convenient to school; on the prem- ises are a frame barn 42x65 ft. with stone foundation: concrete stables; also h ay barn 30x50 With stone baseâ€"- ment; hog pen 20x40; twelveâ€"room brick house, furnace heated, also frame woodshed; drilled well close to house. with windmill; concrete water tanks; 30 acres seeded to hay; 10 acres to sweet clover; this farm is well fenced and in a good state of cultivation. For information apply to Watson’s Dairy, RR. 4, Durham. Ontario. 10 25 23 tf _______________â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€":â€"-- NORTH PART LOTS 7 AND 8. CON. 22. Egremont, containing 66 acres; 55 acres cleared. balance hardwood bush; in good state of cultivation; frame barn 44x50, stone basement, concrete stables; drilled well and cement tank at barn. Also Lots 6 anc 7. Con. 4, S.D.R.. Glenelg. con- taining fancres; 190 acres cleared .4- - -..unmhnn- nn DR. A. M. BELL Physician and Surgeon. Office [.ambton street, Durham, Ont. Gradu- ate lTniverSity of Toronto. Eyes tested and corrected. Office hours: ~ 2 to 5 p.m.. 4 to 9 p.m., Sundays excepted. DR. W. C. PICKERINGIhBNTIST (mice, over J. 6: J. Hunter’s store, Durham. Ontario. anu l, U"llo ‘3, Vol-Ion... V'"""v' taining 110 acres; 100 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation; on the premises are a brick house con- taining seven rooms. with good frame woodshed attached; drilled well at door; never failing springs on this farm, making a choice stock farm. This property will be sold right to quick purchaser. For par- ticulars apply at Watson’s Dairy, Ml. 4. Durham, Ont. 10 2523“ BUTTER, HILK, CREAM annuun We will be in the market for the winter months for pure milk and cream. Orders taken for choice airy butter delivered off the rig; o buttermilkâ€"Watson’s Dairy. 10 7 ti DRS. JAMIESON 8: JAMIBSON (mm- and residence a short dist- a; we east of the Hahn House on [amh’ton Street, Lower Town. Dur- 'n un ()fiice hours 2 to 5 pm 7 to 3 ;_.m. except Sundays,- J. L. SMITH, M. B., M. c. P. S. 0. ”Nice and residence. corner of Lnuntess and Lambton Streets, Oppo- sm: old Post Office. Office hours : 9 m I! 3.3).. 1.30 to 4 p.m., 7 to 9 p.m. (waiays excepted). FOR FRAME HOUSE FOR Queen Stuâ€"Smith Bros. Advertise in The Chronicle. It pays. C. G. AND BESSIE McGILLIVRAY FUNERAL SERVICE New Modern Funeral Parlors Phone Kingsdale 4344 122-124 Avenue Road Toronto MIDDLBBRO’ __ MacQUAjiRIE FARMS FOR SALE Thursday, October 20, 1927 John w. Bates R. Haddocks Formerly of F lesherton Licensed flztctioneer Owen Sodnd. Medical Directqrv. Dental Qirectorv Legal rDirectory Durham. Nuu ....y 2 HOUSE FOR SALE }()()D SEVEN-ROOMED HOUSE IN west end of town. Apply Wesley Ball, Durham. 1le Durham music lovers, who'at- tend the Presbyterian Anniversary fowl supper Monday night. October 24th. will be treated to a program of high class quartettes, solos and duetts in addition to the address of Rev. Dr. Alexander Forbes. Two members of this quartette, Messrs. Boorman and Kellough, de- lighted Durhamites on a former oc- msion. Miss Malcolm will be ac- companist. EARN $25 WEEKLY UP AT HOME clipping newspapers and address- ing envelopes. N0 canvassing. Evâ€" m'ything furnished, spare or full time. Particulars for stamp. Gillies Mailing Service, Box 8, Sydne);0 “138?: THE ANNUAL RED CROSS BAZAAR will be held in the A. Y. P. A. rooms on Saturday, October 29. Doors Open at 3 o’clock. A hot 35c. sup- pel “ill also be sewed from5 to 7 o clock. Everybody welcome. Any donations thankfully received. 