motherland as inn of the BPltlSh‘; u is cunceivable - '9 PIN! :‘lberta coal _\' tn EaSU‘I‘n mar. 'o-ntmtml form 01. h. xapitl develop. 1 1" in HHS country “.1111 iahle‘. competi- ,,.H...1.-um.~â€"'l‘or0nto I‘ girls have 1013 H. fho'll' (.‘Olll‘t M is a course 21: Sum" subscnbers.~ ftm'. N wnrr ILLS member 8, 1927 aflon. all kinds of You sen. fmay Want MM :0 Q2.2.50 1.10 H ‘5.00 i. RSBAY, 7} round Flax, 'heat Flour, temp. Poultry. new. it's here in NOW and for our Stock icai Gifts! Prices am. Ontario SALE HAM TORE bu ift W St‘it‘Ct It m 11H $4.50 9???? moowox OOOOO CD 01' J. L. SMITH, M. B., M. C. P. S. 0. (mice and residence. corner of Countess and Lambton Streets. oppo- site old Post Office. Ofl'ice hours : 9 to 11 a.m.. 1.80 to 4 p.m., 7 to 9 p.m. : (Sundays excepted). DRS. JAMIESON 8: JAMIBSON (urine and residence a short. dist.- amte east of the Hahn House on [.amhton Street, Lower Town. Dur- 'nam. Office hours 2 to 5 p.m.. 7 to 8 p.m. (except Sundays}. DR. A. M. BELL Physician and Surgeon. Ofï¬ce [Lamhton street, Durham, Ont. Gradu- ate linivorsity of Toronto. Eyes tested and corrected. Ofï¬ce hours: 2 to 5 p.m.. 7 to 9 p. m., Sundays C. 6. AND BESSIE McGILLIVRAY Chiropractors Graduates Canadian Chiropractic College l‘uronto. Ofï¬ce Macfarlane Bloc k. D111 ham. Day and night phone a AA. A excepted. 123. JWFGRANTDDSLDS. [101101 (3-1 aduate University of Tor- onto, Graduate ROVal College Dental Suigeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its branches. Ofï¬ce Calder Block. MillStreet, second door east or Maclieth‘s Drug Store. MIDDLBBBO’ 8: MacQUARRIB Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. DITRHAM, OWEN SOUND DI’NDALK, FLESHERTON Lambtou SL. 868 2nd Ave, Durham. Owen Sound. Flesherton (mice open every Satur- day. 1.30 to 9.30; Dundalk Office Open every Friday all day. C. C. Middlebro’, J. H. MacQEarrIe, “on; W c.‘ PICKBRING, DENTIST â€mac, (W'ex J. 6; J. Huntel 5 store, Hm ham. (mtario. Hnrmsts‘rs. Soiicitors. CU". A mem- Dm‘ cf the lirm \Vili be in Durham on Tuvsduy or each week. Agipointmel’lts any km made with the Clerk in the -w‘.‘â€" .â€"â€"â€".â€"u - LOT 3. CNN. ‘21. I‘ZGREMONT. COX- tmmm: mo acres: 5:3 acres under cuim‘alion. balance hardwood bush; com‘c'lllellt lo school: on the prem- ises are a frame. barn 42x65 ft. with stone foundation: concrete stables; also hay barn 30x50 with stone "naseâ€" ment; lwg pen 20x40: twelve-room brick house. furnace he‘ated. also frame \Voodshed: drilled well close to house. with windmill; concrete water tanks: 30 acres seeded to hay; ln acres to sweet clover: this farm is well fenced and in a good state of cultix-rtinn. For information apply tn Watson‘s Dairy, RR. 4. Durham. anozb‘ibf sl‘l'lt (mtaz'io ________.__.____r Nlllt'l‘ll PART LOTS 7 AND 8. CORE 2?. ltigremont. containing 66 acres: 55‘ acres cleared. balance hardwood bush: in good state of cultivation; frame burn 45x50. stone basement. concrete stables; drilled well and cement tank at barn. Also Lots 6 and 7. Con. 4. S,D.R.. Glenelg. con- taining HO acres: 100 acres :learcd and in good state of cultivation; on the premises are a brick house con- lzizning seven rooms. With good frame woodshed attached: drilled well at door: never failing springs on- illlS farm. making a choice stock farm. This property will be sold right to quick purchaser. For par- lwulars apply at Watson’s Dairy. ll ll. 4. Durham. Ont. 10 2523“ tiuck. 