{urhpiï¬ spent *5, .\ . McLean. an luLe-an and Miss i“ spent Sunda rs. .109. Davidson, 1 . Jex. Morton 'nhn Grasby' wplcome th. 'câ€"Kechnie 3] her aunt, alrnlnl McKechnie h friends at Elm. in Owen S [4. .‘ICIJmn M: .‘II’. an .1 aunts Law-g“ .n_na. -_ spent a :embe'r 1, 1927 I OEJ' TA RIO RNLUTRBLS 535‘12 FM 323.33 and MIT; NJ'XDE " J. F. GRANT, D. D. 8., L. D. s. umim- (iruduate University of Tor-1 mt... m-zuiuate Royal College Dental Siix'mmins oi‘ Ontario. Dentistry in ill its branches. Ofï¬ce Calder liinvk, MillStreet. second door east r mutimth's Drug Store. _ ._._,_--._ lbt‘l' i'm hu qu'rb‘tm‘ Valuing: seven I‘OUlua. _ dshed attached; drilled ever failing spri a, kin" a c oice stock frame W00 We‘ll at (“‘OI‘Z n John W.Bates 1‘0'3mt‘1'ly run on THESdaYS. . . r vs’ netlce. .mno‘s‘tpd tn ., , V James Lawrence. mum» 601 r 13 J ‘ auxâ€"5 PIANO, IN GOOD CONDITION, AP- PLY to Margaret L. McDonald, 617 Delaware Ave., Toronto, Ont. 12.1.2 RAM Mel Aimimsm'rons' SALE â€new,“ -... mby. In the matter of the estate of, , , rgpd JOHN V’ESSIE, late of the townshipl To we 3180Ҡ91 _.â€"- of Bentinck in the County of Grey, . ,TWnSmP )TTE farmer. deceased. Ladies and Gentlemen: iarpe NOTICE is hereby given that all :M the request or a 1‘ 73pd and singular that certain parcel or 0" ratepayers, 1‘ 3111.3] tract of land situate, lying and be- a seat on th‘? Council 1 AP: ing in the Townships of Bentinck year 192.8: 511011“ 3"“ 11,9611“) and Grlenelg and described as fol- â€â€œ5 pQSlLlOH. I 359Ҡ~- -~ lows,â€"â€" The second and third divisâ€" 9m“ 00 all 11‘- my PO â€"â€" ions of lot number nineteen in the “'3." to. further the m ALE first concession, east of the Gara- township“ Your .5“! ' fraxa ‘Road, in the Township of forth-00mm election LATE Glenelg. containing one hundred 1}' “(‘91-’1'90‘at9‘1- , , . rk St. acres, more or_less; AND the ï¬rst “ï¬lled-“WE e, 723 and second _leISlOIlS of lot number ROBE} iba‘rio seventeen 1n the ï¬rst concession. ""’ ' ' West of the Garafraxa Road. in the T0 the Electors Township of B Township of Bentinck in the County . ., I am again a cand (3.001) of Grey. containing -~ - , ‘ : SAVE and EXCEPT“ . . . . A lReeveslup 0t th1s_ tox‘ Township 01' beanc-i'x 111 1,110 WW... . containing Seventy aCI‘CS.‘I‘ade an“ SILIIlLlL'lllklll: ‘ and EXCEPT‘ I am afrain a candulate for the _ Reeveship of this township. Should 1 be SOld by sealed tender. 31,011 PCB-(3180?. n10, I aSSUI'F’ }'()\1 that; I reserved bid. accompan4 shall, as 111 the. past. flu my very. ‘ host for the townshlp and the N ied by marked cheque for ten perâ€" amount tendered. county. \ o’clock Mondav. the 19(11 (lav of “VP-PF ratepayer. ii? an EQUIL'able mmed- December. 1921' addressed to “ assessment. for all parts of the MIDDLEBRO’ MchjARmE townslnp' regardlessoi‘ location, (3) strictest economy in all transac- BAN B‘ICKECHNIE. . - the township bus- DOITGALD A CLARK. iness. (4) the continuance 01' the present road system. Iask for a Administrators. continuance of your support upOn my record during; thepast years. M \ Sincerely yours. D. J. MacDONALD. _.._..A-.v (1 AT“ Shallow Lake sleighs, new; m.â€"u. semi drill, 10 hoes; wagon; good cutter; buggy; seL three section iron harrows; scuffler; turnip pulper; creamï¬eparator, (Interna- , , set driving harness. large mail box. set, plough harness, wheel barrow; forks; shovels; hoes and chains. Manv other articles too HOUSEHOLD - ARTICLES â€"â€" High oven ranr'e. many other household , . ; Rem- I) NOTICE TO CREDITORS AUCTION SALE )‘L â€59‘1†UCIULL. . Uuou. -.- _-- â€Albâ€"'M’VH‘ inï¬del“ 6 ft"‘S('\'â€"Hai‘1‘is si‘ireader. . mower. 6 it. cut; set rake .10 ft.. walking: . Lke sleighs, new; M.