10133 ST. ANDREWS MALE QUARTBTTE OP OW'BN'SOUND TO SING HERE COMING: AGAIN, PROF. E. KATZ, the noted optical specialist to test. your eyes, on Wednesday, October ‘26. at the Hahn House. Durham. Headache. pain in the temples. dizziâ€" ness, defective vision relieved by our great skill and method even though others fail. We helped thousands of others. we can help you too. Don't, miss it. Glasses $7.50 worth $12.00 ST. PAUL’S, EGREMONT, ANNIVER- sary. Sunday. October 23. Rev. F. G. Hardy will preach at 3 and 7.30 p. 111. Monday evening the usual fowl supper and programme. Ad- mission 50c. 10 13 2 ANNIVERSARY SERVICES WILL BE held at Burns Church, Rocky Sau- geen. Sunday, October 23. at 2.30 p. m. Rev. A. Forbes of Teeswater will be the spech preacher, and Dur- ham Presbyterian choir will be in attendance. BROWN BROS. (10., NURSERYMEN, Ltd., Growers and Importers of High Grade Nursery Stock, want special representatives in every locality. Liberal Commissions paid weekly. Write today. Address Ridgeville, Ontario. 10 6 12 PROPERTY FOR SALE The building known as the An- glican Rectory, in Durham; immed- iate possession given. For further particulars apply to E. Kress H. Cross. J. Schutz or J. Crutciiley, Durham. ONE TRIPLEX AUTO KNITTER as good as new; 1 fancy Pearl Oak heater, for coal or woodâ€"W. Jacques, Durham Bouts 4. 10 6 tf HOUSE FOR SALE SEVEN-ROOM FRAME HOUSE ON Chester street; electric lights, good water supply; will sell with garden or purchaser has option to buy full five acres of land. Apply Mrs. George Everett, Durham. 9 22 6 WHEAT- WANTED. ANY QUANTITY. {ixghest price. People’s Mills. 3 15 23 OXFORD LAUREL HEATER F OR coal, _with oven attached. Bargain to qulck purchaser. Apply Chronicle Office. 10 13 2 pd LATH FOR SALEâ€"«APPLY ZENUS Clark, Durham. NOTICE TO FARMERS The Durham U.F.0. Live Stock As- sociation will ship stock from Dur- ham on Tuesdays. Shippers are requested to gwe three days’ netice. James Lawrence, Manager. HOUSE TO “RENT SIX-ROOM BRICK HOUSE ON COR- nor Queen and Chester Streets; e1- ectric lights, washroom, hard and soft water. Apply Mrs. Geo. Everett. Durham. , 9 22 6 WORK WANTEDâ€"THE CHRON- lcle Job Plant is well equipped for turning out. the finest work on short order. tf Phone 601 r 13 PUBLIC NOTICE Township Of Bgremont Notice is hereby given that in re- ference to lands in the Township of Egremont advertised to be sold by the County Treasurer for Taxes in 1927. That if the price offered for the said lands is less than the amount due for arrears of taxes and costs the municipality of the Town- ship of Egremont Will purchase the same for the amount due. WALTER HASIIE, THE HANOVER CIDER MILL WILL be runing every Tuesday and Fri- day of each week. Come. 10 13 2pd Treashrer Tp. of Egrémont. Holstein, Oct. 3rd, 1927. 10 6 4 SITUATIONS VACANT ARTICLES WANTED COMING EVENTS FOR Durham, 11.1%. 1. E: I (4 g‘. r g“ "A“. E “The National” leaves Toronto nightly at 9.45 pm. arriving at Winnimg at 10 o’clock the second morning. Equipment consists of Compartment, Library, Observation. Buffet cars (Radio). Standard and Tourist Sleepers. Dinerand coaches. “The National” provides them with a fast interesting trip, leaving and arriving at convenient hours; it allows a valued. though short, stOp-over at Winnipegâ€"a fine chance to work in some business. and an entertaining pause in the long journey to _t_he _far Wes} EYE-SIGHT SERVICE The Branch Office W. H. Taylor. Optical C0.. Owen Sound. will be open Monday. Octobe1 24th at Me- Faddens D1115; StO1e.A1range ap- pointment bx phone to Drugb Stme. \Ve Specialize in comfm table \ision. Tickets and information from any Canadian National Agent. 