50 acres; good buildings: two ever failing wells: in good state of cultivation: cheap to quick pur- chaser. .~\pply Alex. T. Morton. Elmwood. Route 4. or H. Dunn. 30?. )lilverton Blvd. Toronto. 10 27 6pd t. [CH 1‘1. \It \I\ n \ dairy butter delivered ofl‘ the rig: also buttermilkâ€"Watson‘s Dairy. 16-59 HONEY FOR SAL B amp HONEY. .51 .00 PER ' 10 paiE.â€"â€"\\‘. A. )lacdonald. 211th â€"â€"â€" HOUSE FOR SALE BRICK DWELLING: ALL CONVEN- IEXCES: on George Street. near High School. Apmy at .once to W. The Durham (7.17.0. Live Stoc}; As- 5 wiafim: will ship stock from Dur- ham on Tuesdays. Shippers are requested to give three days‘ netice. James Lawrence, manager. Phone 60! r 13 Durham. RR. 1. BATES BURIAL C0. “lg" Cklx I“ -‘rxm A. McGowan. ‘QFredérick St. chener. 10 FUNERAL SERVICE N ew Modern Funeral Parlors Phone Kingsdale 4344 122-124 Avenue Road Toronto John w. Bates R. Maddocks Formerly of I’lesherton Advertisements under this heading. 1 cent a word each insertion CASH WITH ORDER; six consecutive insertions given for the price of four. Telephone calls treated as cash with order if paid for before Saturday night of week ordered. Minimum charge for ï¬rst insertion. 25 cents. On all charge orders a straight charge câ€of 1% cents a word will be made each insertion. minimum charge 35 cents. Thursday, December 8, 1927 FARMS FOR SALE Owen Sound. Medical Directorv. Denial [/zrectorv Legal ‘Dz’recz'orv NOTICE TO FARMERS Classified Advertisements LUCAS 8: HENRY 6 1:423“ Durham. f0 25 23 tf 1'0 20 tf iOth WHEAT WANTED. ANY QUANTITY. Hnghest price. People’s Mills. 31523:. WORK WANTEDâ€"THE CHRON- 1013 Job Plant is well equipped for turning out the ï¬nest work on short order. , tf LATH FOR SALEâ€"APPLY ZENUS Clark, Durham. ONE TRIPLEX AUTO KNITTER as good as new; 1 fancy Pearl Oak heater, for coal or wood.â€"â€"W. Jacques, Durham Bouts 4. 10 6 U“ PIANO, IN GOOD CONDITION, AP- PLY to Margaret L. McDonald, 617 Deleware Ave., Toronto, Ont. 12.1.2 THE RESIDENCE OF THE LATE M1. Dan. CcDonald. on Park St. Apply to Annie C. MacKenzie 723 \aughan Road, Toronto 10,0nt1ario. 121 2 furniture. Apply Box 54, Durham. 412.8.1pd. ROLL TOP DESK AND PARLOR PROPERTY FOR SALE FOR SALEâ€"A NUMBER OF GOOD building lots on George street, North or Skating Rink, Durham. Apply to D. Hopkins. :3 21 tf FRAME HOUSE FOR SALE; ON Queen St.â€"Sm1th Bros. 2 21; tf The building known as the An- glican Rectory, in Durham; immedâ€" iate possession given. For further particulars apply to E. Kress. H. Cross. J. Schutz or J. Crutchley, Durham. Liberal Commissions péid weekl'y. \Vrite today. Address Ridgeville. Ontario. 10 6 12 BROWN BROS (30.. NURSERYMEN. I M. .G10\\ e15 and Impmters of High Made Nursen Stock. “ant Special 1101.11-esentjatives _in every _ 1003119: BOX SOCIAL AND CONCERT NO. '12 School Egromont. Friday. December 16. Admission 250. Ladies with boxes. free. 12 1 2m! \‘ARNEY CHRISTMAS TREE. DEC- embm' '26. Keep this date Open. 1 Mrs. C. R. Carsrallen. of Toronto. returnei'l missionary from West China will sneak in the Queen Street. l'nitell church on Sunday. December 11. In the morning her acio'lress will lie on "The Reign of Bramble. present. conditions in China." liVening: “China’s greatest. l'nrlevelopmi Resources. Her Wo- manhood". All are cordially invitml. 