-H. 2 war'ons. set 0f Mb 10 hoes; wagon; good st‘irint'; tooth l‘iérrows :gy; set three section iron quc wanon box. scutTler; turnip pulper; drill†havcraok. "rm team‘separator, (Interna- Stone Errain 'cfadh at. driving harness. large double hcarness. set set plough harness, Wheel nearlv new. ‘ )l‘kS; shovels; hoes and deeg forks chalng [any other articles too harand grain. Ham†cook-stove. heater. e. many other household churn and other h Quantity of grain; Remâ€" ' repeater rifle. , flay, grain, fOWl and all Of $10.00 and 1111(81‘. 10.00 and under, cash. over amount 10 months‘ iunt 10 months’ credit on proved joint notes joint notes bearing inter- at. 6% p31. annum. George H; Torry . IMBARRASSING MOMENTS Auctioneer. r 0-1 l'atepuycxo, .. u..._“ a seat on the Counml Board for the‘ l; year 1928. Should you elect me to _ this position I assure you that I ,_ shall do all in. my power in every way to further the interests of the .e , . L_ tOWDShlp.. Your support. 1n the forthâ€"commg electlon W111 be great- )1‘ . 1y appreclated. rd 51‘111‘1" "‘>111‘.\2. l3 (Ivy; lew~‘- m. Resl‘mcti‘uliy yours. R(')BERT MCUASLIN. _â€"- To the Electors of the Township of Bentinck Ladivs and Gentlemen; I am agam a candldate for ,the - - ‘ -‘.:--‘ C‘hn11lr. 1023: MW (111+) J'd! Nun. March 16 st 'fOI‘S.1iSin{." txxo tl'ising hm yeaxs Farm Stock, Implements and ‘1 Household Furniture Lot 25, Gen 8. Bentinck, on ‘; THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1927 att 12.30 (Ttllock. sharp ; H(")RSESâ€"â€" Horse. :3 years old , horse. 7 years old. (_‘..-\'I"l‘LEâ€"-â€"(‘.ow due. January 8th. 1 1928: cow due .lannar; it}. 1928: cow Mlle. March 16: stripper MW: 3 hei- ‘fers. rising: two years old; '3 steers grisingr two years old; 3 calves. ‘ PIGSâ€"'14 pigs. 7 weeks old: brood sow. About 70 silver-laced \Vyan- (lotto hens. IMPLEMENT binder. Masseyâ€"Harris soyâ€"Harris spreat‘ler. .MRSSGY-Hal‘l‘ls ' rake '10 ft.. walking: plough. buggy. ' '7 wagons set of hob sleighs. set of ' ' '". set, iron har- S â€"â€" Massey - Harris mower. Mas- . . '. gravel hox. grind- stone. gram cradle. scythe. set t single harness louble harness. se. ' whifflctrces. neck- d yokes. forks. chainsa quantity of 0 hay and grain. H'amiy Thought range coolestow. heater. glass cupboard, h Standard cream separator. Daisy d churn and other household furni- TERMS-«Hay. grain and all sums .11 of $10.00 and under. cash. over that. 31' amount 1.0 months" credit on ap- ‘ proved joint notes hearing interest 1' at 69? per annum. George H. Torry, R. Brigham, Proprietor Auctioneer. “ff/I’M NEVER GIVE UP ' a barber invented the old-time -_.__.n “ghno‘ 80W: Abou t- dotte hens. ! “n 11“ NEVER GIVE UP ' A barber invented the old-time spinning wheel. . A farmer experimented and workâ€" ed during the long Winter nights‘ ,and finally brought forth the in- vention of printing calico in its many pretty colors. A gardener .spent his evenings ‘ll‘ V.“v__ ness, sep single harness w. whlmetrces, nec'- .33.; Grain l um er. c months“ 4 l notes bf trim-m V (‘31 ‘ 5 01d; in and : cash. 0 ‘ cred“, bearing cow 01d; all sums over that Guelph Bus DEPOt, naturalist while’ working at his bench; So never give up; your turn may be next. The School is thoroughly equipped in take up the following courses: (1) Junior Matriculation. (2‘ lzimi-ancn to Normal School. Each member of tho Stall is a Um- vcrsily Gracuate and experienced All‘eachm'. lntending pupils snmua pn-puru u. enter a‘ begmmng 0f team. Informamm a_s_ to (Iqursvs may he- DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL I‘I. md'ing mums should prepare tn L ‘ . A A A _ __ I. A. Rowland‘ Manager 20 PAGE 7.