10 20 2 byterian Church on Sunday. October 23. when Dr. Alexander Forbes of Teeswater will preach both morn- ing and evening. On Monday even- ing following, Dr. Forbes will lec- ture on his experiences in Peace River. 6 10 2 IMPLEMENTS â€" Massey - Harris binder, Deering mower, Peter-Ham- ilton seed- drill Peterâ€"Hamilton cul- tivat01, Massey-Harris hav- loader, disc-barrow. set iron barrows 6 sections, Fleury walking plow, Peter-Hamilton walking plow, Two fu1rovv plow, scufi‘ler, hay rake 10 feet. steel land-roller, lumber wagâ€" on. 2 bay racks. wagon box, gravel box. stock rack. 2 set bob-sleighs, cutter, rubber tired buggy. set 2000 lbs. scales, pig crate; chicken crate, fanning mill. portable power milk- ing machine, De-Laval separator. set heavy harness almost new, set plow haIness. set single harness. 2 logging chains, forks, shovels. Num- erous othe1 articles. HOUSE FOR SALE BRICK qDWELI ING; ALL CONVEN- IIJNCI on Gem "0 Street, near High :cl’fool. Apply at once to W. A. Mchmx an. 6 20 tf CATTLEâ€"Cow, 9 years old, due Dec. 1; Cow, 8 years old, due 15th May; cow 7 years old, fresh; cow, 8 years old, fresh; cow. 10 years old, milking; cow, 10 years old, milking; cow, 4 years 01¢ milking; aged cow, calf at foot; 10 heifers, 2 years old; 2 steers, 1 year old; heifer, 1 year old; heifefw .I‘nonths old‘;‘4 calves. - “Yr-m Respecting Land. in arrears for Taxes The Corporation of the Township of Glenelg hereby gives notice, that in respect to all lands situated within the said Township of. Glenâ€" elg, and which are advertised for sale for taxes by the County Treas~ urer of the County of Grey, on the seventh day of November, 1927, if the price offered for any land at the adjourned sale subsequent to the said seventh day of November, 19:27, isles; than the amount due for arrears of taxes, charges and costs in respect of said lands, or if no price is offered therefor at said ad~ journed sale, the Municipality of the Township of Glenelg will pur- chase the said lands for the amount due thereon, and let all persons take notice hereof. HORSESâ€"Mare, 8-years old;' mare, 9 years old: mare, 12 years old, sup- posed in foal; Pony, 12 years_ old. PIGSâ€"BY'édd 50w; {1 pigs, 3 months Old. 60 tons hay, 1500 bus. grain, if not sold before. - Sale‘ Starts at 12 O’clock TERMS: Hay, grain, and all sums of $10.00 and under. cash; over that amount 10 months’ credit on approved joint notes. bearing in- terest at 6 per cent. per annum. James J. Atkinson, John O’Neil Proprietor. Auctioneer. Oct 20-Nov 3 DO YOU WANT TO ENJOY YOUR WESTERN TRIP? Go “The National” Western travellers who have been “over the road” make. regular use of the National. There will be offered _for sale by Public Auction at Lot 52. Concession n2, E. 6.11. Glenelg WEDNESDAY! NOVEHBBR__9,1927 SHEEPâ€"30 oxford ewes, all year- ling; pure bred Aqxfgrid ram._ POULTRY â€"- 30 Plymouth Rock hens; 30 Ply_r_n0_uth Rock pullets. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES W’ILL BE HELD IN DURHAM PRES- Dated at Durham this 3rd day of October 1927. TREASURBR’S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES IN THE COUNTY OF GREY By virtue of a Warrant issued by the Warden of the County of Grey, and authenticated by the seal of the said County, hearing date of the Twenty-Third Day of July, 1927, and to me directed for the collection of arrears of taxes due for three years and over, upon the lands hereinafter mentioned anddescribed, being in'the Qountypf Grey. These are therefore to give notice that unless the said taxes together with all lawful costs and charges be sooner paid, I shall on Monday the Seventh Day of Novemhr,1927, at the hour of two oclock in the afternoon at the Court House in the City of Owen Sound, in the said County, proceed to sell by public auction the said lands or as much thereof as may be sufficient to discharge such arrears of taxes and costs and charges in- curred. , Township of Glenelg Part of 53 Gen. 1 S D. Road 10 Patented 61.96 Part of 54 Gen. 1 S D. Road 10 Patented 199.15 W 1A,. of 25 Gen. 8 N D. Road ~18% Patented 28.57 W IA» of 25 . Con. 8 N D. Road 51% Not. Patented 28.57 Vinagé of Pricev‘ine Lot 16 Harvey Street North ' Patented 8.89 4 Lot 16 Elgin Street North Patented 10.88 4 County of Grey,‘Treasurer’s Office, Owen Sound, July 26th, 1927 ’ JOHN PARKER, 'I First published! in the Ontario Gazette Saturgay, July 30th, First published m the Sun-Times, July 30th, 1927. ‘ AUCTION SALE Farm Stock Implements TOWNSHIP OF GLENELG W. J. RITCHIE, Treasurer of the Tp. of Glgnglg 1 4 ,of16 of8 Concession 4 Concessmn 16 THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. Township of Egremont The early picked fruit was not so highly colored as the second lot and the ground color was still a pro- nounced greenish yellow. The sec- ond lot was highly colored with a good yellow, ground and the fruit averaged three pounds harder than the first picked fruit. After two months’ storage the early picked fruit was still marketable but lacked the desert quality, color 'and hardness of the fruit from the second picking. After three months’ storage the first lot was past its prime and practically unmarketable, whereas the late picked fruit was in splendid condition and retained good desert qualities. The market. value of the late picked fruit was approximately $1.50 per barrel higher than the first lot. The maturity of fruit has a con- siderable bearing on both quality and storage life. As an example of this last statement two pickings of Gravensteins were made in 1926. Trees- in fairly uniform condition were selected. The fruit from one lot of trees was picked and a re- presentative sample stored. Ten days later the fruit from the other trees was picked and 3 represent- ative samplestored along with the first picking. _ _ 1\' OTICE is hereby given that all per- sons haVing claims against the estat‘ nf MARGARET SIMPSON, late of tho 'f'ioanship ol Bentinck in the County 01 GleV, WidOVV, \V ho died on 01 about the 11th day of July, 1927. at {he Township of Bentinck, in the County of Grey, are hereby requir- i-d to send to the undersigned exec- utors, or their solicitors. particulars of their claims, duly proved, on or i~efore the 12th day of November. (Experimental Farms Note.) J It is difficult for some people to realize that an apple is a living thing in which certain natural changescontinue after harvest. If the fruit has reached ‘what is com- monly called “normal maturity” on the tree, these a processes can be slowed up by storing the fruit at 109; temperatures, f Good ventilation that will drop the temperature of the storage room as quickly as possible in the autumn is essential for the storing of the autumn varieties. Warm tempera- tures hasten the changes that ripen and wilt apples \xheieas lo“ tem- peratures prolong the storage life by slowing up the natural 1ipening processes. “I think there. is something so 10mantic about a nigth uatchman. ” Apples showing considerable scab or blemish from disease should not be kept in storage any longer than necessary as such fruit will invar~ iably rot and wilt quicker than sound'speciniens. ‘ Watchman: “Yer" 1igl..xt ma’am; it settles in me pore 01 lea: some- times till I cant hardly val It Will Pay You to Advertise in The Chronicte. NOTICE TO CREDITORS STORAGE 0P APPLES DATED at Durham this 18th day of October.'1927. WILLIAM WEIR. .ADAM ANDERSON. executors of the estate of Joseph Atkinson. by their solicim's. MIDDLEBRO’ .