12.8.1 CARD OF THANKS I desiw to express mv sincere thanks to all mx trionds and sup- pmtms tuythe honor extended to me in electirig me a member 0: the iounship coumil for 1928. I assure you I \\i ‘1 do {11} best in the intervst of the Municipalih at large. \\ i511- ing you the compliments 0i thn CARD OP THANKS I desire to tender my thanks and hearty appreciation to the electors of Bentinck for the magniï¬cent. vote given me at Mouday's_polliiig. x on 1 p d I can assure you it. is very much appreciatmt and. as in the. past. my every effort. will be for ecenomical administration of the affairs of the township council for 1928. I assure the local meetings or in the County sessions at Owen Sound. Yours faithfully. H. \V. HUNT. All accounts owing to the estate of the late Thomas McKnight. Dor- noch. must. be paid on or before December 31. 1927. _ _ FOR SALE OR RENT - SEVEN-ROOM FRAME HOUSE ON Chester street: electric lights; good water and garden. Apply to Doyle Braithwaite. Durham. 11-24-3 BOAR FOR SERVICE YOUNG YORK HOG. ONE DOLLAR at. time of serviceâ€"H. Eckhard. Priceville. Route 1. ii 17 3mpd 12.832 PHOTOGRAPHS GIVE WHAT NO ONE ELSE CAN give for Christmasâ€"your Photo. Fifteen for the dozen at. F. W. Kel- sey‘s Studio. 11.17.69d Sirâ€"What. do you mean by writ- ing me such a threatening letter. Every bill and statement. I get. is throvm into a basket. and once a month I dip my hand in the basket and pull out four. which Ipay. Now. if I get any more impudent. letters from you. your statement won’t even get. into the basket. SITUATIONS VACANT ARTICLES WANTED D1155 â€hm momriéts after the me pedestrlan.†' COMING EVENTS FOR SALE ““1131; caused that collis ion The lottery Mrs. John Koepp. Administratrix. NOTICE Yours obeliontly. ALEX. HOPKINS. are a burnette. Don’tâ€"“fear a tight necklace if your face IS long and thin. U Dent xx ear gre ey glm es and carrv a brown bag. . Don’t. forgét to keep your chin in and your shoulders back when out \vglkm". Don’t think a tight. skirt makes you look slimmer. Dont w ear largo. boquots if you are in the fat class. Don't. forget, .that uneven hams belong to evenmg 01‘ fussy after- noon dresses. Dont wear white unless you are Slight. Don'twvear fancy gloves if your h~aï¬ds are large. Don‘t. have a line across your waist. unless you’re) tall. Don‘t go on a diet one day and forget about it. the next. 150m, forget. that. a hat of con- trastmg color often.makos the on- somble more attractn'e. At. a New York railway siding: a man asked tho. foreman if there were a. vacancy. “What. can mu do?" asked the foreman. ‘Anvthingf‘ I‘ODIif‘d tho man. “All right†answered the f01 nmav "take this oil can and oil the point? and (rossingg up the line." After an absence of three days. the foreman received a telegram which road: “Doax' sirâ€"Arrived at Chicago. please forward morn oil.“ There is a lot of talk about neck- ing increasing. but. \011 \in1 notice that there. 5 just as many onions be- ing eaten. In the matter of the estate of JOHN \‘ESSIE. late of the township of Bentinck in the County of Grey. farmer. deceased. .\'1‘)TICE is hereby given that all and sin 211lar that certain parcel or tiact oi land situate. iving and be- ing in the l‘ounships of Bentinck and blenelg and described as fol- 10\\'s.â€" The second and third dixis- ions of lot. number nineteen in the first concession. east of the Gara- fraxa Road. in the Township 01' Glenelg. containing one hundred acres. more or less: AND the ï¬rst and second divisions of lot. number seventeen in the first. concession. West. of the Garafraxa Road. in the Township of Bentinck in the County of Grey. containing sexenh acres. more or less s; SAVE and EXCEPT portions heretofore com eyed there- of. will be sold by sealed tender. subject to a reserx ed bid. accompan- ied bv marked cheque for ten per- cent of the amount tendered. Tenders. received up to two o‘clock Monday, the 19th day of December. 1927. addressed to MIDDLEBRO‘A. â€MCQI' ARRIE solicitors for JEAN MCKECHNIE. DOI'GALD A. CLARK. LOUIS SCHILDROTH. Don’t' use pink pomiexjs if you DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL DON’TS IF YOU 'WOULD BE WELL DRESSED THE me YOUR meme, ELMER. eem’ You A BOTTLE 0F HORWBLE WRFUME, AND \(00 'EMPTtBD n’ OUT THE vomvou) -~------- - ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE Zealous Worker .THE DURHAM CHRONICLE EMBARRASSINQ MOMENTS Administrators. NEW LIGHT THRQWN 0N EARLY RELIGIONS Remarkable Discoveries Made at Beisan in Palestine.â€"â€"Bxcavatlons CorroboratesPassages in Old Test.- ament. Discoveries made at Beisan. in Palestine. which throw new iigl.1, 0n theearly religions 0: Palestine and incidentally. upon certain pas- sages in the Old Testamem v (+11? 1.; \ealed in a Icport 1ece eiwd by the Lnixersity ot Pennsy'lx ania Museum and Alan Rowe, director 01' the museum's expe¢_'lit.i-on. excavating the site of the Biblical Bethshan. Chief among: this (liscmeries reâ€" ported \\ a5 a brick altar of sacriï¬ce reminiscent 0t sacrificial rites des- crihed in the hawk 0t Samuel. and more than 100 cigar-sliaped objects of mud, believed to be the votive objects representing small rolls of bread and cakes similar to those. reierrml to in the seventh chapter of Jeremiah. In addition the excavators uncov- ered a number of ï¬ne searabs and jenehv of gold and stone. 1a bean- Iifnllx made: bronze too 1111 mili- taiv standaut 1epresentin the. head of Hathor and suggesting the preâ€" sence. of a “Hathor’ reg. iment. ot the Egymian army at. Ieisan in 1400‘ H. (1.. and a number of stone ueights. fine fragments of1"1ainted pottcorv and otiu'r1 objects. Of particular interest among; the 11otte1\_ found “as a hovl heating: the tiï¬me 01 11 serpent in high 1e lief. This howl. which is the old- est example of a cult object thus. far found at Beisan. is consid1-1rc'1d of unusual importance in that it 111 \eals that the \\01'sl1i11 of 5111111111ts \\hi(h \\ as so 1 1111a111t111 1n the tmxn during: the 111i1111s 111 \menophis III..S11ti I and Rameses IL. was at- 11:1a1I} 111attised theie in the time of 'I‘othmes III. Discoveries in Two Temples All the new discoveries described by 31112111111112 in his report were made in mo temples I111l1i111gi11g to the 1ei1'n of Iothmes III.. who held 1s\\a\ about 13100 B. C. and Whose scaIal).ad01ned with the tigute of a hull and bearing: the1 name of the King. “as found on the tloor of a room adjoining one of the temples. LE" I.§\ld ‘IJ LIA “ â€" \'.A\. \ -_â€"â€"' ___. ()ne of the temples" says: the re- 111:.1rt £10m Mr. Rome. "is no“ suffi- cientlr L'leared to gixe the plan, which includes a large courtyard. behind which is an inner sanctuary Lontaining two altars. Corridors lead to adjoining rooms and to a small stable for the :acriï¬cial ani. mal. where is the socket of the pole for dressing the carcass "On one wall of the inner sanc- tuary. which is of good size. being forty-six feet long. is a shallow stone basin which may have held blood offerings for the deity. The. brick altar is approached ‘by a flight of three steps and was pro- bably used as a table for the sacred objects that were found ’lying around it.