‘chi'ARRIE Durham. Ont. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of Josth Atkinson, late of the Township of Glenelg in the County of Grey, Farmer, who died on or about the 19th dav of Decem- ber, 1923, in the Township of Glen- elg in the County of Grey. are here~ by required to send to the under- signed executors. or their solicitors. particulars of their claims, duly proved. on or before the 19th day of November, 1927, and after such date the estate will be distributed. having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been received. FINE TA‘l-j'lJfi-T" TORONTO, GUBLPH, OWEN SOUND Bus Service Northboundâ€"Every Day 8: Sundays Toronto 1v. 1. pm. Guelph ar. 3.45 pm. Guelph lv. 9. am. 5. pm. Elorva IV. 9.30 am. 5.30 pm. Fergus ' IV. 9.45 am. 5.45 pm. Arthur 1v. 10.15 am. 6.15 pm. Mount Forest 1v.11.05 am. 7.05 mm. Advertise in The Chronicle. It pays. Elora‘ IV. 9.30 am. 5.30 p.m. Fergus ' 1v. 9.45 am. 5.45 pm. Arthur 1v. 10.15 am. 6.15 pm. Mount Forest 1v.11.05 am. 7.05 pm. Durham 1v. 11.45 am. 7.45 pm Williamsford lv. 12.30 am. X 8.30 pm. Chatsworth 1v. 12.50 am. X 8.50 pm. Owen Sound a‘r. 1.15 pm. 9.15 pm. Southboundâ€"Every Day 8: Sundays Owen Sound 1v. 8. am. 4.30 pm. Chatsworth IV. 8.25 am. X 4.55 pm. Williamsford IV. 8.45 am. X 5.15 pm. Durham IV. 9.30 am. 6.00 pm. Mount Forest lv. 10.10 am. 6.40 pm. Arthur 1v. 11.00 am. 7 30 pm. Fergus 1v. 11.30 am. 8.00 pm. Elora . lv. 11.45 am. 8.15 pm. Guelph ar. 12.15 noon 8 45 pm. Guelph IV. 1.45 pm. 3‘ Toronto ar. 4.30 pm. 1- Toronto Terminal: 4 Welligton St. West, Toronto. T Saturdays, Sundays Holidays the bus arriving in Guelph at 8.45 pm. will make connections with the east- bound Toronto coach leaving Guelph at 10.45 pm. Return fare, Durham to Toronto $6.00 Minimum fare 25c. All busses stop between regular stopping points to take on and dis- charge passengers. Information and waiting room Hahn House, Durham City Hall, Owen Sound, or Lemon’s Garage Guelph Bus Depot, Guelph, ph. 2052 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IV. 8.25 am. X 4.55 IV. 8.45 am. X 5.1! IV. 9.30 am. 6.0 1v. 10.10 am. 6.44 1v. 11.00 am. 7.34 lv. 11.30 am. 8.0 1v. 11.45 am. 8.13 ar. 12.15 noon 8.45 IV. 1.45 pm. '1‘ ar. 4.30 pm. 1- \214. A. svfig.‘ The School is thoroughly equipped to take up the following courses: (1) Junior Matriculation. (2) Entrance. to Normal School. Each member of the. Staff is 3 {Im- yersity Graduate and experienced Teacher. Intending pupils should prepare to enter at beginning of team. Information as to Courses may he obtained from the Principal. .. DALâ€" »' ‘Dnrhnm' ‘is an attractive and healthy town, and good accommoda- tion can be obtained at reasonable rates. __ v_â€".- V'IV' LIKI‘II A “0‘. The Schoul has. a creditable record nrthg past which it. [tones to main- !szn H} the future. DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL Phone 15 J. A. M. ROBB, B. A.. Principal. JOHN MORRISON Chairman. gs“! WW ., . '3... .\v, '. PAGE 7.

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