‘ Chief of these is a li- bation cup on a pedestal base. dec- orated handsomely in dark purple red designs on a red ground. Other Cult Objects "Other cult objects include a ï¬gâ€" urine of the goddess Ashtoreth. “her ï¬gure inclined slightly to the right Bakery Provision Store $4.50 Pastry Flour 24 lb $1.00 floods Delivergd Anywhere in Town The Finest Manitoba ROWE’S Flour 'TIME TABLE-7 1 TORONTO, GUELPH, OWEN SOUND! Bus Service Northboundâ€"Every Day 8: Sundays! Toronto 1\. 1. pm. Guelph 31'. 3.115 [3.111. Guelph 1v. 9. am. 5. pm. Elena IV. 9.30 am. 5.30 pm. Fergus IV. 9.45 am. 5.45 pm. Arthur 1v. 10.15 am. 6.15 pm. Mount Forest 1v. 11.05 a. m. 7.05 pm. Durham 1v. 11.45 a. m. 7. «15 p. m. \Villiamsfor '11 IV. 12 .30 a. m. X 8. 30 p.111. Chntsuorth 11.12.503..m X8.50p..m . O“ 012 Sound 31.11111111. 211.111.111. ’Southhoundâ€"Every Day 8: Sundays Owen Sound 1v. 8. a. m. 4 3.0 p .m. Chatsworth 1v. 8.25 am. X 4.55 pm. Williamsford IV. 8.15 am. X 5.15 11.111. Durham 1v. 9.30 am. 6. 00 um. Mount Forest 1v. 10.10 am. 6. ’0 11 .m.. ' Arthur 1v. 11.00 am. 7. 30 pm. [Fergus 1v. 11.30 am. 8. 00 11. m. 1E101‘3 1\'. 11.45 am. 8.1511.m. Guelph ar. 12.15 noon 8. 4.5 pm. Guelph. 1v. 1.45 [1.111.1- Toronto ar. 1.30 pm. -;- A second stone altar in the sanc- tuary probably held the cooked meat offerings that were offered to the deity. in a pose giving considerable sug- gestion of animation; an ivory cos- metic pot, beads, amulets, a gold pin, a scarab, pottery lamps. pots and jars, all of which wereprobably once ofl‘erings to this ivory potent. goddess. Toronto Terminal: 4 Welligton St. West, Toronto. 1' Saturdays, Sundays Holidays the. bus arriving in Guelph at, 8.4;") pm. will make connections with the cast- bound Toronto coach leaving (“10.10“ at 10.45 pm. Return fare. Durham to Toronto $6.00 Mlmmnm fare 25c. All busscs . stop between regular stoppmg pomts to take on and tins- charge passengers. Information and waiting room Hahn Homo. Durham City HliH. Owen Sound. «'1- . Lemon’s Garage Guelph Bus Depot, Guelph. {111.2052 “In another room is the brick al- BACK through the oeyturies Christmas has always been a time for the giving of presentsâ€"big or little things to delight and gladden the hearts of children and their elders. But where are the Christmas presents of other yearsâ€"the toys, the useful things ? Broken-worn outâ€"forgotten. Keep alive the spirit of your gift. Let it bring happineï¬ and contentmentfromyartoyw-vaddalbyal Bank Savings Book to your list of Christmas presents. Cir-idles PM Coca: are Wk Gift Boob. J.A.Rowland.W tar of sacrifice, about. 1? inches high. on the top of which is 3 deg groove in which the blood of the sacrificed animal was. carried away to an outlet where it was canght by some kind of receptable. doubtlea a pottery vessel. Nearby were found the horns and collar bone of a bull. which had been sacriï¬ced. together with a saqriï¬oie‘l dagger of bronze. “Many details of this temple. are not unlike those of the temple des~ cribed in detail by the prophet, Eze- kiel in the 40th chapter of tho Book of Ezekiel.†Little Hestel tepeated t _| mother. the mentv-third Psalm. When she had ï¬nished slm said: “Oh. I forgot. one versoâ€"about spilâ€" ling tm1 milk.“ Again she repeated tho Psalm and coming to the vs 01d~ â€M\ «up runâ€" noth oxer.‘ triumphantlx «mlaimed. “’Thats it! Thats thv (mo 1 furg'OL' Her mother was puzzlod and cur- IOUS. PAGE t